
sergiusensmhall119, answer to one: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-docviewer-dev/ubuntu-docviewer-app/trunk/revision/2200:00
sergiusensmhall119, answer to 2. uri-handler and ted00:00
sergiusensmhall119, it's a hard coded list in his code today00:01
mhall119ah, so it doesn't use the .desktop file's MimeType00:03
sergiusensmhall119, nope, in the future a click hook would register the handler, but it's not done yet00:04
sergiusensmhall119, here it is http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/url-dispatcher/trunk.13.10/view/head:/service/dispatcher.c#L13900:06
cyphermoxcharles: poke.00:20
charlescyphermox, 2 minutes00:21
charlescyphermox: I'm about to MP a patch to show when bluetooth discovery is active00:24
charlescyphermox: which might help in testing00:24
charlescyphermox: I'm just now reviewing it before commit + push00:24
charlescyphermox: https://code.launchpad.net/~charlesk/ubuntu-system-settings/show-when-bluetooth-is-scanning/+merge/18796000:30
charlescyphermox: if you test with that, the settings panel will give you a visual cue on when it thinks discovery mode is on00:32
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karniunity8's run_on_device --setup now fails, problem around libblkid1 package, is this a known issue? https://pastebin.canonical.com/98112/00:51
charlescyphermox, I'm going to get dinner and drive home00:52
charlescyphermox, back in ~4500:52
karniI've pinged lamont, who is the package mainter. In any case, this is pretty bad as you can easily test unity8 on the device. I need to EOD now, g'night folks!00:53
karniClearly, I'm tired ;)00:53
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karniapt-get build-dep unity8 results in "dpkg: warning: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 12927 package 'libblkid1'"01:01
* karni EODs01:01
karnidpkg --clear-avail is the remedy01:04
karniunless it ends with.. Bus error (core dumped)hahahaa. What a day :)01:04
cyphermoxcharles: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6161088/01:37
cyphermoxI see the discovery, that' s cool01:37
cyphermoxbut no luck with the actual pairing01:37
charlescyphermox: back01:44
charlescyphermox, interesting!01:44
charlescyphermox: you're building from source?01:45
cyphermoxfrom your tree01:45
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charlescyphermox, try adding this line and re-run:01:47
cyphermoxcharles: where should I see that debug message?02:08
charleson the console, if you run system-settings from a shell02:09
charlescyphermox: ^02:09
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cyphermoxhrm.. it wasn' t showing02:12
cyphermoxhold on02:12
cyphermoxcan' t keep it running, it just stops and doesn' t respond to touch02:14
charlescyphermox, I can tailor the reject message for each method in the agent s.t. the log like you pasted in http://paste.ubuntu.com/6161088/ will show us which method is triggering the rejection02:16
charlescyphermox: one mo02:16
cyphermoxugh, I can't even run bluez-simple-agent as I normally could02:22
charlescyphermox: here's the new diff, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6161201/02:24
charlescyphermox, :(02:24
RobbyFisn't there a friendly way of running ubuntu touch on desktop?02:32
RobbyFunity next or something02:32
charlescyphermox, any luck?02:34
cyphermoxbuilding, but this will help02:34
cyphermoxcharles: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6161259/02:46
charlescyphermox, now we're cooking02:47
charlesthat's very useful02:47
charlescyphermox, are you going to be around for awhile? I'll cook up another revision02:48
charlesotherwise we can resume this tomorrow morning02:48
charlesalso, do you have an amazon link for your make / model?02:49
cyphermoxcharles: sure02:49
charlesyours is poking the Agent in a way I wasn't able to test with the two headsets I've got here02:54
charlesso that's great to find one that can exercise that code path02:55
cyphermoxit' s expecting a pin that' s for sure02:57
charlesdoes your headset use a default pin, such as 0000 or 1234?02:59
charlescyphermox: it doesn't feel right passing along untested code, but... lp:~charlesk/ubuntu-system-settings/bluetooth-pin03:19
cyphermoxthink of it as I am testing it for you ;)03:20
cyphermoxseemed to work for a second... but now I get the same errors again03:39
cyphermoxrebooting to try this again03:39
charlescyphermox: same errors in the bluetooth log?03:39
charlesdo you mean, same agent errors? or same problem with bluetooth on the device, outside of settings?03:39
cyphermoxcharles: yeah, same errors throughout03:42
charlescyphermox: you're sure this paste is from the bluetooth-pin branch, right?03:44
cyphermoxI merged it in03:45
cyphermoxah, wait a second03:45
cyphermoxI failed, I think03:45
charlesit's like the agent is getting a device request before the adapter knows about the device03:46
charlesah, ok03:46
charlesgood :D03:46
Gee19quick question, can I still use my phone for calls after installing ubuntu touch?03:48
Gee19Found it in the FAQ for anyone wondering. https://plus.google.com/100264483712374857174/posts/3o1tjYo9Ghx03:50
=== Namidairo is now known as Namidairo`bnc
cyphermoxcharles: your pair button doesn' t work :)04:09
charleslol, js not qt04:11
charlescyphermox: good news, no recompile needed, it's a qml-only change04:13
charles(I hope)04:13
pittiLaney, ogra_: so it seems we have all pieces together in bug 1227520 now04:15
ubot5bug 1227520 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Timezone changes are not working due to ro /etc and bind mounts" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122752004:15
cyphermoxcharles: it helps, but it doesn' t work04:17
cyphermoxSep 27 04:16:53 ubuntu-phablet kernel: [  294.352907] l2cap_sock_connect: failed -11504:17
cyphermoxSep 27 04:16:53 ubuntu-phablet bluetoothd[1776]: No agent available for request type 004:17
cyphermoxSep 27 04:16:53 ubuntu-phablet bluetoothd[1776]: PIN code negative reply: Operation not permitted04:17
cyphermoxSep 27 04:16:53 ubuntu-phablet bluetoothd[1776]: Connection refused (111)04:17
cyphermoxSep 27 04:16:58 ubuntu-phablet bluetoothd[1776]: Discovery session 0x40146088 with :1.54 activated04:17
cyphermoxstarting to think there may be a hardware issue there.04:17
cyphermoxtrying on the maguro now for a change04:19
charlesthat's AUTH_TYPE_PINCODE in bluez04:21
charlescyphermox, I'll be back in ~10 minutes to check in, and then I need to call it a night04:26
charlescyphermox: if you try the maguro, let me know how it goes04:27
charlesalso, please pm me the make & model for the headset that's triggering the new code04:27
cyphermoxcharles: not any more help... maguro fails as much04:33
cyphermoxSep 27 04:32:41 ubuntu-phablet bluetoothd[678]: No agent available for request type 004:33
cyphermoxSep 27 04:32:41 ubuntu-phablet bluetoothd[678]: PIN code negative reply: Operation not permitted04:33
cyphermoxSep 27 04:32:41 ubuntu-phablet bluetoothd[678]: Connection refused (111)04:33
cyphermoxthe headset in a Sennheiser MM200. It' s not longer available anywhere that I know, in case you were trying to find one ;)04:33
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charlescyphermox: oh my, that's expensive04:43
charlescyphermox: $80 used on amazon04:43
charlescyphermox: let's cycle through a couple more tests tomorrow morning04:44
charlesI'll be back in 9 hrs04:44
cyphermoxI' ll try to figure out what' s up with the bluez scripts to see if I can compare what happens\04:45
cyphermoxyeah... I' ll go to bed as well04:45
charlescyphermox: but the pin dialog is popping up & prompting for input on both headsets?04:46
cyphermoxyeah for both mako and maguro04:46
charlesok. so maybe we've just got a malformed reply somehow04:47
cyphermoxand the Pair button does work, just fails to pair with teh errors above04:47
charlesok, that narrows it down04:47
charleswe'll take up there again in the morning :)04:47
charlescyphermox: thanks very much for doing this testing04:47
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skamanhi guys, anyone know if there's any plan in canonical to support Nexus 7 3G 32GB? it stopped working after ubuntu touch was 'flipped'07:00
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ogra_pitti, awesome, i'll take care to get it in07:59
pittiogra_: thanks; please let me know if/when I should upload07:59
pittiogra_: und -- guten Morgen!07:59
mohammmadhi everyone08:01
ogra_pitti, moin moin :)08:01
mohammmadcan anyone guide me about Installing Ubunti in tab 2 p310008:01
mohammmadcan anyone guide me about Installing Ubunti in tab 2 p3100]08:02
pittiogra_: actually, now that saucy is frozen,  if you want I can upload them right now, and you can accept them from +unapproved at a  convenient time08:03
ogra_pitti, i think touch isnt blocked08:03
popeymohammmad: hello08:03
popeymohammmad: is it listed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices ?08:03
pittiogra_: whole saucy is frozen08:03
mohammmadyes it is08:04
ogra_pitti, we have a landing team meeting in 30min, i'll bring it up there, you should be fine to upload afterwards08:04
mohammmadbut i dont how i can do it in right way08:04
pittiogra_: ok; cjwatson wanted some fix in udev-udeb, I'll get that in by then (doesn't affect touch)08:04
ogra_pitti, touch packages are handled like universe packages by the release team, they just get approved08:04
mohammmadis it as rom to flash08:04
pittiah, ok08:04
mohammmador not08:04
mohammmadmay you help me pitti08:05
ogra_pitti, since we gatekeep commits and uploads already (every slightly bigger sized commit needs to be verified against autopilot runs), adding another block in britney didnt seem appropriate08:06
popeymohammmad: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/p3100 has instructions08:06
popeymohammmad: linked from the page you were just on08:06
mohammmadthank's let me see08:07
mohammmadpopey in instruction #2 tell me to download one of the image. can you tell me which image file should be download? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/daily-preinstalled/current/08:10
mohammmadare you there?08:11
popeymohammmad: patience dude!08:11
popeymohammmad: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/daily-preinstalled/current/saucy-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip08:11
cjwatsoncwayne: The Python interface to click isn't stable, and in particular I expect to rewrite in C at some point (after 13.10).  You should probably use "click list" or "click list --manifest".08:11
mohammmadok bro thanks a lot08:12
seb128ogra_, pitti: hey, I'm not sure, but from glancing on -release yesterday evening, stgraber got a bot that autoaccept touch packages uploads08:14
seb128so those are virtually unfrozen08:14
pittiseb128: ah, good to know08:14
cjwatsonsergiusens: click_copy - right, it got autodeployed.  Do you still plan to move that to ~ubuntu-cdimage at some point?08:14
ogra_seb128, yeah08:14
cjwatsonachiang: 13.10.1> I don't think anyone's told the release team that.  Or do you just mean for touch?08:14
ogra_seb128, makes no sense to have two places blocking packages (though i'D prefer britney to the spreadsheet)08:15
seb128ogra_, right, same...08:15
cjwatsonpitti: sorry, I didn't get to that yesterday - shall I work up a patch?08:16
pitticjwatson: referring to udev-udeb? I'm currently at it (rather simple, and Debian has it fixed already)08:16
popeyMirv / bzoltan is the sdk a bit buggered at the moment? It's not updating nicely here.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/6161910/08:18
mohammmaddoes anyone khonw about the best custom rom with 2 boot for tab 2 p310008:18
ogra_popey, that looks like xnox' seed change :/08:19
popeyi can fix it locally of course, just wondering how many others will get this08:19
xnoxpopey: i'm confused how you are installing it. Can I see the full apt-get run?08:21
popeynot any more08:21
popeyit was a dist-upgrade08:21
xnoxpopey: anything in /var/log/apt* ?08:21
robjhDoes the touch interface work like a normal desktop environment? ie, could you run full unity on a tablet's screen and essentially use it as a netbook? or use the touch UI on a touch sensitive laptop running full ubuntu?08:21
popeyxnox: i ended up having to remove the old u1db package (and ubuntu-sdk & libs and -dev) and then reinstall08:22
AskUbuntuCan someone help me port a gameboy emulator to ubuntu touch? | http://askubuntu.com/q/35066308:22
xnoxpopey: let me see if I can reproduce it here locally.08:22
popeyxnox: I may well have had a u1db package from testing some time back08:23
xnoxpopey: it looks like you are mixing quantal ppa ? dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/qtdeclarative5-u1db1.0_0.1.5+13.10.20130916-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb (--unpack):08:23
xnox trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/U1db/libU1DBPlugin.so', which is also in package libu1db-qt5-1 0.1.4bzr89quantal008:23
popeyxnox: possibly. ignore me for now then ☻08:24
cjwatsonpitti: OK, cool08:25
xnoxogra_: popey: qtdeclarative5-u1db1.0 in ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers raring version is higher than version in ubuntu saucy. which is bad.08:26
xnox(unless intended to be that way)08:27
ogra_xnox, in the archive ?08:27
popeyno, in a ppa08:27
xnoxogra_: ppa:ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/daily/raring >> archive/ubuntu08:27
xnoxogra_: which is very odd.08:27
popeyso i wonder if we should remove that package now it's in the archive08:27
popeythat package pre-dates it being in the archive by some way08:27
ogra_yeah, drop it08:28
ogra_popey, are there other libs in the archive ?08:28
xnoxpopey: they all should be on saucy now? (coreapps project)?08:28
popeyyeah, although someone somewhere maybe testing on raring08:29
* ogra_ senses that we had your package installed on all images yet, since we pull directly from that PPA 08:29
popeywell that's unpleasant08:30
popeywe need to stop jenkins publishing to that. I'll grab fginther when he awakens08:30
Laneypitti: sorry missed that - good stuff! are you taking care of uploading or need some help there?08:31
xnoxogra_: popey: so in archive/saucy qtdeclarative5-u1db1.0 depends on libu1db-qt5-3 and is installable.08:32
pittiLaney: I'm waiting for ogra's "go ahead"08:32
ogra_(if it is also in the saucy pocket)08:32
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Mirvpopey: it updated fine for me, but there was a sdk meta package update on saucy last night08:33
Mirv...as discussed08:34
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ogra_popey, there is a 67 :)08:51
* popey flashes08:53
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ogra_pitti, so didrocks has to nod off the timezone change for us to move on, he is the gatekeeper atm ... its sadly a big change that needs a bunch of coordination in different places09:00
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ogra_pitti, line 83 in "Landing Plan" on https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au6idq7TkpUUdGNWb0tTVmJLVzFZd0doV3dVOGpWemc#gid=0 if you want to monitor progress09:02
pittiogra_: wow, this requires more signoffs than a heart surgery these days :)09:03
ogra_pitti, yeah :/09:04
Laneywe are agile09:04
pittiso much for ~core-dev superpowers :)09:05
popeyogra_: http://popey.com/~alan/device-2013-09-27-101626.png seen that before? Messed up popup?09:16
ogra_popey, nope, but that might explain the random failures we see with the notes-app tests .... asac ^^^^09:17
ogra_ah, finally ...09:19
* popey files https://bugs.launchpad.net/notes-app/+bug/1231880 anyway09:19
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1231880 in notes-app "Copy/paste popup compressed into one line" [Undecided,New]09:19
* ogra_ sees 67 on the dashboard 09:19
popeyOoh ooh!09:20
ogra_popey, tell bfiller about the bug, iirc his team looks into fixing the flaky tests09:21
karlo_does ubuntu hawe gsm support for gsm?09:22
popeygsm support for gsm?09:22
popeyIt supports GSM, yes.09:22
popeyogra_: the welcome screen is now hooked up to sms, phone calls and photos too!09:22
karlo_can i make calls with ubuntu on my galaxy s3?09:22
looldbarth_: I've put cordova stuff in the meta for next image build (not in #67 though)09:22
ogra_popey, cool !09:22
popeyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices karlo_ check that list09:22
ogra_lool, the sheet still says 6909:23
karlo_how can i flash it on phone?09:24
popeykarlo_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/i930009:26
karlo_cool thanks09:27
karlo_so it is the same method as flashing android09:27
cwaynepete-woods: saw the merge went in, great stuff!09:28
pete-woodscwayne: :)09:28
cwaynenow i just need to actually figure out a color theme :P09:28
pete-woodscwayne: well I'm a programmer so can't help you with that sort of thing (apparently) ;)09:29
loologra_: hadn't put anything, but it's uploaded09:29
cwaynepete-woods: lol i know right?  i know like 8 colors, so this is gonna be interesting09:29
popeyogra_: 67 seems pretty good to me. But will wait to confirm any automated tests before giving final nod09:30
ogra_popey, yeah09:30
ogra_the changelog is huge this time09:30
cwaynemakes sense according to the landing plan09:30
popeylemme know if you want anything confirming09:30
* ogra_ waits for maguro to finish flashing ... 09:31
victorpoSoMoN, ping09:33
Laneyogra_: bug #1227530 is seeded on touch09:36
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 1227530 could not be found09:36
Laneybug #122763009:36
ubot5bug 1227630 in grilo (Ubuntu) "FFe: Sync grilo 0.2.7-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122763009:36
* ogra_ wonders if ramsamsam reader will ever start to work09:46
oSoMoNvictorp: pong09:50
jibelogra_, upstart job mtp-server-bootup.conf should preserve existing properties and prepend mtp if it is not already here, right?09:53
jibelI think current version resets any existing property09:54
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ogra_jibel, hmm, it shouldnt, which one ?=09:56
jibelogra_, in mtp 0.0.1+13.10.20130918-0ubuntu109:57
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# getprop sys.usb.config09:57
ogra_jibel, i meant which property :)09:58
jibelogra_, yes but if you have sys.usb.config = XXX,YYY,adb this job sets mtp,adb09:58
ogra_right, XXX and YYY need to be defined :)09:58
ogra_jibel, and there are mutually exclusive options you cant set together09:59
ogra_(rndis and mtp for example dont seem to be supported)09:59
ogra_jibel, feel free to submit an MP for XXX and/or YYY suppport10:00
jibelogra_, okay, only adb is supported with mpt?10:00
ogra_they need to go into the pre-start scripts case statement10:00
jibelmtp sorry10:01
mptI love adb10:01
mptbut supporting it is going too far10:01
ogra_well, in the init.rc files i never saw mtp set at the same time as rndis ... which makes me think they are exclusive10:01
ogra_feel free to try what happens :)10:02
ogra_(with setprop)10:02
Laneyso can I sync grilo or does it need to go through the fun mill?10:02
ogra_Laney, get approval from core app people (mhall119 or popey) and didrocks10:02
Laneyit's not my sync10:03
Laneysponsoring it for ricotz10:03
ogra_Laney, also askinng in #ubuntu-ci-eng might be faster than having someone proxy the request from here10:04
LaneyI'm already in 60 channels10:05
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xnoxogra_: so specifying cortex-a8 CPU makes things better, but somehow I now get "RAMDISK: Couldn't find valid RAM disk image starting at 0."10:11
ogra_hmm, got a full dmesg ?10:12
davmor2Morning all10:12
xnoxogra_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6162177/10:13
xnoxogra_: i wonder to unpack ramdisk onto MMC card / ext2 and boot it that way?!10:13
* xnox goes to repack initramfs.10:13
dufluHey what's the latest trick for turning off surfaceflinger startup?10:16
popeytouch /home/phablet/.display-mir10:17
popeyisnt it?10:17
* duflu tries10:18
janimois there a bzr branch corresponding to the packaged libhybris (that is not the import of the upstream github repo) ?10:25
looljanimo: lp:libhybris/ubuntu apparently10:26
janimolool, thanks10:26
janimolool, that is the repo of packaging though, not one with both upstream and debian/ which could be use instead of the source package10:29
xnoxjanimo: lp:ubuntu/libhybris the auto-import from the ubuntu archive ?!10:33
ogra_xnox, other way round10:34
ogra_lp:libhybris/ubuntu is the branch carrying the changes against upstream10:34
ogra_janimo, iirc "bzr bd" should get you the upstream source pulled in10:34
janimoogra_, actually I want the full package contents as a bzr repo10:34
janimowhat xnox linked too seems to be it10:34
ogra_thats the UDD branch after upload10:35
janimoogra_, I wanted to see if there's a way of getting it all with a single bzr branch (and subsequent bzr pulls)10:35
janimowith no other command, so disregarding it is a package at all10:35
ogra_well, its in CI i think and completely using bzr bd10:36
ogra_(so to get a "trunk" package you need to use the above branch ... if the UDD one doesnt differ i doubt it matters though)10:37
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dakerpopey: can you test something for me ?10:53
popeysure think daker10:54
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dakerpopey: open this http://bit.ly/197vAN8 on the webbrowser, try to type something on the email input11:00
dakerpopey: see if the keyboard is a normal keyboard11:02
dakerpopey: i just want to see if the keyboard change based on the input type(HTML5 inputs: tel, email, url)11:03
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popeydaker: on a call at the moment, but will do when i get off11:06
davmor2popey: on the phone open search on the home scope,  type in abba, wait for it to display results, open one that is on U1, it opens the browser login, then play the preview, do you see the popup for proceed anyway on every track and does the progress bar under the track move at all?11:11
mandelbarry, ping11:13
davmor2ogra_: mtp transfers do you have a bigish folder 150+ meg with more than one folder inside it.  I an Adele directory with 4 subdirectories in .ubuntuone that I'm trying to transfer and it diesn't seem to like it.  I'll see if I have something similar is there a useful log anywhere I can grab though?11:26
popeydavmor2: i get a crash in the browser and unity when I do that11:27
ogra_davmor2, look in ~/.cache/upstart/ file a bug and assign to cyphermox ...11:27
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davmor2ogra_: man cyphermox is gonna love me if I keep breaking all his stuff :)11:28
cwayne_pete-woods, hey, any idea when libusermetrics will land? i didnt see it on the spreadsheet11:29
pete-woodscwayne: I'm waiting to try and land it for some security stuff I'm dealing with with the security team11:30
pete-woodscwayne: that shouldn't take too long, though11:30
cwayne_Saviq, ping11:31
Saviqcwayne_, pong11:31
cwayne_pete-woods, makes perfect sense, thanks11:31
cwayne_Saviq, hey, i was wondering if we have any update on this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/sevilerow/+bug/122914411:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1229144 in Unity 8 "Missing scope views" [High,In progress]11:32
cwayne_Saviq, that bug is a huge blocker for demos11:32
Saviqcwayne_, it's a Qt bug we've a potential fix for, waiting to hear back from Qt guys11:33
cwayne_Saviq, ok, are these guys generally responsive?  if not, is it something that we can carry the fix for if we absolutely have to?11:33
Saviqcwayne_, yeah, we should know early next week11:34
Saviqcwayne_, they're at a conference now11:34
Saviqcwayne_, and if we get no response by then, we'll distro-patch ourselves anyway11:34
cwayne_Saviq, great, that's exactly what i needed :) thanks!11:35
Saviqcwayne_, cheers11:35
robotfueldoes anyone know who I can ping to triage ubuntu-ui-toolkit bugs?11:35
cwayne_robotfuel, maybe zsombi or bzoltan11:36
lisedok so will Touch be installed on older android devices? I'd so much like to get rid of android on my Galaxy tab and alcatel mobile11:37
zsombirobofuel: I might help on that :)11:37
zsombirobotfuel: ^11:38
zsombirobotfuel: though I'll be 4 pretty short time available today...11:38
robotfuelzsombi: I have 2 new bugs 1231939 123193611:38
ubot5bug 1231939 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "selecting an element in itemSelector rapidly shows disabled text for selected element on touch devices." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123193911:38
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zsombirobotfuel bug 1231939 is assigned to nic-doffay11:41
ubot5bug 1231939 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "selecting an element in itemSelector rapidly shows disabled text for selected element on touch devices." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123193911:41
zsombibug 123193611:41
ubot5bug 1231936 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "selecting the same item in an itemSelector 2 times on a touch device causes selected text drop out of view" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123193611:41
AskUbuntuby when should i expect a ubuntu tv ,phones and tablets in india? | http://askubuntu.com/q/35071911:42
zsombirobotfuel: seems the second one goes to him too...11:42
robotfuelzsombi: thanks!11:43
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loolIs someone in particular looking after /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/upstart-app-launch/zg-report-app11:55
loolor zeitgeist stuff at large11:55
* lool uploads a crash report11:56
seb128lool, mhr311:58
seb128if anyone11:58
seb128if he doesn't, then nobody I would say11:58
mhr3ted is11:59
JulinuxAlguém ai sabe como faço para install ubuntu touch em um p3110 wifi12:07
Julinuxtentei seguindo os passos do xdadevelopers mas não foi12:08
pitticyphermox: hey Mathieu, how are you?12:09
pitticyphermox: I get NM crashes when I run ofono with the phonesim emulator; is it possible somehow to tell NM to ignore its ofono plugin, to work around that for the time being? (just for my tests, not in general of course)12:09
JulinuxAlguém ai sabe como faço para install ubuntu touch em um p3110 wifi12:10
Julinuxtentei seguindo os passos do xdadevelopers mas não foi12:10
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gatoxsil2100, ping... hi, i wanted to ask you if jenkins was running the tests for clickmanager-plugin and click-update-manager, because i thought that was running, but someone told me yesterday that jenkins was only checking the build is correct.... and i wanted to know if i need to write the debian/tests/control file to support that or something12:12
sil2100gatox: hi! You mean integration autopilot tests now, right?12:12
cwayne_is there any documentation for the QML bindings to libusermetrics?12:12
decibyteTrying to flash a Nexus 4, i get this message. Anyone know how to fix that? "ERROR:phablet-flash:Installation is taking too long or an error occured along the way."12:13
gatoxsil2100, yes..... autopilot and qmltestrunner for click-update-manager...... and the tests.pro for clickmanager-plugin12:14
sil2100gatox: tests.pro I guess should be ran during build already, since those are dealt by debhelper - but as for autopilot integration testing we'll have to add those to be ran in our daily-release process12:16
sil2100gatox: I'll take care of that12:16
gatoxsil2100, awesome, thanks12:16
gatoxsil2100, let me know if i can be of any help12:16
JulinuxAnyone out there know how do I install ubuntu on a touch P3110 wifi12:17
JulinuxI tried following the steps but was not xdadevelopers12:18
davmor2ogra_: on saucy the mtp copy issue goes away, apparently there were a lot of improvement in the new version,  however your pet peave of 3 windows appearing if you reboot the phone is back12:19
ogra_oh i havent tried that yet12:20
cwayne_davmor2, i'd say its more like 1000 windows12:20
cwayne_at least thats what it feels like12:20
ogra_yeah, we need to solve that differently, but i doubt the proper fix will make it to 13.1012:20
ogra_rsalveti, so in the light of the mtp annoyances we get due to user jobs being out of sync with system jobs i think we should plan a dbus service for 14.04 that allows the user to adjust properties (in a limited way)12:21
oSoMoNom26er: hey, can you please approve https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/notes-app/empty-image-source-cache/+merge/188026 ?12:22
cwayne_oSoMoN, ping12:22
rickspencer3hey popey so, in 67 ... if your run a couple of click apps, can you get back to the dash?12:23
popeyrickspencer3: yup12:23
popeyrickspencer3: any in particular?12:23
rickspencer3popey, well, sometimes I get this effect where one of my apps just keeps popping to the front12:24
rickspencer3I drag out the launcher and click the dash button12:24
rickspencer3dash shows, then the app comes back to the top12:24
popeynot seen that12:24
rickspencer3if I try enough times it finally starts working12:25
Laneyis there a bug # for click app installation breaking if you navigate away while it's in progress?12:25
rickspencer3oops, crashed unity it looks like12:25
cwayne_Laney, hey, so it sounds like the timezone fix is almost ready to land?12:26
Laneycwayne_: yes, pitti has been working on it and it should go in today12:27
LaneyNote that we still need lightdm / ubuntu-touch-session12:27
pittijust waiting on the "go"12:27
LaneyAFAIK anyway12:27
pittiit seems landing stuff is rather hard these days12:27
oSoMoNcwayne_: pong12:28
seb128Laney, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-touch-session/0.7612:28
seb128Laney, those started landing it seems12:28
Laneyseb128: nice12:28
seb128with some luck we are getting there today12:28
Laneyoh, lightdm was already in proposed wasn't it?12:28
Laneycould be today then12:28
seb128Laney, did you get the pkla seeded?12:28
ogra_seb128, yup :)12:28
ogra_seb128, and the lightdm session12:29
seb128ogra_, did you resolve the issue with the app autopilot tests? what was it?12:29
ogra_running app tests after the unity test breaks the world12:29
rickspencer3I take it the regression in content hub was not fixed?12:29
ogra_if you run the app tests first and unity8 last all is fine12:29
cwayne_oSoMoN, hey, whats the format of the settings file to set browser homepage that you just landed?12:29
davmor2popey: music play is working funnily,  it plays if another app is in front of it but stops if the screen blanks however every now and again it will play about a seconds worth and then go quite again12:30
seb128rickspencer3, the fix was uploaded but it's virtually impossible to get fixes through with the new workflow :/12:30
rickspencer3seb128, I think that might be a bit of an overstatement12:30
seb128well, that's how most of us feels like12:30
rickspencer3seb128, when was the fix uploaded?12:31
seb128yesterday afternoon12:31
seb128but robru didn't test it correctly so it got blocked12:31
seb128well, even wrongly reverted12:31
JulinuxAnyone out there know how do I install ubuntu on a touch P3110 wifi12:32
JulinuxI tried following the steps but was not xdadevelopers12:32
seb128there are some many steps and people involved, it's impossible to follow up and see how to get things through12:32
seb128if you are not part of the secret cabal having calls to decide what happens to uploads from others at least12:32
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JulinuxAnyone out there know how do I install ubuntu on a touch P3110 wifi12:36
JulinuxI tried following the steps but was not xdadevelopers12:36
popeyJulinux: is it listed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices ? and the link should take you to a page with instructions if it is12:37
Julinux've Followed these steps but it did not work.12:38
Julinuxpopey, 've Followed these steps but it did not work.12:41
popeyJulinux: sorry, can't help. You might be better off explaining in detail what happened at askubuntu.com12:44
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JulinuxAll be there12:46
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AskUbuntuphablet-flash: Installation is taking too long | http://askubuntu.com/q/35073812:50
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cyphermoxogra_: any idea if there is a simple way to fix music-app which seems to not be finding any files atm?12:51
ogra_cyphermox, i think there is a mediascanner fix in flight12:51
* ogra_ needs to check the spreadsheet12:51
cyphermoxthere was a mediascanner upload fifteen hours ago to the archive12:52
ogra_cjwatson, landing no. 5012:52
cyphermox*sigh* it' s the latest upload alright12:53
cyphermoxthat' s what seems to have actually broke my music-app to not show files. before it was just not playing them12:53
* cyphermox reverts12:55
cyphermoxogra_: thanks, I figured it out13:05
cyphermoxseems like maybe my mediascanner was confused with its cache directory -- I deleted that, killed mediascanner-service and now thigns look good13:05
ogra_ah, great13:05
cyphermoxbbl, going to the Montreal office13:05
om26eroSoMoN, approved. I looked into that part of the code. I experimented a bit with the image cacher here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~om26er/notes-app/dama/revision/193 that didn't work out13:07
om26erofcourse that was just based on my zero-to-none knowledge of Qt13:07
oSoMoNcwayne_: (sorry I was out for lunch) simply put the following line in ~/.config/webbrowser-app/settings.conf: "homepage = http://example.org"13:08
oSoMoNcwayne_: ini file style13:08
oSoMoNom26er: thanks, checking your experiments now13:08
oSoMoNom26er: retrying the download shouldn’t be needed13:09
om26eroSoMoN, well, I added alot of delays after the imageserver was started that didn;t work either. my conclusion was its a problem in the app for which I reported that bug13:11
oSoMoNom26er: yup, I think the conclusion is right13:12
MacSlowdednick, ping13:12
oSoMoNom26er: once the fix is merged (and fingers crossed it actually fixes the issue), can you have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/notes-app/standard-emulators/+merge/187865 ?13:12
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dednickMacSlow: hi13:13
om26eroSoMoN, ok13:13
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cwayne_oSoMoN, so i don't need like a [General] section or anything?13:14
oSoMoNcwayne_: no13:17
cwayne_oSoMoN, great, just tested it out, seems it's in today's image13:18
cwayne_oSoMoN, thanks!  (and sorry there's a likely chance it ends up getting changed as soon as the settings api lands :P )13:18
oSoMoNcwayne_: yup, it is13:18
oSoMoNcwayne_: afaiu, the settings api won’t land any time soon13:19
=== pete-woods is now known as pete-woods-foodl
oSoMoNom26er: and while we are discussing reviews, would you have a moment to review https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/more-robust-test-server/+merge/188019 ?13:22
om26eroSoMoN, sure, I think I have better command over the socket server now after yesterday's 6hour long failed attempts :p13:23
ogra_hmm, intresting, under Mir the gallery app doesnt come up if i want to select a background from the system-settings13:24
daubersQuestion: I'm currently waiting for phablet-flash to finish and my phone screen now has a question about "ROM may flash stock recovery on boot" with lots of no options and a yes option13:30
daubersdo I wait for this to go away or do something?13:30
davmor2cyphermox: I see dead people^w music files, I did have to reboot the phone for them to show up though13:32
popeydaubers: is it a Galaxy Nexus?13:33
dauberspopey: Indeed13:33
popeyhmm, ogra_ do you know? ^^13:34
seb128is the video player supposed to work on grouper?13:34
ogra_seb128, no13:34
seb128ogra_, thanks13:34
dauberspopey: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2166921&page=35 suggests hitting "go back"13:36
mhall119Laney: only 60 channels?13:37
popeydaubers: interesting, i dont have a gnex so haven't seen this before..13:37
mhall119Laney: did you still need help with qtgrilo?13:37
ogra_popey, hmm, no, no idea, never seen that13:37
mhall119ogra_: video used to work on grouper, just not audio13:38
ogra_mhall119, tablets are completely out of focus since a month or so ... if it works it is a matter of luck13:38
ogra_mhall119, also note that video playback doesnt work anywhere atm ... until the new multimedia stack lands13:39
ogra_(that might or might not make grouper work ... if it doesnt, this isnt a priority for 13.10)13:39
ogra_(at least thats how i understood it)13:39
ogra_daubers, can you pastebin the whole terminal output of your phablet-flash run ?13:40
NewUbuntuTouchUsHi. I tried to install OpenSSH as suggested here (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes), but I get the error "E: Unable to write to /var/cache/apt/". Have you any ideas how to solve this?13:42
popeyNewUbuntuTouchUs: the filesystem is read only now13:42
popeyI'll update that page13:42
NewUbuntuTouchUspopey: Do you mean by read-only that I cannot write anything to the file system?13:42
popeyNewUbuntuTouchUs: no, root filesystem is initially read-only13:43
popeyNewUbuntuTouchUs: you can make it RW, but you lose the ability to do OTA updates13:43
NewUbuntuTouchUspopey: What would I lose with OTA updates exactly?13:44
ogra_fast upgrades13:44
ogra_10x faster than apt ...13:44
popeyyou'd have to re-flash the phone or use apt to update it13:44
ogra_also apt has its limits on the ro images when made rw13:44
ogra_it will break eventually13:45
mhall119NewUbuntuTouchUs: you just have to choose between image-based updates and package-based updates13:45
daubersogra_: Will rerun it in a bit! Hitting "Go Back" did indeed work out ok in the end13:45
mhall119depending on what you flash, you get one or the other13:45
ogra_daubers, ah, good13:46
popeyogra_: is cdimage-touch going away?13:46
NewUbuntuTouchUsWith updates you are referring to the improvements of this Touch system from the current time point to a future time point? That is, you are not referring to the software packages compiled for arm that are currently available?13:47
ogra_apt-dpkg is dsiabled by defaulz13:47
ogra_ubuntu touch uses .click packages for apps and is otherwise readonly13:48
Laneymhall119: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grilo/+bug/122763013:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1227630 in grilo (Ubuntu) "FFe: Sync grilo 0.2.7-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New]13:49
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NewUbuntuTouchUsHowever, I have interest to play with the currently available software for ARM. Does this mean that for me it is better to use APT and lose OTA updates?13:51
pittiogra_, Laney: so, timedate stuff on Monday?13:54
cwayne_pitti, so how would we change it from CLI once that lands?  is there a dbus call we can do or something?13:55
cwayne_phablet-config timezone i think is still useful to have as a tool (at least for our team, we have to change timezone based on where the demo is)13:56
NewUbuntuTouchUsIf APT is disabled by default, how can I enable it?13:56
pitticwayne_: you can use CLI (timedatectl) or call it on D-BUS13:56
Laneycwayne_: timedatectl has a set-time sub command13:56
Laneyor d-bus13:56
cjwatsonNewUbuntuTouchUs: touch /userdata/.writable_image13:56
cjwatson(and reboot)13:56
Laneypitti: I was kind of hoping for a devel image today13:56
NewUbuntuTouchUscjwatson: I have already tried that. It gives: "touch: cannot touch ‘/userdata/.writable_image’: Permission denied"13:57
pittiLaney: well, apparently it's blocked on some loong process..13:57
cjwatsonNewUbuntuTouchUs: as root13:57
pittiLaney: our landing queue gdocs seems to be like 100 items (yay velocity..)13:57
Laneypitti: I thought it was flowing through that13:57
NewUbuntuTouchUscjwatson: Is it the same command but just adding "sudo" into the beginning?13:57
cjwatsonNewUbuntuTouchUs: yes, if you're the phablet user13:57
Laneypitti: Oh, landing plan:83 says "needs didrocks approval"13:58
NewUbuntuTouchUscjwatson: Oh, that did it indeed13:58
pittiLaney: but I really don't feel like uploading 4 critical packages and then leaving for the weekend13:58
NewUbuntuTouchUscjwatson: I'll reboot and see what happens13:58
ogra_pitti, depends on multimedia, testing your stuff is horridly complicated since we need a locally rebuilt android etc13:58
ahayzenHi all, i'm having an issue with Jenkins saying my merge needs fixing and i don't understand why. Can anyone help? https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/fix-1229905/+merge/18804913:58
pittiogra_: a rebuilt android? how's that?13:58
Laneymight be best to leave it then13:58
pittiogra_: did we need that for the previous livecd-rootfs changes?13:59
ogra_pitti, rule is to get your phone in the same state the commit would get you ...13:59
ogra_pitti, anmd then run the autopilot suite for the phone13:59
ogra_pitti, i'll try to hack the changes in manually without android rebuild, but that will still take a lot of time13:59
pittiwell, ok; I just tested that by running the modified scripts on a writable image14:00
ogra_(android carries the initrd)14:00
pittiogra_: but I still don't understand why ... oh14:00
didrocksLaney: please go ahead for tha tone14:00
pittiogra_: that's for stgraber's initramfs changes14:00
ogra_pitti, asac wants stuff tested before it lands14:00
pittiogra_: it seems that should land first, and is independent of the other changes14:00
ogra_pitti, the phone autopilot tests are the holy grail no commit must break them14:00
pittithe introduction of the new "sycned" mode, I mean14:00
ogra_i was considering to split it into two commits ... but that will delay the timezone part i guess14:01
pittiogra_: that's fine; there's no need to make this a single big transaction14:02
ogra_anyway, the next image we build is suppposed to clear up the queue for just the multimedia stuff ... if that doesnt land we can try the timezone bits14:02
pittiogra_: initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch plus android rebuild is the prerequisite and one block14:02
ogra_(there are still bugs to resolved in MM)14:02
pittiand once that's landed, we can upload the other three14:02
ogra_pitti, right14:02
ogra_pont is that we cant build an image while thats only half done14:03
pittiok, so Monday it is then, I guess14:03
pittiogra_: sure, understood14:03
pittiwas just asking, as I can't stay around much longer today14:03
ogra_yeah, then i'd say monday14:03
ogra_if i work on the weekend i'll try to get testing done for it14:03
pittibut I have nothing to do for the initramfs/android parts anyway14:03
cwayne_ogra_, if you get me some instructions i'm happy to help test this weekend14:04
ogra_cwayne_, well, that involves repacking the initrd creating a new boot.img etc ...14:05
nick124any progress flo ubuntu touch??14:05
pitticwayne_: ah, so instead of updating phablet-config you'd consider to just using timedatectl?14:05
pitticwayne_: ("timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Berlin" or something such)14:05
cwayne_pitti, i'd probably just update phablet-config to call that over adb shell14:05
pitticwayne_: or that14:05
ogra_cwayne_, but if you feel brave, bug 1227520 has the bits and pieces14:05
ubot5bug 1227520 in android (Ubuntu) "Timezone changes are not working due to ro /etc and bind mounts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122752014:05
cwayne_ogra_, im feeling rather stupid^H^H^H^H^H^H brave, i'll give it a shot :P14:06
cwayne_pitti, i know that sounds kinda unnecessary, but making it easy to stage phones for demos is quite useful14:06
cwayne_telling a marketer to run 'phablet-config timezone' is a lot easier than telling them to adb shell in :P14:06
pitticwayne_: sure14:07
stgraberogra_: it should be safe to land initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch, android and lxc-android-config since none of those actually touch the rootfs (well, lxc-android-config does but its only read from initrd)14:09
stgraberogra_: so those can't possibly affect autopilot. Then get pitti's changes tested under autopilot.14:09
ogra_stgraber, right, dont tell me, i just obey to the rules14:09
ogra_i dont make them14:09
stgrabersure, have fun then :)14:10
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cwayne_stgraber, hey, I've got a random question -- could we not make /etc/skel writable and put all our customization bits in there instead of having the initrd copy it over?14:13
stgrabercwayne_: if nothing was shipping in /etc/skel by default, yes, sadly that's not the case and you really don't want to deal with syncing changes from the rootfs14:15
stgrabercwayne_: also, skell only gets used at user creation time14:15
stgrabercwayne_: and since the user is currently created at the same time as the image, your customizations would only apply to any user created after that14:15
cwayne_stgraber, ah, i was worried about that14:16
cwayne_stgraber, thanks for the info :)14:16
cyphermoxdavmor2: so did you file a bug about mtp after all? :)14:21
cyphermoxcharles: still want to do bluetooth debugging?14:22
davmor2cyphermox: nope it looks like it might be an issue with raring on the desktop.  Which as support ends soon meant I start throwing stuff at the phone from saucy and that seems fine, pitti pointed out there were a lot of improvements to the mtp gvfs backend between two releases and that might be the fix14:23
cyphermoxyes, there has14:26
davmor2cyphermox: oh do you do bluetooth too.....Muhahahaha I really do break all your hard work ;)  I just got a bluetooth headset to try out bluetooth :D14:28
cyphermoxI have mine and it breaks charles' code :)14:28
rsalvetiogra_: what is the user/system job conflicts for mtp?14:29
charlescyphermox: in a meeting right now, we can resume testing afterwards :)14:29
davmor2cyphermox: mines just not detected14:29
cyphermoxdavmor2: does hciconfig list something on your phone?14:29
ogra_rsalveti, if the property (and thus the gadget) is still up and the mtp-server goes down, gvfs on the hos freaks out and spills errors the property needs to be unset when the server goes away without delay, but that doesnt work atm since we do the property handling in a system upstzart job and the server in a session one14:30
rsalvetiogra_: right, so in theory everything should happen in the user session, right? otherwise it's hard to coordinate the shutdown in there14:31
ogra_but the user doesnt necessarily have access to the properties14:32
oSoMoNgusch: do you still need a review for https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-hono-picker-select-type-fix-content-store-transfer/+merge/187843 now, or is it wip?14:32
ogra_or permissions14:32
ogra_so i think we should attach it to dbus14:32
tocohey, i've a question: what is about ubuntu touch and samsung galaxy i9100 is it under construction or not?14:32
ogra_then we can call property changes from session scripts14:32
rsalvetihm, that's kind of scary14:32
davmor2cyphermox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/616297314:33
rsalvetiwe don't want the user to be able to change properties afaik14:33
mfischloicm: meeting?14:33
ogra_rsalveti, for some we want to ... and dbus with polkit gives us an instrument to steer the permissions14:34
loicmmfisch: you mean lool I guess?14:34
rsalvetiogra_: right14:34
dobeyqmltestrunner: could not find a Qt installation of ''14:34
dobeyanyone at all know what would be missing to cause that ^^^?14:34
tedglool, Why don't we want media player in the dash?14:35
ogra_rsalveti, thats 14.04 material anyway, we can look into other solutions as well indeed :)14:35
rsalvetiogra_: yeah :-)14:35
tocoDo you know some thing about Ubuntu touch for Galaxy S2 i9100 ?14:35
ogra_tedg, isnt that re3dundant ?14:35
tedglool, It seems like that's just going to cause confusion for users "how do I get back to that icon"14:35
ogra_toco, did you contact the porter ?14:35
mfischloicm: yeah sorry14:35
tedgogra_, ?14:36
kgunnChickenCutlass: ping14:36
guschoSoMoN: consider it as wip14:36
ogra_tedg, tapping the music thats alredy shown in my home lems will start the mediaplayer ... adding it seüparately to the apps on the home lens feels redundant14:36
oSoMoNgusch: ok, so if you need a review later, please ping me again, for now I’ll remove it from my list14:37
ChickenCutlasskgunn, hi14:37
cyphermoxdavmor2: sudo start bluetooth14:37
kgunnChickenCutlass: hey so the phablet only access to device is needed for 13.10 or no ?14:37
cyphermoxdavmor2: for some reason bluetooth is disabled / bluez died14:37
tedgogra_, That's fine as long as the icon in the launcher is your music, not the music player.  Though, we're talking about media player, not music player.14:37
=== pete-woods-foodl is now known as pete-woods
kgunnChickenCutlass: or what's the story...14:37
cyphermoxdavmor2: from there you should have UP in hciconfig output, and the discovery might work14:37
guschoSoMoN: ok - but I have to leave soon, so no MR for you today ;)14:37
ogra_tedg, well the same applies there imho14:38
ChickenCutlasskgunn, I don't think I quite understand.14:38
ogra_tedg, your video will also be on the video lens14:38
oSoMoNgusch: oh well, I have enough on my plate for a Friday afternoon anyway, so I’ll thank you for that14:38
charlescyphermox: when you run system-settings, are you doing it from a terminal s.t. you could see debugging output from system-settings' bluetooth plugin?14:38
charlescyphermox: if so, I'm going to litter some extra output in here for testing14:38
kgunnChickenCutlass: sorry, pat thot you'd know about it...basically the question of root vs phablet access to the device14:38
tedgogra_, Sure, and as long as we maintain that its "the video" all the way through, that could make sense.  But if we ever show an icon, then we need a way to get back to that icon.14:38
ChickenCutlasskgunn, oh right.  our goal was to make adb run as phablet and not root14:39
tedgogra_, And I'm okay with not allowing it in the recent results, but that's still different than NoDisplay.14:39
ChickenCutlasskgunn, and to turn off adb by default14:39
ogra_tedg, i think we should have the players in the application lens indeed ... but our "we are fully focused on your content" dogma sounds to me like we should let the content rule and not the apps here14:40
davmor2cyphermox: start says already running so I did restart, now it say UP RUNNING PSCAN14:40
davmor2cyphermox: still no headset14:40
kgunnChickenCutlass: oh...ok....hmm...i'm not savvy enough to know if that impacts us (i wouldn't think so...but i miss things sometimes)14:41
cyphermoxdavmor2: it may take a while before the scan starts, make sure your headset stays dicoverable14:41
tmoenickeattente: ping14:41
ChickenCutlasskgunn, I don't think so -- should not impact you guys.14:41
kgunnmterry was asking me wrt adding unity-system-compositor14:41
kgunnmterry: ^14:41
attentetmoenicke, pong14:41
davmor2cyphermox: will do14:41
tmoenickeattente: I have to do this in order to get it working for the osk:  glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas14:42
tmoenickeattente: how could this be done automatically with the debian package?14:43
oSoMoNgusch: before you leave, can you take this very trivial review? https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/notes-app/remove-useless-lambdas/+merge/18807014:43
attentetmoenicke, there's a glib trigger every time dpkg installs a file in the schemas directory, from what i understand14:43
tedgogra_, That might be nice, but mediaplayer is the *only* app we're doing it with today :-)  So unless we're going to fix everything else, I think we should make media player consistent :-)14:45
ogra_well, just my opinion, indeed i have no say in anything here anyway :)14:45
attentetmoenicke, i guess in short it's magic14:45
tmoenickeattente: ok, i will try it out14:46
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
davmor2cyphermox: by the way did you get my email ref android and 3g on this maguro? was it of any use?14:48
ogra_stgraber, oh, btw, how "rollback safe" is the copy-image setup ? the stable channel is now at 67, what will happen if i copy ... say 58 in place, will it cope ?14:51
ogra_stgraber, we had one issue where we would have liked to roll back to a different proposed version this week, and i wasnt sure what would happen14:52
ogra_(so i didnt do it)14:52
stgraberogra_: it'll let you do it but devices won't use it as they won't update to an older vresion14:53
stgraberogra_: I discussed this with asac and need to my rollback plan before I get people to do it :)14:53
oSoMoNom26er: would it be possible to capture a video of the failure you’re still seeing in the notes-app tests? If I can visualize what’s going on, it might be much easier to fix14:53
om26ernot today, i only have Ubuntu phones and it does not support video recording.14:54
om26eroSoMoN, ^14:54
guschoSoMoN: approved14:54
ogra_stgraber, ok, good to know, i'll refrain from doing such experiments then14:55
oSoMoNom26er: ok, no worries14:56
oSoMoNgusch: thanks14:56
oSoMoNgusch: and enjoy the week-end14:56
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
charlescyphermox: I've pushed new code to lp:~charlesk/ubuntu-system-settings/bluetooth-pin/ that should get us further along14:56
guschoSoMoN: thx - you too14:56
charlescyphermox: ping me when you have time to use your headsets as test cases :)14:57
stgraberogra_: the plan is basically to do a copy-image of the image you want from saucy-proposed to saucy-proposed, thereby giving it a newer version number, then copy that one over to saucy14:57
cyphermoxcharles: whenever; do I need to rebuild something?14:57
stgraberogra_: that way, you end up with an old image having a version number higher than your current one, diffs will be generated and people will upgrade to it as expected14:57
davmor2cyphermox: how long is a while?14:57
charlescyphermox: yes, there are changes to both the qml and c++ code14:57
ogra_stgraber, ah, k14:58
stgraberogra_: but I need to make sure the tools do that properly and that all the generated diffs look good before I tell people to do that when we need a revert14:58
ogra_stgraber, right14:58
loicmtedg: hey, does the string returned by nih_dbus_path need to be freed?14:58
=== Namidairo is now known as Namidairo`bnc
loicmtedg: it crashes with free(), although it return a char* not a const char*, which is misleading14:59
NewUbuntuTouchUsThis is most likely SSH related, but I tried to access my Nexus 7 by typing: "adb forward tcp:8888 tcp:22; ssh phablet@localhost -p 8888". However, I received: "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host". What was it again that I should do to overcome this?14:59
loicmtedg: maybe there's a dedicated free func14:59
ogra_NewUbuntuTouchUs, you most likely want ssh running for this15:00
NewUbuntuTouchUsogra_: It's not running 'automatically' even though OpenSSH is installed?15:00
cyphermoxcharles: code?15:00
cjwatsonloicm: nih_free15:00
ogra_NewUbuntuTouchUs, not on touch15:00
tedgloicm, Yeah, that's also fixed in my branch15:00
charlescyphermox: yes?15:00
NewUbuntuTouchUsogra_: OK. Do  you remember how to start it? Should I just type "sshd" or something?15:01
cyphermoxcharles: do you have a link for me?15:01
loicmcjohnston: thanks :)15:01
loicmtedg: alright15:01
cjwatsonloicm: and char * is correct, it's allocated15:01
ogra_NewUbuntuTouchUs, echo "" >/etc/init/ssh.override15:01
loicmcjwatson: sure15:01
popeyNewUbuntuTouchUs: adb shell, start ssh15:01
charlescyphermox: yes, you'll need to pull the updates from the bluetooth-pin branch and rebuild15:01
ogra_NewUbuntuTouchUs, on next reboot it will start15:01
ogra_popey, that wont persist though15:01
ogra_emptying the .override will though :)15:02
davmor2ohhhh new data sets in the welcome screen infographics15:03
looltedg: I dont know why we dont want mediaplayer-app in the dash, perhaps bfiller or design team know15:03
loolbfiller: so video activation from dash isn't working anymore; tedg's code detects that the .desktop has "NoDisplay=true" and refuses to open the app in this case; tedg is asking why it has NoDisplay=true15:04
bfillerlool: hmn, that was working no?15:04
loolbfiller: yes15:04
cyphermoxcharles: ok building now15:05
cyphermoxcharles: you included the qml change for Pair?15:05
bfillerlool: what has changed? I think NoDisplay=true was so it wouldn't show up in the dash because we don't want peopel launching it without an url15:05
bfillerlool: as it will come up blank if not started with a url15:05
bfilleri..e it doesn't have a way in the app to select videos, they must be passed in15:06
bfillertedg: ^^^^15:06
loolbfiller: tedg and you need to agree on whether we support opening URLs when the .desktop files has NoDisplay=true15:06
loolI really don't care either way15:06
loolI just care to know which way to land the right fix  :-)15:06
bfillertedg: why wouldn't we support it?15:06
tedgbfiller, Well upstart-app-launch doesn't support launching things that aren't user apps.15:07
tedgbfiller, I'm worried that you'll end up showing an icon in the launcher that no one can get to.15:07
tedgbfiller, Which seems like bad UI.15:07
bfillertedg: huh?15:07
NewUbuntuTouchUsogra_: SSH started to work after "start ssh" on ADB shell, but it doesn't start automatically when the device is rebooted. However, I doubt that this will be a problem, but I wonder if I did something wrong. I got the impression that it was supposed to start automatically15:08
bfillertedg: it's just an app, but we need a way to prevent it from being launched directly in the dash without an url. how can that be done without Nodisplay=true?15:08
tedgbfiller, Let me ask differently, why on no-url doesn't it just pop up a content hub browser for videos?15:09
ogra_NewUbuntuTouchUs, no, we cant install debs on readonly images, remember ? so we ship ssh ... but we dont want it to start on every phone, so we had to make this comrpomise ... it is preinstalled but off15:10
bfillertedg: it probably will do that in the future, but that doesn't exist yet15:10
cyphermoxahhh, so happy with my tea purchase yesterday. 30$ for 100g, but it's amazing quality jasmine tea :)15:11
NewUbuntuTouchUsogra_: (It seems that my last comment was misleading. I meant to say that for me it should not make any harm that SSH does not start automatically)15:11
cyphermoxdavmor2: ^ so no amount of breakage from you will make this day a bad day15:11
tedgbfiller, Do you guys want mediaplayer to be single instance then?  It seems like it'd be reasonable to swap between two videos...15:11
loolralsina, dobey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-click/+bug/1232071 (just a heads up)15:12
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1232071 in unity-scope-click (Ubuntu) "Please login to your U1 account: Close button doesn't work" [Undecided,New]15:12
bfillertedg: yes single instance, think we already made that change15:12
bfillertedg: at least I recall the MR, let me check15:12
davmor2cyphermox: That sounds like a challenge you sure you wanna go there on a friday ;)15:12
cyphermoxof course15:12
cyphermoxdavmor2: fridays is for fixin'15:13
bfillertedg: yup, that's in there already15:13
dobeylool: that's a dupe15:13
ralsinalool: yes, the close button is a unity bug, the scope doesn't refresh15:13
ralsinalool: agreed on the link, we'll add it15:14
tedgbfiller, But is that right?  I mean, it doesn't seem like you'd want only one mediaplayer if it's 1:1 with video files on your system.15:14
davmor2cyphermox: You're a brave man, some might say foolish, but I'll with brave ;)15:14
mhall119apparmor_parser is taking up a lot of my CPU time after instaling 67 and rebooting15:14
cyphermoxhaha a bit of both15:14
charlescyphermox: not sure I understand your question about changing the qml for the pair?15:14
ogra_NewUbuntuTouchUs, all our focus is on readonly images, you simply inherit the setup from them on the rw ones15:14
charlescyphermox: the ProvidePinCodeDialog.qml file changed15:14
cyphermoxthe last change to the qml file to fix the Pair button15:14
bfillertedg: think it's right, playing more than one video at a time doesn't make a lot of sense15:15
bfillerat least for now it's right15:15
jdstrandmhall119: that is to be expected. 2nd reboot won't15:15
* davmor2 pulls Mjölnir out of the cupboard and starts tapping cyphermox code with it, this won't take a minute I promise :D15:16
mhall119jdstrand: ok15:16
jdstrandmhall119: there is a click-apparmor job to update click package apparmor policy if apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu changed and if the package's apparmor profile is affected be the change15:16
cyphermoxdavmor2: the what what now?15:17
dobeylool, ralsina: and the "add a link to system-settings" bug is #123151715:17
jdstrandmhall119: which is pretty much everything since the templates have been updated15:17
mhall119ogra_: sergiusens: setting background still doesn't work in build 6715:17
tedgbfiller, So I don't see any way around for the time we have left just allowing NoDisplay.  But I do think it's a bug that we should discuss with design.  It seems confusing that we can have an app show up, that then you can't find again.15:17
davmor2cyphermox: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mj%C3%B6lnir15:17
mhall119jdstrand: as long as it's only after installing a new version15:17
ogra_mhall119, the fix still didnt land15:17
ralsinadobey: awesome, I'll affect click-scope as well15:17
dobeythat is the click scope :)15:18
ralsinaargh, I meant lool: I will affect click-update-manager as well15:18
bfillertedg: it was working earlier in the week, what changed? was getting launched from scope15:18
* ralsina is crosswired today15:18
mhall119tedg: ping15:18
tedgbfiller, Not sure.  It's been that way... forever...15:18
jdstrandmhall119: the job runs everytime, but it will only hit the parser in the circumstances I just mentioned15:18
tedgmhall119, Howdy15:19
jdstrandmhall119: so in the normal case it is fast. you'll see-- second boot will be *awesome*15:19
bfillertedg: if I get rid of NoDisplay then it will start working again?15:19
tedgbfiller, I believe so.  I haven't verified that, responding to lool's bug.15:19
bfillerlool: can you verify that removing the NoDisplay from mediaplayer will make it launchable from scope?15:20
loolbfiller: it does15:20
loolbfiller: I did test that earlier today15:20
jdstrandmhall119: note, this won't happen after every system update either-- only those where policy changed in a way that requires a particular app's policy to be updated15:20
davmor2cyphermox: okay I give in it's not detecting this headset, my laptop picked it up no issues so the headset is good15:20
bfillerlool: thanks, I'll do an MR to remvoe it then15:21
cyphermoxdavmor2: file a bug against bluez, provide the output of hciconfig, and /var/log/syslog15:21
NewUbuntuTouchUsCan I somehow use the keybaord of my workstation to type on a device with Ubuntu Touch?15:21
jdstrandmhall119: so if I uploaded an apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu update for the "contacts" policy group-- if you have 100 click apps installed and 1 uses the contacts policy group, only the one will be regenerated15:21
mhall119tedg: hey, I'm told the phone's URI handling relies on a hard-coded list you maintain somewhere15:21
tedgmhall119, top secret hard coded list.15:22
mhall119jdstrand: thanks, good to know15:22
mhall119tedg: I need to get the docviewer added to that list15:22
tedgmhall119, Do you have a security letter?15:22
mhall119I can forge one, what does it need to say?15:22
jdstrandmhall119: thing is, click-apparmor 1.0.10 is the first to have the upstart job, and we've had several updates to the templates during the dev cycle, so everything is being regenerated most probably15:22
tedgmhall119, MR to lp:url-dispatcher, just add it to the big array.15:22
tedgmhall119, And then update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/URLDispatcher15:23
NewUbuntuTouchUsDo you know if it's possible to install OpenJDK on a device with Ubuntu Touch?15:25
tedgmhall119, In general, you can put what ever you want there.  I'd recommend being more specific than less if you know about the format.15:25
NewUbuntuTouchUsThe command: "sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre-lib", gave me errors15:25
mhall119tedg: ok, I'll look at the code and probably ping you later15:25
davmor2pmcgowan: this made me surprisingly happy http://ubuntuone.com/7SGDsJ9eaOWTxPjGfxaLPp  http://ubuntuone.com/0JotsAynUJHoIRcu5mC518  http://ubuntuone.com/4gqYL9T7IOdBUI7zKDNxUm  http://ubuntuone.com/4cTR3tvMTTriwQik3cfxGj  http://ubuntuone.com/1SalFLU1sRpVRgQTzSLPWb15:30
pmcgowandavmor2, oh cool, didnt know that landed15:32
pmcgowanalthough seems the two times should match ;(15:32
tedglool, So assuming ricmm is able to test things working together, and that works, are you happy with this MR?  https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/upstart-app-launch/fdo-application-open/+merge/18688715:32
davmor2pmcgowan: the 0 minutes spent in calls threw me then I realised I probably was on for a minute :)15:33
=== fmasi is now known as fmasi_afk
davmor2pmcgowan: oh indeed out by a minute I think that is an issue when you let the phone sleep then wake it almost immediately it knocks the time out slightly, it's like the welcome page doesn't update because it isn't asleep long enough15:35
davmor2pmcgowan: the only issue is you can't always reproduce it15:35
pmcgowandavmor2, yeah its just kinda funny, I should make a bug on it15:36
davmor2seb128: in settings the time, I add my city, it shows up as "Wolverhampton, GB" I click on it and nothing happens is this bit implemented fully yet?  I don't want to write a bug if it isn't meant to work yet :)15:37
seb128davmor2, the backend is waiting on lightdm and other bits to land, that's happening today15:38
seb128(you like number 6 to ask today)15:38
Laneymonday now15:38
davmor2seb128: Sorry dude.15:38
seb128no worry15:38
seb128the "lack of feedback" is a design issue15:39
davmor2Laney: Monday now, is that for the fix to land?15:39
seb128well, it should show the line you click on as selected15:39
seb128but that's not very obvious15:39
seb128you might want to talk to mpt about it/file a bug15:39
LaneyI don't think he means that; it won't give you any feedback at all as the tz isn't actually changing15:40
Laneyyou can't see the designed effect until it works15:40
cyphermoxcharles: omg omg omg it's paired!15:41
davmor2seb128, Laney: http://ubuntuone.com/2Jpl2P72xzAYmcX58zUDtY this is what I see, if I tap Wolverhampton, GB nothing happens.  That's the bit that does nothing currently15:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1227520 in android (Ubuntu) "Timezone changes are not working due to ro /etc and bind mounts" [Undecided,New]15:43
seb128Laney, well, I think the "designed effect" is not very obvious that something happened either (from testing on my desktop)15:43
seb128Laney, but maybe that's only me15:44
Laneynot sure, but anyway that's not what you get when it doesn't work at all15:44
seb128right, nothing get colored on the device atm15:44
seb128because no tz gets selected to match the list15:45
davmor2seb128: cool so a couple of fixes need to land.  I'm assuming when it works it just goes back to the main page and changes to BST or UTC+1 and the time changes right?15:45
charlescyphermox: woot!15:45
cyphermoxcharles: however, nothing plays15:45
cyphermoxSep 27 15:44:25 ubuntu-phablet pulseaudio[988]: [bluetooth] module-bluetooth-device.c: Failed to acquire transport /org/bluez/1360/hci0/dev_00_16_FE_D6_F8_84/fd015:45
davmor2cyphermox: I don't believe you I think you are over tea'd15:46
seb128davmor2, it doesn't back to the mainpage, it applies the change and highlight the locations in the list, that correspond to the tz you selected15:46
seb128davmor2, so you can click on another one if you miss clicked15:46
seb128davmor2, then you can go back with the usually action bar15:46
charlescyphermox: woot!15:46
davmor2seb128: oh okay, that's a little odd in behaviour.  Everything else jumps back to the main page, like accounts etc so I expected this to be the same15:47
cyphermoxcharles: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6163242/15:47
davmor2by main page I mean the first page you encounter in that section15:48
seb128davmor2, right, that's why I said I find it a bit weird as well15:49
seb128davmor2, but that behaviour is a design issue, so talk to mpt if you feel strongly about it15:49
mptdavmor2, seb128: It's quite possible I've underspecified success feedback across System Settings, so please report bugs if anything feels weird.15:50
seb128mpt, ok15:50
MacSlownic-doffay, hey there...15:53
MacSlownic-doffay, question about the OptionSelectorDelegate...15:53
MacSlownic-doffay, how can I update the icon of and already displayed item?15:53
MacSlownic-doffay, and why does it not automatically scale down too big icons?15:54
NewUbuntuTouchUs(Have to quit for this day. Thanks for answers)15:56
=== fmasi_afk is now known as fmasi
looltedg: https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/upstart-app-launch/fdo-application-open/+merge/186887 >> except for the app version15:57
looltedg: I certainly don't think it should be there; have commented as such in the mp15:57
looltedg: otherwise, I guess ok; does not look beautiful in terms of dbus namings, but I can live with this convention15:58
looltedg: please don't top approve it until the other changes are ready to go in though15:58
tedglool, I'm worried that we could never add apparmor support if we need it then.  That's the dbus name that they have for HUD and other services.15:58
tedgDBus path to be more correct15:58
looltedg: it seems so wrong to say "I want gedit_1.2 to open this link"15:59
tedglool, Yes, ricmm is bringing all the branches together and making sure they meld.15:59
tedglool, https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/url-dispatcher/app-id-url/+merge/187913  :-)15:59
tedglool, If you scroll to the tests you can see examples16:00
tedglool, line ~49016:00
nic-doffayMacSlow, hey16:00
nic-doffayalready displayed item?16:00
nic-doffayNot sure I understand that one.16:00
MacSlownic-doffay, well... the problem I have is that the icon isn't known at the time of the definition (initial binding) of the OptionSelectorDelegate...16:01
davmor2seb128, mpt: bug it is then, shall I write it or are you already doing so seb128 ?16:02
MacSlownic-doffay, so it needs to update the icon in the delegate onCompleted() function16:02
MacSlownic-doffay, that doesn't seem to work16:02
seb128davmor2, I'm not doing it, so please do16:03
davmor2no worries16:03
MacSlownic-doffay, I wonder if that's me overlooking something or OptionSelectorDelegate just not allowing this later update to the icon16:03
nic-doffayMacSlow looking at it again I'll get back to you now...16:03
MacSlownic-doffay, I've problems with the correct size too... the icon seems to be bigger than the itemHeight16:04
davmor2seb128: package is it ubuntu-system-settings?16:04
seb128davmor2, yes16:05
davmor2seb128: thanks16:05
MacSlownic-doffay, it's eod for me now... so no rush... I might even opt to switch back to a custom delegate...16:05
nic-doffayMacSlow, I'd do that tbh16:05
MacSlownic-doffay, I at least know that  a custom delegate works too... so that probably will give me a bit more freedom16:06
cyphermoxcharles: let me know if you need more info16:07
tkamppeterpmcgowan, have you talked about the print dialog with the product management?16:07
charlescyphermox: that's something we should look at, but I'm not sure it's part of the won't pair / won't connect bug16:08
charlescyphermox: ie, not a settings issue16:08
pmcgowantkamppeter, sorry no not yet16:08
pmcgowanwill let you know16:08
charlescyphermox: so I think I'm going to get this MP ready for the pairing/connecting and then we'll keep digging16:08
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
jdstrandmardy: hey, fyi, bug #123209716:10
ubot5bug 1232097 in accounts-qml-module (Ubuntu Saucy) "accounts-qml-module requires read/write access to accounts.db" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123209716:10
skamanhi guys... anyone know the status of ubuntu touch on nexus 7 3g (asus 32gb version)? after ubuntu touch being 'flipped' it stopped working .. doesn't boot anymore :(16:16
looltedg: app-id-url >> how badly do we need this?  there are tests, but it's still quite a bit of new code16:16
looltedg: in any case, I think you should sync with cjwatson on how to get manifests; I'm not sure it's ok to poke at the click directory of the app to get the manifest; there's a click command to dump all manifests, maybe there's one just for one manifest16:17
tedglool, We needed it when everything was going to be click packages, because things like datetime needed to show the clock, but since everything is a legacy app now, I don't think it's as important.  It's a branch I started a while ago.16:17
cyphermoxcharles: I have no idea what it could be if not settings... pairing manually does work properly at least for a2dp16:17
cyphermoxcharles: though it seems in this instance you're actually pairing for hsp16:17
looltedg: Ok; if we don't need, let's keep it for post-13.1016:18
looltedg: we're cranking down the number of things we're pushing in16:18
davmor2seb128, mpt: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1232114  hope that makes sense16:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1232114 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Adding timezone behviour is odd" [Undecided,New]16:18
tedglool, Hmm, the other person that was asking was dbarth_.  dbarth_ do you need a non-versioned way to launch apps?16:18
seb128davmor2, thanks16:19
dbarth_tedg: hi16:19
cjwatsonlool,tedg: I would say it's not OK to poke at the click directory; using "click list --manifest" should be OK for now, just a bit slower than it needs to be, and I can add something that gets the manifest for just one package16:19
loolcjwatson: right16:19
dbarth_tedg: need, well, i'd like to have that to help with testing yes16:19
skamanhere they speack about the issue http://askubuntu.com/questions/328414/ubuntu-touch-on-nexus-7-3g-autodeploy-zip-not-found ... but seem there's no solution for now16:19
bfillertedg, lool : https://code.launchpad.net/~bfiller/mediaplayer-app/remove-no-display/+merge/18809216:19
cjwatson(Or possibly using the relevant PackageKit D-Bus interfaces if those tell you what you need; that uses "click list --manifest" behind the scenes)16:20
tedgcjwatson, We're doing it in URL dispatcher as well :-)  Though, I'd kinda prefer to just wait for the libclick and fix all that then.16:20
cjwatsontedg: Yeah, I can understand that, though you definitely won't get that for 13.1016:20
loolbfiller: happroved16:20
charlescyphermox, right.16:20
tedgcjwatson, Sure, so for 13.10 would you be okay with us finding the manifest?16:21
charlescyphermox: for example if you're just wanting to play music through your headset to test16:21
tedgdbarth_, Hmm, okay.  That's probably not enough for me to convince lool to land it for 13.10 :-)  We can land after?16:21
tedgbfiller, Thanks!16:22
cjwatsontedg: I'd actually prefer to just add an interface for you to get the manifest for a single package.  I've been meaning to do that anyway and it's not hard16:22
cjwatsontedg: Assuming that you can tolerate a fork/exec for this16:22
charlescyphermox: so if you do that on the desktop & connect a headset there, you also have to go into sound settings and tell it to direct to the headset16:22
cjwatson(for now)16:22
dbarth_tedg: sure, not a hard dependency for us16:22
charlesdo we want to auto-redirect everything when we make that connection? it's not clear to me that we do16:22
dbarth_tedg: which branch can i look into meanwhile?16:22
tedgcjwatson, We're already doing that to get the package directory.16:22
tedgdbarth_, https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/url-dispatcher/app-id-url/+merge/18791316:22
cjwatsontedg: Is that "so yes, it's OK" or "so we've already blown our time budget"? :-)16:23
dbarth_ok,thanks tedg16:23
tedgcjwatson, Basically :-)16:23
cjwatsontedg: OK.  I won't get to it today - would you mind filing a bug to remind me and I'll do it early next week?16:23
tedgcjwatson, Yup, will do.  I'll add tasks for me as well.16:23
cyphermoxcharles: well, yes and no. The device is there from the start, just not the pulse default16:24
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cyphermoxcharles: but it's also likely not paired with the same profile16:24
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popeycjwatson: is there some magic to installing click packages on a 13.10 desktop which differs from on-device installing? Both pkcon and click install barf for me (in interesting and different ways)16:31
popeyshould I expect them to work?16:31
popeycjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6163425/ is what I get fom click install16:36
davmor2cyphermox: good news for a change dude, I've been connected to 3g most of the day no disconnects,  IP address has changed a couple of times mind, but I don't care I could still connect :)16:37
cjwatsonpopey: not remotely supported right now16:38
cyphermoxdoes ip addr show the same as the address if you go to ipchicken, for example?16:38
cjwatsonpopey: pkcon is not expected to work yet.  as for that click install log, hm, that ought to work, smells like a package-specific bug16:39
cjwatsonpopey: file me a bug with a pointer to the package in question and I'll take a look16:39
popeycjwatson: against what?16:39
cjwatsonpopey: click16:39
cjwatson(the package in Ubuntu)16:39
sergiusenscjwatson, hey, did you see my ping from yesterday wrt to click_copy?16:39
popeyoh okay16:39
davmor2cyphermox: I'm using whatismyip.com.  I had the same issue on android it changed a load on there16:39
cjwatsonpopey: (by "not remotely supported", though, I mean that even after you install it, launching probably isn't hooked up properly16:39
cyphermoxdavmor2: alright16:39
ogra_cjwatson, next image will have fill polkit support btw16:40
cjwatsonsergiusens: 09:14 <cjwatson> sergiusens: click_copy - right, it got autodeployed.  Do you still plan to move that to ~ubuntu-cdimage at some point?16:40
popeyi dont mind running qmlscene or somesuch16:40
cjwatsonogra_: cool16:40
sergiusenscjwatson, yes, that was my next question, the common team to get this under16:40
* ogra_ looks forward to remove some hacks next week regarding polkit16:40
sergiusenscjwatson, I'll move it during the weekend or early next week16:41
sergiusenscjwatson, thanks a bunch16:41
* sergiusens goes back to day off16:41
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looltedg: so dobey just added click removal feature to click scope, and we would like to implement stopping the running apps16:53
tedglool, Why?16:54
looltedg: would you have any clue on how to best do this?  is this with running apps scope?16:54
looltedg: it's bad from an user experience point of view16:54
tedglool, I believe cjwatson added support for keeping them around until they're stopped naturally.16:54
loolyou still get the app in the running list and you still get it sliding to the right16:54
tedgOh, I see.16:54
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
tedgNot upgrade, but actually removing it.16:54
cjwatsonso actually I was meaning to talk with you about that, that's only if upstart-app-launch-tools is installed16:54
cjwatsonsame thing applies to removal16:55
cjwatsoncan we seed upstart-app-launch-tools?16:55
loolwe can16:55
loolbut not sure this works in all cases16:55
tedglool, So I'd suggest that dobey use libupstart-app-launch and use the stop function.16:55
ogra_sure, after a week of paperwork :)16:55
loolare all apps launched with upstart-app-launch nowadays?16:55
* dobey did no such thing16:55
tedglool, Not yet16:55
tedglool, Today-ish.16:55
cjwatsonbut even so, it still kind of makes sense to kill the app entirely rather than just having it suspended after you remove something16:55
looltedg: currently it asks click to remove it, it sounds like we'd want some hook to stop the app16:55
cjwatsondobey: "that dobey use" => subjunctive, "that dobey should use"16:56
dobeycjwatson: i didn't implement the functionality of uninstall :)16:56
cjwatsonah, yeah, that was alecu16:56
tedglool, I'd say you want to ask click to remove it and then stop it.  That way there's no race on shutting it down.16:56
looldobey: how do you launch apps?16:56
dobeylool: afaik, the dash does launching of apps16:57
dobeylool: wasn't that what you fixed yesterday?16:57
looldobey: I think the scope has an "open16:57
dobeythe applications:// thing?16:57
lool" button too16:57
dobeylool: i think it just calls the unity action thing with NOT_HANDLED, and the application:// uri16:58
looldobey: indeed applicaiton: url is what this button uses16:58
loolso that's kind of asymetric16:58
loolwe can open but not unopen16:58
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loolI guess click hook would make more sense then16:58
looldobey: BTW sorry for pulling you in on this16:59
loolalecu: ^ might interest you a bit  :-)16:59
dobeyit's ok16:59
loolcjwatson: since there's a click hook using upstart-all-launch-tools, is it ok if I move this to the click package?17:00
loolcjwatson: I'll add a meta task for the seeding17:00
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loolalecu: this is about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-click/+bug/123213017:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1232130 in unity-scope-click (Ubuntu) "Uninstalling an app doesn't stop it" [Undecided,New]17:04
cjwatsonlool: Eh, what hook now?17:10
cjwatsonlool: I thought upstart-app-launch had its own hook, and I prefer that to live there17:10
cjwatsonlool: click has a hook system so we don't have to put stuff in click :)17:10
loolcjwatson: Ok; I didn't know where the hook lived17:10
cjwatsonlool: oh, do you mean move the bug report to the click package?17:11
cjwatsonI'm kind of confused, I'm mostly firefighting something else right now17:11
loolwill move to upstart-app-launch17:11
cjwatsonDo something plausible and I'll fix it up if necessary later :)17:11
looltedg: could you take a look at the upstart-app-launch part of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-click/+bug/1232130 ? not critically urgent, just a nice bug fix17:14
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1232130 in upstart-app-launch (Ubuntu) "Uninstalling an app doesn't stop it" [Undecided,New]17:14
looltedg: when that's ready, will seed upstart-app-launch-tools in (albeit right now the hook doesn't seem to require that?)17:14
tedglool, I'm confused, what do you want to happen in upstart-app-launch there/17:15
looltedg: updating the hook to stop apps when clicks get removed17:16
tedglool, Oh, you think the desktop hook should do that?17:17
looltedg: there's a /usr/share/click/hooks/upstart-app-launch-desktop.hook one17:17
looltedg: So I thought we'd get another one nearby17:17
tedgYeah, okay.  I see now.17:18
loolI'm fried, going off; by folks!17:18
tedg'night lool!17:18
looldinner first  ;-)17:18
loolbut wont stay up long17:18
aleculool: ping17:22
aleculool: so, I should change the scope to use upstart-app-launch-tools to launch the apps?17:22
aleculool: last week the scope was still launching the apps itself, and with a recent branch I made the scope delegate the launching to the dash17:22
loolalecu: I think not17:22
loolalecu: application:// will go unity -> url-dispatcher -> upstart-app-launch17:23
aleculool: ah, so, should the upstart-app-launch change be in the dash instead?17:23
loolalecu: you should worry to keep the click scope code as simple and focused on what it needs to do as possible, and I think moving to applications:// helped with that17:23
loolalecu: it's just that noone does the stop right now; tedg will add a hook to do this17:24
aleculool: ok, great. Perhaps I misread the backlog then.17:24
m-b-oballoons: meep meep17:27
balloonsm-b-o, aloha17:27
m-b-ohey, I'm wondering if there will be any changes to the localstorage path in click packages?17:28
m-b-oif, than the tests will terribly fail17:29
balloonsm-b-o, not to my knowledge, but I know weather does some db things most apps don't do17:29
m-b-oballons: okay, we will see soon I guess?17:32
balloonsm-b-o, indeed we shall17:32
StrauchHi out there, just flashed a version of Ubuntu TOuch on my Galaxy Nexus band like to gove the dev process a little tryout. On StackOverflow I found out, that I have to install the ssh server on the phone, but how?17:45
w-floStrauch, AFAIK, recent images come with sshd preinstalled but disabled.. there's some magic dot-file you can create so it starts on boot, but I don't remember the file name, and I'm not sure it's documented anywhere. Maybe check /etc/init/whatever-sshd-is.override17:52
w-flouhh, race condition..17:52
davmor2cyphermox: right dude, this weekend I will be mostly on 3g, is there anything you need me to log if things play up so I can get them copied somewhere?18:05
davmor2m-b-o: is the correct reply to meep meep, I'm ringing acme?18:07
m-b-odavmor2: hehe, could be18:09
ogra_sergiusens, did you do anything wrt adbd running as phablet already ? i know you started some work there and it came up in a call today18:15
pstolowskiheyas, I'm not able to flash with --channel daily-proposed today (error on retrieving daily-proposed/maguro/index.json); anything changed there?18:17
cwayne_pstolowski, it's devel-proposed now18:18
pstolowskicwayne_: ah, thanks!18:18
cwayne_pstolowski, np!18:18
cyphermoxdavmor2: well, anything that fails, but then I'll just need /var/log/syslog; I can manage pretty well with just that18:23
cyphermoxdavmor2: I can possibly get you a package to test the auto-reconnection before EOD18:23
davmor2cyphermox: mail it to me my end of day is 20 minutes or so :)  do you need the 2 list infos from ofono too?18:24
davmor2cyphermox: contexts and modems is it?18:24
Nithin_i would like to know if when ubuntu touch is available for my phone18:24
Nithin_mine is a low end fone motorola defy plus18:25
ogra_Nithin_, check if there is an entry for it on the porting wiki18:26
ogra_!ports | Nithin_18:26
ubot5Nithin_: For instructions on how to set up port-forwarding (for games, torrents, webservers) see http://portforward.com - also see !firewall18:26
ogra_!porting | Nithin_18:26
davmor2ogra_: hahaha18:26
cyphermoxdavmor2: yeah, that would help too18:26
ogra_geez, whats up with the bot ?18:26
davmor2cyphermox: no worries18:26
cyphermoxdavmor2: ok so expect a mail from me with the details -- if you don't get one it's because I failed to test succesfully on my own device18:27
ogra_hmm, probably its just my brain18:27
davmor2cyphermox:  no worries :)18:27
ogra_!devices | Nithin_18:27
ubot5Nithin_: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices18:27
Nithin_thank you18:27
ogra_sorry for the noise :)18:28
Nithin_ok i have samsung galaxy s18:30
ejathi .. i cant change my timezone ..18:30
ejatcan look up my location but im unable to select the location18:30
Nithin_i can flash that with ubuntu touch does all the features work ? or is it just a preview18:31
davmor2Nithin_: I don't think samsung galaxy s is supported nless there is a port, on the ports page it will tell you what works and what doesn't18:33
Nithin_thanks again18:33
cwayne_ejat, that's going to be fixed monday18:38
cwayne_ejat, for now, running phablet-config timezone from your laptop with your phone plugged in should work18:39
ejatcwayne_, thanks alot its work ..18:40
cwayne_ejat, no problem :)18:41
ejatwhere can i check the current bugs ?18:41
mfischejat: https://bugs.launchpad.net/touch-preview-images/18:42
ejati just flash the device a few hours ago ..18:42
mfischdid something change about how launcher favorites are set?18:42
ejatso at least i didnt ask more questions if there is inside the bugs list18:42
mfischcwayne: I see this key which I dont remember from before: com.canonical.Unity.Launcher favorite-migration ''18:42
mfischcwayne: I wonder if it uses a different mechanism now18:42
cwayne_mfisch, maybe it's done in AccountService18:42
cwayne_in fact i think it is18:42
pmcgowanmfisch, ejat there are actually a lot more bugs spread over a lot of projects18:43
cwayne_i think AS gets the default from dconf18:43
pmcgowanejat, dont worry about asking here18:43
mfischcwayne: do you know what call it is?18:43
mfischI dont remember seeing that from introspection yesterday18:43
cwayne_mzanetti, hey, doesnt the launcher use AccountService now?  and it just gets its defaults from gsettings?18:44
mfischthere's certainly no obvious call for launchers/faves18:44
ejatpmcgowan, noted ..18:44
mzanetticwayne_: yeah, it does18:46
mfischhow does one unpin a fave?18:47
cwayne_or pin one for that matter18:47
mfischI removed it from the launcher, apparently, but it's still there. Let me reboot unity18:47
cwayne_mzanetti, ^18:47
mfischcwayne: long press on the app icon18:47
mzanettimfisch: is the application still running?18:48
cwayne_im curious to know programatically though, curious as to what AS does18:48
mzanettiyep. can't remove running apps18:48
mfischokay it's gone now (restarted unity)18:48
cyphermoxmzanetti: so, did you file a bug for me after all ? :)18:48
mzanetticyphermox: yes18:48
mzanetticyphermox: let me know if I should do something to test18:49
mfischmzanetti: do you know where in A/S that the favorites are set?18:49
mzanetticyphermox: I guess such stuff can be complex to reproduce18:49
cyphermoxmzanetti: heh. it's networking. most issues are hard to reproduce so I'm getting used to it :)18:49
mzanettimfisch: gdbus call --system --dest org.freedesktop.Accounts --object-path /org/freedesktop/Accounts/User32011 --method org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get com.canonical.unity.AccountsService launcher-items18:50
mfischoh cool you can set arbitrary props18:50
mzanetticyphermox: still, let me know if I can help18:50
mfischmzanetti: thanks18:50
mzanettimfisch: use this to reset AS and make it reload defaults from dconf:18:51
mzanettigdbus call --system --dest org.freedesktop.Accounts --object-path /org/freedesktop/Accounts/User32011 --method org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set com.canonical.unity.AccountsService launcher-items "<[{'defaults' : <true>}]>"18:51
ejative tried to add new feed .. eg. ubuntu planet ... after i tick the search result .. what next?18:52
cwayne_mzanetti, is it possible to change the order of sub-scopes?  like make Online Videos show up at the top of the videos scope?19:00
loolralsina: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-download-manager/clear-cache/+merge/188141 just to see the diff and see test results19:04
loolralsina: there is an addition of the "" hash_proto there19:04
loolnot sure this one line change is enough to get this working, and would be good to have tests on this19:04
* lool redisappears19:05
mzanetticwayne_: for sure. but I don't know how.19:05
cwayne_mzanetti, any idea who might? mhr3 perhaps?19:05
mzanetticwayne_: yes. very likely19:05
* mhr3 is on train with very flaky connection, might not get your msg19:06
loolralsina: looks like this was broken in r13819:06
ralsinalool: that actually adds "" as a known algo19:07
loolralsina: yes19:07
loolralsina: I dont know whether it's enough, but it seems to be needed and you can see this code was changed in r13819:08
ralsinacould be19:09
mhr3cwayne_, the order is preserved from the scope category definition, see /usr/share/unity/scopes/video.scope19:09
ejatafter install apps ... cant uninstall ?19:09
cwayne_mhr3, oh, it just takes the order from there?19:09
ejatpkon error19:09
mhr3cwayne_, yes19:10
cwayne_mhr3, that's simple enough, thank you sir!19:10
loolralsina: and it seems the expectation is no hash19:10
cwayne_lool, ping, is there any chance you can give me write access to the landing asks spreadsheet?19:10
loolcwayne_: sorry that's an asac or didrocks thing19:10
ralsinalool: right, which for image updates sounds fishy19:10
cwayne_damn, thanks anyway lool19:10
loolralsina: we do our own hashing with crypto19:10
ejatgmail touch app can install even got installed 1st flashing device?19:11
cwayne_cjwatson, what would the application:// url for a clickapp be?  would it be for example qr-code.desktop, or com.ubuntu.developer.alecu.qr-code_0.319:11
ejattried to uninstall then failed19:11
ejatpkon remove error19:11
cwayne_cjwatson, for context, we're adding a clickapp to the launcher favorites dconf key19:11
ralsinalool: ok, so it could be an easy fix, I'll get gatox checking that19:11
loolralsina: lp:~barry/ubuntu-system-image/lp1196991 is a recent branch from barry, so I suspect it's where he prepares updated s-i, and it has this snipped in systemimage/download.py: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6164012/19:11
loolralsina: best to confirm this with gator and barry, but wanted to give you a head start19:12
ralsinalool: cool, thx19:12
alecucjwatson: it's application://xxx.desktop, where xxx is packagename_appid_version19:12
alecusorry, cwayne_ ^19:12
barrygatox, ralsina, lool let's talk about u-d-m19:12
alecucwayne_: and, it needs three slashes, so:19:12
loolbarry: hey!19:12
dobeyalecu: i don't think that one would make it into the defaults! :)19:13
loolbarry: so IIUC you have a regression since r138 of ubuntu-download-manager in 0.2+13.10.20130926.2-0ubuntu119:14
loolbarry: your code passes '' to a download gup19:14
alecucwayne_: for examples, look in ~/.local/share/applications/  for the .desktops that are created when you install apps.19:14
loolbarry: does it expect md5 hashing or no hashing?19:14
cwayne_alecu, so it would be application:///com..ubuntu.developer.alecu_qr-code_0.3.desktop?19:14
=== jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|afk
barrylool: right because we verify hashes at a higher level.  we don't need udm to verify hashes and in fact often don't have them.  so previously we'd decided that empty strings means "don't do hash verification".  the regression was that it now validates the hash algo but doesn't accept ''19:15
barryto mean no hashing19:15
alecucwayne_: yes, but with only one dot after com :-)19:15
barrylool, gatox this is fixed in mandel's branch that i'm using for all my other integration tests19:15
ralsinabarry, gatox: we *could* just land that branch19:15
ralsinait's a risk, but it only touches things only barry is using...19:16
cwayne_alecu, :P thanks for the help19:16
alecucwayne_: I can see that differing version numbers will be annoying for the launcher, though.19:16
gatoxralsina, is that branch proposed for review19:16
loolbarry: this branch has other changes, do you think it's good to go?19:16
loolgatox: I proposed it19:16
loolgatox: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-download-manager/clear-cache/+merge/18814119:16
loolbut not mandel19:16
ralsinathe main worry there is the calls to clearAccessCache can break stuff19:17
loolbarry: the delta of mandel's branch is a bit larger, includes logging and cache handling and other stuff19:17
barrylool: i think mandel wanted to clean some stuff up, and tbh, i don't know for sure that it doesn't affect click, but this branch is working *great* for me19:17
loolbarry: do you know about the cache handling changes?19:17
ralsinalool: those are to speed up tests but I don't think they are properly isolated yet19:18
barrylool: yes.  there's a bug in qt that causes the cache to keep the server active for 120 seconds, which causes my test shutdowns to lag horribly19:18
barrylool: my test suite runs in about 10 minutes with this fix.  about 3h without19:18
gatoxralsina, lool barry i would say +1 on that branch, it's just cleaning up stuff and improving the logger.... and it adds the  << "" that fix barry bug19:18
cwayne_alecu, yeah, also using the .desktop name from .local/share/applications doesn't seem to work here19:19
ralsinagatox: AND cleaning up the access cache which we don't want if there's an ongoing download19:19
barryralsina: but i think it only does that if -stoppable is given19:19
barrywhich is only for my test suite19:19
gatoxralsina, i can do a quick branch adding the  << "" if you want and avoid those problems19:19
loolgatox: +1 on the mp?19:19
ralsinabarry: if --stoppable already in the branch, I'd +119:19
gatoxlool, checking with ralsina19:19
loolgatox: do you know how to test the download manager?19:19
gatoxlool, run the tests? or test it irl?19:20
barryyeah (but it's single dash 'cause that's apparently how qt rolls or something ;)19:20
ralsinalool: there's unit tests, we'd have to build it with this branch and test it IRL with the click scope and the update manager19:20
loolralsina: So IIUC, we don't want to land system-image with new download manager without tests and we can't enable the tests at build time or autopkgtests if they take 3 hours19:20
loolralsina: I would personally prefer the smaller change of adding "", but it seems this branch also has the required testsuite speed fixes19:20
loolgatox: both  :-)19:21
barryand that's 3h on a speedy amd64 desktop :)19:21
ralsinabarry: that's the system-update tests? Whoa :-)19:21
gatoxlool, you can do make check for the tests and there is also a python script to IRL testing...19:21
ralsinaI am checking that everything is hidden behind -stoppable19:22
ralsinawith that, I'll +119:22
barryralsina: yep.  fortunately with the fixes its 10m, so yay!19:22
loolgatox: not that I want to do it19:22
loolgatox: but I'd like someone to do it  :-)19:22
loolbefore we take it19:22
loolgatox, ralsina: If you guys could arrange to test this and land it in trunk, we could push it to an image late tonight or over the week-end19:24
ralsinalool: yes, let's do IRL testing, it's just too risky19:24
loolit's why I care that we get the system updates autotested in our image testing before we release new images; this kind of bug freaks me out that people can't update  :-)   I guess they can still phablet-flash19:25
barrylool, ralsina, gatox that would be great.  my plan is to have my integration branch ready for monday morning.  then if udm is published by then, i can do upgrade testing with my branch on my real device and if that looks good, upload the new s-i on monday19:26
ralsinabarry: mandel starts like 5 hours before you19:26
ralsinabarry: he could doublecheck and land this before your EOD19:26
ralsinasorry SOD19:27
barryralsina: true, but will it get published for armhf by then?19:27
ralsinawell, worst case it would be in the same image as your code19:27
loolI was thinking a bit the same earlier, but wasn't sure; I kind of feel safer about having it in images earlier19:28
cwayne_alecu, is there an AS call to pin something to the launcher?  doing it from dconf doesn't quite seem to work..19:28
loolit's a regression for software not yet in the image, but that we're trying to land monday19:28
ralsinaok, so we'll try to merge it today if we can get enough testing for confidence19:28
ralsinaplus surely those 3 hour tests are no fun in landing :-)19:29
loolralsina: what I care to land it in image is that it doesn't regress click19:29
loolralsina: mandel can confirm the system-image bits were indeed ok to land monday19:30
ralsinalool: that's the IRL we are about to do. Checking with click and click-update19:30
tedgmhall119, I remembered I have this branch that adds the calendar URL, pretty much shows what you need: https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/url-dispatcher/calendar-url/+merge/18814619:33
barryralsina, lool thanks guys!19:36
loolbarry: have a good week-end19:36
barrylool: thanks!  hug your kids :)19:37
loolI'll squeeze him19:37
mhall119thanks tedg, hadn't had a chance to work on it yet though19:42
mhall119tedg: am I missing something?  I don't see tests/dispatcher-test.cc in trunk19:45
mhall119ah, nvm, I see it needs lp:~ted/url-dispatcher/testability too19:45
mhall119tedg: can I build this on my laptop?19:47
Sam_Hi All. Just a quick question  - Will development of the Ubuntu OS be carried out for the HTC Desire (Bravo) and if so is there a time scale?19:47
tedgmhall119, Yes19:49
tedgmhall119, bzr bd19:49
tedgmhall119, Or "cmake . && make"19:49
tedgmhall119, Hopefully charles will review that testing branch soon so it gets in trunk <hint, hint>  ;-)19:50
* tedg isn't subtle19:50
mhall119 /w 7819:50
charlesmmm, unit tests19:53
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
charlestedg, if you're in a reciprocating kind of mood, https://code.launchpad.net/~charlesk/ubuntu-system-settings19:56
bfillermhall119: what's the trick to install apps from the apps scope? I keep getting Error Log onto your Ubuntu One account19:57
tedgcharles, Sure19:58
mhall119bfiller: have you logged into your U1 account?19:58
mhall119bfiller: that's something new, btw19:58
bfillermhall119: no I haven't19:59
mhall119davmor2: I think my son has a future in QA, he's breaking this connect4 game19:59
karniHey guys :) Anyone knows what would cause that error in Unity plugin? (unity8/plugins/Ubuntu/.. sort of plugin)20:00
karnifile:///usr/share/unity8/Dash/DashMusic.qml:21:1: module "Ubuntu.Demo" is not installed20:00
karniIt works when I use the run_on_device, but when I build a deb and install it, it says my plugin, Ubuntu.Demo is not installed20:00
mhall119bfiller: seems logging into your U1 account makes installing work again20:01
alecucwayne_: the scope is not pinning things to the launcher yet. What do you mean by "AS call to pin" ?20:01
cwayne_alecu, like, some gdbus call to accountservice to add it20:02
bfillermhall119: yup, working now. thanks20:02
alecucwayne_: ah, I don't know. And I don't understand why accountservice has to do with it!20:02
cwayne_alecu, it seems to handle launcher items now20:03
cwayne_no worries, i'll figure it out somehow!20:03
alecucwayne_: I'm taking a look too, because I need it for a further branch20:07
alecucwayne_: it seems to be done in plugins/Unity/Launcher/backend/launcherbackend.cpp in lp:unity820:07
alecucwayne_: and you are right, it's definitely using AccountServices20:08
alecu        m_accounts->setUserProperty(m_user, "com.canonical.unity.AccountsService", "launcher-items", QVariant::fromValue(items));20:09
alecuI wonder if there's a simpler way to use this from the scope, because I don't want to repeat all of the code in launcherbackend.cpp in Vala :P20:10
alecuhmm... and this code will need the adding of the third slash to "application:///" uris20:11
cwayne_alecu, yeah, i expected that20:12
cwayne_alecu, so what we're trying to do is have the dconf defaults that it pulls from include a click app20:12
cwayne_it's proving to be much more difficult than anticipated20:12
mfischcwayne: do you know where the settings migration code is?20:14
alecucwayne_: I expect another problem: this code is assuming that no other piece of code touches the value stored in AccountsServices20:14
alecucwayne_: while the dash is running, that is.20:14
alecucwayne_: in my case, I need to pin apps from the click app preview while the dash is running20:15
alecuso, I definitely can't use AS directly20:15
alecuI'll need to let the dash know when the user pins or unpins apps from the preview.20:16
cwayne_alecu, sounds fun :P20:16
mhall119holy grouper!  My N7 has audio now!?!20:17
* ogra_ makes a note to break it again20:17
ogra_thats wasnt planned !20:17
mhall119ogra_: don't make me come over there20:20
mhall119tedg: does the url dispatcher go by the order of things in the file and stop when it hits the first match?20:32
tedgmhall119, Uhm, kinda.  It does application:/// first.20:33
tedgmhall119, But the order shouldn't matter, it's only alphabetical.20:33
tedgmhall119, I make no promises there.20:33
pmcgowanmhall119, short term there should be 1-1 matchup20:33
mhall119pmcgowan: what do you mean?20:34
pmcgowanmhall119, there wont be more than one target for a url20:34
pmcgowanor am i missing your question20:35
mhall119pmcgowan: well it's possible to have a URL match more than one regex20:36
pmcgowanmhall119, example?20:36
tedgmhall119, That's a job for content-hub, not url dispatcher.20:39
tedgmhall119, We'll kill all the file:/// URLs shortly after 13.10.20:39
tedgmhall119, They were just a work around.20:39
mhall119tedg: why would it be a job for content-hub?20:44
tedgmhall119, Because content hub can do content type matching.20:49
tedgmhall119, Also, confined apps won't be able to read anything in ~/Videos anyway.20:49
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mhall119tedg: that depends on their confinement doesn't it?20:55
mhall119tedg: I was going to add URL handing for files that the ubuntu-docviewer-app can open20:56
tedgmhall119, So wouldn't those be files in it's own directory?20:56
tedgmhall119, That's what mediaplayer-app and musicplayer-app are doing.20:56
tedgOh, I think it's music-app20:57
mhall119yeah, those use $HOME/Videos/ and $HOME/Music/ respectively20:57
tedgYes, and they have special access to allow reading those directories.20:57
mhall119tedg: so my use-case is I download a PDF file from the webbrowser, the webbrowser should be able to launch the docviewer-app to show it to me20:58
* mhall119 is ignoring for now the use-cases around using the filemanager app20:59
mandelbarry, ping20:59
tedgmhall119, Yes, so it'll need content hub to cross the application boundries.20:59
mhall119tedg: which means I have to download the PDF in the browser, then go open the docviewer, then have it open the content-hub, then find the file I downloaded 3 steps ago?20:59
tedgmhall119, I haven't followed content-hub recently, but last time I was in the conversation there was a push mode as well.  For instance, you could use it for printing.21:00
pmcgowantedg, I think this is a url handler case21:00
mhall119hmm, I'llhave to look into that then, who's responsible for content-hub?21:01
tedgpmcgowan, url-handler only does the strings, it doesn't reach into sandboxes.21:01
tedgmhall119, kenvandine21:01
pmcgowanso unless the docviewer could take an http url21:01
mhall119it can take a file:/// url21:01
pmcgowanit would be an export then, but that seems awkward21:02
mhall119the docviewer would work the same way the music-app does21:02
tedgmhall119, The problem is the the url browser would have would be file:///home/phablet/.cache/com.ubuntu.developer_webbrowser_1.2.3/myfile.pdf21:02
mhall119url-handler doesn't have to "reach it", it just has to call the app with the file as a parameter21:02
mhall119"reach in"21:02
mhall119tedg: yes, the docviewer would need a more liberal security policy21:03
tedgmhall119, Read everything on disk?  :-)21:03
pmcgowanmaybe we allow read access to the downloads folder to specific apps, but that sounds dicey21:03
mhall119tedg: everything under $HOME21:03
tedgThat's why we have the content hub specifically.  We should use it :-)21:03
pmcgowanmhall119, it does make sense in that nothing else on the system can deal with a .pdf or .doc21:04
tedgpmcgowan, But that's not really true, if you install libreoffice or inkscape on your tablet, they'll both want those as well.21:05
tedgPDFMod also.  That's one of my favorites :-)21:05
jdstrandyes-- why wouldn't docviewer use content-hub? would just need a content provider that gives a file view21:07
jdstrandor something more elegant21:07
jdstrandgallery for Documents21:07
pmcgowantedg, then it seems you turn off app confinement21:07
pmcgowanroot your phone and party on21:07
jdstrandinkscape and libreoffice are debs right now-- they aren't confined21:08
tedgpmcgowan, I don't want to root my phone!  That sounds scary.  We don't have that kind of relationship.21:08
tedgpmcgowan, The goals were that we could provide Gtk/Qt file browser backends to use content hub as well.21:09
tedgpmcgowan, So then those apps would with the same kind of system.21:09
jdstrandto clickify things like that, we need to come up with something that they can use under confinement. there are several ideas-- inluding LD_PRELOAD tricks to use an out of process file picker (eg, the content hub)21:09
* jdstrand is with tedg :)21:09
tedgIt's clear, if you disagree, you disagree with ALL of Texas now!21:10
kgunnChickenCutlass: ping21:22
ChickenCutlasskgunn, hi21:22
stgraberslangasek, mfisch, lool, jdstrand: boot time hooks: https://code.launchpad.net/~stgraber/ubuntu/saucy/lxc-android-config/boot-hooks/+merge/18817221:27
stgraberit's extremely simple yet works great here (just tested with a bunch of jobs depending on various things and did an upgrade to make sure new-version works as expected)21:28
=== ciprian is now known as cipri
ciprihi. Is there a wish-list  of packages / applications  for ubuntu touch?  I would like to have TeXLive on ubuntu touch (on nexus 10 ) . so that I can use it for writing my LaTeX documents.21:37
slangasekstgraber: looks straightforward.  We are assuming /userdata is never wiped?21:39
slangasekcipri: that's not the sort of thing we would include in the ubuntu touch images.  I suppose someone could package TeXLive as an app in the app store, but I'm not sure what that would even look like...21:40
stgraberslangasek: correct, you'd need a full factory reset for that file to go away in which case I don't think re-running new-version should be an issue21:41
slangasekshould we pre-populate it at phone flash time?21:41
slangasekmandel: I see that https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-download-manager/allow-empty-hash had another rev pushed to it after the jenkins review... is this in need of a resubmit?21:42
stgraberslangasek: not sure, it may actually make sense for most hooks to run on first boot too (thinking of apparmor profile generation for one), so having it trigger with OLD_VERSION=0 NEW_VERSION=<current> should be fine21:43
mandelslangasek, yes, and we are talking about the semantics of it, but I would merge it21:43
ciprislangasek, I was thinking that the ubuntu on ARM, are also aiming to be as productive as the normal versions. This was not the commercial of ubuntu touch?21:43
slangasekstgraber: ok.21:44
ciprihaving a full-pc in your phone, was this not the idea of Shuttleworth  in the promotional videos?21:48
slangasekcipri: convergence is a longer-term goal.  Initial releases targeting the phone are focused on the requirements for the phone market.  As an end-user, you do have the option of making your OS install read-write by touching /userdata/.writable_image and using apt to manage the packages.21:48
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slangasekmandel: "would" merge it?  so, is there still something outstanding before it gets merged?21:53
mandelslangasek, failing test21:54
slangasekoh, hmm21:54
mandelslangasek, exactly, but I've just got it fixed :)21:55
slangasekok then :)21:55
mandelslangasek, I pushed the fix, waiting for jenkins to pick it up, and helping barry with the last fix22:06
slangasekmandel: sweet!22:06
ejatwhat format video that ubuntu touch can play ?22:07
ejatis it base on the video folder ?22:07
ejatwhat video format supported in touch ?22:25
barryslangasek, mandel latest branch passes all my tests22:27
slangasekbarry: huzzah22:27
barryslangasek: *and* in 853s22:28
barryso a little slower, but that's expected, and still totally within reason22:28
slangasekbarry: oh, excellent22:28
hmrubinQuick question22:29
mandelslangasek, is slower that the other branch because it does not break the code in a 1000 diff places, told barry the reason :)22:29
mandelslangasek, FYI => https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-download-manager/count-ref-cache-management/+merge/18817022:29
barryslangasek: and that's without any unexpected test skips (i still have a few for reasons unrelated to this integration work)22:29
hmrubinWhen the online website says nexus 7 does that mean the original one too22:29
Tassadarthat _only_ means the original one22:30
barryslangasek: i think at this point, mandel can go ahead and land this work, and i am going to start working on cleaning up and prepping a merge of s-i22:30
hmrubinWait so it isn't the 2013 version it's the 201222:31
hmrubinI have the 201222:31
slangasekhmrubin: yes, the reference device for this was the 2012 (codename grouper)22:31
hmrubinOK and is that still in developer stage22:32
hmrubinCause i wanna dual boot22:32
slangasekbarry, mandel: ok, great.  Once udm lands in the archive, I'll be sure to do a live test on my phone of s-i :)22:32
slangasekhmrubin: see the link in the topic for status: http://bit.ly/YEqEfo22:33
slangasekhmrubin: but we don't support dual-booting22:33
barryslangasek: my branch is up-to-date, though i still have a few things to clean up, but it'll be a good live test22:33
slangasekbarry: so you didn't take lp:~vorlon/ubuntu-system-image/lp1196991/ ?22:38
mandelslangasek, barry I'm off to bed then, is kinda late here, I have told a couple of people to take a look at the branch, if there are any needs fixing I'll take care in the morning22:43
barryslangasek: nope, sorry, never got to it ;)22:43
barrymandel: thanks very much for staying up for us!22:43
slangasekbarry: it still applies and afaics is still correct per se22:44
barryslangasek: cool.  i'll put it on the merge list22:45

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