
BobJonkman1If not, we can leave it until there's a desperate, pent-up demand...00:00
BobJonkman1OK, let me know, either here in the #ubuntu-ca channel, or on the mailing list.00:00
KatherineIs interest really declining or are there just people temporarily away?00:01
BobJonkman1It's been quiet all over, so I think people may just be enjoying the last few days of nice weather00:01
BobJonkman1But there's the possibility that Ubuntu (and Linux in general) have become so mainstream that there is no longer a need for specialized groups.00:02
KatherineThe weather is unlikely to be this warm late in October.00:02
BobJonkman1I'll bet there were Telephone User Groups back in Alex Bell's day00:02
BobJonkman1But you don't see TUGs around any more, either00:03
BobJonkman1I dunno, we've had some nice days around Hallowe'en in the past.00:03
BobJonkman1But I also remember trekking door-to-door with my son through the snow00:03
KatherineThey could have used party lines for their meetings.00:04
BobJonkman1If you want a meeting, let me know.00:04
BobJonkman1Or even better, just pop over to the Ubuntu-ca LoCo page and schedule one yourself.00:05
BobJonkman1The Ubuntu Hours in Guelph are new, and have been pretty popular (both of them) :|00:05
BobJonkman1Katherine: If you schedule a meeting or an Ubuntu Hour then I'll come.00:06
KatherineI don't really know enough about what's going on to schedule meetings but I'll try to attend if meetings are scheduled.00:07
BobJonkman1:) OK.  It's pretty easy, just go to http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-ca/ and log in with your Launchpad ID, then you can create a new event00:08
BobJonkman1We've been using "Event" to schedule a meeting since the "Meeting" interface is pretty clunky.  "Event" does what we want, even for meetings00:09
BobJonkman1So give it a shot.  If you schedule the meeting I'll take care of putting up an agenda.  We can do the meeting announcements together00:09
BobJonkman1All right, if there's nothing else, I'll #endmeeting00:10
BobJonkman1(we're already at T-plus 10 minutes and counting for the meeting end :) )00:11
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-ca to: Ubuntu Canada LocoTeam | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Next meeting:Thu, 26 Sep 4pm PDT, 7pm EDT, 8:30pm NDT | Response may take a while, please wait for an answer!
meetingologyMeeting ended Fri Sep 27 00:12:01 2013 UTC.00:11
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-ca/2013/ubuntu-ca.2013-09-26-23.01.moin.txt00:11
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-ca/2013/ubuntu-ca.2013-09-26-23.01.html00:11
BobJonkman1So that's that!00:11
scaldraIs this where the Ubuntu Kootenay's meet up?00:12
BobJonkman1Hi scaldra: Yes, they can.00:12
BobJonkman1I think KombuchaKip is from that area00:12
BobJonkman1West Coast, anyway.  That's close, right?00:12
KatherineBob: Good luck with your talk.  I probably won't be at SFD until later if I make it at all.00:13
BobJonkman1Katherine: OK, hope to see you, even for a short while00:13
KombuchaKipBobJonkman1: Close, a few hours away.00:14
BobJonkman1scaldra: I'm not sure how active the Kootenay group is: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Kootenay00:14
BobJonkman1When I was in Europe, someone asked if I knew his cousin in Newfoundland.00:15
scaldraYeah the site doesn't even work00:15
BobJonkman1Newfoundland might actually be closer to Europe than Ontario.00:15
BobJonkman1Canada is *really* big00:15
BobJonkman1scaldra: So, there's a project for you!  Revive interest in Ubuntu-ca-kootenay !00:16
scaldraWill try :)00:16
KatherineI guess people in other countries never look at Canada on a world map.00:16
scaldraI'll l start by hanging out here00:17
BobJonkman1Easiest thing is to hold an Ubuntu Hour. Just make an announcement on the mailing list, maybe put up a poster, and then go have a coffee with friends at a coffeeshop.00:17
BobJonkman1scaldra: Hanging out here is great!00:18
BobJonkman1I like the mailing list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-ca00:19
BobJonkman1Lots of folks there. It's an informal advice channel, announcements about events, philosophical discussion on free software, you name it!00:19
scaldraAlso my user is actually oo-dragon so you know for later00:19
BobJonkman1OK, but you may need to remind me.  Is that your Launchpad username?00:20
scaldraBut not at home, so quickly tried to setup irc on my phone to get in time for meeting00:21
scaldraI think so...00:22
BobJonkman1I'll post minutes on the Wiki shortly, but here's the link: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-ca/2013/ubuntu-ca.2013-09-26-23.01.html00:22
scaldraWell I'm going to head home, so I'll be back later tonight!00:24
=== BobJonkman1 changed the topic of #ubuntu-ca to: Ubuntu Canada LocoTeam | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Next meeting: None scheduled | Response may take a while, please wait for an answer!
azend|pubhey, anyone around?23:32
BobJonkman1azend, hi!23:42
BobJonkman1azend|pub: Hi to you too!23:43

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