
robert_ancellkgunn, kdub - anything holding up https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/mir/dev-branch-abi/+merge/187613?00:24
kdubrobert_ancell, yes, i think i should clear that fence before updating the packages00:24
robert_ancellkdub, ah, ok00:24
robert_ancellI was looking at landing https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/mir/socket-connection/+merge/18732600:25
robert_ancellsince Jenkins got confused00:25
kgunngood grief jenkins takes a long time to come around and merge it01:43
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robert_ancellRAOF, heya04:31
RAOFGood evening!04:31
didrockskgunn_: Mir FTBFS in i38606:33
didrocksrobert_ancell: hey, can you help with that?06:33
didrocks(as there is the ABI break, we are going to be in a state with everything being blocked)06:33
didrocksit passed on other archs…06:36
didrocksanyone on the Mir team? this is quite a blocker? ^06:56
didrocksalf_: ? ^06:56
alf_didrocks: already looking, setting up a i386 chroot to try out solutions06:57
didrocksalf_: any hope? ;)07:31
alf_didrocks: a build is in progress07:31
alf_didrocks: (I mean locally)07:32
didrocksalf_: I hope the build will fail in your env as well ;)07:32
didrocksalf_: keep us posted please07:32
alf_didrocks: sure07:32
robert_ancelldidrocks, alf_, back now. Any progress on the i386 build?07:52
alf_didrocks: robert_ancell: problem reproduced locally, investigating probable solutions07:52
robert_ancellalf_, awesome, thanks!07:52
* didrocks crosses fingers07:53
robert_ancelldidrocks, that passed in Jenkins right?07:53
didrocksrobert_ancell: I think jenkins build are amd64, it only fails on i38607:53
didrocksof course all -dev packages are blocked, so we have a huge pile of dominos failing (unity-mir, unity8…)07:53
robert_ancelldidrocks, :(07:57
robert_ancelldidrocks, it looks like we do an android build on i386 but not a normal build (https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/mir/development-branch/+merge/187640/comments/428486)07:57
didrocksrobert_ancell: that's the story on being on top? ;)07:57
robert_ancelldidrocks, the story?07:57
didrocksrobert_ancell: s/story/faith/ (being on top of all the dominos)07:57
robert_ancelldon't know that one07:58
didrocksrobert_ancell: indeed, only an android build on i386 in jenkins, weird07:58
didrocksrobert_ancell: I think upstream-merger should really use the distro builders, we won't end up in all that jazyness07:58
robert_ancelldidrocks, agreed07:59
robert_ancellalf_, do you have the proposed fix pushed somewhere?08:00
alf_robert_ancell: not yet, I am trying it out still08:00
robert_ancelldidrocks, yeah, virtual functions in C++ ABI are a pita :)08:02
didrocksoh yeah ;)08:03
alf_robert_ancell: didrocks: ok I have a reasonable fix, trying amd64 build to ensure nothing broke there. Will ping with MP url.08:10
didrocksalf_: excellent! thanks :)08:11
robert_ancellalf_, nice!08:11
robert_ancelldidrocks, you don't know any magic to make MPs land any faster do you :)08:11
alf_robert_ancell: I will push to development-branch and then lp:mir to not break our flow08:12
alf_robert_ancell: I mean the MP will be for development-branch08:12
didrocksrobert_ancell: I do know, it's called bzr push :p08:12
didrocksrobert_ancell: how long a MP is taking to hit trunk for Mir?08:12
didrocksin average08:13
robert_ancelldidrocks, 1hr or so08:14
didrocksalf_: why for development-branch? can we target trunk?08:14
robert_ancelldidrocks, I'm thinking this probably counts as a good case for just doing a push if it's holding things up and a fairly simple change08:14
didrocksah ok, you have a 2 stage thing08:14
robert_ancelldidrocks, we need it to land on both08:14
didrocksrobert_ancell: agreed08:14
didrocksas we will rebuild in daily just afterwards08:15
didrocksso i'm in favor as well as pushing to trunk08:15
robert_ancelldidrocks, yes08:15
robert_ancellalf_, we'll review the MP but just do the push manually08:15
alf_robert_ancell: np08:16
alf_robert_ancell: didrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~afrantzis/mir/fix-i386-build/+merge/18768108:20
robert_ancellalf_, some sort of merge conflict?08:20
alf_robert_ancell: didrocks: hmm something went wrong in the MP08:20
didrocksyeah, seeing conflicts as well08:20
didrocksalf_: also, if you take the same branch and show against trunk, are we fine?08:21
alf_robert_ancell: didrocks: let me repush cleanly... it's a one line change..08:21
didrocksalf_: I would prefer to see the diff against trunk itself08:21
alf_didrocks: trunk == development branch atm08:21
didrocksalf_: well, we are taking lp:mir for releasing08:22
didrocksalf_: I just want to ensure that we only have your changes in08:22
didrocksnothing else08:22
robert_ancellalf_, do two MPs please08:22
alf_robert_ancell: ok08:23
alf_robert_ancell: didrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~afrantzis/mir/fix-i386-build/+merge/18768208:27
alf_robert_ancell: didrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~afrantzis/mir/fix-i386-build/+merge/18768308:27
didrocksah good ;)08:27
didrocksalf_: robert_ancell: so, mind pushing the merge to trunk directly?08:27
didrocksthe other one can use the usual process I guess08:28
didrocks(trunk being for me lp:mir)08:28
robert_ancellalf_, They make sense to me so feel free to push directly08:28
alf_robert_ancell: didrocks: In that case I'd rather follow the usual process, push to development-branch, and merge that into lp:mir08:29
didrocksalf_: no, everything is blocked on lp:mir08:29
didrocksalf_: nothing can release anymore08:29
didrockshence we need to direct push to lp:mir08:29
robert_ancellalf_, I can push if you want me to take responsibility for it08:29
didrocksso that we can rebuild mir08:30
alf_didrocks: we still get the same effect,1. push to development-branch 2. Merge devel into lp:mir08:30
didrocksalf_: devel contains more08:30
didrocksthan lp:mir08:30
alf_didrocks: no08:31
didrocksand right now, we are blocked on having the code in lp:mir08:31
alf_didrocks: lp:mir == devel at the moment08:31
didrocksah, I'm not sure about your devel branch ;)08:31
didrockswhat I mean is that, we need to bzr push the fix to lp:mir now08:31
didrocksand then, I can rekick a build08:31
alf_didrocks: sure, there won't be a delay, let me do it08:32
robert_ancellalf_, oh, I see what you mean08:32
didrocksok, ping me please once done :)08:32
alf_robert_ancell: I guess we don't need to bump ABI right?08:35
robert_ancellalf_, no08:35
alf_didrocks: robert_ancell: pushed to both devel and lp:mir08:37
didrocksalf_: thanks \o/08:37
didrocksI'm relaunching the mir stack build08:37
robert_ancelldidrocks, how long does it take to rebuild?08:38
didrocksrobert_ancell: ~30 minutes for Mir08:39
robert_ancelldidrocks, rebuilt ok?09:09
alf_robert_ancell: did you have timer set for exactly 30 minutes? :)09:09
robert_ancellalf_, only my built-in timer :)09:09
didrocksrobert_ancell: still building09:11
didrocksrobert_ancell: Mir successfully built!09:26
didrocksthanks alf_ ;)09:26
robert_ancellalf_ to the rescue09:26
alf_didrocks: robert_ancell: np, yw09:26
robert_ancellbye all09:29
didrockshave a good night robert_ancell :)09:29
mlankhorstgot any complicated bugs for me to look at? :P10:28
alan_gmlankhorst: do you want to admire them or fix them?10:30
mlankhorstor at least find the cause10:37
alan_gmlankhorst: I don't think alf_ or RAOF got much further with the Mir-on-Mir problems with GBM you were helping with a week or so back. Fixing that would be great10:41
mlankhorsthm non-trivial though :P10:43
mlankhorstmeh lets just pretend in that case mir is not used to create the egl screen10:43
mlankhorstwhat could possibly break..10:43
alan_gyou want complicated and trivial?!10:44
mlankhorstalan_g: imo the mir backend should be killed from mesa, and mir should use the normal dri api. :P10:45
alan_gmlankhorst: That doesn't sound like it solves the use case, but maybe I've misunderstood you10:47
mlankhorstwell it would automatically fix nesting10:48
alan_gWe intend one system compositor that "owns" the hardware, and multiple session compositors that talk to it. And you mean to kill the system compositor?10:48
mlankhorstnot really10:48
mlankhorstbut it looks like we simply need something like done in platform_drm10:52
mlankhorstalan_g: in any case it probably makes more sense to prohibit nesting and only have 1 compositor :P10:54
mlankhorstbut knowing that won't happen, meh10:59
* alan_g would like to be able to run a development mir under a mir stack. (And some others want to run unity in a session compositor process)10:59
alan_gAnyway, you asked for something complicated. ;^)11:00
mlankhorstfine I'll see if I can suck up the information from gbm somehow11:01
mlankhorstmy life would be so much easier with client side allocation though11:01
alan_gI'm told that doesn't work so well on the android stack.11:03
mlankhorsthow do you want to nest, then?11:05
mlankhorston android11:05
alan_gThat already works - I turned my N4 into a hand-warmer my having 6 levels of mir nested.11:08
mlankhorstneed to go deeper11:09
mlankhorstalan_g: seems that for platform_drm (which you want to use in this case), wayland has something like         EGLBoolean eglBindWaylandDisplayWL(EGLDisplay dpy,11:14
mlankhorst                                           struct wl_display *display);11:14
mlankhorstan extension11:14
* alan_g is out of his depth11:15
mlankhorstI guess it's to handle nested too11:15
alan_gDoes that mean you can make it work?11:15
mlankhorstthere's the option of creating a EGL buffer from a wayland buffer too, afaict11:16
mlankhorsthm I'm not sure yet11:18
mlankhorstbad raof, using colour when the rest of the code uses color11:24
mlankhorstalan_g: hm looks like the fix is in the tree I was using though? "mir: Reuse the dri2 screen from the gbm device if available"11:28
mlankhorstalthough it still uses dup which is bad11:28
mlankhorstoh nm that was the good callsite :P11:28
sil2100Hi guys11:28
sil2100I seem to be having problems running any autopilot tests on mako with Mir running11:29
didrockskgunn_: ^11:29
mlankhorstit's done in a very hacky way, but it looks like it should work theoretically..11:30
sil2100The problem seems to be happening both when using phablet-test-run and when directly running autopilot by SSH11:30
sil2100Do I have to do anything differently than when using surfaceflinger?11:30
mlankhorstalf_: you managed to make that mesa stuff work right?11:33
davmor2sil2100: does the test script take any screenshots?  Other than that I don't think any should be different other the the wait time maybe,  windows can load slower on mir on maguro at least11:35
mlankhorstalan_g: from what I can tell alf_'s lp:~afrantzis/mir/spike-nested-gbm-egl-image-hack + https://github.com/afrantzis/mesa.git egl-platform-mir-egl-image-i965-experiment11:38
mlankhorstwould work nested11:38
sil2100davmor2: no, since I tried running many different test cases11:38
sil2100davmor2: none of them even start - the applications under test are not even starting11:39
alan_gmlankhorst: My understanding is that it doesn't, he talked to RAOF about it last week - but they didn't get time to figure it out.11:39
didrocksdavmor2: have you already try it?11:39
didrocksI confirm what sil2100 sees11:40
mlankhorstalan_g: meh I'll take a look then11:40
davmor2sil2100, didrocks: no worries just trying to rule out anything obvious with the tests before continuing to debug software itself,  those were the 2 obvious things that I could think of.11:41
mlankhorstalan_g: I see platform_drm pulling a bunch of stuff from gbm, which might be related11:43
mlankhorstactually seems more like it might be overriding a bunch of stuff in gbm11:49
alan_gSounds complicated11:50
mlankhorstwell they're intertwined11:50
mlankhorstso not really surprising11:51
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alf_mlankhorst: alan_g: I tried various approaches, including trying to imitate what platform_drm does (i.e. use the dri screen from the gbm device instead of creating a new one, plus duplicating the dri2 image from gbm buffer), but I couldn't get it to work. It is in RAOF's hands now, but I haven't heard any news about it lately.12:00
mlankhorstalf_: ok I'll poke it some more then12:03
mlankhorstwhat you have in your mir/mesa branch looks like it oculd work, though12:03
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mlankhorstalf_: what exactly is the failure mode? I just finished compiling now12:13
alf_mlankhorst: I don't remember exactly for what is in the branch right now :/12:16
mlankhorstsome hack to slurp the screen from gbm12:17
mlankhorsthm it's doing SOMETHING :P12:20
alf_mlankhorst: yeah, that's a wicked hack...  wanted to get something asap12:33
kgunn_didrocks, from scrollback, looks like mir landed ok, but now....autopilot seems busted ?12:34
didrockskgunn_: yeah, we let it throught as it doesn't block the main experience, but autopilot tests can't be run with Mir enabled on the phone12:34
didrockskgunn_: you can check with Saviq, he has the bug references12:34
kgunn_sil2100, did you confirm that if you remove /home/phablet/.display-mir that autopilot starts working as expected ?12:35
kgunn_on the same exact image that is12:35
didrockskgunn_: I did that and right, it's working on SF12:36
sil2100kgunn_: yep12:45
mlankhorstalf_: hm, I'm not getting any information about failure, just getting terrible fps on intel and garbage on radeon12:47
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Saviqkgunn_, yeah, ap is broken with mir currently: bug #1226234 and bug #122622712:58
ubot5bug 1226234 in Unity 8 "QT_LOAD_TESTABILITY=1 does not work for loading the testability driver under mir" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122623412:58
ubot5bug 1226227 in Mir "libmirserver parses arguments and fails if it's not something it understands" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122622712:58
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mlankhorstalf_: heh.. swrast :P13:20
alf_mlankhorst: swrast FTW, GPUs are overrated! :)13:21
mlankhorstthat explains the 1 fps i was getting at least13:22
mlankhorstno idea why it's USING swrast, but still..13:22
kgunn_sil2100, any other probs other than the AP tests on mir ??13:28
kgunn_sil2100, trying to parse rumor from reality :)13:28
kgunn_sil2100, some say you found "other issues"...i'd like to track those as bugs if we can13:29
sil2100kgunn_: there were some slowdowns happening when using it for a while, but not sure if that is a known issue13:29
sil2100kgunn_: like, if you open up some applications then close them, everything is moving slower and slower13:29
sil2100kgunn_: not tragically, just slower ;)13:29
kgunn_sil2100, mmm....ok....we definitely need a bug on that tho13:29
kgunn_sil2100, i'll test here and13:29
sil2100kgunn_: I'll fill it in too13:29
kgunn_then file13:29
sil2100Oh ok13:30
kgunn_sil2100, it should be pending image right ?13:30
sil2100kgunn_: I think all packages are in -proposed, not sure where the image is at13:30
sil2100kgunn_: btw. https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/123145213:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1231452 in Mir "Autopilot tests not working Mir-driven touch devices" [High,New]13:32
robotfuel_I am trying to run qmltestrunner on a phone with mir enabled and I am getting an error of http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6158739/, has anyone tried this?  it works when I run it on the phone with surface flinger13:56
robotfuel_greyback: ^?13:57
kgunnsil2100: so, how can  i flash what you guys are testing ? ....e.g. is there a url i can point at ?13:58
sil2100kgunn: what do you mean..?13:59
sil2100kgunn: I'm using the latest cdimage-system + mir from daily-build13:59
greybackrobotfuel_: that's failing as unity8 is rejecting the application, as it has no desktop file specified. If you append "--desktop_file_hint=/usr/share/applications/notes-app.desktop" it should work14:00
kgunnsil2100: ok14:00
kgunnsil2100: so the mir we pushed last night is all built in? ....or i have to installed packages from proposed?14:01
kgunnsil2100: sorry to pester...just trying to figure out which end is up14:01
sil2100kgunn: I think it's in -proposed now, so you can simply use daily-build PPA to get it as well14:01
mlankhorstalf_: hm I'm trying to understand thism but what is basically happening now is that I believe that window allocations are forwarded :P14:10
alf_mlankhorst: I am not sure what this means14:11
mlankhorstalf_: afaict, what would happen before is that when bo's were allocated through gbm they would be allocated from the current drm node14:12
racarrEast coast to west coast jet lag is great14:12
mlankhorstwhat happens now is that they are allocated the same way that they would as if they were allocated through egl..14:13
alan_ggreyback: I've started looking at the "clients hang when the server dies" scenario. You were going to provide a bit of info about handling it (a signal or call to save state IIRC). Anyway, the first slice is here: https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/mir/client-dies-without-server/+merge/18779714:19
mlankhorsthm afaict it should be identical, meh14:23
alan_gracarr: Are you OK with https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/mir/ainput-log-filtering/+merge/187466?14:24
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greybackalan_g: I will ask you to chat with ricmm about sending the "save state" signal to clients from Mir itself. He's wrote that code, so would know it better14:24
racarralan_g|tea: Let it land!14:28
mlankhorstalf_: hm btw it seems valgrind is complaining, in the cleanup do you uninitialize gbm before or after uninitializing egl? :P14:30
* mlankhorst is guessing before14:30
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alf_mlankhorst: I think that gbm is uninitialized after EGL.14:36
alan_gricmm: I'm looking at allowing mir clients to shutdown cleanly after the server dies. greyback tells me there's a mechanism to instruct them to save state and that you're the guy to tell me what's involved.14:40
ricmmalan_g: sending clients a LifecycleEvent that sets the state to mir_lifecycle_state_will_suspend should be enough to trigger it14:43
mlankhorstalf_: hm fun interactions between gbm and mir :/14:43
ricmmalan_g: we could add another field to the LifecycleEvent message to specify not a state transition (as these refer to the client) but a server-death signal14:44
ricmmserver/shell exiting signal14:44
alan_gricmm: not "exiting" but "gone" - this is from the client library when the server goes AWOL. ;)14:45
alan_gBut OK, a lifecycle callback seems a sensible14:46
alan_gs/a //14:46
ricmmok server gone is valid, we can clean up in the app and decide if we want it to quit itself14:46
ricmmis this to fix the fact that clients need to die before the server process dies completely?14:47
alan_gricmm: It might fix that as a side effect. Which bug is that?14:48
ricmmwell on the phone at least when the server segfaults or something, if clients are still connected then the server process blocks to die... even tho it segfaulted14:49
ricmmand it holds a frame in the FB too14:49
ricmmhave to manually kill client processes and once the last is gone, then the server process disappears and the fb is released14:49
racarrI think we should have server exiting and gone14:49
racarrin server exiting (normally), the correct case is almost certainly for the clients to just die as cleanly as possible14:50
racarrbut in server gone (abnormally)14:50
racarrthat probably means unity/mir crashed and is coming back so lets get ready to set things back up14:50
alan_gricmm: I'll have to try reproducing to understand why the server hangs after segfault. But that needs fixing server-side.14:52
mlankhorstalf_: hm, you get a fd from display_get_platform .. do you have to close that one when you call the function?14:53
mlankhorstor does it have to stay open14:53
mlankhorstand if you call it repeatedly do you get the same fd?14:54
robotfuel_greyback: qmltestrunner doesn't like --desktop_file_hint=/usr/share/applications/notes-app.desktop appended to it. I also tryed modifying a .desktop file to run the qmltestrunner without success.15:00
greybackrobotfuel_: ok, please log a bug and I'll investigate asap15:01
greybackrobotfuel_: the output of .cache/upstart/unity8.log would be useful for me15:01
robotfuel_greyback: ok15:01
alf_mlankhorst: you get the same fd each time, you shouldn't close it, it's closed when the mir connection is released15:02
robotfuel_greyback: I figured it out qmltestrunner needs to do -import --desktop_file_hint=/usr/share/applications/notes-app.desktop15:19
hikikobye everyone!15:19
greybackrobotfuel_: uhhh, weird. Perhaps a "qmltestrunner <blah> -- --desktop_file_hint=..." might work/be cleaner??15:19
robotfuel_greyback: no qmltestrunner needs -import to append the --desktop_file_hint15:29
greybackrobotfuel_: weird15:31
greybackbut if it works..15:31
mlankhorstalf_: hm, anyway my guess is that to the best of my knowledge things actually work, because they seem to be. but the nested server is messing something up so only garbage gets copied back15:43
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mlankhorstmaybe try without bypass?16:01
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davmor2kgunn_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6159306/  seems to think I don't have opengl 3.2 or higher installed from my gfx card so doesn't start.16:09
racarralan_g: The refactoring to socket-messenger-race ends up not being trivial because of ProtobufMessageProcessor::send_response(mir::protobuf::Surface* response)16:15
racarrwhich relies on being able to call send_fds, twice and send two messages for the client library16:15
racarrWondering if you have any ideas on how that should reshape...16:16
alan_gracarr: If it were trivial it would have happened before. 8^/16:17
kgunn_davmor2, so you're running closed source drivers with just X?16:17
davmor2kgunn_: xmir on intel16:18
alan_gracarr: I suspect we should pass in some sort of aggregate16:18
kgunn_davmor2, ? hmm...so, the intel driver is open source and it should be xserver-xorg-video-intel16:18
kdubone day i'll learn how to stop upstart16:18
kgunn_which should start up16:18
racarralan_g: Mm. I'm trying to figure out how to avoid overload explosion though...it seems nasty to have like16:19
kgunn_so...looks like your app is the one complaining16:19
davmor2kgunn_: once I've migrated all the apps I'll be trying it again without xmir, and then again on nvidia 31916:19
racarrsend (body) send body(fds), send body(fd aggregate)16:19
racarrerr...I dont know how to use parenthesis16:19
racarrbut the idea should be clear16:19
kgunn_davmor2, hmmm...weird...yeah, let me hear what you get from playing mix-and-match16:20
davmor2kgunn_: it might take a while about 790-ish apps left to migrate :)16:20
alan_gracarr: just send(body, {}), send(body, {fds}), send(body, {fds, more_fds})16:21
racarrmaybe just rely on the caller to produce the aggregate with {}16:21
alan_gsend(Body const&, initializer_list<vector<fd> const&> const&)16:23
racarralan_g: Why use std::initializer_list over vector<vector> ?16:27
racarrlooks the same to the caller16:27
alan_gracarr: and to the callee - but the initializer_list gets constructed anyway to initialize the vector.16:28
racarrMm, but why have the callee have to use the initializer list rather than just16:30
racarrimplicitly construct the vector at the call site?16:30
alan_gthe callee just does "for(auto const& fds : fd_list)" in both cases?16:31
racarrhmm yeah16:34
racarrbut isn't initializer_list kind of a misnomer then?16:34
racarrIf nothing is being initialized...16:34
racarrI have had continual issues trying to understand the nature of initializer_list, heh]16:35
alan_gracarr: using better_name = std::initializer_list16:37
alan_gracarr: Or typedef initializer_list<vector<fd> const&> better_name16:38
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alan_gJust because WG21 were thinking about initialization doesn't mean we are restricted in how to use what they built16:40
davmor2kgunn_: mir definitely has issues with Critter Cascade the app starts up fine but the entire screen flashes like crazy16:42
davmor2xmir even16:42
davmor2kgunn_: that is a free app, so should be available in a bit in software-center so you can try it for yourself, I don't know how much useful data you can get from it.16:45
kgunn_davmor2, ok16:45
davmor2kgunn_: critter cascade should be installable now16:56
racarrUpdated to a typedef :)16:58
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racarrFinal dentist appointment *success fist* be back after lunch17:10
racarriterated on socket-messenger-reporting and race17:11
racarrfocus-tell-dont-ask when I get back17:11
kgunn_join #ubuntu-touch18:05
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davmor2kgunn_: dale hardshovel hd has the same strobe light  effect as critter cascade so I'm wondering if all the unity-3d games will18:10
davmor2kgunn_: dare_up_wing suit is unity-3d too and has the strobe so I'm guessing so :(18:14
kgunn_davmor2, that's interesting....we run phoronix & glmark2...all the time, they never strobe18:17
kgunn_those are definitely gl18:17
kgunn_davmor2, is it the entire screen or just a window (if you can run windows18:18
davmor2kgunn_: 2 are already windowed and 1 is fullscreen18:19
kgunn_davmor2, for the windowed cases, is the flicker occuring fullscreen or just inside the window?18:20
davmor2kgunn_: Fullscreen18:20
davmor2kgunn_: darwinia has an odd glitch it's like 1 frame gets dropped, i.e. if it is meant to run 25 frames a second it's running 24 I'll share a video shortly19:01
racarrCould that be what alf just fixed?19:04
racarrAlso back :)19:04
davmor2kgunn_: http://ubuntuone.com/0pvNLyVZrb2VohlRflSbu319:09
kgunn_davmor2, thanks19:09
* kgunn_ gets popcorn ready19:09
davmor2kgunn_: it's not that long a video :)  you'll see it flicker twice though :)19:10
kgunn_good grief...download sooooo sloooowww19:15
davmor2kgunn_: I just got a video of the strobe effect too for you just waiting for it to land19:18
davmor2kgunn_: http://ubuntuone.com/0siU1JGmj5VkKEOu13MXKE that's the strobe effect from the unity-3d apps19:21
davmor2robotfuel: ^ by the way they might interest you too :)19:29
robotfueldavmor2: what videocard?19:29
davmor2robotfuel: intel19:29
robotfueldavmor2: do you have a bug with the xorg logs in it?19:31
davmor2robotfuel: Nope, but I'll try and throw one together before I knock off19:32
davmor2robotfuel, kgunn_: oh that's interesting I wonder if it is the hybrid that is playing up.  This box is an intel/nvidia box without the nvidia bit being enabled so just running on the intel part.  On a pure intel box I have there is no flash19:36
robotfueldavmor2: I've seen different results with different intel chips? are they the same type?19:37
davmor2robotfuel: I don't think so I'm grabing the info now19:37
davmor2robotfuel: flashy one is 3rd gen core processor graphics controller + Nvidia GK107M[Geforce GTX 660M], none flashy one is Core processor integrated grraphics card.  Both intel drivers are the i91519:42
robotfueldavmor2: I have a core processor with hybrid graphics I can try tomorrow in lexington19:43
robotfueldavmor2: can try a 3rd gen core processor now19:43
davmor2robotfuel: I'll write up a bug tomorrow I'll have a fairly fresh xorg then.19:46
robotfueldavmor2: ok, I'll email you if I can reproduce and write a bug before your morning19:47
davmor2robotfuel: okay cool I need to get off I didn't realise it was that late :D19:47
robotfueldavmor2: thanks for your help19:48
robotfuelkgunn_: is the ubuntu-unity-experimental-prevalidation ppa suppose to be working now?19:57
kgunn_robotfuel, i don't think so19:57
kgunn_i think its defunct19:57
robotfuelkgunn_: let me know when I should start testing it :)19:58
robotfuelor if there is a new proposed ppa I can run test on19:58
kgunn_robotfuel, actually what19:58
kgunn_is in trunk is effectively in archive19:59
robotfuelis there some proposed stuff before trunk that I can run tests on? so we find them before they land in trunk?19:59
robotfuelkgunn_: we have a few benchmarks failing after the new stuff landed in archive the other day.20:00
kgunn_robotfuel, ok...that's interesting20:00
kgunn_which ones?20:00
kgunn_and by fail do you mean...not running or perf drop ?20:01
robotfuel2 intel machines  have x freezing when I turn of a display.20:01
kgunn_robotfuel, oh yes...that is known... alf_ actuallyl has solutions, but simply hasn't proposed yet20:02
kgunn_kdub, racarr have either of you seen a black screen occur with latest mir ? e.g. unity8 getting killed and nothing displayed20:05
racarrno, but I havent run it today20:07
racarrand didnt update yesterday I dont think20:07
racarrgerrys DPMS changes landed and the DPMS API landed wonder if something went wrong20:07
kgunn_well, that's the other frustrating thing....this is all from a bunch of ppa's20:08
kgunn_still no image with it all in20:08
racarrkgunn_: You can reproduce it?20:08
kgunn_no was about to try...supposedly ogra hit it....but, still, with ppa's i get kind of suspicious20:09
kgunn_i'd prefer a nice imag20:09
ogra_what did i hit ? cna i help ?20:10
kgunn_ogra_, heard you were seeing black screen with mir...can you elaborate ?20:11
kgunn_sorry if its a repeat conversation20:11
kgunn_(is there a bug maybe ?)20:11
ogra_hmm, no, that was someone else20:11
kgunn_geeze i love the rumors :)20:11
kgunn_lool, ^20:11
ogra_i get a screen, but unusably slow on my maguro ... and the normal flickering one on my mako20:12
* ogra_ forgot who tested Mir today 20:12
kgunn_ogra_, ok, so you haven't tested latest mir where flickering is gone20:12
loolkgunn_: it was sil2100 as I mentioned20:12
loolin the paste20:12
ogra_ah, right20:12
kgunn_lool, oh my bad20:12
ogra_kgunn_, well, i only occasionally test whats in the image wrt Mir ...20:13
ogra_so no, not the very latest :)20:13
racarrOhhh..hmm perhaps pid_t client_pid in test_client_authorization needs to be volatile20:35
racarrin process shared memory20:35
racarrerr. interprocess20:35
racarrtbh I don't see why because the semaphore should be a memory barrier...20:39
kdubkgunn_, havent seen that20:39
sil2100What's up?20:43
racarrOff to buy tea! back in a flash20:46
kgunn_sil2100, we were wondering about the black screen rumor on the latest mir20:52
kgunn_how did you do it ? was it a fleeting issue ?20:52
kgunn_heisenbug ? :)20:52
sil2100kgunn_: the black screen issue was due to unity8 getting killed for unity8-autopilot tests and not being able to get started ;)20:54
kgunn_sil2100, ah...so related to the AP tests....20:55
kgunn_racarr, kdub is either of you wants to the see the latest Touch stew...its pretty good20:58
kgunn_apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-unity/daily-build20:58
kgunn_it has everyones staged stuff20:58
kgunn_+ ours20:58
kgunn_i gotta say the performance looks better than what i saw recently with mir...even with kdub's fix20:59
kgunn_osk is behaving better20:59
kdubgood to hear :)21:02
racarrkgunn_: Ill give it a try soon21:19
racarrrobert_ancell: Ping?21:19
robert_ancellracarr, hi21:20
racarrGot kind of drawn in to grocery store XD but back now. Should we do our 1-1?21:20
robert_ancellracarr, oh, sorry, I keep thinking it's at 10am my time, not 9am21:20
racarrrobert_ancell: Do you want to reschedule it?21:20
robert_ancellracarr, sure21:20
racarrok will move it to 10 on gcal21:20
racarrok I moved mine, but I guess you have to move yours seperate or something21:21
racarrnever quite understood rescheduling with gcal21:21
robert_ancellracarr, yeah, it still showed at 9 on mine, so I've moved it too21:36
racarrOh I got some logs from acceptance-tests gtest-repeat=1000 while21:39
racarrI was out and think I understand the ClientPidTestFixture intermittent failure now21:39
racarrits just the client which isn't able to connect quits too fast21:40
racarrleading to broken pipe21:40
racarroh but mir_connection_release is always sync now21:42
racarrmaybe we are calling waitpid after it has already died21:46
racarrand...then handling that properly :(21:46
racarrkgunn_: kdub: Just reflashed my phone to test ubuntu-unity daily PPA22:13
racarrand the kind of22:13
racarrslowness of sorts22:13
racarris present in SF too22:14
racarrNvm thats not true22:14
racarrI forgot that ~home was preserved and .display-mir exists now22:14
robotfuelkgunn_: I had bad wifi at the auto dealership, is there are proposed/prelease place for xmir I can do testing from?22:22
robotfuelkgunn_: my car had a recall22:22
kgunn_robotfuel, unfortunately no...22:23
kgunn_sorry about your car22:26
racarrkgunn_: PPA does feel much better22:29
racarrthe slowness I was seeing is gone actually now animations feel a little too touchy lol22:29
racarri hope gerrys dpms branch isnt here yet because if it is it isnt working22:30
racarroh I guess there are upower changes needed still22:30
racarrUp early, so basically done today22:57
racarrPaused working on some refactoring in unity-mir to make eliminating the concrete class usage easier22:58
racarrtrying to shrink the mir->unity-mir surface in the existing interface before doing further operations on it22:58
racarrWill be around for 30 minutes or so if anyone needs anything.22:58
robotfuelrobert_ancell: ping23:55
robotfuelrobert_ancell: I have this bug that needs triage https://bugs.launchpad.net/xmir/+bug/123163223:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1231632 in XMir "Setting DPMS mode for output to 0 causes screen to blink/flicker once" [Undecided,New]23:56
robert_ancellrobotfuel, hello23:56
deathcrawlerUbuntu touch is using Mir already on the daily builds?23:57

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