
robotfueldeathcrawler: you need to enable it00:05
robotfueldeathcrawler: but it's on the build already00:06
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robotfuelrobert_ancell:  I also had this xorg crash that needs triage https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/123150701:51
ubot5Error: ubuntu bug 1231507 not found01:51
jrrwhat causes '(WW) "xmir" is not to be loaded by default. Skipping.' ?04:17
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duflujrr: Missing package xserver-xorg-xmir ?04:43
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* duflu reboots for some live image testing08:34
duflualan_g: Did you resolve bug 1216237?08:47
ubot5bug 1216237 in Mir "Mir silently overwrites and reuses /tmp/mir_socket, rendering the previous server useless" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121623708:48
dufluOr someone, somewhere08:48
alan_gduflu: not intentionally08:48
duflualan_g: How about https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/mir/socket-connection/+merge/187326 ?08:48
alan_gduflu: that shouldn't have change the default behaviour08:49
alan_gare you seeing a change?08:49
dufluYes, I get a nice error message now... std::exception::what: bind: Address already in use08:49
dufluHence bug resolved apparently08:50
dufluBut resolved, really, by what?08:50
alan_gI guess I'm the only one to touch that code - will check08:51
alan_gduflu: you're right - I did fix it. (By removing some misguided code)08:56
duflualan_g: OK, please link branch and update etc08:57
alan_gduflu: ack08:58
duflualan_g: So how are we making it clear which branch a bug fix is in? Just say fixed in project Mir (meaning development branch) but not in "mir (Ubuntu)"?09:00
alan_gduflu: I was assuming we'd just reflect the state of lp:mir - it shouldn't be more than a day behind development-branch09:01
alan_gbut it hasn't been discussed09:02
* duflu looks09:02
duflualan_g: You're saying all dev commits will automatically enter lp:mir ?!09:03
dufluI thought it was only fixes from lp:mir which entered Ubuntu...09:03
alan_gno, development-branch is just for staging changes so that we can control ABI changes more effectively while saucy is put together09:12
* duflu rolls eyes at lp:mir r108309:15
dufluIt's fine so long as you never want to track history or bisect things :(09:15
alan_gduflu: we just work here.09:21
duflualan_g: Is it just good luck that I have not "Broken pipe" any more?09:30
alan_gduflu: probably, I still see it occasionally09:31
* duflu bisects on dev09:31
alan_gOh, is this the case you had an MP for?09:32
alan_gthat got fixed09:32
alan_g(sort of)09:32
alan_gBut racarr is still working on a better version09:32
duflualan_g: That's kind of what I'm seeing09:33
alan_gThere are other cases where it happens09:34
duflualan_g: What's the commit? I can't see it and have resorted to bisecting dev09:45
alan_gduflu: https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/mir/socket-connection/+merge/187326 lines 1030-103209:49
duflualan_g: Annoyingly I can't reproduce it even with the revision before that landed :/09:52
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mlankhorstalf_: oh btw did you get what I said? that it it's probably a bug in the compositor now afaict? :P10:09
alan_gmlankhorst: alf_ is on vacation today10:19
mlankhorstah k10:20
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ollihi greyback12:48
greybackolli: hey12:48
ollidid the foregrounding fix make it in :)12:48
greybackolli: not yet, being tested now12:48
ollihow does it look?12:49
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greybackolli: there's a bug in teds code, but it's almost working.12:50
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hikikoalan_g, ping13:38
alan_ghi hikiko13:38
hikikoare you busy? can I ask you something on a test?13:39
alan_gask away13:39
hikikowell there are some DefaultDisplayServerTextFixture* tests that fail from time to time13:40
hikikoand the problem is that they cant detect the server13:41
hikikoI wonder if that's related to your task or it's a different problem, it shouldnt be related since we use a mock server isn't it?13:42
alan_gDefaultDisplayServerTextFixture forks a real server with a test config13:44
hikikoso it's the real server that appears and disappears?13:45
alan_gDoes it appear?13:45
hikikowell if I run the tests with gdb13:47
hikikosome rare times I see that in launch_server_process13:48
hikikowe get PID 0 and is_test_process becomes false13:48
hikikodoes this mean that the server appears?13:48
hikikoI am not very familiar with this part of code13:48
alan_gwhen there's a fork what gdb does depends on what you've told it to do. If you see fork() return 0, then you're in the child process13:51
alan_gThat is you're debugging the server, not the test process13:51
hikikoso in this case there's a server running isnt it?13:53
alan_gWhat you'll probably see is that the test process times out waiting for the server to come up before you've told it to continue13:53
alan_ghikiko: the server process may be running, but it needs to create a socket for connections before anything detects it13:55
alan_gand it can't do that while it is stopped in the debugger13:55
hikikothat's interesting :)13:56
hikikoso, what do you think that is happening? the server starts and then ?13:58
hikikoI mean, in case that I dont stop it from gdb13:59
hikikoif I dont add a breakpoint but just print a message when the server is forked I still get some messages14:00
alan_gI don't know what's happening. I'd turn on some logging and see if that gives any clues.14:00
hikikoyes, that's what I'll do then, I ll leave gdb for the moment14:01
alan_gE.g. does the server initialize properly? Does it crash?14:01
alan_gDoes it just take a long time to start?14:01
alan_gYou know how to control the logs?14:03
hikikohow? I was about to just print debug messages in stderr but I'd like to do it the proper way if you can give me some guidance14:04
davmor2hey guys congratulations mir on maguro is a hell of a lot more stable on the current images14:05
alan_ghikiko: Using the MIR_SERVER_* or MIR_CLIENT_* environment variables - they are documented by ./mir_demo_server_basic --help14:06
hikikook, I ll check it :) thanks a lot14:07
kgunndavmor2: thank you!...i am glad to know that....14:08
alan_ghikiko: And if you do need to use gdb, then this explains the multi-process options: http://sourceware.org/gdb/onlinedocs/gdb/Forks.html14:08
kgunndavmor2: you would be the first person to say such a thing14:08
kgunnhikiko: ....http://unity.ubuntu.com/mir/....or even http://unity.ubuntu.com/mir/component_reports.html14:09
kgunnhikiko: they've been there for ages ?14:09
davmor2kgunn: It's still slower than SF, but at least it doesn't crash if you open an app and the launcher,  Used for about 30 minutes no crashes,  it was just too slow to use all day :)14:10
kgunndavmor2: got it...would you mind taking a video of that (just opening apps, swiping the ui, launcher, dash etc....and rotation as well?)14:10
hikikokgunn, I am not looking to trace anything for the moment but thanks I ll have this in mind14:11
hikiko+get a look14:11
davmor2kgunn: rotation is laggy on SF there is a bug for that, mir is slightly slower but not much14:11
kgunndavmor2: yeah...sometimes, the "slow" or "lag" is actually animation _velocities_ set by qt (especially for things that have that rubber band effect)14:12
davmor2kgunn: I'll get on with some work for a bit first then look at doing 2 videos one on SF and one on Mir for comparisons14:12
davmor2kgunn: yeah if you start top in the terminal and rotate qml-scene is using 132% of the cpu which is why it's slow I guess :)14:13
davmor2kgunn: as soon as the rotation finishes qml-scene disappears off the list :)14:14
kgunndavmor2: great....I'd love it if you could also take some measurements.... https://pastebin.canonical.com/98152/14:14
kgunndavmor2: that'll print render in ms to the console from the device14:14
kgunndavmor2: i had someone measure before and it was like 24 ms or some such14:15
kgunndavmor2: so you get ~45 fps experience....but i'm curious what the spikes are14:16
davmor2kgunn: right I'll do that as I do the video and upload it to u1 for a share14:16
kgunndavmor2: that's awesome...thanks for the insights14:16
kgunnracarr: mornin'14:16
alan_gRats! racarr woke up before I started reviewing things.14:20
om26erIs Mir going to be enabled on the 13.10 phone Image ?14:31
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kgunnom26er: that is the aim14:43
om26erkgunn, How can I help ? :)14:43
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kgunnom26er: thanks for the offer....lemme think on that....is it an open ended offer ?14:56
om26erkgunn, given my skill set I would most likely be helpful with testing. But maybe there are other things that I might be able to help with.14:57
racarrkgunn: Standup link?15:01
racarrCalendar never works for me :(15:01
racarrkgunn: Nvm it worked15:01
alan_gracarr: this is probably the wrong channel to publish the link15:02
racarrgreyback: Hey! Have time for a quick sync up soonish?15:20
racarrJust want to chat with you on my plans for API rework15:20
greybackracarr: I'm at your disposal15:20
racarrgreyback: Ok lets hangout. ill invite you15:20
racarrgreyback: ^15:21
smartboyhwBTW, is there to remove Mir from a cmake build?15:35
smartboyhwI mean, to uninstall it from /usr/local15:35
racarrmake uninstall15:45
smartboyhwracarr, no target "uninstall"15:47
bschaefersmartboyhw, you could do: xargs rm < install_manifest.txt15:54
smartboyhwbschaefer, thanks15:55
racarr...I thought we had an uninstall target :(15:55
kgunnracarr: alan_g kdub .... any volunteer to review todays dev branch merge to trunk ?15:57
kdubwhy would you ever want to uninstall? ;-)15:57
alan_gkgunn: LGTM16:01
didrockssil2100: coming?16:01
kdubkgunn,  me too16:01
sil2100didrocks: I didn't get any invite, so I don't even know where to come ;)16:09
didrockssil2100: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/b23d56bfd9b5678ec007684d3d181c1af9f3400216:09
davmor2om26er: run it all day log any crashes16:27
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om26erdavmor2, right. I thought it was crashing due to a single reason all those times ;)17:31
om26er"the many apps opened crash"17:32
om26eris that fixed ?17:32
davmor2om26er: there was also the open an app and launcher crash that I reported :)17:43
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kgunnkdub: didn't you fix this one (thot it was most recent mp)19:40
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1231594 in Mir "android test failure in HWCCommon/[0,1].test_hwc_throws_on_blank_or_unblank_error" [High,New]19:40
kduboh yeah, should be fixed19:40
kdubsometimes launchpad changes for me, sometimes not19:41
kdubhavent figured out why19:41
kgunnno worries...i'll change it (launchpad janitor kgunn :)19:41
kgunnracarr: ping20:47
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racarrkgunn_: pong21:48
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kgunn_racarr, i hate  my verizon router...missed this...sorry21:57
kgunn_racarr, so mterry is gonna put up an mp for ignoring arg's it doesn't uderstand as a quick fix....was just wanting to see if you could review/approve before weekend21:58
kgunn_either you or kevin21:58
kgunn_its one of our mir blockers for being default in touch (and some mutual management is kinda hot on seeing it all resolved by Monday)21:58
racarrI reviewed the first one then just saw now there is21:59
racarra second one that says something about the 13.10 development version but is targeted towards lp:mir21:59
racarrand contains lots of extra diff21:59
racarrkgunn_: > I reviewed the first one then just saw now there is21:59
racarr22:02 -!- kgunn [~kgunn@pool-96-226-49-103.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-mir21:59
racarr22:02 < racarr> a second one that says something about the 13.10 development version but is targeted towards lp:mir21:59
racarr22:02 < racarr> and contains lots of extra diff22:00
racarrpresumably the goal is to land it22:00
racarrto lp:mir22:00
kgunn_racarr, i asked mterry to retarget to dev branch22:00
kgunn_he said bbiab...a while ago22:00
racarrkgunn_: Ok I retargeted it https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/mir/dev-unregistered-options/+merge/18817722:01
kgunn_racarr, ...huh...you can do that ?22:01
racarrjust waiting to see that the diff is correct22:01
* kgunn_ thinks racarr may be a wizard22:01
racarrall done22:02
racarrno but really there is just a button22:02
racarrresubmit proposal22:02
racarrI didnt know you could do it until robert ancell did it to my stuff22:02
kgunn_racarr, hey thanks!...that's cool...i had no idea, thot the owner had to22:02
kgunn_racarr, kdub, mterry  ok...i outta here...have a good weekend22:15
kdubyou too!22:15
racarrkgunn_: Cheers! You too22:19
mterryracarr, that's where I put it!22:34
mterryI manually proposed a new branch...  I thought22:34
mterryracarr, ah I see.  I pointed it at lp:mir.  Thanks for the fix, doh!22:50

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