
=== soul is now known as Guest64395
Asad3ainJaloutHello guys, I originally wanted to run Kubuntu, however the live cd install from their site lacked many drivers (weird). So I installed Ubuntu and then installed KDE. However, there are some weird bugs. For example after some updates my Display Manager will switch from KDE to Unity. And occassionally instead of opening Dolphin it will open the Unity File Manager. Since I do not use Unity anyways, Is there03:09
Asad3ainJaloutany safe way to uninstall Unity completely.03:09
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kyfellawhere are all the admins here from06:05
kyfellanew to the channel06:05
mokushanybody from the romanian kubuntu/kde community around?06:06
kyfellanever been to romania but I heard the landscape out there is totally awesome06:06
kyfellaIm from the USA06:06
kyfellaAnyone else from the US?06:07
* valorie is from Washington state, in the northwest USA06:07
=== pesa is now known as Guest74502
kyfellahello valarie06:08
kyfellaIm from Kentucky East US06:08
valoriekyfella: freenode discourages people from staying opped unless necessary06:08
kyfellalet me check06:08
lordievaderGood morning.06:15
=== fishwithapipe is now known as f|shy
=== mohidin changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.kde.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | http://www.kubuntu.org/ Kubuntu 13.04 out | KDE SC 4.11 updates http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.11
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
=== Vito_ is now known as Vito
ovidiu-florinmokush: hello10:00
ovidiu-florinI'm from the romanian Kubuntu/kde comunity10:01
ovidiu-florinmokush: how can I help you?10:01
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
ovidiu-florinhow can I get the kubuntu news feed in agregator?10:57
cortexA9hello i have a question10:57
cortexA9can i dual boot kubuntu with windows 8 ?10:58
=== jmpiloq__ is now known as jmpiloq
Gnjurachi i installed kubuntu on 512ram mashine whit some shite grapshick thinked it woild work good but it lags a lot is ther a wey to lower all setings to lowest posible or meybe some wey to install xfce 11:25
=== eu is now known as Guest40471
Gargoyle1976anyone know why a usb mouse would be jerky and a ps2 would be fine?11:58
hateballGargoyle1976: is this new hardware, or hardware that has been working "properly" before etc?12:13
BluesKaj'Morning folks12:18
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Gargoyle1976hateball: I had to change out my video card and my usb mouse started being jerky.  Tried ps2 and it works fine12:45
Gargoyle1976hateball: It was fine before I had to change the vid card12:45
hateballGargoyle1976: Heh, that's quite odd. Is it the same regardless of USB port?12:46
hateballI'm thinking if it's a power issue or something12:46
Gargoyle1976hateball: yes.  check on all usb ports but same problem12:46
Gargoyle1976hateball: weird12:47
hateballGargoyle1976: Did you change from like Intel -> nVidia ?12:48
Gargoyle1976hateball: nvidia 9600gt ---> nvidia gt61012:50
Gargoyle1976less 3d proc pwr but newer procs regardless12:50
hateballhmmm, then I guess it's still the same driver as well12:51
hateballdidnt change from nvidia binary to nouveau or something?12:51
BluesKajGargoyle1976:  install dkms , the run dkms status to see which video driver is installed12:54
hateballStill, it's weird the driver should affect a USB mouse, but you never know12:57
Gargoyle1976hateball: ok12:59
Gargoyle1976hateball: what is the process to run dkms?  switches?13:00
hateballGargoyle1976: I don't know, it was BluesKaj's suggestion :)13:11
* hateball only uses Intel stuff13:11
Gargoyle1976blueskaj: what is the process to run dkms? switches?13:12
BluesKajdkms status , Gargoyle197613:12
Gargoyle1976blueskaj: Got an error.  Couldn't find dkms.conf13:13
Gargoyle1976blueskaj: nvidia-310-updates, 310.44, 3.8.0-30-generic, i686: installedError! Could not locate dkms.conf file.13:14
Gargoyle1976File:  does not exist.13:14
BluesKajit tells us which dynamic kernel module/driver is supported13:14
BluesKajinstall dkms 13:14
Gargoyle1976blueskaj: It's installed...remove and re-install?13:15
BluesKajit tells us which dynamic kernel module/driver is installed and supported13:15
BluesKajperhaps , but sometimes just a reinstall works , Gargoyle197613:16
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
Gargoyle1976it says it is already newest version13:17
BluesKajGargoyle1976:  another method is , glxinfo | grep OpenGL13:23
BluesKajbut from your previous post above it seems the 319 driver is installed13:24
BluesKajerr the 310 rather13:25
* BluesKaj cleans his glasses13:25
Gargoyle1976blueskaj: gotta run out thanks for the input13:27
BluesKajnp Gargoyle197613:28
soeeBluesKaj, http://en.community.dell.com/support-forums/laptop/f/3518/t/19498450.aspx13:44
soeeill dig through it but good to know im not alone :)13:44
BluesKaj!bumblebee | soee13:55
BluesKajhmm , I have bumblebee in the repos on 13.10 , soee13:55
excognachi all. I suspect i have a stuck ctrl key, it is quite annoying in grub bootmenu. any ideas how to get rid of it? (plugging an external keyboard in doesn't help)13:56
BluesKajsoee:  http://bumblebee-project.org/13:56
Roeyhi BluesKaj 13:57
BluesKajhi Roey13:58
soeeBluesKaj, and wht with this nvidia-prime http://www.webupd8.org/2013/08/using-nvidia-graphics-drivers-with.html ?13:59
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lordievaderGood afternoon.14:06
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latteraso I installed ubuntu, then apt-get'ed kubuntu-full... looks like Dolphin can't connect to my CIFS shares14:57
latteraI'm just getting an access denied error15:02
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=== christian is now known as Guest9101
=== Guest9101 is now known as crodriguez
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=== Guest93773 is now known as swiatos
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=== ragnarok is now known as Guest99452
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
=== jacob_ is now known as Guest82020
alphacrypthi how can just clean the /etc/apt/sources.list22:00
alphacryptapt-get update makes an error N: Datei »cd« in Verzeichnis »/etc/apt/sources.list.d/« wird ignoriert, da sie keine Dateinamen-Erweiterung hat. because of locale problems the special characters are shown strange?22:01
alphacryptmaybe you can just help me22:01
CanidHello - I am getting an error in SHotwell to do with write permissions, but I have write permission to the folder it mentions22:09
Canid1 photo failed to import because the photo library folder was not writable:22:11
Canid/media/canid/Data/Pictures/Family/Photo Archives - Other/Daniel/SAM_0140.JPG22:12
CanidThe photo library folder is writable22:12
CanidI found a but report saying this error was due to write permission where shotwell stores its thumbnails... but hat folder is writable too22:13
Canidif I enter SHOTWELL_LOG=1 shotwell into the terminal, I get a parsing error about the color theme - could that be related?22:16
kristalGuize please save me from the Unity.... is 13.10 stable enough yet?22:28

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