
Piciikonia: Because he was also trying to remove samba3 and spent quite a while asking about alternatives in Ubuntu (because he wanted to switch to it?)00:00
ikoniayes, and it's magically started working now00:00
PiciThen he got all crazy in #freenode later.00:00
ikoniayes, I remember that part, I wasn't aware he'd been in #ubuntu00:00
ikoniaPici: good spot00:02
ikoniaPici: +1000:03
ubottuReiserfs called the ops in #ubuntu ()00:26
ikoniaah syko00:27
ikoniacomcast ip00:27
bazhang<MangaKaDenza> but I want it to look like Win702:30
bazhangtroll detected02:30
=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey
PriceyArgh inference, implication.09:21
Tm_TPricey: see my response on ML (:09:37
ObrienDaveI might need to get someone banned. soliciting sponsors to the US. wants snail mail info ~mohammad@
ikonialets have a look10:37
ikoniaObrienDave: where did this happen ?10:37
ObrienDaveon private chat now. let me pastebin some stuff10:38
ikoniaObrienDave: no problem, I'll look into it now and deal with it,10:39
ikoniathank you for the report10:39
ikoniaObrienDave: it's been delt with it should stop now10:42
ikoniathank you for the report10:42
ObrienDaveikonia... thanks10:44
PriceyTm_T: Yeah, I think I started my response with something like "I agree... but in a funny disagreeing way..." then rewrote it.11:00
PriceyTm_T: They're separate discussions but you can't talk about this one without the other.11:01
Tm_TPricey: well actually, I don't think there's much to talk about the current situation, as there's nothing we can do about it as separate case11:01
Tm_Twe already came to conclusion that only way to do anything about it is to do way larger action that affects everyone, which means we don't do anything in this specific case11:02
PriceyFTR... I wouldn't argue against common sense "I pasted my ssn/phone number/address in the channel, please can someone remove it?" one off requests.11:03
MyrttiI think the biggest privacy issue was solved years ago when it was decided that joins/parts/quits aren't shown11:03
Myrttiand nicks11:04
Myrttiit's not rocket science to let a random char generator to generate a new nickname for each time you use IRC, if you so wish11:04
Priceyhttp://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/governance "This is not a democracy, it's a meritocracy." You *are* going to be judged.11:05
Tm_TDredd style?11:30
bazhang<theJeremy> linuxearth: some people can, but not you. It's very hard to do, and you have a lot to learn.14:43
bazhanghe seems to be very unhelpful14:43
bazhangtells a user to google it, is told dont do that, so refers to wikipedia14:51
bazhanghe must have me on ignore14:55
IdleOnePricey: I would hope that before removing anything I said in a logged channel my permission is requested.22:01
PriceyIdleOne: I don't care about your feelings.22:06
IdleOneThat makes me very sad22:07
IdleOneThen I better ask that some method of re-adding my comments to the logs be put into place22:07
IdleOneI wonder if that would be too pricey to implement22:08
LjLi don't know if our ops have investigated that, maybe we should see if an idle one can do some research?22:09
IdleOneGood idea.22:09
FlannelIf we decide to start editing the logs, I propose we allow folks to pay a fee to insert things into them.  Whether it be "annotations" or burma shave advertisements.22:58
FlannelPerhaps we could have a sliding scale of cost depending on what the content is, and also where you want it inserted.22:58

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