
hatchno problemo00:00
frankbanguihelp: I need two reviews for https://codereview.appspot.com/13890044 . Anyone available? thanks!12:46
bachi frankban, i'll look12:46
gary_posterwriting emails, but will look soon if no one ha claimed12:46
frankbanbac, gary_poster thanks12:46
frankbangary_poster: re bug 1229939: it's a little more generic than juju-gui-debug. I think at the moment the GUI is not able to change any settings option in juju-core (we are sending an incorrect API request). I'd mark that as critical and start working on it.13:39
_mup_Bug #1229939: Cannot set juju-gui-debug from GUI <charm> <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1229939>13:39
gary_posterfrankban, that was my assumption as well.  The card is in urgent on kanban.  have at it, and thank you! :-)13:42
frankbanoh I see, yes, ok thanks13:43
gary_posterfrankban, bac and I both gave you code LGTMs but with similar suggestions.  bac is still running tests14:00
bacfrankban: my tests had to be restarted.  my new environments.yaml file had problems with ec214:01
frankbangary_poster, bac: thanks for the review. re splitting the test, I am +1 on testing errors separately. I'd like to keep the two deployments story in a single test. I intended that test as a story indeed, but I agree with you that test separation is something we should always pursue14:05
bacfrankban: +114:05
bacgary_poster: did you run frankban's tests?14:06
gary_posterbac no; on call14:06
bacfrankban: i'm seeing failures.  since gary didn't run them i'll investigate14:06
frankbanbac: can I help?14:07
bacfrankban: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6154594/14:07
frankbanbac: are you using juju-core trunk?14:09
bacfrankban: yes.14:09
bacfrankban: should i retry with /usr/bin/juju?14:10
frankbanbac: is /usr/bin/juju the last juju-core release?14:10
frankbanbac: cool, yes, that could be better, but at this point, if you agree, I'd suggest you to wait until I divided the test as suggested in the reviews14:12
bacfrankban: ok14:12
frankbanbac: thanks14:12
frankbanbac: fwiw, I am experiencing problems with juju-core trunk, and I reverted to r1750. Also filed a bug two days ago: bug 122928614:14
_mup_Bug #1229286: debug-log and boolean options are broken in trunk <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1229286>14:14
hatchyeah I think there is something broken in general with the settings14:28
hatchI couldn't get them to work for the debug switch either on the gui14:29
frankbanhatch: yes I know, I am working on the bug you filed14:29
hatchoh awesome thanks14:29
hatchI'd be interested to know the issue14:30
hatchonce you're done of course :)14:30
frankbanhatch: quite easy, we are sending Params.Config where juju-core expects Params.Options. While I was there I decided to switch from ServiceSet to ServiceUpdate  too. The former will be eventually be deprecated.14:31
hatchohh darn, that was a fail :)14:32
frankbanhatch: the weird think is that juju-core seems to just ignore the unexpected parameter and return a ok-response rather than an error14:32
hatchyeah that sounds like a core bug14:33
frankbananyway, config, options, settings, we use too many terms for the same concept14:34
hatch^ truth!14:35
hatchat least we now have a single model :D14:35
luca__gary_poster: what files can be imported to the GUI?14:41
gary_posterluca__, config.yaml for charms, and bundle yaml14:41
bachey benji, you free to chat?14:53
benjibac: sure14:54
benjiyour hangout or mine?14:54
baci'll start one14:54
hatchwow - there are a lot of versions of the GUI on the charmstore15:01
benjibac: if you haven't gotten into your next task, here is a short review of the stand-in bundle token branch: https://codereview.appspot.com/1391004315:21
gary_posterbenji is there a way to qa?15:23
benjigary_poster: nope, it is not wired up enough to do that yet15:23
benji(that's our next step)15:23
gary_posterok cool benji thx15:23
bacbenji: did15:27
gary_posterfrankban, is the fix for bug 1229939 something that you can get done today, or will you need to hand it off?  Also, I want to talk to you about bug 1229215 but don't want to distract you on this task.  maybe tomorrow.15:28
_mup_Bug #1229939: Cannot set juju-gui-debug from GUI <charm> <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1229939>15:28
_mup_Bug #1229215: Confusing unit retry/resolve UX <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1229215>15:28
bacgary_poster: did huw's branch get merged?15:28
gary_posterbac yes15:28
bacgary_poster: is that not the one that is in active coding?15:28
gary_posterbac I thought so but that branch looked more like a prep branch.  I can make a new one instead and rewrite this one.  will do so.15:29
frankbangary_poster: I am proposing the fix now. Then let's do a call when you want15:29
gary_postercool thanks frankban!15:29
hatchfrankban: is there any way I can provide my current GUI branch (which is on launchpad) to my local GUI charm?15:31
hatchthe path is lp:~hatch/juju-gui/close-inspector-122841015:31
hatchwhen I Set the juju-gui-source it appears to work....but doesn't :)15:31
gary_posterhatch it takes about 10 minutes to build15:31
gary_posterand wfm as of last week15:31
frankbanhatch: it should work, yeah, you have to be patient15:32
hatchok so while it's building the 'old' GUI is still functional? (I reloaded and everything is back to normal)15:32
hatchahh ok - so I wonder how we can indicate that something is happening15:32
luca__gary_poster: in the inspector the typeface seems to be wrong, it's bolder than the visuals.15:32
hatchJuju nor the GUI has any indication that anything is happening15:33
frankbanhatch: juju ssh juju-gui/0 tailf /var/log/juju/unit-juju-gui-0.log15:33
gary_posterhatch, yeah juju doesn't give us the visibility.  It's where the log idea came from--letting charms say what files should be exposed15:34
gary_posterluca__, is this a regression?15:34
luca__gary_poster: don't think so, though I've only just noticed it15:34
hatchHmm I think I have an issue with my local setup juju ssh juju-gui/0 -e local throws error: environment has no access-key or secret-key15:35
gary_posterluca__, ack.  Could you shoot huw an email with details, cc'ing peeps?  I don't see it on the face of it, but I'm sure he will if you point him in the right direction15:35
luca__gary_poster: sure, will do15:36
frankbanhatch: try to put "-e local" after "ssh"15:36
gary_posterthanks luca__ 15:36
hatchfrankban: same error - typically I add the -e local to stop this error15:37
hatchlemme check my yaml file15:37
frankbanhatch: anyway, with "juju switch" you can avoid passing -e each time15:37
hatchhmm I definitely have an admin-secret15:37
frankbanhatch: you should be able to just ssh into the juju-gui lxc, user ubuntu15:38
hatchfrankban: when I try that it says Permission denied (publickey).15:43
frankbanweird, what command are you using?15:44
hatchI just tried to ssh into the ip of the machine15:44
frankbanuser ubuntu?15:46
frankbanhatch: ^^^15:46
hatchoh darn I typo'd15:47
hatchhaha woops15:47
frankbanyou wrote redhat?15:47
frankbanguihelp: anyone available for one QA + one review of https://codereview.appspot.com/13900044 ?15:48
gary_posterfrankban, on it15:48
frankbanthanks gary_poster 15:48
Makyojujugui call in 1015:50
hatchok now I can say it definitely did not work15:51
hatchI'll try from the console see if that triggers it15:51
frankbanhatch: oh, you changed the juju-gui-source from the GUI?15:51
frankbanhatch: if so, that's the same bug you reported for juju-gui-debug. changing options does not work at all in juju-core15:52
hatchnow it looks like it's running15:57
frankbangary_poster: hum... I am reconsidering my decision to switch to ServiceUpdate: using that we no longer support older juju-core releases... If that's a problem, I have no problem quickly set up another branch that just fixes ServiceSet15:57
gary_posterfrankban, ack, we can talk after call15:58
gary_posterjujugui call in 215:58
hatchchange the setting in the console.....watch it change in the gui....oh I love it16:12
hatchgary_poster: while I wait for these things to spin up - is there another task you'd like me on?16:13
gary_posterhatch on call, will thank after16:13
hatchsounds good16:13
gary_posterhatch how much time do you have do you think?16:24
gary_posterhey luca__ do you have a few minutes to talk about bug 1229215?16:25
_mup_Bug #1229215: Confusing unit retry/resolve UX <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1229215>16:25
gary_posterluca nm I have a call :-P16:26
gary_posterluca__, I will shoot you a note16:26
luca__gary_poster: ok, Jamie is finalising all of the buttons in the GUI at the moment16:27
hatchgary_poster: sorry missed the ding - well I can start on anything - if this QA passes then i'll be ready to propose16:27
luca__gary_poster: so that will fix most of that issue16:27
hatchumm I resolved a service in error and it destroyed the service?16:28
gary_posterluca__, oh ok cool.  will that include confirmation messages for removing and resolving?  If so, I have some input on text for the confirmation dialog in the error removal case.  basically, we need to clarify that we are resolving the error and removing the unit, so people familiar with juju CLI are not too surprised16:29
gary_posterhatch that typically means that you  tried to remove it first16:29
gary_posterjuju core waits until the error is resolved16:29
hatchwhich I did...:D16:29
gary_posterwhich is exactly what I was talking about and one of the points to the bug I mentioned :-)16:29
luca__gary_poster: I didn't know we needed confirmation messages for those buttons, so it won't include them but if you send us more information we can look at it.16:30
gary_posterluca__, ack.  I'll state as problems rather than solutions.16:30
hatchbenji: did you see the ci failure....very odd....16:31
benjihatch: hmm, no; looking now16:32
benjihatch: yeah, that is very odd16:32
gary_posterluca__, sent email with details16:35
gary_posterhatch ask benji if there is a bundle task you can take.  bundle detail stub view looks good to me on the face of it, and then you can follow up with integrating Ben's bundle visualization, but check with benji16:37
hatchohhhhh benji iiiiiiiiiiiiiii16:37
benjiyep, bundle detail stub view would be a good one16:37
hatchare there any bundles in the charm store?16:37
hatchI know very little of the bundle stuff so far16:38
hatchbeen on inspector duty for a while :)16:38
gary_posteryes, two at least.  search in manage for "bac"16:38
gary_posterthe other I know about: http://manage.jujucharms.com/~abentley/bundle/wiki-bundle/wiki16:39
gary_postersorry for all the pinging, everyone16:39
hatch*sigh* the qa failed16:40
* benji wonders where bac went.16:48
hatchok I think I have a fix landed - now onto the bundle stuff16:50
hatchgary_poster: I was thinking when the GUI looses connection we should highlight the background of the canvas red or something so that they know that they are no longer receiving updates16:54
gary_posterhatch, +1, file a bug16:54
hatchcool will do16:55
hatchluca__: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1230410 to keep in mind :)16:56
_mup_Bug #1230410: There is no indication in the GUI when the user looses connection to Juju <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1230410>16:56
hatchbenji: do we have UX as to what this detail page is supposed to look like?16:57
benjihatch: not that I am aware of, your current card is simply to create a stand-in16:58
benjiI wish we would move assets out of app so my greps won't return stray hits from minimized third-party code all on one long line.17:05
hatchbenji: grep harder!17:07
hatchbenji: ok so I've got a new dev branch here now how do I get the bundles to show up in the 'build' list ?17:09
hatchbuild charm list that is17:09
benjihatch: you can't; not yet at least17:09
hatchoh - ok so with no data, and no design - what exactly am I supposed to write ;)17:10
benjiyou'll either have to hack up some test data to be able to see the views in-browser or do test-driven development17:10
hatchgotcha  :)17:11
hatchhow far away are we from getting them in the search results?17:11
frankbangary_poster: here is the new MP: https://codereview.appspot.com/1391704317:13
benjihatch: bac is working on a card which is a prerequisite of getting them in the search results17:13
hatchoh ok cool17:13
hatchso I should be able to make a json query to manage to get the meta data though right?17:14
gary_posterfrankban, ack will run with it.  thank you!17:16
hatchbcsaller: have a second for a quick chat about deltas?17:19
bcsallerhatch: sure17:22
Makyogary_poster, ping17:31
gary_posteryeah hey Makyo coming17:32
MakyoCool, np17:32
hatchbcsaller: we had a huge delay haha17:37
hatchI didn't notice until the end...lol17:37
bcsallerhatch: who knows what I agreed to in that case 17:40
hatchgary_poster: in hangout, ready whenever17:59
frankbanbac: I updated the charm branch and re-proposed, you can do the QA when you want18:23
hatchbcsaller: so the decision was that we will flag off of the 'life' attribute and when it changes to dying then destroy the inspector/menu instead of keeping it around and having a dying state18:40
hatchjujugui anyone around who can QA on juju-core ? https://codereview.appspot.com/13938043/21:29
hatchdoes anyone know how to make a json request for bundle data?21:37
hatchI would have assumed that?21:37
hatchbut no luck21:37
hatchahh the url in the source is wrong but I found it21:43
bachatch: where is the url wrong in the source?22:10
hatch^ bac22:11
hatchI've updated it in my local branch22:11
hatchI'm just trying to navigate through this browser code...I'm very lost - lol22:11
bachttp://manage.jujucharms.com/api/3/bundle/~bac/wiki/wiki works for me22:13
hatchyeah that's the proper url22:13
hatchthat's not what's in the source22:13
bacwell http://staging.jujucharms.com/api/3/bundle/~bac/wiki/wiki would work if it were answering22:13
bacnot sure why staging is donw22:14
bacwill look in a bit22:15
hatchsure np22:16

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