
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
MyrttiI do love Herbamare on eggs, but I don't think it really goes that well with tea06:11
Myrtti... *grumblegrumble* morning06:11
MartijnVdS\o Myrtti06:43
shaunoso here's a fun one.  I want to vpn at layer 2 between two linux machines.  any suggestions where to even start looking?07:19
mungbeansounds complicated.07:32
MartijnVdSshauno: openvpn with "tap" interfaces07:33
mungbeanlayer2? i thought that would involve the networking hardware in betwen too?07:33
MartijnVdSmungbean: nah, layer 2 just means "ethernet segment", so you can bridge an TAP device (vpn) and a real internet interface, and boom, 1 big ethernet :)07:34
MartijnVdSshauno: ssh can do it too, but I never tried that, and it isn't well-integrated into Ubuntu packaging07:34
MartijnVdSshauno: I actually have an almost-finished HOWTO-like blog post for that07:35
TheOpenSourcererjust nail up a stunnel?07:39
TheOpenSourcererAh sorry - you want a bridged connection.07:40
* TheOpenSourcerer goes away to get moar coffeee07:40
shaunosorry, googling to catch up :)  openvpn with tap sounds like it solves exactly why I didn't just go to openvpn in the first place07:43
shaunoand yeah, going for "one big ethernet" between two sites.  specifically, trying to attach a kvm instance in one building, to a switch that's located in another.  and trying to avoid the sensible solution (vlans) because I'll grow old and die before anyone ever signs it off07:44
MartijnVdSshauno: Just finishing up the blog post, 1 sec07:45
shaunooh no rush, I have a lot of peices to put together before this goes anywhere07:46
MartijnVdSshauno: it was almost done anyway :)07:47
MartijnVdSshauno: http://blog.vandestreek.net/2013/09/bridging-internet-with-openvpn.html (beta! might still contain some bad grammar)07:47
shaunoafter 7 years in Ireland, I have no idea what grammar is anymore :/07:48
MartijnVdS\o popey07:50
MartijnVdSpopey: how's Los Santos treating you? :)07:50
popeyI don't have it yet07:51
MartijnVdSpopey: oh, I thought you were installing it yesterday07:52
popeyno, pondering07:52
popeybut that was impatience at work07:52
mungbeanso a new video card costs more than a ps3/xbox360?07:52
popeyI want to wait for pc version because I am no good at FPS with a controller07:52
popeymouse + WASD for me07:52
mungbeani think i'm the opposite07:53
popeyi find myself looking around the place all the time07:53
popeycan't look and walk at the same time07:53
MartijnVdSpopey: auto-aim helps me a lot in those cases, but I see your poin07:54
MartijnVdSpopey: I tried Portal 2 on the PS3.. it was a lot harder than the PC version07:54
shaunoI'm just terrible at fps.  a controller with 500 buttons would be a welcome excuse07:54
mungbeangta5 isn't like a doom fps though07:54
MartijnVdSmungbean: no, like I said, auto-aim helps07:54
MartijnVdSit's more third-person than first-person07:55
popeyStop it!07:55
mungbean And because comments sections tend to be a grotesque reflection of the media culture surrounding them, the cynical work of undermining bedrock scientific doctrine is now being done beneath our own stories, within a website devoted to championing science.07:56
kecskebakOf course, you never hear many reviews of second person shooters. I've heard the market is dead.07:56
MartijnVdSkecskebak: 8-)07:57
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* bigcalm awakes his machine with no problems07:59
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)07:59
MartijnVdShi bigcalm07:59
mungbeannow thats a game i don't "get"08:02
mungbeanangry birds is quite fun and all that, but PVZ?08:03
popeyOh interestingly. When i was poking in the BIOS I found a setting which let me set the behaviour of the power LED when suspended. Before it was set to "Offensively blink blue" but there was an option for "dual colour LED" which I chose08:04
popeymy PC doesn't have a dual colour LED, so it just turned the light off08:04
popeywhich was much better08:04
MartijnVdSbut how do you distinguish between off and suspended?08:05
popeyI dont care ☻08:06
popeyboth mean I have to press the power button to make it useful08:06
MartijnVdS\o/ modern tech08:06
bigcalmI pressed a key on my wired keyboard and the machine woke up08:06
MartijnVdSbigcalm: the "Any" key?08:06
bigcalmIt's a good thing that the cat didn't walk over it in the night08:07
bigcalmMartijnVdS: that's the one!08:07
mungbeanwhat do people think about http://www.reddit.com/r/GrandTheftAutoV/comments/1mx8a6/so_i_might_have_found_why_its_so_hard_to_make/08:13
MartijnVdSmungbean: That's for the on-line part, not the "off-line" campaign part08:14
mungbeaneven still08:15
MartijnVdSit's a trend in the entire gaming industry to find extra ways to get people to pay08:15
MartijnVdSbecause you could buy those cards more than once, presumably08:16
* Laney stabs freshers week08:29
Laneyidiots screaming while walking down the road all night08:30
Laneylast group was at 7am08:30
mungbeandodge the piles of puke too08:31
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Comic Book Day! :-D08:42
MartijnVdSJamesTait: marvel or dc?08:43
mungbeanyou know those key code lockey locks - do you have to take the back off to change the code?08:43
JamesTaitMartijnVdS, YES!08:43
MartijnVdSmungbean: key code locks?08:43
mungbeandoor entry system08:44
mungbeanmanual/mechanical ones08:44
MartijnVdSmungbean: http://keylessentrylocks.com/images/KeylessEntryLocks-product-surfacemount/2500.jpg ?08:48
mungbeanyeah, i'm worried you need to do this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZj4zCIWxZE08:50
GentileBenMartijnVdS, you watching the game tonight?08:51
brobostigongood morning everyone.08:53
TheOpenSourcerermorning brobostigon - did I read on FB correctly the other day that congratulations are in order?09:01
brobostigonTheOpenSourcerer: you did, yes.09:01
TheOpenSourcerer:-D Congratulations!09:01
mungbeanFB? i thought thats what irc was for, nullify facebook/twitter for the geeks09:02
brobostigonthank you TheOpenSourcerer :D09:02
brobostigonand i found her yesterday looking for rings already, and heres me thinking theres no rush.09:11
* popey avoided that by buying the ring up front ☻09:13
brobostigongood plan, yes.09:15
mungbeani bought haribo ring09:16
* brobostigon makes a note, show her how to read his bcd binary clock.09:16
MartijnVdSbcd, not "real" binary? :)09:16
MyrttiI avoided that by using a jubilee clip09:17
mungbeanwhen you are sick is it better to watch a) film you haven't seen before 2) a feel good film 3) a depressing film09:17
Myrttiand then getting custom made09:17
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i have both batman. but the bcd one will be easier for her to grasp initially.09:17
popeymungbean: depends if you're going to fall asleep09:17
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: agreed09:17
mungbeannot gonna sleep09:17
mungbeannot feeling too bad but in quearantine09:18
brobostigonMartijnVdS: agreed.09:18
mungbeani might watch spooks series 4 as its still in the shrink wrap09:19
* xnox hates flash, my youtube video is out of sync with audio Argh.09:32
brobostigontried html5?09:33
MooDoomorning all09:44
brobostigonmorning MartijnVdS09:50
brobostigonmorning MooDoo09:50
brobostigontab fail, sorry/09:50
directhexpopey, mmmmm... off the top of my head Defender's Quest uses Air. Lume uses Flash but not Air iirc09:57
SuperMattman, the more I look in to btrfs, the more I want to use it09:57
SuperMattepsecially apt-btrs-snapshot09:57
popeydirecthex: been talking to a developer who is making a game using air, offered to help test on Linux because he's only targetting windows/mac for now and mobile later10:00
directhexpopey, i'd get him to talk to the defender's quest guy for tips on air bundling10:01
popeyscary looking10:03
davmor2Morning all10:04
MooDoomorning davmor210:09
popeyholy freole! have you seen the specs of the new kindle fire?10:11
popey1920x1200 in a 7" screen10:11
davmor2MooDoo: me owld mucka, hows life, how's the photo's and did you try that bit of software?10:11
popey8.9" is 2560x160010:12
bigcalmMorning davmor210:12
bigcalmdavmor2: do you still use your Xoom?10:12
popeyquad core snapdragon at 2.2Ghz10:12
mgdmpopey: what? Blimey10:12
davmor2bigcalm: I do10:12
MooDoodavmor2: no not had chance yet, just using photoshop for the moment as I have a license for it....use ubuntu for most everything else though10:12
mgdmpopey: what's the new N7? That's 1920x1080 IIRC?10:12
popeyno idea10:12
bigcalmdavmor2: have you come to terms with it being stuck on 4.1.2 forever more, or have you tried to put something like CyanogenMod on it?10:13
diddledan_mgdm, 1920x1200 I believe10:13
MooDoocyanogenmod ftw o/ bigcalm did my s3 last week :D10:13
popeyblimey, they have remote support built in too10:13
mgdmdiddledan_: ah, cool. I'm going to get one 'eventually'10:14
davmor2bigcalm: I don't really care it does what I need it to.  All I want is social networking, youtube and web browsing I tend you use Ubuntu for everything else :)10:14
MooDoodavmor2: i want to get ubuntu touch on my s3, but it's not that complete yet10:14
bigcalmI'm a fan of mods, but won't put it on my S3 until my contract expires next year. I'm trying to put CM on to my Xoom, but it's failing to boot the recovery image10:14
popeymgdm: yes, seems it is, 1920x120010:15
davmor2bigcalm: as I understand it you have to leap through some hoops to get cm on a xoom due to motorola locking down the kernel and binaries and bootloader hence goin gfor the ged rather than the CM  I might try it at some point though10:16
bigcalmdavmor2: I've managed to GED it, but found out that 4.1.2 is where it stops10:17
davmor2bigcalm: the daft thing with Motorola is they will do just that, it was one of the things I hated about them, However I just don't care anymore :D10:18
bigcalmFair enough :)10:18
bigcalmMy next challange is to get a USB webcam to work with the tablet10:19
bigcalmBut I have a feeling that will only happen if I can mod it10:19
mungbeanknow anyone who wants a SAN? around 300TB of disk in 2 racks10:22
mungbeani know someone who wants to offload it10:22
bigcalmI bet I know somebody at our LUG would would10:22
bigcalmBut I also bet his wife would object10:22
mungbean300tb not to be sniffed at10:26
mungbeansort of thing ali1234 has in his house10:26
popeyi may know someone10:30
* popey asks10:31
popeysort of thing sabdfl has at his house10:31
mgdms/his house/one of his houses/10:32
TheOpenSourcererI recall when the rest of the world was still on dial-up (v.22, v.21bis - not the fast stuff) reading about Bill Gates having *two* T1 lines into his house...10:32
popeymark has lots in his garage10:32
popeylike any self respecting geek10:33
mungbeanpillar axiom 50010:36
davmor2bigcalm: shhh you'll get james killed and ron shouted at ;)10:37
directhexi had one of those!10:37
directhexit fell over and ate all our data ¬_¬10:37
bigcalmWith no LUG or badminton this week, I have no social events to attend10:38
bigcalmMaybe I'll catch up on sleep10:38
bigcalmdirecthex: I can imagine a rack literally falling over. I'm sure it wouldn't be good for discs10:39
davmor2bigcalm: no your just work more hours than normal,  the social activities force you to only work 40 - 60 :D10:44
bigcalmdavmor2: attending LUG only partly hampers work10:45
mungbeanlet me know popey , i'll put you in touch with the person who is offloading it10:45
mungbeanthey are london based10:45
mungbeanwho admins sabfls house network?10:47
mungbeanisleofmandan should offer his services10:48
DavieyIndeed, he has a rack of high end ~16 servers.. 16 core, 42GB RAM IIRC.. just to 'play with' :)10:53
JamesTaitDaviey, just like mine then! :-P10:53
popeywhat do you get for "<city>"10:55
popeyI get "None"10:55
JamesTaitI get Arnold.10:55
JamesTaitI am most offended.10:55
popeyis that a town?10:55
mungbeanthats what facebook says too10:55
* mungbean is not in ilford but is on talktalk so...10:55
JamesTaitIt's a suburb of Nottingham, I think, technically.10:56
popeythanks chaps10:57
mungbeanbetter than barry i suppose10:57
ali1234i also get None11:01
JamesTaitIt's also about 20 miles away.11:01
ali1234i live one mile away from arnold11:01
mgdmpopey: I get Glasgow. Also, I recognise the format of that response, I think. :-)11:01
MooDooI live about 3 miles from arnold11:01
MooDooali1234: where are you?11:01
ali1234just off mansfield road11:02
popeyali1234: you on virgin?11:02
JamesTaitI live in Mickleover, on the west of Derby.11:02
Laneypopey: I get None11:03
mungbeanJamesTait: you like the rolling stones then?11:03
mungbeanmick lover11:03
bigcalmOn VM, I get none11:07
mungbeanyoutube keeps showing me the GB feed. which is not very GB like. #britishproblems11:07
Davieypopey: I get Manchster :)11:07
Daviey(spelt correctly tho)11:08
JamesTaitWell played, mungbean. :)11:12
mungbeanawww.thought it was too good to be true..http://www.snopes.com/photos/people/cinderella.asp11:14
mungbeandon't have the heart to tell the person on facebook11:15
popeymungbean: no interest from my friend11:16
mungbeanok cheers for the update11:20
popeyMartijnVdS: this outlines why I'd like GTAV http://imgur.com/24mOPlx11:26
MartijnVdSpopey: selfies?:t )11:26
MartijnVdSpopey: if you add me on http://socialclub.rockstargames.com you can see mine :)11:27
czajkowskihttp://www.meetup.com/London-MongoDB-User-Group/events/140769722/  Might be useful to some people11:43
ali1234rocketbirds is working on steam now11:51
* AlanBell is a bit frustrated with MIME11:53
MartijnVdSAlanBell: what about it?11:54
AlanBellso I am trying to display an email on a web page11:54
AlanBelllike a webmail thing would do11:54
AlanBellthis is astonishingly hard to do right11:54
ali1234what part?11:55
MartijnVdSAlanBell: it is. Webmail clients try *very* hard to do this securely as well11:55
MartijnVdSyou can't just put the HTML from the email on the site verbatim, it might contain naughtiness11:55
mgdmAlanBell: could you rip it from something else? (like Roundcube or similar?)11:56
AlanBellso there is a text/html part and a text/plain part, there might be multipart/related bits with images that I can display, but they need to go in bits like11:57
AlanBell<img id="_x0000_i1025" src="cid:part5.03080108.08010502@libertus.co.uk" alt="Description: sprs-email-logo" height="41" border="0" width="185">11:57
MartijnVdSAlanBell: you need to build an in-memory "directory tree" of the MIME document11:57
AlanBellthe cid: bit of the URL references the image attached in another mime bit11:57
MartijnVdSAlanBell: (and it sub-documents)11:57
AlanBellyeah, there are libraries to parse mime into a tree, done that bit11:57
MartijnVdSalso to view HTML mail securely (XSS-proof, etc.)?11:58
AlanBellmgdm: I had a look at roundcube source, couldn't find the right bit11:58
AlanBellyeah, XSS fixing, CSS fixing and other stuff needs to happen11:58
AlanBelland delayed retrieval of remote <img> tags would be nice11:59
AlanBellI just don't get why there isn't a library that just does it11:59
MartijnVdSAlanBell: put it in an IMAP box, fire up roundcube to talk to it?11:59
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
GentileBenAlanBell, my Welsh friend.12:12
* AlanBell is not Welsh :)12:15
AlanBellMartijnVdS: actually, there might be some extractable libraries in roundcube12:15
GentileBenAlanBell: then all is lost.12:17
AlanBellI like leeks if that is any help?12:17
GentileBenAlanBell: now there is hope.12:17
MartijnVdSGentileBen: There is.. another12:17
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
bigcalmDash is appearing behind windows again13:05
Myrttiah, sleet13:19
Myrttitime to pull out my camera13:19
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
diddledan_bigcalm, your problem is you're using windows :-p13:30
bigcalmwindows not Windows :P13:32
mungbeanwhats a approx figure to replace a couple of missing tiles on a standard london terrace house?14:12
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=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
diddledan_mungbean, for a couple, I would guess 2? </troll>14:39
davmor2mungbean: 42 everything is 42 in the end14:40
mungbeanseems difficult to get tradesmen to do work nowadays14:40
mungbeananyone got any genuine idea?14:40
popeywe had a tile replaced14:40
popeyafter one of our double glazed windows fell out in my hand14:40
popey(baby in other hand)14:40
diddledan_I'd ask my brother what he thinks but I don't know if he'll respond while he should be working - he's a sparky though so might not know the costs14:40
popeythat was alarming14:40
diddledan_popey, clever14:41
davmor2mungbean: being as it is in London, and being as you have to fork out London Tax for parts and then London Tax for workmen, LOTS!14:41
daftykinsi had a couple of cracked kitchen floor tiles replaced for maybe £70 including the guy finding the tiles14:41
diddledan_popey, at least it wasn't "after one of our babies fell out of my hand"14:41
daftykinsi then later found a stash of spare tiles up in the loft =|14:41
daftykinsfrom the previous owner14:41
diddledan_London sucks14:42
daftykinsLondon tax? 0o14:42
mungbeani'll look in loft for tiles...but tiles are cheap14:42
mungbeanits paying the man to climb up a ladder and the insuranceliability14:42
diddledan_daftykins, you don't know about the LondonTax?14:43
daftykinsno sir14:43
daftykinsi am not a mainlander thus i do not concern myself much with mainlander matters14:43
diddledan_daftykins, basically you add 20% onto everything you buy14:43
daftykinsbut that's just VAT? 0o14:43
diddledan_nope, in addition to VAT14:43
daftykinsthat sounds weird as14:44
diddledan_if you work in london you also get extra pay to supposedly cover the london tax14:44
mungbeancan you call a man in from hertfordshire?14:44
diddledan_mungbean, depends whether I know him or not :-p14:45
daftykinsi used checkatrade numbers a lot whilst fixing my portsmouth place up14:45
daftykinsvery handy14:45
popeyour neighbours get men+van from wales whenever they have work done14:46
davmor2daftykins: I used to work for a builders Merchant in wolverhampton.  We would often get calls to deliver to London, we would tell them that there would be a full fuel cost and cost of a driver per vehicle and some people would still order from us as it was cheaper than buying from a london builders merchant if that gives you a clue14:46
popeycheaper to get them in from wales and do the work14:46
daftykinsdavmor2: D:14:46
mungbeanmy mums neighbour has got them from romania14:46
mungbeanbut they only really use hammers14:46
mungbeaneven to build a driveway, none of the right tools14:47
diddledan_I like using a hammer to mend soldered joints on my raspberry pi14:47
diddledan_ok I lie, but it would be interesting14:48
mungbeancheckatrade seems sparse in n london14:48
diddledan_note to self, buy a hammer14:48
daftykinsplease put diddledan under said driveway14:48
mungbeanwhats the name of someone who does roof tiles? roofer is more a roof builder surely14:49
diddledan_roofing manager14:51
davmor2daftykins: Oh and don't forget London tax applies to everything, so the cost of the people the cost of the parts, the cost of the fuel, plus if you are really unlucky the cost of the emissions charge and your man spending 2 hours looking for somewhere to park the van14:51
daftykinswhy does anyone live in London again? :D14:52
mungbeanmy mums fault14:52
mungbeangave birth to me14:52
shaunodamned fine question14:52
BigRedS'cause London is brilliant14:52
shaunoI can only assume people move to london because the release parties are there ;)14:52
popeyshauno: correlation != causation14:53
mgdmI have only ever been in London for a few days at a time14:53
mgdmI was there on Tuesday14:53
davmor2daftykins: because the cost of living being higher means the wages are too :)14:53
* xnox sings "You wanna piece of me?!"14:53
mgdmalways quite pleased to return to a sensibleplace14:54
xnoxso badly want to get tickets for that Vegas show =)14:54
shaunogot me thinking, I really should print out a t-shirt with a "winkie face" on it14:54
diddledan_shauno, pervert14:55
mungbeani live in the london suburbs, so i get the worst of both worlds14:55
mungbeanexpensive but none of the fun14:55
shaunodiddledan_: I was actually just thinking it'd have to be the emoticon variant, a big yellow smiley winking would come off all wrong.  but you already went there :/14:56
diddledan_shauno, you were the one that mentioned winkies15:03
daftykinsguys =/15:04
diddledan_daftykins, pretend it says dinkies then remember that small cars used to be called dinkietoys15:05
daftykinsdunno you're kinda dragging the channel down :P15:05
shaunoI actually know that term as the 'wink' variant of smiley.  the internet's just set me straight :/15:05
daftykinsfwiw i would've known what you meant :(15:06
diddledan_shauno, how long have you known me and yet still only just found that out?!15:06
daftykinsi recall that name15:10
daftykinspromoting childrens libraries? by saying a child in a nightgown will come and search your windows to see if you're reading? D:15:10
ali1234what makes you think he is a child?15:10
ali1234i think he's a tiny old man, personally15:10
ali1234i mean he's got white hair15:10
daftykinscould be anything!15:11
diddledan_I'm not mentioning the obvious connotation of an old man peeking in children's windows15:12
mungbeanrolf harris?15:12
bigcalmLittle off topic now?15:13
daftykinsbigcalm: that's when this channel is at its' best15:14
daftykinsRolf could never do any harm. he does nothing but sit in his armchair at home with his wobble board leaning up beside him15:14
SuperMattwhat's the latest news on his charges right now?15:16
diddledan_I'm not going to mention rolf's "wobble board" it sounds too perverted when I say it15:16
daftykinsi'm not sure, lets see what the intertubes have to share15:16
daftykinsdiddledan_: you could make anything sound so :(15:17
diddledan_daftykins, bingo!15:17
daftykinsSuperMatt: i think court is just in progress atm15:17
daftykinsSuperMatt: ah, bailed for a fortnight15:20
SuperMattwell, that's enough to say there is definitely a lot of smoke, but the jury is still out (literally) on the fire15:21
daftykinsi see it as almost sensationalist 'fashion' at the moment to target all these old stars15:22
SuperMattthe older stars are more likely to have been involved in such a scandle, unfortunately.15:22
diddledan_I really hope rolf is innocent15:22
SuperMattjust the way the world was back then15:22
* SuperMatt hopes bug 1228302 gets fixed before saucy is frozen.15:24
lubotu3`bug 1228302 in btrfs-tools (Ubuntu) "btrfs-convert does not work (unable to open ctree)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122830215:24
SuperMattit'd be a shame to miss out on in because I'm itching to convert some filesystems15:24
davmor2SuperMatt: just pick on popey till it is, he is afterall btrfs champion :D15:54
diddledan_mmm btr15:56
SuperMattI don't know why people call it butter fs, when clearly it should be better fs16:01
SuperMattbut seriously, I've been playing with btrfs and lxc and as a combination they are *deadly*16:02
SuperMattI say deadly, I mean a neat little way of containerising your services16:03
SuperMattbut I'm beginning to see why I should have btrfs at home16:03
SuperMattit's super easy to add disks in to an array16:03
daftykinsdoes it have any advantages over EXT4 for single disk systems?16:04
SuperMattthere's still snapshotting16:04
SuperMattwhich is good when using apt and an unstable version of your os16:04
directhexif only xvm was open source16:19
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ali1234what is "skype-mid"?16:32
ali1234!info skype-mid16:32
lubotu3`Package skype-mid does not exist in quantal16:32
ali1234lies. it is in the partner repo16:32
ali1234"skype for MIDs" - i assume that means mobile internet devices16:33
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
ali1234how do i stop v4l device nodes from shuffling around?16:47
davmor2ali1234: only have one device?16:48
ali1234no i have two and one of them is usb16:48
ali1234actually same problem with its audio source16:48
davmor2I don't think there is a way to stop it, iirc they are just picked up by the system at run time16:49
popeyhehe /11616:49
popey10 mins!16:50
diddledan_time to wander16:55
=== Guest73512 is now known as Joeb454
DJones!alisIs there an easy method to join about 10 quicktime .mov files into s ingle video file16:58
lubotu3`DJones: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:58
DJonesIs there an easy method to join about 10 quicktime .mov files into s ingle video file16:58
mgdmDJones: ffmpeg or mencoder can probably do it16:58
DJonesThanks, I'll give them a look16:59
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
ali1234so [O  ] is "steam machines" (not steambox, i'm glad they didn't call it that)17:33
ali1234what does everyone think O+O is?17:34
directhexit could be dual analogue sticks and a d-pad17:34
ali1234could be17:35
ali1234but i think the O is steamOS17:35
directhexin general, yes... but regardless, i think friday they announce the joypad.17:36
ali1234that's a bit of a weak thing to announce third17:36
ali1234"murder, arson, and jaywalking..."17:37
directhexmmmmmmmmm....... see, the thing is, the input device is critical to defining a games system17:38
directhexi mean, consider the wii if they hadn't bothered talking about the wiimote17:38
ali1234"yeah so we made this console and you're not gonna believe this... but... it has a controller!"17:38
directhexit's something people get worked up over17:38
davmor2ali1234: they missed a trick should of been called steam engines :D17:39
directhexlook at how people reacted to the ps3's prototype "boomerang" controller17:39
ali1234haha i totally forgot about that17:39
ali1234also the HUGEEEEE xbox controller thing17:39
ali1234but it's pretty much guaranteed that the steam controller will be very very similar to the xbox one17:40
directhexbut even then, there's room for variation17:41
ali1234the configuration screens in big picture already exist17:41
directhexthe ouya pad sucks compared to the 360, for example17:41
ali1234and loads of games use it17:41
ali1234it's built in to SDL... the button definitions i mean17:41
directhexloads of games use the 360 pad, since MS made it standard for Games For Windows17:41
ali1234obviously the physical shape is up for modification17:41
ali1234yeah valve has now made it a standard in SDL too17:41
ali1234instead of probing every axis and every button on the joystick you get a joypad object, it has the same buttons as an xbox pad17:42
ali1234you configure the mapping once in steam and then it works in "all" games17:42
directhexthere's scope for change though17:43
ali1234so it's not going to be some crazy motion controller or virtual sword fighting stuff17:43
directhexe.g. a pad with something else in it17:43
ali1234O+O could be 3d goggles tho17:43
directhexlike the ps4 pad has a light for use w/ ps eye camera, and a touchpad area17:43
ali1234is it generally possible to play PC games on a 3d TV?17:44
directhexno. well, no-ish17:45
directhexyou can with a radeon, but most games only support nvidia 3d vision17:45
directhexor you need an unofficial 3dification driver17:45
ali1234O+O could also mean they're going to add more social features to steam. maybe a video conferencing system17:45
ali1234i notice you have to have 10 steam friends to be in the beta17:46
ali1234hmm so the support is already there for software17:47
ali1234if you buy the right hardware17:47
ali1234whatever it is i hope it's something really unexpected17:51
directhexoh! nvidia will sell you support for 3d tvs, if you don't want a 3d monitor17:51
directhexfor $4017:51
ali1234yeah this is living room after all17:51
ali1234and likely nvidia based17:51
=== lubotu3` is now known as lubotu3
mungbeanwhat was the valve announcement?18:53
ali1234steam beta hardware18:54
daftykinsi.e. nothing interesting part deux18:57
mgdmnothing interesting? that's an interesting way of putting it18:58
mgdmI thought it was quite interesting18:58
mgdmand I dont' use Steam or play games18:58
ali1234yeah it's interesting i think18:59
ali1234if the next one is just the controller, that will be boring18:59
daftykinspics and details would be vaguely interesting18:59
ali1234http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hairy_ball_theorem#Application_to_computer_graphics just blew my mind19:02
ali1234i never saw it stated exactly like that before, but it makes perfect sense19:03
SuperEngineerVideo games maker Valve invites members of the public to test a version of its forthcoming hardware ahead of it going on sale in 2014.19:08
SuperEngineer...does that make it better for you daftykins ?19:08
daftykinsnot since you reiterated what i'd already read, no19:09
daftykinswhat made you think that was different?19:09
SuperEngineerboo hiss!19:09
SuperEngineernowt - expected nothing - got nothing19:10
SuperEngineermy sympathies19:10
ali1234does anyone else read steamOS like cheerios?19:10
ali1234those little O symbols... they are steam Os19:11
SuperEngineerali1234: they taste like cheeriOs - but more fun ;)19:12
mungbeansteam hardware beta involves giving your address up front19:16
mungbeansaw that fella on mock the week talking about farming simulator 2013....thought it was a joke19:18
ali1234that's actually one of the better "simulator" games19:19
ali1234there's a road sweeper simulator game...19:19
daftykinswhat would be a good way of sharing a terminal game for others to watch?19:20
ali1234like shell terminal?19:20
ali1234screen probably19:20
daftykinsi was thinking that19:20
ali1234i think you can set it up in watch only mode19:20
daftykinsno way to pipe one out to a telnet feed or something for view only? to avoid login19:21
ali1234i did not read the linked howto19:21
ali1234but basically make a user, set their shell to something that runs screen with appropriate args... that's about it19:22
daftykinsty sir19:22
ali1234screen sometimes acts weird over telnet but it should be ok for read only19:22
mungbeanthere's a guy on youtube who plays all these weird simluar games and reviews them on youtube while he plays19:22
ali1234what game is it anyway?19:23
ali1234i didn't think there was that many terminal games... at least not ones you'd want to watch someone playing19:23
mungbeani wish i could change my steam id19:23
ali1234maybe nethack19:23
mungbeanbought it off some kids when i bought halflife19:23
ali1234you can change your display name19:24
mungbeanhe didn't have any other games so sold me his steamid19:24
mungbeanyeah, the login is a numpty one now19:24
ali1234i think i'm losing it... i just tried to turn the sound up because the video is too dark19:38
mungbeananyone seen the film "moon"? any good?19:45
shaunoI liked it19:45
quantumpantsevening all19:47
mungbean5 mins in so far19:50
mungbeanbit of a derivative of solaris20:08
mgdmlike illumos? :P20:17
mungbeanargh even the keyboard on the moon has windows key20:37
bigcalmdirecthex: ping20:38
mungbeangood filn ]]21:12
mungbeanshauno: i liked21:12
shaunonot bad is it.  just really slow if you're not expecting it21:13
ali1234**spoilers** don't you think doctor who totally ripped it off?21:13
mungbeanseemed like a mash of all slow space films21:15
mungbeanwhat hasn't doctor  who ripped off ;P21:16
ali1234pretty much nothing21:16
ali1234however, it wasn't a particularly good episode (well, double pisode)21:16
ali1234like there's borrowing, then there's blatantly stealing the idea and making a poor copy21:17
directhexbigcalm, ?21:18
bigcalmdirecthex: I was trying to get https://code.google.com/p/monobooth/ working, but I don't know if I have the energy any more21:19
ali1234what's the problem? mono stuff usually isn't that hard21:21
directhexlooks heavily windows-assumey21:23
ali1234it says it works on linux21:23
directhexe.g. the bundled windows opencv21:23
ali1234it looks like it needs a specific version of opencv tho, one that isn't in ubuntu21:24
directhexbundle of emgu cv for windows, i think21:29
ali1234it's available as a deb package21:32
ali1234from the project webpage21:32
bigcalmI've given up :)21:41
dutchieevening chaps21:42
bigcalmI either have to use a tablet or write something myself21:42
bigcalmHi dutchie21:42
dutchiehow's things?21:42
bigcalmHow you?21:43
dutchienot too bad21:43
ali1234what's the specific use case?21:43
ali1234are you actually trying to build a photobooth for use by the public?21:43
bigcalmali1234: photo booth for my wedding21:43
dutchielast week of work before i go on hols21:43
dutchiethen back to uni21:43
bigcalmStill at uni? Last year?21:44
dutchieyeah, 4 year course21:44
bigcalmtHANKS KITTY21:45
bigcalmThanks kitty21:45
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
* bigcalm gives in and cuddles the kitty21:48
ali1234ok it needs opencv mono bindings version which is not packaged22:02
ali1234not even upstream22:02
ali1234i give up22:02
directhexYou are now one out of 54,279 eligible beta candidates.22:04
daftykinsthat was 30k earlier when someone else did it22:04
ali1234well you still have slightly better than 0.5% chance22:05
directhexnot quite22:10
directhex270 random, 30 selected22:10
ali1234they might select you tho22:10
directhexi mailed gaben all my best nude pics, so i'm getting into the 3022:10
ali1234they should do, you know enough about it22:10
ali1234bigcalm: what about hacking this: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtmultimedia/multimediawidgets-declarative-camera.html22:11
directhexhere is a valve patent. http://www.google.com/patents/US2011010523122:16
ali1234is that a trackball22:20
ali1234if so, genius22:20
ali1234that's really cool22:21
ali1234just switch from joystick to mouse mode at any time22:21
popeySuperMatt: I asked about the btrfs bug you mentioned in #btrfs, magically it's now linked to the upstream bug where there's a patch. https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6213122:29
lubotu3bugzilla.kernel.org bug 62131 in btrfs "btrfs-convert fails" [Normal,New]22:29
diddledanpopey: well done chap23:03
daftykinshey guys, i just helped someone install a neat python script for uploading youtube videos23:06
daftykinshe wants to be able to have it automated so he can leave it do them, but i'm wondering the best way to do that23:06
daftykinsright now you specify all the user login + video option paramaters on the command line, naturally, but of course you'd want all those pre-set so you can leave a script upload all the parts to a video23:07
daftykinsis there anything better than just making up a script that calls each upload command one by one?23:07

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