
ahoneybunHey valorie 00:57
ahoneybunHey lordievader 00:57
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
soeegood morning06:17
Guest2126houston we got a problem 06:43
Guest2126uefi mode activated + kubuntu = mess system with a nice grub in minimal mode result06:44
Guest2126Riddell: uefi on + kubuntu = installation went good but then you can't boot ...06:46
valoriehmm, I missed aaron again07:07
jussimorning cortexA908:16
cortexA9morning Riddell08:25
cortexA9morning jussi08:26
apacheloggeroh, setting is broken08:36
apacheloggerRiddell, shadeslayer: bug 1003398 be resolved now?08:51
ubottubug 1003398 in kubuntu-settings (Ubuntu) "[regression] kwallet asking for initial password" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100339808:51
Riddellapachelogger: I think so but I'd like to double check to make sure08:55
apachelogger  Uploading kubuntu-settings_13.10ubuntu11_source.changes: done.08:57
apacheloggerSuccessfully uploaded packages.08:57
apachelogger^ prevents postinst/postrm from ever falling over because a subscript exited !0 and fixes previous FTBFS08:57
* apachelogger wonders why dolphin recommends ruby09:05
soeeoh i have one question09:05
soeethe new NM - is it possible to store wifi password ?09:06
soeeit asks me for it after each boot09:06
apacheloggerRiddell: ^ :O09:09
Tm_Tsoee: define "the new"09:09
soeeTm_T, the new plasma applet written with qml09:10
soeeit comes by default with saucy09:11
apacheloggerRiddell:     - dolphin suggests and not recommends ruby09:11
apacheloggerwhy did you drop that in the mergE?09:11
Riddellapachelogger: probably an oversight09:17
apacheloggersrc/settings/services/servicemenudeinstallation:#!/usr/bin/env ruby09:17
apacheloggersrc/settings/services/servicemenuinstallation:#!/usr/bin/env ruby09:17
apacheloggerit's to isntall servicemenu scripties09:18
apacheloggerRiddell: given increased ISO size I think that is worthwhile supporting09:18
apacheloggeralthough I do not know why that could not have been implemented using sh upstream :S09:18
apacheloggerit's really just a glorified bash script 09:19
apacheloggeragateau: does the ubiquity sidebar thing actually scale?09:23
apacheloggerScottK: bug 1001630 .. what do we do with that?09:25
ubottubug 1001630 in ubuntustudio-meta (Ubuntu) "xubuntu-desktop kubuntu-desktop etc. no longer upload crash reports as of Precise" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100163009:25
apacheloggeris jonthetaco MIA?09:27
apacheloggerRiddell: do you know the background story on bug 1078379 ?09:27
ubottubug 1078379 in jockey (Ubuntu) "Jockey-KDE doesn't show drivers versions" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107837909:27
apacheloggerI seem to recall mails about jockey being discontinued09:28
apacheloggeralas I thought someone other than me was following up on that09:28
jussisaucy still wont log in for me...09:46
jussiwonder what crazy setting Ive got that I need to be rid of. Anyone for telling me where to find a log which could help?09:47
apacheloggerjussi: .xsession-errors09:48
jussiinit: startkde main process (1920) killed by TERM signal09:50
jussinot much help that one09:50
jussiapachelogger: anything else ?09:51
apacheloggerX explodes :P09:51
debfx.xsession-errors is no more, the upstart user session logs to ~/.cache/upstart/startkde.log09:51
apacheloggergo ubuntu09:51
apacheloggergo systemd09:51
debfxis that you volunteering to bring systemd to ubuntu? ;)09:53
apacheloggerthat's why we have no .xsession-errors09:53
apacheloggerupstart teaming up with systemd to bring us excellent per-application logging09:54
jussiI dont see anything that helps me here09:56
jussibut then again, my expertise is not that high09:56
jussibunch of stuff about akonadi exiting09:57
agateauapachelogger: damn german language, can't you use spaces sometimes? :)09:57
apacheloggercomputer says no :P09:58
agateauapachelogger: guess my code wraps at word boundaries, so it fails there09:58
jussiso what kind of thing should I be looking for? 10:00
apacheloggerjussi: a paste website :P10:01
=== smartboyhw changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu | https://trello.com/kubuntu | Pad: http://goo.gl/It6HGW 4.11.1 S/achv R+P/bpo | bugs http://goo.gl/vHRjj | build status http://goo.gl/cjEFkO | 13.10 Beta 2 released
smartboyhwRiddell, but have you sent out the announcements yet?10:01
jussiapachelogger: is it "safe" to pastebin that file?  no nasty personal info?10:01
jussiapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6162136/10:04
apacheloggerjussi: if someone debug prints personal info they probably should be shot on sight :P10:05
jussiapachelogger: fair point10:05
jussianyway, that seems to be missign a few lines... 10:05
jussinano says 11738 lines... :/10:06
apacheloggeroh nice it piles up sessions in the same file10:07
apacheloggerwhy that is vastly superior to .xsession-errors10:07
apacheloggernow I get to not only search the trace of breakage but also the start of the flipping last session10:08
apacheloggerI am in love with this change already10:08
jussiapachelogger: any thoughts on the issue at hand though?10:12
jussiapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6162192/10:17
jussiseems that was missing from the paste for some reason?10:17
apacheloggerjussi: do you use session restore10:18
apacheloggeri.e. does your session restore after login10:18
apacheloggerthat could be the problem10:18
Riddellooh beta 2 is out10:18
apacheloggerjussi: mv .kde//share/config/session ~/10:19
apacheloggerthen try again10:19
jussiwith the double slash?10:22
apacheloggerjussi: doesn't matter, but no10:22
jussiapachelogger: unfortunately didnt help10:27
apacheloggerjussi: new log please10:31
apacheloggershould be cleaner at least10:31
jussiapachelogger: it looks same as before... :/ sec10:31
jussiIll give you the "tail" ?10:31
jussiapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6162219/10:31
apacheloggerjussi: echo "DisableAll=false" > ~/.kde/share/config/kdebugrc10:31
apacheloggertail is not enough10:31
apacheloggerjussi: you could just rm  the log before login10:32
apacheloggerthen it will only contain that one session10:32
apacheloggerreducing paste load and eaiser to read ^^10:32
jussiapachelogger: ok, allow me to do so. 10:32
apacheloggerand do that kdeburc thing from above10:32
apacheloggerjussi: I still think your X explodes though10:33
apacheloggerand actually10:33
apachelogger[9960:9960:0923/183326:ERROR:chrome_browser_main_x11.cc(62)] X IO error received (X server probably went away)10:33
apacheloggerwhy would chrome show up if the session is clean10:33
apacheloggeroh I am being silly10:33
apacheloggerjussi: also mv ~/.kde/share/config/ksmserverrc ~/10:34
jussihrm, weird10:35
jussithat startkdelog has not re-appeared again after moving it10:36
jussiright... where now? :/10:38
apacheloggerperhaps that log was not related at all ^^10:42
apacheloggeroh god10:42
jussiyes? :P10:42
apacheloggerwhich startkde; which plasma-desktop; which kwin; which ksplash;10:43
jussiapachelogger: /usr/bin/startkde /usr/bin/plasma-desktop /usr/bin/kwin 10:45
jussiit says nothing about ksplash10:45
jussiI wonder...10:45
jussinope, nothing "missing" (reinstalled kubuntu-desktop)10:46
apacheloggergotta test this real quick10:48
cortexA9what is the next step after the beta 2 ?10:48
apacheloggerjussi: go to a tty: sudo stop lightdm ... sudo Xorg :0 ... go to another tty: export DISPLAY=0  ... startkde &> startkdelog10:50
cortexA9what is the next step after the beta 2 ??10:50
apacheloggereh wrong wrong10:50
apacheloggerjussi: go to a tty: sudo stop lightdm ... sudo Xorg :0 ... go to another tty: export DISPLAY=:0 ... startkde &> startkdelog10:50
smartboyhwcortexA9, RC?10:51
smartboyhwFinal release?10:51
apacheloggeror maybe DISPLAY=0 works too10:51
cortexA9oh ok smartboyhw10:51
apacheloggerjussi: anyway, if everything goes wrong the startkde tty should return since startkde crashed and startkdelog in your home should hold the log of that attempt10:51
jussiapachelogger: strange. that start kde works....10:58
apacheloggerso that upstart/logind/something crapware is kaput11:01
apacheloggeror the session11:02
apacheloggerjussi: rewind .... ctrl-c all the tty crap11:02
apacheloggersudo killall Xorg; sleep 2; sudo start lightdm11:02
apacheloggerthen in lightdm make sure you actually have the plasma session selected :P11:02
apacheloggerand please telll me if other sessions are also available11:03
BluesKajhiyas all11:04
jussiplasma workspace is selected and other sessions available11:05
jussiapachelogger: very strange this. anyway, going to play again later11:10
jussiapachelogger: although, I suspect this issue is with lightdm, or somewhere with my user. (Ubuntu session is selectable, but does same thing)11:12
apacheloggerjussi: it's probably how that upstart/logind thing starts the session11:23
apacheloggeri.e. since startkde starts just fine it can only be what starts startkde that fails11:24
jussiapachelogger: wait a moment please11:24
jussiI have fixored it....11:24
jussidont ask me exactly why.... 11:24
jussiI installed kdm and logged in once via KDM. I then reconfigured back to light dm.... and hey presto, it works11:25
apacheloggerI do like reliable software :P11:25
lordievaderGood afternoon.11:32
kununtu-develjussi: i have installed 13.10 with uefi enabled and... it doesn't work11:35
smartboyhwkununtu-devel = apachelogger ?11:36
kununtu-develsmartboyhw: nope11:36
=== kununtu-devel is now known as Peace-
smartboyhwWell, I can't tell who:P11:37
smartboyhwPeace-, hah hah hah11:37
smartboyhwYeah, I don't know why, but UEFI just doesn't like Kubuntu11:38
smartboyhwI'm thinking about GRUB menu entries-.-11:38
Peace-smartboyhw: the installation is gone well but then i get i silly grub 11:39
smartboyhwPeace-, hmm11:39
smartboyhwGRUB stuff then11:39
apacheloggerRiddell: kwallet behaves within defined parameters now11:39
* smartboyhw thinks that since we use our seperate entry in GRUB "Kubuntu", now it doesn't work with UEFI11:40
Peace-smartboyhw: it says grun in minimal mode 11:40
smartboyhwPeace-, grun!?11:40
Peace-grub :P11:40
apacheloggerRiddell: all out of energy now, pretty please get pitti to look at translation exports of kubuntu-* packages, I get all sorts of rage when hearing how the l10n export is hacked together11:40
apacheloggerout for today11:40
* smartboyhw looks at some code...11:40
* Peace- hates kubuntu lol 11:41
apacheloggersmartboyhw: drop /etc/default/grub.d and update-grub211:41
apacheloggerif it works then our mapping is the problem11:41
apacheloggerdoubtable tho11:41
* apachelogger now really gone11:41
Peace-smartboyhw: another thing ....  rekonq starts and ask me to install flash11:44
Peace-smartboyhw: then ... i click ok install it ... and you get The package "flashplugin-installer" has not been found among your software sources. Therefore, it cannot be installed. 11:44
smartboyhwPeace-, what?11:44
RiddellPeace-: have you done apt-get update yet?11:44
smartboyhwPeace-, technically, Flash is unsupported in Linux11:44
Peace-Riddell: done 11:44
smartboyhw(I mean, the newer versions)11:44
Riddellsmartboyhw: we do promt to install it?11:44
RiddellPeace-: does that fix the rekonq installer?11:45
smartboyhwRiddell, I never saw it?11:45
Peace-Riddell: nope11:45
RiddellPeace-: hmm really, I just tried it and it works fine here but I think you will see that problem if apt-get update hasn't been run (which is a bug)11:45
Peace-Riddell: i am in a live cd btw maybe it's that?11:46
Peace-Riddell: anyway i have installed vlc properly 11:46
RiddellPeace-: oh yes that'll affect it to, no non-free on the live cd11:46
Peace-Riddell: but if you are connect to internet ... 11:47
Peace-and you do update 11:47
Peace-it should install it 11:47
Peace-Riddell: anyway with uefi ... it doesn't work 11:47
Peace-Riddell: http://wstaw.org/m/2013/09/27/plasma-desktops14947.png11:48
Riddellright, no multiverse on the live image, it should have a check for that11:49
RiddellPeace-: feel free to report a bug11:49
RiddellPeace-: uefi is a mysterious quagmire that we need to do better at11:49
Peace-Riddell: btw i have tested cuz you have wirtten on kde planet11:50
Peace-it went bad damn :P11:50
Riddellmy blogging works!11:50
Peace-sure it works i read often 11:50
Peace-it 11:51
smartboyhwRiddell, first problem: I don't see grub-efi-amd64-signed package included in Kubuntu11:59
smartboyhwThat's not included in Ubuntu as well12:01
smartboyhwFurther checks then12:01
Riddellhi cortexA9 12:05
cortexA9hi Riddell12:05
* Riddell posts kubuntu.org/news/1310-beta-2-released12:11
BluesKajhad some odd or what appeared as arbitraray shutdowns / power off incidents, twice yesterday without warning12:11
smartboyhwRiddell, that's the shortest announcement ever-.-12:13
RiddellI never know what to say for beta announcements, doesn't feel right duplicating what's on the release page12:13
Riddellbut maybe a summary would be good12:14
smartboyhwCan someone explain why we still have the 13.04 trello board?12:17
Riddellsmartboyhw: for any SRUs12:19
Riddellapachelogger: ruby confuses me12:29
BluesKajI have  question , who or what part of Kubuntu made the decision to drop Konversation as default and replace it with Quassel ?12:43
tsimpsonthat was back when Konversation was KDE3 only and we moved to KDE412:43
tsimpson(and dropped all KDE3 parts)12:43
Riddellwe'd probably not make the same choice if we started from scratch but there's not been enough reason to justify switching the application back again12:45
smartboyhwBluesKaj, technically, Konversation is crap for the many channels I join...12:46
Riddellsmartboyhw: how so?12:46
smartboyhwRiddell, the tabs get all clumped together at the bottom12:47
smartboyhwI can't even read the channel's names12:47
Riddellsmartboyhw: and it has no list view option?12:47
smartboyhwDunno, haven't checked12:47
smartboyhwHowever, I always use XChat12:48
BluesKajsmartboyhw:  I've been using konversation for 7yrs ..it's great irc client ..definitely not crap as you put it. 12:48
smartboyhwSo, I hate IRC clients that do not put list view as default.12:48
BluesKajboo hoo 12:48
BluesKajspeaking of crap , xchat fits that definition IMO 12:49
Riddellthis is all getting a bit slashdot!12:50
tsimpsonxchat is ok, xchat-gnome is... not12:50
tsimpsonkonversation is very nice, I'd use it if I didn't need the distributed core thing quassel provides (simply)12:51
BluesKajtsimpson:  to monitor when away , yeah , that would be the only reason to use it 12:52
BluesKajand it;'s fugly too :012:53
tsimpsonright now my quassel can't quite decide what colour it wants to be12:53
tsimpsonlight grey or a darker grey12:53
BluesKajok , my rants are done for the day until some one else makes a statement I don't like :)12:54
* BluesKaj thinks he needs a few beers today12:55
Riddell!ninjas | 4.11.212:56
ubottu4.11.2: Ninja Time! apachelogger, debfx, JontheEchidna, Quintasan, Riddell, ScottK, yofel, smartboyhw, murthy12:56
smartboyhwOK, who wants to run the script?12:57
smartboyhw(And gain LP karmas:P)12:57
RiddellI can do it shortly but feel free to jump in12:58
smartboyhwThen let Riddell gain the karmas:P12:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: yes13:13
debfxRiddell: I think that's the wrong queue you are uploading to ^^13:38
Riddelloh rollocks13:38
smartboyhwRiddell, good job;)13:42
shadeslayerRiddell: did you upload?13:48
shadeslayeror should I run the script13:48
Riddellshadeslayer: I'm running it13:48
Riddelluploaded lib* to ninjas13:48
dantti_laptopRiddell: was that a question?14:02
Riddelldantti_laptop: about l10n?14:02
Riddelldantti_laptop: I was going to send you the releaseme config file but I deleted it so it ended up as a slightly pointless e-mail :)14:03
Riddelldantti_laptop: consider it a suggestion for the 0.4 release14:03
dantti_laptopRiddell: well I use release me to release it14:03
Riddelldantti_laptop: but no l10n?14:03
dantti_laptopso I wonder what did you do14:03
dantti_laptophmm I thought it had l10n14:03
Riddellnot in the 0.3 tar14:04
dantti_laptopRiddell: hmm maybe something went wrong14:04
dantti_laptopif you look at releaseme git iirc there is a script for colord-kde14:04
Riddellhmm yes so there is14:06
Riddellah but without l10n=true14:06
dantti_laptopmind fixing :D14:07
Riddellcan do14:07
mikhassmartboyhw, didn't know you're only 15, wow …14:14
* mikhas can't remember what he did at that age but it certainly wasn't contributing to F/OSS14:15
smartboyhwmikhas, hmm, from which method did you know my age? (I mean just now)14:22
QuintasanI believe you mentioned it here at least once, this channel is logged :P14:23
dantti_laptopRiddell: thanks14:23
smartboyhwQuintasan, no, i mean, how he managed to find it out "just now"14:25
smartboyhwQuintasan, OK14:26
QuintasanJust try googling yourself sometimes :P14:26
smartboyhwSeriously, 46,500 !?14:26
QuintasanYou'd get 681k results for my nickname14:28
Quintasanahoneybun: Hi14:28
ahoneybunHey Quintasan 14:28
smartboyhwQuintasan, good job;)14:28
* smartboyhw searches Riddell14:28
smartboyhwhuh, 5.52m14:28
QuintasanI'm not really doing anything praiseworthy from my perspective14:28
smartboyhwRiddell, I didn't know you make American Footballs :P14:29
ahoneybunSo your a Dev now smartboyhw ?14:29
smartboyhwahoneybun, yes14:29
ahoneybunsmartboyhw: nice job :)14:29
smartboyhwahoneybun, thanks. How's Docs?14:29
Riddellsmartboyhw: that company ruins my pageranks14:30
ahoneybunGoing good lordievader and Riddell are doing awesome work14:30
smartboyhwRiddell, LOL14:30
Riddellhi ahoneybun, did you see it's on the CD now?14:30
ahoneybunRiddell: no I did not 14:31
ahoneybunThat's awesome14:32
ahoneybunMy phone is dieing 14:33
ahoneybunRiddell: awesome work on the package 14:33
Riddellahoneybun: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/Beta2/Kubuntu#Documentation_is_Back14:34
ahoneybunSo should we not make a minimal set?14:34
RiddellI don't see a need for that14:34
Riddellwe're not oversized on the images14:34
ahoneybunI don't think so neither14:37
ahoneybunThat is great14:38
smartboyhwRiddell, please make ninjas status page for 4.11.214:39
mikhassmartboyhw, jos' blog post14:39
Riddellsmartboyhw: will do shortly, getting distracted by l10n14:39
smartboyhwmikhas, oh14:39
* ahoneybun wonders if valorie knows14:39
Riddellum, we seem to only have qtcreator for qt5 in the archive14:42
ahoneybunRiddell: how should we go about translating?14:43
Riddellahoneybun: well that's a whole different problem14:43
ahoneybun1% left of battery14:44
ahoneybunTea I know14:44
Riddellahoneybun: I think the local download script needs perfecting, then some magic to split up the files and put them into launchpad for translating14:44
ahoneybunThere is one person to translate so far14:44
sneleanybody else has problems with new plasma-nm in beta2? on startup it freezes splash screen for a few seconds and then when desktop boots up it asks for wifi password (I checked connect automaticaly)14:45
sneleno I am using old plasma-widget-networkmanagement and it works great14:45
sneleand muon discover freezes/crashes like crazy. other than that everything works great. great job guys :)14:47
lordievaderWhoo are the docs on the final beta iso? Nice!14:48
lordievaderHey ahoneybun, how have you been?14:48
sneleah and in user manager "change password" button doesn't work. should I report a bug about it?14:49
Riddelllordievader: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/Beta2/Kubuntu#Documentation_is_Back14:49
Riddelllordievader: but I had to make some manual changes to the tar you had so we should work on perfecting that script of yours first14:49
lordievaderRiddell: As I said then too, I have no idea how to package that stuff properly...14:50
lordievaderBut it is very nice to see the docs included :)14:50
Riddelllordievader: the packaging is easy, I did that already, it's the exact form of the tar you had14:50
Riddelllordievader: want to look at it now?14:50
lordievaderRiddell: Sure, let met just reboot my laptop into Kubuntu.14:51
Riddellkde bug 324702 fixed!14:54
ubottuKDE bug 324702 in discover "tab switching breaks after clicking on Sources" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32470214:54
smartboyhwI'm considering having two 13.10 systems in one computer..........14:54
smartboyhwRiddell, \o/14:54
Riddellsnele: if you have issues with muon discover then apol is working on it now14:54
lordievaderRiddell: OK, I'm ready :)14:54
apolRiddell: :D14:54
sneleRiddel: apol: yay! :)14:54
snelehere is the bug report about user manager: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/user-manager/+bug/123206014:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 1232060 in user-manager (Ubuntu) ""Change password" button doesn't work in user manager (Kubuntu 13.10 beta2)" [Undecided,New]14:55
Riddellsnele: I've a nasty feeling that's the one afiestas didn't implement to make sure people were watching14:56
Riddellbut I'm sure I tested it for that reason14:56
Riddelllordievader: what should happen if I run the tokhelp.py script?14:58
QuintasanRiddell: Can you tell me what's the nick of the dude who was working on Adept black magic back in the days?14:58
QuintasanI think he had chicken in his nickname14:58
RiddellQuintasan: manchicken?14:58
QuintasanAy, yes14:58
QuintasanHe is from US, right?14:58
Riddellyes, very much14:59
smartboyhwkubotu: order chicken for Quintasan 14:59
* kubotu slides chicken down the bar to Quintasan14:59
QuintasanRiddell: Is he working on anything Kubuntu releated now? I've asked him to take a look at the PolicyKit KCM sometime ago if he felt like it.14:59
Quintasankubotu: order whisky for Quintasan15:00
* kubotu slides whisky down the bar to Quintasan15:00
Quintasanapachelogger: Where be me kubotu lines?15:00
lordievaderRiddell: Pretty much the same as the tohtml script, it creates an output folder with a 'kubuntu' folder within. This 'kubunutu' folder contains the things that should go to /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kubuntu/15:00
RiddellQuintasan: dunno, he popped back up a few weeks ago and said he wanted to get back into things, I suggested the docs download script but he didn't do it, good thing we have lordievader 15:00
QuintasanAlright, I'll try staying up long enough to catch him if he decides to show up15:01
QuintasanI've forgotten about MTP as well15:01
smartboyhwQuintasan, make yourself a checklist;)15:02
QuintasanRiddell: We have to get libhupnp into main in some kind of magic way15:02
* smartboyhw basically has a long checklist for homewori15:02
RiddellQuintasan: came online at 01:00UTC last night so you'll be up quite late15:02
Quintasansmartboyhw: I forget about making checklists15:02
smartboyhwQuintasan, LOL15:02
RiddellQuintasan: why? didn't we conclude hupnp wasn't very funcational?15:02
Quintasansmartboyhw: It's because I'm lazy as hell these days, not because my memory is crap15:02
smartboyhwQuintasan, aw15:03
Quintasansmartboyhw: Don't tell me you don't often forget about things you don't want to do :P15:03
lordievaderRiddell: Hmm am I missing something. Something seems not to be entirely right with the script let me check.15:03
QuintasanRiddell: Well, I'm still not sure how should we handle this15:03
smartboyhwQuintasan, I do:P15:03
smartboyhwThat homework checklist is LONG though15:03
QuintasanThe library itself is unmaintained as far as I can tell15:04
RiddellQuintasan: handle what?15:04
QuintasanBut there is no other alternative to provide MTP support in KDE15:04
smartboyhw(Monday is Swimming Gala, Tuesday is National Day, so we resume school on Wednesday, hence the bunch of horrifying homework)15:04
RiddellQuintasan: kio-mtp ?15:04
Quintasanno no, sorry, brain fart15:04
RiddellQuintasan: well we need to live without it if it's not implemented in a sane way15:05
QuintasanWe have no support for UPnP now since libhupnp is not in main and we can't compile kdelibs with support for it.15:05
lordievaderRiddell: Ah what I said previously is almost correct, the tokhelp.py generates a khelpcenter/Kubuntu folder, the contents of that folder should go to /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kubuntu/15:05
QuintasanRiddell: I'll guess I'll talk to upstream about this15:06
RiddellQuintasan: I suspect there isn't an active upstream but solid would be the place to start15:07
RiddellQuintasan: what is upnp anyway?15:07
QuintasanIn short15:07
Quintasanit allows you to discover multimedia devices connected to the network15:07
Quintasanand stream from them15:07
Quintasanor to them15:08
RiddellQuintasan: do you have such a device?15:09
Riddelllordievader: yep seems to work :)15:09
QuintasanRiddell: You sent me one :P15:09
RiddellQuintasan: the arch tablet?15:09
lordievaderRiddell: So what now?15:09
QuintasanRiddell: Yes, the TF101 also15:09
QuintasanYou can even install XBMC and will be an UPnP server15:09
QuintasanYou just need software.15:09
Quintasanand your PC will be*15:10
sneleis 4.11.2 going to be included in saucy final? 15:10
Riddelllordievader: I think the only thing I need from the script is to replace the kubuntu-wiki image with the kubuntu-docs image15:10
lordievaderRiddell: Right yes, that still needs to happen. Did you do more manual replacements?15:11
smartboyhwsnele, probably15:11
sneleif not you should backport this kwin fix for amd cards: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32306515:12
ubottuKDE bug 323065 in decorations "In KDE 4.11RC2, KWin has bad rendering when using the AMD Catalyst drivers" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]15:12
smartboyhwsnele, I think we can make 4.11.2 into saucy final15:12
Riddelllordievader: no I think that was all actually15:13
Riddelllordievader: although one other suggestion would be a nice icon for the .desktop files to appear in the help centre list on the left hand side15:14
lordievaderRiddell: Oh oke, good to hear. :)15:14
lordievaderRiddell: Wasn't sure on the options on that, so I went with what the 12.10 one had.15:14
Riddellah it's the .directory which doesn't have an icon15:15
Riddelleasy enough to fix in the packaging15:16
Riddellapol: have you seen lack of translations? http://wstaw.org/m/2013/08/19/discover-list-grid.png15:16
lordievaderRiddell: Ah now I see what you are talking about ;)15:17
Riddellapol: any thoughts on translating the welcome banner? http://wstaw.org/m/2013/08/19/discover-not-localized_1.png15:17
apolI can translate this one15:17
apolRiddell: "Welcome to Muon Discover" should be translatable15:19
apol(it has i18n at least)15:19
Riddellapol: ah good I thought it was, I added some Kubuntu bits so I'll make sure to make that translatable too15:20
apolRiddell: right, yes I saw in shadeslayer computer I think, or on the planet or somewhere else :D15:20
apolRiddell: i dont' think you can translate them if you use the xml files, if you have the banners written in QML it should work15:21
shadeslayerdon't use muon15:21
shadeslayerso not on mine15:21
apolRiddell: http://websvn.kde.org/*checkout*/branches/stable/l10n-kde4/ca/messages/extragear-sysadmin/muon-discover.po15:22
apol"welcome to muon discover" is translatable15:22
apolI don't see the "List" and "Grid" thing15:22
Riddellhe it's the lazy german translators not doing that string15:23
Riddellsame for List/Grid15:23
apolI guess it's because I just created the 2.1 branch yesterday15:23
apolRiddell: if it's not fixed in like 2 weeks I can take another look15:24
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu | https://trello.com/kubuntu | 4.11.2 notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas | bugs http://goo.gl/vHRjj | build status http://goo.gl/cjEFkO | 13.10 Beta 2 released
Riddell4.11.2 notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas15:31
apolRiddell: https://bugs.kde.org/buglist.cgi?cmdtype=runnamed&namedcmd=muon-discover&list_id=76199815:37
apolRiddell: I reduced the reported bugs to some wishes, if you think anything else should be tackled add it there again, I can stay home again next week or such and make sure everything is working fine15:37
Riddellapol: oh apachelogger said something about firefox installer still not working15:41
Riddellapol: some comments here, not very useful I guess http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/09/26/%23kubuntu-devel.html#t20:3615:42
Riddellapol: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/09/25/%23kubuntu-devel.html#t10:4915:42
apolRiddell: how can I find the firefox installer?15:43
apolthank you15:43
Riddellapol: it's this http://paste.kde.org/p2592a980/15:43
Riddellapol: it was very buggy when I tried it in spain earlier this year but I thought it had been fixed15:44
Riddelland it works fine when I try it locally15:45
apolit could be15:49
apoli've fixed it in the past15:49
apol2 or 3 times :D15:50
Riddelllet me try a live image to check15:50
Riddellhi palasso 15:55
palassohey Riddell15:55
Riddellapol: yeah works fine, dunno what apachelogger was moaning about16:05
apol\o/ well, happy that it works :)16:07
soeei see a lot of updates today16:18
Riddelleverything coming in after beta freeze16:19
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina-away
soeeshouldnt kubuntu store my laptop brightness ?16:57
Riddellprobably, upstream issue though17:03
Riddellanyone use the control-alt-del dialogue any more? the lack of a 1 click suspend option is a failure for me17:03
BluesKajRiddell:  I've had to use it occasionally when things freeze up17:06
sneleok I made clean install of beta2 and I am now 100% sure that there is a bug in plasma-nm17:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 1232153 in plasma-nm (Ubuntu) "Plasma-nm doesn't connect automaticaly to wifi network on startup (Kubuntu 13.10 beta2)" [Undecided,New]17:19
snelealso oxygen-gtk3 is not working out of box http://www.dodaj.rs/f/44/an/4U8jMQlO/snapshot2.png17:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 1232156 in oxygen-gtk3 (Ubuntu) "oxygen-gtk3 does not work out of box on kubuntu 13.10 beta2" [Undecided,New]17:24
soeesnele, for me it prompts for password after boot17:26
soeethan when i type it in im connected to wifi17:27
snelesoee: yes but it should not promt for password if you checked "connect automatically"17:27
snelesoee: and while booting, pay attention on splash screen. it will freeze for a while. if you change plasma-nm with old networkmanagement widget this doesn't happen17:28
soeeduring booting ? it has influence on this ?17:29
soeeand you mean this icons when system starting ?17:29
sneleif you replace plasma-nm with old applet I meant17:29
soeei have a stop after 3 icon17:29
sneleyes that stop seems to be caused by new plasma-nm applet17:30
soeei thought it was related to slow hdd or something17:30
sneleinstall from repositories old applet (plasma-widget-networkmanagement) and remove new plasma-nm and this "stop" is gone17:31
soeenah i dont want to mess with my system :)17:31
sneleand you will be automatically connected to wifi17:31
soeeits running perfect on y new laptop :D17:31
sneleit runs great on my very old laptop too but I am verry picky and I note bugs easily :D17:32
soeeok i confirmed this bug report17:33
ovidiu-florinapachelogger: still no responce from the UFW KController developer. How long should I wait for it?17:34
soeei forgot to add that im running 64bit17:35
=== cmagina-away is now known as cmagina
valorieon the docs, if we can get a minimal set, that would be best22:10
valorieunfortunately, my time is now short - we're just heading into a plumbing/bathroom remodel in our house22:10
valoriebut if we have 'big docs' we won't get good translations22:10
valoriewe need a minimal set which can be stable and well-translated, with links to stuff that changes22:11
valorieI was really hoping that darkwing would stick around and do that22:11
valoriealso, the installation section should not be included, since it is not done22:13
valorienor has it been checked for accuracy and completeness by those who know the procedure inside and out22:14
valorieabove for Riddell and whoever else decides what goes in the ISO22:14
valoriefor now, Welcome and Getting Involved are the only sections I would include22:16
valoriewith the possible exception of Software22:16
rohanhi.. does anyone know what power backed does kubuntu 13.10 use? does it still use pm-utils? 22:27
valorieahoneybun: I'll paste what I said earlier23:37
valoriehi, btw23:37
ahoneybunhey valorie!23:39
valorieI put the paste in a pm23:40
ahoneybun*hugs back*23:41
ahoneybunwhat about the basic page?23:42
valoriewelp, I'm about to leave for dinner23:50
valoriethe basic page isn't 'basic' enough for a non-changing or seldom-changing minimal doc set23:50
valoriehowever, it could be pruned down and become part of it, but that would take time and work23:51
apacheloggerso, I went to bed then when I was about to fall asleep I remembered that I wanted to do debug-installer yesterday, now I can't sleep -.-23:54
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: a week at least23:55
soeeapachelogger, nightmares ? :D23:55
apacheloggerRiddell: the firefox thing was tediously slow :P23:55
apacheloggermay have been intartubes fault23:55
apacheloggerbad experience eitherway23:55
apacheloggernah, just too much on my mind23:56
apacheloggergood thing there's a solution for that23:56
apacheloggerkubotu: order good beer23:56
* kubotu slides the finest Belgium Trappist beer down the bar to apachelogger.23:56

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