
Omnifrog_3D printers are the future http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2013/09/hugbots-tiny-cars-and-3d-printed-almost-clothes-at-maker-faire/#image-2000:44
Juzzyhaha nice00:50
Omnifrogooh, yes. very nice01:29
Juzzywell shit01:31
Juzzyso i had a hdd fail in my raid 501:31
Juzzytook it down to replace it01:31
Juzzyand i guess i booted it with another drive unplugged01:32
Juzzyso it turned it back off, rewiggled the shit01:32
Juzzybooted up with all 4 drives01:32
Juzzyand now i cant get the 3 good drives online to rebuild the 4th01:32
Juzzyit thinks the one i guess i bumped the power to is a spare01:32
Omnifrogsounds like fun01:41
* cyberanger wonders what the first 3d gun will look like01:43
cyberangerI mean, besides the saturday night special that already came & went01:43
OmnifrogGnome is removing middle click copy buffer01:53
cyberangermakes no sense02:04
wrstcyberanger: because they needed a feature to remove02:08
* cyberanger repeats his previous statement02:11
wrstwell they didn't rock enough people off when they removed terminal transparency with an update. not a new release but an update02:15
wrsttick off02:15
wrstnot rock02:15
wrstsilly phone gets me again02:15
OmnifrogI've never cared for Gnome and this is just another example of why02:16
Omnifrogthey are tards02:16
wrstit was my go to but it is starting to get stupid02:17
Unit193Starting? ;)02:17
chris4585I'm still on cinnamon02:17
* Unit193 spams with http://igurublog.wordpress.com/2012/11/05/gnome-et-al-rotting-in-threes/ again. :P02:17
chris4585they usually don't copy the stupid ideas from gnome02:17
Unit193Cinnamon doesn't seem too bad, but just really isn't for me.02:18
wrstgnome 3 had a lot of promise start with a stripped down set of features and then add to them..  well they just kept taking them away02:18
Unit193(So, seems bad to me? :P )02:18
wrstI like cinnamon OK it's just slow02:18
Unit193"Oh, we figured you wouldn't shut down unless there was a gnome update, so we added auto-restarts for Gnome updates and removed the menu option" ;P02:18
OmnifrogI've been KDE since the 90's ( or more light weight DTEs when needed)02:20
wrstOmnifrog: I'm using kde now because its the most sane one out there at the moment02:25
wrstother than xfce Unit193 :)02:25
wrstbut I like something that doesn't look like the rear end of a dog by default02:25
wrstbut xfce can look really nice02:26
OmnifrogI have KDE, xfce, and E17 in use right now02:26
wrstI have kde with fluxbox on my laptop and using lxde and xfce on a raspberry pi02:26
Unit193E17 just doesn't do it for me, seemed a tad...dinky.02:27
Unit193KDE+flux? ;)02:27
wrstflux is my fallback02:27
Unit193So you mean it's got both, not that you replaced kwin with fluxbox. :----D02:28
wrstI uninstalled gnome completely02:28
wrstohh yeah I see how that looked now :)02:28
Unit193So that is what you mean?02:28
OmnifrogE17 does take a lot of fiddling to get it where you need it to be but over all it's pretty snappy on low powered hardware02:28
Unit193wrst: Can't argu with default Xfce, even the sites screenshots use Greybird.02:29
Omnifrogie. netbooks02:29
wrstyeah Unit193 why don't they use that by default?02:29
Unit193I use Xfce on it.02:29
Unit193wrst: Beats me.02:29
wrstlike gnome2 came with the ugliest default theme and of course every distro out there had a better theme02:29
Omnifrogok, I have to retire for the night. See you all after the earth rotates a bit more02:30
wrstnight Omnifrog02:30
cyberangernight Omnifrog02:31
=== Omnifrog is now known as Omnifrog|pond
wrstbut really Unit193 are they anti ubuntu so don't want to use the theme?02:31
Unit193Xfce and Xubuntu rather work together.  Parole, the Xfce player, is actually maintained by two Xubuntu devs.02:32
wrstweird then02:33
wrstI'm sure they have their reasons maybe its so other distros don't use that theme for some reason02:35
Unit193So it's Xfce branding and not Ubuntu?  Yeah, would make sense.  I asked ochosi anyway though.02:40
Unit193And he's not on right now so will answer later. :P02:49
wrstha OK... goodnight02:50
Unit193wrst: It'd add a dep on an additional engine for gtk2, murrine.  Once Xfce goes to gtk3 chances are they'd be open to the idea.08:08
wrstUnit193: I'd think not being ugly by default would be worth that small dependency10:21
=== Omnifrog|pond is now known as Omnifrog
wrstmorning Omnifrog!11:38
Omnifrogmorning wrst11:38
wrstall going well?11:40
Omnifrogmmm, coffee. the universe is in order so far11:41
wrstha ha :)11:41
=== Omnifrog is now known as DJOmnifrog

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