
mattwj2002hi guys00:13
mattwj2002what cool stuff can I expect in the new ubuntu?00:14
DJJeffPack Skype for Saucy with PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=30 to resolve PulseAudio 4.0 incompatability with sound and distrotion.00:37
OliverKloshoffHey guys, I know most of you guys are probably on Ubuntu and not Kubuntu. But I am hoping some people may be.01:50
OliverKloshoffI just had an security cert error in telepathy using gtalk when connecting for the first time. But when I try to reproduce by using 13.04 and KDE 4.11 I don't get the error01:50
OliverKloshoffSo, no one in here running 13.10 that could test this?02:04
snaythAny suggestions on a distro that is best suited to run VirtualBox but you could also watch an occasional Netflix movie or youtube.  Hardware is: 4x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 650 @ 3.20GHz ~ 8GB's ram, ~ 1TB Sata drive ? ? ?02:15
pepeeOliverKloshoff, I use kde, but I don't use telepathy nor gtalk...02:16
wilee-nileethis is ubuntu support take a guess my advice. ;)02:16
pepeesnayth, depends on hardware02:17
snaythpepee: I listed hardware02:17
pepeeif your hardware works, it will work in almost every distro, but ubuntu is very good for starters and... anyone :)02:17
pepeesnayth, graphics card?02:17
snaythAh thats Nvidia 9600 I believe Running on 26" Samsung w/HDMI02:21
johnjohn101so is it really only 9 months support on 13.10?02:33
OliverKloshoffjohnjohn101: the same as 13.0402:42
OliverKloshoffAfter 12.10 the cut the support cycle, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS02:42
johnjohn101wow 9 months for non lts02:43
OliverKloshoffnot sure why it really matters...02:44
johnjohn101yeah, everyone upgrades02:44
OliverKloshoffAnd lts for servers02:45
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OveRisbergI am trying to do a network install of 13.10 on a Dell Latitude E5420 but it fails to configure the network.09:08
OveRisbergThis is a few lines from dmesg (let me know if you need the complete Call trace):09:08
OveRisberg[   13.092337] ieee80211 phy0: brcmsmac: fail to load firmware brcm/bcm43xx-0.fw09:09
OveRisberg[  242.044566] INFO: task ip:1934 blocked for more than 120 seconds.09:09
OveRisberg[  242.044570] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.09:09
OveRisberg[  242.044573] ip              D 0000000a     0  1934   1931 0x0000000009:09
OveRisberg[  242.044578]  dfa35cc8 00000082 00406100 0000000a fffee884 00000000 00000000 c1a5260009:09
OveRisberg[  242.044585]  36ac4306 00000003 c1a52600 f5b82600 dfb6a6a0 c10575ff dfa35c88 c163f2d809:09
OveRisberg[  242.044592]  dfa34000 dfa35cd0 c1637cdc dfa34000 dfb6a6a0 00000000 dfa35ce4 c195502009:09
OveRisberg[  242.044599] Call Trace:09:09
OveRisberg[  242.044610]  [<c10575ff>] ? irq_exit+0x5f/0xa009:09
OveRisberg[  242.044617]  [<c163f2d8>] ? smp_apic_timer_interrupt+0x38/0x5009:10
prp-eIs Ubuntu 13.10 Beta released?!09:13
prp-eOveRisberg, Thanks.09:20
lagerpcDoes anyone know which nVidia drivers will be present in Ubuntu 13.10, and will it solve the issues with Optimus?10:15
lagerpcAnyone here?10:32
oz0neIn the current ubuntu i need to recompile kernel and incr the define of HID_MAX_USAGES to get a mouse working, is that an extremly dirty fix? Will i have to do it for the next ubuntu aswell? (something eg. http://forums.opensuse.org/english/get-technical-help-here/hardware/473200-usb-gaming-mouse-04d9-a078-not-working-linux-plus-workaround.html ) after some googling i saw the same kind of10:57
oz0neissue that could also be solved with incr the define of max_usages. but in that case i tried to look at a patch that were supplied for another mouse ( https://bugzilla.redhat.com/attachment.cgi?id=767810&action=diff ), if someone got the knowledge, what exactly happens here, in the patch? "rdesc[116] = 0x2f;"10:57
oz0nei would be pleased to submit a patch instead of diryhacking it for personal use.10:58
BluesKajhiyas all11:04
ikoniaoz0ne: why do you have to recompile the kernel for that ?11:08
ikoniaoz0ne: is it a crazy odd mouse ?11:08
oz0neikonia: in my case is it a SHARKOON DarkGlider mouse, i also had the same issue with a roccat kone some back in time.11:13
ikoniaoz0ne: are there any drawbacks from the settings you changed ?11:14
oz0neikonia: not as i know of, as i have to little expirence with the kernel i can't say exactly why the default value is set at the point it is.11:15
oz0neikonia: did you have a quick look at the urls?11:15
ikoniaoz0ne: maybe worth logging a bug, so that it's got a documented problem and fix, than push that bug to one of the kernel packages and see if you can get those features into the ubuntu kernel packages11:16
ikoniaoz0ne: that way you can keep with the kernel packages supplied by ubuntu11:16
ikoniaand you won't have to do this and others can see the problem/fix too11:16
oz0neikonia: i will try to look some more into it =)12:00
brainwashdid anyone else notice that slock, i3lock and maybe other locker tools are "corrupting" the screen after unlocking the session?12:24
brainwashthe screen remains black and flickers slightly when moving the mouse12:24
brainwasheventually the black screen disappears, but I'm not sure when and why12:25
tarvidlinux-image-extra-3.11.0-8-generic_3.11.0-8.15.amd64.deb is failing the MD5sum checksum on 2 DVDs, Should I download again?13:35
SuperLagkicked. to the curb.14:36
SuperLagTrying to figure out why when I have a Terminal window maximized, I don't see any menus at the top of the screen.14:37
SuperLagonly window controls14:37
SuperLagI'm trying to get to the Preferences menu, but no menus at all show up14:37
oz0neikonia: managed to find out why the value is like it is (cause of the way the parser works), and i bet it won't be changed. It is the hardware giving a faulty value of the descriptor. It is possible to write a driver to correct the descriptor if it isn't allready done. I will keep an eye on it and check it out later. : )15:12
ikoniaoz0ne: nice work !15:24
Dark_lightCan anyone tell me if the scopes can be disabled/enabled selectively (eg. disabling amazon ads but keeping wikipedia or the weather) ?15:30
BluesKajDark_light:  I use adblock edge on firefox which seems to work well disabled all kinds of ads , probly flash and java15:32
BluesKajdisabling rather15:32
BluesKajnot all flash of course15:33
Dark_lighthumm we're not talking about the same thing15:33
Dark_lightmaybe I was not clear15:33
Dark_lightI'm talking about the scopes in unity if I can enable/disable them selectively15:33
BluesKajdunno about unity ..kde here15:34
BluesKajthink that's a bummer that canonical sponsors embedded ads15:34
Dark_lightoh ok, I'm a kde user myself but wanted to give those a shot they seemed pretty cool last time I checked them , problem was that it was all or nothing15:35
BluesKajgoes against the free software philosophy IMO15:35
Dark_lightyeah that was a pretty cheap move I don't know how one can find amazon suggestions useful too15:36
BluesKajif I need something from amazon or any other supplier I don't need an ad to find it :)15:37
ikoniathe best thing to do with that is log a bug for it being enabled by default and get people to comment on it15:38
ikoniaI agree it should not be on by default, or should be an install options to enable/disable15:38
BluesKajthat was another reason that unity p**ed me off15:39
Dark_lightthe main issue for me is not whether it's enabled by default or an option at install time, the main issue is that a lot of the scopes that have been added are actually useful now. There's wether previsions youtube videos, wikipedia entries and so forth but there's only a switch that says online suggestions on or off, all or nothing15:40
ikoniaDark_light: another good bug - get it logged, get traction15:41
SuperLagSo.... no one else has the issue with the menus disappearing when Terminal is maximized?15:43
johnjohn101superlag, my terminal works15:43
BluesKajSuperLag: install guake for unity/gnome or yakuake for kde , you won't regret it15:45
SuperLagBluesKaj: what is that?15:46
BluesKajit's adrop down shell /terminal using the F12 key , very handy and configurable15:46
BluesKajSuperLag:  ^15:47
SuperLagjohnjohn101: hmm.... I wonder if I screwed something up then. I typically don't mess with Terminal other than to set the theme to white-on-black15:49
SuperLagSo how can you tell what your system fixed width font is?15:52
SuperLagI figured that'd be in the Appearance settings.... but no dice15:52
SuperLagBluesKaj: is the ad integration specific to Unity?15:53
BluesKajSuperLag:  dunno , not sure15:54
BluesKajSuperLag:  KDE here , couldn't handle unity15:55
SuperLagKDE got too weird for me15:56
SuperLagGnome too, kinda... :/15:57
BluesKajthis what yakuake looks like on my large monitot , ..use ctrl - to reduce the size15:57
ikonia!info linux-image16:34
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 1 kB, installed size 33 kB16:34
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agresterI'm using the 13.10 Beta 2 and how do I tell if I'm using Xmir?17:38
ubottuMir is the next-generation display server currently under development by Canonical and Ubuntu. It's slated for inclusion in Ubuntu 14.04. For more information on it, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mir/Spec . For code, see https://launchpad.net/mir17:39
wilee-nileenot fully implemented until 14.04 I believe17:39
agresterOkay, but from the command line how do I tell if it's running?17:40
agresterThanks for the info, I'll do some reading...17:42
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cyberkillaDid anyone else install gnome 3.10 and end up with broken keyboard shortcuts?18:32
cyberkillaSo much idling [-__-] :'(18:37
wilee-nilee!ppa | cyberkilla18:39
ubottucyberkilla: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge18:39
cyberkillaThat's fascinating (_8(|)18:44
FernandoMiguelcyberkilla: for a few days I had lots of keys not work18:45
FernandoMiguelbut today looks ok18:45
bazhangI know the 3.8 PPA has *numerous* warnings, I'd imagine 3.10 would have even more.18:45
FernandoMiguelI can do @ and ] again18:45
wilee-nileeasking here is well, special, lol18:46
cyberkillaFernandoMiguel, for me, it seems to be certain keyboard shortcuts. The individual keys are still working, and xev picks them up, but volume, CTRL+ALT+T, etc., don't do anything.18:47
cyberkillaIt isn't a major issue, I just thought I'd mention it in case someone else had already found the solution :)18:47
BluesKajctrl+alt+t hasn't worked for ages18:49
cyberkillabazhang, yeah, they have a fair few warnings. In my experience, I've only had issues when using gnome-staging. I'm only using gnome-next atm. Perhaps it's missing a few packages.18:49
cyberkillaBluesKaj, really? Is it not the default binding any more? I've been using it recently.18:50
cyberkillawilee-nilee, I ask here because I'm using a pre-release version of Ubuntu and I wish to discuss it :-p18:52
BluesKajcyberkilla:  perhaps there's an input setting for it that I'm missing , dunno for sure18:52
wilee-nileeworks here in the shell18:52
BluesKajit's supposed to launch the terminal , correct?18:53
cyberkillaBluesKaj, yeah, usually launches the terminal for me.18:53
BluesKajusing yakuake anyway so i don't miss the terminal much18:54
cyberkillaI appreciate the responses btw :) I think I might be best served by reformatting and doing another fresh install. It has been a good few releases since I've done that, and the obscure issues are starting to build up.18:55
cyberkillaFor a long time, I've had a problem with dconf-service, where it absolutely hammers my hard disk for no good reason. Certain windows will trigger megabytes of disk writes as you drag them around the screen.18:56
cyberkillaGNOME System Monitor does the same thing if you resize any of its panes. I get the impression that they're storing something in dconf, and dconf is committing it immediately to disk, for no good reason. Only one person has confirmed that they have the same problem. Everyone else I've asked can't reproduce it. Very strange :)18:57
tux_how do I disable ALL Scopes19:23
tux_not going through each one individually..19:23
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MoPacHello; I'm having continuing problems doing an upgrade-in-place to saucy (error is unable to calculate). It would be great if I could get some diagnostic support, as the problem may be related to some broken library packages21:26
wilee-nileeMoPac, How much have you tweaked raring, ie PPA's etc, and can you do a clean update/upgrade in raring?21:33
MoPacwilee-nilee: I have a number of PPAs in sources.list.d, but I have cleaned things up -- no custom lines in the main sources.list file, and no failed retrievals now in update/upgrade21:34
MoPacrunning autoremove/autoclean, apt-get install -f before attempting upgrade doesn't help21:35
wilee-nileeMoPac, Did you run ppa purge? run sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and pastebin all of it.21:37
MoPacis ppa purge an apt command?21:38
wilee-nileeapt-get install -f is for stopped or broken updates21:38
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html21:38
wilee-nileeMoPac, Do the pastebin of those commands21:38
MoPacI guess if I'm going to run purge I'll need to back up my current sources.list.d folder; one sec21:40
MoPacwilee-nilee: This is an earlier pastebin from the same fail http://pastebin.com/aTNjstTV21:42
wilee-nileeMoPac, I doubt your going to get that to upgrade without some serious fixing, which if you knew you would not be here.21:47
wilee-nileetheoretically anything is fixable, however I see a big mess there.21:48
wilee-nileeand we are not really communicating, you have not even run the command I suggested.21:49
MoPacwilee-nilee: I heard something similar when I asked in here a few days ago...i.e., something like "that looks pretty broken", but the thing is I don't really understand what the brokenness actually is21:51
MoPacI have just run purge21:51
MoPacand am now on the apt-get update21:51
MoPachere is a paste from that21:54
MoPac(dist-upgrade is also not on there, but it modified 0 files)21:55
RalliasAhh, upgrade day.21:57
MoPacRallias: For me it's been more like failed upgrade fortnight, sadly21:58
wilee-nileeMoPac, You still have quantal and 3rd party repo stuff there. YOu have to run the purge on the PPA's when they are still in the sources.list.d and use their ppa info. http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html21:58
RalliasMoPac, Well, strictly speaking, I'm doing fresh install.21:58
wilee-nileeare you aware of /etc/apt/sources.list.d21:58
MoPacwilee-nilee: Yes21:59
RalliasAre there any major changes for 13.10 that I need to be aware of?21:59
RalliasLike the switch from system v to upstart... stuff like that.21:59
MoPacwilee-nilee: I ran purge on * ; do I need to run it on each ppa individually that I see in the sources.list.d?22:00
wilee-nileeMoPac, however it will revert everything to whats in the regular repos.22:01
SonikkuAmericaOn another note, why on earth are PPAs directly thrown into sources.list.d ?22:02
MoPacwilee-nilee: I'm a bit confused by that -- if I have a third-party repository in my sources.list.d, how can it be reverted ?22:02
wilee-nileeIt is a guess though that is the problem, you certainly have dependency problems.22:02
SonikkuAmericaIf it's in sources.list itself you can use ppa-purge22:02
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html22:02
wilee-nileeMoPac, ppa-purge does it at its best.22:02
wilee-nileeSonikkuAmerica, canonical made sources.list.d for ppa's and 3rd party repos is all.22:04
MoPacwilee-nilee: I guess what I'm trying to ask is: what can it mean to "revert" something to a standard repo if it is third-party software not packaged in Ubuntu usually?22:05
SonikkuAmericawilee-nilee: My point is why bother *directly with sources.list.d when you can put the PPAs in sources.list ?22:05
RalliasSonikkuAmerica, Most people suggest using add-apt-repository, which puts crud in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/22:06
wilee-nileeMoPac, If its not the repo it wont, only the upgrades out of it from 3rd parties like a ppa..etc are replaced by the ubuntu repo.22:06
wilee-nileeSonikkuAmerica, You don't have to, if done ubuntu's way it loads the key as well, in the sources.list you have to add the key.22:07
SonikkuAmericaRallias: It does, but it doesn't direct-deposit the "crud" in sources.list.d IIRC (it at least gets tee'd into /etc/apt/sources.list)22:07
RalliasWhat planet are you living on again? Every time I've used add-apt-repository it's put it in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/22:08
MoPacIs there a way to command apt to rebuild its database of sources based on the lines in sources.list and the files in sources.list.d22:08
RalliasMoPac, apt-get update22:08
SonikkuAmericaRallias: Lemme look at it again22:08
TJ-/etc/sources.list (a file) is for the Ubuntu official archives; /etc/sources.list.d/ (the directory) is for user-installed additional archives22:08
SonikkuAmericahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6164659/ <<< My sources.list after adding ppa:tualatrix/ppa using the CLI22:09
SonikkuAmerica(Look @ the last line)22:10
RalliasLast line22:10
RalliasUbuntu Extras.22:10
TJ-SonikkuAmerica: That's a standard sources.list - there's no PPA there22:10
SonikkuAmericaIn - teresting.22:10
wilee-nileeSonikkuAmerica, this "## This software is not part of Ubuntu, but is offered by third-party"?22:11
RalliasSpeaking of which... I really need to make myself a PPA for some crap.22:11
SonikkuAmericaWell... sometimes I have to [ tee -a ] stuff (like the VBox PPAs for the latest version)... Hmm.22:11
TJ-PPAs will have URLs of the form "deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/scribus/ppa/ubuntu raring main"22:11
SonikkuAmericaTJ-: Actually they won't so much have deb-src as deb if the source isn't included.22:12
TJ-Of course - that was an example of what to expect... ppa.lauchpad.net being the key part22:13
TJ-"egrep '^deb.*ppa\.launchpad\.net' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/" will list all the PPAs22:14
MoPacAt the moment, ppa-purge is throwing errors regarding PPAs that aren't anywhere near sources.list or sources.list.d -- I'm going to try a restart and then re apt-get update...22:14
TJ-or it would if I could type!22:14
TJ-"egrep '^deb.*ppa\.launchpad\.net' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*" :)22:15
SonikkuAmericaTJ-: Oh'^ ^\!my^% goodness^!' so much punctuation!'\{%'"22:17
wilee-nileemy favorite both lists  "grep -vr "^#" /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/}"22:18
SonikkuAmericaHello axelm7 from #ubuntu22:19
TJ-wilee-nilee: mine is usually "egrep -v '^(#|$)' ..."22:19
SonikkuAmerica[ egrep !@#$%^&*()_++_)(*&^%$#@! ]22:20
wilee-nileeTJ-, I just found mine on the web and use it, I could not code my way out of a paper bag22:20
axelm7hi guys, I am usually a Centos/Fedora user but for this specific installation I am using Ubuntu 13.10. Box has AMD 64 x2 / nvidia chipset and nvidia 6300 onboard video. nouveau is behaving really weird, even in 2D. can someone guide me on how to install nVidia blob drivers?22:21
* TJ- laughs ....22:21
TJ-... I had to get into RegExps but it took a while22:21
SonikkuAmericaaxelm7: What !flavor ? Unity?22:22
TJ-axelm7: If you're using the free drivers and Unity then it's likely using the Mir display-server. It might therefore be a bug.22:23
axelm7to be honest my only experience with ubuntu is with a headless server, so I would not if it's unity or not22:23
TJ-axelm7: Is it a desktop GUI install?22:23
SonikkuAmericaThat reminds me... (I'm using Ubuntu GNOME 13.10) Is there a way to tell what display server I'm running?22:23
axelm7desktop amd6422:23
TJ-See http://unity.ubuntu.com/mir/using_mir_on_pc.html22:24
SonikkuAmericaI ask particularly because I'm starting to see Wayland libs make their way in and I'd like to see whether or not I'm still using X22:24
DaekdroomIs anyone else's Online Accounts settings work ok, specifically when it comes to Google accounts?22:49
DaekdroomMeh. It was a matter of removing them and adding them back.22:50
arayaqHi, I have a fresh install of Saucy on a HP notebook with a Llano APU (A8-4500M). I was expecting to solve some overheating problems, but the temperature keeps being around the 80 C when not idle. How do I check if DPM is running correctly or at least running?22:58
Ari-Yangarayaq, type dmesg grep | dpm22:58
Ari-Yangthis is DPM for kernel 3.11, yes?22:58
arayaqAri-Yang: dmesg | grep dpm has no output22:59
axelm7TJ-, MIR is disabled23:13
axelm7Everything is normal until after logging in23:13
axelm7the top bar and the left sidebar show weird artifacts23:14
axelm7I'm not going to waste any time troubleshooting this. I'll just download 13.04. Thanks guys23:14
snaythIs there a way move applets in the panel to the left or the right ? ? ~ Running 10.4LTS Lucid Gnome223:36
ariel__i am from colombia23:37
ariel__eclipse no func whit java 823:38
ariel__my english is so so23:38
Ari-Yangnot sure if this is the right channel to ask... but will ubuntu 13.10 support UVD?23:39
Ari-Yangarayaq, yeah, if my laptop is on for a while, there is no dpm output...23:39
Ari-Yangyou'd run it after you reboot and login to your user account23:40
pepeeariel__, install  openjdk-7-jre23:49
pepeeAri-Yang, should work with kernel 3.11, but you need libg3dvl-mesa from oibaf's repo  :)23:50
ariel__no func23:57
ariel__con java 723:57

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