
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
dpmzsombi, so the alarms branch for clock is ready to go, right? \o/05:26
dholbachgood morning06:45
zsombidpm: right :)06:57
dpmawesome :)06:59
nik90good morning everyone07:46
nik90zsombi: on testing it on nexus 4, it doesnt seem to save the alarm07:53
nik90zsombi: I press the save button and it returns to to the main alarm page but the alarm has not been saved07:53
nik90zsombi: it works on desktop though07:53
zsombinik90: there was some update on EDS backend, so that may be broken :(07:54
nik90zsombi: ah :(07:54
zsombinik90: there can be millions of issues with that... check with renato.07:55
nik90zsombi: should I push my branch in nonetheless since it is an upstream issue?07:55
zsombinik90: I'd say yes07:56
nik90zsombi: okay. I am top approving it now07:56
nik90dpm, popey: I added the county info at https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/add-county-info08:04
nik90dpm, popey: I just need some design confirmation before it can go in08:04
* popey looks08:04
dpmnik90, nice work, I saw the mp, but I haven't tested it yet. Does it look good visually in your opinion?08:05
* popey tests on his device08:05
nik90dpm: somewhat okay08:06
nik90dpm: hard to say :)08:06
popeydpm: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-tutorials-dev can you add me pls?08:07
dpmpopey, done :)08:08
nik90dpm: although I noticed that sometimes the county name is the same as the city name. For instance on search Delft, the first three entries have delft as the county name. I guess when that happens, I should add a rule to hide the county info.08:08
popeydpm: ta08:08
popeynik90: well. "New York, New York" is valid, surely?08:09
dpmnik90, yeah, and also depending on whether there are duplicates, I guess. It might be worth still to show it there08:09
nik90popey: :)08:10
nik90dpm: it is hard to check for duplicates since it is a delegate and hence does not work entirely with indexes.08:11
nik90kalikiana: your update concerning moving the sqlite database to .local/share/app-name landed as an update. However the clock app creates its sqlite database still in .local/share/Qt Project/QML/OfflineStorage/Databases/..08:15
nik90kalikiana: any idea why? I have not hardcoded the path.08:15
nik90kalikiana: However i do have a directory .local/share/ubuntu-clock-app/ which stores the alarm database08:16
kalikiananik90: could you give me a link to the repo? then I will check it08:17
dpmnik90, it might be worth looking at m-b-o's implementation, he used JS and the geonames.org JSON feed, that might be a bit more flexible08:17
dpmnot saying which one is best, but it might be worth looking at both implementations08:17
nik90kalikiana: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/trunk08:17
nik90dpm: sure08:18
nik90dpm: however both json and xml create a model used by listview. And in the listview I use a delegate08:18
dpmah, I see08:18
nik90dpm: I will see if m-b-o fixes the issue and if he does then use json..08:19
nik90dpm: the problem is that the online api does not return only cities, it sometimes return the city center which looks like a duplicate but is not technically08:19
nik90kalikiana: just add a world city or a new timer preset .. anything..that should create a local sqlite storage08:20
popeynik90: dpm http://popey.com/~alan/device-2013-09-27-092122.png08:22
popeynot sure why there's two in hampshire08:22
popey(there aren't)08:22
nik90hey guys, i am not sure if you noticed but on a nexus 4, if I leave a qml+javascript app like any of the showdown apps or a core apps running while the phone is suspended for a few hours, when I unlock it, it is very laggy.08:23
nik90I have to do a pkill unity8 to fix it08:23
nik90seems like qmlscene is leaking memory08:23
dpmI've noticed it, yeah, but I did not research further08:23
popeywonder if it's that08:24
nik90popey: inception ^^ farmborough in farmborough08:24
popeyhttp://popey.com/~alan/device-2013-09-27-092457.png newport is another good test case08:25
nik90popey: there may be a hidden farmborough in farmborough (hampshire)08:25
popeyThe Crown Principality of popey's house.08:25
popeyhttp://popey.com/~alan/device-2013-09-27-092526.png has odd sort order08:25
popeyL then C then L08:25
nik90In your newport case, they are not exactly duplciated or atleast I have no idea how to detect duplicates with different strings08:26
nik90popey: the order is due to the online API. On talking to the SDK devs some time back, there is no qml way to order a listview. I am afraid I am stuck there08:27
nik90besides the order is a low priority issue we can tackle next cycle. The higher priority is to distinguish between duplicate results which I thought was resolved until you showed the farnborough case **sighs**08:28
nik90as I said before, you always find new bugs08:28
popeyYou love me really. ☻08:31
kalikianayou can order a model. if needed by using another model based on your original data.08:32
nik90I am going to add a specific case if (Popey), do something special and act like everything is fine :)08:32
kalikianaa little extra hassle but it does the job08:32
nik90kalikiana: hmm yeah I think I could do that08:32
nik90kalikiana: although if the original model is big, then it would be time consuming08:33
kalikianayeah. if you can sorting the data to begin with can be more efficient08:33
kalikianahrm how do you run, or install the clock app?08:35
nik90kalikiana: its a xmlListModel (orginal one), so I am not sure how to do sorting as I get it08:35
nik90kalikiana: just qmlscene ubuntu-clock-app.qml08:35
kalikianathat doesn't work, it doesn't find its data files08:35
kalikianacomplains about ClockPage08:35
kalikianahm even more weird, now it runs08:36
kalikianamagic clearly08:36
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kalikianadang I confirm, it still uses the old location for the database… do you mind filing a bug? I will come up with a solution asap08:41
nik90kalikiana: under ui-toolkit?08:42
kalikianaI wish I could add a test case for it, but the toolkit doesn't depend on sqlite storage plugin :-(08:43
nik90kalikiana: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/123186308:47
nik90popey: you could be right about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-weather-app/+bug/122115308:49
popey 08:50:23 up 1 day, 31 min,  0 users,  load average: 9.29, 8.76, 8.5508:50
popeyok, my phone has been on for a while08:50
nik90still high08:52
popeydamnit, why don't we ship with screen or tmux on the phone! ☹08:52
nik90renato: ping (concerning EDS bug affecting alarms)08:53
nik90renato: let me know when you come online08:53
nik90popey: one last test for https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/sync-clock-backend (btw requires you to delete old db)09:10
nik90popey: and then if it works as expected, pls also add a comment approving MP09:11
nik90popey: expected behavior: If location returned is "None" like in your case, it will request the user to set the location manually09:11
nik90for other locations, it will set it correctly09:11
popeynik90: http://popey.com/~alan/device-2013-09-27-104128.png09:41
popeynik90: http://popey.com/~alan/device-2013-09-27-104144.png09:41
nik90popey: yup that's how it is supposed to work09:45
nik90popey: thnx. I think that branch is good to merge now09:45
popeygood good09:45
dpmnice work with the arguments for calendar WebbyIT :)09:45
WebbyITthanks dpm :)09:46
WebbyITdpm, are they okay or you prefers other arguments?09:46
dpmWebbyIT, I think they are good. Let me add tedg as a reviewer, as he was requesting them on the bug09:47
nik90dpm: would we need arguments for the clock app to go directly to alarms for instance?09:48
nik90WebbyIT: nice work09:49
dpmnik90, I don't know to be honest, I'm not familiar enough with the Alarms API yet, either09:49
dpmwe might want to drag tedg to the channel when he comes online later on09:49
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smartboyhwHello dpm09:56
dpmhi smartboyhw, I got your reply, thanks! ;)09:57
smartboyhwdpm, any ideas who I will be working with? ;009:57
smartboyhw;) actually09:57
dpmsmartboyhw, I'm creating the LP team today, yes09:57
smartboyhwdpm, :)09:57
mehow is such a dick :)10:02
nik90dpm: I am getting an error when trying to update translation strings http://paste.ubuntu.com/6162134/10:03
nik90mehow: hello :)10:03
mehowsorry someone hacked my computer ;)10:04
dpmnik90, ah, it seems I listed the source files in the po/po.pro file as having JS files under alarm/ and there aren't any?10:06
* dpm updates branch and checks10:07
nik90dpm: nope10:07
nik90dpm: I can fix it while updating the strings10:08
nik90dpm: I need to just remove the line ../alarm/*.js \ in po.pro?10:08
dpmnik90, exactly. That'd be cool, thanks10:08
nik90mehow: since you are here, mind giving your design thoughts on http://imgur.com/OpVN0oy10:09
nik90mehow: we added an additional line to show county info10:09
* dpm likes nik90's sense of opportunity :)10:09
mehowhahah :) looking good, but maybe lets try to st10:09
nik90dpm: hehe10:09
mehowlets put the UK etc into the second line ?10:10
mehowso there will be just 2 lines ?10:10
nik90mehow: the first line is for the city, 2nd line is for county, state info and the 3rd line is country10:10
nik90mehow: however if there are no county or state info, then only 2 lines will be shown10:11
nik90mehow: I could add the country in the 2nd line, however I have seen some counties which are pretty long and will cause the lines to overlap10:11
mehowyeah, but I think 2 lines still looks better than 310:12
mehowand we could do something with the font colour ( second line )10:12
nik90mehow: I have no problem adding country to the 2nd line. As for font color, let me know what you like. Should be an easy change10:13
nik90mehow: so what happens when the text overflows the space available?10:14
nik90dpm: In the alarm main page, when an alarm is saved, it shows the days the alarm is active on like "Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri" etc...how do we translate them?10:15
dpmwith Qt.locale()10:15
dpmlet me see with which function10:15
dpmI know you can give it an index and it will return the localized name10:15
nik90dpm: I already used Qt.locale() for the days, but these are shortened versions of the actual day name10:15
dpmthere are different versions available, and I _think_ shortened version should be one of them, let me check10:16
nik90for instance I use Qt.locale().standaloneDayName(1) to show the day options while setting an alarm day10:16
dpmexactly, I'm just hoping there is a Qt.locale().prettypleasegivemeashortenedDayName(1)10:17
nik90dpm: I see string Locale::dayName(day, type) where you can mention the type as short or long.10:19
nik90will check if that works10:19
dpmnik90, Qt.locale().standaloneDayName(1, type) -> http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtqml/qml-qtquick2-locale.html#formattype10:20
dpmwhere type is Locale.ShortFormat10:20
* nik90 is trying now10:21
dpmah, sorry, I was reading the docs and missed your comment10:21
nik90dpm: https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/add-translations-0.7/+merge/18800910:34
dpmnik90, and approved, thanks!10:35
nik90dpm: saw ur comment, hehe10:36
dpmmihir_, WebbyIT, ok, we've got design input for the last calculator bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calculator-app/+bug/122673810:37
WebbyITdpm, this not solve our doubt: what happend if I press 1+2*= ?10:38
dpmWebbyIT, I interpreted that case to be "I would expect that after entering an operand such as '+', if I then hit a different operand like 'x' it would change the operand, because I've just changed my mind."10:39
dpmso in that case, 1+2*= would actually become 1*2=10:40
mihir_dpm: in the scenario mentioned in comment ,10:40
dpmand the result would be 210:40
mihir_currently, we are not allowing user to change sign once they have  added the sign10:40
mihir_they have to use C button to add other sign10:40
mihir_dpm: do you really want that needs to be implemented , like if user change mind of the sign ?? :-/10:41
dpmI don't have a strong opinion on this one, other than agreeing with you that the current implementation might lead to confusion. It might be worth discussing it with Dani or Christina10:42
mihir_dpm: yeah that would be great !!10:43
WebbyITdpm, IMO there are two ways: or ignore last sign, or doesn't do calc if there isn't a number10:43
mihir_WebbyIT: as par dani's commnet ...currently we are not handling changing sign once user enter10:45
dpmmihir_, when you say sign, do you mean operator perhaps?10:45
dpmlet me see if I can get Dani in here, or if not we can discuss it with christina next week when she's back10:45
mihir_dpm: yes i meant operator (+,-,/)10:45
Gue______Hi guys!10:51
Gue______I'm Dani, Ux designer @canonical10:51
WebbyITHi Gue______ :)10:52
Gue______you were discussing the calculator bug on here, right?10:52
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mihir_hey Uxdoc10:55
mihir_WebbyIT: And I are working on calculator10:56
WebbyITUxdoc, about bug 1226738, we think that your solution isn't the best possible10:57
Uxdocok let's talk about it10:57
Uxdocwhich problems do you see on what I was proposing?10:58
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WebbyITUxdoc, I think that if an user press a sign and after equal, is because he changes it's mind and doesn't want to use last sign10:59
WebbyITUxdoc, so IMO  there are two ways: or ignore last sign, or doesn't do calc if there isn't a number10:59
mihir_WebbyIT: ignoring would be better option indeed11:00
mihir_but actually if you see calculator it changes the sign accordingly :|11:00
UxdocIgnoring the last last sign is exactly what I had in mind11:01
mihir_say If i press + and but i want to use * then i shouldn't have one more touch to C11:01
WebbyITUxdoc, oh, well, so there was a misunderstand11:01
Uxdocyes i think so…11:01
WebbyITUxdoc, we understand that if user press 1+2*= we have to calc 1*211:02
mihir_Uxdoc: what do you prefer ??11:02
UxdocI was thinking 9*9- , we ingnore the -11:02
mihir_but in UI it'll be visible is that correct ?11:02
WebbyITUxdoc, or we have to delete last sign?11:03
UxdocI would say we kill the last sign11:03
mihir_but WebbyIT deleting last sign how UI will react if I do like this 1+2*= ??11:03
WebbyITmihir_, we have only to use formulaPop(),11:04
WebbyITUxdoc, ok, thanks11:04
mihir_WebbyIT: agreed :) got that point but we'll first remove that sign & then perform calcualtion correc?11:05
WebbyITmihir_, right, it's an easy bugfix, let's me show you the code11:05
Uxdoccool! cheers guys11:05
Uxdocand very nice to meet you11:05
mihir_Uxdoc: you too :) thanks for your time :)11:06
WebbyITUxdoc, our pleasure, thanks for your patience :)11:06
mihir_Uxdoc: ping !!11:11
mihir_WebbyIT: one more doubt i got :|11:11
mihir_dpm: branch pushed :)11:21
mihir_dpm: https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni-123/ubuntu-calendar-app/1226738/+merge/18802211:21
mihir_dpm: sorry missed link11:22
mihir_pushed in calendar bymistake :)11:23
nik90mihir_: lol11:23
mihir_nik90:  hahaha11:23
mihir_cal make me confusion :(11:23
nik90I can imagine clock, calendar, calculator... jesus11:26
dpmmihir_, nice one, I just hope you don't add calculator support to the calendar... :)11:27
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mihir_dpm: https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni-123/ubuntu-calculator-app/1226738/+merge/18802411:29
dpmmihir_, thanks! Could you add a detailed description of the changes and the solution chosen? The bug link does not contain the IRC discussion, and I'm not sure what you guys have agreed to with design11:31
renatonik90, hi11:32
nik90renato: hi11:33
nik90renato: I am unable to save alarms on the phone11:34
renatonik90, what is the problem with the EDS plugin? Do you have a test?11:34
nik90renato: zsombi connected his alarms manager to the EDS plugin11:34
nik90renato: I did not notice any error messages which was weird11:35
nik90renato: on the desktop it works fine11:35
renatonik90, can you isolate the problem?11:36
nik90renato: not really since it is not a issue in the clock app. I only know that it happens on phone and not the desktop during my test11:36
nik90renato: is there anything particular I should do to identify the issue?11:37
renatonik90, I really do not know the alarm components to understand what is happening, we should talk with szombi to try to understand where is the error11:38
nik90renato: +111:38
nik90zsombi: you there?11:38
zsombinik90: for few minutes more yes11:38
nik90zsombi: renato wanted to discuss with you the alarm components to identify issue in EDS11:39
nik90conversation ^^11:39
zsombinik90: first we need some logs to isolate the issue as renato said11:39
zsombinik90: I need to see whether you see some warning when launching/opening the alarms tab which is related to alarms11:40
nik90renato, zsombi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6162405/11:41
nik90the log when opening the app on the phone11:41
mihir_dpm: I have linked the bug :)11:41
dpmmihir_, I know you have, but it'd be good to have a more detailed explanation for the review, especially as the bug does not contain the discussion on IRC11:43
nik90zsombi: agree. All I need to know is what logs you guys need and I can get that for you. Otherwise i am clueless11:43
mihir_dpm: updating it :)11:43
dpmexcellent, thanks mihir_! :)11:43
renatonik90, could you create a small example with the error ?11:44
renatonik90, just create a alarm and list it11:45
nik90renato: you mean a sample app with just alarms being created and listed?11:45
renatonik90, I think zsombi has this11:45
zsombirenato: nik90: all seems to be OK: EDS is used, save is trigfgered, the fetch after the save is also happening... so you should have the alarm visible11:45
zsombinik90: it's in the SDK trunk, under tests/resources/alarm11:46
zsombirenato: nik90: however the last fetch stops at itemsAsyncStart!!!11:47
zsombinik90: have you created a repeating alarm?11:48
mihir_dpm: done :) https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni-123/ubuntu-calculator-app/1226738/+merge/18802411:48
nik90zsombi: nope just a one time alarm11:48
mihir_dpm: let me know if it needs to be modified :)11:48
nik90zsombi: I normally hide the listview when the alarm model is empty, however I removed that code. The listview is still empty11:48
zsombinik90: renato: ok.. beware that repeating alarms are very sloooooooooooooow to create + list11:48
zsombinik90: renato: as said, the last fetch request seems that has not completed11:49
nik90zsombi: you mean the fetch request to list all alarms has not completed?11:50
dpmthanks mihir_, the description looks really good and clear now11:50
zsombinik90: yes11:50
zsombinik90: actually, none of the fetches seems to complete.. renato?11:51
nik90zsombi: you have seen the alarms code for clock app, I am not doing anything special there. The listview just take alarmmodel as input11:51
zsombinik90: yes, I know... that's not the problem, the problem is elsewhere. Get the logs from the desktop and compare those11:52
renatozsombi, nik90, the fetch is a loop over all collections its is called once for each collection11:52
renatozsombi, and its stops if there is no more collection11:52
zsombirenato: I just don't see the itemsAsync completion anywhere11:53
renatozsombi, itemsAsyncListed11:53
nik90zsombi: cannot use desktop logs since it is essentially just http://paste.ubuntu.com/6162459/. It makes no EDS calls11:54
mihir_dpm: thank you :)11:54
renatonik90, could you try the zsombi example?11:54
nik90renato: yeah11:54
zsombinik90: well, no wonder that it works there...11:54
zsombinik90: do you have saucy on your PC?11:54
nik90zsombi: yup running this on latest saucy11:55
zsombinik90: then pls install qtorganizer-eds package11:55
renatozsombi, nik90 , the steps are:  itemsAsyncStart (exit is there is no more collections to list)- > itemsAsyncConnected ->  itemsAsyncListed -> go back to start11:56
dpmmihir_, no worries, do you have everything you need to work on the display event view?11:56
renatonik90, how many alarm models do you have on your app?11:56
mihir_dpm: yes I am in office will go home and will work on that :)11:57
nik90renato: just one11:57
zsombinik90: renato: it was working pretty well with the last version I have tested, there were no modifications in the adaptation11:57
nik90renato: i pass that when required11:57
zsombirenato: it does not matter, the model loads the data from a singleton object11:57
zsombirenato: I mean each model you have in QML loads from the same object11:58
nik90zsombi, renato: I installed the qtorganizor5-eds package on saucy and testing on desktop it works!!!11:58
nik90zsombi, renato: desktop log http://paste.ubuntu.com/6162465/11:58
dpmI hate LP blueprints12:01
dpmI add a work item and LP eats two :/12:01
mihir_dpm: it never worked for me on first time :(12:03
mihir_sorry for spamming mail:(12:03
nik90zsombi, renato: Tried zsombi's test app. Works fine on desktop but not on phone12:07
guschom26er: any idea what the problem is, that tests keep failaing? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-saucy/407/?12:08
dpmWebbyIT, now that you've submitted the arguments branch, would you be interested in taking this work item to offload Kunal a bit? [pkunal-parmar] Implement edit event view: TODO -> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-commons/+spec/initial-calendar-development12:09
dpmKunal mentioned that the same branch for his "create event" view can be reused for "edit event" lp:pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/newevent12:13
renatonik90, I will take a look on that today12:15
renatogive me some minutes to finish others tasks here12:15
nik90renato: thnx12:15
rottinrobgood morning everyone12:25
dpmhi rottinrob :)12:29
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nik90renato: btw you can use https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/alarmtest to test if it works on your phone or not later. I put it in a qmlproject so all you need to do is Ctrl+F12 to run on phone12:38
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om26ergusch, ouh, otto is problematic13:07
guschom26er: it's blocking integration ...13:08
smartboyhwdpm, thank you for adding me into your G+ circle;)13:20
* smartboyhw adds dpm back13:20
guschfginther: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-saucy/407/?13:21
guschom26er: ^ that one is always failing13:21
om26erotto is chaotic ;)13:22
guschoSoMoN: hi - I'm pretty sure you have a minute for a MR ... ;)13:23
guschoSoMoN: if yes https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-hono-picker-select-type-fix-content-store-transfer/+merge/18784313:23
guschboiko renato maybone of you? ^13:25
oSoMoNgusch: sure, I’ll take it13:27
guschoSoMoN: thx13:44
guschoSoMoN: just test to set a new background in the settings, if it works, and if gallery is in single select mode13:44
davmor2beuno, mhall119: We currently have 2 click apps for G+ one with an image (when you click on the app) one without an image, the one with the image fails to start the one without an image works fine are we able to figure out what is going on with all of that?13:48
smartboyhwdpm, uh hum, Google Hangouts13:48
smartboyhwIs that on Air?13:48
beunodavmor2, yes, being worked on13:48
davmor2smartboyhw: it's what is used for on Air13:48
davmor2beuno: fair enough13:49
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dpmsmartboyhw, no worries, if that's not available where you live, we can do IRC13:49
smartboyhwdpm, it's not where I live, it's age restrictions (you forgotten about the post I wrote?)13:49
dpmah, yeah :)13:49
dpmin any case, we can do IRC13:50
smartboyhwdpm, sure, IRC is good for me13:52
mhall119davmor2: beuno : remove my G+ package (the one with the image)13:52
mhall119it was an experiment in packaging webapps with click anyway13:53
beunomhall119, you can unpublish it if it's yours13:53
davmor2beuno: does that mean you can get rid of your app now too then?13:54
beunodavmor2, which one?13:55
davmor2beuno: hello world13:56
beunodavmor2, no!  that's like my favorite app!13:56
davmor2beuno: haha13:56
mhall119beuno: unpublished13:57
davmor2beuno: you worked long and hard on that I know13:58
beunomhall119, thanks13:58
mhall119davmor2: how will I know how to greet the world if beuno removes his app?14:00
mhall119I might accidently say "Howdy world" or "Hey y'all world"14:00
beunoor worse!  you forget to say hello!14:00
mhall119or say goodbye14:02
davmor2mhall119: E:NO_SETTING_GOODBYE14:02
mihirdavmor2: are we gonna meet for design meeting or it is gonna be cancel ?14:03
davmor2mihir: no idea popey or mhall119 might be a better call for that14:04
ahayzenmhall119, ping14:04
mihirsorry i had to ping dpm14:04
mhall119ahayzen: pong14:05
ahayzenmhall119, i'm having an issue with Jenkins failing, would be able to have a quick look? https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/fix-1229905/+merge/18804914:06
mihirdpm: popey: ping !!14:36
popeymhall119: I'll create "Ahoy-hoy world" for you. As this is the correct greeting.14:37
mihirpopey:  no design meeting right ?14:39
dpmmihir, correct :)14:40
mhall119balloons: can you help ahayzen with his jenkins problem?14:44
balloonsmhall119, ahayzen the tests for music were broken by the grilo update from victor on monday. It should merge fine14:45
ahayzenballoons, ah i see ok14:45
ahayzenballoons, thanks14:45
balloonsahayzen, yw :-) Getting the tests to use the mediascanner is going to be tricky14:46
ahayzenballoons, yeah that could be interesting :/14:46
popeynik90: bit of a bug with alarms... when setting alarm, the hour doesn't line up with traditional hours15:07
popeybum, one mo15:07
nik90hmm black pic?15:08
popeyyeah, wrong phone plugged in15:08
popeyoh, it's 00 to 23?15:09
popeywell that threw me ☻15:09
nik90its from 0 to 2315:09
nik90we might need clock markers for this since it differs from others15:09
nik90I will report a bug and inform lina and mehow about this15:10
nik90dpm: just sent you an email regarding the meeting we had. Can you plan out the next meeting such that everyone involved is in it.15:19
nik90dpm: until then we can continue the discussion in the email I sent out.15:19
mihiranybody has an idea to change color of just one view from the page ??15:23
mihirI am trying like this :- http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6163159/15:27
AskUbuntuWhat about a Distro dedicated to engineers? | http://askubuntu.com/q/35079715:48
mihirnik90: ping16:07
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
nik90mihir: pong16:11
mihirnik90: any idea to change color of just one view of application from the page ??16:12
nik90mihir: I havent done one personally, but what happens when you try changing the main view colors when inside a page?16:13
nik90mihir: although I did hear that some people who did manage to have separate colors for every page has warnings being shown all the time.16:13
mihirnik90: I can't I did try to access headercolor,footercolor & background using parent: but couldn't found any of them16:14
nik90mihir: take a look at https://launchpad.net/geldliste, that app does this16:14
nik90mihir: you cannot access the mainview headercolor etc from another page. Why dont you do the opposite?16:15
nik90mihir: when the tab is changed, set the mainview color from the main page?16:15
mihirHmmmm lemme try16:17
LaneyIs there a way to have a Grid space its components so that they are left and right aligned (with anchors.left and anchors.right set)?16:22
nik90Laney: I haven't used Grid myself, but couldn't you anchor the Grid itself which should automatically position its components automatically?16:26
Laneynik90: no, that's what it is16:27
nik90Laney: Are you having the issue where there is a gap between the left most element and the app left side?16:27
nik90and hence want to left align them?16:27
LaneyThe gap on the right is bigger than on the left16:27
LaneyI want that to be equal16:27
nik90In that case, maybe you need a formula to determine the spacing dynamically based on the app width, no of items in the row and width of each item16:29
LaneyI guess so16:31
nik90spacing = (appWidth - 2*grid.leftMargin - widthOfItem)/ No of items in row16:32
nik90laney ^^16:32
nik90Havent tested it, but after drawing a figure and some calcualtion, thats the formula I arrive that16:32
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jvespinalwho can help me?17:06
puntoclassichi, I'm waiting for my nexus 4. At the same time I can test the app and participate in the development without having a physical device? I tried to work the calendar app but I can not create events I generate events with type mouse clicks and the like.17:42
AskUbuntuHow to embed a new Window on GTK Quickly Glade | http://askubuntu.com/q/35084517:52
renatofginther, now the MR is building, but there is something wrong with the tests. Could you take a look? https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-1213046/+merge/18622317:57
fgintherrenato, yes. I'm already investigating some other tests here17:58
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AskUbuntuAutomatic version number management | http://askubuntu.com/q/35090620:38

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