
hatchbcsaller: hey if you're in - I am getting chunk missmatch on your code review03:21
bcsallerhatch: on which file? When I self reviewed it things looked ok03:26
hatchyeah that's the odd thing03:26
hatchoh did you use the unified diffs?03:26
hatchit's the side/side ones that are messed up03:26
bcsallervery odd03:27
hatchI can do the review on the diff itself no problem03:27
hatchyeah, right?03:27
hatchred on white is not the most contrasting colour however :)03:27
hatchso how's your night?03:28
bcsalleroh, off in the other room cooking dinner mostly :)03:34
bcsallerwhat about you? why you still working?03:35
hatchjust checking in :)03:37
bacbenji: care to have a look at https://codereview.appspot.com/1403604412:42
bac ?12:42
gary_posterbac, you need two or is one sufficient?12:43
benjibac: sure12:43
bacgary_poster: one is sufficient.  it is 422 lines but a lot of those are s/api/API/ in comments12:44
gary_posterbac cool.  Why do we even need to filter things out in in transformResults?  What else is in the original result list?12:45
gary_posterMaybe worth commentng the answer in case it is not obvious to others in the future12:45
gary_posterbut also I'm curious :-)12:45
bacgary_poster: goodish question.12:45
baci'm not sure if that was originally there just to be super safe or if there are other things that we expect to be in that reply12:46
gary_posterit seems like it used to filter out nundles, but we don't need to do that anymore12:46
gary_posterbundles even12:46
bachey, i like nundles better.  or cundles, which is charms + bundles12:46
bacgary_poster: i'll do some archeology and see when that filtering was addded12:47
gary_postercool bac thx12:47
frankbanguihelp: could anyone please review and QA https://codereview.appspot.com/14033043 ? thanks!12:48
gary_posterfrankban, on it12:48
frankbangary_poster: thanks12:48
gary_posterfrankban, LGTM with trivials and QA ok13:15
gary_posterluca__, hey.  Huw noted something about the new bundle icon for the token: "I forgot to mention that the icon asset supplied seems to be black instead of light grey as it is in the mockup. I've included it as is, but not sure why it is different."  We'll use the black, but if you want to give us a gray one, send it over. :-)13:17
luca__gary_poster: ah, it's meant to be grey...13:17
gary_posterluca__, cool.   send it over and I'll replace it in the branch13:17
frankbangary_poster: thanks! getUnchanged... so I also started to name functions in reverse meaning :-/13:19
gary_posterfrankban, :-) an easy mistake to make in context.  Nice branch though.13:20
gary_posterback in a few.  cat needs meds13:21
bacthanks benji13:24
benjimy pleasure13:25
bacbenji: before i go digging, do you know anything about the filtering being done in that method?  was it there just to toss bundles?  gary was curious.13:25
baci mean if we really only expect charms and bundles now i could remove the screen13:25
benjibac: yeah, I added the filtering because of the bundles.  +1 on just removing it13:26
bacgary_poster: ^^13:26
gary_postercool bac, benji, thx13:33
* benji notes to himself that he should have commented the code so that the question didn't have to be asked.13:34
baclots of saucy updates today13:43
gary_posterfrankban, interesting about Object.create(null).  thanks for info.  I may start doing as well, though I wish it were more concise13:59
frankbangary_poster: yeah, a = {} is far more expressive and concise14:02
hatchthey are different14:03
hatchObject.create(null) has null as a prototype14:03
hatchwhereas a = {} has Object.prototype as a prototype14:03
hatchjust FYI14:03
frankbanhatch: yes, {} == Object.create(Object.prototype), right?14:04
hatchin modern browsers yep14:05
hatchtbh I really have no idea why you would want to do Object.create(null)14:05
hatchI'm really not sure when not having Object.prototype is a good idea14:05
hatchbut I'm totally open to ideas :)14:05
frankbanhatch: I did that in a branch currently in review14:06
hatchohh ok - why?14:06
hatchany specific reason?14:06
frankbanhatch: pasting from the review comments: it seems to me more clean and lightweight in the cases you will use the result only as a "dict" data structure.14:07
hatchahhh I suppose there is a case to be made for that14:07
hatchalthough it might be a micro optomization14:07
hatchoptimization even14:07
frankbanhatch: also being able to iterate over the object without having to do the hasOwnProperty dance is convenient sometimes imho14:09
hatchthis is true, this is true14:09
frankbanhatch: also intersting: http://www.devthought.com/2012/01/18/an-object-is-not-a-hash/ and http://jsperf.com/object-create-null-iteration/214:13
hatchso the 'props' on the perf are almost identical14:15
hatchas are the emptys14:15
hatchso there really isn't much of a perf gain14:15
hatchalthough some interesting numbers on FF though14:16
frankbanhum, did not try with FF14:17
hatchscroll down the page to the results14:18
hatchyou can see what others have done14:18
gary_posterbah, firefox :-P :-)14:20
frankbanheh, if I read that correctly, FF is the only one where the literals are far faster14:21
hatchyep so that means you should always use literals because the perf hit on Chrome/Safari is minimal (at best) and way more performance on FF14:23
gary_posterdisagree: optimization opportunity14:24
gary_posterif you see a problem, or have an inner loop, sure14:24
gary_posterbut cleanliness of empty instance is pretty compelling IMO14:24
hatchbut it's a huge performance hit, not an opportunity for FF14:25
hatchso you pick the best for everyone :)14:26
frankbanhatch: we might suppose that stats will change, Object.create(prototype) seems the new trend for OOP in js14:26
hatch(i realize that I'm talking about 100ths of a ms here)14:26
hatchI'm pretty curious as to where Google is going to go with Android development14:27
hatchI see them switching to either Go or Dart at some point14:27
hatchif they choose Dart, and if Dart lands in Chrome14:27
gary_posterbut it is not best for everyone.  point of other artickle is that empty instances have better semantics.  switching from better semantics of empty instance to better performance of {} is an optomization opportunity, if you as I do, prefer to code towards better semantics as a starting position14:27
hatchthat's going to push it's adoption rate huge14:27
hatchoh I didn't read the article yet :)14:28
gary_posterwell, I only skimmed it ;-)14:29
gary_posterI'm skeptical of Dart's chances myself14:29
hatchI am pretty sure it's better at a technical level14:29
hatchit's the adoption which will kill it14:29
hatchor make it14:30
hatchI think Go probably has a better chance of making it into Android14:31
hatchif they are going to be moving away from Java - which I'm sure they have at least discussed14:31
gary_posterGo has better broader mindshare it seems yeah.  Switching from Java?  ISTM that would be a huge disruption, but what do I know14:32
hatchit would - but aren't they fighting Oracle all the time in the courts about it14:33
hatchJava - that is14:33
gary_posteryeah, but without Java wouldn't it be essentially a new OS?14:34
hatchAIUI Java compiled into something else14:35
gary_posterwell, a new development platform 14:35
gary_posterthat's just another Java compiler, hatch?  the JVM is pretty integral to code that targets Java AIUI14:35
hatchahh you might be right - they might just use a special compiler14:36
gary_posterI don't know if that would actually get them away fromOracle, but maybe14:36
hatchall I know is that I don't enjoy Obj-C or Java so I'm relegated to making mobile apps in webivews :P14:37
hatchbcsaller: odly enough I ran 'make lint' on your branch and it failed - how did it get proposed? heh14:38
hatchoh, it's way early for him yet :)14:39
gary_posterI'm trying to review it too hatch.  side-by-side diffs are hosed for me so I am using  other view, so I can see his comments. same for you?14:39
hatchyep, I lgtm'd the code, just qa'ing now14:39
bcsallerhatch: trying it now, worked for me here14:40
hatchwhile doing (hopefully) the final qa on my branch14:40
frankbanhatch: alternatives are http://kivy.org/#home and the ubuntu sdk ;-)14:40
hatchthey were 'unused variable' errors14:40
hatchfrankban: haha - ok but I NEED curly brackets14:40
frankbanhatch: oh... that's why you also prefers object literals :-)14:41
hatchbracket all the things!14:41
hatchbcsaller: if yours doesn't pick it up https://gist.github.com/hatched/034dd267a139da6ded9f14:42
bcsallermaybe I still have an old global install of jshint or something14:43
hatchoh maybe - the new version is far better14:44
hatch(and faster)14:44
hatchfrankban: I've been meaning to look at the Ubuntu SDK14:45
bcsallergjslint needed an update, had to clean out the virtualenv in the branch14:45
hatchsandbox qa looks ok for your branch14:48
hatchbut I can't test the go side for about an hour14:49
gary_posterjujugui call in 1014:50
hatchlol - I was JUST about to hit enter14:50
MakyoA race! A race!  It's a race!14:51
MakyoNow I want to watch Rat Race again :P14:51
gary_posterbcsaller, "LGTM with largely irrelevant comments."14:56
hatchthose are the best kind!14:57
gary_posterjujugui call in 214:58
hatchgary_poster:  https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/effdeeca8cca6ceeeb46d444ea075113f1f80f89?hl=en when you can15:59
gary_posterluca__, you around by chance?  we could use your input on a bug resolution.  https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/effdeeca8cca6ceeeb46d444ea075113f1f80f89?hl=en16:18
benji /lastlog benji16:25
benjiJust checking to see if I missed anyone talking to me.  Move along.16:25
gary_posterjujugui notes on bug tracker conversation: http://jujugui.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=422&action=edit&message=6&postpost=v216:26
jcastroI can't deploy stuff from jujucharms.com site17:12
jcastroin the mock environment I mean17:12
jcastroI deploy 2 things, then I try to deploy redis-master and it just works17:12
gary_posterjcastro, I can deploy anything other than redis-master on jujucharms.  you?17:15
gary_posterjcastro, known bug, if so, and fixed on coming soon: we had a bug deploying charms without options.17:17
gary_posterwe will have a rollout next week with a bunch of fixes17:17
hatchbcsaller: has anyone been able to QA your branch on core yet?17:24
hatchnm I see it's submitted17:25
bcsallererr... sorry17:25
bcsallerI had the 2 lgtm and I'd run through it here, but not with core17:25
hatchnp - I'll just blame you for every core bug that comes up17:25
bcsallerof course17:25
jcastrooh man, redis-master17:26
jcastroyeah that's the one I got caught up on17:27
hatchMakyo: were you able to find where the 'button popup' event was attached?17:47
Makyohatch, yeah, ConflictMixin17:51
hatchin trying to merge trunk it's conflicting on charm-panel.js and service.js18:17
hatchso I deleted the THIS files18:18
hatchand resolved18:18
hatchbut it won't resolve18:18
hatchit says that the files don't exist :/18:18
hatchany ideas on how to force resolve this?18:18
bcsallerbzr rm them18:19
bcsallernot sure, I didn't hit that when I merged it18:19
hatchlooks to have worked18:20
hatchhehe this looks so odd18:24
hatchoh poo18:27
hatchwe can't listen to changes to arrtributes on a lazy model lists's model18:27
hatchbecasue it's a pojo18:27
hatchso unless we 'revive' it first then set the config18:28
hatch^ bcsaller am I on the right track here or am I missing something totally obvious18:28
bcsallerhatch: have process delta for the services sub-list fire 'change'18:28
hatchbut ok I dont' see any other way around it18:30
bcsallerit makes sense, we know when we update a given service list and it is scoped to only units of a given service 18:30
hatchright but then I need to parse the unit lists for agent_state's which are 'error'18:32
hatchwhich I suppose isn't horrible18:32
hatchjujugui when destroying a service on comingsoon it throws an error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'get' of null handlers.js:12718:46
hatchI think this was introduced recently?18:46
Makyohatch, isn't that covered by one of bcsaller's branches?  There was a card for it, after all.18:47
MakyoBut maybe I'm going crazy.18:47
bcsallerthat does appear to be related to the changes I made, I didn't tests the pyDelta path very much, but the code looks sane18:48
bcsallerit seems like the unit delta is getting handled after the service remove for that to happen18:48
hatchodly enough it's on the go sandbox18:48
bcsallerI can take a look at it18:48
Makyogo sandbox sorts deltas fyi18:48
MakyoServices go first, otherwise units go into oblivion on add/change18:49
bcsallerMakyo: but in the case of remove the opposite should be true, no?18:49
Makyobcsaller, apparently :)18:50
MakyoI just added the sort because core was broken.18:50
MakyoAnd it was eminently important that core not be broken.18:50
bcsallerI recall that18:50
bcsalleryeah, I'll take a look, I can either shore up that code, or make a service destroy explicitly clear its own units model list and then bypass the error18:51
hatchbcsaller: I found a bug with your test server changes - I can't start a test server on my vm and open it on my desktop18:52
hatchoh wait18:52
hatchmy fault18:53
hatchcarry-on  :)18:53
hatchMakyo: so I'm waiting for my core env to come up - anything you need a hand with on your branch to get it out the door?18:58
benjibac: do you want to do a quick review (https://codereview.appspot.com/14031045) and then sync up via hangout?19:03
bacbenji: sure19:03
hatchsweet finally caught all edge cases while destroying these services19:04
hatchman there are a lot of interactions19:04
bacbenji: done19:07
benjibac: I'll create a hangout.19:08
bacso much beeping19:09
benjibac: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/a4803e143faddd68f8c7ceb02e589d0054ab5b37?hl=en19:09
Makyohatch, Sorry, need to run and deposit housemate's rent before he overdraws his account, I may ping when I get back, but it's just a matter of getting everything set back up in the viewlet.19:13
benjihatch: are you around and available for a quick bundle planning call?19:15
hatchMakyo: ok cool np, lemme know if you need a hand19:16
hatchbenji: yeah, can you give me a few I just have some review comments to file19:16
hatchgary_poster: bcsaller if you have a moment plz :) https://codereview.appspot.com/13938043/19:19
gary_posteron call will look soon19:19
hatchbenji: ok ready whenever19:20
benjihatch: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/a4803e143faddd68f8c7ceb02e589d0054ab5b37?hl=en19:30
bacgary_poster: what is the status of huw's card in review lane?  can i help get it landed if readyish?19:33
gary_posterbac, sorry it is landed.  move the card19:33
bacoh, yay19:33
hatchbcsaller: around?19:35
hatchjust about the bundle card19:35
bcsallerahh, ok, one sec19:35
gary_posterhatch looking at your review now19:35
hatchgary_poster: so looking for the next task whenever you're available19:42
gary_posterhatch, hook up the bundle token, if benji says it is visible now?19:43
gary_posterhatch, I mean, make the charm tokens visible and stuff like that19:43
hatchI think that's done?19:43
hatch^ benji19:44
gary_posterhatch not quite.  Card is "Make bundle token  realer" (sorry :-P )19:44
hatchwith no description.....lol19:44
bacbenji: so how do i see a bundle in search results?19:44
hatchgary_poster: oh I should probably fix this https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/123148719:44
_mup_Bug #1231487: Error while trying to destroy a ghost service from the inspector <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1231487>19:45
gary_posterhatch, benji added the do-nothing bundle token.  huw customized it to show stuff19:45
gary_posterhatch, oh, yes should be urgent, please19:45
hatchok updated and will do that now19:45
gary_posterhatch "LGTM with rambles."19:46
bacbenji: nm19:47
* benji never minds.19:49
gary_posterbac, what is answer?  search for bac?19:49
bacgary_poster: after using charmworldv3 flag19:50
bacso with that flag turned on most of the normal charm icons are broken.19:50
gary_posternot good19:50
bacgary_poster: http://localhost:8888/sidebar/search/:flags:/charmworldv3/?text=wiki19:51
bacsearch for 'wiki' to get two bundles19:51
gary_postercool thanks bac19:51
bacnot *that* is a logo, dammit20:11
bacno beating around the bush20:11
bacwe are LIFERAY...deal!20:12
bacgary_poster: turns out charmworldv3 is simply not returning the default icon if none an icon is not available for the charm.  if an icon is there it is returned.20:18
gary_posterbac, ok.  thank you for investigating.  easy fix, yeah?20:20
bacgary_poster: should be.20:20
gary_postercool bac will make card20:20
bacgary_poster: already did20:20
gary_posterthanks bac :-)20:20
baci guess charmworld needs to put size constraints in the image css like juju-gui does...20:23
bachuh, preview won't open svg files.  silly.20:29
hatchpreview is a silly problem20:32
hatchMakyo: qa'ing again20:43
Makyohatch, thanks again.20:43
MakyoLook over code, too, please.  I found an easy route, but eh..20:43
MakyoIf it really was that easy, great.  I just wonder.20:43
hatchok will do20:44
hatchMakyo: there is a very odd bug with your branch21:23
Makyohatch, you're a very odd bug :/21:23
hatchcan you see if you can repro... instructions...21:23
Makyohatch, what is it?21:23
hatchdeploy liferay21:23
hatchuse console trigger21:23
hatchclick 'reload'21:23
hatchgo to 'config'21:23
MakyoFlag or no?  I just realized I forgot testing without :(21:23
hatchchange the top input to 'asd'21:24
hatchthis is w/o21:24
MakyoAhhh butts.21:24
hatchthen click 'save'21:24
hatchthe large input gets wiped out21:24
hatchthen fills again21:24
hatchbut doesn't on comingsoon21:24
hatchMakyo: actually you don't need to use the console trigger21:25
hatchit just happens21:25
Makyohatch, Think that might be from the changes from your diff, where we were re-attaching the events to textareas?21:26
Makyo(I can't enter asd there without an error because it's a numeric field)21:26
hatchMakyo: I think it's the databinding being re-attached21:26
hatchsorry I mean't 12321:26
Makyohatch, but the databinding isn't being re-attached, the entire view is being re-rendered.21:26
MakyoBut I'm not destroying the old.  Crap.  Sorry.21:26
MakyoUh...hmm.  I can't repro.21:27
hatchlemme try again21:27
hatchDeploy liferay, click wrench, focus top field, type 123, save changes -> bottom input gets emptied, minimizes, then gets filled again and expands21:28
hatchtry those, less steps21:28
Makyohatch, Wait, I see what you mean by large input.21:29
MakyoYeah, okay, that I can repro.21:29
hatchit actually looks pretty cool haha21:29
hatchbut I'm guessing it's probably doing some nastyness under the hood :)21:29
Makyohatch, Yeah.  I'll poke around at destroying first.21:30
bacgary_poster: charmworld icon fix is easy.21:31
Makyohatch, Still all sorts of frumpy that 'render' is just the slightest nod at view.render, but I don't have the bandwidth to normalize all viewlets.21:31
gary_posteryay, thanks bac21:31
hatchMakyo: yes - this viewlet is virtually a Y.View21:31
* bac -> walkies21:32
Makyohatch, just that all of the viewlets work differently.21:32
MakyoOh, crap, I should walk dogs D:21:32
hatchMakyo: yeah - the convention hasn't really been enforced on that regard21:33
Makyo(also, new meds are making me all sorts of jittery and talkative, sorry for the last few days)21:33
MakyoThirty years ago today.22:13
MakyoI kind of hate databinding.22:52
Makyohatch, would you be amenable to making this a separate branch?  It's less than ideal, for sure, but I'd like to be able to focus on just that.22:53
hatchMakyo: which part? I'm concerned that we are introducing a bug into the system which didn't exist before - maybe what we need instead is to push this branch and land a branch which solves the underlying issue first23:51
MakyoFine.  Whatever.  Lets do something.  I've been stuck on this damn thing since April and I want it done.23:56
MakyoI'd love to have done this in a much more incremental manner, but the lack of docs and any defined pattern of behavior make that a little hard.23:57

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