
ochosihas anyone else noticed that appfinder seems to open really slowly in 13.10?06:21
ochosi(i'm just wondering whether it has to do with some dev packages i use atm or whether it's a general 13.10 issue)06:22
olbihi guys07:28
ubottuUbuntu bug 1230123 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "software-center crashed after installing software" [Undecided,New]07:28
olbichanged package :P07:29
elfy"What could it be?" usc is rubbish? :)07:38
elfyUSC should be a link to synaptic :p07:39
elfysymlink ... 07:39
elfyolbi: there's a pretty good chance that it's a dupe 07:41
ali1234ochosi: what is appfinder?07:56
ochosiali1234: xfce4-appfinder can be used as an applauncher07:56
ochosian advanced xfrun407:56
ali1234it opens instantly for me when i run it from the terminal07:57
ochosi(in fact the functionality of xfrun4 was merged into appfinder)07:57
ochosim, ok, i was afraid it would be something in my installation07:57
ali1234that would make a nice start menu07:57
elfyare there problems with it?07:58
ochosielfy: it starts with a 8sec delay here07:58
elfyimmediate here07:58
ochosiali1234: yeah, there were plans for making that a start-menu07:59
ochosiali1234: actually whisker-menu does that job now07:59
ali1234never heard of that either07:59
ali1234i probably wouldn't use these things anyway07:59
ochosime neither, but it could be useful for the average user08:00
andrzejrali1234, a while ago I tried converting/extending appfinder into start menu08:45
andrzejrit failed because you (apparently) cannot have an embedded object in a menu08:46
andrzejrother solution would be to modify appfinder internals to popup a menu and communicate with a panel plugin via dbus - but that was a too big change to be accepted08:47
brainwashochosi: bug 104880509:05
ubottubug 1048805 in xfce4-appfinder (Ubuntu) "xfrun4 launches very slowly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104880509:05
ochosiright, that looks a bit like it09:07
ochosigot to check what exactly in the session changed09:07
brainwashkinda an old bug.. I did not expect it to be still around09:08
brainwashmaybe you have applied the workaround before, but it got reverted by upgrading to 13.1009:10
ochosino, never applied any workaround09:10
ochosithe workaround is only to modify the keyboard-shortcut and that wouldn't be touched on upgrading09:11
brainwashI'll test it on my test system later09:11
brainwashwas thinking about the .desktop file09:11
ochosiah, hm09:12
ochosiwell i'll apply that workaround now, because i really wanna use appfinder :)09:12
brainwashand it did work without delay in 13.04?09:13
ochosiyeah, iirc it even worked in 13.10 without a delay until shortly09:13
brainwashwow, that's odd09:14
brainwash_it opens instantly here09:20
brainwash_even without the workaround09:20
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
ochosithanks for checking brainwash 09:24
knomeochosi, was there a bug for the slow logout?09:32
ochosiyes, one sec09:32
brainwashbug 122721209:32
ubottubug 1227212 in upstart "Session logout takes too long" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122721209:32
knomefeel free to add anything you think is appropriate to that pad09:33
ochositoo slow09:33
ochosii guess i should file a bug against me now...09:33
brainwashstill no comment from the upstart author :/09:35
brainwashshould this one also get added to the list bug 1226509 ?09:38
ubottubug 1226509 in systemd (Ubuntu) "lightdm_get_can_restart returns false in Ubuntu Saucy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122650909:38
ochosiyeah, i'd say so09:38
ochosino reply from robert on that one yet09:38
brainwashbtw I added systemd to the list of affected packages, still wondering why the rules for reboot and shutdown differ09:39
knomewhat's the user-facing bug description on that?09:39
ochosino restart-option in the greeter09:41
ochosig2g, prolly bbl09:42
knomeelfy, i set up http://pad.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu1310Beta2Release, feel free to extend as you see fit :909:48
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knomeelfy, actually, i need to get out now, but see the pad; that should be a good start, and we can work on it together later11:38
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OvenWerksochosi: appfinder took two seconds the fist time and maybe 1/4 second the next few times13:07
elfyback - later than anticipated :|15:01
elfyknome: added some to the pad15:18
brainwashthe printer applet does not show up in the panel?15:18
brainwashsame for update notifier15:19
ochosithose two should end up in the indicator-plugin15:20
elfyhi brainwash ochosi 15:21
ochosihey elfy 15:21
brainwashhi elfy 15:21
brainwashochosi: so they should work?15:21
ochosidunno, i've disabled update-notifications and i don't have a printer to test...15:21
elfyis update notifier actaully working at all? 15:22
ochosibut yeah, in 13.04 they're shown as indicators15:22
ochosii'm not quite sure these have fallback-trayicons15:22
elfyI've not seen it at all 15:22
ochosiwell, that's fun then15:22
elfybut update manager stopped for ages as well - that's back lately, notifier is apparently running15:23
brainwashI needed to print some pages (first time since saucy upgrade) and the printer indicator didn't show up.. do I change the application and hit <print> again.. went to the printer and now I got to tons of printed pages15:23
ochosiwell that clearly sucks15:24
elfydefault icon set is darker? 15:24
elfyk - set it to that for the moment then15:25
brainwashpython /usr/share/system-config-printer/applet.py15:25
brainwashso it's likely that these indicators have been converted to gtk3 ones too, or?15:27
ochosino, afaik they didn't use separate indicator-plugins, but indicator-application-gtk215:28
ochosiit's possible that they broke support for the gtk2 version15:28
elfyso - update manager starts with available updates - nothing in indicator panel though15:30
elfyseem to have an odd 'indicator sized blank' at the end of the indicator panel 15:32
ochosidid you deactivate the notifications maybe?15:32
ochosican you click that blank?15:32
elfynot that I know off - I leave notifications on - use it for other things - though I have moved it 15:32
ochosiso wait, to sum this up: the only indicator that's still working with gtk2 is the network-manager?15:32
elfyno - not clickable - rather can right click and get ind panel menu15:33
elfyochosi: not sure - I've got the ones I did from git here15:33
elfyjust remembered that ... 15:33
ochosiso you're using gtk3?15:33
elfysorry - for the confusion15:34
ochosiwhat about you brainwash ?15:34
ochosigtk2 or gtk3?15:34
brainwashdefault saucy one15:34
ochosi(maybe the updates-notifications are generally broken, wouldn't surprise me this cycle)15:34
brainwashelfy: and the printer applet? also hidden?15:35
elfyno printer to check with15:35
brainwashprint to pdf15:35
brainwashvia cups15:35
elfyno applet - but this is gtk315:35
elfyI'll boot a vm from the b2 iso15:36
brainwashand saucy broke my preferred print size (or maybe I messed up at some point), A4 is cut of on top/bottom15:38
elfynothing showing there15:39
ochosibrainwash: it's probably set to US Letter15:40
brainwashmaybe I should also install gnome or unity15:48
brainwashbut actually, aren't you running unity in one of your various vms?15:51
brainwashthe testing guy :P15:52
elfyno - I did have one then got rid of it ;)15:52
ochosii'm always tempted to give gnome3 another shot for realz15:53
* ochosi hides15:53
brainwashyea, gnome 3.10 looks really promising15:53
elfyI can set one up easily enough15:53
elfydepends if this has been fixed or not :p "ubiquity needs to be updated for the new indicators"15:53
xnoxelfy: hm?15:54
brainwashisn't ubiquity the installer?15:54
elfyyea 15:54
elfyanyway - I'll download it and install it I guess15:54
ochosiwhat does that mean though?15:54
elfyno idea ochosi 15:54
ochosiubiquity doesn't really use the indicators afaik15:54
ochosixnox: ^ ?15:54
ali1234ubiquity is just the install wizard15:55
* xnox just asked elfy what is meant by "to be updated for the new indicators"?!15:55
elfytitle of a bug15:55
xnoxelfy: bug 1204290 ?15:56
ubottubug 1204290 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity needs to be updated for the new indicators" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120429015:56
xnoxnote the fix released.15:56
ali1234ah... does it put something into the indicator panel?15:57
elfybrainwash: ok - it's installing now 15:58
ali1234like a progress indicator or something?15:58
ali1234hmm it seems to have it's own indicator container15:59
brainwashthe initial question: why don't the update notifier and printer applet show up in the panel?16:00
ali1234because you have no printer configured and because xubuntu doesn't install update-notifier by default16:01
ali1234assuming you are on gtk3/indicator-ng16:01
ali1234there is no gtk2 version of printer indicator16:01
brainwashyes, that makes sense16:02
ali1234i'm not sure about update notifier actually16:02
ali1234it's installed here but it never shows up16:02
elfy"update-notifier is already the newest version"16:02
brainwashit should be installed by default16:03
ali1234it even says it is running16:03
elfy** (update-notifier:2724): WARNING **: already running?16:03
brainwashbecause of some dependency16:03
elfyochosi: between the mail indicator and the clementine icon http://imagebin.org/27189416:05
ali1234that looks like keyboard indicator16:22
brainwashis there already a website (or template) with the known issues in 13.1016:49
brainwashlike the missing message indicator in previous releases16:49
ochosinot sure, that kinda stuff usually goes into the release-notes16:54
ochosicurrently those are being compiled here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu1310Beta2Release16:57
ochosiquite the list of known issues already..16:57
ochosiand a few inconvenient ones, i may add16:57
brainwashthe pad webiste requires u1?17:03
elfyor at least the ubuntu one does17:04
Unit193(It's why I went for another one, kept logging me out. :P )17:05
elfybrainwash: so after all that hassle ... no print indicator that I Can see in ubuntu17:07
brainwashelfy: did you open the printer queue? I'm not sure what could trigger the applet, printing to pdf/.. does not count as print job17:08
elfywell I've got nothing to print to17:09
brainwashand which panel actually, gtk2/gtk3 or the unity one?17:10
elfyunity I suppose - it's 2 years since I looked at ubuntu17:10
brainwashah screw this, this indicator/applet mess is slowly driving me mad :D17:11
elfylooking at what ubuntu has is probably not the best method of retaining sanity17:12
elfyochosi: I added 6 of those bugs to the pad - knome only had 3 on it 17:14
ochosielfy: what are you implying?17:17
Unit193ISOs being rebuilt?  There was a new ubiquity upload, right?17:17
elfyochosi: not implying anything at all - just commenting is all :)17:18
ochosiah ok :)17:18
elfyI'd dragged all the bugs reported on b2 to a list here - there were 16 17:18
elfyI added the more common or ones I thought people should be aware of :)17:18
elfyUnit193: no idea 17:19
elfyprobably :p17:19
ochosiwell feel free to add all of them to the notes (imo), we can then decide what gets into the release-notes17:21
elfyjust doing it now actually :)17:22
elfyall done :)17:24
ochosihm, human-readable descriptions would be very nice though17:25
elfydude - I'm trying to cook dinner too :p17:26
ochosisure, no problem17:26
elfybowl of cornflakes at this rate lol 17:26
brainwashso after upgrading my launchpad account to a fancy u1 one, I get this here:17:45
brainwash"Authorization is required to access http://pad.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu1310Beta2Release"17:45
Unit193brainwash: Yep, you need to be added to the etherpad group, pleia2 has done that for people in the past.17:46
pleia2brainwash: what's your launchpad id?17:46
brainwashpleia2: great, thanks :)17:48
elfyas of by magic ... 17:54
elfyochosi: is that better :)17:59
ochosicool, thanks elfy 18:04
elfywelcome 18:12
Unit193Weren't we going to switch to xfce4-datetime-plugin at one point?18:36
Unit193[17:50:45] queuebot:#ubuntu-release: Builds: Xubuntu Desktop amd64 [Saucy Beta 2] has been updated (20130925.1)21:55
Unit193[17:50:49] queuebot:#ubuntu-release: Builds: Xubuntu Desktop i386 [Saucy Beta 2] has been updated (20130925.1)21:55
Unit193Was right! ;P21:55
bluesabreUnit193: I think we were using xfce4-datetime-plugin at one point, then went back to the other one23:50

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