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OliverKloshoffIs there a channel to discuss 13.10, but for kubuntu?01:41
OliverKloshoffmeh, ya not really what I am looking for01:41
tsimpsonit is01:42
tsimpsonit's for all flavors01:42
OliverKloshoffIt may be thought of in that way, sure. But the majority of people there generally are not running KDE in my experience01:43
tsimpsonthat's true, but it is the place for 13.10 support01:44
tsimpsonthere's always #kubuntu-devel but they aren't so much for technical support01:44
OliverKloshoffI just had an security cert error in telepathy using gtalk when connecting for the first time. But when I try to reproduce by using 13.04 and KDE 4.11 I don't get the error01:44
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RoeyHello is Oliver there?  Yeah, OliverKloshoff01:51
RoeyI want to see OliverKloshoff01:51
Roeyhow cute01:51
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Guest10887I am having some issues with my sound card05:06
Guest10887I can't seem to get my sound to work in kubuntu.05:06
Guest10887It worked well in linux mint, kinda new to all this.05:07
SporkWitchGuest10887: sudo apt-get install alsamixer && alsamixer05:07
SporkWitchGuest10887: unmute the relevant items05:07
Guest10887Ill try that05:08
Guest10887Its weird cause I see in KDE Mixer my sound card05:08
Guest10887I have built in audio and a secondary sound card05:09
Guest10887then the HDMI from my video card05:09
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SporkWitchGuest10887: i've run into trouble off and on since the switch to phonon, but usually alsamixer is the fix05:18
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Guest10887I tried to run sudo apt-get install alsamixer && alsamixer and it said it couldn't find the package05:41
Guest10887am I typing in something incorrectly?05:41
SporkWitchGuest10887: might be under alsa-utils?  install apt-search, it's a handy app for searching by command name and it'll return the package that contains it (i recommend this since it's a useful thing ot have in general, so it'll save you more time in the long run compared to googling the answer now and in the future)05:44
SporkWitchGuest10887: need to get to sleep here, class in 6 hours; good luck, mate, sorry i couldn't help more05:47
SporkWitchGuest10887: i will say that if you're connecting over HDMI i have run into an issue with my laptop where it doesn't seem to want to let me use any other audio output except HDMI (an issue, obviously, when connecting to a normal monitor)05:48
Guest10887Thanks for the help. Its a start in the right direction. I haven't been able to test out the new command cause updates are running.05:49
linuxuz3ranyone here07:01
kristalHow do I configure qt font rendering? it's fuzzy07:04
linuxuz3rhi how do i change the brightness in kde07:06
kristallinuxuz3r: You want to use your monitor settings and drivers for that.07:20
skreech__You can use the power management09:00
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miguel_hi my name is wiki09:47
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andreunice nice09:47
Guest19217nice tits bitch! jajaj09:47
andreuguest you bitch09:48
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BluesKajhiyas all11:04
Luke-Twhat's the display manager in kubuntu called?11:12
jussiexcalibr: Im pretty sure we are using lightdm now11:13
Luke-Tyup light dm thanks guys11:14
lordievaderGood afternoon.11:31
Luke-Tmy kmenu search bar has a black background and the text colour is also black. does anyone know how to fix this11:32
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BluesKajkununtu-devel:  reinstall plasma-desktop11:35
BluesKajerr Luke-T ^11:35
Luke-Ti was in the kde channel a second ago just reinstalled11:36
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BluesKajLuke-T:  ok11:42
Luke-Tdoes anyone know why thekmenu search bar is black for me?11:50
Luke-Tnevermind done thanks heaps BluesKaj!11:50
Luke-Tdoes anyone know why keyboard shortcuts don't work11:50
Luke-Tnevermind, thanks again BluesKaj! :P11:51
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solomanDI just changed video from NV to AMD and not the task windows no longer have buttons in the upper right corners, what got skewed18:37
BluesKajsolomanD: did you install the ati driver for the new graphics card?18:41
solomanDnone of my consoles are working, can't input18:42
BluesKajhave you updated/upgraded lately ?18:42
BluesKajespecially after new hardware18:43
BluesKajctrl+alt+F1 to F618:44
BluesKajgets a tty where you canrun the updates and upgrades18:45
solomanDapt-get upgrade right?18:46
SporkWitchsolomanD: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade18:46
BluesKajsudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade18:46
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vbgunzIs Mir coming in 13.10 or 14.04 or is there no set date?18:55
vbgunzI can't believe some times how dead it could be in here and yet the list of users isn't exactly small19:09
vbgunzI remember a time when coming in here, something was going on19:10
BluesKajvbgunz:  not for kubuntu , wayland for kubuntu will be tried in 14.04 as an option i think .Mir is for ubuntu unity afaik19:23
vbgunzI know Ubuntu is supposed to be using Mir in 13.10 so I thought maybe Kubuntu would be using it too19:44
vbgunzyou can see here https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Wayland how the very beginning of it, they say they're no longer considering Wayland19:45
vbgunzI thought after the debacle with KDE and Mir, Kubuntu was going to use Wayland but it looks like quietely that changed19:45
BluesKajvb you notice they don't anything about Kubuntu on that site you posted, only Ubuntu. Looka like a copy and paste job to me.19:57
OliverKloshoffGah... I hate how this LCD is weird and requires a 75MhThey've actually said they will consider trying Mir/xMir in 14.0420:36
OliverKloshoffinsert period after Mhz*20:37
ScottyKwhere does ktorrent hide, so when I click on a torrent in firefox and it wants to know what application to open it with, I can point firefox to it?20:42
ss_hazeI seem to can't upload files to my server21:03
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toStringhi all22:26
toStringi've rm -rf /etc/php5 because purging the package from muon package manager didn't remove the conf files22:26
toStringbut now if i reinstall the php5 packages it doesn't install the conf files back22:26
toStringhow can i solve?22:27
toStringwhat am i doing wrong? (but for already deleting the files manually)22:27
valorietoString: apt-get purge would have been the proper way to remove the config files22:37
valoriemaybe try that before re-installing?22:37
toStringi'll do22:38
valorieI don't recall muon having a purge option?22:38
toStringit has22:38
valorieperhaps I didn't look hard enough22:38
valoriealso in apt, you can apt-get install --reinstall22:39
valoriewhich might check those config files for completeness22:39
toStringdone all of that by muon22:39
toStringnow i'll try with apt-get22:39
valorieif it works with apt-get and didn't with muon, please file a bug22:39
valoriemuon should work just as well22:40
toStringit didn't work with apt-get purge as well22:40
toStringthe conf files are still there22:40
toStringand so they are the same with an apt-get install --reinstall22:41
RoeytoString:  didn't I cast you off somewhere22:41
Roeyhey all22:41
Roeyhey valorie!22:41
toStringcast me off?22:41
RoeyI was making a pun.22:41
FloodBotK1Roey: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:41
valoriehi Roey22:42
toStringanyway, i messed up my php5 installation22:42
valorietoString: I'm out of ideas22:42
RoeytoString:  molto bene ;)22:42
toStringRoey: due palle :P22:42
Roeywiat what does that expression mean?22:43
valoriehowever, there are about 1 million php channels here22:43
toStringsomething like: "what a fuck"22:43
valoriedo a /msg alis list *php* and take your pick22:43
toStringvalorie, thanks22:43
valorie!language | toString22:44
ubottutoString: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:44
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