[06:22] Is there a chat room devoted to love pat links? [06:22] pat sajak? [06:33] Hm. [06:47] hi, can I get unbanned from #ubuntu-offtopic please [06:52] Calinou, you know why you were banned [06:52] yes [06:52] ok [06:52] I was banned 2 YEARS ago [06:52] please have a read of the guidelines if you would [06:52] !guidelines [06:52] The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [06:53] well, I read them [06:54] that was *very* fast [06:54] I already read them before [06:54] I know what I did wrong [06:54] try the code of conduct then [06:54] but I was mad when I did it <_< [06:54] !coc | Calinou [06:54] Calinou: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv [07:00] I read it [07:17] Calinou, there dont appear to be any -ot opers around at the moment, perhaps you could stop in later with your request [07:18] ok [14:13] FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1793 users, 6 overflows, 1799 limit)) [17:05] unbanned. [18:26] IdleOne: am I lagged out or something, or did it look like he said something before he rejoined the channel? [18:27] he said it after he rejoined [18:27] weird [18:27] oh no. he did say it before [18:28] that is weird [18:28] 10 seconds passed [18:29] Channel isn't +n [18:29] Unit193: yes, Ijust noticed that [18:33] fixedf [19:13] Hey guys my name is John N How yall doing? [19:16] PottyTheShitter: Knock it off, please. [19:17] what did i do? [19:18] !staff [19:18] Hey christel, Corey, Dave2, Gary, Myrtti, Pricey, VorTechS, jayne, marienz, niko, nhandler, tomaw, ldunn, I could use a bit of your time :) [19:18] noooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [19:26] don't use chrome , use platinum <----- Lars? [19:30] bazhang: ubuntusucks> just joking, ubuntu is so brilliant that everything is running perfectly ;)+ [19:30] Still no doubt about trolling though [19:31] DJones, yep, nice call === mrmist is now known as mist [19:45] can I get unbanned of #ubuntu-offtopic please [19:45] You are unbanned. Play nice. [19:46] thanks [20:10] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from Griff|) [21:07] Hi, unidentified cprofitt. [22:55] we should put #bash into the !bash factoid [22:56] agreed [22:56] I'll do it later. [23:12] we should make a !procrastination factoid [23:12] i'll do it later. [23:28] We should make a !typo factoid [23:28] I'll do it alter. [23:58] ikonia: I wonder if thats the same guy from yesterday that was using mint [23:58] usr_ [23:59] Pici: what makes you think that (I'm not aware of yesterday)