[02:22] happyaron,ping [02:40] maclin: pong [02:42] 刚才发现我们的壁纸名称修改之后,在ubiquity安装的时候背景是蓝色的,这个是由于ubiquity中对应的名称没改,我刚才在release中问了一下,infinity说现在太晚,来不及更新了 [02:43] maclin: 默认壁纸吗? [02:44] 看见了。 [02:45] 对,我在Bug #1226441上说了 [02:47] 按照规则的话,可能还是要修改ubiquity,我刚才在ubiquity上修改并push上去,现在太晚就没提交merge请求。像这种beta2之后是不是要以patch的方式提交? [02:48] maclin: 哪种都好 [02:49] maclin: 右键菜单的问题是zhangchao说的那样 [02:49] nautilus绘制桌面才会有右键菜单 [02:49] 这个你觉得要修改么? [02:50] 右键菜单是进入live以后,我感觉应该是同一个问题,在这个地方判断没有导致后面的设置也出问题,我再确认一下 [02:51] maclin: 装好之后呢? [02:52] 装好之后没问题,主要是ubiquity中的判断问题 [02:52] 我这里的测试机至今都没法完成ubuntu(kylin) 13.10的安装,一切开发测试都是先1304装好然后升级上来的…… [02:54] 现在时间比较紧,修改估计来不及,要不等beta2之后再改吧 [02:54] 嗯。 [15:55] smartboyhw, hi, you are ready for beta2? [15:55] JackYu, I am [15:55] smartboyhw, seems several are not. Do you know why? [15:56] ypwong, when will you be back to Beijing? [15:56] JackYu, not yet finished testing? [15:56] The image got respined overnight [15:56] oh, I see:). [15:57] JackYu, only your flavour has a professional group of employees working on QA-.- [15:58] smartboyhw, not really professional. we are still improving our QA skill. [15:58] JackYu, at least you guys work on it as a job-.- [15:59] smartboyhw, yeah, we are full time:). [16:01] smartboyhw, BTW, will you be a full time Linuxer when you grow up? [16:01] JackYu, good question [16:01] Linux is not exactly my career dream [16:01] Second choice only [16:02] so, what's the first? [16:02] JackYu, biochemist:P [16:02] (i.e. making medicine) [16:03] smartboyhw, wow, that's interesting.