
=== gavin__ is now known as gavinguo
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* apw yawns08:09
apwyay ... thanks bip ...08:09
smbapw, YW :)08:09
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ppisatihttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux has an entry for arm64 (well, kind of since it doesn't have the 'completed' tick)08:56
infinityppisati: Yeahp.  It's not likely to be completed this week either, but oh well.09:05
infinitybrendand: What's the deal with bug #1224120?09:08
infinitybrendand: You didn't tag it pass/fail.09:08
brendandinfinity, apparently not - it must have got lost in the flurry of bug updating i was doing yesterday evening09:10
infinitybrendand: Also, did 1223984 slip through the cracks?  It's been confirmed for 10 days.09:12
brendandinfinity, we started testing it at the same time as the others, it should be done shortly09:13
tjaaltoni've a question about 'git clone --reference' hoping someone here knows the answer..10:07
tjaaltonso I've got the upstream tree cloned, and ubuntu trees cloned with --reference to the upstream tree10:08
tjaaltonnow if I have extra remotes on the upstream tree (like, stable etc), and add those to the ubuntu tree, are they also using the referenced tree or not?10:08
tjaaltonor is --reference only used on the first pull10:09
tjaaltoner, clone10:09
ppisatismb: what's happened to VIRTIO_BLK?10:09
smbppisati, what do you mean?10:10
ppisatismb: if i try to execute qemu -enable-kvm blablabla10:10
ppisatismb: and, instead of emulating a plain disk10:10
ppisatismb: yep10:10
ppisatismb: i use the '-device virtio-blk-device'10:11
smbWell according to my knowledge virtio does pv of PCI devices...10:11
ppisatismb: it complains about No 'virtio-bus' bus found for device 'virtio-blk-device'10:11
smbnot sure whether arm likes that10:11
smbIf you read my plumbers report there was discussions about extending this to platform devices :)10:12
smbAh maybe that was actually vio and I am confusing things10:12
smbIt was some pieces or apic interrupt deliviery for virtio at least iirc10:15
ppisatiok, it's of10:15
ppisatiwell, not ok10:15
ppisatibut still, i found it10:15
ppisatii wonder if it's off for every flavour, or it's just arm10:16
smbIt should be on at least for x86...10:16
ppisatismb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6162212/10:27
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apwppisati, so ... how risky is it to install a -generic kernel to panda running saucy ?10:54
apwppisati, it is running a server image iirc10:54
ppisatiapw: it's ok, it works10:57
ppisatiapw: i'm running S/generic on my panda10:57
apwppisati, so i can just install linux-generic and it should switch over ?10:57
ppisatiapw: but there's a problem with wifi on warm boot10:58
ppisatiapw: right10:58
apwwifi? the board has wifi?10:58
ppisatiapw: lol :)10:58
apwppisati, so if i am not using the wifi it should just work ?10:59
ppisatiapw: the *real* problem is that i'll spam your log with some annoying msgs10:59
ppisatiapw: actually it works after a cold boot (i mean the wifi)10:59
ppisatiapw: after a warm on, it doesn't10:59
ppisatianother drb fallout10:59
apwppisati, so are you saying i shouldn't go, or will me whining at you help10:59
ppisatiapw: go11:00
apwppisati, are we working on the wifi issue, as you know that 90% likely we are scrapping -omap4 for those boards in saucy11:05
apwppisati, so people will be using that kernel more11:05
ppisatiapw: well, upstream is pretty much dead wrt omap*, after the dtb switch i was the only one to catch some issues11:07
ppisatiapw: wifi is one of those11:08
ppisatiapw: they check that it boots, but that's it11:08
apwppisati, ok ... so the lights are odd since the switch, both the leds hard on, is that normal11:09
ppisatiapw: yes, correct11:09
apwoh i thought one of them was the 'disk light' for the sd card11:09
infinityapw: In the TI kernel, one was an access light for the SD, the other was a heartbeat (that even changed pulse speed with load, if I recall, very fancy).11:34
infinityapw: But I don't think either of those fancy features ever made it to mainline.11:34
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ppisatismb: still no luck...12:15
ppisatiqemu-system-arm: -device virtio-blk-device,drive=foo: No 'virtio-bus' bus found for device 'virtio-blk-device'12:15
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ppisatismb: ok, up&running13:53
ppisatismb: how can we share the thing?13:53
rtgapw, hmm, I've some new dmesgs (I think) in 3.11.2: Request for unknown module key 'Magrathea: Glacier signing key: 8a252c84f3b9b2da535eae5c388d144dc7a3e0d4' err -1113:54
smbppisati,  I think byobu might if you add my pub ssh keys  to your login and we both call it (ssh-import...)13:54
apwrtg, i think i have been seeing those before13:54
apwrtg, though i am not seeing them on 64bit box13:55
rtgapw, yet I have lots of modules loaded, so it is clearly not failing.13:55
ppisatismb: uhm13:55
apwrtg it occurs i think when things try to load very very early before the builtin key is registered13:56
apwit probabally does imply a bug somewhere, though i expect udev replay is fixing it up for you13:56
rtgapw, there are a bunch in the 12 second range13:57
tarvidGetting Integrity test failed on a D2550 on linux-image-extra-3.11.0-8-generic_3.11.0-8.15.amd64.deb13:57
apwrtg, nothing on my 32 bit box either ...13:57
apwrtg, for me -9 works fine on both13:58
apwtarvid, "integrity test failed" ?13:58
rtgapw, this one is UEFI with CSM disabled. I wonder...13:58
tarvidOption on DVD install13:58
apwrtg, my 64bit box is uefi as well, and i thought it had bios off, but .. i am unsure how to tell13:59
apwtarvid, oh hmmm13:59
apwtarvid, can you point me to the image you are using please13:59
tarvidchksum on the image is OK14:03
tarvidburning the daily build14:05
apwtarvid, i'll pull that one down and try an install from it 14:08
apwtarvid, what was your checksum on the .iso14:08
apw(so i can check it hasn't changed)14:08
tarvidtarvid@fairfax:~/Downloads$ md5sum ubuntu-13.10-beta2-server-amd64.iso 14:09
tarvid4d869a82e8bc4e88de6379a0609fe598  ubuntu-13.10-beta2-server-amd64.iso14:09
apw$ md5sum ubuntu-13.10-beta2-server-amd64.iso14:14
apw4d869a82e8bc4e88de6379a0609fe598  ubuntu-13.10-beta2-server-amd64.iso14:14
tarvidyes Checking DVD of today's daily build14:15
tarvidget the same error14:15
apwtarvid ok, am firing up the same image right now in a VM to see if it is in the image14:16
tarvidgoing ahead with the install14:18
apwtarvid, ok ... from that image above using the 'test ISO' option i get a "The CD-ROM intefrity test wsa successful.  The CD-ROM is valid." here14:23
apw(all typos mine014:23
tarvidI'll try the alternate install, I suspect issues with the D255014:24
rkrishnaHi all, I am trying to install a video card, and I see this "BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at 00000000117d4300" error in the kernel.log. Any Ideas?14:35
rtgapw, tagging and uploading14:39
tarvid13.04 server amd64 halts at Detecting network hardware, looks like Ubuntu server on a D1550 is not in the cards14:47
tarvidD2550 Cedarview14:47
apwwhat make is it ?14:48
tarvidJ&W Minix14:51
apwwe definatly won't have one of those i don't suppose then14:52
rkrishnaHi all, I am trying to install a video card, and I see this "BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at 00000000117d4300" error in the kernel.log. Any Ideas?14:55
apwrkrishna, during boot after the installation ?14:57
apwhow the heck did my focus end up over here, unity you SUCK15:01
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rkrishnaapw: right, after installation and a reboot.15:36
* smb -> EOW15:53
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* apw wanders to where there are beverages17:15
infinityapw: Jealous.17:18
apwinfinity, is there new similar things where you are17:19
infinityapw: No, there are no beverages in Canada.  We derive all our moisture from poutine.17:19
apwinfinity, are you near enough the border to slip across and get some ?17:19
infinityapw: If I cross the border, I end up in Montana.  No one wants that.17:20
* infinity glances at rtg.17:20
apwinfinity, there is at least one good tap room in montana17:20
rtginfinity, if only I _were_ in Montana.17:20
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backjlackDid something change from kernel 3.2.0-53-generic to 3.2.0-54-generic amd64? My machine doesn't boot any more with it - as in it seems to not be able to start X.20:36
backjlack3.8 from raring-lts seems to reset the state of my wlan/bluetooth to all enabled after rebooting / waking from sleep.20:37
* rtg -> EOW21:05
backjlackIt looks like the issue with wifi+bluetooth being activated all the time and their state being ignored is present in the mainline kernel as well. A 3.10 kernel built from sources has the exact same problem.21:30
eLpmHello. After the latest saucy update, I receive this error on startup: Sep 27 17:40:57 pc4 kernel: [   42.380067] [drm:intel_pipe_config_compare] *ERROR* mismatch in adjusted_mode.flags (expected 2, found 0)21:48
eLpmDon't know if this is the right channel (ubuntu-devel, maybe?) to ask this. (BTW, Ubuntu logs perfectly, so I am not sure about the severity)21:51
bjfbackjlack, are you able to roll back to the previous kernel ?23:08
backjlackbjf: Yes, that's how I got it to boot with the new one as well.23:10
bjfbackjlack, there were very fiew changes to the 3.2 kernel. do you use zram ?23:10
backjlackmultiple attempts to boot the new one -> failure -> boot to .53 -> multiple reboots -> still working with the new one23:11
backjlackbjf: No, this is an acer aspire one 756 with 16GB of RAM.23:11
bjfbackjlack, xfs?23:11
bjfbackjlack, 7 patches, 1 zram, 1 xfs, 1 cifs; 2 ARM and 2 x86 23:12
bjfbackjlack, you are successfully running 3.2.0-53.81 ?23:12
backjlackbjf: I am now running -54 after booting -53 just once. I am not using xfs, cifs, btrfs, zfs or anything else other than vanilla ext4.23:13
bjfbackjlack, your original msg said you can't boot with -54 and now you say you are?23:14
backjlackbjf: I forgot to get back to the channel and mention that. It was just a set of about 5 boots. I was able to boot -54 after booting -53 manually just once.23:16
bjfbackjlack, that's really strange23:16
backjlackI'm not sure what the issue was, honestly. That's why I thought I should ask.23:16
bjfbackjlack, none of those 7 changes *should* cause any issues but you can't be 100% certian. i think only 2 of them could possibly affect you23:17
backjlackbjf: Thank you for helping me out with this. I'll try 3.5 next to find out if the issue with wlan/wifi ignoring state is still there. Maybe I can track down the exact kernel version which broke this.23:20
backjlackUnfortunately, I have to go now. I'll report back to let you know about the issue with the wlan/bluetooth.23:21

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