
tjaaltonhuh, since when does xorg-server.pc require atomic_ops.pc?05:12
tjaaltonsince xmir.patch, obviously05:13
tjaaltoneh no05:13
tjaaltonno raof05:15
tjaaltonlatest upload not in git05:15
tjaaltonand it must be xmir.patch changes that changed Require.private05:15
mlankhorsttjaalton: yeah xmir still adds a thread, probably requires it for that reason :/07:59
tjaaltonemailed raof to push git, so that can add libatomic-ops-dev to xserver-xorg-dev deps08:02
tjaaltonglamor-egl passed MIR review08:03
tjaaltonwith some nagging about the packaging08:03
tjaaltonpushed those, but it failed to build08:03
tjaaltondue to the .pc change08:03
mlankhorstoh :P08:04
tjaaltonso I could just add the dep there too for now08:05
tjaaltonto get it rolling08:05
mlankhorstyeah do it :D08:05
mlankhorstyeah, now to figure out whether to rename glamor or not for saucy08:18
tjaaltonso we can drop -sis? good08:18
mlankhorsthm I probably will08:18
mlankhorstyeah sis can be dropped08:18
tjaaltonfor precise you mean?08:18
mlankhorstI'll probably rename it08:18
tjaaltonthere is no glamor in precise08:18
mlankhorstbecause t might require a newer version of glamor08:19
tjaaltonlet's get a MRE for it :)08:19
mlankhorsttjaalton: but glamor has broken in the past and nobody knew why, I'd rather not update that component separately08:21
tjaaltonmlankhorst: ok, if it has then sure08:21
mlankhorstbesides, it's not like pixman where there's another piece of userspace depending on it.08:22
tjaaltonyeah, drm race again.. boo12:18
mlankhorsttjaalton: where?12:23
tjaalton#1205977 12:24
tjaaltonbug #1205977 12:24
ubottubug 1205977 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Xorg crashed with SIGABRT in OsAbort()" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120597712:24
tjaaltonit was duped with an old bug which was pre-plymouth updates12:25
mlankhorstaw no mention of mir12:25
tjaaltonno, plenty of those bugs already12:26
mlankhorstbut for the love of.. drm master must die12:26
tjaaltontriaged 30 xserver now, some valid intel bugs too for ickle to chew12:29
mlankhorstwant to look at nested mir? it's a can of worms ;)12:48
tjaaltonI probably should enable it on my laptop12:50
tjaaltonrunning parallel sessions isn't tested too much, and this seems to have crashers with xmir12:52
tjaaltonnow I see that quite many of these crashers has -mir on ProcCmdline..12:55
mlankhorstyeah really annoying :/12:55
tjaaltonbug #1224907 keeps getting dupes12:56
ubottubug 1224907 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[XMir] Too many unrefs of ScreenPixmap" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122490712:56
* mlankhorst can't wait for the return of Xegl12:57
tjaaltonglamor-egl made it in main17:39
tjaaltonRAOF: thanks for fixing xorg-server.pc :)17:45
RAOFtjaalton: Sorry for breaking it in the first place ☺17:49
tjaaltonheh, it happens17:49
tjaaltonI'll respin the -ati builds17:50

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