
PoindextraOoh, I think something I did made it work! Please disregard my previous question. :)00:04
SonikkuAmericaYinsengLaptop: IIRC there's a little check box or something that says "Use this display" or something to that effect.00:04
YinsengLaptopYeah, I check that.00:05
YinsengLaptopIt seems to output to my monitor just fine though, although for some reason it's not letting me output at its native resolution00:05
YinsengLaptopmaybe a limitation of my laptop though00:05
SonikkuAmericaYinsengLaptop: Depends on what you're connecting with too. With VGA, you can't go too far.00:08
YinsengLaptopthe projector needs a VGA to DVI converter. Maybe that might be the problem?00:08
YinsengLaptopI know the converter works but maybe for some reason the projector won't take that00:08
SonikkuAmericaBad cord...?00:09
YinsengLaptopI just tested it on my monitor00:09
SonikkuAmericaWell if it's using a DVI converter, the projector might be rejecting the DVI.00:10
YinsengLaptopGuess so. Not sure why.00:10
* SonikkuAmerica wonders why on earth projectors (still) use VGA00:11
YinsengLaptopno it uses DVI00:11
YinsengLaptopthis laptop has a VGA output00:11
* SonikkuAmerica smacks his forehead on his laptop making it go "bghhv fc"00:11
YinsengLaptopLike I said I'm using a converter. I acknowledged that might be the problem. I've just never known the converter not to work00:12
YinsengLaptopMaybe it's different for projectors.00:12
YinsengLaptopGuess I'll have to buy an S-VIDEO cord and try that00:12
SonikkuAmericaI've had problems like that myself with Xubuntu00:14
YinsengLaptopThe weird thing is00:14
YinsengLaptopif it's really incompatible, why does xubuntu recognize it in the first place00:14
Snaboobalyhey, i'm new to xubuntu (and linux) can anyone help me with something?00:15
SonikkuAmerica!anyone | Snaboobaly00:15
ubottuSnaboobaly: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.00:15
SnaboobalyWhenever I try to install xubuntu alongside windows 7, i end up with very, very little free space. is there any way i can assign more space to the partition? i have more on my computer00:17
SonikkuAmericaSnaboobaly: I'd suggest using diskmgmt.msc in Windows 7 to shrink more HDD space, and then GParted (from your Live image) to expand your (existing?) Xubuntu partition.00:21
YinsengLaptopOkay, I've figured out the problem. My projector was set to digital input and apparently I had to change it to analog!00:29
YinsengLaptopSo now that that's figured out... how do I make my screens extend instead of mirror or choosing one or the other? Like in Windows00:30
YinsengLaptophttp://kamaradski.com/1280/xubuntu-12-10-and-12-04-extended-desktop-dual-monitor  I found this but I don't know how to check the version of my xcfe00:32
SonikkuAmericaYour XFCE version is in Applications > About XFCE00:32
SonikkuAmerica4.10 if 12.10 or 13.04, 4.8 if 12.04 LTS00:33
YinsengLaptopI ran the update manager though, it didn't update that far?00:34
YinsengLaptopThe update manager? The thing that updates all the packages on the OS?00:35
SonikkuAmericaNo, I get that, but your XFCE isn't 4.10?00:35
YinsengLaptopI can't figure out how to check, you say look in Applications but I don't see an Applications section00:35
SonikkuAmericaThe Applications menu? The Xubuntu logo in the top left corner (left side of the top bar)?00:36
YinsengLaptopOh, that's what you call it. Ok00:36
YinsengLaptopI have 4.800:37
YinsengLaptopIs it safe for me to update XFCE while using 12.04LTS?00:37
YinsengLaptopAnd if so, can someone walk me through on installing the latest stable XFCE? This post is a bit outdated00:38
SonikkuAmericaYinsengLaptop: this link should tell you all you need to know: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/05/install-xfce-410-in-xubuntu-1204.html00:39
YinsengLaptopthat other post says I need at least 4.11 though00:40
YinsengLaptopHow do I see what the latest stable Xcfe is00:41
YinsengLaptopAnd also, do I need to somehow shut down the Xcfe environment before updating it00:42
SonikkuAmericaYinsengLaptop: It would be set to the precise channel, which means 4.10. And 4.11 isn't stable (odd #'s are beta)00:42
SonikkuAmericaYinsengLaptop: And no, just follow the PPA instructions, then reboot00:43
YinsengLaptopBut I'm not going to get the extended displays feature unless I upgrade past 4.1000:43
SonikkuAmericaThat means it's being tested.00:44
SonikkuAmericaThe stable code for extension will be in the next stable release 4.12.00:44
SonikkuAmericaLaptop is dying. Must go!00:44
YinsengLaptopWell fuck00:44
bazhang!language | YinsengLaptop00:48
ubottuYinsengLaptop: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:48
ObrienDaveYinsengLaptop... check out a arandr for extended desktops00:49
YinsengLaptopMan do I hate freenode sometimes00:50
YinsengLaptoptime to update xcfe00:53
XRS1having issues with usb-modeswitch01:39
XRS1do i need usb-modeswitch? it keeps interfering with apt01:40
XRS1yes i do01:43
Yinsengokay, does anyone know how to make youtube less resource demanding on xubuntu? Just in general, like seriously, my laptop slows to a crawl. It was at least playable in Windows XP.01:47
YinsengI tried HTML5 but that seems almost as bad01:47
Yinsengprobably because I guess Firefox doesnt' have h.264 support01:47
XRS1well what should I do? i think i need usb_modeswitch when i plug my phone in to change it from tethering mode to USB Mass Storage Mode. according to  https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/raring/usb-modeswitch/    i have the latest version (1.2.3 running on 13.10)01:48
Unit193has webm, and soon will have gstreamer (h264) support.01:48
YinsengYeah, webm is why it worked in the first place01:48
Yinsengh.264 is probably what it needs to use because it's in slideshow mode with webm01:49
Unit193So, flash is more resource heavy for you?  Lighter for me, but more crashy.  You can always try pepperflash with Chromium or chrome.01:49
YinsengI might try that.01:50
YinsengIs there a firefox beta/alpha with gstreamer?01:50
Unit193Aurora, or beta should work, I have it.01:51
Yinsengso the latest firefox beta has gstreamer?01:51
Unit193https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-next  you need to enable it in about:config as it's not 100% cooked.01:51
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge01:51
YinsengUnit193: What do you mean not 100% cooked?01:54
Unit193Well, it's not enabled by default yet, and they have reasons for that.  Part of that is that it's not been ported to gstreamer 1.0 yet.01:54
XRS1oops. i bwoke it.   uninstalled usb-modeswitch and usb-modeswitch-data. tried to reinstall usb-modeswitch and got: " usb-modeswitch : Depends: usb-modeswitch-data (>= 20110227-1~) but it is not going to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages." so i installed usb-modeswitch-data first then tried again and got the same error.01:55
XRS1how do i hunt down the problem?01:56
Unit193Correct version?02:00
Unit193dpkg -l | grep usb-modeswitch | awk '{print $3}'02:01
XRS11.2.3+repack0-1ubuntu3  20130610-102:02
XRS1uh... usb-modeswitch  is not supposed to be installed any more. i just apt-get removed it02:03
XRS1but that command worked02:03
XRS1should i purge?02:04
Unit193Listed what's installed, may not be configured.02:04
XRS1okay i purged usb-modeswitch and usbmodeswitch-data and still get the same error02:07
xubuntu489holaa alguien que hable español02:09
Unit193!es | xubuntu48902:10
ubottuxubuntu489: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:10
Yinsenghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1987116 So why does this work?02:42
Yinsengit made a huge difference02:43
Yinsengyoutube went from slideshow to pretty decent speed02:46
XRS1might explain why i have so much page tearing02:50
YinsengWell that covers just about everything. My ancient laptop is now running at decent speed.03:09
YinsengCan someone recommend me a bittorrent client for a really old computer?03:13
=== Isara[NeedsBette is now known as Isara
bazhangrtorrent would be good for an old box like that06:03
XRS1good to know06:08
bazhangcli only, but full of features06:10
bazhangthere's a great tutorial on it, try ing to remember the bloggers nick06:10
bazhanghttp://fsk141.com/rtorrent-the-complete-guide/   http://kmandla.wordpress.com/2007/05/02/howto-use-rtorrent-like-a-pro/06:14
bazhangthe first is more recent, the second a bit dated, but should still apply06:14
codygmanWhat is the window manager for xfce called?07:13
codygmanerr.. i'm in xmonad right now07:13
codygmancan I just do xmonad --replace?07:13
Unit193Should be able to, but xfwm.07:15
Unit193(xfwm4 technically.)07:15
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== MUDK1P is now known as MUDKiP
djamayaofficiallI'm looking to use a splash screen to hide my dektop while my panel and startup programs load... Balou is great, but it doesn't hide the whole process. is there a way to modify it, or is there another app someone can recommend?14:30
PsynoKhi0Hi, I'm trying to install 13.10 beta 1 on a laptop with a broadcom wireless card, BCM4318, ubiquity gets stuck at "configuring bcmwl-kernel-source"15:06
GridCubePsynoKhi0, please join #xubuntu-devel :)15:07
PsynoKhi0ok thanks15:07
baizonPsynoKhi0: my solution was to disable the proprietary DKMS drivers15:25
PsynoKhi0baizon: ok thanks, will try15:27
PsynoKhi0baizon: did you use any particular command?15:29
Arpad2is the nvidia proprietary driver still better than the open source alternative? the batteries go empty under two hours with open source driver16:08
PsynoKhi0Arpad2: yes though nvidia claimed they'd help the nouveau team with documentation16:27
Arpad2PsynoKhi0: so, then it us worth to install the nvidia driver...16:28
Arpad2the resolution is set at 640x480 and I don't know how to change it.18:48
YinsengLaptophttp://pastebin.com/FMbjM4Rn I'm having a problem installing a printer driver. It just doesn't want to take in software center no matter how many times I download it.19:12
YinsengLaptopI thought it might've been corrupt at first but all the contents extract just fine with the Archive Manager19:16
YinsengLaptopOk... that aside, Ubuntu Software Center is crazy slow for me. I'm not sure if this is normal for such an old computer or if there's something wrong with it. Is there any tweaks I can do? Or any substitutes?19:26
YinsengLaptopIt has gotten hung up more than once and required me to terminate it19:26
bazhangcheck linuxprinting.org database for your printer yet?19:30
YinsengLaptopThat seems to just redirect me to another website19:31
bazhanghttp://www.openprinting.org/driver_list.cgi   <-------- YinsengLaptop and thats what is on the page19:33
YinsengLaptopbazhang: This takes me to the same exact file I've downloaded19:34
YinsengLaptopand Ubuntu Software Center will not install it19:35
bazhangwhat form is it in19:36
bazhangwhats the exact error message19:37
YinsengLaptopIt's not corrupt, it extracts with Archive Manager just fine. I've redownloaded it like 3 times19:38
bazhangprinter-driver-c2esp, c2esp  <--- both in the repos19:39
YinsengLaptopThis is a newer version though, Ubuntu Software Center could only find a much older version19:39
bazhangsudo apt-get install them19:39
YinsengLaptopthis is version 25, the older one is version 2319:40
YinsengLaptopokay.. I guess I can do that. I'm curious why it didn't just work with Ubuntu Software Center to begin with though19:40
bazhangthe way to install software in ubuntu is always, always look in the repos *first*19:41
YinsengLaptopUbuntu Software Center kinda seems useless then19:41
YinsengLaptopyup.. the repo installed the old version I told you about19:41
bazhangthen use the command line if you dont like it19:41
YinsengLaptopJust installed version 23 rather than version 2519:42
bazhangapt-cache search c2esp brings those up19:42
bazhanginstall them both19:42
YinsengLaptopI did, they're installed.19:42
YinsengLaptopBut it's version 2319:42
YinsengLaptopand as far as i can tell version 23 doesn't have support for my printer19:44
YinsengLaptopSo I'm back to square 1, here.19:45
xubuntu639Maybe someone can help me as I am new to linux OS, I'm running a fresh install of Xubuntu 13.04 and I'm having a problem with my USB wifi adapter dropping connection, link sys AE100021:29
xubuntu639I'm able to connect to my network and resolve DNS servers, connection is strong (4MB/s) then gradually slows down to nothing and drops.21:30
xubuntu639Iv'e done some searching (reaching out for public help is always my last resort) and I have mostly found issues with older versions of ubuntu and driver problems.21:32
MissyVixendoes anyone know how to force the CPU governor to not change? no matter what i set it to it seems to revert back to on demand within a few moments ?22:24

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