
derevrick_h_: this library is nice and should make the code inside the android client simpler00:27
derevthe retrofit library00:27
derevmy nick has a typo00:27
derevthats meta00:27
=== derev is now known as derekv
gamerchick02hi rick_h_00:32
rick_h_derekv: so you saw the field typo then?00:32
* rick_h_ has been in/out so not sure if you saw it or not. If so, ignore me00:32
rick_h_howdy gamerchick0200:32
gamerchick02how's it going? i'm glad the room picks up after 8.00:34
gamerchick02i feel bad if i don't check in00:34
rick_h_all good, relaxing time here. Really not spent much time behind a computer so far00:34
gamerchick02(because i miss everyone)00:34
rick_h_so trying to get some idea of news/twitter in an hour hit00:34
gamerchick02all day in front of codep (which behaved itself today, i'm surprised)00:34
gamerchick02yay for nothing on TV i guess?00:38
derekvrick_h_: yea I saw it00:41
derekvinteresting that there's no error but i suppose it just becomes null00:42
gamerchick02book time. see everyone tomorrow. :)00:47
rick_h_derekv: cool00:50
rick_h_derekv: yea, I want to keep going on the cli sometime and try to get a python api library going. I think it'll be cool to have full on libraries and see about expanding the usefullness of things.00:51
rick_h_I like the idea of stealing the 'notes' idea from pinboard. A couple of times I've wanted to write up some note and keep it in bookie, indexed, with tags00:51
rick_h_could almost see doing something like a new todo system for cmaloney with tags/notes :P00:51
derekvi have this idea in the back of my mind about wiring up agents that watch my bookmarks on various services and copy stuff around00:52
derekvlike if i favorite something on pocket, it should make sure i have a bookmark in mozilla, chrome, bookie... and set a tag or somesuch00:53
rick_h_derekv: yea, delicious and pinboard will watch a twitter account for urls and auto bookmark. Thought about that.00:54
rick_h_oh well, hours in a day and all that. I'm out all. Hopefully check in from MD tomorrow night.00:55
derekvsupports debian03:42
derekv(based distros)03:43
cmaloneyYeah, JODee was playing it03:45
cmaloneyit's pretty involved03:45
derekvi don't have time for it.03:46
cmaloneyTry the demo at least03:47
derekvjust think if i did have time for it, it'd easily use up weekends if not weeks03:47
cmaloneyIt's pretty full featured03:47
derekvit already made me stay up too late03:48
derekvlooking at videos03:48
brouschUm, what? "You'll learn to program in a language that' s used in millions of smartphones, tablets, and PCs. You'll code along with the book, writing programs to solve real-world problems as you learn the fundamentals of programming using Python 3. "12:46
waf0 smartphones + 0 tablets + 1million PCs13:00
wafroughly speaking13:00
cmaloneyGood morning13:02
cmaloneyNow now, I downloaded brousch's "Say Anything" program on my phone13:03
cmaloneythat means there's Python on at least two phones. :)13:03
cmaloneyThree if I convince JoDee to download it on her phone13:03
brouschI need to get my Clever Drip Timer up there13:04
wafhaha, i gave myself some wiggle room via "roughly speaking" because I know brousch is all about kivy/android/python :)13:04
cmaloneyAlso Galco n started life as a Pygame project, so I'm not sure if the Android / iPhone versions are still Python based13:05
cmaloneySO, the answer is somewhere between 2 and millions. :)13:06
cmaloneyNeither of which I think is entirely accurate13:06
brouschAlso, it specifically says PYthon313:08
brouschSo my apps don't even count13:08
cmaloneyHuh? That's a huge stretch then13:09
brouschI reported it to O'Reilly problems13:11
cmaloneyThank you, Citizen13:12
brouschI almost fainted yesterday. We were evaluating a replacement for a big part of our business software (estimating, purchasing, stock, shipping) and they said they support Linux servers and OpenOffice/LibreOffice13:14
cmaloneyThat's cool13:57
brouschAh, so turns out they only support linux server for part of the server, and no openoffice14:02
brouschSalesman actually talked to technicians14:03
brouschAnd "support" is not the best term since they've never done it on a Linux server, but theoretically it is possible14:04
brouschQuite frankly the fact that the techs are even willing to think about it is more than I usually get14:06
cmaloneyYeah, I think the Linux stuff is getting some more play14:07
cmaloneyLilely because it costs less on EC2 to run a Linux instance14:08
cmaloneyvs. a Windows instance14:08
brouschThe companies producing this software should really be thinking about moving to SaaS14:08
cmaloney(not that I have any hard data either way)14:08
cmaloneybrousch: They likely are.14:08
brouschOften businesses comprable to where I work have no full-time IT guy, so they are caring for their own critical servers14:09
cmaloneyI'd be surprised if companies aren't seriously considering SaaS14:09
brouschMost of the ones I talk to are Windows-locked14:09
brouschAnd Office-locked14:10
cmaloneyand honestly Microsoft did the Linux community the best service by releasing Windows 8.14:11
cmaloneyIt was just different enough to make people change-resistant14:11
brouschI'm going to end up with a Windows server here in the next year14:11
cmaloneybrousch: That sucks14:11
brouschOur current software needs a Windows server for the next version, and all the others I talk to do also14:11
cmaloneyActive Directory?14:12
brouschSQL Server14:12
cmaloneyWouldn't Mono handle the dotnet piece?14:12
brouschYou can point and click your way across programming!14:12
cmaloneyAlso what were they using before?14:12
brouschDB files shared over samba14:13
brouschSo they're moving to "real" database14:13
cmaloneyAh, OK14:15
cmaloneyWell, can't fault them for that, though I question their technology direction14:15
cmaloneybut whatever14:15
wafoh hey, it's CHC early edition tonight21:46
rick_h_waf: oh, cool. Sorry, just got to campgroud at MD so been afk today22:20
wafi'm not blaming you :)22:21
brouschSo o'reilly is claiming the crippled Python script creator on iOS is what they referred to as running Python 3 on smartphones and tablets https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonEditors#Mobile_Device_Editors22:35
jcastrocmaloney: ping22:49
cmaloneyjcastro: Pong23:45
jrwreni hate python on ios, its terrible.23:46
jrwrenwould be nice to get a good version of it.23:46

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