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pitti | Good morning | 05:29 |
pitti | thomi: what's up? | 05:29 |
thomi | hi pitti | 05:29 |
thomi | pitti: ummm, I think I got someone else to answer my question | 05:30 |
thomi | what's up with you pitti anyway? | 05:31 |
pitti | thomi: how do you mean? | 05:32 |
DanChapman | morning all | 05:32 |
thomi | dunno, was hoping you'd distract me with exciting takes from mainland europe :) | 05:32 |
pitti | thomi: me being back in the one and only timezone? :-) | 05:32 |
thomi | hi DanChapman | 05:32 |
jibel | Good morning | 05:32 |
thomi | pitti: exactly | 05:33 |
DanChapman | hey thomi | 05:33 |
pitti | bonjour jibel, comment vas-tu ? | 05:33 |
thomi | hey jibel, do you know how to un-stick the daily-release jobs? | 05:33 |
thomi | last time I looked, some job had been going for like 6 hours or so, blocking everything else | 05:34 |
jibel | pitti, ça va bien et toi? | 05:35 |
jibel | a bit less fine since thomi asked a question about daily release | 05:35 |
jibel | :) | 05:35 |
jibel | thomi, which job ? | 05:35 |
jibel | thomi, good evening | 05:35 |
pitti | jibel: hah | 05:35 |
thomi | jibel: ummm, will have to find it again - actually, don't worry about it. I'm about to EOD, and I'm sure the european CI crew will find it | 05:36 |
pitti | jibel: je vais bien, mais après le premier Taekwondo hier j'ai les muscles endoloris :) | 05:37 |
jibel | thomi, okay, it was just to make sure I'm in a bad mood to start my day ;) | 05:44 |
thomi | jibel: sorry | 05:45 |
DanChapman | thomi, if I want to patch an environment var in an autopilot test. Do I just set the LC_ALL environment var? something like .patch_environment("LC_ALL", "zh_CN.utf8") and would this cause the x11 keyboard input to change? | 07:09 |
DanChapman | sorry set locale environment var | 07:09 |
thomi | DanChapman: yeah, using 'self.patch_environment' will affect just that one test, and only processes that are spawned after you make that call | 07:10 |
DanChapman | thomi, awesome cheers. :-) | 07:11 |
thomi | yw | 07:11 |
jibel | pitti, autopkgtest 2.3.5 didn't fix the timeout issue with firefox and bluez. I think it must kill process tree not only 'tee's. I'm testing something but FF takes a while to run. | 07:52 |
pitti | jibel: you can specify --timeout-test=20 or so to make it fail quickly | 08:00 |
pitti | jibel: but weird, in the ps tree that you had yesterday it was the stdout/err tee child which hung | 08:00 |
pitti | jibel: is that VM still running somewhere where I could have a look? | 08:00 |
jibel | pitti, it is running on wazn | 08:02 |
jibel | pitti, $(ps a -ocmd|grep ^ssh) should connect you to the vm | 08:02 |
jibel | pitti, you can restart adt-run in the vm if you wish | 08:03 |
pitti | jibel: I'm in, looking | 08:03 |
pitti | jibel: there's also the "tee" program from this Errplumb thing (which I don't really understand yet) | 08:04 |
pitti | so it seems right now all processes are still running, the topmost adt-run doesn't want to die yet | 08:04 |
pitti | jibel: but that only started about an hour ago, so it shouldn't time out yet? | 08:05 |
pitti | jibel: what's confusing is that there are two adt-runs, one from 06:59, the other from 07:39 | 08:05 |
pitti | jibel: looks like it still has some trouble with the session manager? | 08:10 |
pitti |,label=adt/164/console | 08:11 |
pitti | that still seems to be right in the middle of tests | 08:11 |
pitti | jibel: I'm tailing the log files, there's still some actual progress there | 08:19 |
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jibel | pitti, it should hang at the end of the browser test | 08:21 |
pitti | jibel: ok, so let's check in about 3 hours when the timeout is due? | 08:21 |
jibel | pitti, yes | 08:21 |
slickymaster | morning all | 08:59 |
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jibel | pitti, FYI firefox test is stuck on wazn | 10:11 |
pitti | jibel: hm, did you kill it? | 10:12 |
pitti | jibel: just logged into wazn, there's no kvm running | 10:12 |
pitti | ah, jenkins still thinks it's running on,label=adt/164/ | 10:13 |
jibel | pitti, no I didn't touched it | 10:13 |
jibel | pitti, it is a manual run not visible on jenkins | 10:13 |
pitti | jibel: nevermind, silly me | 10:13 |
jibel | ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o CheckHostIP=no -i /home/auto-package-testing/cache/disks/adtkey -p 54326 -l ubuntu localhost | 10:13 |
pitti | jibel: yes, I see it; forgot the "a" in ps, sorry | 10:13 |
jibel | np :) | 10:13 |
pitti | adt-run1: testbed executing test finished with exit status 0 | 10:17 |
pitti | hm, that's the last line | 10:17 |
pitti | jibel: did you start this from a shell? I guess it didn't show any kind of exception or something? | 10:18 |
jibel | pitti, this is the output on the terminal http://paste.ubuntu.com/6158145/ | 10:19 |
jibel | there is an exception but for firefox's runner | 10:19 |
jibel | it shouldn't interfere with adt-run itself, just fail the test IMO | 10:20 |
jibel | the test ended actually INFO | runtests.py | Running tests: end. | 10:20 |
pitti | ok, so that seems to reflect the log file | 10:22 |
pitti | so it seems it didn't actually bomb out | 10:22 |
pitti | jibel: does your command continue to run now? | 10:36 |
pitti | jibel: I killed the hanging tee for stdout which was stuck on a read() call | 10:37 |
pitti | jibel: I have an idea what happened there, will try to reproduce in a test | 10:37 |
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pitti | jibel: but either way, I know how to make this more robust so that it never hangs | 10:37 |
pitti | jibel: ok, should be fixed now; fixing a build failure on lucid/precise/wheezy, then uploading .6 | 10:50 |
pitti | jibel: 2.3.6 uploaded | 11:16 |
davmor2 | Morning all | 11:20 |
jibel | pitti, sorry, lunch time. The command continues | 11:20 |
jibel | pitti, thanks, I'll retry with 2.3.6 when it is in Ubuntu | 11:20 |
pitti | jibel: dejeuner> ici aussi maintenant :) | 11:21 |
infinity | Oh hey, I'm in this channel. Look at that. | 12:04 |
infinity | So, is anyone testing the current lubuntu images? | 12:04 |
smartboyhw | <phillw> I've noticed.... and tests are being run. | 12:07 |
smartboyhw | inara, ^ | 12:09 |
smartboyhw | Oops | 12:09 |
smartboyhw | infinity, ^ | 12:09 |
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balloons | jibel, coming mate? | 14:02 |
elopio | hello! | 14:05 |
balloons | howdy elopio :-) | 14:09 |
balloons | jibel, DanChapman http://pad.ubuntu.com/k6nvveLDHX | 15:14 |
balloons | please add anything I missed, etc | 15:14 |
jibel | pitti, I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/6159102/ after running apport-cli on a phone and asking it to retrace any idea what I did wrong? | 15:14 |
balloons | elopio, how's https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/uitk_base_class/+merge/187313 coming? | 15:18 |
jibel | balloons, thanks | 15:21 |
balloons | can someone who is running saucy cofirm something for me? if you ctl+alt+numpad 7 does your window snap to the upper left? And if so, does pressing it again scale it smaller in the upper left? | 15:28 |
balloons | weird, the grid cycle settings got reset.. | 15:30 |
davmor2 | elopio: Morning good sir | 15:43 |
pitti | jibel: not immediately; what's the command line? Do you use -S system ? | 15:54 |
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cgoldberg | mhall119, hey... for getting documentation into developer.ubuntu.com/api .... do you have a generic html importer? or do I need to write a special one for autopilot like import-autopilot.py ? I'm tweaking the Autopilot docs and want to try importing them "as-is"... importer just needs to strip the html <head> | 16:50 |
mhall119 | cgoldberg: you'd need to write an import-autopilot.py, but if there's not much work to do on the content it can probably follow import-juju.py pretty closely | 16:51 |
cgoldberg | mhall119, ok.. will do. | 16:52 |
cgoldberg | mhall119, so how does the deploy process work once the command is implemented? basically how does the import-autopilot get called, and where would docs need to reside? | 16:52 |
mhall119 | cgoldberg: we haven't finalized that yet | 16:53 |
mhall119 | currently I branch and build on my laptop, then scp the generated docs to our staging canonistack server, then run the django manage.py commands to import them | 16:54 |
cgoldberg | mhall119, so I should run a local version of ubuntu-api-website to view the generated docs? | 17:00 |
cgoldberg | for testing/tweaking | 17:00 |
mhall119 | cgoldberg: that's the easiest yeah | 17:01 |
mhall119 | setting up a dev instance is simple, just plain virtualenv and django runserver | 17:01 |
mhall119 | everything you need should be in the README | 17:01 |
cgoldberg | mhall119, great.. thanks | 17:02 |
DanChapman | balloons, jibel i'm just trying to test all the languages are unicode but the type being returned is <class 'autopilot.introspection.dbus.String'>. Not sure what to do with it | 17:39 |
balloons | DanChapman, what properties does it have? | 17:43 |
DanChapman | balloons: i'll just check | 17:49 |
DanChapman | balloons: it is already a property its the GtkTextCellAccessible.accessible_name. | 17:53 |
DanChapman | which in effect a GtkLabel.label value, as ATK uses the label value if a parent widget has a GtkLabel as a child | 17:55 |
balloons | DanChapman, so heh, sorry I was kneedeep in my own autopilot fun. So are you ok, or stuck? | 18:54 |
DanChapman | balloons: more confused at the moment. See if I get a GtkTextCellAccessible.accessible_name property and then do .encode('UTF-8') for some weird reason i get <type str>, so then i suppose i can just stick u'' in front of them all. But this feels a bit wrong | 18:58 |
balloons | I really dislike unicode and python | 18:58 |
balloons | I've given up trying to get it right | 18:59 |
balloons | DanChapman, I've got stuck on similar things.. autopilot is moving to python 3 which should be the magic pixie dust we want ;-) | 18:59 |
DanChapman | so if I stick 'u' in front of each str and then just do an IsInstance on it to test its unicode would that be enough for now? | 19:01 |
DanChapman | i've read unicode is supposidly alot easier with py3 | 19:02 |
DanChapman | :-) | 19:02 |
DanChapman | scrap that it don't work lol | 19:05 |
balloons | DanChapman, sadly I'm not pythonic enough to help.. thomi will be around shortly and he is a king of python.. I'm sure he'll have a proper answer | 19:06 |
cgoldberg | balloons, if you haven't seen this presentation, it's very helpful: http://nedbatchelder.com/text/unipain.html | 19:11 |
DanChapman | balloons: I've got to shoot now, i will try and grab him in the morning. | 19:12 |
balloons | DanChapman, bookmark cgoldberg 's link too.. looks useful | 19:12 |
* DanChapman has bookmarked | 19:12 | |
balloons | DanChapman, umm as far as timing, hmm.. | 19:13 |
balloons | thomi is in NZ, so :-) | 19:13 |
balloons | that's a hard one for UK'ers | 19:13 |
DanChapman | its not so difficult with a two year old ;-) 5 am is the norm for me | 19:13 |
balloons | haha! alrighty then | 19:14 |
DanChapman | anyway catch you all tomorrow. Night folks | 19:14 |
balloons | night DanChapman ! | 19:14 |
balloons | letozaf, how are you? | 19:53 |
letozaf | balloons, hello | 19:54 |
letozaf | balloons, I'm quite fine and you ? | 19:55 |
balloons | hungry.. :-) hah! Just looking through some of the unconverted autopilot apps | 19:55 |
balloons | You up to try another conversion and test writing? | 19:55 |
letozaf | balloons, I got stuck a couple of times, once with sudoku app integrating emulator I'm doing something wrong, can't figure out what :( , then the rssreader app, the next button adding a feed has dissapeared | 19:58 |
balloons | letozaf, yes, I'm trying the sudoku app now because I've been trying to add click support for it, so, I'll cover that one :-) | 19:59 |
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letozaf | balloons, ok | 19:59 |
balloons | the rssreader has a known bug, as you said, so it's good for now. However, the doc viewer devs just said 2 tests are unblocked | 19:59 |
balloons | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-docviewer-app/+bug/1188373 | 20:00 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1188373 in Ubuntu Document Viewer App "Autopilot Testcase Needed: Test opening a PDF file" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 20:00 |
balloons | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-docviewer-app/+bug/1188762 | 20:00 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1188762 in Ubuntu Document Viewer App "Autopilot Testcase Needed: Test PDF file meta-data" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 20:00 |
letozaf | balloons, ok I will try this one then | 20:00 |
balloons | I noticed the tests also need converted to the sdk.. I've not looked further, but ;-) | 20:00 |
balloons | it can only be exciting right? | 20:00 |
letozaf | balloons, sure :p | 20:02 |
thomi | morning | 20:12 |
balloons | morning thomi | 20:25 |
thomi | hey balloons, what's up? | 20:25 |
balloons | not much any longer.. updating some old autopilot tests and playing with click.. poor DanChapman was being roughed up by unicode.. I told him I would have to defer as unicode and python is lost on me | 20:26 |
thomi | balloons: unicode and python is a PITA in python2, but much much easier in python3 | 20:47 |
balloons | thomi, yea, that's pretty much what I shared. python3 is magic pixie dust and autopilot is migrating to it | 20:49 |
thomi | balloons: s/is migrating/has migrated/ | 20:49 |
balloons | well, we need to just use 1.4 | 20:50 |
thomi | balloons: I mean, you still need to think about what you're doing, it doesn't remove that obstacle | 20:50 |
balloons | new answer right :-) | 20:50 |
thomi | ooh, which reminds me.... | 20:50 |
* thomi files a bug | 20:50 | |
thomi | before I forget | 20:50 |
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phillw | Hi, did beta-2 go out yet? | 21:37 |
knome | no | 21:38 |
phillw | okies, thanks, was worried I'd un-subscribed from too many mailing lists! Catch you all later :) | 21:39 |
thomi | veebers: could you please review this for me? https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/autopilot/trunk-add-wait_select_single/+merge/187937 | 22:13 |
veebers | thomi: sure, I'll do that now | 22:14 |
veebers | thomi: all the 1.4 autopilot bits live in ppa:autopilot/experimental right? | 22:15 |
thomi | veebers: for now, yes | 22:15 |
veebers | cool, thanks | 22:15 |
veebers | thomi: Initial thought is the timeout should be mentioned in the intial docstring sentence lines: 48-51. I.e. . . . until a valid object is found or the timeout is reached | 22:17 |
thomi | veebers: ok, will fix that now | 22:18 |
veebers | thomi: also in the docstring of that method, it states the param type_name, but not what's expected in **kwargs | 22:19 |
thomi | veebers: that's probably because **kwargs is free-form. I wanted to avoid copying the entire docstring from select_single | 22:20 |
thomi | but I'll copy that part as well | 22:20 |
thomi | ugh, fuck it, I'll rewrite the whole thing | 22:20 |
veebers | fair enough, just found it odd that one param is documented but not the second. Perhaps just a one-liner stating "**kwargs is the same as select_single or something | 22:20 |
thomi | veebers: docstring updated | 22:27 |
thomi | and pushed | 22:27 |
veebers | thomi: awesome | 22:27 |
thomi | veebers: just saw another issue, don't approve yet | 22:32 |
veebers | thomi: ack | 22:32 |
thomi | veebers: ok, pushed revision 341 | 22:33 |
thomi | veebers: erp, spotted another issue :-/ | 22:36 |
veebers | thomi: heh, I'm just waiting for dist-upgrade so I can run tests | 22:36 |
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veebers | thomi: I thought it was :py:meth: not :py:met:? | 22:37 |
thomi | veebers: exactly :) | 22:37 |
veebers | ah, I see :-) | 22:37 |
thomi | veebers: ok, fix pushed | 22:38 |
thomi | veebers: in this MP, those docstrings aren't actually parsed, but I'm preparing a second MP that does parse those... | 22:38 |
veebers | ok sweet, I've gotten into the habit of writing docstring in that method regardless if they're parsed or not :-\ | 22:39 |
thomi | well, the autopilot docs need some attention | 22:39 |
thomi | ideally we'd parse everything, and make the navigation a bit better | 22:40 |
thomi | veebers: second MP is here: https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/autopilot/trunk-fix-docs/+merge/187951 | 22:57 |
thomi | veebers: any progress with those MPs? | 23:17 |
veebers | thomi: Just finished running the tests for the first one | 23:18 |
veebers | approved | 23:18 |
veebers | looking at the 2nd now | 23:18 |
thomi | heh, I wonder if I can produce MPs faster than you can review them? | 23:19 |
thomi | maybe if I stopped reading the 'nets :) | 23:19 |
veebers | thomi: line 116, why is it ``QPushButton`` and not "QPushButton"? | 23:21 |
thomi | veebers: because... that's how sphinx works? | 23:22 |
thomi | ``foo`` makes it a keyword | 23:22 |
thomi | and is rendered as monospace font etc | 23:22 |
veebers | thomi: ah ok I see | 23:22 |
thomi | I tend to use it for class names etc | 23:22 |
veebers | thomi: sweet. Approved | 23:23 |
thomi | thanks | 23:23 |
thomi | will have another one for you soon | 23:23 |
veebers | nw, sweet | 23:25 |
thomi | veebers: another MP for you: https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/autopilot/trunk-support-point3d/+merge/187954 | 23:36 |
* veebers looks | 23:39 |
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