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veebersthomi: that last MR has been approved02:04
thomithanks veebers02:05
pittiGood morning03:28
pittijibel: FYI, we are getting I/O errors during adt on amd64 again, so far all of them on wazn03:45
pittijibel: I restarted these jobs and temporarily took wazn-adt offline04:02
thomiveebers: when you get a chance, super-easy MP for you: https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/autopilot/trunk-add-help/+merge/18796804:09
jibelGood morning04:11
jibelpitti, I will look04:11
pittijibel: bonjour -- wow, early for you04:11
jibelpitti, heh, I'm trying new working hours to finish earlier in the afternoon for other activities :)04:13
pittiI tried the "can't sleep any more" this morning :/04:13
pittithomi: hm, why didn't that get a "PS Jenkins" review?04:16
thomipitti: I only just created it - if we waited it would04:16
pittithomi: reviewed, there's a typo04:17
thomipitti: the CI system polls for MPs - from memory every 15 minutes, so on everage, it takes 7.5 minutes before a MP is picked up04:17
jibelpitti, did you receive notifications of the failures? I didn't04:17
pittijibel: yes, tons04:17
pittiTo: ubuntu-testing-notifications@lists.ubuntu.com, jean-baptiste.lallement@canonical.com, martin.pitt@ubuntu.com04:17
thomipitti: good catch, thanks04:17
pittijibel: ^ spam?04:17
veebersthomi: looking now04:17
veebersoh, do you still want me to if pitti is?04:17
veebersalso, morning pitti and jibel o/04:18
pittihey veebers, how are you?04:18
thomiveebers: I just pushed a fix for the typo, perhaps you want to approve it?04:18
veebersthomi: can do04:18
jibelgood morning veebers04:18
veeberspitti: good thanks04:18
veebersthomi: done04:19
pittijibel: ok, u-drivers-common finished, that was the last one04:19
thomihey jibel, I wonder if you could take a look at this when you get a chance? https://bugs.launchpad.net/autopilot/+bug/122993204:19
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1229932 in Autopilot "errors running an autopilot test with Xephyr" [Undecided,New]04:19
jibelpitti, did any test you re-ran failed with IO error again?04:20
pittijibel: no, they all succeeded04:20
thomialso pitti, there's this packaging problem in autopilot - I'm not sure what the issue is exactly, I wonder if you could take a look if you get a chance please? https://bugs.launchpad.net/autopilot/+bug/122779704:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1227797 in Autopilot " Upgrading python-autopilot to 1.4 with the ppa:autopilot/ppa doesn't upgrade the libraries " [Undecided,Confirmed]04:20
pittijibel: except for the first few which still got assigned to wazn (I retried the first few without disabling wazn)04:20
jibelah, right04:21
pittithomi: oh, I thought we added Breaks: for the older versions04:21
thomipitti: we did, and I think that might be part of the problem04:21
pittiah, just the other way around04:21
pittipython-autopilot is missing Breaks04:22
thomipitti: it should break older versions of libautopilot-*?04:23
pittithomi: I followed up to the bug04:23
pittithomi: can do an MP if you are ok with that proposal04:24
thomipitti: thanks - I can do the MP, and get you to review maybe04:25
pittithomi: WFM04:25
pittithomi: did another followup04:25
thomipitti: I don't understand your last comment...04:27
jibelpitti, there is also this error which does't make sense to me: qemu-system-x86_64: -drive file=[...].img,if=virtio: could not open disk image /dev/shm/adt/[...].img: No such file or directory04:27
pittithomi: if we lift the unversioned recommends to versioned depends, there is no need for the Breaks: any more04:27
pittiit doesn't hurt, but it's redundant04:27
thomipitti: gotchya04:28
thomipitti: is there a de factor standard for the order of the Depends, Recommends, Breaks etc. clauses in debian/control stanzas?04:28
pittithomi: usually in the order you stated, i. e. from "strong plus" to "strong minus", but it doesn't matter that much04:29
pittidepends, recommends, suggests, enhances, breaks, conflicts, replaces04:30
pittiwe so much need Likes:, GoesWellWith:, and MaybeIfIamInTheMood: !04:30
thomiwho needs determinism in their packaging system anyway?04:32
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jibelahhh, gmail suddenly decided to send all the jenkins notifications to spam, how to I tell it not to do that!04:44
thomipitti: care to review those changes? 3 MPs are: https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/autopilot/trunk-fix-deps/+merge/187970 and  https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/autopilot-gtk/trunk-fix-deps/+merge/187971 and https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/autopilot-qt/trunk-fix-deps/+merge/18797204:45
pittithomi: done04:50
thomipitti: thanks!04:51
pittithomi: btw, do the gtk tests work for you ATM? they seem to fail here04:52
thomipitti: yeah, they work for me, but you do need AP 1.4 installed04:52
pittiI do04:52
thomiwhich creates a small bootstrapping problem :)04:52
thomihow do they fail?04:52
pittiinteractively they take ages and all fail with dbus timeout04:53
* pitti runs them again and gets a log04:53
thomihmm, I closed the terminal window, but I just built the package for the last MP04:54
thomipitti: although mterry reported a bug similar to this, but I haven't had a chance to look into it yet04:54
pittithomi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6161510/04:55
thomipitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/autopilot/+bug/122425604:55
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1224256 in Autopilot "autopilot-gtk hangs when launching an app on saucy" [Undecided,New]04:55
pittithomi: might also be something which I screwed up on my system, of course04:55
pittiI use the exp PPA04:55
pittiPackage: python-autopilot04:55
pittiVersion: 1.4+14.04.20130917ubuntu.unity.next-1experimental340~ubuntu13.10.104:55
pitti1.4+14.04 ?04:55
thomipitti: talk to didrocks about that :)04:56
pittiwe'll need a bigger version for t then, but I guess we can call it 1.4.004:56
thomiI never understand those crazy versino numbers04:56
thomipitti: the log looks good... but it does make me think that StateNotFoundError should derive from AssertionError rather than RuntimeError04:57
thomihappy to take counsel on that though04:57
pittihow does it look good?04:57
pittiwell, let's see what the PS jenkins bot says about the recent MP04:58
thomipitti: oh, I see a few failures now04:58
jibelpitti, 14.04 is the version for the head branch because 13.10 is now considered 'stable' by the daily release system04:58
pittithomi: mterry's bug certainly is for 1.3, though?04:59
thomipitti: yes, true05:00
jibelpitti, I didn't find anything from system logs on wazn. I switched it back online, and reprovisioning a new base VM (and told gmail not to move notifications to spam so I can monitor failures)05:02
pittijibel: thanks; the I/O errors are only within the test VM, usually from dpkg (but I guess only because that just touches a lot of files)05:03
jibelpitti, right, but sometimes there are IO errors because of some failure on the host system05:04
pittijibel: it's weird that it only affects 64 bit; sounds like the saucy guest 64 bit kernel doesn't work with the raring host kernel through kvm05:05
pittiI haven't yet seen I/O errors on i38605:05
jibelbut there is something going on on the host itself, I got this 'No such file or directory' error when starting qemu again05:07
DanChapmanmorning all05:29
pittithomi: so https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-gtk-saucy-amd64-ci/26/console fail with the same StateNotFound errors05:32
thomipitti: ahhh yes, I know why05:32
pittithomi: seems something changed in ap in that regard? it still worked at least two weeks ago at the sprint05:32
thomipitti: yes, select_single no longer reutrns None if nothing was found05:33
thominow it raises an exception05:33
pittioh, I remember that05:33
pittiI thought we already adjusted -gtk/-qt for that05:33
thomiI can get into it as soon as I finish this MP05:33
pittibut perhaps it was just "we need to remember to do it"05:33
thomipitti: the libraries themselves didn't need any changes, but the libautopilot-gtk autopilot suite obviously does :)05:33
pittiah, right05:34
pittiyes, I make quite a few assertions that objects of a certain kind aren't found05:35
pittiso these now need to turn into assertRaises05:35
thomipitti: how well do you know python-mock?05:41
pittithomi: I used it once or twice in apport's test suite, so "basic leve'05:41
thominvm then :)05:42
thomipitti: could you cast your eye over this please? https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/autopilot/1.3-add-large-select-warning/+merge/18797905:50
thomiif you approve I'll push a MP for trunk as well05:50
pittithomi: done05:53
thomipitti: same thing, but for trunk: https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/autopilot/trunk-add-large-select-warning/+merge/18798005:57
thomipitti: are you happy if I put the fixes for the libautopilot-gtk autopilot tests in the same MP as the debian/control changes?06:05
pittithomi: sure, WFM and keeps overhead low06:06
thomicool - I think I've fixed them now. I realise that the issue I had earlier was my version of python-autopilot was earlier than when we introduced that change06:08
thomiso, doing a dist-upgrade now, will confirm that the tests WFM, and re-push06:08
pittithomi: just setting $PYTHONPATH ought to work, too? that's how I used to test -gtk changes against ap trunk06:09
pitti(and calling ~/upstream/autopilot/bin/autopilot)06:09
thomipitti: hmm, yes, good point :)06:09
thomiit turns out one of the hacks in the tests is a perfect place to use the new wait_select_single as well :)06:13
thomibzr st06:14
* pitti puts thomi's mouse back into the right place for focusing06:14
thomipitti: all pushed - care to re-review? https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/autopilot-gtk/trunk-fix-deps/+merge/18797106:14
thomithanks for the mouse move, btw06:15
DanChapmanthomi, hey. When accessing object properties does autopilot always return unicode for string values? I'm trying to test the language list for ubiquity are all unicode and not squares and stuff but running type against each one it returns a <class autopilot.introspection.dbus.String> and using get_properties on the object the string looks like "string(u'lang')". So not sure how I can actually assert it is indeed a unicode string06:15
pittithomi: does the more complicated assertThat(... raises()) give you anything over the standard assertRaises() ?06:15
thomipitti: probably not, but we settled on using testtools matchers in autopilot itself, so I kind of use it everywhere now06:16
thomiDanChapman: hmm, I'll need to think about that, one second06:16
* thomi scans the bowels of autopilots introspection module06:16
DanChapmanthomi thanks :-)06:17
thomiDanChapman: autopilot --version says '1.3.XXX' right?06:17
pittithomi: hmkay; just takes 4 lines where one would be enough06:17
DanChapmanthomi yeah :-)06:17
thomipitti: well, I coulda made it one line, but I wanted to make it pep8 compliant. The assertRaises version was already too long :P06:18
pittithomi: thanks, re-approved06:19
thomiDanChapman: so.. this is an area that autopilot needs more tests in.06:21
thomiDanChapman: however...06:21
thomiDanChapman: if your data is being shipped over the wire in a dbus.String type, then it's being shipped as unicode (see: http://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-python/api/dbus.String-class.html_06:22
thomierr http://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-python/api/dbus.String-class.html06:22
thomiinside autopilot, we'll store all string data as unicode internally (if we don't somewhere, then that's a bug that will get fixed in 1.4 most likely - please let me know if you see this)06:22
thomiDanChapman: if you're trying to work out if the string contains unicode characters or not...06:23
thomiDanChapman: something like this might help you out: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/196345/how-to-check-if-a-string-in-python-is-in-ascii06:24
thomibut ultimately, autopilot should 1) transmit all text content as unicode. 2) present all text data to the test author as unicode.06:25
thomiDanChapman: I hope that helps - I have to sign off for the evening, but feel free to send me an email if you have more problems. I'll PM you my address06:26
DanChapmanthomi, yes thats great thanks :-) i'll have a read through those links and see how I get on06:27
* thomi -> EOW06:28
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davmor2Morning all10:12
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elopiogood morning.14:15
DanChapmanmorning elopio14:16
elopiohello DanChapman.14:16
elopiohey om26er, are you here?14:16
om26erelopio, I am14:16
elopioom26er: did you write an emulator for the slider?14:17
om26erelopio, not yet. Is that needed now? I waited because I though it won't go in given the time of the cycle we are at14:18
om26erif its needed in the near time I can get it done before monday14:18
elopioom26er: I remember somebody write something, I just don't remember who.14:18
om26erelopio, I wrote the inital proof-of-concept I talked to you about it as well14:19
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1228061 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "[touch]Provide a sane solution to unlock the screen on touch devices during autopilot test run" [Medium,New]14:19
elopioom26er: yes, I know about that.14:19
om26erelopio, atleast I think its the best solution out there. does not restart unity8 all the time and many other benefits. I'll experiment with it today and tomorrow to put it in a sane place so that apps will use it14:20
om26erbest as in what I could think of :p14:21
elopioom26er: it's a nice solution. Please try to make some self tests for it.14:22
om26erthe self test will only run on the phones14:23
elopioom26er: yes. For now.14:38
cgoldberganybody up for doing a small MP/review for autopilot? (only documentation)16:30
cgoldbergelopio maybe?  ^^16:30
balloonscgoldberg, I would, but I'm drowning in my own MP's today -- lots of them16:34
cgoldbergballoons, thanks.. no prob.. ping me if you free up.  It's a very small review to do16:35
balloonscgoldberg, if you can't get anyone else, well :-)16:35
balloonsI think elopio will be around after lunch :-)16:36
balloonshe needs a break from his tickets16:36
elopiocgoldberg: give it to me.16:36
elopioI'm going for a walk, and then get back to it.16:36
balloonselopio, <3 :-p16:36
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cgoldbergelopio, https://code.launchpad.net/~coreygoldberg/autopilot/doc-update17:52
balloonsom26er, ping17:58
om26erballoons, yo17:59
elopiocgoldberg: just one typo. I left my approval with that in the comment.18:09
cgoldbergelopio, great thanks18:09
elopiocgoldberg: thanks to you.18:10
elopioI'm going to have lunch.18:10
letozafballoons, Hello!18:56
balloonsletozaf, hello18:57
letozafballoons, I need your help !   :P if you got time18:58
balloonsletozaf, go for it.. I'm working on the music app stuff you victor and I spoke about18:58
balloonsI hope it all works18:58
letozafballoons, cool, can't wait to see it :)18:58
balloonswell in theory, nothing should change, hah :-)18:59
letozafballoons, :)18:59
letozafballoons, I am trying to integrate emulator in ubuntu docviewer but there is something wrong, I've checked with what you did for instance with sudoku app18:59
letozafballoons, but it is not working, can you take a look to see what I'm doing wrong ?19:00
letozafballoons, https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/sudoku-app/emulator-integration19:00
letozafballoons, to me everything looks fine, but it's not I get  AttributeError: Class 'MainView' has no attribute 'get_object'.19:00
letozafballoons, but cannot find where I'm wrong :(19:01
letozafballoons, just run the test_open_text_file19:01
balloonsletozaf, ohh, I can tell you just from the error I think.. there is no get_object method19:02
balloonsconvert it to a select_single19:02
letozafballoons, but it's in the emulators.py file19:02
letozafballoons, and it is select single19:02
letozafballoons, I more or less looked how you did in sudoku app :P but still does not work19:03
balloonsletozaf, ohh, I think you sent the wrong link19:03
balloonsthat's for sudoku app not docviewer19:04
balloonsthis it? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/ubuntu-rssreader-app/Emulator-integration/revision/2319:04
letozafballoons, :(19:04
balloonsit's under rssreader, oops :-)19:04
letozafballoons, :'( let me push it again19:05
balloonsletozaf, before you do, add the emulators.py file19:05
balloonscheck your bzr status19:05
letozafballoons,  https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/ubuntu-docviewer-app/Emulator-integration19:06
balloonsletozaf, got it19:08
letozafballoons, fiew, what a mess I was making :p19:08
letozafballoons, just the test_open_text_file19:08
balloonsyes, I was looking at that one19:08
balloonsI would still convert all the get_objjects19:09
balloonsbut you are corec, they exist19:09
letozafballoons, this thing has been driving me nuts19:09
balloonsletozaf, if it makes you feel better I hit a brick wall on the stock ticker app in a similar way19:10
balloonsthis all looks good :-)19:10
letozafballoons, well yes it makes me feel better :p19:10
balloonsletozaf, I would just convert it to self.app.select_single19:10
balloonssorry err self.main_view.select_single19:11
balloonslet me try real quick and see19:11
letozafballoons, thanks :)19:11
balloonsyep works fine19:12
balloonsI'd drop the get_objects functions in the emulator19:12
balloonsso it'll be blank it seems for now :-)19:13
balloons        textArea = self.main_view.select_single("TextArea", objectName = "textAreaMain")19:13
balloonsmake sense, convert the rest and you should be good to go :-)19:13
letozafballoons, thanks a lot !19:13
balloonsif you'd like, add the click support to it also19:13
letozafballoons, I will carry on now19:13
balloonsdid you see how that was done in sudoku?19:14
letozafballoons, yes19:14
balloonskk, go for it :-)19:14
* balloons high fives letozaf 19:14
* letozaf high fives back19:14
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elopioballoons: I found the slider emulator: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~hiroshidi/ubuntu-terminal-app/autopilot-header-and-settings/view/head:/tests/autopilot/ubuntu_terminal_app/emulators/main_window.py20:26
elopioI'll try to copy and test it over the weekend.20:26
elopiothe hard part is that I would like the API to receive the slider value, not the position. So I'll have to find a way to convert that.20:27
balloonselopio, ohh. sorry, that was e20:28
om26erballoons, ping21:21
balloonsom26er, pong21:21
om26erballoons, you are using logger.debug in a proposed branch can you tell me what do I need to import for it ?21:21
om26erit says21:21
om26erNameError: global name 'logger' is not defined21:21
balloonsimport logging21:22
om26eraah I though it was something autopilot specific21:23
cgoldbergom26er,  you also have to create the logger object you are using21:26
cgoldberglogger = logging.getLogger(__name__)21:26
om26ercgoldberg, I think that's what I was looking for. thanks21:27
cgoldbergom26er, .. and import logging like ballons said21:27
cgoldberg^^ in our freshly themed new docs21:28

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