
Kilosmorning superfly and others05:52
superflyhi Kilos 05:52
Kiloshi Squirm 06:44
Kiloshi Xethron tonberry352_ 07:09
Kilosohi psychicist 07:10
Kilosoh my scared him away07:39
inetprogood mornings08:12
inetproMaaz: ftp08:12
MaazDump FTP! http://www.43folders.com/2008/07/14/dump-ftp see also: FTP must Die!! http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FtpMustDie08:12
Kilosmorning inetpro als goed?08:33
Kiloshi aquarat Vince-0 psyatw 08:34
psyatwhi Kilos08:36
psyatwgood morning inetpro08:36
psyatwhi aquarat08:36
psyatwhi Vince-008:36
inetproKilos: all good thanks, and there?08:40
inetpropsyatw: hi08:40
Kilosgood ty inetpro waiting for the 1st to put data08:41
Kilosthen i can get kde again08:41
Kilosdunno if i should try debian kde08:42
Kilosis debian kde easier to use than buntu kde08:43
inetproKilos: did you see the latest SIM-SONKE special?08:46
Kiloslemme look08:46
Kilos2+1 is the same08:48
Kilosi dont fone08:48
inetproyep this is just a nice cheap deal for normal voice calls08:49
Kilosyeah good deal for fone users08:49
inetproabout time that we see this kind of a deal08:49
Kilosyeah looks like things are getting better slowly08:50
inetpromobile voice calls in this country are ridiculously overpriced 08:50
Kilosjust need to get 5g data for R149 then im smiling08:50
inetprono that is still too much08:50
inetpro10GB for R99 would be much better08:51
Kilosoh ya of course08:51
Kilospush them08:51
Kilosyou didnt answer the debian kde question08:51
Kilosi crashed my kubuntu with kde4.1108:52
inetproI'm happy with Kubuntu as is08:52
Kilosyeah ill install again. i forgot how i got 4.11 to work so gave up08:53
* inetpro sticks to LTS releases08:53
inetproleading edge = bleeding edge08:53
Kiloslol yeah im bleeding08:53
Kilosso sad that 4.11 was lekker08:54
* inetpro has work to do and can not afford to keep running all the time just to stay on top of the latest and greatest08:54
Kilosyeah, havent you caught up yet?08:55
inetprono man, I mean even the releases that happen every six months is way to much for me08:55
Kiloshi lemonxah say hi to maia for me please08:55
Kilosoh ya08:56
lemonxahwill do Kilos 08:56
inetproand some people want even quicker releases than that08:56
inetprothose that talk about rolling releases08:56
inetproit's madness in my eyes08:56
Kilosif 14.04 isnt better with unity im gonna just use this 12.04 unity and then go only kubuntu08:57
inetproobviously, each man for his self08:57
inetprothose that want the frequent releases can have it08:58
inetprobut /me is happy with the LTS cycle08:58
inetprothere's room for everyone in this circus08:59
ThatGraemeGuyhello peeps11:58
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 12:03
Kiloshow you settling in?12:03
ThatGraemeGuyso far so good :)12:04
ThatGraemeGuyi haven12:04
ThatGraemeGuyi haven't broken anything yet12:04
Kiloswhat stays online?12:05
Kilosyou just been showing away12:05
ThatGraemeGuylots of induction stuff12:05
ThatGraemeGuyjust now getting to server access and helping out with tickets12:06
Kilossigh coupla hours no power15:13
Kilosdouble sigh another power cut then a boot to initramfs>16:33
Kilosthank heavens for maverick and fsck -f16:36
* Kilos looks around the morgue18:03
Kiloshi psychicist 18:06
Kilosall dead here18:06
psychicisthi Kilos 18:07
psychicistwho else is dead?18:07
Kiloslooks like everyone18:07
psychicistI‌ guess they need to reincarnate18:07
Kilosor global warming has stalled their brains18:07
psychicistbut how can we make that happen?18:07
Kilosstart a war18:08
Kilosi forget what they call them18:08
psychicista jihad18:08
Kilosno man a war between geeks18:08
Kilosthen everyone wakes and argues18:09
psychicista flamewar18:10
psychicistbut I'd rather have a war with those weapons like in unreal tournament 2004 or whatever is newer18:10
Kiloswhat weapons18:11
psychicistyou know like these flamethrowers and bioweapons18:11
psychicistpowerful stuff18:11
Kiloshi smile 18:36
smileHoi Kilos :)18:36
smileKilos: het was koud vanmorgen ;)18:36
Kilosdit was koud vanoggend18:37
Kiloswas lekker here18:37
smileja :p18:37
smilewie fiel degrees? :p18:37
Kilos33°c max18:38
Kiloswie fiel degrees?=hoe veel grade18:42
Kilosi think18:42
smileja :p18:48
smilevanoggend 7°C :p18:48
Kilosyou forgetting your afrikaans hey'18:48
Kilosi go crash now. night all. sleep tight18:51
=== Sub_Oracle is now known as SubOracle

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