
=== shardy_afk is now known as shardy
=== shardy is now known as shardy_afk
=== shardy_afk is now known as shardy
pedroalvarezI need some help configuring cloud-init. Is not for use it in a common distro as you already know15:13
pedroalvarezFor example how can I avoid that cloudinit thinks I'am in ubuntu? Should I create a new distro configuration file? or is enough adding something to cloud.cfg?15:17
pedroalvarezI don't have any log as well, I only can see what is happening through `journalctl`15:19
smoseryou will need ot have a distro. it will think yuou are ubuntu unless configured otherwise. you can tell it to think you are something else, but that might have similar fallout.15:20
smosercloud.cfg says (default):15:21
smoser   # This will affect which distro class gets used15:21
smoser   distro: ubuntu15:21
pedroalvarezI already deleted the "system_info"15:21
smoserso that will just use its builtin15:22
smoserwhich is probably distro: ubuntu too15:22
pedroalvarezI see15:23
pedroalvarezAnd, another important question is15:23
pedroalvarezIf I want cloud init reading scripts from OpenStack, I have to configure...15:24
pedroalvareza) datasource15:25
pedroalvarezb) datasource and something else15:25
pedroalvarezc) another file instead cloud.cfg15:25
smoserthe built in datasource list should contain both config-drive and ec216:53
smoser(which are the datasources openstack will provide)16:53
smoseryou probalby have to maintain your own cloud.cfg file. or, you can overwrite things in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/MY_OVERRIDES_.cfg16:54
pedroalvarezsmoser: Thanks, I'll continue researching around there :)17:13

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