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hallynarges: the one thing i'd say is that buffer_find_nonzero_offset() could be static, and can_use_buffer_find_nonzero_offset() only needs to exist righ tabove that in the same file, but it's no big deal01:17
hallynarges: looks good to me, thanks.01:18
vishpitti: hi.. how are you?  Bug #1231763 oops..! :(01:30
ubottubug 1231763 in apport (Ubuntu) "Use png icon instead of the svg source" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123176301:30
pittiGood morning03:27
pittivish: ack, will do; thanks!03:29
pittivish: hm, we used SVG before too, but apparenlty a less complex one?03:30
pittivish: ack, I'll keep the SVG ones in scalable/ then03:37
mdeslaurgood morning pitti03:43
vishpitti: i think, it might be better if we kept the scalable as PNG too, just so that we dont have to revisit it again... it might just be the layers that i used03:44
pittivish: but I want to ship the "source" of the PNGs too, and with these sizes we shoudl have the common use cases covered?03:44
pittiPNG isn't scalable03:45
vishyea, isnt good with scaling03:45
vishpitti: ok, SVG in scalable sounds fine.. :)03:46
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dholbachgood morning06:45
pittiLaney, infinity: is it ok if I accept the langpack uploads in saucy? I guess saucy will not thaw any more, i. e. freeze until release?06:51
tjaaltondoko_: the -ati update was unnecessary, as xorg-server got fixed..07:03
tjaaltonI was about to respin the builds07:03
doko_tjaalton, does this mean you'll have time to look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/test-rebuild-20130917/+build/5005733 ? ;)07:44
tjaaltondoko_: ouch :)07:46
tjaalton"bus error", isn't that a hit-or-miss failure?07:49
doko_I can give it back07:50
tjaaltonhmm we didn't merge 1.6.x07:53
doko_tjaalton, persists08:02
tjaaltondunno then, at least 1.6.1 builds fine on sbuild08:03
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tjaalton1.5.0-0u1 fails right in the beginning08:07
tjaaltonnls/Makefile.am:41: error: using '$(srcdir)' in TESTS is currently broken: '$(srcdir)/compose-check.pl'08:07
tjaaltonoh that was fixed in -0u208:08
pitticjwatson: do you already have a debdiff for the missing *_id in udev-udeb, or want me to work on that now?08:10
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Laneypitti: langpacks> I think we're basically released modulo announcements, so seems fine to me08:16
pittiLaney: can't parse "basically released modulo announcements", but I take the "seems fine" :)08:17
LaneyI mean that the release is rolled but couldn't be announced because it required London people for whom it was too late08:18
pittiLaney: oh, the final beta08:18
pittiright, accepting then08:18
pittiLaney: are we going to thaw again then, or will it stay frozen?08:18
LaneyIt'll stay frozen now08:19
infinitypitti: Staying frozen, but unseeded is now auto-accepted, thanks to some hackish new magic.08:20
infinitypitti: So, vaguely a best of both worlds.08:20
seb128pitti, infinity: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/revision/16775 \o/08:20
LaneyI divined that from #-release backlog but probably worth mailing -release about it08:20
seb128"[r=wgrant][bug=1201485] Packages copied from PPAs to archive now have08:21
seb128 their translations copied as well."08:21
pittiseb128: en effet, j'ai le vu !08:21
infinityLaney: I'll do that after I get the release announce out.08:21
seb128pitti, is that enough to get the templates automagically updated again?08:21
pittiseb128: shoudl be08:21
pittiseb128: I'm just uploading new langpacks (they were supposed for final beta, but apparently LP had a hiccup and didn't give me an export until last night)08:21
infinityseb128: Oh shiny, that got done?  Yay.08:22
pittiseb128: but of course that won't have the new translations yet; but after that I'll re-enable the daily cron, so we should get the new love ASAP08:22
seb128pitti, ok, thanks08:23
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infinityseb128: Be sure to thank Ursinha for that when you see her. :)08:24
seb128infinity, will do08:24
cjwatsonpitti: I don't (just to close the thread from another channel ...)08:30
cjwatsonseb128: Note that that isn't QAed/deployed yet08:30
cjwatsonBut yeah, excellent to have that08:31
seb128cjwatson, ok, thanks for pointing it out ... I've no clue about lp deployments, but I guess I can keep watching that page to know when it really lands?08:32
cjwatsonseb128: yes, once that clears it's landed, give or take half an hour or so08:33
seb128cjwatson, thanks08:33
diwicdidrocks, hi, is it okay to upload a PulseAudio if the only changes are bug fixes in modules we don't make use of on the phone?08:35
didrocksdiwic: yeah, please go ahead08:36
diwicdidrocks, thanks, will do that later today then08:36
pitticjwatson: all prepared (also the cleanup of the two unneeded rules, thanks for pointing out); doing test build now, etc., and standing by for ogra's "go" (for the stack of packages for bug 1227520)08:38
ubottubug 1227520 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Timezone changes are not working due to ro /etc and bind mounts" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122752008:38
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infinitypitti: Did you change timezones between apport releases? :)08:43
infinitypitti: (The git log -> ChangeLog autogenration threw everything out by a day, which is entertaining)08:44
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pittiinfinity: yes, I did the previous apport release in New Orleans08:55
pittiinfinity: git log? apport is in bzr08:55
infinitypitti: bzr log, whatever. :P08:55
infinitypitti: Maybe your ChangeLog export magic should set TZ=UTC, so ChangeLog doesn't get a 20k diff when you move around. :)08:55
pittiinfinity: urgh, I didn't consider that it would do that, sorry08:56
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infinitypitti: No big deal.  Was fascinating reading for the first few entries until I noticed the +/- markers and realised the next 20k of diff was useless. :)09:01
pittiinfinity: yeah, TBH I just skipped over it and didn't even notice09:02
* pitti uses "/^--- " to jump to the next file in a diff09:02
infinityI was reading it in firefox, which was my first mistake.09:03
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pittiseb128: new gvfs packaged, tested, uploaded FYI09:22
seb128pitti, \o/09:22
seb128pitti, danke09:22
cjwatsonpitti: Great, thanks09:32
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labsinmardy, I have a question about online accounts. I try to add my mobile provider to online accounts, but it fails.10:19
labsinIt uses OATH1.0 like the twitter plugin and I've tested my keys and the twitter keys with a Python library and there they both work the same.10:20
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smartboyhwWhich package is the GRUB "Ubuntu" item information put in?11:43
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cjwatsonsmartboyhw: Could you elaborate?11:49
smartboyhwcjwatson, like, when I select the "Ubuntu" option in the GRUB menu, what's the settings and parameters behind? And which package are these parameters defined?11:55
cjwatsonsmartboyhw: Well, you can press 'e' on it to see the settings11:56
cjwatsonsmartboyhw: They're defined in the grub2 source package11:56
smartboyhwcjwatson, OK, but it's difficult to find out the patch that defines it...12:02
cjwatsonsmartboyhw: It's mostly upstream behaviour12:04
smartboyhwcjwatson, what about the UEFI option?12:05
cjwatsonWell, you can just look at the unpacked source package which will unpack with all the patches applied12:05
cjwatsonThere's some UEFI code added by things like mkconfig_signed_kernel.patch, certainly12:06
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xnoxzul: how about I just take the cherrypy3 autopkgtest into debian & sync into ubuntu, instead of introducing delta?13:58
zulxnox:  sure13:58
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mdeslaurtkamppeter: hi! Is there a public repo for hplip somewhere?15:04
tkamppetermdeslaur, no, there are only the releases. Is there a new security bug?15:25
mdeslaurtkamppeter: no, I'm just looking at an old security bug I have not fixed yet, and wanted to look at some historical commits15:25
mdeslaurtkamppeter: thanks!15:25
stokachuwhat do we do if a package doesn't have a changelog entry for the series its released in? keepalived for both raring and quantal are exactly the same, should i bump raring to a higher SRU number?15:40
mdeslaurstokachu: append the version number of the release. For example: 1ubuntu1 becomes 1ubuntu1.12.10.1 for quantal and 1ubuntu1.13.04.1 for raring15:41
stokachumdeslaur: ah ok thanks!15:42
cjwatsonstokachu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdatePreparation#Update_the_packaging has detailed recommendations15:43
cjwatson(which agree with what mdeslaur said, of course, but go into more detail)15:43
stokachucjwatson: thanks i got it bookmarked15:43
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stokachudoko: would you be able to get to bug 995719 by today or monday?17:38
ubottubug 995719 in puppet (Ubuntu Precise) "process_name.rb removed in 2.7.11 but still provided by puppet-common" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99571917:38
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eLpmHello. After the latest saucy update, I receive this error on startup: Sep 27 17:40:57 pc4 kernel: [   42.380067] [drm:intel_pipe_config_compare] *ERROR* mismatch in adjusted_mode.flags (expected 2, found 0)21:57
eLpmUbuntu logs in normally so I am not sure about the severity...21:58
rohanhi.. does anyone know what power backed does ubuntu 13.10 use? does it still use pm-utils?22:27
Noskcajrohan, It depends on the flavour, i think ubuntu itself does22:48
rohanNoskcaj: ubuntu uses pm-utils still?! it has been dead since 201022:49
Noskcajrohan, I think so (not sure). Xubuntu is missing it and needs it to fix some bugs22:49
rohanthat's a shame.. pm-utils also doesn't support in-kernel hybrid suspend22:51
slangasekUbuntu uses upower, with pm-utils as the actual low-level "suspend now" interface22:53
slangasekI don't think it's interesting that pm-utils is "dead", that just means there are no changes needed22:54
slangasekwe don't support hibernation on the Ubuntu desktop, period, so in-kernel hybrid suspend is also not interesting22:54
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rohanslangasek: pm-utils is "dead" dead, because they haven't been accepting patches for a while now.22:58
rohanslangasek: on a laptop, not supporting hibernate can be crucially dangerous22:59
slangasekrohan: nonsense.  We support suspend, followed by shutdown on critical power22:59
rohanslangasek: and how is that a better solution than hybrid suspend?23:00
slangasekbecause it doesn't go pearshaped when the sizing of your swap partition is wrong23:00
rohanyou end up losing state, when you don't have to23:00
slangasekwe disabled the hibernate option because it was *unreliable*23:00
sarnoldare you telling me this sixteen gig swap partition wasn't necessary? :)23:00
slangaseksarnold: I assume you're using yours steganographically :P23:01
rohanslangasek: i'd love to know more about why it was determined to be unreliable. any links i could read?23:01
slangasekrohan: none that I have to hand; I believe there was a blueprint and possibly a UDS discussion at the time the decision was taken23:01
rohanalso, how is the "critical battery" check done? using timers?23:02
slangasekit uses the ACPI support for this23:02
rohanseems so much more inefficient and counter-intuitive, than just having hybrid suspend.23:02
slangasekhybrid suspend relies on the kernel taking the time to write out the entire system's memory to swap, which a) is slow, b) may not finish before your battery runs out anyway, resulting in even greater risk of data loss than if we'd just done a controlled shutdown23:03
stgraberthere were talks at last vUDS to support Intel's hardware hybrid-suspend equivalent that got introduced with Ivy Bridge and comes with the relatively sane restriction of working only on machines with <= 8GB of RAM23:03
rohanslangasek: i don't mean doing hybrid suspend when battery is critical, i mean doing a hybrid suspend always. just like windows and Mac OS do it.23:04
stgraberso on those systems it may be reasonable to allocate 8GB of space for suspend (assuming the user doesn't care about disk encryption, in which case they should opt out of it as the state isn't encrypted)23:04
stgraberand there's nothing for the OS to do, the firmware does it all, so we don't have to care about it from our side of things (just need to create the partition with the right label/guid at install time)23:05
slangasekrohan: ah, right - sorry, of course hybrid suspend means that you don't actually suspend until you've first written the hibernate image to disk23:05
slangasekso you don't have the "wake up, hibernate, run out of time" problem23:05
slangasekbut you do have the "takes forever to suspend because it has to write to swap first" problem23:05
rohanit will happen after you close the lid, so you're unlikely to notice the higher time anyway. in the long run, it's safer because then your state is saved even if the battery runs out23:07
stgraberanyone who doesn't completely trust their hardware will notice. I never put a machine in a bag until I see the suspend led confirming it's fully suspended23:07
stgraberI've got way too many machines almost burning me because they didn't suspend properly23:08
rohanfair enough. i guess people who took decision are more informed and have done more testing than me; and this channel is probably not the best channel to argue about it :)23:10
slangasekThe decision was taken directly because hibernate ws found to be unreliable.  Now that's something that could be revisited, but there's a lot of developer time that would have to go into *making* it reliable before we would flip the switch again23:12
rohanif your system ACPI is wonky, sleep will be as unreliable as hibernate. as far as i understand, only reason hibernate will be more unreliable is if you have a wrongly sized partition, a case which should be handled by pm-utils (and is, iirc)23:15

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