
bdukGood morning all07:19
* Squirm shifts his fingers across07:20
Symmetriamorning 07:28
maiatodayhi lemonxah 07:46
superflymorning everyone!07:55
SymmetriaMTN in Kigali bounces up and down more than a whore on pay day07:59
Squirmlol Symmetria 08:28
Kilosmorning superfly and others08:46
Kiloshi lemonxah welcome to ubuntu-za08:46
Kilosare you an ubuntu user?08:47
lemonxahat work and home08:47
zerefanybody used puppet: http://puppetlabs.com/puppet/what-is-puppet08:48
Kiloshas anyone else greeted you yet?08:48
Kiloshi zeref 08:48
lemonxahgreeted me?08:48
lemonxahmaiatoday, did :)08:48
lemonxahbut she is obligated to08:49
zerefhi Kilos 08:49
Kilosoh hiya maiatoday 08:49
Kiloshehe why?08:49
lemonxahsits next to me ;P08:50
Kiloshow come you havent joined us before?08:51
lemonxahdidn't kow about the channel08:51
lemonxahdidn't do a /list on freenade08:51
lemonxahfreenode even08:51
lemonxahlong lists = !read08:52
Kilosthis is the friendlieast and most helpful ubuntu channel of them all08:52
Kilosaw its so easy to get here08:52
Kilosi also struggle with reading lotsa stuff08:52
Kilosshe most likely has you using a funny irc client too08:53
lemonxahi dont stuggle .. i just dont want to08:55
lemonxahwho maia?08:55
lemonxahnah i have always used xchat 08:55
Kilosyeah she loves weechat08:55
maiatodayhi Kilos09:11
Kiloshmm.. he ran outa space09:41
Symmetriaso, there was a fire in a server room here 10:10
Symmetriayou cannot believe how much soot equipment can suck into it 10:11
Symmetriain that environment10:11
Kilospcs love collection dust10:18
Symmetriakilos lol, forget pcs, try the fan trays in a router that are shoving 40km/hour worth of air through the thing10:24
Symmetriasucked in 3mm of thick black soot 10:24
Symmetriaheh I just spent the last hour trying to clean it and am now looking like a rwandan rather than a white south african because I've turned black ;p10:25
ThatGraemeGuyhi all10:52
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy wb12:00
Kilosbduk, hi waars jou vriend12:17
bdukHi kilos hy sukkel bietjie met die tegnologie die laaste tydjie12:39
Kilosgee hom n hammer en bytel12:40
bdukweet nie of hy weet wat om met daai tools te doen nie, hy kan dalk die tools breek12:41
bdukLekker aand almal. Huistoe tyd diekant.12:45
Vince-0What's this ZA-FREE AGM in the mail-list? Doesn't specify any details12:52
Kilosits a goup of guys that started that free internet think a few years back13:08
Kilosfree computers and free internet is their motto13:09
Kiloshe used to come on here back then too. now very scarce13:10
Kilosmethinks his nick is afrodeity13:11
Vince-0ah, I'd like to know more about the actual event. No point in RSVPing to it otherwise but I'll contact him directly.13:18
superflyVince-0: Beware DRL, he's a bit of a weirdo13:31
superflyyo ThatGraemeGuy, how's the new job?13:31
confluency"a bit" is an understatement.13:33
Kiloswe need weirdos to fight for free internet. powers that be dont listen to reason13:37
confluencyYou can be passionate and dedicated without being an irrational nutter.13:39
confluencyI'm not going to go on about the dude, but you have been warned.13:40
Kilosi wonder if he still uses ubuntu and rants about htings13:45
Kilosused to be quite funny at times13:45
Vince-0I like the nutters14:13
Vince-0he links to this http://hubspace.co.za/14:13
Vince-0but I check his profiles. It takes all kinds I guess14:13
Vince-0including you lot14:14
Kiloshi zeref nlsthzn 14:49
charl_good evening15:48
charl_Maaz: coffee on15:48
* Maaz puts the kettle on15:48
psyatwgoedenavond charl15:49
psyatweller god aften15:49
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_!15:52
charl_hi psyatw 15:52
charl_Maaz: thanks15:52
Maazcharl_: Okay :-)15:52
charl_psyatw: hoe gaat het15:53
psyatwcharl_, het gaat wel goed hier. en met jou?15:54
psyatwik doe nog steeds hetzelfde werk, maar ik heb me gisteren en vandaag ingeschreven voor wat coursera cursussen15:54
psyatwhi Kilos15:54
Kiloshi psyatw hows things there15:55
psyatwKilos, it´s going, only two more days of work this week15:55
psyatwand over there in za?15:55
Kilosgetting lekker warm now15:56
Kilosjust wish for rain15:56
psyatwso I should head over from pl to za soon?15:56
psyatwhaha, yeah15:56
psyatwit barely rains here during summer as well15:56
charl_psyatw: leuk joh, excuses voor de trage reactie, ik ben bezig met stamppot maken :P15:57
Kiloshere in the tvl it use to rain lots in summer but things have changed from 20 years ago15:57
Kiloswe now classed as a semi arid area15:57
Kiloshi charly15:58
charl_hi Kilos 15:58
psyatwcharl_, haha, ik weet wat je bedoelt, soms ben ik wel wat langer weg om eten klaar te maken :D15:58
Kilosthat looks better than charl_  with that tail15:58
Kiloshanging tail too15:58
psyatwhow come?15:58
psyatwis the climate changing?15:58
Kilosyeah its changed lot since i grew up here15:59
Kilosjust as hot and cold but rain very scarce now15:59
psyatwand you live right by the sea15:59
psyatwor maybe I´m mistaken16:00
Kilosnono im in the highveld in gauteng16:00
Kilosit still rains down on the coast, but this in the summer rainfall area where maize and peaches etc grow16:01
Kilosnatal coast is the home of bananas avocado pears and crayfish16:02
KilosMaaz, seen magespawn16:03
MaazKilos: magespawn was last seen 2 days, 20 hours, 12 minutes and 6 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2013-09-22 21:51:04 SAST], and has been offline on freenode since 2013-09-22 21:51:16 SAST16:03
Kilosi got another bug in pc and im sure its in bios. takes like 10 boots before bios sees my drives16:04
charl_ok back after eating two plates loaded with stamppot andijvie16:05
charl_and half a litre of griesmeel16:06
Kilossay that in english16:06
charl_Kilos: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stamppot16:06
charl_apparently griesmeel is semolina, didn't know that myself either until now16:07
charl_oh and andijvie is endive - learned another thing16:08
Kilossounds lekker16:09
charl_i like hutspot too http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hutspot16:09
charl_yes very good, especially since i add some pesto rosso too for extra flavour16:09
Kilosshow me again after the first. need to stretch last bit of data16:09
Kilosdo you like curry?16:10
charl_yes very much16:10
charl_especially if it is "kareraisu" (japanese curry rice)16:10
Kilosgoogle if you get Gold dish vegetable curry there16:10
Kilosits wonderful16:11
Kiloscan eat straight outa the tin16:11
charl_ah tin food :(16:11
charl_i make all my food fresh16:11
Kilosthis is worth it16:11
Kilosit be very kiff16:11
Kilosoh you make your own16:11
Kilosdo you get rajah curry powder there?16:12
charl_no but you can buy a lot of curries where i live from the indian togo16:12
Kilosmild and spicy16:12
charl_in the albert heijn (big chain store) i also buy cayenne pepper16:12
charl_sometimes you can also buy them fresh16:13
charl_i throw that on about everything16:13
Kilosyou dont have za shops?16:13
Kilosah you like hot16:13
charl_you get some really nice indian / thai microwave dishes there too16:13
charl_yes i eat _very_ hot16:13
Kilosi love indian foods16:13
Kilosdont you have za shops there16:14
Kilosaus has many16:14
charl_if an actual indian tells you you like it hot then you passed the test :P16:14
charl_eh, south african shops? in nl never heard of it16:14
charl_you get a lot of indian restaurants here too, but dutch people mostly go for turkish food16:15
psyatwthere is indian food here too, but not surinamese indian like at home16:15
charl_turkish food you can buy almost everywhere16:15
psyatwcharl_ knows what I´m talking about :P16:15
charl_yeah surinamese food is good food16:15
psyatwsome of the best influences came together in that country16:16
psyatwso the food culture is pretty unique16:16
Kiloscharl_, you are where?16:16
charl_yes we don't have that much good food of our own so we bring in everything from the other countries :D16:16
charl_yes east-netherlands16:16
charl_next to the german border16:16
Kilosso you dont get pronutro either?16:17
charl_no idea what that is16:18
charl_oh it's cereal16:18
charl_we do have cereals so there is probably something similar16:18
Kilosyeah wonderful. can be fed to anything. very healthy16:18
charl_hehe watching first episode of marvels agents of shield, what a load of nonsense16:28
charl_i could never get myself into this kind of thing16:29
Kiloshi Cantide 17:26
Cantidehello :)17:27
Cantidei may be in PTA again soon!17:27
Kiloswhat you coming up for?17:27
Cantidegot my visa issuance number17:28
Cantideso i need to get myself to the embassy to get my visa17:28
Cantidelooks like i will be off soon!17:29
Cantideit's all coming together17:29
Kilosbig schlep getting visas sorted17:29
Cantidewell, the hard work is done17:30
Cantidenow it's just getting everything together and going :)17:30
superflyCantide: which country?17:31
superflySouth Korea?17:31
Cantidegot my job sorted, visa almost sorted..17:31
Cantideafter getting the visa, i'll get my ticket and then be off :)17:31
Kilostake a lappy to class then we can question them17:32
Cantidethat might not be acceptable during class17:33
Cantidebut i can always bring a friend or two onto IRC if they visit my apartment17:34
Kilosohi cocooncrash hows things your end?18:03
Kiloshi psychicist 18:07
psychicisthi Kilos 18:07
Kiloscool lemonxah_ you here inna darktime too18:07
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:33

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