
roastedI can't help but to wonder... wouldn't it be possible to intentionally derail Ubuntu GNOME from the regular Ubuntu release cycle?02:26
roastedas in, release Ubuntu GNOME 2 months after each Ubuntu release?02:26
roastedand therefore integrate the latest Gnome into UG?02:27
roastedaka - release Ubuntu GNOME 13.10 as 13.12 (december) with 3.10 natively02:27
roastedjust a thought/question/whynotatleastask02:27
manuelcuaHello everyone03:27
flo1546796hi everyone, anyone knows a way to setup virtualboard execution on textfield focus event ?07:18
flo1546796OR, is it exist a deamon/eventlistener that can catch it ?07:20
flo1546796(tool or script module)07:22
ochosirobert_ancell: do you have advice on what a lightdm-greeter should do in this case? (see last comment there): https://bugs.launchpad.net/lightdm/+bug/122650908:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1226509 in systemd (Ubuntu) "lightdm_get_can_restart returns false in Ubuntu Saucy" [Undecided,New]08:03
ochosirobert_ancell: (sorry for pinging you bout that, but we'd like to fix that before Saucy gets released)08:03
robert_ancellochosi, I think you should treat this as "no" but I'm not sure. If you are running a policykit agent you might be able to handle this?08:04
ochosirobert_ancell: hmm, well i guess the idea is that it's "no", but not allowing users to reboot while shutdown is allowed seems weird08:05
ochosinot sure i know enough about polkit (so far the greeter did everything through lightdm)08:05
robert_ancellochosi, agreed. I don't know enough about what the power management stack is doing though08:05
ochosirobert_ancell: any idea who i could talk to about that? or would you, if we don't get to a solution, recommend treating it as "yes" as a workaround in Saucy to allow users to reboot?08:06
robert_ancellochosi, you could ask on the systemd mailing list08:07
ochosirobert_ancell: ok, will do. thanks for taking a look!08:07
robert_ancellochosi, I just had a quick look at the systemd source (src/login/logind-dbus.c) and challenge is returned when policykit decides you need some additional authentication to perform the action08:09
robert_ancellso it must be due to the policykit configuration being too restrictive or something like that08:10
ochosirobert_ancell: yeah, i know, but it has different values for shutdown and reboot08:10
robert_ancellochosi, there must be different policy somewhere08:10
ochosirobert_ancell: yeah, but is that not what i suggested in my comment on the bugreport?08:11
* robert_ancell reads08:12
robert_ancellyes :)08:12
ochosii just don't get why power-off-multiple-sessions and reboot-multiple-sessions get different policy-settings08:12
ochosiso as they do, i'm 1) wondering "why?" and 2) shall i ignore/override that08:12
robert_ancellochosi, I'm surprised the "challenge" is returned to the d-bus caller. As I understood it normally policykit is called by the daemon that needs it and only success/failure is returned to the caller (after a long delay which user authentication occurs)08:13
robert_ancellso the caller has no idea if policykit is involved at all08:13
ochosithis seems to be new with logind...08:14
darkxstricotz, can I get whatever you have done so far towards mozjs24?08:14
robert_ancellochosi, yes, never seen it before08:16
* ochosi scratches head08:16
robert_ancellochosi, sorry for not having the time to respond on the bug08:17
ochosirobert_ancell: no problem, i understand you have other things at hand08:17
ochosirobert_ancell: i'm just wondering whether i just override that as unity-greeter allows users to reboot in the same scenario (but it seems indicator-session works in different ways)08:18
robert_ancellochosi, I think indicator-session accesses the interfaces directly (LightDM just provides them as a convenience)08:18
robert_ancellIt might be worth seeing if they access them differently08:18
ochosirobert_ancell: yeah, that's what i thought, but it should still get the same return-values i would think08:18
=== AbsintheSyringe2 is now known as AbsintheSyringe
manuelcuaHi everyone, I have a question12:59
manuelcuaIn the install process of the daily build, it doesn't connect to the wired Internet connection, if I put any other install ISO it works, how can I test what's wrong?13:00
manuelcuaI guess I'm going to send the question to the mailing list..13:01
roastedI think it's time to fire up 13.10 and upgrade to 3.10 and see what's up14:34
blueMixHow can i upgrade my Gnome 3.08 to 3.10 in Ubuntu Gnome?16:29
roastedyou have to be on Ubuntu GNOME 13.1016:30
roastedwhcih is not released yet. It's in beta.16:30
blueMixAha, i thought the Desktop environment is seperated16:30
roastedaccording to the devs, too much has cahnged in Gnome 3.10 to make the transition easy via PPA, so it's going to require Ubuntu GNOME 13.10 for that16:31
blueMixOk, thanks16:31
roastedThis isn't anything specific to Ubuntu. openSUSE informed me that they are not going to pull 3.10 in via a REPO/PPA system in openSUSE 12.3, but instead, will wait until openSUSE 13.1 to release it with Gnome 3.10.16:31
roastedin short, run a beta distro or you'll have to wait until it's officially released on the distro of choice.16:32
blueMixi prefer to wait16:32
blueMixi saw a video about Gnome 3.10 on YouTube, it has been much enhanced16:33
roastedyeah, it looks really nice16:33
blueMixare you using Ubuntu Gnome?16:34
roastednot at the moment, but I am looking to reinstall it.16:35
roastedI had a *lot* of problems with Nautilus16:35
blueMixthen what distro are you using now?16:35
roastedaround that time elementary OS came out so I checked it out and have been on it ever since.16:36
roastedI like eOS a lot but I have a few minor frustrations with it. Nothing major though, nothing at all like the Nautilus problem I had before on Ubuntu GNOME.16:36
roastedbut I'm hoping that's fixed, or else I'll install another file manager (Nemo perhaps) and be done with it.16:36
blueMixwhat kind of problems you have with natilus?16:36
roastedI work with file servers *a lot*16:37
roastedwhen transferring data, it would lock up, hard16:37
roastedit literally made nautilus unusable for my needs, 100%16:37
blueMixwork with file servers? am wondering how facebook storage big is? :)16:38
roastedfile servers at work and home16:38
roastedI'm talking like, transfer 200 MB of data and it would freeze16:38
roastedit was ridiculous16:38
roasteda dev told me it was really a GVFS bug that was fixed, but I couldn't find confirmation on *exactly* what version fixed it16:38
bjsniderno problems with file transfer here16:39
roastedof course, that's how it always works :P16:39
blueMixdo you use ext4 as your file system on file servers?16:39
roastedI do at home, yes. at work I'm not entirely sure what is on the array.16:39
roastedbut at work we have about 6 file servers, all act up with nautilus.16:39
roastedwired or wireless16:39
blueMixare working in a file sharing company?16:40
roastedin short, I concluded nautilus/gvfs/whatever was unusable at the time, so I moved on to things that worked, which was eOS and their default file manager Marlin16:40
roastedno, I work for a large public school district.16:40
bjsnidermarlin? hahaha16:40
blueMixeOS, let me YouTube it; the first time heard of it16:40
bjsniderwhat is it a fork of dolphin?16:41
roastedbjsnider: hey, ask me if Marlin worked. Then, ask me if Nautilus worked.16:41
roastednot sure16:41
roastedit's definitely GTK based16:41
roastedeOS is very GTK entrenched16:41
bjsniderwell dolphin is qt16:41
bjsnideri'm assuming they're related due to the naming scheme16:41
blueMixeOS, you mean elementary OS?16:41
roastedblueMix: JupiterBroadcasting did a nice spread on elementary OS Luna. It's very, very simplistic - even moreso than Gnome these days.16:42
bjsniderthe nautilus fork is called nemo, which is following a train of thought16:42
roastedyes blueMix16:42
roastedbjsnider: yeah, I might fire up Nemo once I get UbuGnome going again16:43
roastedwe'll see though16:43
roastedeither way it sounded like it was a GVFS bug, so it wouldn't be Nautilus specific I would think16:43
bjsnidernothing wrong with nautilus though, so forks aren't necessary16:43
roastedbut eOS is Ubuntu 12.04 based, so I can only imagine I'd be working off of a different version of GVFS16:43
roastedbjsnider: Nemo makes a truckload of sense given the recent neutering of Nautilus16:44
roastedI cannot stress that enough.16:44
blueMixwhere you mean with GVFS?16:44
roastedblueMix: GVFS is the gnome virtual file system, which is the middle man of handling file transfers. It's critical GVFS performs without flaw to make file transfers happen.16:44
bjsniderit's probably that he's transferring between smb or nfs file systems16:45
roastedI am16:45
blueMixdid you try KDE?16:46
roastedmany times16:46
roastedI liked dolphin actually16:47
blueMixwhy you didn't report the problem in GVFS to them?16:47
roastedKDE does not use GVFS16:47
roastedGVFS = Gnome virtual file system16:47
blueMixi know, i mean when using natilus16:47
roastedwhy would I report a GVFS issue to KDE when they do not use GVFS, nor Nautilus16:48
blueMixno, i mean when you're using natilus and have the bug in GVFS, KDE is out :)16:48
blueMixi know, i entangled my question :)16:49
roastedso if I want the best 3.10 experience currently available, do I need gnome3, staging, and next? or just gnome3 and next?16:55
bjsniderso many ppas16:56
roastedI know :/16:56
bjsnideryou probably need the upcoming fedora release, or wait for debian16:56
roastedwait for debian?16:56
roastedI'd like to try 3.10 before my 2 month old graduates college...16:57
bjsniderin contrast to ubuntu there are lots of guys working on debian packaging of gnome16:57
roastedso you're suggesting I should not use ubuntu gnome?16:57
bjsniderthey go slowly because they have a lot of rules to follow and whatnot17:00
roastedyeah, I get that17:02
roastedand I respect that17:02
roastedbut it's also the exact reason I won't use debian17:02
roastedanyway, back to the original question... which PPAs do I need for 13.10/3.10?17:02
mrpink462Good evening and firstly thanks for your great work!20:45
SonikkuAmericamrpink462: Who are you talking to, all of us?20:48
manuelcuaGood evening!21:22
manuelcuaI'm very surprised that Gnome 3.8 is very stable, in deed it needs some polish but I've been very happy with it21:24
SonikkuAmericaHave you tried 3.10 yet?21:25
manuelcuaYes, but only on test machine, so I haven't been able to stress it21:30
SonikkuAmericaAh. Haven't been able to get my hands on it yet, waiting for 13.10 to stabilize21:31
manuelcuaI have three machines, and two of them are for testing.. the main one is for programming so I need it to be stable21:31
SonikkuAmericaI'm a bleeding-edge proponent, primary OS on a machine that used to run Windows 8 (UEFI and all)21:33
manuelcuanice, did you have to change the bios to legacy?21:37
SonikkuAmericamanuelcua: Nope! Didn't have to change a thing, in fact. Worked directly with Secure Boot, do not pass GO, do not collect $200.21:39
manuelcuaDo you use Facebook chat with empathy?21:43
SonikkuAmericaI do. (Or try to... not one attempt with either Facebook or Jabber has worked since I installed any *buntu on this thing.)21:46
SonikkuAmericaIn fact, I'm using Empathy to chat with you right now over IRC.21:46
manuelcuaWhat did you use for that, I tried to find the account but I guess there's something else that needs to be installed21:47
manuelcuaBefore with Pidgin it woked out of the box..21:47
manuelcuaand facebook hahaha21:48
SonikkuAmericaIt still does, Pidgin. Xubuntu and Lubuntu come stock with it21:48
manuelcuaI think there's a xchat with gnome integration.. I'm going to try that.21:49
SonikkuAmericaIt's called xchat-gnome, and it's just XChat with a clunky wrapper.21:49
manuelcuaAhh.. meh..21:49
SonikkuAmericaIn Empathy, to connect to an IRC network, press F4, click the little + sign, and select IRC from the drop-down menu near the top of the dialog box.21:50
manuelcuaturns out it wasnt installed, I just installed it from atp21:51
manuelcuaNope could not get it to work on empathy22:08
SonikkuAmericamanuelcua: Hmmm....22:10
SonikkuAmericaSonikkuAmerica: Do you have telepathy-idle installed?22:10
manuelcualet me se22:11
manuelcuaYes I do22:12
SonikkuAmericamanuelcua: Good... account-plugin-irc ?22:13
manuelcuaTomorrow at night I will install 3.10 to see how it works on my machine22:14
manuelcuamost of the apps I use have to be downloaded anyways.. so I guess there's no harm22:14
SonikkuAmericamanuelcua: And it's not in the list of accounts from Empathy's menu (NOT Online Accounts)22:15
manuelcuaYes it is, it just shows blank after I click it with a Done button on the side nothing more, and it does nothing hahaha22:16
manuelcuaI removed it completely and installed it again and it didn't work..22:16
menelkirUpgrading to 13.10 via update-manager -d is sufficient to test and help debugging, right?23:04

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