
stgraberadam_g: hey there, that troveclient upload is supposed to contain some file permission fixes, but I'm not seeing that in the diff, did you miss something?00:24
stgraberadam_g: ah, nevermind, I re-read the changelog entry and it's just the modes of the files within debian/ which can't be represented in a diff, will accept the upload now00:25
adam_gstgraber, ah, cool. thanks00:25
stgraberlibsystemsettings1 (from ubuntu-system-settings) is seeded in:00:26
stgraber  lubuntu: supported00:26
stgraberubuntu-system-settings (from ubuntu-system-settings) is seeded in:00:26
stgraber  lubuntu: supported00:26
stgraberin case someone wonders why ubuntu-system-settings isn't getting auto-accepted00:26
stgraberthe reason for that seems to be indicator-bluetooth on non-gnome based flavours00:33
slangasekstgraber: erm, that sounds entirely bogus00:47
stgraberslangasek: it's broken ordering of indicator-bluetooth dependencies00:48
slangasekstgraber: well, if it's seeded in "supported" anyway, that shouldn't trump the fact that it's a touch package and covered by the policy for touch00:48
stgraberslangasek: yeah, as I said in -ci I'm not against getting it approved but I'd like to make sure someone will take care of the wrong dependency ordering of indicator-bluetooth00:49
slangasekI don't see why it's picked up by lubuntu supported at all; http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/lubuntu.saucy/supported seems to show an infinite loop00:52
stgraberyeah, there seems to be a unity related loop in there, I didn't look much closer than that, however the depends on indicator-bluetooth is wrong and should be fixed (which may be enough to convince germinate to drop ubuntu-system-settings from that seed so we don't have to force it in the future)00:54
slangasekI don't see that the dependency is wrong; it's arbitrary which one is listed first, anything that actually cares which one is pulled in should make sure it's installed before pulling in indicator-bluetooth00:55
slangasekpulling g-c-c + gnome-bluetooth in on the phone is no less wrong than pulling u-s-s in on the desktop00:56
stgraberwell, I don't see why someone would suddenly need to add a dependency for some gnome packages when a release ago they didn't have to, so adding any alternative that you don't want everyone to use should be done by prepending them, not appending00:58
stgraberbah, the other way around :)00:58
slangasekthat's fair, but lubuntu isn't *actually* depending on unity anyway00:59
slangasekso by this point anyone who is, and who doesn't want the phone implementation, has already dealt with this - forcing the dependencies to be flipped now is just causing churn for the phone images01:00
stgraberwell, we have no idea how many Lubuntu users out there actually installed indicator-bluetooth post-install and that germinate output says that if any did, they'll end up with ubuntu-system-settings on their system, so I agree it's not a critical bug to fix, but I still want it fixed by release01:01
stgraber(especially as I believe we got all the other indicators fixed in the same way recently when something similar affected Edubuntu a few days back)01:02
slangasekWe can estimate the number of lubuntu users installing indicator-bluetooth at zero.  It doesn't integrate with lubuntu, and people don't install lubuntu if they're looking for unity.  The bug is in germinate, not in u-s-s.01:03
slangasekif the phone seed + indicator-bluetooth both get fixed before release, then that's fine, but it's a minor issue01:05
stgraberslangasek: what needs fixing in the phone seed? ubuntu-system-settings has been listed in there since it's been uploaded to the archive.01:07
slangasekstgraber: is it listed in there in an order that ensures germinate won't pick up g-c-c + gnome-bluetooth *and* u-s-s?01:07
stgraberslangasek: both the indicators and ubuntu-system-settings are listed in the same seed, so I believe so. Most if not all other indicators list those the other way around, so I don't see how fixing the odd one would change anything.01:09
slangasekstgraber: in fact, indicator-bluetooth is listed first in the seed before any of the other indicators or u-s-s.  So with the current seed, this dependency is the only thing that's keeping the touch image from pulling in the wrong deps.01:10
slangasekwhich is exactly why we shouldn't be in a hurry to flip or'ed dependencies around that aren't actually hurting anything01:11
slangasekah, it's ubuntu-defaults-builder01:19
slangaseklubuntu inherits from platform/supported-development-desktop, which lists u-d-b, which depends on unity-common01:19
slangasekstgraber: so given that 'supported' is, by definition, "seeded stuff that's not on the images", shouldn't we ignore supported for this check?01:22
slangaseknot quite sure why this only shows up in the lubuntu seed, really, given that it's part of "supported-common" which is used everywhere - but anyway, I don't think "supported" is what we meant by "seeded".01:24
stgraberI suspect there's a fair amount of server packages that are in supported (due to limited space) and which we don't want to just let through, so I don't think allowing packages only seeded in supported through is a good move01:26
stgrabernagios3, exim4 and freeradius are some that come to mind at least and I know we've got a bunch more in our seeds01:29
slangasekstgraber: right, but I think that's because supported has a special meaning for Ubuntu ... because it means "and that other stuff in main".  But for !Ubuntu, I don't think it has any meaning01:36
slangasekcertainly, the presence of unity in the lubuntu seed shows that it doesn't mean anything in *that* case01:36
slangasekso what about ignoring supported for !Ubuntu?01:36
plarsslangasek: I haven't really dealt with the adt tests, that's jibel and pitti... I could try retriggering it if you think it would help02:01
slangasekplars: well, it's not the tests so much as the environment... that error clearly points to fs corruption02:08
slangasekplars: is that anything you could fix?02:08
slangasekplars: barring that, a retry is also fine :)02:10
plarsslangasek: I didn't see any obvious issues on the build slave, could be something in the jenkins environment not getting cleaned up properly. The run-adt-test script there does have a datestamp of today02:10
plarsthe job itself isn't updating it though02:10
plarsso I'm not sure if there's another job somewhere that pulls the latest of that, or if someone updated it by hand today02:11
slangasekplars: so whatever filesystem was corrupted is no longer an issue?02:12
plarsslangasek: those errors are after it's already in the VM, but the host system seems ok02:13
slangasekplars: and the VM isn't reused across multiple jobs?02:13
plarsslangasek: It's probably cow, but I'm not familiar with the setup02:14
slangasekhmm, alright02:15
slangasekso if you could retry the job, that'd be keen02:15
plarsslangasek: yeah, looks like it does: qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o backing_file=$DISKPATH $BCKPATH02:15
plarsslangasek: these jobs are started in an unusual way it looks like, but I'll give it a shot02:16
slangasekright... so there could be corruption on the underlying base image, or the VM itself might've somehow corrupted it02:16
plarsslangasek: still failing02:37
plarsblame: arg:systemd_204-0ubuntu13.dsc dsc:systemd02:37
plarsbadpkg: dependency install failed, exit code 102:37
plarsquitting: erroneous package: dependency install failed, exit code 102:37
plarsslangasek: any chance it's a legitimate failure?02:37
plarsslangasek: there's also a .crash file getting picked up from the run for initramfs-tools02:38
mfischEvening all. Does the beta et al freezes apply to syncing a new debian package into Universe?03:38
slangasekplars: I don't see any way it could be a legitimate failure in the systemd autopkgtests that the /tmp filesystem is corrupt.  Was this on the same jenkins slave again?04:24
slangasekmfisch: syncing a new Debian package into universe is covered by feature freeze04:25
plarsslangasek: talking to pitti about it now, apparently that machine caused some weird problems like this recently04:33
plarsslangasek: he's worked around it for now, it came back green this time04:34
slangasekalright, thanks :)04:35
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didrockssil2100: Mirv: any of you published friends? I wonder why it came without any landing requests ^08:20
sil2100didrocks: not me, maybe robru ?08:22
didrocksrobru: did you? ^08:22
sil2100Since I saw a task for unblocking libfriends assigned to him08:22
didrockssil2100: maybe, but it's not about publishing it without a landing slot08:22
sil2100Maybe robru misinterpreted it...08:23
didrockscan we have anyone unblocking libunity + scope-home?08:23
infinitydidrocks: s/unblocking/reviewing/ and yeah, I'll look in a sec.  Sorting some things.08:24
didrocksthanks infinity08:24
* cjwatson goes to accept the pile of langpacks08:24
Laneycjwatson: Think pitti was doing it08:24
* infinity hands some buildds to i386 for the incoming barrage.08:25
Laneycare to change the default release in queuediff?08:26
infinitycjwatson: Oh, if you didn't catch up on backscroll, we now have a hack in place that auto-accepts non-set/unseeded packages, so unapproved should only be full of things that actually need review.08:30
cjwatsonYep, I heard08:31
cjwatsoninfinity: want me to look at didrocks' request?08:32
infinitycjwatson: I was grabbing it, but if you're keen on reviewing unity, I won't stop you. :P08:33
infinityOh, I guess it's just libunity, how bad can it be?08:33
Mirvdidrocks: nope08:34
cjwatsonIf you're already on it I'll leave you to it08:34
infinitycjwatson: Alrighty.08:34
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stgraber^ that's me marking the milestone as released13:29
Riddellsigh, they should have gone to a ppa, I'll delete13:41
smartboyhwRiddell, -.-13:42
ogra_qeueu party !13:42
didrocksogra_: will, now, it's killing party for Riddell :p13:43
ogra_didrocks, doom3 queue party then ;)13:44
apwsomeone got lucky13:44
xnoxstgraber: hm cherrypy3 in ubuntu. I go to look.13:57
attentehi, can i request an unblock of indicator-keyboard? this bug was fixed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-keyboard/+bug/122848914:01
Laneyattente: I don't see it14:04
attenteLaney, the bug?14:04
Laneyattente: Also, no need to request approvals now that beta is done; we'll be reviewing https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text= often14:04
Laneythe upload14:04
seb128I'm going to do a manual upload in a bit, so don't worry about the upload14:04
seb128(need the .pot to be added since that launchpad fix hasn't been deployed yet)14:04
LaneySo, nothing to request for this one14:05
attenteoh ok14:05
attenteLaney, seb128, thanks14:05
LaneyFeature freeze still stands for other stuff, of course14:05
attenteLaney, do i need a FFe for this bug?14:05
Laneynot for bug fixes14:05
Laneywas just making sure that me saying "no need to request approvals" wasn't too broadly stated14:06
attenteah, understood14:06
seb128attente, Laney: it's already in saucy: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-keyboard/0.0.0+13.10.20130924.2-0ubuntu114:07
attenteoh.. i didn't realize that14:08
attenteyay :)14:08
infinityzul: Did you discuss the above upload with anyone, or just feel that the appropriate response to a reject was to upload the exact same thing again and hope for a different review?14:11
infinityzul: Ahh, you filed an FFe bug this time.  Would have been nice to reference that in the changelog... And also not mysteriously delete the last version from the changelog too.14:12
apw$ md5sum ubuntu-13.10-beta2-server-amd64.iso14:14
apw4d869a82e8bc4e88de6379a0609fe598  ubuntu-13.10-beta2-server-amd64.iso14:14
apwdammit ... not that channel ok14:14
attenteLaney, i have this FFe for unity-greeter, can you please take a look at it?14:14
infinityzul: Can you fix up the changelog to not drop the 1.0.3-0ubuntu2 revision from history, and include a ref to the FFe?14:14
zulinfinity:  sure14:14
Laneyattente: ok14:15
Laneyattente: Didn't see it before because it's not on the ubuntu package14:15
Laneyhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=&field.status:list=NEW&field.status:list=CONFIRMED&field.status:list=TRIAGED&field.status:list=INPROGRESS&field.status:list=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status:list=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=ubuntu-release&field.structural_subscriber=&field.component-empty-marker=1&field.tag=&f ...14:16
attenteLaney, sorry about that, i'm not really familiar with the FFe process14:16
Laney... ield.tags_combinator=ANY&field.status_upstream-empty-marker=1&field.has_cve.used=&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.affects_me.used=&field.has_no_package.used=&field.has_patch.used=&field.has_branches.used=&field.has_branches=on&field.has_no_branches.used=&field.has_no_branches=on&field.has_blueprints.used=&field.has_blueprints=on&field.has_no_blueprints.used=&field.has_no_blueprints=on&search=Search&orderby=st ...14:16
Laney... atus&start=0 ← the URL I use to see outstanding requests14:16
infinityOr is.gd. :P14:16
attenteah, so FFe requests need to be on ubuntu? should i re-write the request?14:17
Laneyit's fine, I'll add the task14:17
LaneyI'm just sayin' that's why I didn't see it so far14:17
attenteoh ok14:17
attentethanks Laney14:18
infinityIt should be against the package, yes, not the upstream project.14:18
attenteok, i see, thanks infinity14:19
LaneyIn other news, I just superglued my fingers together14:20
infinityDid you type that with your nose?14:20
LaneyI've ripped them apart14:20
cjwatsonYou can reduce that URL to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.subscriber=ubuntu-release&orderby=status if you don't mind it also showing Fix Committed14:21
LaneyThe oresum bar remembers it for me14:21
attenteLaney, thanks!14:31
stgraberRejected oslo-config, some changes in the upstream changelog looked like features and I don't see a FFe or a bug report justifying why this should get in after FeatureFreeze14:39
stgraberLaney: wow, that's one confusing diff for glib-networking :)14:45
stgraberthough apparently it's pretty much exclusively automagic changes and addition of tests, so I guess that's fine14:45
Laneyyeah I think it's ok if you filter out the guff14:46
stgraberyeah, didn't see any obvious bad change in there, I'll let it in and accept the the new binary once it shows up14:46
Laneywe should totally have a tool to filter noise from diffs14:47
infinityLaney: Like filterdiff?14:49
LaneyI guess it'd wrap filterdiff14:49
rtginfinity, a nice fat saucy kernel to gum up the works for you.14:57
infinityrtg: Mmm, fat and saucy.14:57
infinityrtg: That's a remarkably conservative point release.  Urgent bugfixes in there, or is Greg still hung over from New Orleans?14:59
rtginfinity, 117 stable patches I think. thats not totally conservative15:00
infinityrtg: It's pretty conservative, given the size of some of the recent ones.15:00
infinityrtg: Accepted.15:01
rtginfinity, thanks15:01
zulstgraber:  1232062 for oslo.config15:04
zulhi can i get oslo-config accepted please (#1232062)15:22
apwbug #123206215:22
Riddellzul: accepted15:35
Riddellqt guys ship minified javascript and are suggesting to put a pointer to sources, is that acceptable? http://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/development/2013-September/013226.html15:49
infinityRiddell: No.15:51
Riddelldidn't think so15:51
infinityRiddell: As stated in that post you link, pointing to somewhere else (that might change, not stay in sync, disappear) isn't an acceptable form of "providing the preferred form of modification".15:52
stgraberRiddell: for packaging, I believe you should either use an already packaged version (libjs-*) or ship the upstream modifiable version of the library (if the minified version gives you a performance improvemented, then you could minify it at build time but the source package needs the full version)15:53
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stgraberRiddell: what? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/151652586/mplayerthumbs_4%3A4.11.1-0ubuntu1_4%3A4.11.2-0ubuntu1.diff.gz16:29
stgraberRiddell: that seems pretty minimal for a new upstream release ;)16:29
jodhstgraber/slangasek/xnox: FYI: just raised FFe bug 1232119 for upstart.16:31
xnoxjodh: i didn't think there needs one.16:31
stgraberjodh: bugfixes don't need FFe, is that more than a bugfix?16:32
jodhxnox/stgraber: ah right, thanks - yes it's just a bug fix so I'll close that sucker :)16:33
Riddellstgraber: lots of kde sc packages don't get updates between releases, but they're all released nevertheless16:33
stgraberRiddell: so what's the point in uploading that if it doesn't even change the version number in any of the source files? anyway, someone other than me rejected it :)16:34
Riddellstgraber: they are all packaged by a script so it's more effort not to upload it than to upload it16:35
RiddellI expect gnome does similar16:36
didrockscjwatson: infinity: if you can look at the unity7 stack, that would be awesome ^ (unity8 is depending on it as well to get some good fixes on touch)16:36
didrocks(yeah, unity depends on unity ;))16:36
didrocksthen, it will enable us to cut an image and get ogra_ some sleep :)16:37
didrocks(mediascanner is coming in < 3 minutes)16:37
ogra_you all sound like i would lack sleep :)16:37
ogra_i'm *not* infinity :)16:37
didrocksah no, the mediascanner we needed is already in ;)16:37
ogra_yes, its on -changes16:38
cjwatsondidrocks: firefighting something else right now16:38
didrocksogra_: I hope for you it's not that bad ;)16:38
didrockscjwatson: sure, no worry ;)16:38
LaneyI'll look16:38
LaneyBest not to ping individual RT members16:38
didrocksthanks Laney!16:39
didrocks(and good luck, it's quite a lot)16:39
LaneyWell, can split it with someone16:39
ogra_dont you let half packages through !16:42
stgraberLaney: was planning on doing some of them after lunch here, so if you give up I'll pick up the rest16:42
Laneyhalf packages?16:43
ogra_if you split them :)16:47
Laneywhy would I randomly split packages16:48
* Laney is confused16:49
slangasekto try to probe the inner truths of package particle physics16:49
ogra_<Laney> Well, can split it with someone16:49
Laneydeb rpm duality16:49
LaneyOh I see, you mean accepting half of them16:50
Laneystgraber: nux compix unity-scope-guahuahfaiu unity-scope-audacious OK16:53
Laney-home changes a translated string; not sure about that and unity is left for your enjoyment16:53
Laneya visitor just turned up, better go see what's up for a bit16:54
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slangasekogra_: do you know why /etc/adjtime exists on the Touch images?17:42
ogra_slangasek, it doesnt, but as i understood timedated falls over if it isnt writable ?!?17:42
ogra_(i guess it would create it)17:43
slangasekogra_: I have /etc/adjtime here on my device; not sure how it got there if it's not part of the image17:43
ogra_slangasek, pitt can give yu details i think17:43
ogra_slangasek, it was explicitly added to the writable files which creates it if it doesnt exist ...17:44
slangasekaccording to Laney, timedated falls over *if* /etc/adjtime exists *and* isn't writable17:44
ogra_well, that stuff will go away again once pittis (and stgraber's) changes for timezone selection land on monday17:45
slangasek/etc/adjtime is *not supposed to be there*17:45
ogra_then there should be a writable dir and no adjtime17:45
stgraberstgraber@castiana:~/mnt$ tar Jtvf ~/Desktop/phablet-flash/imageupdates/pool/ubuntu-5219cfe1d590fddbebe1228872ff1529156efdc996571da44cbbe2438b37cee9.tar.xz | grep adj17:46
stgraber-rw-r--r-- root/root        10 2013-09-27 04:15 system/etc/adjtime17:46
slangasekit's not supposed to be in /etc/writable either17:46
stgraberso it sure is in the image generated on nusakan...17:46
ogra_as i said17:46
ogra_there was an assumption that timedated needs it in the commit that adds it to writable-files ... pittis change will drop the code that creates it17:47
ogra_and pittis change is scheduled for monday ... so image 71 should not ship adjtime anymore17:48
slangasekogra_: pitti's change moves the file to /etc/writable, which is *still wrong*17:51
slangasekwe should find what *created* the file, and fix that17:51
ogra_slangasek, i'll talk to pitti then17:51
ogra_it wont be fixed befoe monday anyway17:52
ogra_slangasek, i'm pretty sure stgraber's touch initrd script touches /etc/adjtime if it doesnt exist but is in /etc/system-image/writable-paths17:58
ogra_                                       if [ ! -d "$dstpath" ]; then17:59
ogra_                                                # Deal with redirected files17:59
ogra_                                                if [ "$4" = "transition" ]; then17:59
ogra_                                                        cp -a $dstpath $srcpath17:59
ogra_                                                else17:59
ogra_                                                        touch $srcpath17:59
ogra_                                                fi17:59
ogra_thats the code doing it17:59
ogra_and the timestamp on the file in my  install agrees17:59
stgraberogra_: nope17:59
stgraberogra_: the initrd never has write access to / so if the file is not there, it may create it under /userdata but it certainly won't be able to create it under /etc18:00
stgraber^ I rejected unity-scope-home because it's changing a translated string after UIF without an approved exception18:00
ogra_stgraber, well, i'm pretty sure that file was never there before i merged cwaynes MP18:01
ogra_which only added them to writable-paths18:01
ogra_stgraber, omg, really ?18:01
stgraberogra_: what I pasted before was the output of a tar ztvf of the rootfs, and it clearly was in there :)18:02
* ogra_ sighs that breaks the whole planning for touch :(18:02
ogra_(the home scope thing)18:02
ogra_stgraber, hmm, it definitely doesnt come from a package18:02
stgraberogra_: sure why not, the package is in pretty much all our images, the only change was a string after the string freeze, so yes, perfectly matches the criteria for rejection18:02
ogra_and i surely havent added code to create it anywhere18:03
ogra_stgraber, oh, it was supposed ot have a fix ...18:03
ogra_yeah, i agree, if its only the string change that wouldnt have helped anyway :)18:03
stgraberyeah, it was the only change in there18:04
stgrabercdimage@nusakan:/srv/system-image.ubuntu.com$ tar ztvf /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/www/full/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/20130927/saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.tar.gz | grep adj18:04
stgraber-rw-r--r-- root/root        10 2013-09-27 08:15 etc/adjtime18:04
stgraberno idea where that's coming from, but something in the image build process sure generates the file ;)18:04
ogra_well, its not in livecd-rootfs18:04
stgraberand that's before any of the system-image stuff ever runs :)18:04
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# grep /etc/adjtime /var/lib/dpkg/info/*18:07
ogra_/var/lib/dpkg/info/util-linux.postrm:rm -f /etc/adjtime18:07
ogra_not from a postinst either18:07
stgraberso must be some command spawned from a postinst creating it then18:09
stgraberaccepted the result of the autolanding stack. Unity had a pretty confusing changelog but the code changes look fine.18:10
ogra_stgraber, yay, thanks ...18:10
* ogra_ waits for britney before spinning a new image 18:11
slangasekogra_: live-build scripts/build/lb_chroot_hacks.18:15
ogra_in live-build itself ?18:16
ogra_smells like a bug, why dont we have it in other builds ?18:17
stgraberI suspect we do in all desktop images18:18
slangasekbut it's a bug that went under the radar before18:18
stgraberquestion is, why did dba think that was needed at all...18:19
slangasekwell, Debian does use /etc/adjtime.18:19
slangasek(it shouldn't, but the reasoning why is difficult to explain effectively so I haven't tried to get that change upstreamed)18:19
stgraberah, didn't know that, so I guess we missed that difference when we rebased on the newer live-build?18:20
stgraberanyway, easy enough to fix for any new builds18:20
slangasekyes, uploading live-build now18:21
stgrabercool, I'll let it through when it's in the queue, maybe we'll have it in place before the next touch build then18:21
ogra_stgraber, i can wait :)18:24
ogra_touch is all manual ... from code commit to released image18:24
slangasekstgraber: so did we come to any conclusion about packages seeded in "supported" for !Ubuntu?18:42
stgraberslangasek: I think I'd have to look at the json file to convince myself it's safe (as I'm not sure all ubuntu supported packages show up under ubuntu), I'd also probably want to make sure none of the existing flavours use supported in a way to indicate that those packages are things they care about and have documentation on but are post-install or language/region specific packages to be installed post-install18:45
stgraberso currently, status quo seems easier especially as we haven't seen a flood of those so far18:45
slangasekyou're checking both seeds and packagesets, right?18:46
slangasekshouldn't "think we care about but is post-install" be in the packageset, even if it's not on the image?18:47
stgraberit should, but the packagesets are generated from the seeds...18:47
stgraberwell, some/most flavours ones are, kylin is manual18:48
ogra_stgraber, oh, will writable-paths cope with the removal of adjtime ?19:05
stgraberyep, it should simply fail to bind mount and move on19:05
ogra_go britney ... i know you can make it19:06
slangasekstgraber: and then we should follow through to remove adjtime handling from the writable-paths stuff as well, and make sure the file is correctly removed on upgrades19:10
stgraberslangasek: yeah, my debdiff for lxc-android-config already removes it from writable-paths so once that one land, we'll be good19:11
stgraberwe won't need to do any removal on touch since the file will just go away in the next image, though we probably ought to for desktops19:12
stgrabernot sure what's the best way of doing that though, adding an rm to some common package's postinst?19:12
slangasekprobably util-linux, I'd guess19:14
* ogra_ sees live-build vanish from britney ... 19:14
ogra_time for an image then :)19:15
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stgraberogra_: did you see it publish (rmadison live-build)?19:16
ogra_stgraber, if it is gone from tehg excuses page its pretty sure in, no ?19:16
stgraberhmm, I guess it should yes, I tend not to trust that and always triple check with rmadison :) anyway, live-build is fully published, so go ahead19:17
stgraber(and since we moved the archive stuff to a new box, rmadison got much faster, so it's less of a pain to use nowadays)19:18
ogra_well, just using madison after apt-get update should do as well19:19
ogra_thats what i usually do19:20
* stgraber takes lxc20:20
=== jhodapp|afk is now known as jhodapp
stgraberI'll take that one, sounds like a reasonable use of my last 15min of work for the day :)21:45
stgraberoh and it's an actual upload, not a sync, sweet!21:46
stgraberwell, looks like I'll need to find something else to do before my EOD, that one was way easier to review than I expected ;)21:47
=== jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|afk
slangaseklibhybris is in core?21:53
stgraberalso it seems to be building debs used by kubuntu, go figure21:54
slangaseker, um21:54
stgraberas in, daily-live, not supported :)21:54
slangasekpulseaudio depends on libhardware221:56
stgraberthat'd make sense if seeded-in-ubuntu would also list it for say, every other flavours :)21:57
rsalvetido I need to do anything to get libhybris released or just wait for it to be published?21:57
stgraberrsalveti: I accepted it in the archive, not sure if there's a block on it by the touch release team21:57
rsalvetiare they doing armhf-based builds?21:57
stgraberah, that might be it, yes21:57
stgraberyeah, kubuntu desktop builds on armhf21:58
rsalvetiright, that's it then21:58
stgraberand I haven't been building edubuntu armhf in a long long time, so that's why it's not listed21:58
rsalvetipushing new gstreamer-bad in a few minutes as well21:58
stgraberso in theory, that means the FFe for libhybris in bug 1208989 isn't valid since some of the binaries are included in non-touch flavours, though that upload was a bugfix, so no problem with that.22:00
stgraber(and I'm not seeing any obvious feature addition since FFe for packages affecting the Kubuntu images)22:03
slangasekwell, I wonder if that means the kubuntu desktop images don't actually have a working pulseaudio on armhf22:07
slangasekand whether anyone's tested that22:07
stgrabertrying to get testing history data from the iso tracker to see if someone tested kubuntu desktop armhf lately22:09
slangasekthe pulseaudio patches to *use* libhybris seem to have been added post-FF with no FFe bug22:09
rsalvetihm, not sure if that was added after FF22:09
rsalvetithat was to add support for modem/pcm using the android hal22:10
stgraberno armhf desktop result for kubuntu since saucy opened apparently22:10
slangasek1:4.0-0ubuntu2 says "add patches for Ubuntu Touch"... that's the earliest mention I can see22:10
rsalvetiyeah, aug 2722:12
rsalvetithat was the first one22:12
slangasekoh, two days before feature freeze, I see :-)22:12
stgraberstill not ideal that non-touch flavours end up pulling that code too, can't that be done as a pulseaudio plugin in a separate package? (I have no idea how pulseaudio works besides the fact that it has modules ;))22:14
rsalvetiprobably, need to ping diwic next monday22:14
rsalvetisomeone? ^^ :-)22:17
stgraberthat got auto-accepted22:18
rsalvetiwas thinking about the good subject22:18
rsalvetibad is not seeded22:18
darkxsthave the ubuntu GNOME cron jobs been switched back on?23:04
stgraberI guess we should do that for all the products23:05
stgraberlet me do that quickly23:05
stgraberall done23:06
darkxststgraber, thanks23:11
ogra_stgraber, did you leave touch on manual ?23:13

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