=== Tm_T_ is now known as Tm_Tr [06:35] stgraber: yep [08:25] highvoltage, are we supposed to execute 13.10 Beta 2 test? [08:25] *tests === smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw [13:01] highvoltage: awesome, thanks! [13:03] stgraber: I haven't tested unity on edubuntu again, will be the first thing I check to see if the dash works now [14:10] highvoltage: it looks like the dash isn't returning any result here, can you try and nag some people in #ubuntu-desktop if you get the same behaviour on your end? [14:10] (if that's reproducable, that'd certainly be a bit of a blocker for us) [14:10] stgraber: ok [22:36] highvoltage: ^ that one should have a working unity