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sarnoldmattwj2002: full details are here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases00:04
sarnoldmattwj2002: 12.04 LTS is the first to get five years of support for desktop and server components, earlier releases had the tiers you mentioned, and it was complicated. :)00:05
mattwj2002sarnold: I am thinking about building a ubuntu 4.10 server....what do you think?00:06
sarnoldmattwj2002: knock yourself out. just don't put it on the public internet. :)00:06
sarnoldmattwj2002: because it hasn't had any security updates since april 2006.00:07
mattwj2002I know just kidding00:07
mattwj2002actually it wouldn't be horrible behind nat....00:07
mattwj2002nat protects you for quite a bit00:07
mattwj2002but I agree security holes city :)00:08
jrwrenmight be a fun exercise to attempt to exploit it, or run it as base for honeypot00:09
mattwj2002I guarantee there are servers on the public internet that are older than that00:10
mattwj2002then again that is why they get hacked00:10
DarylXianI'm setting up kerberos on Ubu12LTS.  Tutorials and man page refer to test apps, `sserver` and `sclient`.  I've installed pkgs: krb5-admin-server,krb5-kdc,krb5-config,krb5-user,krb5-clients.  I can find no trace of those bins.01:39
DarylXianAny help/hint as to where they hide?01:39
TheLordOfTimeis there a reason apt is preferring IPv6 servers even though I've only enabled IPv4 on my network connection?01:56
TheLordOfTimeit's causing apt to not be able to download any updates or connect to the update servers.01:56
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pandaroot-gamai am creating a customized install for ubuntu server and following this guide. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch07:48
pandaroot-gamain this guide it's no where mention that it is for server or for desktop.07:48
pandaroot-gamahow can i create a customized server ?07:49
cassielhi, I am facing a problem with my ubuntuserver and broadcom nextreme07:55
cassielserver is up and running but it does shows up only one network interface with lspci07:56
cassielon a debian server, same network card, it shows correctly the four interfaces07:58
cassielany hints?07:58
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PaulePanterWhat are these `resume` and `wait-for-root` processes when I restart the server and check the boot process with `bootchart`?09:32
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SuperMattHi all, I've been told to report bug 1231901 to you10:42
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1231901 in nagios3 "Installing Nagios3 and Apache2 in Saucy does not enable the cgi mod, which is required" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123190110:42
jamespageSuperMatt, trying to reproduce now11:20
jamespagethanks for the poke - good to know these things close to release11:20
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SuperMattjamespage: did you confirm it?11:30
jamespageSuperMatt, yes - just seeing if its a regression from raring11:31
SuperMattcool :D11:31
jamespageSuperMatt, interestingly nagios3 has never enabled the cgi module11:35
jamespageso I suspect a change in behaviour in a dependency11:35
jamespage(probably apache itself)11:35
jamespageSuperMatt, ah - I see11:39
jamespagemod-php5 dropped its dependency on the prefork package11:40
jamespageSuperMatt, urgh - OK11:45
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zetherooI added a new NIC to one of our Ubuntu 12.04 servers ... lshw shows the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6162438/11:49
Slingzetheroo: what does dmesg show about the network card(s) ?11:53
Slingperhaps the driver/module for this chipset is missing in your system11:53
zetheroodmesg output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6162462/11:54
zetherooSling: I am not sure what I am looking for in there ^12:03
blizzkidLo all. I'm trying to get started with apple website notifications, following the doc at https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/mac/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/NotificationProgrammingGuideForWebsites/PushNotifications/PushNotifications.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40013225-CH3-SW1. Now I'm stuck with "Configuring Your Web Service Endpoints". How can I do this on ubuntu + apache? (It says I need to configure a RESTful web12:13
blizzkidservice, but I have no clue how to so this) (asked the same question in #macosx, since it's a bit about both)12:13
zetherooHow to get a newly installed network card to work in Ubuntu 12.04 Server ?12:14
zetherooifconfig shows no new interface12:14
bxzand ifconfig -a ?12:16
zetheroobxz: it shows up as eth212:19
bxzzetheroo: sudo ifup eth212:20
zetherooIgnoring unknown interface eth2=eth2.12:21
bxzifdown eth2; ifup eth212:22
bxzyou might want to configure eth2 interface in /etc/network/interfaces file before though12:24
zetherooI see ...12:24
bxzwhen done you can try to run:  '/etc/init.d/networking restart'12:25
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irvis there an easy way to expand my /boot partition after install?12:47
irvmine's sittin at about 99.6% full :P12:48
bxzirv: i would just delete old kernels and leave it be12:50
irvwhat's the command for that again?12:51
irvsomething autoremove?12:51
bxzapt-get purge linux-image-xxx12:53
irvany way to see which ones are there? just ls /boot?12:54
smoserutlemming, https://code.launchpad.net/~utlemming/cloud-init/azure-disk_format/+merge/18780512:55
bxzirv: dpkg -l | grep linux-image12:55
bxzirv: just leave the one you are on (uname -r)12:56
irvk so i have a bunch of linux-image-3.2.0.xx and one linux-image-server12:56
henkjani'm using an apt-hook to remove old kernels12:56
irvdo i k eep linux-image-server as well i presume?12:56
irvthat's like in addition to the regular kernel?12:56
irvbkz: thx12:57
bxzdon't know. i would keep it12:57
henkjanlinux-image-server is a virtual package12:57
henkjankeep that one installed12:57
irvhmm any time i try to apt-get purge linux-image-3.2.xx i'm getting a message about unmet dependencies and to run apt-get -f install12:57
irvto get a diff version of linux-headers-server12:58
irvbut when i run that, it fails (i presume due to the full disk)_12:58
irvanother way to purge a few of these kernels so i can run -f12:58
irvthat won't go and do all the dependency checking12:58
mardraumyou have to manually move them elsewhere13:00
mardraumto free up enough room for your existing apt transaction to complete13:00
mardraumit's very ugly, but I have found no better way13:00
Dry_LipsHi, how big should I make my swapfile for my VPS? The plan I'm on gives me 1GB RAM, would it be overkill to make a swapfile that is 2 GB? My VPS has SSD storage, btw13:21
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jamespageadam_g, I ended up completely reduxing swift-proxy in the end14:10
jamespageseems to work OK14:10
jrwrenDry_Lips: use no swap and run swapspace daemon14:51
Dry_Lipsjrwren, I had newer heard about swapspace before... But it's not being maintained anymore?14:56
Dry_Lipsjrwren, anyways, thanks for the tip, I'll be looking into it! :-)15:01
jrwrenDry_Lips: its not maintained becuase its "done" :)15:08
Dry_LipsYeah, I noticed upon closer inspection... :) But you'll have to build it from source, jrwen? I also discovered that I couldn't create an ordinary swap, because apparently my VPS is on openVZ... Will swapspace work in this case?15:09
Dry_Lips(When I tried to run the swapon command, I got an error message stating that it wasn't permitted)15:10
jamespageadam_g, any thoughts on the get_or_generate_secret stuff in openstack-dashboard?15:58
jamespageadam_g, I'm reticent to open up write acess to /etc/openstack-dashboard15:58
jamespageit should really be doing /var/lib/horizon for generate15:58
jrwrenDry_Lips: what version of server? its available to me. I think it is from universe.16:01
jrwrenDry_Lips: openvz is like LXC. you are running a shared kernel, so yes, you don't get to add memory or swap. You'll have ot make to with the limits they give you.16:01
Dry_Lipsjrwren: Okay, I found it, it was in the repos. But you're saying it won't work since I'm on openVZ?16:11
jrwrenDry_Lips: i don't know. I don't know openvz.16:11
jrwrenif swapon does not work for you, nothing will, AFAIK16:11
Dry_Lipsswapon definitively doesn't work...16:12
jrwrenlooks like amount of swap is a host, not guest function: http://wiki.openvz.org/VSwap  This is the nature of shared hosting :)16:13
Dry_LipsWhen I installed swapspace the daemon started up automatically...16:15
Dry_LipsBut I guess the question is what happens if it runs out of RAM...16:16
jrwrenit makes a new swap file.16:17
jrwrenit adds and removes swap space as needed.16:18
Dry_Lipsjrwren: yeah, that's what I thought... But since it's just a daemon, it will not fail, the same way that adding swap will under openVZ?16:20
jrwrenno, it will fail.16:22
jrwrenadding swap makes a syscall.16:22
jrwrenits the syscall of swapon which is failing.16:22
jrwrenif you aren't sure, run your swapon wiht strace16:23
Dry_Lipsjrwren: okay, so *swapspace* uses the syscall of swapon?16:26
Dry_Lipsjrwren: okay, thanks for your help. If I understood you correctly swapspace will fail... I guess I've learned something new about openvz... :-)16:33
jamespageadam_g, I execd'ed all of the openstack redux branches16:38
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adam_gjamespage, i mentioned to smoser yesterday, but we need to backport policykit from (Raring, Quantal) for libvirt securitgy update to build in (Folsom, Grizzly). http://people.canonical.com/~agandelman/ca/folsom/policykit-1-0.104-2ubuntu1.1~cloud0/ + http://people.canonical.com/~agandelman/ca/grizzly/policykit-1-0.105-1ubuntu1.1~cloud0/16:56
smoseradam_g, you can / should just upload those to -staging, right?16:56
adam_gthe delta between precise + quantal is a small packaging delta, but from precise to raring is a full upstream16:56
adam_gsmoser, yea16:57
jamespageadam_g, +117:06
adam_gsmoser, but im a bit cautious of bumping new upstream releases in stable pockets, especially since i dont know much about policykit17:06
jamespageadam_g, oh - one second17:07
jamespageadam_g, hmm - I see the dilema17:07
smoserwell, yeah. i agree. but -staging is where we would test this.17:07
jamespageadam_g, upload to staging, get things building and lets see what pops17:08
babinlonstonHi All ,  If am Having a Server Are a VPS , What Are the Security Thinks Basically i have to DO ? Will u please Guide me Guys ?Any Minimum 10 Important Points Need .17:32
zuladam_g: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/nova/reqs-refreshed/+merge/18812017:57
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adam_gjamespage, ugh18:35
adam_gMissing build dependencies: policykit-1 (>= 0.105-1ubuntu1.1)18:35
adam_g0.105-1ubuntu1.1~cloud0 < 0.105-1ubuntu1.118:36
jamespagethat why the ~ is important18:36
adam_gjamespage, carry a delta adding that to d/control of libvirt?18:37
zuladam_g:  where you pushing stuff to the cloud-archive ppa?19:17
adam_gzul, yeah, doing a bulk update  of everything thats outdated19:18
jkyleI'm having an issue where my kerne override installer option in my preseed is being ignored in certain conditions. It works in the environments where we have an apt cacher proxy for pxe'd hosts. In environments that lack this setting, they flag is ignored and the default (3.8) kernel is installed instead19:28
jkyleanyone seen that behavior before?19:28
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jkyleok, so I've determined the problem is that the installer is not allowing me to pull down kernels from upstream mirrors for use in the preseed's override-image directive20:44
jkyleI only have these as options:20:44
jkyle# Choices: linux-signed-generic-lts-raring,linux-generic-lts-raring,linux-signed-image-generic-lts-raring,linux-image-generic-lts-raring,linux-signed-image-3.8.0-29-generic,linux-image-3.8.0-29-generic, none20:44
jkylenote that, basically, my only option is the 3.8.0-29 kernel, which breaks ovs.20:44
jkyleso it looks like the 3.5 kernel's been pulled from the main archives21:10
* jkyle grumbles about kernel upgrades that change the ABI in minor version bumps of LTS releases21:16
jkylekind of contrary to what an LTS/enterprise release is supposed to do21:17
sarnoldjkyle: are you using newer 12.04.3 LTS images or something? I would expect them to only have the newer HWE kernels.. can you try again with an original 12.04 LTS disc?21:19
sarnold(keeping in mind I'm in way beyond my experience even at that statement :) hehe21:19
jkylewe were using the 12.04.2, but when they were archived to the old versions repo the build had a corrupted local mirror with broken dependency chains. I think I've found a work around21:20
* jkyle is testing21:21
jkylelooks like the linux-generic-lts-quantal kernel is still in the precise-security repo. I'm going to try to include that as the suite21:22
sarnoldah, that ought to work, I don't expect packages ever get removed from the security pocket, but it doesn't feel right, hehe21:25
jkylemade an ask ubuntu post: http://askubuntu.com/questions/350929/installing-linux-generic-lts-quantal-in-12-04-3-via-preseed21:39
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mgriffinif you dont see a particular package in your repo, is the normal method to get it installed a ppa? are there popular third party repos with packages not in the main repos?22:13
mgriffinin this case, i am looking for mysql sandbox but otherwise curious (it can be installed via cpan)22:13
jkylemgriffin: most use a ppa, whether you want to do that or just use cpan depends on your needs22:13
mgriffinjust making sure there isnt something like EPEL that I was unaware of22:14
mgriffinhow does one go about seeing if a ppa might exist, i have had mixed results just hitting, eg google22:14
mgriffin(i dont ubuntu as much as $otherdistro)22:15
sarnoldmgriffin: so far as I know, there isn't much "formal" to collect and categorize ppas; so much more is packaged than many other distros that there's less need for it. So the downside is there's not much help for finding them when you -do- need them..22:21
mgriffinseems i need a ppa every time i use ubuntu (newer packages)22:22
mgriffineg mysql 5.6 on an otherwise LTS platform22:23
jkylemgriffin: ppa's are hosted on launcpad.net22:26
jkylemgriffin: building a package and hosting your own PPA is not entirely painful though. . . only moderately so22:27
* mgriffin just broke launchpad22:29
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