
_____that computer does not have the internet00:00
ikoniathen how are you installing packages ?00:00
_____its on a seperate computer00:00
bwayneVivekananda: there's also ubuntu-tweak, but I'm not sure sure if you'd like to install a ppa.00:00
_____I think its fine now00:00
_____im just unsure how id uninstall samba300:00
ikonia_____: how are you installing packages without internet00:00
vida-locahi everyone, quick question: compiling an old bash-2.05b with gcc-4.7 on Ubuntu 13.04 3.8.0-19-generic running on QEMU, I am getting these errors: "bash-2.05b/lib/readline/terminal.c:634: undefined reference to `tputs'". I am pretty sure that all the deps are met...00:00
_____it came with the OS00:01
ikonia_____: what version of ubuntu is this ?00:01
_____it isnt ubuntu00:01
ikonia_____: then please don't ask in here00:01
vida-locaKubuntu sorry00:01
mrrcphow can i backup my laptop00:01
mrrcpand reinstall the image00:02
Vivekanandaweird things are happenning00:02
_____its still bash00:02
ikonia_____: this channel is not for non-ubuntu support00:02
ikonia_____: what OS is this ?00:02
_____well just pretend I am in ubuntu00:02
bwaynemrrcp: i use clonezilla livecd.  it's very easy to use.00:02
ikonia_____: no, what OS is this00:02
Vivekanandamy letters are getting deleted and hidden eg now after choosing large on the universal I only see " vivekana" and lost the rest of the name in htere00:02
_____how do I check00:02
ikonia_____: you don't know what OS you are using ?00:02
_____linux mint00:02
loahow i can install older version of chrome on my ubuntu?00:02
_____thats all I know00:03
ikonia_____: ok, so there is a mint channel on spot net00:03
loai dont' like current version.00:03
ikonia!mint | _____00:03
ubottu_____: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org00:03
ikoniaspotchat sorry00:03
loasome plugins are broken for current version00:03
bwayneVivekananda: over your entire desktop?00:03
Vivekanandabway I lost you sentence00:03
VivekanandaI can just see over your e....00:03
bwayneVivekananda: undo00:03
Vivekanandaundo done00:04
Vivekanandanow looking for00:04
linuxuz3rgoogle is not on linuxcon00:04
Vivekanandathis video -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfdZvPCgAr800:04
VivekanandaI will watch this00:04
david_I would like to know how to install xamp in ubuntu 12.04 but I dont know if this is the right channel for it?00:06
ikoniadavid_: use lamp instead00:07
david_xamp is lamp00:07
ikoniadavid_: no it's not00:07
ikoniadavid_: it's a selfcontained version that can cause a lot of problems00:07
ikoniadavid_: hence why I said use lamp00:07
david_why is that?00:07
ikoniadavid_: why is what ?00:08
HeeeeelpI still get the unmount cd drive error ikonia00:08
david_why would xamp cause problems00:09
=== AndresSM_away is now known as AndresSM
f00bar80anybody can point me on how to automate servers' ssh remote access without using keys?00:09
ikoniabecause it's not controlled by the package manager, it can cause conflicts with the ubuntu installed packages/services, it's totally self contained for "generic" linux, it's not aware of the init system00:09
ikoniaI can go on.....00:10
bwaynef00bar80: you want to be able to log in automatically without using a key?00:11
david_so what is the website to install lamp, im just learning all this for the first time and just want to set my self up so I can start learning PHP.00:11
ikonia!lamp | david_00:11
ubottudavid_: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.00:11
david_wow theres a lot of information in that link, do i really need to go through all of that ?00:13
daftykinsdavid_: "website to install LAMP" what do you mean exactly?00:18
ikoniadavid_: yes, if you want to understand it properly, you need to do that00:19
ikoniadavid_: you only need to install the components you need00:19
jmgkFor Wine00:20
ikoniadavid_: if you actually read the first section, you'll see the short cuts00:20
jmgkWill Ubuntu 10.04 support it?00:20
jmgkNot sure if its still supported00:20
ikoniadavid_: first fiew lines gives you the 1 command you need00:20
codercottonhello, I'm adding a script to the end of my preseed, like "d-i preseed/run string celeste-network-config.sh" - where would I put this file?00:23
codercotton5:01 PM00:23
=== jack is now known as Guest87596
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!00:26
ikoniaReiserfs: ?00:26
=== skasturi_ is now known as skasturi
zippo^Which desktop envoriment of Ubuntu is most use? Unity, KDE, Gnome Classic , etc. ?00:34
Dr_feelgudGnome is the most popular.00:37
zippo^Gnome (3 version) or Gnome Classic (as 2 version), Dr_feelgud ?00:38
Dr_feelgudGnome 300:40
zippo^ah ok, but I don't like Gnome 3 :-P00:40
Dr_feelgudI use lubuntu00:41
zippo^I like Gnome Classic very much00:42
linuxuz3rhi ho hello00:46
linuxuz3rhow do i delete a package and its dependencies00:47
linuxuz3rremove even00:47
auscompgeeklinuxuz3r: `sudo apt-get remove <package>`?00:49
wilee-nileelinuxuz3r: sudo apt-get purge 'package' generally works, and additionally a autoclean and autoremove can do this, depends really onwhat its attached to.00:50
ttyS1how can i check at what speed cp can cp a file ?00:50
linuxuz3rwilee-nilee, thanks00:50
LinuxGuy2020Is there a better way to download a bundle of all the gnome shell extensons for an offline machine or another way other than one by one and backing them up with an online machine?00:53
jmgkhey aditya00:55
ttyS1how can a benchmark read and write files and directories speed to a disk ?00:58
DeepfriediceLinuxGuy2020, are those installed though a package manager? if so, I believe Synaptic can produce download scripts instead of downloading things directly.00:59
knoppix246785I need some help01:03
Deepfriediceknoppix246785, No point asking to ask. What do you need?01:03
knoppix246785Well I know this is an ubuntu chatroom but I have knoppix, can I download certain games for knoppix?01:04
linuxuz3rhow do i install kde?01:04
knoppix246785I looked on youtube and there's not much on it about knoppix 6.401:05
Deepfriedicelinuxuz3r, "sudo apt-get install kde-standard"01:07
reisiolinuxuz3r: or kubuntu-desktop01:07
yoojinHello. Ubuntu GNOME 13.04 does not work out of the box with my laptop sound card, based on a Realtek ALC889 chip. This is actually a regression, but I am not sure how to fix it. Attatched is a link which is unintelligible to me, myself, but may be related or no. Will follow directions to resolve this issue if ANYBODY is willing to help!! https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-team/2013-February/026143.html01:08
Deepfriedicelinuxuz3r, Actually, read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE01:08
linuxuz3rDeepfriedice, ok01:09
nevynyoojin: what kernel are you running?01:09
yoojinnevyn: How can I determine that, easily?01:10
yoojinnevyn: I believe 3.11.0-8-generic... But need verification.01:11
yoojinnevyn: Okay, nevermind, that is correct - 3.11.0-8-generic01:12
Heeeeelpcan someone assist me in installing ubuntu on my new build01:13
yoojinnevyn: I've thought of going into the bios and changing modes to the older AC'97 as a fallback plan...01:13
DeepfriediceHeeeeelp, Are you trying to dual boot or running into problems?01:14
Heeeeelpjust problems01:15
yoojinThis is my precise problem. How can this solution be implemented? http://www.spinics.net/lists/stable-commits/msg19502.html01:16
DeepfriediceHeeeeelp, Specifically?01:16
phunyguyyoojin: you can compile your own kernel with the patches applied, or file a bug report on Launchpad01:16
yoojinphunyguy: This isn't something I've done before so I may need to do both. Can I trouble you for a little more assistance? I'm sure the linux community needs the bug report.01:17
phunyguyunfortunately I think your best course of action would be to let Ubuntu handle it.  The turnaround time shouldn't be too bad.01:18
phunyguycompiling your own kernel isn't for the faint of heart.01:18
yoojinWell, I would love the opportunity to learn.01:18
yoojinDo you think there is a guide which may help?01:18
phunyguy!kernel | yoojin01:19
ubottuyoojin: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)01:19
phunyguyyoojin: see the special sections labeled: "Reasons for NOT compiling a custom kernel" and "Reasons for compiling a custom kernel"01:21
phunyguyand make your choice. :)01:22
linuxuz3rwhy whats the reason01:22
=== lafiro is now known as Beothoric
phunyguylinuxuz3r: he has a special case that was fixed with a patch for 3.501:22
nevynyoojin: you could just set a model parameter by hand on the audio driver01:22
phunyguyif that patch isn't in Ubuntu......01:23
phunyguythat too.01:23
yoojinWoah. Yeah, that does look foreboding. So, the patch I linked earlier from http://www.spinics.net/lists/stable-commits/msg19502.html -- Let me get this straight. That link contains C code. a modified portion of the source files to the linux kernel?01:23
phunyguyyoojin: indeed.01:23
nevynso that code just autodetects the pci id and configures the widget -> dac map based on a special set of rules because the acpi tables lie.01:23
phunyguythat page also says it has been added to the stable tree01:24
yoojinSo the hardware doesn't get identified and it's an uphill struggle to maintain compatibility on the part of the kernel programmers due to the quirks of various hardware manufacturers?   ...great. So, I did read that it was fixed in 3.5, however there has since been a regression that isn't documented on google as far as I can tell.01:25
phunyguyhowever I am not sure what "Stable tree" refers to in this context01:25
yoojinThe stable tree of the Linux kernel, I 'think'.01:26
nevynphunyguy: umm that it's been merged by linus (hopefully via takashi)01:27
phunyguyhope I helped.01:27
yoojinWell, yes. In theory you told me it's fixed or I can wait. I feel that there must be some kind of action I could be taking and don't know what to do, so that's a bit frustrating in and of itself.01:28
nevynyoojin: you could just set a model parameter by hand on the audio driver01:28
yoojinnevyn: I'll run with that and come back and thank you if you're still on.01:29
nevynso in /etc/modules.d/audio.conf put the line options snd-hda-intel model="insertcorrectmodelhere"01:29
nevynthen reboot01:29
yoojinWOW, you mean Like with a text editor? I'm on it. Thank you so much, much hope now.01:31
yoojinI wish the reasoning behind where to find these files was self-evident. I feel like an idiot at times.01:31
nevyn11:30 < yoojin> Woah. Yeah, that does look foreboding. So, the patch I linked earlier from http://www.spinics.net/lists/stable-commits/msg19502.html -- Let me get this straight. That link01:31
nevyn                contains C code. a modified portion of the source files to the linux kernel?01:31
nevyn11:31 < phunyguy> yoojin: indeed.01:32
FloodBot1nevyn: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:32
nevynthe correct  model btw...01:32
nevynis no-primary-hp01:32
yoojinthere is no  /etc/modules.d/audio.conf01:33
yoojinIs is possible my sound card is configured without modules?01:33
yoojinI'll work around getting it to a module if you think it's right.01:33
nevyn/etc/modprobe.d mybad01:33
linuxuz3rwell i installed kde01:34
linuxuz3rnow im stuck at booting ubuntu01:34
reisioyoojin: lsmod would tell you if the module is loaded... as a module :)01:34
linuxuz3rim stuck at line firewire_ohci01:34
deezedisn't there a wine channel?01:34
yoojinokay, nevyn!01:34
reisiodeezed: /msg alis list *wine*01:35
wyldedeezed: #winehq01:35
deezed;msg alis list wine01:35
yoojinThank you reisio, it is, I am lacking as nevyn has told me the correct parameters, but the card shows up.01:35
yoojinnevyn: alsa-base.conf, for the insertion of the previously mentioned line?01:35
nevynyoojin: so the patch automates this by checking the pci id01:36
yoojinlike, lspci does?01:36
linuxuz3rim stuck with booting ubuntu after installing kde im stuck at loading initrd.img01:37
nevynyoojin: so.. you just need to set the option model=no-primary-hp and it should work01:38
hualet_deepinhi, there, what's palm detection in touchpad settings?01:38
nevynhualet_deepin: what it says on the box01:38
linuxuz3rcan someone help01:38
hualet_deepinnevyn, what box?01:39
=== line is now known as what`s_my_line
deezedanyway guys, my thing is, I cant configure wine. Just if I use playonlinux. I can't just launch 'configure wine'. Do you know why is that?01:39
yoojinyes, I have done that.01:40
reisiohualet_deepin: if it can detect your palm, then it can distinguish it from a finger or stylus, and potentially ignore it01:40
yoojinmodprobe reload it or restart my computer?01:40
reisiohualet_deepin: quite useful for, for example, being able to write on a tablet naturally (with your palm resting on the surface as well)01:40
reisioalso frequently useful just for typing with a touchpad under "hand"01:40
linuxuz3rim stuck with booting ubuntu after installing kde im stuck at loading initrd.img01:41
linuxuz3rcan someone help01:41
what`s_my_linehow would kde mess up your init01:41
nevynhualet_deepin: it's automatic detection of when the palm of your hand touches the touchpad and ignoring it.01:42
nevynit has a sensitivity parameter...01:42
linuxuz3rwell i dont know01:42
hualet_deepinnevyn, reisio, thanks a lot, i think it's clear for me now..01:43
nevynyoojin: you need to unload and reload the snd-hda-intel module01:45
yoojinnevyn: after reboot, no discernible change.01:45
yoojinI'll try reloading it, double checking my bios settings, and if you're around i'll be back.01:45
nevyncan you pastebin the contents of alsa-base?01:45
yoojinyoojin@Chrononaut:~$ sudo modprobe --remove snd-hda-intel01:46
yoojinFATAL: Module snd_hda_intel is in use.01:46
nevynyeah you'll need to stop pa.. most likely01:47
yoojindunno whachya mean. restarting anyways, as that's just as good.01:47
nevynecho "autospawn = false" > ~/.pulse/client.conf && pactl exit01:47
nevynthen it should unload01:47
hualet_deepiniceleaf, hi buddy.01:51
hualet_deepiniceleaf, hi buddy.01:52
yoojinnevyn: still no luck.01:54
yoojinI wonder if there is a way to confirm parameter settings have been passed from the .conf file to the module at boot or not.01:55
yoojinsome verbose module command that'll tell me if it's operating in the mode I tried to select.01:55
mrdebin terminal01:55
MrKBcan I take a hard drive that has Ubuntu installed on it and put it on another computer with similar hardware?01:55
mrdebMrKB: yes01:56
mrdebMrKB: what graphic card01:56
MrKBcurrent comp is integrated01:57
MrKBcomp it's going to has an NVIDIA GeForce 4 or something like that01:57
mrdebnvidia, ati, or intel01:57
MrKB(both are old P4s, yes)01:57
mrdebboth nvidia 7 series or before?01:57
MrKBone is integrated, so Intel01:57
MrKBthe one I'm putting it on a NVIDIA one01:57
linuxuz3rmy ubuntu wont boot01:57
linuxuz3rhow do i fix this01:58
mrdebthen it will work, other way it wouldnt01:58
mrdebbec intel loads auto, and it will load nouveau on other01:58
nevynyoojin: can you paste the line you added in here?01:58
yoojinnevyn: it is passing as far as I can tell. Uno momento.01:59
yoojinFile: /etc/modprobe.d/sound.conf02:00
yoojinoptions snd-hda-intel model="no-primary-hp"02:00
nevynoh.. no quotes I don't think02:01
yoojinIt is a Vaio Z - nice laptop, always a headache with compatibility though. http://us.generation-nt.com/patch-1-3-alsa-hda-workaround-silent-output-sony-vaio-vgc-ln51jgb-alc889-help-210404062.html This website shows the pci and everything.02:01
yoojinquotes were ignored ((   Parameter: model --> no-primary-hp,(null),(null),(n    )))02:02
yoojinI used this nifty bash script to obtain output to determine whether it had taken effect. http://serverfault.com/questions/62316/how-do-i-list-loaded-linux-module-parameter-values02:03
nevynyoojin: and it is card 0?02:04
nevynin /proc/asound/cards ?02:04
yoojinyes followed by an nvidia card for hdmi passthough.02:05
yoojinnevyn: yoojin@Chrononaut:~$ cat /proc/asound/cards02:05
yoojin 0 [MID            ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel MID02:05
yoojin                      HDA Intel MID at 0xb9120000 irq 4402:05
kriskropdTIL, I can just use 7z to extract iso files instead of using such an interactive process as mounting the iso and copying the files02:06
yoojinnevyn: don't stress too much, I'll keep on trying to find information for MY problem. I'm already indebted to you quite a bit, SIR.02:06
mwallacesdHi there02:08
yoojinWho is takashi?02:08
snaythAny suggestions on a distro that is best suited to run VirtualBox but you could also watch an occasional Netflix movie or youtube.  Hardware is: 4x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 650 @ 3.20GHz ~ 8GB's ram, ~ 1TB Sata drive ? ? ?02:15
ubuntuisgreatAnyone knows the real reason Intel reject Mir?02:17
Dr_feelgudsnayth, try lubuntu02:18
kirashianyone know how I can enable my second core?02:19
jmgkhi AdityaRaj02:19
neurom4nc3rkirashi are you using virtualmachine?02:19
ubuntuisgreat@kirashi try BIOS02:19
yoojinHello, I would like to apply http://patchwork.ozlabs.org/patch/224017/ to my computer. Will this be compatible per chance with 3.11?02:19
kirashiubuntuisgreat,  I tried bios but it isn't listed and neurom4nc3r nope02:19
kirashiit tells me I have two cores but theres no way to enable it in BIOS02:21
snaythDr_feelgud: Thanks02:21
nevynyoojin: takashi is one of the main alsa maintainers.02:24
mwallacesdHi there, I installed glassfish manually on ubuntu 12.04; but I cant run my webproject properly on netbeans (ERROR: GlassFish Server 4.0 Server cannot start)02:26
nevynyoojin: does your device pciid match that pciid specification02:26
mwallacesdThe point is, how can I remove a software installed into /opt directory02:27
mwallacesdrm -rf?02:27
wilee-nileemwallacesd, Any read file?02:27
mwallacesdI dont have any idea wilee-nilee02:27
mwallacesdwhere it could be stored?02:28
mwallacesdat /opt too?02:28
mwallacesdSorry, I am newer using linux02:28
wilee-nileemwallacesd, Many times there is a read text take a look it may have remove info, you will want to describe the manual install type to the channel to.02:29
yoojinnevyn: pciid, i'll check with lspci in one moment.02:29
kirashiSo can anyone help me with the 2nd core? :(02:29
yoojin00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 05)02:30
yoojinnevyn: ???02:30
MangaKaDenzaI Got ubuntu02:30
MangaKaDenzabut I want it to look like Win702:30
nevynyoojin: umm might need some switches.02:30
nevynyoojin: try -nn02:31
MrKBok so this is trange02:33
Dr_feelgudMangaKaDenza: Try one the ubuntu themes that look similar to windows02:33
MrKBI swapped out CPUs and now the clock speed is wrong02:33
MrKBon the other computer it was reporting 2.8GHz and on this one it's saying 1.60GHz02:33
MrKBcould this be a multiplier issue?02:34
DrManhattanwhere the heck is the DirectoryIndex variable for Apache2 in 12.04?02:34
yoojinnevyn: gdm crashed when I unplugged HDMI, lol, now i'm lspci -nn'ing02:34
MrKBUbuntu boots though02:34
DrManhattanIm trying to make index.php get served before index.html02:34
yoojinyoojin@Chrononaut:~$ lspci -nn | grep Audio02:34
yoojin00:1b.0 Audio device [0403]: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio [8086:3b56] (rev 05)02:34
yoojinMangaKaDenza, try gnome-look.org02:35
DrManhattannever mind I got it - thank you guys for the distro02:35
yoojinMangaKaDenza, http://www.pcworld.com/article/2028896/how-to-make-ubuntu-linux-look-like-windows-7.html02:37
yoojinMangaKaDenza, You can try that but in my experience anything but the default interface leaves little glitches here and there. Try it out though, it's fun what you can do!02:37
yoojinMangaKaDenza, If you don't mind me saying so though, you're headed in the wrong direction buddy! Using the terminal can be hard at first but it puts the entire system closer to your fingertips without having to dig through menus.02:38
yoojinMangaKaDenza, If theres anything you're having trouble with try the [[ $anycommand -help  $anycommand --help, or $man anycommand ]]02:39
MangaKaDenzaoh no...02:39
MangaKaDenzaits not that the terminal is hard02:40
MangaKaDenzaits that i'm not supposed to have linux on this comp02:40
MangaKaDenzaso I need to hide it02:40
yoojinMangaKaDenza, I used to have to do that. Anything you can do can be undone. No matter how scary you feel it is, or whoever paid for your computer, or work / parents/ etc. It can be fixed. Period. Just look at it that way and you'll be okay.02:41
yoojinMangaKaDenza, One thing, though, you can do, is Dual Boot install your computer, and make windows the Default choice to boot up, hide the GRUB menu, and make it so you have to hold a key to boot into linux. Bam, you're own, secret lab for anything you want to do.02:42
nevynyoojin: so that doesn't match02:50
nevyn12:40 < Dr_feelgud> MangaKaDenza: Try one the ubuntu themes that look similar to windows02:50
nevyn12:41 < MrKB> I swapped out CPUs and now the clock speed is wrong02:50
nevyn12:41 < MrKB> on the other computer it was reporting 2.8GHz and on this one it's saying 1.60GHz02:50
nevyn12:41 < MrKB> could this be a multiplier issue?02:50
nevyn12:41 < DrManhattan> where the heck is the DirectoryIndex variable for Apache2 in 12.04?02:50
FloodBot1nevyn: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:50
nevynoops sorry.02:51
nevynyoojin: that doesn't seem to be related to 0x104d, 0x9043, "Sony Vaio VGC-LN51JGB", ALC882_FIXUP_NO_PRIMARY_HP),02:51
nevynthe numbers don't match.02:52
nevynis what you have.02:52
nevynand the patch is for  0x104d, 0x9043,02:53
hiyoI have a Ubuntu desktop with an RDP server at school for development of a school project we have but it lags when people don't log out when disconnecting from RDP, how can I have it log people off of Ubuntu after they disconnected from the RDP connection?02:55
Al3xG0how to disable You have new mail /var/mail/root ???02:58
kirashiinternet is going to become censored... :(02:58
kirashi"For the first time, actual Presidents and Prime Ministers of 12 powerful countries will meet behind closed doors to seal an extreme Internet censorship plan called the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).1"02:58
kostkonkirashi, wrong channel02:59
=== andrex|off is now known as andrex
kostkonkirashi, this is a support channel02:59
kirashikostkon what's the normal chat one then?03:00
kostkonkirashi, #ubuntu-offtopic03:00
kirashiI apologise but I didn't know :( thanks for the link to this channel though kostkon :)03:00
kostkonkirashi, np03:00
dr_willisAl3xG0:  thats a feature/setting of bash i recaall03:00
nevynyoojin: can you run the alsa info script please? wget http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh if it's not included already...03:06
yoojinnevyn, permission denied?!03:10
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
nevynwhen you try to run it? or download it?03:21
yoojinnevyn, brb.03:25
yoojinnevyn, 1-2 min.03:25
sacrelicioushey question guys: i'm running ubuntu and recently downloaded some new desktop and have been playing around, and Cinnamon disappeared from my boot menu. and I get an error message when I try to reinstall it from the terminal03:26
sacreliciousany idea what might be going wrong here?03:27
yoojinnevyn, am I supposed to move that script into my bin/bash?03:30
fahadashBesides /proc/version, which other file contains distro specific information ?03:31
reisiofahadash: /etc/*release*03:31
fahadashls: /etc/*release*: No such file or directory03:31
ha_nshey anyone knows where can I find help for icedtea java webstart03:33
reisiofahadash: what'd you run?03:33
fahadashls /etc/*release*03:33
yoojinnevyn, GOT IT.03:33
fahadashIts apparent from the output :)03:33
fancyfetusHey guys03:35
fancyfetusI have a logitech G700 gaming mouse03:35
fancyfetusBut ubuntu does not even recognize the extra buttons03:35
fancyfetusrunning xinput03:35
fancyfetusreturns two id's for the mouse. One with 7 buttons, and one with 24.03:36
fancyfetusThe mouse does not have that many.03:36
yoojinnevyn, http://pastebin.com/RNrQMju1 this is the output03:36
fancyfetusif you cound scrolling, it has 1503:36
EvilBlobWith Easystrokes I was able to bind to the extra buttons on my G40003:36
timmm42fahadash: less /etc/os-release03:36
EvilBlobxinput lists 2 inputs with 11 and 14 buttons03:37
fancyfetusEvilBlob, I have easystroke, but it doesn't recognize the other buttons.03:37
fancyfetusIf i run xev, i get no output when clicking the extra buttons.03:37
fahadashI did ls -R *release* from the / and nothing found03:38
EvilBlobI do. That's odd03:38
yoojinnevyn, brb. (5min)03:38
fahadashIts a NAS Media server, May be I should ask it on generic linux channel03:38
fancyfetusDid you have the buttons mapped in logitech Gaming Software on a windows computer?03:38
EvilBlobYea, that may have something to do with it03:39
EvilBlobDo you have a Windows install?03:39
fancyfetusWhat did you map them too?03:39
fancyfetusNah, just ubuntu03:39
fancyfetusI have access to windows though.03:39
EvilBlobI have one set to ctrl+w and one set to a back button03:40
EvilBlobThe back button works without Easystrokes, but ctrl+w does not03:40
EvilBlobDoes your mouse have DPI increase/decrease buttons? Do those work?03:41
fancyfetusI guess I could set the buttons to increase and decrease dpi03:41
fancyfetusBut I've unassigned all buttons.03:41
fancyfetusin hopes of assigning them in linux instead03:42
nrdb2I have created an icon in the launcher, but I can only start one copy of the program :-(  how can I setup so I can start the program multiple times?03:42
EvilBlobnrdb2, can you right-click the icon and hit 'New window', or something to that effect?03:43
spantherhello there. I have a big issue :'( I recently removed ubuntu-desktop and installed xubuntu-desktop. it removed cryptsetup by this and now I can't boot up anymore. it can't boot or find the root device it says with a timeout :(03:43
spantherhow to fix this_03:43
nrdb2EvilBlob, no ... its a custom python script03:44
spantherI can boot from usb stick to ubuntu live mode and use the passphrase to open the harddrive. but it can't get opened while booting natively anymore since i accidentally removed cryptsetup ;(03:44
rostamplease help I have installed ubuntu 12.04, and after apt-get update I get too many hash sum mismatch error. Please help to resolve this thx03:47
nrdb2EvilBlob, found out what looks like a good hint.... it looks like I need a more complex <app>.desktop file plus modifications to the script.03:48
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wilee-nileerostam, run the update in the terminal and pastebin all of it03:52
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rostamwilee-nilee,  paste.ubuntu.com/616140603:59
nrdb2EvilBlob, I found out how :-) are you interested?04:00
asdasd_im trying to access my android device via elementaryOS but my device isn't being recognized04:02
wilee-nileerostam, Can you paste all of it?04:02
asdasd_anyone know any steps i could take, i don't know if its because the program to view files isn't available on linux or what04:02
reisioasdasd_: use wireless transfer, it's simpler04:02
reisiosftp, bluetooth, whatever04:02
asdasd_the phone isn't operable04:03
SonikkuAmerica!info virtualbox saucy04:03
asdasd_screen is broken04:03
ubottuvirtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.2.16-dfsg-3 (saucy), package size 13831 kB, installed size 50333 kB04:03
asdasd_trying to wipe it before i send it back04:03
asdasd_and i have no idea what to do04:03
rostamwilee-nilee, The only parts that are missing is "Hash Sum mismatch" for failure.  I am using pastebinit.  apt-get update | pastebinit  and this is all the output it produce for me... Please help04:04
wilee-nileeasdasd_, for ubuntu there is a PPA with mtp stuff, you are not running ubuntu, you might ask in #elementary04:05
asdasd_there's no one in there04:05
asdasd_active at least04:05
asdasd_but yeah i don't know what my options are04:06
asdasd_considering i can't use the phone04:06
asdasd_it seems to not be completely broken though, i get a prompt when i plug it in via usb04:07
wilee-nileerostam, Did you run a partial upgrade?04:08
asdasd_any ideas?04:11
rostamwilee-nilee, I am not familiar how do you do partial upgrade please.04:16
wilee-nileerostam, On your pastebin at the end are two errors, here is a google search using one. https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=http://us-west-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com+precise-updates/main+&btnG=&gbv=1&sei=NAZFUorjF8GligLA74HYDQ04:17
wilee-nileerostam, At this point without any real info we can't really help, this looks like a wrong server or a proxy or something I can't tell.04:18
rostamwilee-nilee, thank you I will look into the info you provided. Thanks04:18
wilee-nileerostam, I suspect the answers are there the askubuntu link has some info.04:19
pandaroot-gamain debmirror should i give the option --no-cleanup option ?04:31
pandaroot-gamai don't know why downloading gets disconnected after some interval.04:32
dr_willisafter a random time? or does it seem a set time between disconnects?04:39
Fervicus_how can I add this ppa? https://launchpad.net/~pi-rho/+ppa-packages04:42
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wilee-nileeFervicus_, Thats a list of ppa's not a ppa it looks like.04:44
dr_willis !ppa04:45
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge04:45
wilee-nileeppa's where specific packages are it seems04:45
Fervicus_wilee-nilee: http://superuser.com/questions/578934/tgetent-not-found-while-compiling-vim04:46
Fervicus_I was reading that and someone mentioned to add some ppa. I know how to add a ppa, but which one should I add exactly?04:46
dubonegood evening04:46
wilee-nileeFervicus_, This channel works on you stating your problem, that is where it should start.04:47
dubonecan someone help me figure out chroot'04:48
Fervicus_Well in this case my problem was knowing which ppa to add from that list and how to do it.04:48
Fervicus_My original problem was finding a way to grab the latest vim04:48
dr_willisi think there should be a ppa for the latest vim.04:48
dubonewhoops ... can someone help me figure out chroot'd sftp? I am able to login with my new user but not able to upload files nor view mount -bind directories.04:49
dr_willisOr to install all pacakges needed to compile vim you can use the 'sudo apt-get build-deps vim' command (if vim is the package name)04:49
wilee-nileedubone, does the new user have admin access?04:49
dubonewilee-nilee>no, they are a standard user and in a group named sftpusers04:50
dubonewilee-nilee>I am in the admin group and can access the entire directory structure04:50
wilee-nileedubone, I'm not familiar with that however a chroot needs a root access.04:50
Fervicus_dr_willis: do you know which ppa I should use? I want the latest gvim04:51
pandaroot-gamadr_willis, after random time04:51
dubonewilee-nilee>the users home dir is owned by root and then I created /home/user/home/user to give the appearance of a standard ~ structure04:51
wilee-nileedubone, beyond me really helping sorry.04:52
dubonewilee-nilee>thank you ;)04:52
duboneHas anyone here done SFTP with OpenSSH? I guess I could try with VSFTPD like the ubuntu docs recommend. I figured if OpenSSH had it built in there was no reason to add another layer of "muck" to get the job done.04:54
Ari-Yanglets say I run uname -r && lspci | grep VGA in terminal... how do I get it to print the output on one line instead of 2 separate output lines?04:55
chaz68dubone:  I installed SSH on my Raspberry Pi running debian.  SFTP with Filezilla worked right out of the box....04:56
chaz68Once you have SSH, I think SFTP pretty much just works as it just uses your SSH key.  Someone more technical may be able to describe more.04:56
chaz68I found if I could ssh into a box, I could SFTP.04:57
dubonechaz68>SFTP works great with the basic install. I need to chroot a guest user. With the basic config the user can move around the file system at will.04:57
reisioAri-Yang: | tr '\n' ' '04:58
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Ari-Yangreisio, huh? how would the command look like?04:59
EjemyI got a wd passport external hard drive 1T and I'm not sure how to boot ubuntu from the external hard drive on my windows 8.04:59
Ari-Yangreisio, like that?: uname -r && lspci | tr '\n' ' ' grep VGA04:59
reisioAri-Yang: uname -a && lspci | grep VGA | tr '\n' ' '04:59
Ari-Yangreisio, still separate lines05:01
dr_willisEjemy:  you just tell the bios to boot the external deviuce, same as if it was a flash drive05:02
reisioAri-Yang: it's wrapping in your terminal05:02
PrideAndSorrowwilee-nilee: i ran boot-repair ,here is the report   http://paste.ubuntu.com/6151697/05:03
EjemyI'm on an ASUS and on my lenovo it was pretty straightforward but now with windows 8 I can't find how to change my bios priorities. There's something with a legacy boot and everything05:04
chaz68dubone:  If it's beyond administrative access and you're giving access to standard users / guests, I may suggest a more robust setup using FTP with Explicit Security.  Lots of guides on the net for that.05:05
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dubonechaz68: thank you05:05
reisioEjemy: probably UEFI05:06
chaz68I have a setup at work (Windows shop) that uses CrushFTP.  They have built-in implicit, explicit, and SFTP capabilities.  Pretty slick if you're lazy and if you don't want to edit a whole bunch of config files and install big load of keys and stuff.05:06
EjemyYeah, this is the first I'm hearing of UEFI and I'm not sure what I'm doing when messing around with that.05:07
irssi-mikeEjemy: my asus after i change the priority requires me to hold esc at bios to choose the device i want regardless of order05:07
chaz68CrushFTP works with linux, mac, windows and is pretty cheap.  But it does require Java.05:07
wilee-nileePrideAndSorrow, neither mint nor arch or a pirated windows are supported here.05:07
irssi-mikeEjemy: tap esc rather05:08
ImQ009Is there a way to pause updating? :P05:08
reisioImQ009: why05:08
ImQ009Because I'm gonna have to go and shut down the lappy05:08
reisioImQ009: shut down or suspend?05:09
irssi-mikeEjemy: before it boots i mean05:09
xanguaImQ009: you don't wanna do that05:09
ImQ009xangua, I have to :P That is the whole point05:09
EjemyI can try that. This will be the 12th time I'm restarting my laptop.....  haha05:09
ImQ009I'm gonna need to take the laptop with me, because I'm gonna need it05:09
reisioImQ009: why not just close the lid05:09
ImQ009Because I don't know how long it's gonna take and how much of the battery it will drain05:10
reisioseem like things you'd want to know when owning a laptop :p05:10
reisioyou can probably suspend the process05:11
ImQ009The update process is already taking 40 minutes05:11
ImQ009And it's about 60% done05:11
reisiojust hibernating the device (suspend to disk) would probably be fine, though, but don't quote me on that05:11
irssi-mikeEjemy: I hear ya, asus has some hidden options. I bought mine used and apparently i can recover by tapping f9 but that's not on the splash screen anywhere05:11
ImQ009How do you susped to disk though?05:12
ilcondor20win vista05:12
reisioyou would have to have known the answer to that question ahead of time :)05:12
reisioif you have ever suspended your laptop / put it to sleep05:12
reisioand the disks stopped spinning05:12
reisiothat probably is enough05:12
ilcondor20cerco win vista05:12
Ejemyirssi-mike: well I'm trying to install ubuntu on my harddrive currently through wubi (I think) and I'll see how that turns out.05:13
ImQ009reisio, I run Ubuntu from an USB, I have no HDD :D05:13
reisioImQ009: you got your install media?05:13
ImQ009It's pretty freaking slow05:13
ImQ009install media? You mean the thing I installed the OS from?05:13
ImQ009Yes, I have it05:14
reisiothen even if turning off the box breaks something, you can fix it05:14
ImQ009Shit. I pressed something and HexChat made a new window05:14
ImQ009I hate that because I don't know what I pressed05:14
irssi-mikeEjemy: wubi shouldnt require you to change boot priority i don't think05:14
reisioImQ009: ctrl+i05:14
ImQ009Oh, thanks05:15
reisioeveryone hates that05:15
ImQ009I don't know how suspend to disk is gonna work though :D It's quite a slow pendrive05:16
* reisio shrugs05:16
wilee-nileeEjemy, There is excellent help on the ubuntu forums with uefi ans ubuntu install, I would do a internal install, a wubi on a external is well not the best idea.05:18
mydog2hey.. morn..05:21
mydog2i've got two systems.. and i ping a site.. and get different target urls..05:21
mydog2anyone have a sec to help debug this?05:21
mydog2both systems are using the same (i think) external ip address..05:22
mydog2although, the systems are wire/wireless...05:22
irssi-mikethe router clones the mac of the wired machine?05:28
irssi-mikei'm not saying it matters but i'd try that first05:28
Samuelanybody here wanna chat with me...i am new here i need someone to enlight me please05:37
cfhowlett!OT|Samuel, step one: this is a support channel not general chitchat/social05:38
ubottuSamuel, step one: this is a support channel not general chitchat/social: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:38
dannyI installed Wine, which i guess installed ttfmstcorefonts or whatever that is, which installs Arial and the other basic web fonts, but i'm noticing Arial is vertically smushed compared to other operating systems.05:39
dannyI confirmed that this is Firefox and Chrome.05:39
dannyAny ideas?05:39
cfhowlettdanny, wine doesn't install fonts ...05:40
dannyi must have installed the microsoft fonts myself cfhowlett05:40
ampysphrGuys whats the easiest way to install Kdesktop on 12.0405:40
cfhowlettdanny, indeed05:40
cfhowlettampysphr, sudo apt-get install kdxe05:40
dannyany ideas as to why arial is "vertically smushed". i dont know how else to phrase that cfhowlett05:41
ampysphrcfhowlett: seriously thats it ... awesome thanks05:41
cfhowlettdanny, in firefox preferences: content: advanced :   monospaced     effects the display of fonts05:41
dannyi use chrome cfhowlett05:41
cfhowlettdanny similar settting in chrome somewhere05:42
kostkonwine has msttcorefonts are a dep i think05:42
cfhowlettkostkon, you might be right!05:42
dannycfhowlett, im not sure which one it is http://ubuntuone.com/4tfqwHR3i99rIZW8KhnaBD05:47
cfhowlettdanny, ask on the chrome support site.  I use FF.05:49
Samuelsomeone please teach me how to get ssh so that i scan smtps05:52
dannyso you're saying changing the monospace font to the one os x and windows uses will display arial the way i want it to in Firefox, cfhowlett ?05:52
cfhowlettdanny, try it and see.  where ever the setting is, it's definitely font display related.  could be a system setting, but seems more likely that it's a browser specific setting05:53
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chullmy ubuntu desktop ( Ubuntu 12:04) is trying to identify my monitor as a LAPTOP, how do i tell it the truth?05:55
uronuHello guys, I got so many TCP_MISS 200 on my squid access log. What is the solution to avoid this? -thanks05:56
uronuHello guys, I got so many TCP_MISS 200 on my squid access log. What is the solution to avoid this? -thanks05:58
Samuelsomeone please teach me how to get ssh so that i can upload and download files very faster06:00
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)06:00
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)06:01
dannychanging the monospace font to courier definitely didnt work cfhowlett06:03
Samuelhello cfhowlet please can you teach me how to scan for ssh06:03
Samuel please can anyone teach me how to scan for ssh06:04
wyldeSamuel: you're making it sound like you want to do something that is NOT supported here. Explain please.06:05
Samueloh...am sorry06:05
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Samuelwhat i mean is how can get ssh for uploading and download06:06
Samueli mean free ssh06:07
wyldeSamuel: did you read any of the links from the !ssh factoid?06:07
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wyldeSamuel: Then I'd suggest you start there06:07
chullmy ubuntu desktop ( Ubuntu 12:04) is trying to identify my monitor as a LAPTOP, how do i tell it the truth? seriously, please? i just brought it home from another place, now  it thinks it's a laptop?06:08
wyldeSamuel: following the links and reading.06:08
reisiochull: what's the problem?06:08
cfhowlett!ssh|Samuel, sent you the link.  do the reading.06:08
ubottuSamuel, sent you the link.  do the reading.: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)06:08
chullreisio, pretty much what i said, we click 'identify' but it says 'laptop'06:09
reisiochull: what does it matter?06:09
chullreisio, i don't know, it never did that before, it's an almost new acer lcd?06:10
reisiochull: if there isn't a problem, there isn't a problem06:11
chullreisio, the resolution is incorrect, not high enougih06:11
reisiochull: what does 'xrandr' in a terminal say?06:11
reisiochull: is the * symbol next to the top-most item?06:11
PrideAndSorrowi ran boot-repair,here is the report    http://paste.ubuntu.com/6151697/06:13
Samueli have putty on my system...but i dont know how to get ssh account to logon on it...anyone please elight me on how to geh ssh06:13
reisioSamuel: you want to ssh from your system or to it?06:14
chullreisio, http://pastebin.com/V3BxV59Y06:15
Samueli want to ssh to it06:15
reisioSamuel: use name of your user06:15
reisiochull: 1280x1024 isn't large enough?06:16
Samuelname of my user?06:16
chullreisio, it needs more (husband can't recall what)06:16
Rory!ssh | did you read this?06:19
ubottudid you read this?: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)06:19
Samueli have putty on my system...but i dont know how to get ssh account to logon on it...anyone please elight me on how to geh ssh so that i can login to upload and download anyfiles faster06:19
wyldeSamuel: I think you have seriously misunderstood what ssh is and what it's used for. Have a read ---> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH06:19
cfhowlettSamuel, ssh has nothing to do with upload/download speed06:19
linuxuz3ri installed kde but when i click on the start kde menu it does not seem to activate it06:20
linuxuz3rplus it seems like kde runs slow06:20
linuxuz3ri have a mac book pro can someone help06:20
cfhowlettlinuxuz3r, logout.  click the gear icon and choose KDE as desktop environment.  login06:20
linuxuz3rcfhowlett, i have to hard boot to restart ubuntu06:21
linuxuz3rwhen i log in i can click and run the kickoff launcher06:22
cfhowlettlinuxuz3r, LOGOUT not restart06:22
linuxuz3rbut nothing else06:22
linuxuz3rit does it again06:22
cfhowlettlinuxuz3r, BEFORE  you login, choose the other desktop environment.  You06:23
cfhowlettlinuxuz3r, you're running what version of ubuntu?  13.04?06:23
linuxuz3ri chose gnome its running perfectly06:23
linuxuz3ri have 12.0406:23
cfhowlettlinuxuz3r, if gnome runs well, live with it.06:24
SeltoxI'm trying to make a custom LiveCD using Ubuntu Mini Remix, but I can't seem to get Gnome working with it.  Which packages do I need to install on it for a minimal Gnome desktop?06:28
linuxuz3rhow do i reconfigure kernel06:30
linuxuz3rand the ubuntu boot logo06:30
chalcedonychull, he's not here06:32
wylde!plymouth | linuxuz3r06:33
ubottulinuxuz3r: Plymouth is an application that runs very early in the boot process (even before the root filesystem is mounted!) that provides a graphical boot animation while the boot process happens in the background. To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »06:33
chalcedony[02:16:35] * reisio has quit (Remote host closed the connection)06:33
chalcedonyhmm so how do we get the ubuntu 12.04 to see the correct monitor?06:34
aeon-ltdchalcedony: only have one monitor?06:36
chalcedonyaeon-ltd, yes06:36
chalcedonyaeon-ltd, it thinks it's a laptop - its a nearly new Acer desktop monitor06:37
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greenut1hey i need help to change brightness on my iMac.... its 100%!06:59
greenut1i cant change it.06:59
linuxuz3rme too im on kde06:59
greenut1hey i need help to change brightness on my iMac.... its 100%! I cant change it. I clicked on my keyboard to change.... it does show up brightness thing on edge of my screen but it doesnt alter brightness itself... just stay 100%. How to do change it correctly?07:00
greenut1advise me pls07:01
greenut1yes ubuntu last version07:01
Wiz_KeeDgood morning fellas07:01
kristalHow do I configure Qt font rendering? GTK things looks fine but Qt fonts are fuzzy07:01
aeon-ltd greenut1 have you tried holding fn then using the f keys?07:01
greenut1hmm ok will try now07:01
Mocquetry sudo apt-get update first07:01
me-1hi...can you please provide me torrent link from where I can download latest LTS version07:02
aeon-ltdwrong f?07:02
aeon-ltdme-1: it's on the site07:03
MocqueIf that wont help you try use this in terminal07:03
Mocquesudo setpci -s 00:02.0 F4.B=xx07:03
Mocquewhere xx = brightness level07:03
Mocquefrom 00 to 10007:03
Mocqueeg : sudo setpci -s 00:02.0 F4.B=6007:03
greenut1i did... its already updated.07:03
aeon-ltdme-1: find the one you want http://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads07:03
Calinougreenut1: ls /sys/class/backlight07:03
Calinoutells me what appears07:04
me-1aeon-ltd,  thank you07:04
greenut1which one lol07:04
greenut1mocque or Calinou? heh07:04
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub207:05
Mocquechoose any lol07:05
Mocquetry both07:05
Calinousetpci is last resort I guess07:05
greenut1haha okay very funny :)07:05
MocqueCoz i had the same problem before, and I overcome with that code07:05
Calinoudid backlight control work already, greenut107:05
greenut1ok lol will try Calinou method first07:06
linuxuz3rhow do i reconfigure grub07:06
wilee-nileelinuxuz3r, what is the end goal with grub?07:06
Calinouit won't work, greenut107:06
greenut1Calinou: it says ale@ale-iMac:~$ ls /sys/class/backlight07:06
Calinouit only tells me which backlights are available07:06
Calinouoh ok then07:06
Calinoutry this: echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness07:07
aeon-ltdCalinou: wouldn't the value 0 be off?07:07
greenut1Calinou: i did... it said nothing07:07
varunendraCalinou, 0 is not necessarily the correct value for all cards as far as I know07:08
Calinouno, not off07:08
Calinoubut it's just quite lowered07:08
Calinou(usually to a decent value :P)07:08
greenut1it didnt change anything07:08
aeon-ltdahh yeah iirc imacs don't have an off brightness settings, only macbooks07:09
greenut1its on 100%... even it shows up that its increasing or decreasing brightness but i see on my screen very bright like at 100% like before07:09
greenut1oh seriously? it sucks man07:09
greenut1poor my eyes... lol07:09
Calinouthey do have brightness settings07:10
aeon-ltdyou just can't have it off07:10
varunendragreenut1, what does this tell you - "cat /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/max_brightness"07:10
aeon-ltdas in no power going to leds07:10
greenut1ok but how to decrease brightness at least?07:10
greenut1ok hd on varunendra07:10
Wiz_KeeDwhat dos sudo apt-get update first do?07:10
greenut1i did....07:11
Calinouit updates repository lists07:11
greenut1says nothing.07:11
Calinouit should say something... just a number07:11
Calinouaeon-ltd: on any screen, you can't07:11
greenut1varunendra: nothing.07:11
Calinoubut 0 should be pretty low07:11
varunendragreenut1, and this - "ls /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/" ?07:11
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)07:12
greenut1actual_brightness  brightness  max_brightness  subsystem  uevent07:12
greenut1bl_power           device      power           type07:12
greenut1varunendra: it said that07:12
varunendragreenut1, then probably you (or I) did some mistake in the previous command07:13
greenut1oh? ok, what previous command do you refer?07:13
varunendragreenut1, once more please - "ls /sys/class/backlight"07:14
varunendragreenut1, is there only one object in the output?07:14
varunendraacpi_video0 ?07:14
greenut1said that07:14
varunendragreenut1, the max_brightness file not having any value and no other videos indicate a possible acpi issue. Hold on, or try the other suggestion that was offered previously07:16
greenut1when i execute this "cat /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/max_brightness" it says nothing.07:16
varunendragreenut1, try another one - "cat /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/actual_brightness" - does it return anything?07:17
greenut1ok hd on07:18
greenut1it said 107:19
greenut1sorry and when i run this: cat /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/max_brightness it said 1507:20
greenut1but on my screen it stick on 100%07:20
greenut1very bright like before07:20
greenut1it doesnt change anything07:20
greenut1when i use mocque method sudo setpci -s 00:02.0 F4.B=60 it says " setpci: Warning: No devices selected for "F4.B=60".07:23
varunendragreenut1, try Calinou's suggestion, with a slightly different value - "echo 8 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness" - any change ?07:23
greenut1it said 807:24
Calinouall the PCs I had used brightness values 0-1007:24
Calinou10 being default07:24
Calinouso I'm used to using 007:24
greenut1hmm will try 0 then07:24
greenut1same thing07:24
greenut1nothing happenned07:24
varunendragreenut1, your is not within 0-10 range, as you saw - max_brightness is 15, not 1007:25
bindiso, my system disk got filled, removed some files, and modified iptables rules (just changed a port, its a working config) but sudo /etc/init.d/iptables-persistent reload doesnt work "[fail]", tried rebooting the system,07:25
greenut1will throw this iMac lol07:26
bindibut same problem. any ideas? it seems that iptables isnt doing any work at all, every port seems to be open07:26
greenut1maybe i shuld change monitor drivers?07:26
pandaroot-gamai am creating an customized ubuntu live cd, following the guide creating ubuntu live cd from scratch.07:26
Calinougreenut1: lspci | grep VGA07:27
Calinoutells your graphics card07:27
greenut101:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Whistler [Radeon HD 6600M/6700M/7600M Series]07:27
greenut1that what said there07:27
pandaroot-gamai want to customize ubuntu server, can i create the customized server using that guide ?07:27
=== RDash[AW] is now known as RDash
greenut1i forgot where can look up at my graphics drivers07:29
greenut1and it has options to select graphics07:29
varunendragreenut1, what does this say - grep "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=" /etc/default/grub07:30
bombevI was wondering07:30
bombevHow can I protect given folder with password under ubuntu 1207:30
greenut1ok brb07:31
greenut1it says GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=""07:31
aeon-ltdbombev: truecrypt?07:31
greenut1varunendra: it says GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=""07:31
varunendragreenut1, are you on default Ubuntu? What version?07:32
greenut1latest i think its 13....07:32
bombevaeon-ltd how truecrypt works07:32
greenut1let me check brb07:32
Calinoulatest is 13.0407:32
Calinou13.10 will be released in end of october07:32
Calinougreenut1: lsb_release07:32
greenut1right that one 13.0407:32
greenut1oh ok07:32
Calinouerr, that doesn't work for me07:33
greenut1it doesntw ork:  lsb_release07:33
varunendragreenut1, please install a utility first, we'll need it - "sudo apt-get install gksu"07:33
greenut1No LSB modules are available.07:33
varunendraCalinou, the correct command is lsb_release -a07:33
greenut1it already had07:34
varunendraor just "lsb_release -d"07:34
varunendragreenut1, gksu?07:34
greenut1i had gksu07:34
Calinouvarunendra: thanks :)07:34
greenut1btw i checked its 13.0407:35
pandaroot-gamawhat is the difference between ubuntu server 12.04 and desktop edition ?07:35
Calinouserver does not have GUI07:35
varunendragreenut1, then let's do some experiments with boot parameters. Open your grub file - "gksu gedit /etc/default/grub"07:35
greenut1doing gksu it said Reading state information... Done07:36
greenut1gksu is already the newest version.07:36
greenut10 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.07:36
FloodBot1greenut1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:36
varunendragreenut1, open the file with gksu ^^07:36
Dr_FeelgudHi all, any good ubuntu software for downloading youtube?07:36
greenut1it opened gedit07:37
varunendragreenut1, with a file with some text in it?07:37
cathodehi there07:37
cfhowlettDr_Feelgud, there are several firefox add-ons that will do that07:37
greenut1i can post pastebin for u07:37
varunendragreenut1, find the line that says - "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=" "07:37
smw94Dr_Feelgud, youtube-dl07:38
greenut1yes i found, varunendra.07:38
varunendragreenut1, change it to - GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="acpi_backlight=vendor"07:38
cathodehave a bit of a quandry here... i am deploying two virtual machines that will be accessed by fairly old HP thin clients in my house. The thin clients ONLY support RDP as a connection protocol... the VMs are running ubuntu 12.04 LTS and i installed xrdp which works fine except that xrdp doesn't support sound output07:38
Dr_Feelgudcfhowlett, smw94: thanks, i have that already, i need something like miro07:39
cathodewhat other options are there for making a linux box act as a RDP server?07:39
varunendragreenut1, don't forget the double quotes around "acpi_backlight=vendor"07:39
greenut1fyi there is two lines: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"07:39
greenut1im changing that as u said hd on....07:39
Dr_Feelgudbut miro is not good with flash07:39
varunendragreenut1, only the one that is blank at present - GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=""07:39
greenut1changed. should i save it?07:40
varunendragreenut1, please show us the current line so we can be sure it is correct07:40
aeon-ltdbombev: it lets you create a file which is an encrpyted container for storing files07:40
greenut1copied it from there07:41
varunendragreenut1, ok, save and close it07:41
pandaroot-gamawhat is the difference between ubuntu server 12.04 and desktop edition ?07:41
greenut1saved, closed it. brb07:41
varunendragreenut1, now do - "sudo update-grub"07:41
smw94Dr_Feelgud, i think youtube-dl is good enough for me07:41
cfhowlettpandaroot-gama, desktop is for normal, everyday users.  server is for backend server deployment07:41
ubottupandaroot-gama,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server07:42
greenut1varunendra: it said /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig: 12: /etc/default/grub: ok,: not found07:42
greenut1after " sudo update-grub"07:42
Dr_Feelgudsmw94: does youtube-dl has a good features? like rss channels?07:43
greenut1fyi remember i have OS X and this Ubuntu dual boot.07:43
greenut1and reefind instaled as bootloader07:43
pandaroot-gamacfhowlett, i want to create customized ubuntu server disk, i am using this guide->https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch07:43
cfhowlettpandaroot-gama, can't help with --- no experience to draw from.07:43
pandaroot-gamabut how can i create ubuntu server disk as there is nothing mention that following will help in creating desktop or server disk ?07:44
varunendragreenut1, is it directly booting Ubuntu or have you installed grub on Ubuntu's partition?07:44
cfhowlettpandaroot-gama, do you actually need  a server?07:44
me-1hi...does Ubuntu 12.04.3 supports dula booting using wubi...?07:44
pandaroot-gamacfhowlett, i have a server but i need to customized it from scratch.07:44
smw94Dr_Feelgud, no it doesnt, i dont use rss much07:45
ubottupandaroot-gama,: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD07:45
greenut1hmmm i installed first reefind, then i did install ubuntu along side with OS X07:45
cfhowlettpandaroot-gama, mini might be worth a look then07:45
greenut1then when i restarted it did boot on reefind... with both OS07:45
greenut1OS X and Ubuntu07:45
pandaroot-gamacfhowlett, that can be helpful.07:45
Dr_Feelgudsmw94: thanks07:45
varunendragreenut1, do you get grub menu at any stage? If not you'll need to find a way to add the above "acpi_backlight=vendor" line in the kernel boot line.07:45
pandaroot-gamacfhowlett, for desktop the name of the installer is ubiquity what's the name of the installer for server installations ?07:46
greenut1oh yes it shows up grub menu07:46
pandaroot-gamai just know that it's debian based.07:46
greenut1then i click Ubuntu... to boot after reefind07:46
prp-eHi guys. When Ubuntu 13.10 Beta1 is released ?!07:46
me-1Does Ubuntu12.4.3 has Wubi dual-boot option07:46
cfhowlett!ubuntu_server|pandaroot-gama, as you're doing server things ... best to ask in the #ubuntu-server channel07:46
greenut1hmmmm i see07:47
pandaroot-gamamay be d-i.07:47
greenut1varunendra, i see what u mean.07:47
pandaroot-gamacfhowlett, ok07:47
cfhowlettme-1, next month07:47
me-1cfhowlett,  Please explain07:47
cfhowlettme-1, you can download wubi separately ... if you must.  bear in mind that wubi is for TESTING not for long-term installation07:47
smw94me-1, why use wubi instead of live booting ?07:48
cfhowlettme-1, when is 13.10 out?  In 2013 (13) Octobe (10)07:48
greenut1vanunendra: looks like i messed up it, right?07:48
greenut1should i have used refit instead?07:48
varunendragreenut1, it should be fine. What does this show - "cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | grep acpi_backlight"07:49
pandaroot-gamacfhowlett, thanks for the help07:49
cfhowlettpandaroot-gama, best of luck07:49
greenut1vanunendra: it said nothing there.07:49
pandaroot-gamacfhowlett, thank you sir :)07:49
me-1cfhowlett,  A friend of mine is very innterested in Ubuntu and asking to install it on his windows 7 laptop but I am not sure he would like it so I want to dual-boot so he can remove if he does not like07:50
varunendragreenut1, and "cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg" - does it return anything? Or is the entire file is missing?07:50
cfhowlettme-1, better option: install virtualbox in windows.  put ubuntu inside a virtualbox.07:50
ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.07:51
me-1I have 2 options Virtualbox or wubi . but virtualbox will give false impression of being ubuntu slow07:51
greenut1oh yes it said many things fulfillling that screen07:51
aeon-ltdme-1: wubi is not much better with it's fake filesystem07:52
greenut1varunendra: yes, said many things on the screen.07:52
cfhowlettme-1, and wubi is way more trouble than it's worth ... but if he's got at least 4 gigs of ram, he shouldn't notice it.  that said, try lubuntu or xubuntu in virtualbox.  both are lightweight alternatives to ubuntu07:52
babinlonstonHow can i access my PC from remote Via VNC , Im Using Ubuntu 13.0407:52
ubottubabinlonston,: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.07:53
aeon-ltdbabinlonston: with a vnc client?07:53
babinlonstonI want to access my PC Graphically from remote07:54
me-1cfhowlett, He has got 2GB of ram , I will grant 1 GB to Ubuntu in virtual box and if he likes it I will do a clean install of ubuntu07:54
varunendragreenut1, did you copy-paste this - "cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | grep acpi_backlight" - without the last quote mark ?07:54
cfhowlettme-1, 2 gigs is low.  I'd suggest l/x/ubuntu instead07:54
greenut1varunendra: yes i did. it showed many lines... a long line.07:55
babinlonstonMy Home is Far From were im working , Now MY PC is On there in home but how can i  connect to my PC ?07:55
me-1cfhowlett,  well they are not as good-looking07:55
=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey
greenut1oh with that last you asked it didnt show nothing.07:55
aeon-ltdme-1: it can be07:56
greenut1varunendra: oh with that last you asked it didnt show nothing.07:56
varunendragreenut1, what does this say - cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | grep quiet07:56
aeon-ltdbabinlonston: if it is running a vnc server, then get a client and log in07:56
babinlonstonaeon-ltd: but my IP is not an Static IP :)07:56
greenut1it said: linux/boot/vmlinuz-3.8.0-30-generic root=UUID=b59bd4b4-5a17-41cd-9120-79a740392a1c ro   quiet splash $vt_handoff07:57
greenut1linux/boot/vmlinuz-3.8.0-30-generic root=UUID=b59bd4b4-5a17-41cd-9120-79a740392a1c ro   quiet splash $vt_handoff07:57
greenut1linux/boot/vmlinuz-3.8.0-19-generic root=UUID=b59bd4b4-5a17-41cd-9120-79a740392a1c ro   quiet splash $vt_handoff07:57
me-1thats why I was saying wubi was good to have a look07:57
aeon-ltdbabinlonston: then you'll need to find it out everytime you want to connect07:57
pandaroot-gamacfhowlett, the only difference between ubuntu 12.04 server and desktop is the kernel right ? the packages are same for both versions ?07:57
greenut1varunendra: said linux/boot/vmlinuz-3.8.0-30-generic root=UUID=b59bd4b4-5a17-41cd-9120-79a740392a1c ro   quiet splash $vt_handoff07:57
greenut1linux/boot/vmlinuz-3.8.0-30-generic root=UUID=b59bd4b4-5a17-41cd-9120-79a740392a1c ro   quiet splash $vt_handoff07:57
greenut1linux/boot/vmlinuz-3.8.0-19-generic root=UUID=b59bd4b4-5a17-41cd-9120-79a740392a1c ro   quiet splash $vt_handoff07:57
varunendragreenut1, got it :)07:58
greenut1oh lol :)07:58
cfhowlettpandaroot-gama, no no and no.  server will install only what you tell it.  if you don't specify, say, office apps .. no office apps.07:58
varunendragreenut1, if you get the grub menu, you can try to manually edit the boot line at boot time by pressing "E" --> add the parameter --> Ctrl-X to boot07:59
dr_willisi thought the server and desktop use the same kernel these days also. ;)  but i rarely mess with server07:59
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greenut1varunendra: how to get the grub menu?07:59
Calinouthere are some patches for battery optimization on desktop08:00
varunendragreenut1, you said you see grub menu at booting time?08:00
greenut1ohhh yes08:00
greenut1varunendra: right on, but to edit it... hmmm will try.08:00
jacobtappIs there a special channel for help or is this it?08:01
Myrttithis is it08:01
cfhowlettjacobtapp, this is it.08:01
greenut1varunendra: u mean after reefind bootloader, right?08:01
greenut1then get that grub menu..?08:01
greenut1that shows the following line: Ubuntu, Something else with 3 lines which i dont recall. wow Im getting old!!! lol08:02
jacobtappSo, I installed 13.04 and 13.10 just fine but heard 12.04 had better nvidia driver support since it was LTS. Only problem is that after it installs in normal GUI it boots to a black screen with the drum sound08:02
Calinouno, it does not, jacobtapp08:02
Calinou13.04 has newer drivers08:03
Axylusis there a good reason why the Ubuntu installer creates the swap partition as a logical partition?08:03
Calinouwhat's your graphics card, jacobtapp?08:03
cfhowlettjacobtapp, and 13.10 is still in beta ...08:03
jnhghyI'd like to remove the closing button for a specific aplication only (the x from top bar) for rdesktop, first of all I'd like to know if this is possible, if it is...some search query for google that will give me this type of info will defenetly help.08:03
jacobtappGTX 780m08:03
varunendragreenut1, we can try directly editing the grub.cfg file, but adding that parameter temporarily at boot time would be safer (for testing)08:03
Calinoujacobtapp: don't install the driver normally for optimus08:03
Calinouyou have to use bumblebee08:03
varunendragreenut1, basically, you have to add "acpi_backlight=vendor" (without quotes) before "quiet splash" in the line that starts with "linux /boot....." and ends with "quiet splash"08:04
aeon-ltdAxylus: so it doesn't use up the limit of primaries?08:04
jacobtappWell it won't even boot08:04
aeon-ltdAxylus: honestly i have no real idea08:05
jacobtappOr X doesnt startup out of the box08:05
greenut1varunendra: i was looking at Software & Updates....  there is a options to change it.... Using Z.Org X server.... or Using Video driver for the AMD graphics accelerators ...Using Video driver for the AMD graphics accelerators from fglrx-updates.... if i change those options will it help?08:05
pandaroot-gamacfhowlett, yeah i understood that, what i meant was in apt/source.list the repos are same in server as well as desktop edition ? so the only main difference would be the tweaked kernel of the server edition.08:05
Axylusaeon-ltd, hmm… I'm not  sure either. I was just curious :)08:05
Calinouit's X.org not Z.org08:05
greenut1varunendra: ok, will do it.08:06
cfhowlettpandaroot-gama, repos are the same08:06
Calinouvarunendra: don't edit grub.cfg08:06
greenut1Calinou: I'm getting old... remember. lol08:06
pandaroot-gamacfhowlett, so that means only the kernel is different.08:06
cfhowlettpandaroot-gama, that's my understanding.08:06
greenut1was trying to type fast because the pace here is crazy.08:06
pandaroot-gamacfhowlett, ok, than let me research more into it.08:07
jacobtappAny other suggestions?08:07
Calinoujacobtapp: reinstall ubuntu, don't install the nvidia driver normally, use bumblebee08:07
Calinoualternatively: go to the BIOS, disable the IGP08:07
jacobtappCalinou: it didnt start up without nvidia installed08:07
Calinou(can reduce battery life)08:07
greenut1Ok, will do it, Varunendra. Will contact you when i back, maybe tomorrow? will you be around?08:08
Calinouwell you should try disabling the IGP in the BIOS if possible08:08
jacobtappnot an option08:08
Calinoubumblebee will be better for your battery life, but performance will be quite lower than directly using the card08:08
jacobtappI understand that but I cant even get 12.04 to boot with or without nvidia. 13.04 worked fine out of the box08:09
Calinouthen use 13.0408:10
jacobtappBut 13.04 doesnt offer as much support for nvidia drivers. I dont even see 319 on apt-get08:10
greenut1varunendra: my wife is mad at me... i need to go. will contact with you tmrw if you're around.08:11
greenut1varunendra, thank you for trying to help me.08:12
greenut1Calinou: thank you too.08:12
Calinoujacobtapp: you can use PPAs08:12
DarkLordsry friends.08:13
Calinouit's ok08:13
jacobtappCalinou: what does that mean?08:14
CalinouPersonal Package Archives08:15
Calinoubasically, it adds more installable packages, but these are unsupported08:15
jacobtappThis is why people dont use linux lol08:15
jnhghyis there a way to change the button layout for a specifc app in gnome 3?08:15
jacobtappIve been trying to get simple stuff to work for 6 hours now08:15
pandaroot-gamacfhowlett, prob solved :D08:16
cfhowlettpandaroot-gama, yeah?  Congrats!08:16
Calinoujacobtapp: they do08:16
Calinouyou're doing things wrong, that's all :P08:16
linuxuz3rlater guys08:16
pandaroot-gamacfhowlett, thanks :)08:16
jacobtappIm following guides08:16
Calinouit's not hard to install a PPA and install a more updated driver08:16
Calinouhowever don't install the driver by hand. it breaks everything08:16
jacobtappThat didnt come up once in my googl searches08:17
jacobtappAlso, is this because im on 64 bit. I remember that use to be a big pain08:17
Calinouit isn't anymore :P08:18
jacobtappAnyway is there a way to upgrade to 13.04 from 12.04 in command line08:18
survietamineon a 10.04 LTS, I cannot understand how to restart nfs/nis services correctly on a server08:18
CalinouI'd advise reinstalling :P08:19
survietamineon previous versions with only systemV, it was easy with nfs-common and nis in /etc/init.d/08:19
jonascjjacobtapp: besides Calinou's advice: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:19
alex_dolbyhi all.. i have an apt-mirror repo configured with system side packages08:19
cfhowlettjacobtapp, sudo apt-get dist-release to 12.10 then again to 13.04    clean install is recommended instead08:19
Calinouthat works, yeah08:19
alex_dolbyhow will i create a new repo branch to put my customized debs in it08:19
jacobtappwell i dont have access to a computer besides this one with command line or w/e its called08:20
alex_dolbyi know how to do in yum repo .. but i am new to apt mirror stuff08:20
alex_dolbyany apt-repo experts08:21
alex_dolbyor is there anyother channel/ room to ask apt relatd query08:22
bazhanghow many packages alex_dolby08:23
alex_dolbybazhang: i have tow set of packages.. one is a bunch of customized openstack packages08:24
alex_dolbyand another a bunch of dependencies to them08:24
bazhangalex_dolby, and the total number is...08:24
alex_dolbyso i want to add two branch in my existing apt-mirror server08:24
alex_dolby89 = Openstack debs08:24
InFlamesanyone had luck getting netflix to recognize pipelight?08:24
survietamineon NFSv3, I've got this  kernel: [ 2595.765627] statd: server rpc.statd not responding, ti08:25
bazhangalex_dolby, create several PPA and split them up I suppose08:25
survietaminedoes anyone has any hint for me, please ?08:25
alex_dolbyand 177 = dependency packages08:26
bazhangsurvietamine, what version of ubuntu, what are you trying to do exactly give us the very complete details08:26
InFlameswhen i try to connect to netflix with pipelight i get a drm error""N8156-6003", any ideas?08:27
penosno idea08:27
dr_willisInFlames:  might want to see if pipelight has a homepage/forums/irc channe;l08:27
penosgoogle maybe08:27
jacobtappwell dist-ugpgrade didnt work08:27
InFlamesit's pretty new, not sure it has anything yet08:28
jacobtappanyone have a good idea for how to download and burn the 13.04 .iso to a usb thumb drive via terminal08:28
survietaminebazhang: it's 10.04 LTS08:28
penosread wiki08:28
Ben64!behelpful | penos08:29
ubottupenos: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.08:29
aeon-ltdjacobtapp: iirc there is a method using dd to do this08:29
gordonjcpjacobtapp: download the iso, then use dd to stick it onto a USB drive08:29
gordonjcpjacobtapp: this works far better than all that unetbootin nonsense08:30
survietaminebazhang: this server provides nis/nfs service since years, but recently statd/lockd stopped responding, even after server reboot :/08:30
PLMghey, trying to install ubuntu server 10.04 from flash diskand I run into a bit of trouble08:31
Ben64PLMg: you really should be installing 12.04, 10.04 is ancient08:31
InFlamesPLMg, what kind of trouble08:31
PLMgI got this message Your installation CD-couldn't be mounted, so I am trying to follow this link http://www.mattkowalczyk.com/blog/?p=16908:32
varunendrajacobtapp, for downloading, torrents are recommended : http://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads08:32
survietaminebazhang: when I do `restart portmap` the pid is the same :/08:32
PLMgbut I have issues with this step: mount -t iso9660 -o loop /media/usb/ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64.iso08:32
gordonjcpPLMg: I'm not surprised08:32
gordonjcpPLMg: none of that makes sense08:32
Ben64it makes some sense, but installing 10.04 doesn't make sense08:33
gordonjcpPLMg: have you got a second USB stick, with the iso on it *as a file*?08:33
gordonjcpBen64: that's just one of the things that makes no sense08:33
penosu need mount point08:33
gordonjcpPLMg: why aren't you installing 12.04?08:33
PLMgI have only one usb stick atached08:33
PLMgmounted /dev/sdb108:33
PLMgsadly I need it for bigbluebutton that works only with 10.0408:34
nathanbzsudo apt-get install --reinstall mod-security08:34
nathanbzshouldn't that force reinstall mod-security ?08:34
nathanbzit's not remaking the /etc/modsecurity folder with files in it :/08:35
InFlamesPLMg, it claims that bigbluebutton has simply not been tested on later, it's possible it's stable...08:35
PLMgI did try it, failed a lot08:35
dr_williswhy are you mounting the iso image anyway?08:35
gordonjcpPLMg: what's bigbluebutton?08:35
PLMgYour installation CD-couldn't be mounted. This probably means that the CD-ROM was not in the drive. If so you can insert it and try again08:36
InFlamesgordonjcp, voip server looks like08:36
gordonjcpPLMg: and, are you okay with it only working until next month?08:36
PLMgif u refer to security issues its fine08:36
PLMgbbb is a voice conference server08:37
PLMgso you are saying that following the guide in the page I linked earlier is a bad idea?08:38
dr_willisbest idea may be to run it in a virtualbox vm on a supported  release.08:38
PLMgsadly that is not possible08:39
PLMgneed x64 arhitecture08:39
Ben64virtualbox does x64...08:39
wyldePLMg: you can run 64 bit VMs08:39
PLMghmm, now I fee lsilly08:39
PLMgbut anyway, this pc is a bit limited, so I would like to install ubuntu on a real machine08:39
InFlameswell at least that might make your life easier08:40
PLMgif I do ls /dev/sd* I get 5 drives08:41
PLMgin the pc there is only one hdd with 2 partitions08:41
PLMgI do not need the data from the hdd08:41
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)08:41
dr_willis'sudo blkid' may give better info PLMg08:42
PLMgok, now I know I need sdb108:42
PLMgbut doing mount -t iso9660 -o loop /media/usb/ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64.iso  should not work for me08:43
PLMglike stated it the guide08:43
dr_willisPLMg:  whats the exact command you are using?08:43
dr_willisif its the above.. you did a typo08:44
PLMgtrying to do this http://www.mattkowalczyk.com/blog/?p=16908:44
penosu need mount point08:44
dr_willisyou got no space.  after the  /media/usb      /path/to/the/iso08:44
penosin ur command08:44
=== jamestunnicliff_ is now known as jamestunnicliffe
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.08:44
dr_willisi still dont know why you are mounting the iso file08:45
PLMgit said so in the guide :)08:45
gordonjcpPLMg: the instructions on that page make no sense08:45
gordonjcpPLMg: just create a USB stick and install off that08:45
PLMgI am using a usb stick :(08:46
dr_willisthe pendrivelinux web site has dozens of guides and tools to make a bootable usb flash drive08:46
gordonjcpPLMg: then you haven't created it correctly08:46
gordonjcpPLMg: download the iso, dd it onto the stick and boot08:46
gordonjcpit can't be any simpler08:46
PLMgI used the one from ubuntu, using lili to make a bootable flash drive08:46
dr_willisif hes uising 10.x  can he use dd?08:46
PLMgand since it booted, it works :)08:47
PLMgsry, brb, bio08:48
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nurvxxis ubuntu nsa backdoored ?08:53
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PLMgback, so what would I need to do? mount -t iso9660 myimage.iso /mnt/cdrom -o loop   according to linuxquestions.org08:55
nurvxxis ubuntu nsa backdoored ?08:55
Ben64nurvxx: no08:55
dr_willisyou mount the iso to a folder PLMg  the folder must exist beforhand.08:55
ActionParsnipnurvxx: no, where did you read that?08:56
dr_willisPLMg:  that command looks correct to me... try it and sdee08:56
PLMgok, how do I determine myimage.iso08:56
nurvxxhttp://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1538770/pg2 it says here08:56
nurvxxit is08:56
dr_willisPLMg:  err  its the file name/path to your iso file08:56
ActionParsnipPLMg: sudo mkdir /mnt/cdrom08:57
dr_willisPLMg:  you dont understand  linux paths and file names?08:57
Ben64nurvxx: its not, and its offtopic here08:57
PLMgbasicly yes, but I am confused since I made a bootable usb stick from a iso file08:58
PLMgI think that the iso file is unpacked into the usb stick08:58
dr_willisPLMg:  i dont really get what you are trying to do-- if you allready have a bootable usb made08:58
ActionParsnipnurvxx: that doesnt say anything about a backdoor08:58
dr_willisyou dont just unpack an iso to a usb and  have it 'be' a bootable system08:58
PLMgfollowing the installer i get: Your installation CD-couldn't be mounted. This probably means that the CD-ROM was not in the drive. If so you can insert it and try again08:59
ActionParsnipPLMg: if you wnat to make a bootable USB stick you need an app like unetbootin08:59
gordonjcpor just use dd08:59
gordonjcpsince unetbootin doesn't work very well08:59
ActionParsnipor usb-creator-gtk08:59
dr_willisor any of the dozen tools/guides on the pendrive linux site.08:59
ActionParsnipor 1 2 3 creator from pendrivelinux08:59
ActionParsniplots of options :)P09:00
gordonjcpI've never had usb-creator-gtk work for me at all09:00
PLMgok... but since I already have a bootable usb stick, can I not continue from here?09:00
gordonjcpyou don't have a bootable USB stick09:00
gordonjcpyou have some random thing that doesn't work09:00
PLMgk, I will remake it09:00
dr_willisPLMg:   you got one thats bbootalbe.. so whats the issue?   i think we are missing somthing. ;)09:00
dr_willisOh - its  a broken-bootable usb ;)09:01
dr_willismake it with a better tool09:01
ActionParsnipFli-c: also remember to09:01
ObrienDavenurvxx... another government conspiracy idiot heard from LMAO09:01
ActionParsnipFli-c: MD5 test the ISO you downloaded09:01
dr_willisI like that Multi-system tool from pendrivelinux - lets me put a lot of bootable cd's on a single usb ;)09:02
phillipshumcan I ask a question please?09:02
gordonjcp!ask | phillipshum09:02
ubottuphillipshum: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:02
PLMgso just to make sure I follow the best steps, I have this iso file ubuntu-10.04.4-server-amd6409:02
ActionParsnipphillipshum: you just did :)09:02
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/09:02
PLMgwhat tool should I use to make a bootable flash drive09:02
ActionParsnipPLMg: any particular reason for Lucid?09:02
Ben64i use unetbootin09:02
PLMgActionParsnip not really, jsut got it from ubuntu archives09:03
ActionParsnipPLMg: Precise is also LTS and supported tilApril 2017...09:03
PLMgok, making it with unetbootin then09:03
dr_willisPLMg:  theres been known issues in the past putting a server iso on to usb.09:03
ActionParsnipdr_willis: really?09:03
dr_willisi definatly recall  server on usb  installers not being able to see the  usb to do the install. i forget the fix09:04
dr_willisnot seen it in the last few releases however. ;)09:04
PLMgok, confused again :) do I use my curent file and unetbootin?09:04
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Ben64works for me, but i haven't done it on 10.0409:04
dr_willisPLMg:  you use unetbootin and whateer .  .iso file you want to put on the usb09:05
PLMgok, doing it now09:05
dr_willispendrivelinux site has tools that can put several iso files on the same usb09:05
wzin_Omg guys - xen-tools on precise does not allow you to create virtual machine with precise guest. This seems to be a concious feature but in my opinion it's a bug. Does it qualify for bugreport?09:07
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damelHey all :)09:09
damelI have a wifi problem09:09
damellooks like the driver is installed but I do not see any way to connect with a wifi connection09:09
damelalmost like it is not installed09:09
damelI have a Qualcomm Atheros AR8151, and I installed the propriatary drivers in software updates->additional drivers (now I dont see it listed there anymore)09:11
prp-eIs Ubuntu 13.10 beta released?!09:11
wilee-nileedoh beta09:11
damelyes...beta 209:12
Ben64support and discussion of 13.10 in #ubuntu+1 until actual release09:12
damelfor me I'm talking about 13.04 for the wifi problem09:13
toxic_gamersomeone posted a graphic some time back showing the overlaps and lengths of LTS releases where can i find an updated one of those?09:13
dr_willisperhaps hit up the google images search feature?09:13
dr_willisits only with the last release that theres been any changs hasent it?09:14
kassy bonjour09:15
varunendradamel, I think AR8151 is an ethernet card, not wireless. Are you sure?09:16
Alice-99hi, can I use Tor/vidalia such that all connections to outside is through tor09:16
varunendradamel, yup, definitely an ethernet card. Not wifi09:17
damelvarunendra : I think your right...shoot09:17
damelthat would explain why it seems installed...it is and it works !!09:18
varunendradamel, what does this say - "lspci -nn | grep 0280"09:18
damelsorry about that09:18
varunendradamel, the full output, it'll be a single line09:19
toxic_gamerif 13.10 is in beta how much time is left before we see 14.04 beta?09:19
dr_willistoxic_gamer:  the version # is the date of release.. year/month09:19
dr_willisso 2014, 4th month for 14.0409:19
DJonestoxic_gamer: Probably about 6 months before a 14.04 beta comes out09:19
toxic_gamerthat's brilliant09:20
damelvarunendra : Network controler [0280]: Broadcom Corporation Device [14e4:43b1] (rev03)09:20
dr_willisthe whole  alpha/beta thing is slowly getting less and less   of a  'thing' it seems with each new release.  even the term 'beta' seems  rather vague these days. ;)09:20
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varunendradamel, and what is your kernel version? (output of "uname -r")09:21
damelvarunendra : 3.8.0-30-generic09:22
varunendradamel, a shot in the pitch black - does it return any output - "modprobe -c | grep -i 14e4.*43b1" ??09:24
Aakankshaarvnd. ping09:24
damelvarunendra : no, returns nothing09:25
varunendradamel, This card seems to be very new, apparently no linux driver exists for it. It seems "ndiswrapper" maybe your only hope (or a cheap usb dongle..)09:26
dr_willisgotta love usb dongles that work out of the box.. with no effort. ;)09:27
damelvarunendra : ok...I just was checking out a link for that. Thanks for you help :)09:28
varunendrasomeone told me you have a bunch of 'em dr_willis ;P09:28
varunendranp :)09:28
dr_willisgot about 3 ive tested from amazon last year.  had to get some for my raspberry pi.. some are even bigger then my Pi.09:29
varunendralol !!09:30
dr_willisgotta love a usb dongle thats in a huge massive  satalight-dish-looking plastic anteanna - and it does get good range. ;)09:31
dr_willisit just looks like one of those old TV-antenaas from the 70's09:31
dr_willisworks out of the box with my Pi. and every linux disrto ive tried. and even several Linux based Media-player-devices09:32
Eduard_MunteanuCould someone run 'dpkg-source --help' and tell me if the --require-valid-signature abomination is present in Ubuntu too? :)09:32
varunendradamel, just found this post, talks of a success story with this card and ndiswrapper (read the wifi part, ignore the rest) : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2058444&p=12728021#post1272802109:32
Eduard_MunteanuUnless you make that a default somehow.09:32
damelhehe...perfect..thx :)09:32
axthebEduard_Munteanu: --require-valid-signature abort if the package doesn't have a valid signature09:33
Eduard_Munteanuaxtheb: thanks. :(09:33
Eduard_MunteanuThe problem is apt-get source will warn and *continue* if it can't check the sig.09:33
Eduard_MunteanuAt least on Debian Wheezy.09:34
varunendradr_willis, sometimes some devices work out of 'fear', not out-of-box (keep workin' buddy, who knows wut else this guy can do..)09:35
Ben64varunendra, dr_willis: i got a super tiny one for like $7, works perfectly on linux, and raspberry pi... http://i.imgur.com/FMbPvPa.jpg09:36
damelgonna go try this out...bbiaf09:36
Eduard_MunteanuI might report that as a bug, should be tagged as a security issue probably.09:37
dr_willisben64 got an edimax  here.  it works. but i noticed its a lot slower and shorter range then the big boys i got. ;)09:38
varunendraBen64, dr_willis will fit 4 of them in his 'antenna' alone :P09:38
varunendralooks like a BT dongle to me, ben609:39
Ben64except for the "wifi" and the big N09:39
k1ngpunkhi. it's been a long time since ive been here. or even since i've used irc. i've resurrected an old old pc. (amd 1.3ghz 1.5g ram, 80g hdd, geforce fx 5500) .. any reccommendations as to what varriant of ubuntu to use?09:40
varunendraBen64, judging by the size of it, I thought the "N" means "Not (wifi)"... ;)09:40
vltk1ngpunk: Maybe lubuntu09:41
k1ngpunkvlt: would that be more suggested than say, xubuntu? or is that no longer 'lightweight' anymore either?09:42
k1ngpunkman, it's been a long long time. lol09:42
cfhowlettk1ng, lubuntu and xubuntu are optimized for older/lower spec machines.  xubuntu is slightly more mature and has an LTS version; 12.0409:43
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kingpunkthanks for the help guys!09:45
ObrienDaveI would recommend Xubuntu. But then again, I'm partial ;))09:47
vltkingpunk: I didn't know the differences between l- and xubuntu well. Maybe you should listen to cfhowlett and go for xubuntu ;-)09:48
pandaroot-gama NO_PUBKEY 40976EAF437D05B509:51
pandaroot-gamagpgv: Can't check signature: public key not found09:51
pandaroot-gamai am getting this error, how can i get rid of them ?09:51
dnsakas root I execute passwd to change the root password and type the new password. However, the next time when I do sudo -s, it turns to root with the old password. what am I doing wrong?09:52
Wiz_KeeDwhat is the recommended video player for ubuntu?09:52
Wiz_KeeDThe default one seems to not be able to play a lot of file types09:52
DJonesWiz_KeeD: I use VLC that plays pretty much everything09:53
ObrienDaveWiz_KeeD... most people like VLC09:53
Ben64dnsak: you really shouldn't set a password for root09:53
ubottudnsak,: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:53
Wiz_KeeDI see, I pretty much hate the interface but other than that it's a really good player, even in windows09:54
cfhowlettdnsak, what're you doing wrong?  running as root09:54
wilee-nileednsak, giving root a password is where you are going wrong.09:54
dnsakBen64, if I use passwd as a normal user, it does not allow me to change the password09:54
wilee-nileethat to09:54
dnsakhow should I change my user's password09:54
wilee-nileepaswd without a root password09:54
Ben64dnsak: look at what ubottu says. you don't need a root password ever, use sudo for getting root access09:55
dnsakthank yu09:56
Wiz_KeeDtried running it and it crashed :))09:56
ObrienDavepandaroot-gama... sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 40976EAF437D05B509:56
ObrienDavea few seconds of Google would have found this fix09:57
flxmmrtry installing the gstreamer bad-plugins wiz_keed, might help09:57
Ben64Wiz_KeeD: i use mplayer209:58
Wiz_KeeDmplayer2, i'll look into that too09:59
Wiz_KeeDbrb now guys!09:59
ActionParsnipdns42_: boot to root recovery console and change it there09:59
pandaroot-gamaObrienDave, still the prob persist09:59
pandaroot-gamaObrienDave, it says  gpgv: Can't check signature: public key not found, ERRSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 17 10 00 1366890879 910:01
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ubottuBOJJOFILO: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:03
tziOmI have problems with networkmanager and wifi in 13.04... need-auth -> failed (reason 'no-secret') ..10:06
tziOmThe wlan card works perfect if I set up in wpa_supplicant.conf..10:06
ObrienDavepandaroot-gama...  try        gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 437D05B510:07
varunendratziOm, by default, wpa_supplicant.conf does not exist in Ubuntu. Have you done some manual configuration?10:08
tziOmvarunendra, yes, to see if I got it working at all, and I did10:09
varunendratziOm, so what is the problem now? Do you want to make Network Manager work instead?10:12
lagerpcDoes anyone know which nVidia drivers will be present in Ubuntu 13.10, and will it solve the issues with Optimus?10:13
DJoneslagerpc: Probably best asking in #ubuntu+1 The people there will have been using 13.10 and may know10:13
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ObrienDavelagerpc... afaik, optimus laptops needs bumblebee drivers anyway, so normal nvidia drivers wouldn't work10:14
MrJones_I'm just trying to install ubuntu on a machine with the minimal network install. however, at the download installation components stage, I'm just presented with a blank purple screen. is this normal? should I just wiat?10:14
sharpshooterhi friends, when I use ssh to connect my system in localnetwork via wlan it says Connect to host nikhil-Inspiron-N4010.local port 22: Connection refused10:14
MrJones_I'm installing 12.04 lts for non-pae 32bit on a pentium m laptop10:15
nevynObrienDave: bumblebee works with nouveau or the nvidia driver10:15
lagerpcOhh, ok. I though new nVidia drivers and kernel 3.9+ would solve that. But even with Bumblebee I get issues. Will ask in the other channel. Beta 1 does still not recognize the card.10:15
pandaroot-gamaObrienDave, still the same errors10:15
ObrienDavepandaroot-gama... hmm, out of ideas. sorry10:15
wyldesharpshooter: is openssh-server installed and running on the system you're trying to connect to? If so you may have to check your router settings as the wlan may be blocked from accessing devices on the "wired" lan.10:16
MrJones_as soon as I pick download installer components it blanks out to the purple background with no information to what is happening at all... what should I do? TTY access works fine, but I'm not sure how to unhang this thing. also it happens every time, I tried again and same blankness when attempting "download installer components"10:17
ActionParsnipMrJones_: what GPU do you use?10:18
flxmmrubuntu 13.10 wants to introduce mir, which should translate in nonexistent driver support afaik (at least for the unfortunate ones getting a mir installation)10:18
ActionParsnipflxmmr: ask in #ubuntu+1 pre-releases are not supported here10:18
MrJones_ActionParsnip: no idea, why would the text mode install care? let me google.. intel 885 gme apparently10:18
MrJones_it's a samsung p35 with a pentium m10:19
ActionParsnipMrJones_: try the boot option: nomodeset10:19
MrJones_how can I specify boot options for the usb minimal boot? do I need to pick command line install?10:19
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | MrJones_10:20
ubottuMrJones_: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter10:20
MrJones_ActionParsnip: I don't have a live cd or an installed os10:21
albert_download it from the web10:22
sharpshooterwylde, openssh-server is installed in my system and am using ssh over wifi10:22
MrJones_albert_: I'm intentionally using the mini network iso10:23
MrJones_because this computer is non-pae10:23
MrJones_so does download installer components fire up the X server? or why would it hang exactly at that stage10:23
MrJones_anyway for nomodeset, I'm just not sure where to specify this on a minimal text install..10:24
MrJones_the post just covers livecd and installed systems10:24
MrJones_if there is a live cd for non-pae, I might use that one. a blog post pointed me to the mini iso because there is one for non-pae systems10:25
irssi-mikeMrJones_: i used the alternate CD then hit i think f5 to specify the base system only, is that hel?10:27
platzhirschI unlocked my second HDD from the Unity Launcher, rebooting did not make it reappear, how can I add it?10:28
MrJones_irssi-mike: at which point did you hit f510:28
wyldesharpshooter: can you ping the machine you want to connect to?10:28
MrJones_I cannot even download the installer components, I doubt I can specify that I just want the base system or anything else10:28
MrJones_also I just tried command line expert install, same thing: blanks to violet when I pick download installer components10:28
MrJones_please note the TTY still works and so does ctrl+c (brings me to black blankness instead), it doesn't look like a graphics driver hang10:29
MrJones_also I still got a text cursor as if I'm still in text mode10:29
MrJones_it just doesn't show anything, so I can't continue with the install10:29
wyldesharpshooter: try both with hostname and ip to see if you get the same result.10:29
irssi-mikeMrJones_: before install ubuntu10:29
sharpshooterwylde, ok10:29
irssi-mikeMrJones_: No, I think it was f4, sorry10:31
platzhirschFound it, nvm10:31
ubottumael: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:31
MrJones_irssi-mike: f4 or f5 don't do anything at the boot screen or inside the text install. please note I'm using the mini iso install, NOT the graphical live install10:32
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gerosserver phobos.irc.gr10:33
OerHeks!cn | bing071910:34
ubottubing0719: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw10:34
MrJones_so is someone familiar with the text install around? I would really love to continue, but with the download installer components stage blanking out (TTY still works, I'm still in text mode, doesn't look like graphics mode/gpu hang!) I'm unable to proceed... command line install doesn't work either10:34
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter10:34
MrJones_OerHeks: you did read what I said, right?10:35
irssi-mikeMrJones_: the alternate cd is a text mode isntall10:35
MrJones_I don't think it applies because I'm still in text mode. if it DOES apply (nomodeset), I don't know how to set it because there is no point in text mode where it allows me to specify kernel options (or I can't find it).10:35
bing0719think you10:35
OerHeksnomodeset is only needed when your gui does not come up10:36
MrJones_I'm in text mode install, there is no graphical gui10:36
MrJones_or at least I don't think there is supposed to be one at any point10:36
bing0719ubottu: think you!10:36
MrJones_I picked command-line install, same thing. I don't think command line install has a clicky shiny gui10:36
OerHeksone way to work around non-PAE is to install Lubuntu, and add ubuntu-desktop afterwards10:37
OerHeks Lubuntu does not use PAE kernel @ install10:37
MrJones_I'm in the installation, I can pick the language, the keyboard, the network settings... but when I get to the "download installer components" stage, it just blanks out. the computer is still responsive, I'm still in text mode (text cursor is there and I can type stuff which appears on screen), but there is simply no dialog box on screen. nothing. blank. TTY still works.10:37
nearztoh i love tty10:38
MrJones_OerHeks: is there a 12.04 lts lubuntu?10:40
OerHeksMrJones_, sure, but you can use 13.04 too10:43
irssi-mikeMrJones_: even in the mini iso, before you chose install you can f4 and choose install a minimal system10:43
irssi-mikei think10:43
MrJones_irssi-mike: at which point? I tried and nothing happens when I press f410:43
MrJones_in the boot menu with the install option, nothing happens when I press f4 or f510:43
ObrienDaveMrJones_... there is a 12.04 Lubuntu. not sure if it's LTS10:43
MrJones_well I would use a regular ubuntu 12.04 lts if someone can tell me how to get through the installation :P10:44
MrJones_in command-line install, ctrl+c does successfully bring me back to the install main menu10:44
MrJones_but another try at downloading installer components just blanks out again, so I can try infinitely and ctrl+c back to the menu10:44
MrJones_I can netcat and successfully get a response from google.de10:45
MrJones_so network is working just fine10:45
MrJones_OerHeks: I'm configuring this laptop for someone who doesn't need the most up to date software, so going with something that has support up to 2017 with no need to upgrade seems like a better idea10:46
MrJones_so I'm not really interested in a non-LTS version10:46
nearztwell... i still use karmic10:47
irssi-mikeI would say it has to be LTS, it's the same version with a different Desktop and Display manager10:49
irssi-mikeat the same time the support isn't desktop and display support10:50
jeremy5189Hello, I'm teacher at school, I'm going to teach my student about installing ubuntu on VirtualBox, but I'm having problem deploying Ubuntu ISO in the computer classroom ... It's too slow, any suggestion?10:50
PLMgjeremy5189 maybe copy the ubuntu iso on each individual machine before class?10:55
linuxbabyhi guyz.. i am new to apt stuff.. whats the best method to create a local apt repo server to host some debs i have10:56
wyldejeremy5189: configure a PXE server for the vm's to boot from :)10:56
linuxbabyits customized debs..10:56
linuxbabyi tried apt-mirror.. but i do not know where to put my debs10:56
jeremy5189@PLMg I don't have a lot of prepare time for that...10:56
linuxbabyin ubuntu .. i am seeing lots of options .. like apt-mirror, apt-cache, ppa etc.. i am a bit confued :)10:57
linuxbabyin RHEL: / CentOS the yum repo .. i was able to create withing 10 mts10:57
linuxbabyany pointers . please.10:57
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wyldelinuxbaby: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Offline/Repository  ...all I've got heh11:01
wyldelinuxbaby: or perhaps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Personal11:02
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linuxbabywylde, thanks you .. let me check this one..11:03
BluesKajhiyas all11:04
damelI'm back...go figure ;)11:08
damelanyone have an idea what to do if "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" hangs ?11:09
Dr_Willislook in dmesg for errors11:09
loahow i can read dconf parameter?11:10
loafor example com.canonical.Unity.Launcher11:10
jribloa: you should probably use gsettings11:10
loai tried different ways but always dconf is sillent11:10
loajrib, i want command line11:10
jribloa: gsettings is command line11:10
loafor example dconf read /com/canonical/Unity/Launcher11:10
damelndiswrapper seems to load the drivers just fine...11:10
loawhat is wring with it?11:11
faugusztinloa: you mean get, no ?11:11
damelDr_Willis : dont see anything in the dmesg11:11
damelif that was for me ;)11:11
jribloa: for example:  gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Launcher favorites11:11
Dr_Willisdamel:  no idea then. I dont use  ndiswrapper11:11
damellucky you..hehe11:11
damelif anyone else has any ideas they are more than welcome :)11:12
loajrib, hm it work, but why dconf fails?11:12
loadconf-editor works fine11:12
faugusztindamel: is there a reason to use ndiswrapper ? :)11:12
damelfaugusztin : no linux drivers for my wifi card11:13
jribloa: maybe it is not stored in dconf?11:13
loajrib, i see it in dconf-editor11:13
damelfaugusztin : aparently the only way to make it work is with ndiswrapper11:13
jribloa: maybe dconf-editor looks at more than just dconf, i don't know11:13
loajrib, dconf read /com/canonical/unity/launcher/favorites11:14
faugusztindamel: what device it is (what chip does that card have?)11:14
loanow works good)11:14
jribloa: ok11:14
MrJones_so.. anyone around who knows what to do if the text mode install (mini iso) hangs at the "download installer components" stage? I can still go to the TTY and do stuff, so the system isn't frozen, and ctrl+c brings me back to the install main menu. however, "download installer components" will just show blank purple, no dialog box or anything, no progress indicator. I waited for several minutes with nothing happening11:14
jribloa: but use gsettings, it's higher-level11:14
damelfaugusztin : Broadcom Corporation Device [14e4:43b1] (rev 03)11:15
loajrib, maybe you now about this issue, i want add unity://desktop-icon to my unity launcher it appears well when i add it from gnome settings or in dconf-editor11:15
loabut after relog or reboot it dissapear from unity launcher and from setting too11:15
loawhy i can see so strange behaviour?11:16
jribloa: could be a permissions issue11:16
loajrib, how i can check this?11:16
jribloa: but I have no experience with adding to the launcher11:16
loajrib, my idea is to write my favorites on startup using dconf or gsettings11:17
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Rewollucky for me i have no idea what you're talking about11:17
jribloa: it is a good work-around but it's kludgy.  I would recommend figuring out what's wrong instead11:17
loajrib, if i know how...11:18
jribloa: try this: find ~ ! -user $USER11:18
carboi have to chance server..11:18
faugusztindamel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1173761 seems like there is a driver in development, did you tried that one ?11:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 1173761 in linux (Ubuntu) "14e4:43b1 Broadcom Corporation Device 43b1 (rev 03) - not supported" [Medium,Confirmed]11:19
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ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html11:20
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damelfaugusztin : non I did not see that yet...I'll check out the link...thx :)11:22
DJones!cn | Guest361711:23
ubottuGuest3617: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw11:23
loajrib, another moment i forgot to mention, i can add icons of programs on launcher, but not desktop icon11:23
loajrib, so i think it is more crazy problem then just permissions =/11:24
Guest3617oh~~ok,i get it11:24
loabut i run your command but don't see any problems with permissions11:24
root32what is the best Video editing software for ubuntulog ?11:28
koleS320What ubuntu versions are in debian 6 ?11:30
root32koleS320: ubuntu version 12.411:31
Dr_Willisroot32:  depends on the kind of video editing you want to do11:31
koleS320root32: and newer?11:31
Dr_Willistheres a few videos editors mentioned at the omgubuntu and webupd8 site that are not in the normal repos also.11:31
italian-cruncherroot32, tried openshot?11:32
root32Dr_Willis: I want to edit 2h long video11:33
Dr_Willisroot32:  and  the kind of editing is?11:34
Dr_Willis!info kino11:35
root32Dr_Willis: Our university party11:35
ubottukino (source: kino): Non-linear editor for Digital Video data. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.3.4-1.3 (raring), package size 3948 kB, installed size 8241 kB11:35
Dr_Willisroot32:  not what the video is of.. but what sort of Edits are you trying to do?11:35
Dr_Willisi 'edit' videos - but all i do with them is basically convert them to differnt formats. :) i use winff, ffmpeg, mencoder, arista, handbreak  and other tools fo rthat11:35
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MrJones_inside the mini iso "ash", is there a way to download & use dpkg/apt-get so I could possibly bootstrap a system from there?11:37
Dr_Willistheres perhaos 4 or 5 other liner and nonliner video editors out (not all are in the repos)11:37
ubottudebootstrap is used to create a !Debian or Ubuntu base system from scratch, without requiring the availability of !dpkg or !APT. It does this by downloading !.deb files from a mirror site, and carefully unpacking them into a directory you can eventually !chroot into.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot for more information11:37
Dr_WillisMrJones_:  debootstrap. but good luck with it. ;)11:37
MrJones_Dr_Willis: command not found :p11:39
Dr_WillisMrJones_:  i suggest reading the guide.11:40
Dr_Willisall i know on the topic is that the factoid exists11:40
Dr_Willisand from what ive seen in here about it..  'good luck'  is going to be needed. ;)11:41
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MrJones_Dr_Willis: well I'll probably try debian stable first and see if that one has a working installer..11:43
damelum...I forgot...who was just helping me ?11:43
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faugusztindamel: you mean with the driver ?11:44
damelfaugusztin : it works !!!11:44
faugusztindamel: technically broadcom added your chip in their latest drivers, but not your PCI ID btw, so maybe few months later your PCI ID will be included too11:44
damelfaugusztin : thank you SO much :)11:45
damelcool...good to know11:45
faugusztindamel: :D http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/README.txt <-- you got BCM 4352, but with different PCI Device ID, my best guess is that that patch just adds your PCI Device ID to the list11:45
damelin the mean time...every new kernel I will loose my wifi right ?11:45
faugusztindamel: yep, you will have to rebuild it over and over again unfortunately11:45
damelbetter to have to do that, and have linux than winblows ;)11:46
dameleven if it is kinda anoying11:46
damelthanks again :)11:47
nitishI have Ubuntu in one partition and Windows in other.11:50
nitishWhat happens if I run wubi again?11:50
nitishWill it remove old version of Ubuntu and install new one?11:50
Dr_Willis_wubi installs inside windows.. ojn a windows partion nitish11:50
Dr_Willis_it dosent instgall to its ownb partion11:50
Dr_Willis_Wubi is best avoided. and ran away from11:50
ObrienDavedropped like a hot rock11:51
chalcedonyDr_Willis_, *hugs* and good morning :)11:51
nitish_Yeah, I installed Ubuntu through wubi and I need a fresh copy now11:53
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ActionParsnipnitish_: then uninstall using Windows using Programs and Features11:57
ActionParsnipnitish_: then clear out the C:\Wubi folder, then reinstall11:57
ActionParsnipnitish_: Wubi is not a long term solution, I recommend a proper install after resizing your NTFS using Windows11:58
nitish_I installed Ubuntu in a different partition other than that of Windows. Now, programs and features is not showing Ubuntu11:58
ActionParsnipnitish_: there is a manual removal method11:58
nitish_yeah, I checked those, I don't see any uninstall-ubuntu.exe file11:59
nitish_I installed Ubuntu in F partition. Do I need to look for boot.ini in C or in F?12:03
ActionParsnipnitish_: boot.ini will be in C:12:04
ActionParsnipnitish_: can you see how much of a headache Wubi is now...12:04
nitish_Will uninstalling Wubi also delete Ubuntu?12:04
ActionParsnipnitish_: yes, wubi is the system to hold ubuntu in your (junk) NTFS12:05
nitish_there is nothing called boot.ini. There is something called bootinfo.ini12:05
nitish_OK,anyway I want to install Ubuntu again. So, can I download wubi in the same partition and install Ubuntu again?12:06
nitish_will the previous version of Ubuntu be removed?12:07
OerHeksnitrile_, no, first remove wubi/ubuntu in windows softwarecenter.12:07
nitish_No, Ubuntu is not showing up in installed programs12:07
OerHeksit should.12:08
nitish_Ubuntu is in different partition than Ubuntu12:08
ActionParsnipnitish_: why use wubi again, can't you see how much headache it causes?12:08
OerHeksif ubuntu is installed in wubi, it should.12:08
nitish_How to install Ubuntu then without wubi?12:08
nitish_I don't know the details. But, Ubuntu is not there in installed programs lis12:08
ObrienDavenitish_... they're trying to get you to abandon Wubi altogether. Use the Live DVD12:09
nitish_Is there any alternative method?12:09
Dr_Willis_wubi has basically been killed off.12:10
Dr_Willis_if you want to test Ubuntu in a safe way. install to a usb flash drive or external hd. or test it out in virtualbox12:10
Dr_Willis_theres has really NEVER been a good need for wubi12:11
mansyurada yang tahu cara instaling tools backtrack di ubuntu 12.0412:11
nitish_How to download ubuntu in external hd12:11
Dr_Willis_mansyur:  backtrack has its own support channels12:11
mansyurrepo ya saya udah tambahin di sorce list...12:12
Dr_Willis_nitish_:  install it as you would install to a internal hd.. use the Ubuntu desktop cd, or live-usb12:12
JpmhI do: echo hello|sed -r s/\(ll\)/xx\1/ - I expected hexxllo but get hexxlo - why did the () not capture the second l?12:12
mansyursaa mau tanya cara instal tools backtrack ajj di ubuntu 12.0412:12
Dr_Willis_!backtrack | mansyur12:12
ubottumansyur: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)12:12
ActionParsnipmansyur: #backtrack-linux or #kali-linux12:12
mansyurbacktrack-linux thankx12:13
Dr_Willis_Jpmh:  wasent you asking this same question. like last week?12:13
mrrcpwhats the best way to configure a stfp to auto mount12:13
ActionParsnipmrrcp: there is no single best way12:13
Dr_Willis_mrrcp:  down and dirty. put the command in /etc/rc.local  ;)12:14
JpmhDr_Willis: I have asked in the past ane received no answer so I thiught I would ask again, yes12:14
llutzJpmh: don't escape the () if you use -r12:14
ActionParsnipmrrcp: one way is to add it in /etc/fstab   then add:  mount -a    in /etc/rc.local  above the 'exit 0' line12:14
nitish_then, first I want to uninstall Ubuntu.12:14
nitish_how can I do this?12:14
Dr_Willis_Jpmh:  i belve it has to do with regular expressions and how they are 'greedy'  but i cant recall  more then that i read a paragraph or twon on that in the 'mastering regular expressions' book. id suggest asking in #bash12:15
BluesKaj!id | mansyur12:15
ubottumansyur: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia12:15
Jpmhllutz: if I don't escape I get: syntax error near '('12:15
Dr_Willis_nitish_:  if its a wubi install. find the files and delete them>12:15
OerHeksnitish_, just uninstall in tru softwarecenter > http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/images/wubiprecise06.jpg12:15
llutz echo hello|sed  -r 's/(ll)/xx\1/' Jpmh12:15
nitish_then grub also will be uninstalled.12:15
Dr_Willis_wubi dosent use grub - as far as i know.12:16
Jpmhllutz: ty - realized as you were typing that the shell was seeing the ( - but ty - you got it12:16
Dr_Willis_well  the windows bootloader -> then loads grub. ;)12:16
nitish_so, can delete ubuntu filed completely?12:16
Dr_Willis_nitish_:  as a test.. try just renameing it?12:16
Dr_Willis_nitish_:  you will notice this about wubi.. MOST people in here dont use wubi.. so know very littl3e about it12:17
nitish_I too don't want to use wubi anymore12:17
Dr_Willis_nitish_:  rename the wubi instlled directoryu or file or whatever it is. or try the manual uninstall guide mentioned above12:17
damelanyone get grub to work with window 8 ?12:19
damelfor me it sees it window 8, but when it tries to start it I get some time of error / warning about how it can not start like that12:21
damelsomething with the security12:21
OerHeksdamel, sounds like an UEFI issue12:22
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI12:22
Jpmhdamel: I am by no means an expert on Windoze - haven't touched it for years - but doesnt 8 require a secure boot loader?12:22
damelhave no clue...got get grub to work I changed the boot loader in my bios12:23
damelI think I can change it back to windows to make windows boot12:23
damelI just find it wierd12:23
dameli'm sure its a UEFI think12:23
dameljust have not figured out why yet ;)12:23
Dr_Willis_if windows was instllwed in uefi mode. i think  the bios has to be in uefi mode12:23
Dr_Willis_if you disabled uefi mode - and then reinstalled windows... it might work.12:24
Dr_Willis_but  I dont use uefi. and dont plan on it.. any time soon. ;)12:24
Dr_Willis_im just repeating what i seem to recall seeing in here.12:24
Dr_Willis_Ubuntu CAN work in uefi mode also i belive.12:24
damelactually..it does just fine in UEFI mode12:25
damelI'm using it right now to boot12:25
damelat least I think I am..hehe12:25
Dr_Willis_Im in raspberry-pi mode ;) on my Pi. :)12:25
Vermoot-iPadHi ! Bit of a dumb problem here. I was in VMWare, and for the mouse to work in the VM it had to disconnect it from my ubuntu host. Now I can't move my mouse. What can I do ?12:25
Dr_Willis_night all12:26
damelnice..you running ubunut on your Pi ?12:26
Dr_Willis_ubuntu cant run on a Pi. wrong ARM cpu.12:26
damelnite :)12:26
Dr_Willis_but rasbian is close enough.12:26
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Jpmhdoes anyone know if Canonical has a backup plan now it looks like MIR is dead before it starts?12:34
Eduard_MunteanuI reported dpkg-source's behavior as a bug to Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=72474412:34
ubottuDebian bug 724744 in apt "'apt-get source' does not stop if signatures can't be checked" [Grave,Open]12:34
Eduard_MunteanuUbuntu might want to track this as well.12:34
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ActionParsnipJpmh: its not dead at all.12:35
ActionParsnipEduard_Munteanu: then run:  ubuntu-bug apt-get    and report the issue12:35
JpmhActionParsnip: I read that MS, Nvidia, and ATI have all withdrawn their support for it - is that not true?12:36
Eduard_MunteanuActionParsnip: I'm not running Ubuntu at the moment12:36
Eduard_MunteanuI'll have to file it manually.12:37
ActionParsnipEduard_Munteanu: then you can use the web interface and report it manualy: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug/?no-redirect12:37
ActionParsnipJpmh: who are MS?12:37
foxyfoxhello all12:38
JpmhActionParsnip: MS=MicroSoft - I assumed - did not really worry too nuch about them when I saw ATI and NVIDIA, and as I re-read I see Intel too.  So, basically almost all of the video makers12:39
foxyfoxi need some thing that is similar to apache virtual host but for e.g when some one try to connect to voip.domain.com it redirects to public ip >  if games.domain.com it goes to public ip >
foxyfoxwhat do i need to achieve that ?12:40
ActionParsnipJpmh: why would Microsoft be interested in Mir?12:40
JpmhActionParsnip: lets ignore them, then, isn't the fact that Nvidia, Intel and Ati have bailed enough to cause concern ?12:41
foxyfoxbut i dont what it for webserver i want it for other services12:41
llutzJpmh: there still will be wayland, so what12:44
loajrib, is there some kind of documentation for gsettings?12:45
Jpmhllutz: can you explain that to me - this I suspectr is what I am missing - what is the relationship between Wayland and MIR?12:45
llutzJpmh: well, to me: wayland will be supported, MIR was a stillborn child and canonical has to decide wether to drop it or run into a lonely future. but this is OT here12:46
Jpmhllutz: so you are basically agreeing with my original premise that was denied by ActionParsnip that Mir is "dead"?12:48
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llutzJpmh: yes12:48
Jpmhllutz: ty so much - I am pleased that I am not mis-reading this - and I agree Cannonocal needs to chose12:49
Jpmhllutz: I was begining to think I had missed something - but you seem to feel the same way as I do - Unity almost drove us off Ubuntu till we realized how to avoid it12:50
jcgshi guys12:59
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jcgsi'm having a bit of trouble with something... i've written a program, but bash keeps telling me "file not found" when i try to execute it, even though it exists. also, all the help on forums deals with 32-bit binaries on 64-bit system, but this is a 64-bit binary, and ldd confirms all the libraries are there. Does anyone know what's going on?13:01
MrJones_jcgs: is the execute flag set? try: chmod +x pathtofile13:02
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jcgsMrJones_: it's definitely executable... it came out of the linker that way13:02
MrJones_hm then I would suggest a filesystem check. someone else might still have a more insightful idea though13:04
llutzjcgs: and you run it from the directory where is was built? "./yourprogram"13:04
jcgsllutz... yup13:05
jcgsif i run it with gdb, it says "program exited during shared library load with status 127"13:05
fudusdid you set up prefix correctly?13:05
Eduard_MunteanuTimeout error at launchpad.net. *sigh*13:05
jcgsfudus: what does that mean?13:05
Eduard_MunteanuAnd back button takes me to the beginning, I hope I don't need to rewrite my report.13:06
Eduard_MunteanuGood, it's a POST and I can refresh to resubmit, I think.13:06
bhaveshI am trying to install Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS on HP Pavillion g6, I made a bootable usb pen drive with windows USB Installer 123, I can boot from it, it shows a menu to run Ubuntu from USB or install Ubuntu, When I select Run Ubuntu, it shows messages for a couple of minutes and then there'13:07
bhaveshthere's black screen\13:07
bhaveshhow do I debug it?13:07
fudusif you did a configure/make thing, you need to do --prefix=~/name as it will look under /usr/local by default13:09
jcgsfudus: when? i just did this: as -o test.o test.s && ld -lc -o test test.o13:10
fudusnevermind then, missed beginning of conversation13:11
freannrakhello. I cannot decide which 4G usb stick should I get for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. My choices are Huawei E3276 or ZTE MF823D, but I really would like to avoid any complicated setup. By googling those I can't really find any solid information if they are supported or not...13:12
fudusAleksander Morgado (aleksander-m) wrote on 2013-07-08: #213:15
fudusMM 0.7.x should handle this properly.13:15
fudusthe Huawei13:16
uestcsjwhello everyone13:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 1198283 in modemmanager (Ubuntu) "Huawei E3276 will not recognized correctly" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:16
fudusMixed messages whoo :P13:16
bhaveshI get a black screen while installing ubuntu..13:17
bhaveshpressed tab and typed nomodset, still nothing13:17
mplexhmm so I have two sources for some packages and I'm getting undefined symbols, one is deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise main restricted and the other is deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates main restricted, some packages show up in the apt-cache twice with slightly different versions, is this correct? should I only have one of those?13:18
fudusunplug the notebook from mains until you get into the main desktop, then you can plug it in13:18
fudus(ACPI operates differently on battery than mains for some notebooks)13:18
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freannrakfudus: so I guess ZTE would be a better fit? there's even less information about that on google13:19
fudusfreannrak: http://www.ztedevices.com/product/data_card/2568654e-c0d9-479d-a77f-17c340ff211d.html doesn't list linux at all, so i'd take the huawei then13:19
freannrakhmm, okay13:20
varunendramplex, seeing more than one version in apt-cache is perfectly normal. But what do you mean by "undefined symbols"?13:20
freannrakbut the HUWAI will definitely require some heavy configuration before I can actually use it :(13:20
linuxbabyhi guyz.. i am doing apt-get install keystone in a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04 server13:20
linuxbabyits fetching and installing the packages..13:21
fudushttp://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/ModemManager/SupportedDevices/ another list13:21
linuxbabywhats the method to know where this package is being installed13:21
mplexvarunendra: I having a libglib2.0 issue where certain packages on 12.04 LTS are failing to run due to undefined symbols and can't figure out why13:21
bhaveshhow do I enable nomodset in Ubuntu 12.04?13:21
bhaveshwhile installation13:21
linuxbabyafaik: it should not be fetched unless i configure to a grizzly or havana repository13:21
mplexvarunendra: I've got a thread open at this point just trying to figure out why I see two copies in the apt-cache, guess that's normal: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2176695&p=1280042613:22
varunendramplex, I think I've seen your thread. Is "sanderj" handling it?13:22
mplexheh yep thanks13:22
freannrakfudus: MF823D isn't even listed there. Although 'other ZTE devices' -> 'will probably work' :D.13:23
linuxbabywhats the method to know which repo a package is being installed13:23
fudusso huawei it is13:24
freannraki guess so, thanks fudus13:24
linuxbabyin rhel/centos i can use yum repolist13:24
linuxbabywhats the method in ubuntu13:24
varunendramplex, I get those kind of errors while compiling drivers that are not compatible with latest kernels. The fix is usually to define some blank structs or other variables13:24
mrrcpok LibreOffice 4.1 isnt working properly with launcher in 12.0413:24
mrrcpanyone else have this issue?13:24
mplexvarunendra: I haven't rebooted to update the kernel in almost a year, guess I should definitely try that?13:25
linuxbabyanyone has a pointer ..13:25
linuxbabywhats the method to know from which apt repo a particular  package is being installed13:25
fudusapt-cache policy13:25
linuxbabyfudus, let me check13:26
fudusthe one with *** is the one being chosen by default13:26
mrrcphow can i remove the 4.1 libre office update and re-install the original13:27
varunendramplex, I'm not very familiar with building stuff or compiling, only have *some* experience with some drivers. But it seems to me that such errors are a result of discrepancies between kernel header & program source code13:27
alfonsoi can't get despotify to work on ubuntu13:28
mplexok well I'll at least try a reboot to the latest kernel, the only time I've had this issues is where a binary was compiled against a different library than the one installed13:28
varunendramplex, as such, I think you should keep the kernel header version (and other 'build' essentials too) close to the release version of the program you are having problem with13:28
mplexhere I'm just also having a problem with tshark from the repository, I can't build wireshark either due to other library issues which are probably related but its a different issue13:29
mplexsomehow I think I have a bad version of libglib installed but I don't know to figure out what happened, I certainly haven't done any installs by hand13:30
prp-eIs there any packages of psiphon3 ?!13:30
kostkon!find psiphon13:30
ubottuPackage/file psiphon does not exist in raring13:31
kostkon!find psiphon313:31
ubottuPackage/file psiphon3 does not exist in raring13:31
varunendramplex, I think you should try upgrading the headers and build-essential :)13:31
prp-eOh ok13:31
mrrcphow do i get apt-get to not install the libreoffice 4.113:38
mrrcpi want to put the original libreoffice back on13:38
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miaqinasneed u help..how to burning files DVD?13:39
Rorymiaqinas: A movie to watch in a DVD player? or just files?13:40
axelm7hi guys, I have a desktop box running Fedora and I'd like to switch it to Ubuntu. Will current 13.10 betas be updatable when 13.10 final comes out?13:41
toughlamano ?one13:42
DJones!final | axelm713:42
ubottuaxelm7: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Saucy and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 13.10 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.13:42
miaqinasto dvd player13:43
jalusavacan someone help me switch from linux mint BACK toy Ubuntu please? I don't want to loose my files? Any suggestions would be great!13:43
kostkonmiaqinas, try with devede13:43
mrrcpwhats the default version of libreoffice for 12.04?13:44
kostkon!info libreoffice precise13:45
ubottulibreoffice (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.5.7-0ubuntu4 (precise), package size 22 kB, installed size 158 kB13:45
jalusava can someone help me switch from linux mint BACK toy Ubuntu please? I don't want to loose my files? Any suggestions would be great!13:45
mrrcpkostkon: how do i remove the repo for 4.1!13:46
mrrcpand get 3.5.7 back13:46
kostkon!ppa-purge | mrrcp, use this:13:46
ubottumrrcp, use this:: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html13:46
kostkonmrrcp, did you use the ppa or downloaded the deb from the libreoffice site?13:47
deibujihello. does anyone have any experience with using the cloud init tools? I'm trying to setup a vm on a kvm host and i'm trying to use the meta data to setup the vm's networking. anytime i include the meta data into the seed image, the vm cannot establish a network connection.13:49
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axelm7DJones, thanks13:52
axelm7now I just need to find the right ISO13:52
jalusava can someone help me switch from linux mint BACK toy Ubuntu please? I don't want to loose my files? Any suggestions would be great!13:52
DJonesaxelm7: You're welcome13:52
UrielVigilanteGood afternoon, how to install bcm 4311 on ubuntu 13.04 . I already tryed the software sources , and add aditioanl drivers - STa .... , but it dont work. Can any one help me ?13:52
loahello, i am trying to switch off icons on desktop using this command gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons false13:54
scottjWhat program will easily allow me to display my webcam in a window on my screen?13:54
loaicons dissapear yes, but after that all going unstable and unity halt13:54
ActionParsnipscottj: cheese13:55
jhutchinsscottj: cheese13:55
loafor example when trying ti minimize application which cover desktop i recieve freez13:55
scottjActionParsnip: jhutchins: thanks13:55
mrrcpkostkon: i removed the ppa14:00
UrielVigilanteGood afternoon, how to install bcm 4311 on ubuntu 13.04 . I already tryed the software sources , and add aditioanl drivers - STa .... , but it dont work. Can any one help me ?  Could be a solution, remove bcmwl-kernel-source on terminal, then try install again trought software source-add sta driver, and then tye command on terminal to chek if it is on blacklist and if it is , edit and change...14:00
UrielVigilante... and reboot ?14:00
mrrcpbut now it will not install14:00
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=== BotaniCar|3 is now known as MoguJaTo
EjemyI tried installing ubuntu from a usb pendrive to my wd passport external hard drive and there was an error at the end, something about grub not successfully installing. Well, now my computer won't recognize the external hard drive so I can't format it and try again. Whats going on?14:06
bkfitzAnyone know how to get a usb tv-tuner working with ubuntu?14:07
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bkfitzI have a haupauge wintv aero-m14:08
bkfitzdownloaded tvtime but no dice14:08
bkfitz'frames too short from uvcvideo'14:08
SamSagaZhey guys is possible to know in some website the versions of the pkg that have ubuntu?14:09
SamSagaZpkg version are the same as debian distro?14:10
rkrishnaHi, I am trying to install a video card, and I see this "BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at 00000000117d4300" error in the kernel.log. Any Ideas?14:13
ActionParsniprkrishna: have you tested RAM from Memtest86+ in Grub?14:14
RoryWhat Ubuntu version are you using, rkrishna ?14:15
rkrishnaActionParsnip: Yaa, the mem test is all done and  I am using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS as recommended by the card vendor.14:18
rkrishnaRory: I am using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS as recommended by the card vendor.14:18
Roryrkrishna That version is no longer supported on the desktop, have you tried a more up-to-date edition?14:19
DJ_Unibob13.04 has been running pretty stable for me so far. :)14:23
rkrishnaThe driver would not compile in any of the other Ubuntu versions, the card vendor says its certified on 10.0414:23
ActionParsniprkrishna: is this for server or desktop?14:24
rkrishnaI was just wondering if it is related to some kernel memory configuration we can change14:24
rkrishnaits no a server14:24
rkrishna**its for a DVR server14:24
ActionParsniprkrishna: there are no desktop package updates for Lucid, nor is it supported by the community in any way14:24
ActionParsniprkrishna: it is only supported in server in CLI14:25
rkrishnaRight, its server version of Ubuntu14:25
ActionParsniprkrishna: i thought you said it was "no a server"?14:25
rkrishna:) sorry it was a typo...."its on a server"14:26
ActionParsniprkrishna: i see14:26
ActionParsniprkrishna: then it will be supported14:26
=== MartinS is now known as Guest11344
UrielVigilanteI created a root password for first time on my ubuntu 13.04, and now its says that is not my password. how can i recover it ?14:33
Rory!root | UrielVigilante14:33
ubottuUrielVigilante: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo14:33
UrielVigilanteIam in usb peristent mode14:33
ActionParsnipUrielVigilante: can you log in at root recovery console?14:33
ActionParsnipUrielVigilante: you can chroot to the installed OS and set the password there to14:34
SuperLagI'm confused as to why the menus for Terminal don't show up in the menu bar, in Unity. All I see are the window controls. What gives?14:34
ActionParsnipSuperLag: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue14:34
UrielVigilanteiam newby, my terminal appear like this : ubuntu@ubuntu14:35
MrQuistSuperLag, its probably in the upper left corner of unity14:35
ActionParsnipUrielVigilante: thats fine and normal14:35
MrQuistOSX style14:35
ActionParsnipMrQuist: hardly14:35
SuperLagUbuntu Saucy Salamander (development branch) \n \l14:35
ActionParsnipSuperLag: then your support is in #ubuntu+1 til release day14:35
UrielVigilantebut when i tested it , it says my password is wrong !14:35
RorySuperLag: You know that.14:35
ActionParsnipUrielVigilante: why set it in the first place?14:36
ActionParsnipUrielVigilante: what were you hoping to gain exactly?14:36
UrielVigilantei write .. reboot and it says now i dont have engouht privelges to do it , for example14:36
theJeremyRaring running VirtualBox guest with NAT networking: guest can only intermittently ping default gateway. I can't find anyone else on the interwebs complaining about this. What gives? How do I troubleshoot this?14:36
ActionParsnipUrielVigilante: sudo reboot      job done14:37
NoiseEeeso my ubuntu's "Update Manager" just stopped when "Configuring linux-headers-3.2.0-54-generic".  Computer is fine, depmod has been at 100% CPU for about 20 minutes now, process is clearly hung.  Will I be able to reboot successfully?14:37
JoeyJoeJoHow can I change my hostname without rebooting? I edited /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname and ran /etc/init.d/hostname restart but the hostname doesn't change14:38
SunTsuJoeyJoeJo: use "hostname <hostname>"14:38
theJeremyNoiseEee: use the grub menu to select previous version if you have problems booting, then retry the update.14:38
NoiseEeethanks theJeremy14:38
SunTsuwithout the quotation marks and replace the tag with the real hostname, of course14:39
JoeyJoeJoSunTsu: No luck. It didn't give me any errors but the hostname is still the same14:40
whoeverhava a question about making distilled water: since the collected wattr is distilled can't you achieve distilled water by placing a bowl in a pot of water with the lid on , let the water boile and the steam that drains down off of the lid distilled or do i have to make the cold barrier to get distilled water14:40
SunTsuJoeyJoeJo: it is not. Your prompt doesn't change dynamically. run hostnae without an argument or/and run a new shell14:41
theJeremywhoever: Are you using Ubuntu Linux to distill water?14:41
linuxearthis there any website in which can i annominously surf the website, i mean to surf any website annomynously always...?14:41
styler2goHey Guys, i have a little problem with my Apache2 on Ubuntu 12.04, could someone help me? This is my error message i get: http://pastebin.com/vD9h6VHY14:42
theJeremylinuxearth: some people can, but not you. It's very hard to do, and you have a lot to learn.14:42
JoeyJoeJoSunTsu: Ah, thanks. After I logged out and back in I saw the updated hostname in my shell14:42
ActionParsnipstyler2go: I'd ask in #httpd or #apache  I forget which it is14:42
bostCould anybody explain me what happens when a message "update-initramfs: Generating /boot/..." appears during apt-get update / upgrade?14:42
linuxearththeJeremy: you are true dude, but the people like you can only let me know14:43
ActionParsnipbost: you installed a new kernel and it is being setup as part of postinst14:43
whoevertheJeremy: ah, thx14:43
SunTsubost: it updates your initramfs - which contains everything the kernel will need during boot time14:43
theJeremylinuxearth: you might need to pay a tutor to get good instruction. It's hard work to learn, and hard work to teach.14:43
susususuhuh33ciao a tutti14:44
ubottususususuhuh33: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:44
styler2go#apache is only by invite :-/14:44
theJeremylinuxearth: try googling "Tor NSA"14:44
bazhangstyler2go, its #httpd14:44
bazhang!google | theJeremy14:45
ubottutheJeremy: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.14:45
bostActionParsnip: SunTsu: Hmm thats what I thought. So it means that I need to reboot in order to "use" the upgrade/update. Right?14:45
linuxearththeJeremy: ok i try that search but you can let me know here itself a little a little so that i can know better14:45
theJeremyubottu: not even for off-topic questions?14:45
ubottutheJeremy: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:45
bazhangtheJeremy, if you dont know, dont say anything14:46
theJeremylinuxearth: yuo have to unsderstand HTTP proxy first, then you can learn about anonymizing proxy networks.14:46
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bazhang!tor | linuxearth14:47
ubottulinuxearth: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl14:47
pressionhello guys, somebody know how to benefit a graphic card? without using in games14:47
theJeremyIs there a better place to get help with Ubuntu problem with -gt noob folks?14:47
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bazhangtheJeremy, what are you talking about. what is -gt14:48
theJeremypression: ATLAS libraries do matrix arithmetic in GPUs if you have supported drivers14:48
linuxearththeJeremy: thanks man14:48
linuxearthi try that way14:48
bostpression: http://threejs.org/ launch some of the examples there14:48
linuxearthhttp proxy?14:48
ActionParsnipbost: yes the only real time you need t reboot in Linux is to load a new kernel14:49
theJeremybazhang man test(1)14:49
linuxeartheven i don't know a proxy network!14:49
bazhang!noob > theJeremy14:49
ubottutheJeremy, please see my private message14:49
theJeremylinuxearth: before HTTP proxy, there is HTTP.14:49
baltazorHello , I try install ubuntu (12.04.3 , 12.10 or 13.04 desktop amd64) , when need edit disk, there empty, but in list for install grub , disk detected14:49
linuxearthwell thanks anyways, i wuld try that way. thanks theJeremy and even I have to learn the Http. :0-14:49
baltazorif try use livecd , disk detected and i can edit with help cfdisk14:50
baltazorHow i can fixed that? thanks14:50
theJeremylinuxearth: Wikipedia has good introductions to HTTP and stuff like that.14:50
theJeremylinuxearth: study hard or risk being fooled into thinking you are anon, when your identity is leaked, and you get the worst kind of consequences.14:52
ActionParsniplinuxbaby: obsurity is not a security measure14:52
theJeremyActionParsnip: but anonymity --> impunity, and impunity is an element of security.14:53
bostActionParsnip: yea u r sort of right. My real question if is it possible to explicitly display a message "You need to reboot to activate this upgrade" when update-initramfs changes the kernel?14:53
seba_alguien habla español?14:54
bostActionParsnip: that would make my first question kind of obsolete14:54
seba_only spanishh14:54
SamSagaZguys, recommend me to install ubuntu using encrytion option ON?14:54
FloodBot1seba_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:54
ActionParsniptheJeremy: its a very poor attempt at securty14:55
theJeremyOK I can probably assume there is nobody here that can even direct me to help on an advanced question about Ubuntu 13.04 VirtualBox NAT. Good luck all!14:55
ActionParsnipbost: yes this will happen in the top right of the desktop14:55
ActionParsnipbost: or when you ssh in as well :)14:56
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bostActionParsnip: actually it does not appear when I update && upgrade from console14:56
styler2goMaybe i could ask something offtopic here... Do you Guys know where i could get help setting up a gameserver in Ubuntu?14:56
SamSagaZoh, found that the encryption performance is lower than without that option will install it using encryption off14:59
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ActionParsnipbost: seems that /var/run/reboot-required will exist15:00
ActionParsnipbost: /usr/share/update-notifier/notify-reboot-required   ran with sudo can also tell you15:01
ActionParsnipbost: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1012637.html15:01
bostActionParsnip: ls: cannot access /var/run/reboot-required: No such file or directory15:01
bost 15:01
bostActionParsnip: it's the /usr/share/update-notifier/notify-reboot-required15:03
bostActionParsnip: THX - good to know it15:04
mrwappiegood afternoon15:04
bostActionParsnip: anyway i consider it to be a kind of flaw that a reboot indication isn't obvious. What do you think?15:06
faeroejoin #salt15:11
karab44Hi all!15:16
RoryHi karab4415:16
atouiHi how are you15:22
=== Daughain is now known as Dau`gone
swaagieso my razer mouse (regardless of surface) seems to be skipping 300-400px up or down occasionally (while if move in any direction), what can I check to find the cause behind this? All interwebs stuff seems to be related to laptops etc..15:23
swaagieow also the behaviour is non-existant in windows15:25
loaswaagie, maybe this help http://superuser.com/questions/259216/disabling-mouse-acceleration-in-x-org-   linux15:25
loai think i am not 100% got question.15:25
styler2goOne simple Question: How can i create a file like a *.bat file on Windows? Something that executes a simple command line15:26
swaagieloa: well actually that could be the case15:26
swaagiethose razers got firmware on the mouse which may be causing issues with drivers in linux15:27
swaagieill try it out15:27
Rorystyler2go: The process is identical on Linux, just put the commands you want to run in a file, and execute it15:28
styler2gono matter whats the file-extension?15:28
swaagieloa: although on windows this video is the exact same thing i'm getting on ubuntu 13 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olF_x48bVEY15:28
swaagiei'll try that link first though15:28
Rorystyler2go: File extensions have no special meaning in Linux, they're just a filename that happens to include a dot15:28
llutzstyler2go: file-extensions are for humans, not for computers :) linux-systems don't care about them15:29
styler2gookay thanks :)15:29
Rorystyler2go: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/03/introduction-to-bash-scripting/15:29
loaswaagie, lol15:29
styler2goand... if i want to write something like a script where i can chose what to start.. something like: ./start teamspeak  or ./start apache, how could i do that?15:29
loaswaagie, looks like very big trying to do pee very carefully lol15:30
loabut he can't get it15:30
dakotawulfydid they change the xorg.confin ubuntu  with the nvidia?15:30
Hanumaantime is not getting synchronized in my ubuntu 13.04 machine ..15:30
dakotawulfyxorg.conf sorry15:31
Rory!ntp | Hanumaan15:31
ubottuHanumaan: Information about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)15:31
Wiz_KeeDWhen shopping for a new laptop, how can I quickly check the driver support on ubuntu for it? I wouldn't want to wake up to another "broadcom" sitiuation, any advice?15:32
gordonjcpWiz_KeeD: take a bootable USB stick, and try it out?15:32
Wiz_KeeDin the shop gordonjcp ?15:32
gordonjcpif they won't let you try it out, don't buy it15:33
Rorylana: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?15:33
styler2gonobody who could help me? :-/ I want to write a batch file with an if parameter is... statement....15:34
Wiz_KeeDhaha, nice15:34
Rorystyler2go: Please ask #bash for help with bash scripting they will point you towards some beginner resources15:34
Dau`goneWhats a good application for editing pdf files?15:34
styler2gooh ok15:34
RoryDau`gone: Libreoffice Writer15:34
Dau`goneThanks Rory15:35
pixelshuckHello, I have an Issue booting ubuntu:  "Gave up waiting for root device.", (initramfs) | http://paste.ubuntu.com/6163190/ <- fdisk -l ; that's freshly installed ubuntu.15:35
pixelshuckGoogle suggests that it is because of encrypted /home15:35
pixelshuckBut I don't have encryption15:36
Dau`goneLibreoffice writer doesnt open the file in a legible fashion...??15:36
raubpixelshuck: check if what grub things is your root device is indeed the right partition15:36
raubthen check if you can mount it manually15:37
raubcan do that from restore cd15:37
pixelshuckraub, from the recovery menu thingie, I can see that /dev/sd* don't exist15:38
pixelshuckraub, Simply _erasing_ whole drive, and then installing clean ubuntu shows same error. Both BIOS and UEFI. and it DID work before.15:39
LesleyJust did 'Check for updates' on my system, and got these errors: http://pastebin.com/9PtqdJ6K  What do they mean?15:40
pixelshuckEverything went up in flames, when upon downgrade (13.10 -> 13.04), I've accidentally checked to encrypt my home partition15:40
RoryLesley: it means the PPA you added called "ronmi/wallbox" doesn't have a repository for your Ubuntu version15:41
=== GingerGeek[Away] is now known as GingerGeek
LesleyRory: ok.  how do I delete tha particular PPA ?15:42
RoryLesley: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ronmi-wallbox-precise.list15:42
swaagieloa: hmm fiddling around with device parameters didn't work, so thats a no go15:42
loaswaagie, don't help?15:43
loayou switched off acceleration?15:43
HanumaanRory, actually I tried both those links and still the time is not getting changed.. I could change the time manually but does it not change with server ?15:43
swaagieloa: didn't help indeed, tried -1, 0 (default), (1 is not support) and 215:43
SuperLagHow do you find out what your system's fixed width font is? I figured that'd be in the Appearance settings... but no dice.15:44
loaswaagie, strange problem)15:44
RoryHanumaan: can you try the command: ntpdate -s ntp.ubuntu.com15:44
loai thought mouse have standarts or something15:44
LesleyRory: thanks.  that line seems to have helped.  what exactly does it do?15:44
RoryLesley: It deletes the PPA from your list of repositories. Run "sudo apt-get update" for it to take effect15:44
RoryLesley: And please be careful running commands from strangers on the Internet that you don't know what they do ;)15:45
SuperLagRory: because you're sinister, right? :)15:45
swaagieloa: yeah, although razer is doing some funky stuff with their mices. Changing the velocity scaling also doesn't help15:45
HanumaanRory, I tried still it did not changed and showing wrong time for some reason ..15:45
swaagieah well its no major issue, I can still work decently enough somehow you learn to adept15:46
RoryHanumaan: if you run the command "cat /etc/timezone" does it show a result you expect?15:46
HanumaanRory, yes it shows correct ..15:47
LesleyHanumaan: that name created lots of pressure and surely gives you a lot to live up to! :-p15:47
HanumaanLesley, yes you are correct ..15:48
paulensi want to create a portable ubuntu workspace (a.k.a. Live USB), but the maximum persistency is 4GB, which is too small for me. is there any chance it would work with full install, while installing it on external USB3 HDD?15:50
Rorypaulens: It should work how you expect if you install to your external hard drive15:53
styler2goHey Guys.. i have another big problem.. I can't install software using apt-get. I am getting the error message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6163283/15:55
paulensRory, thanks15:59
paulensbut i already tried that, and it hung up at loading screen15:59
paulenstried debug mode, but it showed something about hardware..16:00
ddr_hello, i am unable to edit the icon size of the unity, i have the ubuntu 12.04 lts and i use the gconf-editor from this page: http://askubuntu.com/questions/29553/how-can-i-configure-unity/101415#10141516:00
paulensi think it was "couldn't determine current hardware" or something like that16:00
NooooooobHi guise... how can I setup a route on ubuntu for the following. I am using OpenVPN client but once that it is connected I am unable to connect from any other external PC to the public IP on the computer.16:01
Nooooooobso I want to have openvpn + Access to the public IP16:01
fox-hello, could someone please tell me the solution to this error: http://i.imgur.com/9RNi6rH.png16:03
ActionParsnipfox-: disable the install CD as a package source in software centre or /etc/apt/sources.list16:04
OerHeksfox-, open softwarecenter, edit sources and disable CD-rom16:04
fox-i have done that to no avail16:04
fox-is a reboot required?16:05
OerHeksfox-, no, just close softwarecenter, and open terminal: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade16:06
styler2goSomeone an Idea how to fix this? I can't install new software... http://paste.ubuntu.com/6163283/16:06
fox-OerHeks, thank you16:07
Rorystyler2go: What ubuntu version are you using? use: "cat /etc/issue" to check16:07
styler2goUbuntu 12.04.3 LTS16:07
Rorystyler2go: wget rory.sh/fixpackages; sh fixpackages16:08
styler2goRory: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6163338/16:09
Rorystyler2go: wow... when did this start happening? Is there anything you're not telling me?16:09
styler2goI...i told you everything! I am not the bad guy!16:09
tux_the recent kernel update today has borked my X, running acer 72516:09
styler2goOk..i am.. its everytime the user :D16:09
Rorystyler2go: So one day it was working and then it stopped?16:10
styler2goThe server is brand new, i never tried it before16:10
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styler2gobut yes, it worked once... i have downloaded more using wget..16:10
Rorystyler2go: have you tried rebooting?16:11
NooooooobAnyone with knowledge on routes and openvpn?16:11
ddr_ hello, i am unable to edit the icon size of the unity, i have the ubuntu 12.04 lts and i use the gconf-editor from this page: http://askubuntu.com/questions/29553/how-can-i-configure-unity/101415#10141516:11
tux_3.8.0-31 is evil !16:11
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Roryask your real question, Nooooooob16:11
styler2goRory: lets try :D16:11
ActionParsnipfox-: no but you will need to run:  sudo apt-get update16:11
paulensRory, he already asked it...16:12
NooooooobRory...   I am tunneling through SSH to a VPS with ubuntu.  on the VPS I setup the OpenVPN client. It connects properly but once that it connects, the SSH tunnel drops.. I get disconnected and I am unable to access the public ip.16:12
ActionParsnipRory: that will need sudo ;)16:12
paulensRory, he wants to access his public IP while connected to VPN. i think it's impossible16:12
medoI have setup a working l2tp/ipsec vpn server - but none of my clients can use static ip's, they all seem to get overwritten by the address issued by ppp. Any help?16:12
foureight84what happens when you run crontab without any flags?16:12
Nooooooobpaulens: it is not impossible... it has to do with policy routing16:12
Rorypaulens: It's not impossible at all, you can set a VPN up to use only certain routes. I'm not sure of the syntax though16:13
Nooooooobbut unfortunally I have little knowledge on policy routing16:13
paulensRory, oh, that would be useful for me too xD16:13
styler2goRory: ouh yeah16:13
styler2goit also wont restart16:14
ice9I compiled the latest kernel version and installed it, when I boot in it, it crashes showing errors about ecrypt and /dev/urandom16:14
RoryTry also asking in #openvpn Nooooooob16:14
ActionParsnipice9: i'd ask in #linux or #kernel16:14
NooooooobI did but they showed me a 1000 page document lol with no help at all16:14
Rorystyler2go: You might have to do an actual hardware reset16:14
NooooooobRory:  they are not helpful when it comes to advance setups16:14
paulensRory, remember i asked about live usb? well, it shows some weird error about not recognizing hardware16:14
paulensand my mouse and keyboard stop working16:14
Rorypaulens: Could you be more specific about the error?16:14
paulenssorry, idk how to access logs or anything like that16:15
styler2goi killed linux...16:15
styler2golets have a moment of silence16:15
pixelshuckHello; http://i.imgur.com/7LDzBoi.jpg16:15
foureight84what happens when you run crontab without any flags?16:15
paulensRory, i can try to take a picture of the screen with my phone camera though... but i'll need to log off this channel16:15
paulensRory, if i run it normally, it just loads up and hangs up with a blank pink-ish screen16:16
Nooooooobso no one that could help me? :(16:16
ActionParsnippixelshuck: boot to liveCD and chroot in then reinstate grub16:16
tux_anyone update with 3.8.0-31 today?16:17
ActionParsnippixelshuck: omgubuntu has a guide called: sticking it to grub16:17
pixelshuckActionParsnip, No. It is Clean install. 7-th.16:17
paulensRory, but if i run it in debug mode, it shows some weird warnings which basically consist of numbers, and then the menu appears. when i click boot normally, it says something about unrecognized hardware and my mouse and keyboard won't work from that point16:17
hs366is Samba installing by default with 13.04  ?16:17
styler2goRory: It's dead. won't restart.16:18
paulensRory, there is an option to troubleshoot, but as my keyboard doesn't work, i can't access it...16:18
Rorystyler2go: Pull the plug if necessary16:18
paulensRory, shall i send you a screenshot?16:18
styler2goRory: It's a rent server :D16:19
Rorypaulens: No, just because I have to go home in a minute16:19
styler2goI have to reinstall it...16:19
Rorystyler2go: That was my second suggestion16:19
styler2goOh no :(16:19
paulensRory, oh.. sad xD16:19
ActionParsnippixelshuck: still may need doing16:19
Rorystyler2go: Try rebooting it first, your provider should provide a way to do this16:19
Rorypaulens: I'm not sad, it's Friday and I'm going home :P16:20
paulensRory, yes, but I AM sad xDDD16:20
NooooooobI am way more sad16:20
paulensNooooooob, tried #openvpn?16:20
styler2goRory: I tried, it is not reacting16:21
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.16:21
styler2gonow i have to reinstall everything.. damn...16:21
hs366!Samba 416:22
paulensoh, here's the only output of the console in WORDS, not numbers (partially): '/sbin/modprobe -bv pci:(some random numbers)' [365] terminated by signal 9 (Killed)16:22
hs366paulens, thx16:22
Rorystyler2go: Open a ticket with your provider, they'll probably reboot it quite quickly16:22
paulenshs366, for what?16:22
Rorystyler2go: So it *isn't* a brand new server? What did you install?16:23
hs366paulens,  i thought you replied me :D16:23
paulenshs366, oh xD though i didn't :P16:23
styler2goMaybe... i copied the backup of the old Server wrong.. :D16:23
hs366hahaha..! cool bro16:23
paulensok brb16:24
paulensi'll be back with my dumb problems soon16:24
ddr_so, nobody wants to help me?16:24
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hs366ddr :(16:24
Roryddr_: You say you're "unable" to but you haven't said anything anyone could use to help you.16:24
Rory!details | ddr_16:24
ubottuddr_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:24
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styler2goRory: Reinstallation almost done...16:26
styler2goRory: Thanks for your help anyway :)16:27
wilee-nileeddr_, The instructions are for dconf-editor16:28
Rorystyler2go: Np, going home now all16:29
sinus_hi, how do I disable the announcement of "has joined" and "has quit"?16:30
theJeremysinus_: that depends on your IRC client.16:30
sinus_oh, I have xchat16:30
wilee-nileesinus_, most likely in the preferences of the app you are using, which help to like share at the least.16:31
wilee-nileesinus_, In the prefrences of xchat16:31
theJeremysinus_: those are notice messages, and you may find some configuration options on their disposition, or not, in your IRC client docs. You may want to try a different IRC client.16:31
ddr_ i am unable to edit the icon size of the unity, i have the ubuntu 12.04 lts and i use the gconf-editor from this page: http://askubuntu.com/questions/29553/how-can-i-configure-unity/101415#10141516:32
ddr_and i want to know why, and i want to be able to edit it16:32
wilee-nileeddr_, IT SAYS dconf-editor.16:32
ddr_wilee-nilee, yes, but in that page i also have for the gconf-editor16:33
sinus_TheJeremy hmm, there are alot of settings can't find it. Ill check if it is in the advanced settings16:33
ddr_i use the gconf16:33
baphomet1hey guys, I have sort of an odd question (maybe).  I have a drive mounted in the fstab, but I believe the drive is failing, this is part of a pool.  What I would like to do is pull the drive from the system, remount it using a USB drive dock.  but I want it to be mounted as it is in the fstab and not in /media.  what would be the proper syntax for accomplishing this?16:33
mrwappie1hi dos some one know a place were i can find info about kevin mitnick?16:35
theJeremybaphomet1: you can plug it in, let it mount, then unmount it manually, and remount it however you want.16:35
wilee-nilee!fstab | baphomet1 all over the web16:35
ubottubaphomet1 all over the web: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions16:35
wilee-nileebaphomet1, If its failing I would not have it in fstab.16:36
baphomet1theJeremy, not sure of the proper syntax to mount it as it appears in the fstab.16:36
baphomet1wilee-nilee, I know, but to properly remove it from the greyhole pool I need to at least have it there temporarily16:36
baphomet1wilee-nilee, right now the system is shutdown until I can figure out the best course of action that will minimize data loss16:37
theJeremybaphomet1: the hard way is to delve into udev(7) rules.16:37
wilee-nileebaphomet1, The bot has fstab info and multiple links at the bottom of the wiki.16:37
baphomet1wilee-nilee, my question is not about the fstab.  my question is about how to remount the USB drive so that it is in the same location as the drive currently resides in the fstab16:37
medoI have setup a working l2tp/ipsec vpn server - but none of my clients can use static ip's, they all seem to get overwritten by the address issued by ppp. Any help?16:38
theJeremybaphomet1: if you do "mount <mountpoint>" mount(8) will look up the device node in the fstab using "<mountpoint>" as a key.16:38
baphomet1theJeremy, in the <mountpoint> am I to put the actual mount point or do I leave that command as is?16:39
skinuxWhere do we set position windows are opened at?16:39
theJeremybaphomet1: but /etc/fstab is for persistent device usage. Don't use it for temporary stuff, unless you will need to remount it a lot of times for maintenance. Instead, just "mount <device> <mountpoint>".16:40
theJeremybaphomet1: whenever I said <mountpoint> you need to use your intended mountpoint.16:41
baphomet1theJeremy, once the data is moved out of the greyhole pool and off the device I will have it removed from the fstab.  it is only temporary because of how the pool is seeing it.  good to know the syntax :D.  just hoping the drive will live long enough to actually move data off.16:41
baphomet1theJeremy, thank you for the assistance!16:42
theJeremybaphomet1: YW. I'm payin' my dues to try and get some help with a hard one.16:42
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baphomet1theJeremy, just one more question for clarification.  you first suggested using "mount <mountpoint>" indicating that it would look up the device node (this means the USB device?) in the fstab using the <mountpoint> as the key.  you then suggested using "mount <device> <mountpoint>".  would you say the second method is more 'fool proof' as it were?16:44
hs366anyone updated Eclipse to new R2 version today ? if any experiences you have16:44
theJeremybaphomet1: the second form of mount command is explicit. That makes it less ambiguous, not fool-proof, but in that direction, yes.16:45
hs366R2 = SR116:45
baphomet1theJeremy, thanks!  I will run with that one.16:45
theJeremybaphomet1: good luck!16:45
baphomet1theJeremy, so it would be like "mount /media/usb1 (example) /dev/sdb1 (or however it appears in the fstab)" just want to make sure I have it correct16:46
theJeremybaphomet1: more like "mount /dev/sdb1 /media/usb1"16:47
wheatthinbaphomet1, you might have to specify the filesystem type16:47
baphomet1theJeremy, why the reverse?16:47
sinus_Any gamers here?16:48
wheatthincause mount point always goes second16:48
sinus_Like soldat or Liero x?16:48
baphomet1wheatthin, ah.  ok16:48
mrrcpis there a package to install all the MS OFFICE fonts so that libreoffice can display windows presentations properly?16:48
theJeremybaphomet1: note what whaeatthin said, and you might want to "man mount."16:48
hs366!eclipse update16:48
baphomet1theJeremy, checking it now :D16:49
theJeremybaphomet1: "mount [-fnrsvw] [-t vfstype] [-o options] device dir" <-- straight from the manpage.16:49
baphomet1theJeremy, thanks again!16:49
baphomet1wheatthin, thank you too!16:49
ddr_so, nobody knows the solution to my problem?16:49
hs366! Eclipse16:49
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator16:49
baphomet1ddr_, please restate the problem?16:49
theJeremybaphomet1: what wheatthin is talking about is the "-t vfstype" option.16:50
hs366! eclipse16:50
hs366<ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about eclipse16:50
hs366 duuuhhhhhh!!!16:50
theJeremyddr_: have you tried any UI tweak tools?16:50
isashais sshuttle secure enough for home use?16:51
baphomet1theJeremy, noted.  I would hope it would pick up on the fact that it is ext4, but if not it's no biggie to specify it16:51
theJeremybaphomet1: YMMV, but you *may* want to try using dd to pull the raw blocks off the drive if it won't mount. dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=/your_bigstorage/broken_drive.img16:53
joheyWhen using linux-lowlatency kernel, my ThinkPad X1 Carbon does not boot. I hangs at "Loading linux-lowlatency-3.8.31". When switching back to generic, it continues with loading ramfs and so on.16:53
joheyAnyone has an idea on how to track this down?16:53
baphomet1theJeremy, that was also on the table.  if DD fails safecopy is next. http://sourceforge.net/projects/safecopy/16:54
Markus_The ext4 file system creation in partition #1 of SCSI2 (0,0,0) (sdb) failed.16:55
Markus_Trying to install16:56
Markus_Anyone can help_16:56
Markus_Okej skicka pm16:56
theJeremybaphomet1: if you get a dd img file, use mount -o loop /yr_directory/blahblah.img /media/usb116:57
mrrcpMarkus_: ?16:57
Markus_How do i answear pm_16:57
sinus_gah, hur?16:57
Markus_Lite noob ?16:57
sinus_Ja? Jag är van vid mirc16:57
sinus_har xchat nu16:57
baphomet1theJeremy, having never used DD and just speculating what that command does...does that expand the img file created by DD to the attached USB drive?16:57
wheatthinbaphomet1, it copies the hard drive bit by bit16:58
baphomet1theJeremy, checking the man pages for DD now too.16:58
DJones!se | sinus_16:58
ubottusinus_: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntustöd hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se. Tack!16:58
TausenHey everyone! I'm having some issues making my profilic usb to parallel device work - am I not supposed to see a device for this in /dev?16:58
theJeremybaphomet1: dd copies the raw drive (partition) contents, block by block, to a file16:58
wheatthinbaphomet1, usually used in data rescue16:59
baphomet1wheatthin, is it possible to go from a larger capacity drive to a smaller capacity drive?  the larger capacity drive is not using more than the smaller capacity drive can hold.16:59
baphomet1theJeremy, how can I expand that file back out to a new hard drive?16:59
baphomet1theJeremy, brb16:59
baphomet1wheatthin, brb16:59
wheatthinyou can do it to a file, or to a completely new hard drive baphomet117:00
theJeremybaphomet1: you are getting in really deep now. resize2fs(8) is yr friend.17:00
Markus_The ext4 file system creation in partition #1 of SCSI2 (0,0,0) (sdb) failed. How to fix_?17:01
tux3im a new ubuntu user17:02
theJeremybaphomet1: if you want to resize the fs, you should definitely dd it off the flaky hardware onto a file, and work with that until it's less than a partition on the smaller target drive, then you can dd the file onto the target drive partition device node.17:02
DJonestux3: Well welcome to the support channel17:02
Markus_Any1 has a idea?17:02
tux3im using lubuntu but how can to fix the repository? wich good serrver can i use fora efficent upgrade?17:03
theJeremyMarkus_: that means your hardware is b0rk3d.17:03
ddr_theJeremy, nope, but why the gconf-editor is not working?17:03
wheatthinMarkus_, did you try unmounting, and manually partitioning?17:03
theJeremyddr_: hard to say.17:03
ddr_baphomet1,  i am unable to edit the icon size of the unity, i have the ubuntu 12.04 lts and i use the gconf-editor from this page: http://askubuntu.com/questions/29553/how-can-i-configure-unity/101415#10141517:03
tux3someone can tell me??17:03
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jhutchinsMarkus_: Is that the installer?17:04
tux_anyone know of a way to create usb boot disk via terminal ?17:04
TheSovmorning all! i just updated my ubuntu and now im getting an nvidia api mismatch, verion is XXXX kernel has XXXX error17:04
yokobrhey guys, i`m getting an error message while it tries to update intramftools17:04
wheatthinMarkus_, also, make sure you're not using GPT partitioning17:04
tux_ThsSov my X is borked, join the club17:04
jhutchinsTheSov: If you're using the proprietary drivers they need to recompile against the new kernel.17:04
DJonestux3: I don't use lubuntu myself, you may get an answer in this channel, it might also be worth joining #lubuntu and asking there about the reporistory issue17:04
TheSovjhutchins, how would i do this?17:05
yokobrubuntu asks me to do apt-get -f install17:05
Markus_How do I respond to pms_17:05
yokobrbut get the same error17:05
CalinouMarkus_: by going in their tab17:05
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto17:05
tux3ok thanks for your reply:)17:05
jhutchinsTheSov: Hope it helps, I haven't done it myself.17:05
wheatthinyokobr, It'll do that if you had an incomplete install and it needs to fix17:05
yokobrinitramfs-tools depends on initramfs-tools-bin (<< 0.99ubuntu13.1.1~); but:   initramfs-tools-bin is  0.99ubuntu13.2.17:06
wilee-nileeyokobr, Do you have a stopped install, or is this from ppa or 3rd party?17:06
yokobrsome jerk just turned the server off while updating17:06
TheSovim a noob so most of this is greek to me17:06
jhutchinstux3: Do you have an iso, like the one you used to install?17:06
TheSovis there any way i can just revert17:06
SonikkuAmericayokobr: [ sudo dpkg --configure -a ]17:06
jhutchinsTheSov: Did the update create a new boot entry when it updated the kernel?17:07
wilee-nileeyokobr, run apt-get update and pastebin it.17:07
TheSovno idea17:07
TheSovcan i simply remove the nvidia driver?17:07
TheSovi need my work station up 3d acceleration be damned17:07
TausenWith a parallel-to-usb cable, am I not supposed to see an entry for it in /dev ?17:08
wheatthinTheSov, if you remove the driver, you won't have 3d accelleration17:08
TheSovthats fine really17:08
Markus_The ext4 file system creation in partition #1 of SCSI2 (0,0,0) (sdb) failed. pm me.17:09
wheatthinall you have to do is generate the xorg.conf file and have it use "nv" as the driver instead of nvidia17:09
tux3i got a cd with iso that i have downloded17:09
jhutchinsTheSov: I don't know which driver you have, but yes, you can use the OS nvidia driver.  The exacct steps should be in that link above, or just reverse the process they use.  I believe you have to un-blacklist the OS driver.17:09
jhutchinsTheSov: Ah, so according to wheatthin, just make a copy of the file for when you later want to go back to nvidia and update it to use nv.17:10
jhutchinswheatthin: Do you have to do anything for the kernel kms module?17:10
TheSovok if i find out what version of the driver i was using can i reinstall that?17:10
Markus_The ext4 file system creation in partition #1 of SCSI2 (0,0,0) (sdb) failed. on an ultrabook samsung 900x model.17:10
Markus_12.04 install17:11
JohnVonNeumanni wanna change the installation point  of /dev/sdb317:11
TheSovbecause i know it was 304.8817:11
frank-lnxQuick logging question.  I've added cron.* -/var/log/cron.log to /etc/rsyslog.conf in an attempt to keep the main log file from being "flooded" by cron messages.  It is now updating the /var/log/cron.log file, but the updates are also going to /var/log/messages as well.  Is there a way to stop this duplication?17:11
tux3jhutchins are you there?17:11
jhutchinstux3: If you need to get the iso file off of the CD it's just dd if=/dev/cdr of=debian.iso17:11
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JohnVonNeumanni wanna change the mount  point  of /dev/sdb317:12
jhutchinstux3: Then you should be able to dd if=debian.iso of=/dev/<usb drive>17:12
tux3but from wich path?17:12
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wheatthintux3, it would help if you were in the current iso directory for that to work17:12
a7i3nIn the opinion of everyone here: What is the best way to upgrade Ubuntu to a new release?17:13
wheatthinjhutchins, Ummm kms kernel modules could be loaded via modules.d or something alike17:13
tux3also in my home directory?17:13
hs366if i remove the Eclipse folder from my   /opt , does it remove completely ?17:13
wheatthinwhere did you create the iso at? :)17:13
tux3or from terminal?17:13
TheSovis there any way to reinstall nvidia driver 304.88?17:14
wheatthinfrom terminal17:14
wheatthinTheSov, indeed you can always use the apt-get reinstall <nvidia driver>17:14
TheSovyes but the heck would the package name for that driver be?17:15
wheatthinTheSov, you can search for it    apt-cache search nvidia17:15
BluesKaja7i3n:  the common response is a clean install after backing up your data, but an internet OS release upgrade can be done with : sudo do-release-upgrade17:16
TheSovyes found it!17:16
TheSovhopefully this wokrs17:17
tux3hi pepee17:17
TheSovhmm says i have a different driver in dkms17:17
TheSovremove all dkms modules?17:17
wheatthinit means you already have the newest version17:18
wheatthinotherwise it would have updated17:18
TheSovits asking me if i want to remove dkms modules?17:18
TheSovthanks so much17:19
TheSovim going download that deb and keep it, i dont want this happening again17:19
hs366Q: if i remove the Eclipse folder from my   /opt , does it remove completely ?17:19
baphomet1theJeremy, back17:20
baphomet1wheatthin, back17:21
Calinouhs366: normally yes17:21
hs366i just installed it by DL the package from Eclipse.org , not from package manager17:21
hs366so i thought maybe i should do more ,17:22
baphomet1wheatthin, if I use DD and move it to a file, am I able to then expand that file out onto a new drive at a later date?17:22
a7i3nThanks BluesKaj... I usually do a clean install, just checking to see if anyone knew a better way. I think I'd like a rolling release model...17:22
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baphomet1theJeremy, IC.  so I could go to a larger drive, but smaller would be bad?17:22
hs366Calinou,  thx , i will try it :)17:23
BluesKaja7i3n:  I've done it successfully using both methods , but I prefer the internet upgrade , because there's no fooling around with reinstalling stuff17:24
wheatthinbaphomet1,  yup17:24
tech11hi all17:25
blabliis it possible to mount /usr with --bind option ?17:26
blablion an ubuntu system17:26
baphomet1wheatthin, and DD doesn't care about the drive size used to pull down an img file?  the drive that is going out is 2TB, but maybe only a couple hundred gigs are in use.  I have a spare 1TB drive that I can DD it to tonight, but I want to be sure that wouldn't cause problems17:27
baphomet1wheatthin, judging by what theJeremy said, it looks like DD may panic if I do that17:27
yokobrhey guys, solved. I was out of free space on /boot17:28
yokobrthank you all17:28
wheatthinyeah the drive it will panic, cause it'll also try to copy the empty bits17:28
wheatthinso you must have the same size drive, or larger, never smaller17:28
baphomet1wheatthin, that is why he brought up the resizefs thing.  so I could DD it to a larger drive without issue then.  hmm.  I think my first step (read as the easiest step) is to have the drive mounted after boot to pull it out of the drive pool.17:29
baphomet1wheatthin, sorry to be a n00b, but at this point we are far beyond my own Linux knowledge.  so I just want to be sure I do things correctly.17:29
baphomet1wheatthin, so it looks like if I do the "mount /dev/sdb1 /media/usb1" that will mount the possibly failing drive I have pulled and put in a USB dock to the same location that it used to reside in the fstab, short of possibly having to tell it the file system type, am I missing anything there?17:31
wheatthinit's not needed to be in fstab17:31
paul424is kubuntu binary compatible with ubuntu ?17:32
baphomet1wheatthin, the background here is that I am using greyhole (a samba storage pooling solution) and I need it in the fstab until I can remove the drive from the greyhole pool.17:32
wheatthinI see17:32
baphomet1wheatthin, so will the above command accomplish what I am trying to accomplish?17:32
wheatthinas long as /media/usb1 exists, if not create the directory17:33
sandertjehow can i prevent Zeitgeist from eating all my RAM?17:33
xanguapaul424: kubuntu and ubuntu use the same repositories, bot are Ubuntu17:34
chaotic_goodtryign to find 'spotter' a python script to spot files, it says its managed by udate???17:34
chaotic_goodI dont see in /etc/init.d17:34
baphomet1wheatthin, I used /media/usb1 as an example, but I understand.17:34
Myrttipaul424: well deep down they're nearly the same thing, a bit like tea is still tea if it's poured from a teacup to a tea mug17:34
baphomet1wheatthin, so all that command is doing is pointing the mount point listed in the fstab at a different location, correct?17:34
tech11i have problem with make step install gammamoo server. can people help me install it in my server, ubuntu?17:34
wheatthinooh this is fstab entry17:35
wheatthinYou have to also specify filesystem type17:35
Myrttipaul424: looks different from the outside - the repositories are same and the basic stuff is the same underneath the hood17:35
wheatthinand user permission17:35
baphomet1wheatthin, ok.  is user permission one of the flags you append to the mount command or is it something that I should write into the fstab?17:36
wheatthinin fstab17:36
paul424http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/Ogre+Meshy I wante to install kubuntu on ubuntu desktop17:36
tech11i have problem with make step install gammamoo server. can people help me install it in my server, ubuntu?17:37
jhutchinswheatthin: usb drives tend to mount automatically via udev, which usually creates the appropriate mount point in /media/ - fstab entries are useful for setting options but not necessary.17:37
jhutchinspaul424: No need, just install KDE.17:38
wheatthinrgr.. I'll remember that jhutchins17:38
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is an open community that creates and maintains software including the Plasma desktop.  To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install  kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See  http://kubuntu.org for more information.17:38
baphomet1wheatthin, so the command should look something like this on my system "mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/UUID_OF_FAILING_DRIVE /media/USB_DRIVE_LOCATION -t ext4" again noting that the device UUID that is being provided is the same device that is going to be mounted as a USB device.  does this seem correct?17:39
paul424to install an KUBUNTU program* ...17:39
Myrttipaul424: but you don't have to install kde to install that app, no17:39
paul424on ubuntu system17:39
tech11i have problem with make step install gammamoo server. can people help me install it in my server, ubuntu?17:39
wheatthinbaphomet1, no sir.. partition type should go right after mount17:39
baphomet1wheatthin, "mount -t ext4 /dev/disk/by-uuid/UUID_OF_FAILING_DRIVE /media/USB_DRIVE_LOCATION" ok.  this is just strange to me because we are pointing something that already exists at itself in a different location hehe.17:40
wheatthinno uuid for /dev17:41
wheatthinjust the device.... /dev/sda or whatever17:41
wilee-nileetech11, 3rd party, not technically a ubuntu support install, you might also try #ubuntu-server17:41
wheatthinUUID will be just for fstab17:42
jhutchinstech11: There should be a README file and possibly an INSTALL file with instructions in the package.17:42
jhutchinstech11: If there isn't one, or if it's not clear, you should reconsider using that package.17:43
wheatthinbaphomet1, check this out   http://askubuntu.com/questions/232790/automount-ext4-partition-with-user-permission-ownership-fstab17:44
JoeLinuxCan someone help me out with screen/byobu configuration on Ubuntu EC2 instance? Specifically, handling login and logout of sessions.17:44
kirklandJoeLinux: what are you looking for?17:45
JoeLinuxI need to support multiple connections to the same byobu session on login (so multiple connections mirror the display). For teaching/observation purposes.17:45
kirklandJoeLinux: are using the screen or the tmux backend?17:45
JoeLinuxkirkland: Eh, it doesn't matter. I have both installed and can switch to whichever is more suited for this purpose.17:46
kirklandJoeLinux: do you care if your students have write access inside of the session?  or do you need to protect yourself by making that read-only?17:46
jboiican someone help me add a podcast to rhythmbox?17:47
jboiiim tryin to get this one to work17:47
JoeLinuxkirkland: Don't need that protection. To be more specific, I'm having another developer login to make his application work, and he's going to run through it step-by-step while I watch, basically.17:47
kirklandJoeLinux: okay, great17:48
JoeLinuxHe's in NYC, I'm in Miami. So, need to mirror display across SSH sessions.17:48
baphomet1wheatthin, should I not use the entry as it appears in the fstab?17:48
kirklandJoeLinux: just enable byobu to launch by default, by running "byobu-enable"17:48
kirklandJoeLinux: do that once;  now both of you ssh into the system, and you'll both be looking/typing in the same byobu session17:48
wheatthinbaphomet1, not for the initial mount.. just in fstab17:49
HerbertWestHello there I need a little help with this http://askubuntu.com/questions/350845/how-to-embed-a-new-window-on-gtk-quickly-glade17:49
JoeLinuxkirkland: I don't need to enable multiuser or anything?17:49
wheatthinso if you're trying to manually mount it it's   mount -t ext4 /dev/<device> /media/<mount point>17:49
JoeLinuxkirkland: Well I'll be damned. It works that way right out of the box... lol. I feel stupid.17:50
wheatthinwhen doing it in fstab, it's by UUID17:50
kirklandJoeLinux: enjoy ;-)17:50
baphomet1wheatthin, ok.  I am going to have to figure out what the entry for it is as /dev/device.17:50
baphomet1wheatthin, ic.17:50
JoeLinuxkirkland: One more... how do I make this "override" the regular session, so you're always in byobu?17:50
kirklandJoeLinux: that's what byobu-enable does17:50
dinesh__i m facing brightness problem in ubuntu 12.04 in sony vaio e- series17:50
baphomet1wheatthin, I am having a look at that link now17:51
JoeLinuxkirkland: I have another EC2 server that was built on another Ubuntu AMI, and it seems that when I type exit, it exits the SSH session instead of just ending the byobu session.17:51
dinesh__plz help me i m trying from a year today i came to know this irc channel17:51
JoeLinuxkirkland: Which is great because I always pick up where I left off, and don't kill the session by mistake.17:51
kirklandJoeLinux: so you want to exit byobu, and then remain in a shell on the remote system?17:51
JoeLinuxkirkland: Nope. End the session by typing "exit" once.17:51
kirklandJoeLinux: you want to type exit, thereby killing byobu AND logging out of your ssh session?17:52
baphomet1wheatthin, still makes my head spin thinking that we are pointing a drive at itself in a different location haha.  I never would have thought it possible.17:52
dinesh__any one here to solve my prob ?????17:52
JoeLinuxkirkland: Ugh, nevermind again. It seems that's also the default behavior. Please ignore my... uh... ignorance.17:52
kirklandJoeLinux: yep, that's exactly the default17:53
wheatthinbaphomet1, well the UUID is basically a shortcut to specifying the device17:53
JoeLinuxkirkland: Thanks.17:53
tech11i have problem with make step install gammamoo server. can people help me install it in my server, ubuntu?17:53
dinesh__i m facing brightness problem in ubuntu 12.04 in sony vaio e- series plz help me i m trying from a year today i came to know this irc channel is any one here to solve my prob ?????17:53
gmachine_24Greetings. Can I add a line to /etc/fstab so an external USB hard drive will mount to the same place every time I boot the computer? I created the mount point, etc., and have the UUID for the drive but adding a standard line to /etc/fstab doesn't seem to work.17:53
bazhang!blkid | baphomet117:53
ubottubaphomet1: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)17:53
kirklandJoeLinux: no problem, always glad to see new Byobu users17:54
baphomet1wheatthin, yeah.  again as we are way out of the scope of my knowledge at this point, is there a reason why using the dev/by-uuid....wouldn't work?17:54
wheatthinbaphomet1, when specifying the mount point, all you're doing is giving you a physical place to access the device17:54
JoeLinuxkirkland: I've been using Screen for years, but never really played with Byobu.17:54
baphomet1bazhang, thanks for the suggestion, at this point we are far beyond that.17:54
JoeLinuxkirkland: Good stuf17:54
tech11i have problem with make step install gammamoo server. can people help me install it in my server, ubuntu?17:54
jhutchinsdinesh__: I'm running xfce, but unders Settings/Desktop I have "Brightness" and "Saturation" sliders.17:54
baphomet1wheatthin, yeah, still bakes my brain though ahah.17:55
dinesh__jhutchins : then plz help me17:55
wheatthinbaphomet1, it does take some getting used to. :) I've been involved with linux since 2000 or somewhat17:55
jhutchinsdinesh__: How?17:56
dinesh__idk :P17:56
dinesh__if u can solve then plz let me know17:57
baphomet1wheatthin, yeah.  I mean I have been using it for a while now and I love how I continue to learn more about it and how really powerful it is, just scared to break something :D.  so yeah, just curious why using the UUID wouldn't work?17:57
dinesh__jhutchins: plz help me i m facing problem17:57
tech11i have problem with make step install gammamoo server. can people help me install it in my server, ubuntu?17:57
wheatthinbaphomet1, if you  'man mount' you might get more insite17:57
wheatthininsight* lol17:57
=== cmagina-away is now known as cmagina
baphomet1wheatthin, I was reading through it, keep getting side tracked with stuff coming up :O.  let me get back to it.  be back in a bit (maybe with more questions :D).17:58
dinesh__i m facing brightness problem in ubuntu 12.04 in sony vaio e- series plz help me i m trying from a year today i came to know this irc channel is any one here to solve my prob ?????17:59
jhutchinsdinesh__: You said you had a brightness problem, use the control panel to adjust the brightness.18:00
jhutchinsdinesh__: Settings/Desktop.18:00
dinesh__i did this already18:00
dinesh__and i m also search too many websites18:01
dinesh__jhutchins: ???18:02
jhutchinsdinesh__: Is it possible the backlight is failing?18:03
OerHeksdinesh__, maybe you need to make a Xorg.conf > http://askubuntu.com/questions/23907/changing-brightness-on-a-sony-vaio-laptop18:03
jhutchinsdinesh__: Basic formula here is tell us what you wanted, tell us how you tried to do it, tell us what you expected, and tell us what happened instead.18:04
dinesh__i i did this18:05
dinesh__ls /sys/class/backlight18:05
dinesh__o/p is18:05
dinesh__plz wait a while18:06
dinesh__ acpi_video file is shown  after that i did this command sudo bash -c "echo 2 > /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness" then nothing is happened also function key is working , it is showing the brightness is decreasing/increasing but actually it is not working18:07
tech11i have problem with make step install gammamoo server. can people help me install it in my server, ubuntu?18:07
tylertwoHey, I wanted to reformat my USB stick (it's read-only), so I tried to unmount it first using "sudo umount /dev/sdb1", but I get the message "device is busy". I then entered "fuser -m /dev/sdb1" to see what processes were using it, and around 25 process came up, such as Gnome 2d and Notification Daemon. Any idea why so many processes are using the device?!18:07
dinesh__jhutchins: read my msg and plz try to reply18:08
styler2goHello. I have some trouble creating a new user and i am a linux-"noob". I created the user using "useradd steam -d /home/hlds" and now, if i want to change to the user there is only a simpe $ on the beginning of every line, not like root one18:08
bazhang!helpme | dinesh__18:09
ubottudinesh__: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude18:09
tech11i have problem with make step install gammamoo server. can people help me install it in my server, ubuntu?18:09
tech11i have problem with make step install gammamoo server. can people help me install it in my server, ubuntu?18:10
=== ceed^18 is now known as ceed^
BluesKaj!patience | tech1118:11
ubottutech11: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/18:11
jhutchinstech11: We're just fellow users here, it's possible nobody herer has ever heard of gammamoo.18:13
jhutchinstech11: If it's not part of Ubuntu we probably don't know much abou tit.18:13
jhutchinswhois tech1118:15
Nooooooobwhois jhutchins18:15
Nooooooobjhutchins: use /18:16
jhutchinsYeah, yeah, left off the /.18:16
=== KindOne- is now known as KindOne
jhutchinsIt's a pitty he logged out, the developer is part of my LUG and is logged in to our channel.18:16
bazhang /whowas works18:17
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jhutchinsbazhang: Actually, freenode server will fall back to whowas if someone logs out.18:19
bazhangnice to know thanks18:19
* jhutchins considers a new keyboard - or maybe new fingers.18:19
IsntFunnyIs there a simple command to convert all file names to lowercase in a folder?18:20
tylertwook, i figured it out18:26
baphomet1wheatthin, sorry about that, just had a minor disaster happen :D.  back now.18:26
nieeHi folks :)) anyone to help me pls? afrer install phpmyadmin in my Ubuntu and try to opern localhost/phpmyadmin or Applications>Programming>phpMyAdmin my browser download some file. not open admin and password login ]; any ideas how to fix the problem (Ubtunto 11.04).18:41
sketch_hello all i need some help with getting a much needed .sh to run18:42
shahinhi every one18:43
shahini'm gong to configure kerio vpn18:43
shahinbut i can't18:43
wilee-nilee!11.04 | niee18:43
ubottuniee: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on October 28, 2012. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.18:43
shahinany help?18:43
wizarddanyone know why the catalyst driver offered by ubuntu doesn't work with amd apu e2-2000 cpu's radeon hd7340?18:44
wizarddonly the open source driver works, and it has poor performance18:44
wizardd3.8.0.30 kernel18:45
shahinany help?18:45
nieeubottu: not inposible to update!!!18:45
ubottuniee: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:45
wizardd00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Wrestler [Radeon HD 7340]18:45
OerHeksniee, you need "Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf" in apache2.conf, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/phpMyAdmin18:46
nieetnx OerHeks :)18:46
sketch_anyone have teamviewer that can help me?18:46
OerHekssketch_, ./filename.sh will do18:48
Heeeeelpgood afternoon18:48
HeeeeelpI just installed ubuntu and  all seemed well until the very end when it said it had failed to install GRUB. I tried selecting different partitions to try in, with the same result. I can proceed without installing GRUB, but then it tells me I have to manually install the boot loader18:49
smO3000Can anyone provide me direction on a web based IT Ticketing freeware that can be hosted on linux server18:50
smO3000I wouldnt mind paying out of pocket most of what I could find was for large scale business and I just cant afford it currently18:50
* knox_ sup peeple18:52
sketch_OerHeks i tried that and it still wont work18:52
sketch_hence why i asked if anyone has teamviewer18:53
DJonessmO3000: Not something I've used but may give some hints https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OTRS18:53
OerHekssketch_, did you restart apache ? sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart18:53
sketch_no but im doing so now18:53
Heeeeelpi was installing ubuntu 12.04 and  All seemed well until the very end when it said it had failed to install GRUB. I tried selecting different partitions to try in, with the same result. I can proceed without installing GRUB, but then it tells me I have to manually install the boot loader18:54
Heeeeelphow do i solve this problem.. it is annoying18:54
LennyJrgetting messages on shutdown screen, who knows what thats about?18:54
sketch_command not found18:55
compdocLennyJr, can you read them? must be in a log somewhere18:55
* knox_ lennyJr read them18:55
LennyJrcant find them becuase i know nothing about computers18:56
LennyJrthe machine is running fine18:56
LennyJrbut why the messages?18:56
imthenachomanhey guys. im confused about one thing with lirc. how do i find out ir receiver I have?18:56
knox_./me if you read them lenny you will know why18:57
jhutchinsHeeeeelp: You don't want it installed to a partition, you want it installed to the default boot device (/dev/hda).18:57
* knox_ if you read them lenny you will know why18:57
smO3000DJones : Thanks for the heads up18:57
LennyJri cant read that fast knox, so not sure what to do18:58
LennyJrthey are red messages18:58
compdocLennyJr, try looking at the file  /var/log/kern.log18:58
wilee-nileeHeeeeelp, This a dual boot say with W8?18:58
LennyJryeah, its full of stuff i dont understand18:59
Heeeeelpno dual18:59
Heeeeelponly ubuntu19:00
compdocLennyJr, copy it and paste it into pastebin.com, then give us the url19:00
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wilee-nileeHeeeeelp, Okay how about a fdisk -l pastebinned19:00
LennyJrthink its something to do with being connected to net on shutdown19:01
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Heeeeelpnot sure what you mean by that19:01
LennyJrbut it does it when not connected too19:01
=== root_ is now known as powerranger
wilee-nilee!pastebin } Heeeeelp, run in the terminal fdisk -l19:01
ubottuwilee-nilee: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:01
jhutchinsHeeeeelp: Did you not see my message?19:01
wilee-nilee!pastebin | Heeeeelp, run in the terminal fdisk -l19:02
ubottuHeeeeelp, run in the terminal fdisk -l: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:02
wilee-nileejhutchins, could easily be a wiped uefi setup, we should really find out.19:02
jhutchinswilee-nilee: If he installed grub to a partition it wouldn't work either.19:03
wilee-nileeright neither will the mbr, unless setup correctly19:03
wilee-nileeif uefi19:03
Heeeeelpi didnt insatll anything it wouldnt let me19:03
shahin__hi i'm not able to configure vpn19:03
shahin__any help19:03
Heeeeelpit asked and i pressed sda19:03
Heeeeelpthen upon reboot all i got was a flashing line19:04
powerrangerhi I?ve got a little trouble with anacron i added a backup script to run once every but now anacron starts at every bootup: Sep 27 20:43:13 Irondatagrave anacron[1270]: Will run job `cron.daily' in 3 min. and then again Sep 27 20:55:34 Irondatagrave anacron[1323]: Will run job `cron.daily' in 3 min. any ideas ?19:04
shahin__any help19:05
jhutchinspowerranger: Where did you add this script?19:05
LennyJrit says src=then what looks like an IP then it says DST=then what looks like my IP19:05
shahin__any help19:05
Heeeeelpi typed fdisk -1 and it just returned19:05
wilee-nileeHeeeeelp, run the fdisk -l so we can see what is there refer to the bots info on pastebin for help.19:05
jhutchinsHeeeeelp: That's a lower-case L19:05
Heeeeelpi know19:05
jhutchinsHeeeeelp: for list.  Not one.19:06
Heeeeelpi know19:06
Heeeeelpi did19:06
jhutchinsHeeeeelp: Well there's your problem, you don't have any hard disks!19:06
powerrangerits in /etc/cron.daily/19:06
Heeeeelpi have a sda19:07
powerrangeralso my logwatch is sending me mails every bootup19:07
jhutchinsSometimes I don't see /msg windows for days.  In-channel works much better.  There are people here who know much more about current ubuntu than I do.19:08
LennyJrguess i need to learn how to fix broken packages then :(19:08
Heeeeelpthis ubuntu thing is a hassel19:08
wilee-nileeshahin__, If someone knows they will answer, don't spam the channel with helps.19:08
jhutchinspowerranger: The idea of anacron is that it can do "catch up" and run jobs that were scheduled to run when the system was down.19:08
jhutchinsshahin__: We don't know how you tried to configure it, what you expected to happen, and what actually happened instead.  Try posting that.19:09
Heeeeelphow do i not have any hard rives... one is intalled19:09
shahin__thank u19:09
shahin__it says connection faild19:10
grafdiffuzorhow to navigate pdf contents in evince 3.x?19:10
shahin__a'm trying configure kerio vpn19:10
wilee-nileeHeeeeelp, Open gparted take a screen shot and imagebin it.19:10
mrrcpkerio vpn?19:10
jhutchinsHeeeeelp: Seriously, fdisk -l returns NOTHING?19:10
wilee-nilee!imagebin | Heeeeelp19:10
ubottuHeeeeelp: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.19:10
jhutchinsHeeeeelp: As root, in a console.19:11
Heeeeelpi am not on that computer19:11
LennyJrso when i shutdown like that, it has some data not written to somewhere, in a buffer, breaking my internet config?19:11
imthenachomanhey guys. im confused about one thing with lirc. how do i find out ir receiver I have?19:11
jhutchinsHeeeeelp: Please try what we've suggested then and come back when you have the answers.19:11
jhutchinsHeeeeelp: If you can't access that system it's going to be very difficult for us to help you.19:12
grafdiffuzorhow to navigate pdf contents in evince 3.x? I mean seems like there's no f9 anymore19:12
powerrangermy /var/spool/anacron/cron.daily says 20130927 so it should not run today but it does19:12
shahin__any idea?19:13
Heeeeelphave access but no internet and i have to keep switching mouses and keyboards so it take a while to do small tasks that you asks one at a time19:13
jhutchinsshahin__: Are you trying to configure the server?  The client?  A connection?  Don't make us guess.19:13
jhutchinsHeeeeelp: Have you read the install guide?19:14
shahin__i'm trying to configure a connection19:14
shahin__to connect to vpn server19:14
powerrangerits 12.04 LTS fileserver headless running only when woken by WOL thats why i?m using anacron19:14
Heeeeelpyes it does not solve issues.. just how to install19:14
powerrangerits was working until i added the backup script and maybe did sth. else but i?ve got no idea whats causing anacron to start cron daily at every bootup19:16
=== AndresSM is now known as AndresSM_away
LennyJrone more thing, the var/log/kernel just changed while i was looking at it, i noticed the SRC=ip number changed after it warned me, is that normal?19:16
shahin__jhutchins i'm waiting?19:17
jhutchinspowerranger: Did the daily  maintenance run before you shut the system down?19:17
jhutchinsshahin__: We don't know how you tried to configure it, what you expected to happen, and what actually happened instead.  We don't know where you got the information to configure the connection, or if that was complete or not.  We don't know what kind of VPN you'19:18
jhutchinsre trying to connect to.  You can't expect us to know these things unless you tell us.19:19
=== gbyers[Away] is now known as g_byers
* jhutchins goes for coffee.19:19
shahin__i've downloaded kerio connection package from software manager then installed it19:19
powerrangeri guess so anacron started today at 02:00 i rebootet at 20:43 and anacron started again my cron.daily19:20
shahin__i'm going to pass filters websites19:20
Heeeeelpdid the link work19:20
shahin__but i'm not able19:20
powerrangerSep 27 02:03:01 Irondatagrave anacron[13078]: Job `cron.daily' started19:21
powerrangerSep 27 02:08:45 Irondatagrave anacron[13078]: Job `cron.daily' terminated (mailing output)19:21
powerrangerSep 27 02:08:45 Irondatagrave anacron[13078]: Normal exit (1 job run)19:21
powerrangerand 20 hours later: Sep 27 20:46:13 Irondatagrave anacron[1270]: Job `cron.daily' started19:22
powerranger(after reboot)19:22
LennyJrk bye19:24
Heeeeelpthe security is all disabled19:27
jhutchinspowerranger: Interesting.  It should have flagged completion from the nightly maintenance run and not run it again on reboot.  You might have a problem with your clock.19:28
jhutchinspowerranger: Or there might be some other reason for that behavior.19:28
zomgdockerhello awesome people. does anyone know how to make a filesystem in one 'file' so i can mount it with LXC?19:29
zomgdockerand that i can afterwards just zip it up19:29
ezra-szomgdocker, you an create an iso and mount it read-write, then unmount and zip, probably there are better ways19:30
powerrangerthe clock seems ok: just terminated and started again Sep 27 21:29:51 Irondatagrave anacron[6978]: Will run job `cron.daily' in 3 min. WTF ?19:30
italian-cruncherzomgdocker, you can use the dd command19:30
zomgdockeritalian-cruncher dd?19:30
zomgdockerand than mkfs over it?19:30
italian-cruncherzomgdocker, exactly19:31
zomgdockeritalian-cruncher: alright, so first dd and alocate x size and then mkfs and then mount it normally?19:31
Heeeeelpno no ideas on the bootloader or grub19:31
italian-cruncherzomgdocker, yes, this should work19:32
zomgdockeritalian-cruncher: ace. you are a star19:32
italian-cruncherzomgdocker, I know. cheers ;)19:32
zomgdockerHahha. u are not by any chance hanging out in Tarifa, spain right? im here on holiday but couldnt stay away from my mac19:33
Heeeeelphow do i install bootloaded or grub after the installation19:33
moesHeeeeelp, Did you run fdisk -l and copy to pastebin19:33
Heeeeelpposted a link earlier19:34
italian-cruncherzomgdocker, I'm not ;)19:34
moesHeeeeelp, need complete url19:34
Heeeeelpi opend gpartitioner and screen shot it19:34
BlueProtomanHow come I can't run .jar files by double clicking on them, even after installing jarwrapper?19:35
CalinouBlueProtoman: what error message do you get?19:35
powerrangersomehow anacron ignores my timestamps:19:35
powerrangerSep 27 21:33:35 Irondatagrave anacron[7127]: Updated timestamp for job `cron.daily' to 2013-09-2719:35
powerrangerSep 27 21:33:35 Irondatagrave anacron[7127]: Updated timestamp for job `cron.weekly' to 2013-09-2719:35
powerrangerSep 27 21:33:35 Irondatagrave anacron[7127]: Updated timestamp for job `cron.monthly' to 2013-09-2719:35
powerrangerSep 27 21:33:45 Irondatagrave anacron[7134]: Anacron 2.3 started on 2013-09-2719:35
FloodBot1powerranger: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:35
powerrangerSep 27 21:33:45 Irondatagrave anacron[7134]: Will run job `cron.daily' in 3 min.19:35
Calinouyou may need to chmod +x the jar file19:35
Calinouwhat is +Z?19:35
italian-cruncherBlueProtoman, if you right-click on them and check Properties, is the file marked as 'executable'? is the default app for opening set right?19:35
jboii__someone know bout a ftp application for ubuntu?19:36
BlueProtomanCalinou, None.  When I double click the jar, it just opens in Archive manager.  And italian-cruncher, yes, it's executable.  I ran "sudo chmod +x" on it.19:36
jboii__that is easy to use?19:36
italian-cruncherBlueProtoman, change the default app for it by using 'open with...'19:36
BlueProtomanitalian-cruncher, the Java runtime doesn't even appear on the application list.19:36
CalinouBlueProtoman: right click > open with > java19:36
italian-cruncherBlueProtoman, does it work if you sue command line'19:36
Calinoualternatively: java -jar jarfile.jar19:36
Calinouin command line19:36
BlueProtomanitalian-cruncher, Calinou, yes, it does work via command line.19:36
Heeeeelpthe fdisk -l doesnt say anything... it just returns19:36
smw94usb_modeswitch not affecting my usb modem, anyhelp ?19:36
Calinouthen use it19:37
Calinoumake a .sh script ;)19:37
BlueProtomanCalinou, I don't want to.  It worked the way I wanted it to before I nuked my computer.19:37
Calinouit still works19:37
italian-cruncherBlueProtoman, the sh script is executable by double click, but I get your point19:38
Calinounormally, you can change default program for .jar files19:38
Calinouright click > open with > Other... > choose java19:38
Calinouand set it as default19:38
italian-cruncherhe said that java doesn't show up in there...19:38
BlueProtomanCalinou, yes, but Java doesn't appear on the list.19:38
italian-cruncherBlueProtoman, did you install java from repos?19:39
italian-cruncherthe openjdk?19:39
BlueProtomanitalian-cruncher, yes, but I also installed Sun java via the PPA set up by WebUpd8.19:39
italian-cruncherif yes, then you have to search for 'OpenJDK' in that list19:39
BlueProtomanitalian-cruncher, I know.  Still not there19:39
havvCan anyone help me: http://askubuntu.com/questions/350390/set-a-static-ip-to-lubuntu-on-virtualbox ? :(19:39
JuneaGirlHi all19:40
italian-cruncherhavv, is that your question?19:40
italian-cruncherBlueProtoman, tried to log off and in again?19:40
havvitalian-cruncher: yes19:40
BlueProtomanitalian-cruncher: Yes.19:40
JuneaGirlWanting to get info on system backups and upgrades19:40
italian-cruncherJuneaGirl, just ask19:40
italian-cruncherhavv, did you set up port forwarding in your router? you have to19:41
mvki'm using 13.10, but screen dim does not work with FN -keys, i also tried xbacklight, and through setpci19:41
mvknon of it working19:41
mvkany tips?19:41
italian-cruncherBlueProtoman, are you using Ubuntu with Unity?19:42
Calinoumvk: ls /sys/class/backlight19:42
Calinouwhat does this give19:42
BlueProtomanitalian-cruncher: No, GNOME 3.19:42
mvkCalinou: acpi_video019:42
italian-cruncherBlueProtoman, so, Nautilus? did you use Nautilus when it used to work before you nuked your system?19:42
havvitalian-cruncher: ummm no, it wasn't stated anywhere, can you refer me to what should I do exactly?19:42
BlueProtomanitalian-cruncher: Yes, I did.19:42
JuneaGirlNEED to upgrade from current version IMMEDIATELY (running MAV), I only have 16gigs available on a physical drive. What options do I have for backup? (300gig main drive, 54 gigs of junk)19:43
AdityaRajcan anyone suggest what kind of external drive is good for running ubuntu?19:43
=== GingerGeek is now known as GingerGeek[Away]
italian-cruncherhavv, google for 'how to set up port forwarding in router'19:43
AdityaRaji cannot change the existing os on my laptop and want to run ubuntu on a stick?19:43
Calinoumvk: try this:19:43
havvitalian-cruncher: yeah, but which port should I forward?19:44
italian-cruncherAdityaRaj, any drive will do as long as you can boot from it (depends on BIOS)19:44
havvitalian-cruncher: O'19:44
BlueProtomanitalian-cruncher: Also, Ubuntu 13.04.  Before and now.19:44
Calinouecho 1 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness19:44
havvitalian-cruncher: I'm using bridged adapter, not NAT19:44
AdityaRajitalian-cruncher, i have been using a hdd which was great.. but then later i used a pen drive but the performance was quite poor in comparison any idea what might be the reason?19:44
AdityaRajcould it be the usb transfer rate supported by different devices ?19:45
italian-cruncherhavv, http://www.howtogeek.com/122641/how-to-forward-ports-to-a-virtual-machine-and-use-it-as-a-server/19:45
italian-cruncherAdityaRaj, is the Hard disk USB2 or 3?19:45
AdityaRaji am not sure.. i think the hdd is dead now that is why i need to use a pen drive now19:45
HeeeeelpHow do I install a bootloaded or GRUB to a system to get ubuntu running after insatallation19:45
mvkCalinou: it doesnt seem to change anything19:46
italian-cruncherAdityaRaj, hard disks are usually faster than USB sticks as far as i know19:46
Heeeeelpi posted my screenshot on imagebin.org/27210719:46
AdityaRajitalian-cruncher, ok19:46
havvitalian-cruncher: it's relevant to NAT, I'm using a bridged adapter19:46
AdityaRajitalian-cruncher, i have made a bootable pen drive and it is running ubuntu on my laptop.. can i continue to just use that.. will i be able to store date while using it?19:47
italian-cruncherhavv, did you check that you aren't using an IP already used on the network?19:47
italian-cruncherAdityaRaj, it depends on where you installed it. If you are running it as a live CD then no, it won't save anything unless you explicitly save files on another partition, but any changes to the OS will be lost if you are using it live (Live: just boot and no install)19:48
havvitalian-cruncher: yeah19:48
moesHeeeeelp, That imagebin does not show a complete gparted image19:49
Heeeeelphow not19:49
AdityaRajbut while creating a startup disk i saw an option for specifying space for retaining data across boots, italian-cruncher  what is that for?19:49
italian-cruncherhavv, is the gateway correct? tried with
italian-cruncherAdityaRaj, if you did that then you are fine19:50
havvitalian-cruncher: yeah, I copied it from ipconfig /all19:50
AdityaRajitalian-cruncher, should i be able to install softwares as well and not lose them across boots?19:50
italian-cruncherhavv, seems like you will have better odds on askubuntu ;)19:50
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
Siidisupgrade questions!!n19:51
Heeeeelpwhat do you need in the picture19:51
italian-cruncherAdityaRaj, I don't really know, but you can try by installing a package or changing wallpaper, rebooting and seeing if changes are kept. so you can be 100% sure you had set it up correctly19:51
AdityaRajyeah i am testing that out19:51
moesHeeeeelp, Partitions19:51
AdityaRaji tried creating a file in documents folder in home directory and it remained there19:52
AdityaRajnot i am installing ruby19:52
Heeeeelpsda1 5 that all it shows me19:52
AdityaRajlets see if it is still there after reboot19:52
AdityaRajthanks italian-cruncher19:52
SiidisWant minimal backup before crucial upgrade. Only have 16G hd to play with. File compression, disk imaging, manual backup?? (300G system)19:53
Heeeeelpit shows dev/sda1,2,519:53
moesHeeeeelp, But it should have info about paritions19:53
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Heeeeelpi dont know how to get that info19:54
john_jcteacherHello all - bcmwl had previously generated a blacklist-bcm43 file that I could comment out. Now however, it keeps updating itself so my comments don't stick around19:55
john_jcteacheris there a way to lock that file down or stop bcmwl?19:55
italian-cruncherSiidis, I'd manual backup all your data that sits on /home and just write a text file with a list of packages to be reinstalled if things go bad. Using such checklist a reinstall is a breeze. Nothing better comes to mind with such limited storage room19:55
italian-crunchermoes, for info about partitions just write sudo lsblk19:56
italian-cruncherin a terminal ofc19:56
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john_jcteacheri'm in 12.04 lts19:56
Siidisitalian-cruncher, is there a way to compress files that I want to keep to minimize the space it takes up on backup drive??19:57
italian-cruncherSiidis, ofc you can use compression, you are you really trying to backup 300 gigabytes into 16? noway19:57
SiidisGotcha! No, but 30G of stuff I want to keep lol. Thanks <italian-cruncher>19:59
moesHeeeeelp, From ternminal  sudo lsblk and pastebin19:59
italian-cruncherSiidis, no compression can make 30G fit into 16 :) unless you store text files all made up with zeros19:59
italian-crunchercompression usually means getting 5-15% less usage19:59
italian-cruncheryou can achieve 99% compression but not on 'real' data20:00
Territoriojovenwhat is jokey-backend?20:01
italian-cruncherJockey is a tool for installing third-party hardware drivers.20:03
giorgosGood evening. I am trying to boot with linux version 3.5.0-41 but all I take is a "You need to load the kernel first" error... Could anyone help?20:05
wilee-nileegiorgos: This a download of your own?20:06
giorgoswilee-nilee: No, through Update Manager20:07
wilee-nileegiorgos: thsi install till this update, was it a partial upgrade?20:08
Heeeeelp<moes> did you see my imagebin linl20:08
wilee-nileegiorgos: sorry worked tiill thi.20:09
giorgoswilee-nilee: No20:09
JohnVonNeumanni get this message at restart:"continue to wait,press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery"20:09
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wilee-nileegiorgos: no for 2 questions?20:09
kingplusplusplease how do i use my ssh as VPN20:09
giorgoswilee-nilee: I dont understand your second one.20:10
wilee-nileegiorgos: has this install worked?20:10
Heeeeelpi couldnt put it in a pastebin only imagebin moes20:10
giorgoswilee-nilee: Of course20:10
skinuxCurious, are files of tarballs (e.g. Firefox) meant to be placed in appropriate locations by users or are tarballs intended to be extracted to ~/Apps or /opt/<app> or similar?20:12
wilee-nileegiorgos: sometimes the update manager will offer a partial upgrade, not good to run is all, have you tried the previous kernel, might be a bad imstall.20:12
moesHeeeeelp, what ububuntu version20:13
giorgoswilee-nilee: Update Manager didn't prompted for partial upgrade. I am runnin' with the previous kernel now.20:13
moesHeeeeelp, Did you burn to cd or dvd20:13
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moesHeeeeelp, Did you md5sum your download before burn20:15
wilee-nileeHeeeeelp: Try this app, save the url from the pophp when run to lost here if it does not set you up. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair20:15
kingplusplusanyone one know how i can use my dedicated server as a VPN on my local computer... some command similar to ssh user@ip:port -D please i need the full command20:15
kingplusplusplease anyone  know how i can use my dedicated server as a VPN on my local computer... some command similar to "ssh user@ip:port -D" please i need the full command20:15
italian-cruncherHeeeeelp, reboot again from CD and select 'verify CD'20:16
Heeeeelpi verified it with ubuntu already20:16
Heeeeelpsaid no errors20:16
wilee-nileegiorgos: On occaison a kernel is a bad install or is missing something.20:17
u3what is going on here20:17
u3who needs help20:17
wilee-nileeu3: this issuport on what ypu recognize,20:18
giorgoswilee-nilee: Thanks20:20
MoPacHello; I have a question about the files in sources.list.d . I'm a bit confused about the meaning of extra copies of the repository files whose filenames end in ".distupgrade" or ".save". Could anyone shine a light for me?20:22
gregor3005hi, does anybody use a sony dualshock3 controller with ubuntu?20:22
trismMoPac: http://askubuntu.com/questions/82825/do-files-at-etc-apt-sources-list-d-need-to-have-an-extension-list20:24
MoPactrism: I've seen that page, but it doesn't really answer my question: what are they for? (And I don't think it mentioned the distupgrade versions)20:25
Heeeeelpi enteredc the boot repair sudo code and it says to check my internet access20:25
moesHeeeeelp, !md5sum20:26
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:27
blastermasterhi everybody20:27
trismMoPac: I believe .save are created when you disable a source, and .distUpgrade are likely from upgrading between distributions, since ppas are automatically disabled (because they will likely cause issues with the upgrade)20:27
trismMoPac: the idea is that you don't want to delete the user's config, so you save them for later, even though they are currently ignored20:28
blastermasterI just finally install a variant of the easycap capturecards the one with the somagic chipset i got video no audio, but how to i record the video?20:28
MoPactrism: ah20:28
Heeeeelpat does !md5sum mean20:29
Heeeeelpi typed it into the terminal20:29
MoPacI'm trying to clean up my sources.list.d folder, since some of them seem to be unused or otherwise out of whack (old distro names in the filenames, need for some lines in the sources.list file to be files in sources.list.d ,etc)20:29
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trismHeeeeelp: that just tells ubottu to display the message above about md5 sums20:29
trismMoPac: yeah you can delete those, I usually clean them up every few upgrades20:30
Heeeeelpi typed it and it says event not found20:30
trismHeeeeelp: you don't type !md5sum in the terminal, moes was sending you this link to read: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM20:31
trismHeeeeelp: see ubottu's message above20:31
jhutchinspowerranger: Good work finding the problem.20:34
AcidRain2012if winXP to win8 allows any program to have total access to the file system, whey is run as admin an option?20:36
[K]MagixKillerhi all20:37
[K]MagixKillerdoes somebody knows how to auto-login to Q bot on Quakenet IRC servers with XChat plz?20:37
Calinou[K]MagixKiller: I did it on my desktop20:38
CalinouI think you need to add a command on log in20:38
Calinouprobably /msg <something> <something>20:38
Calinou/msg Q won't work20:38
Heeeeelpi am tired of ubuntu20:38
Calinouyou need to use the exact hostname for some reason20:38
=== isasha is now known as sasha-
[K]MagixKillerI tried but no field to do that anywhere in the user interface20:39
Heeeeelpif i cant get past installation how am i supposed to learn to use the whole program20:39
faugusztin[K]MagixKiller: X-Chat>Network List, find the network, Edit, Connect command20:39
[K]MagixKillerno "connect command" in the Edit network window :/20:40
[K]MagixKillermaybe my xchat version is out to date?20:40
faugusztin[K]MagixKiller: X-Chat or X-Chat Gnome ?20:40
[K]MagixKillerbut is there a difference?20:40
faugusztin[K]MagixKiller: yes, there is, xchat-gnome is a "dumbed down" version of xchat20:41
[K]MagixKillerso what should I do? \o/20:41
faugusztin[K]MagixKiller: install xchat :)20:41
[K]MagixKillerfrom ubuntu repository?20:41
faugusztin[K]MagixKiller: yes, just apt-get install xchat xchat-indicator20:42
italian-cruncherfaugusztin, just like the whole gnome, just sayin; )20:42
[K]MagixKillerok thx faugusztin, cya soon then :)20:42
faugusztin[K]MagixKiller: it will look same, you will just get more options20:42
dewdsenhi all20:43
Heeeeelpcan i get some private help for a couple of minutes. It would be VERY appreciated. I cannot solve this issue20:44
gregor3005hi, can anybody help with an ps3 sixaxis controller. i followed the guide but "sixad --start" does not find the controller and all controller led flashes. guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sixaxis20:45
dewdsenTrying to set up a lenovo G580 on precise, apparently there still is a bug regarding the power management. getting "0:02" as a charging time estimate, regardless of the current charge level on the battery. this leads to quick shutdowns when removing the ac cord ;) all the solutions i found pointed to replacing the battery indicator with an alternative, but none of them are supported on 13.04. I also tried upgrading to20:45
[K]MagixKillerHi again :) yes it looks nicer20:46
dewdsendoes anyone perhaps know a battery indicator alternative that is 13.04 compatible? i just need a workaround for workable battery estimates :-/20:47
italian-cruncherHeeeeelp, can you briefly re-state the problem?20:48
Heeeeelpcan i Private you20:48
italian-cruncherHeeeeelp, you can private me but you have 1730x more chances of getting an answer if you just re-state the problem here, very briefly20:49
HeeeeelpI have checked my cd for errors already I am trying to install ubuntu 12.04 and at the end of installation it gives me a GRUB bootloader issue20:50
Heeeeelpnow when i load ubuntu my computer has a black screen whith a blinking bar20:51
italian-cruncherHeeeeelp, are you dual booting?20:51
italian-cruncherHeeeeelp, did you have multiple hard drives?20:51
Heeeeelpjust one sata20:52
italian-cruncherHeeeeelp, did you set up manual partitioning or automatic one?20:52
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:52
Heeeeelpmanual at first then I had it auto20:53
JohnVonNeumann i get this message at restart:"continue to wait,press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery"20:53
Heeeeelplet me check out that link real quick20:53
jhutchinsHeeeeelp: How old is this system?  What OS did it come with?20:53
Heeeeelpbrand new20:53
italian-cruncherHeeeeelp, I don't think that link will help20:53
Heeeeelpi just built it20:53
jhutchinsHeeeeelp: Did not come with an OS?20:54
italian-crunchersounds like something went wrong during install20:54
Heeeeelpi built this computer from scratch20:54
italian-cruncherhow big is the hard drive in total?20:54
jhutchinsHeeeeelp: Do you know if it has UEFI?  Did the motherboard say anything like Windows 8 ready?20:54
italian-crunchermight be a GPT vs MBR issue20:54
jhutchinsHeeeeelp: Actually, if you built it, what make and model motherboard?20:55
Heeeeelpi believ so20:55
italian-cruncheralso size of the hard disk pz20:55
italian-cruncherok so its not a MBR vs GPT issue20:55
italian-cruncherHeeeeelp, can you boot that pc into a live machine20:55
italian-cruncherI mean, start the live CD and have a terminal?20:55
italian-cruncherdo it and do a sudo lsblk20:56
jhutchinsHeeeeelp: Which model too...20:56
jhutchinsmsi has made hundreds of different motherboards...20:56
Heeeeelpi did and posted it earlier20:57
dewdsenRestated Issue: 13.04 Battery Charge Indicator on Lenovo G580 Notebook stays on "0:02" while charging via AC, leading to immediate shutdown after unplugging AC. Time estimate is incorrect and shown regardless of actual (higher) charge. Going to sleep, unplugging, waking <- is a workaround that gets me correct estimates. Any ideas on how to solve the issue?20:57
jhutchinsIt's uefi.20:57
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI20:58
Heeeeelplet me look at that link20:59
jhutchinsHeeeeelp: Item 5 under install might help, but I'd read the whole thing.21:00
mmazingi have a laptop with 12.04 on it, i've recently started using a secondary monitor when at the office, when i get home and am using a single display again, everything is all sorts of jacked up until i get in nvidia control panel and set it back to one screen21:02
mmazingwell, it shows one screen anyway, but i have to save everything and reboot21:03
tux3hello guys im back21:03
mmazinghello tux321:03
=== sasha- is now known as isasha
mmazinganyone else ever have any trouble switching between multi monitors and single display?21:04
tux3mmazing nice to meet u21:04
mmazingi was thinking i could have two separate x.org conf files and switch them out before x starts21:04
mmazingnice to meet you as well21:05
mmazingi wonder if i could detect in /dev/ or something how many monitors are connected and replace xorg.conf with the correct one21:05
tux3where u come from?21:06
ice_qb"i wonder if i could detect in /dev/ or something..." Hi, you can try with lspci | grep VGA I guess21:08
dinosaurvskittenhow can I get xlock on 13.04? The xlockmore package doesn't seem to exist anymore.21:08
tux3anyway i would like to how can i choose a good server to make upgrates for lubuntu21:09
mmazingice_qb, i think that will only tell me how many video adapters are connected, not monitors21:09
tux3mmazing pls let me know as u can21:10
faugusztinmmazing: maybe you should play with xrandr ? i know these are examples for arch, but still, the point is the same: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xrandr#Scripts21:10
helpmepleasehey guys, how do I stop a service on ubuntu 12.04?21:11
faugusztinmmazing: eample 2 i mean21:11
mmazinghelpmeplease: sudo service <servicename> stop21:11
mmazingtux3: sorry im not sure what your question was21:12
mmazingfaugusztin: thanks ill check it out21:12
Heeeeelpduring the boot manager it says recv failed21:12
hannerhi, i am trying to install ubuntu using ubiquity, but it fails to install the bootloader. could an old GRUB from oneiric be the cause?21:13
tux3my question was about the lubuntu's update21:13
dewdsenissue: battery indicator completely inaccurate while charging on AC, doesn't anyone have any experience whatsoever regarding this issue?21:13
JohnVonNeumann i get this message at restart:"continue to wait,press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery"21:14
tux3mmazing: wich server can i set to make system's upgrade??21:14
Heeeeelphey itialian cruncher21:15
italian-cruncherJohnVonNeumann, you should tell us more21:15
mmazingtux3: i haven't used lubuntu, but i'm still not sure what you are trying to do, are you trying to update your install?21:15
tux3how can i update my installation?21:16
italian-crunchertux3, update from what to what?21:16
wyldetux3: to the next release?21:16
wyldetux3: do-release-upgrade21:16
tux3ok i go to the release update?21:17
ohnoesaltnicki need a little help with ubuntu21:17
italian-crunchertux3, next release isn't ready yet. when it will be ready you will receive a popup. don't upgrade now unless you know what you are doing21:17
JohnVonNeumannitalian-cruncher: /sdb3 can't b mounted using disks which returns an error message, http://dpaste.com/1398347/21:17
ohnoesaltnicki am on ubuntu live, tried to click "Allow executing file as program"21:17
ohnoesaltnickeverytime i click it unclicks21:18
tux3ok so i will wait the next rease..?21:18
Heeeeelphey italian cruncher-- boot repair not loading for me now21:18
italian-crunchertux3, are you on ubuntu 13.04 and want 13.10 right?21:18
tux3release i mean21:18
JohnVonNeumannitalian-cruncher:  here is the fstab line concerned :   /dev/disk/by-uuid/002d3ce8-abd5-436b-89aa-d03d9241604c /media/deepblue/002d3ce8-abd5-436b-89aa-d03d9241604c auto nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 021:18
wylde!upgrade | tux321:18
ubottutux3: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade21:18
tux3im on lubuntu 1321:18
italian-crunchertux3, then yeah just wait two weeks21:18
italian-crunchertux3, you can in theory already upgrade, but its not stable yet21:19
ohnoesaltnickitalian-cruncher, can you help please?21:19
tux3ok italian-cruncher i will wait21:19
tux3but are u italian?21:19
italian-crunchertux3, yeah. are you a tux?21:19
italian-cruncherohnoesaltnick, can you use terminal?21:19
ohnoesaltnicklemme open one21:20
tux3yah iim a tux from 1 year ago about21:20
italian-cruncherohnoesaltnick, try to get into the folder of the executable and execute it by typing its name and ./ before it without a space. like ./executable21:20
ohnoesaltnickshould i use .jar at the end?21:20
ohnoesaltnick(because it is a jar)21:21
italian-cruncheruse autocomplete21:21
tux3di dove sei italian-cruncher21:21
hanneris there a way to get more info from ubiquity? all i know is grub-install fails somehow..21:21
italian-cruncherohnoesaltnick, actually, a jar requires another syntax, ./ is for binaries21:21
ohnoesaltnickthen what do i use?21:22
JohnVonNeumannitalian-cruncher:  /sdb3 is an ext4  fileststem with Antergos(Arch) in it21:22
dewdsenis dconf something like a successor to dconf? do they edit the same stuff?21:22
italian-cruncherohnoesaltnick, try this http://www.java-forums.org/awt-swing/11673-executing-jar-double-click-style-linux.html21:22
italian-cruncherdewdsen, dconf == dconf21:23
dewdsenargh, i meant conf and dconf, sorry ;)21:23
dewdseni found a possible solution to my battery woes21:23
dewdsen"gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/gnome-power-manager/general/use_time_for_policy false"21:23
dewdsenbut its from 201021:23
italian-cruncherJohnVonNeumann, I am reading your fstab now21:23
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italian-cruncherJohnVonNeumann, the paste wasn't fstab, can you post fstab?21:24
skinuxWhat exactly does this error mean? :  error while loading shared libraries: libdbus-glib-1.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:26
Krustyklimberhi... I was wondering if somebody can help me do a restore, I'm running 12.0421:26
skinuxMaybe it is trying to tell me dbus-glib is somehow corrupt??21:26
mobilemeyhemIf xchat doesn't seem to be running a gui but is running in the background. Does that mean I have problems?21:26
JohnVonNeumannitalian-cruncher: here it is , http://dpaste.com/1398387/21:27
italian-crunchermobilemeyhem, check tray21:27
mobilemeyhemWhy would xchat have 5 processes running the sh command?21:27
KrustyklimberI tried using the back-up, but get an error21:27
mobilemeyhemI have 3 processes with the xchat logo running under the process name "sh"21:29
=== skinux is now known as jubale
mobilemeyhemThis looks very bad to me21:29
italian-cruncherJohnVonNeumann, the fstab says that the / is sdb2... why you said Antergos is on sdb3?21:29
italian-cruncherJohnVonNeumann, are you dualbooting with Ubuntu?21:29
JohnVonNeumannitalian-cruncher:  yea21:30
uliwhat about 13.1021:30
JohnVonNeumannitalian-cruncher:  trial booting21:31
italian-cruncherJohnVonNeumann, I am trying to sort out your mess :)21:31
twobitspriteI'm trying to get a usb-to-serial adapter to work but I'm having some problems... do I need to install any packages (other than minicom) to get this to work?21:31
JohnVonNeumannitalian-cruncher:  i also have windows7 in /sdb121:32
otakitalian-cruncher: is auto really an fstype, in the first 3 disk/by-uuids21:32
Krustyklimbercan some one tell me how to boot to the restore function?21:32
italian-cruncherotak, isn't auto autodetect?21:32
otaki think auto is for automount in options21:33
italian-cruncherJohnVonNeumann, so you have 1) sdb1 win7 2) sdb2 Ubuntu,  3) sdb3 Antergos, why is your ubuntu trying to mount Antergos partition? is it what you want?21:33
Heeeeelpi am having Terminal issues.... I type in sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair and it returns with recv failed21:33
wilee-nileeHeeeeelp, That computer have net access?21:34
JohnVonNeumannitalian-cruncher:  i wanna get lsdb3 mounted at startup at /media/My4Files21:34
Heeeeelpits plugged in and im searching the web21:35
wilee-nileeHeeeeelp, run sudo apt-get update, then that command21:35
wilee-nileeHeeeeelp, Live cd right?21:35
jboiican someone help me with something?21:36
wilee-nileejboii, Maybe, state it.21:36
italian-cruncherjboii, yeah we answer things21:36
jboiii am tryin to make an ftp server with folders to show others21:36
italian-cruncherJohnVonNeumann, can you re-check the uuid of lsdb3?21:37
Heeeeelpi typed that in and returned with nothing21:37
Heeeeelpthen i added my code21:37
Marleneehow i run file name with space like 'nano readme imp'21:37
jboiii want to have a server up to show others how simple things can be21:37
JohnVonNeumannitalian-cruncher:  i did ,it's correct21:37
wyldeMarlenee: quote it "comm and" or escape it comm \and21:37
mobilemeyhemjboii: open ftp is a great product21:38
mobilemeyhemIt's what I use21:38
Krustyklimbercan anyone tell me how to boot to the black screen with the option to restore to the last running configuration?21:38
Krustyklimbermy computer was running fine last night, no internet today21:39
Heeeeelpno go21:39
chet`.seen rapt0rjezuz21:39
wilee-nileeKrustyklimber, There is not one in ubuntu21:39
wilee-nileethats windows21:39
jubaleHow do I install 32b version of libdbus-glib-1.so.2 on a 64-bit machine?21:39
Krustyklimberlol it has opened to a similar screen before, when hard booted off21:40
wilee-nileeHeeeeelp, You can download a iso with the boot repair on it. Did you buy this computer yourself?21:40
KrustyklimberI don't have windows... just ubuntu 12.0421:40
JohnVonNeumannitalian-cruncher: i think there is something wrong with  /sdb3  line in fstab  bscause i tried 2 edit it21:41
toshibafriends..want to install mysql21:41
toshibaon ubuntu 13.0421:41
Heeeeelpi bought the part and built myself21:41
David-AKrustyklimber: there is a key to get a (grub) menu of which kernel to boot, (if a new kernel prohibits boot but an old kernel works (which problem I have never had))21:42
toshibaroot@toshiba-Satellite-C640:~# sudo apt-get install mysql-server21:42
toshibaReading package lists... Error!21:42
toshibaE: Encountered a section with no Package: header21:42
toshibaE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/in.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_raring_multiverse_i18n_Translation-en%5fIN21:42
toshibaE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.21:42
italian-cruncherJohnVonNeumann, I guessed it21:42
Heeeeelpi downloaded it but it is just the files21:42
wilee-nileeHeeeeelp, Have you answered whether this is a uefi computer setup?21:42
Heeeeelpdoes not load the actuall program21:42
jboiican you please link me to download?21:42
italian-cruncherJohnVonNeumann, got it21:42
jboiiopen ftp?21:42
italian-cruncherJohnVonNeumann, you have an error in that line, remove the auto,21:42
Heeeeelpno i am not sure i thought someone said it was21:42
David-AKrustyklimber: i think it is ESC but not sure21:42
wilee-nileeHeeeeelp, who is someone?21:43
zykotick9jboii: <ot> sidenote - ftp must die... </ot>  don't reply.21:43
JohnVonNeumannitalian-cruncher:  and replace it with ..?21:43
ViprozI have trouble with Ubuntu, when I launch it, it have wird visual bugs21:43
italian-cruncherJohnVonNeumann, just remove the auto, from that line, leaving all of it the way it is21:43
ViprozIt is the first launch21:43
Heeeeelpyes it is uefi21:43
italian-cruncherJohnVonNeumann, the new line should look like this: /dev/disk/by-uuid/002d3ce8-abd5-436b-89aa-d03d9241604c /media/My4Files ext4 nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 021:44
Krustyklimberok thanks David21:44
wilee-nileeHeeeeelp, Is the bios set to legacy and does the HD have a msdos partition table?21:44
mmazingxrandr didn't work for detecting monitors as i need to do it before x11 starts at all, anyone have any ideas for detecting how many monitors are connected before x starts ?21:44
Heeeeelpi have no idea21:44
wilee-nileeHeeeeelp, Those are key parts for the install, uefi is not really needed with ubuntu.21:45
Krustyklimberrestore fails with an "unknown error" if I try to run it from the systems icon21:46
faugusztinmmazing: why do you need to do it before X starts ?21:46
Heeeeelpi hadubuntu do all the partitioning itself21:47
Viprozhttp://hpics.li/3d1f572 what shoud I do ?21:48
italian-cruncherHeeeeelp, do a re-install with manual partitioning and do 3 partitions, a swap area, a / area and a /home area21:48
mmazingfaugusztin: i want to switch out my xorg.conf file before it starts21:50
KrustyklimberDavid-A now it's just stuck with a purple screen... didn't boot at all21:50
faugusztinmmazing: the point of xrandr stuff is that you don't need to have any xorg file at all, you just dynamically enable/disable displays according to what is detected via that script21:51
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wyldeViproz: did you try unity --replace21:52
ViprozHow do I do it ?21:53
ViprozI am totally new to linux21:53
wyldein terminal. If you can't get to terminal hit ctrl+alt+f2 login to the tty and do it there21:53
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Krustyklimberok now I'm in the recovery menu, any suggestions?21:54
jab416171anyone ever seen this? http://i.imgur.com/EIhe4Ep.png21:54
David-AKrustyklimber: ESC may be used by bios to enter bios settings or its boot menu. check the bios and grub manuals to see what key it really is.21:55
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jubaleI believe it's solved. Seems there were a few dbus-glib packages I needed to install.21:57
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KrustyklimberI don't know how to do that David-A21:59
nieehi boys :) i follow this steb here =>https://help.ubuntu.com/community/phpMyAdmin, but after try to open http://localhost/phpmyadmin the browser download some text file (name: download))22:00
ViaNocturna85niee, do you have apache installed?22:01
nieehow to chek?22:02
nieegive me the command pls.22:02
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Krustyklimberaww as usual I'm not smart enough to be helped... thanks anyways... still can't access the internet22:02
nieeViaNocturna85: http://pastebin.com/QYBnc2bx may be i have22:03
ViaNocturna85niee, hmmm you appear to, give me a moment22:03
ViaNocturna85niee, try this command: sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php522:04
dinosaurvskittenwelp, this is a wasteland22:04
Arpad2hello, I am stuck at low resolution, there is no driver installed. any help? thank you22:05
Heeeeelpim in bootloader now but i cant enter thecode into terminal22:05
nieeViaNocturna85: http://pastebin.com/gYqsSmW2 yes, now?22:06
David-AKrustyklimber: the manual for your bios should come with you computer, and should be available as a pdf on the manufacturers website. the manual for grub should be on a website too.22:06
Heeeeelpterminal does not exist it says22:06
ViaNocturna85niee, i would restart the server with sudo service apache2 restart22:06
ViaNocturna85niee, after that, see if it fixed it22:06
ViaNocturna85Arpad2, try this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=690760 especially Step 222:07
italian-cruncherArpad2, nvidia?22:07
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nieehmm ViaNocturna85 tnx :)22:08
ViaNocturna85niee, that work?22:08
nieemay be this is fix the problem22:08
nieeyes ViaNocturna85 :)22:08
Arpad2italian-cruncher: yes, nvidia-intel optimus laptop22:08
ViaNocturna85niee, when a php file downloads instead of displays it means php5 isnt running22:08
italian-cruncherArpad2, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia you should be able to do it graphically22:09
ViaNocturna85Arpad2, same as me, do you have bumblebee installed?22:09
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Arpad2ViaNocturna85: I don't think I have it insy22:10
nieeViaNocturna85: give me more info pls. my english is not good ]; need to install php5? or to create some file.22:10
ViaNocturna85Arpad2, its designed for optimus, first you need to add the ppa with this command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bumblebee/stable22:11
Arpad2italian-cruncher: thank you, I look into that22:11
ViaNocturna85niee, the command I gave you set php5 up ;) it's now installed22:11
Arpad2ViaNocturna85: ok22:12
Guest3831Hello. I'm on an Ubuntu live cd and I'm trying to recover my data from a dying harddrive. I got a new one so I'm cloning it over with "(g)ddrescue -f -r 1 -v /dev/sda /dev/sdb clone.log". Thankfully it's going quite well and is nearly done with only 2 errors. What should I do after it finishes? I think it's possible to continue trying to recover the errors but from googling I'm having trouble working out the correct fl22:12
Guest3831ags. Should I just do the same thing again with -r -1 or are other flags needed. Sorry for the long post. Thank you.22:12
ViaNocturna85if you done that you use command: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install bumblebee primus (then restart)22:13
axelm7Just installed 13.10 on an AMD 64 x2 with nVidia 6300 video. nouveau is really screwing up the screen22:16
wilee-nilee!13.10 | axelm722:16
ubottuaxelm7: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. Release date will be 17th October 2013.22:16
axelm7wilee-nilee, so this channel is not for development versions?22:17
David-AGuest3831: if you have run it with retries you don't need to do it again, unless the recovery percentage is too low or a specific photo that you really want is still corrupted in the recovered copy22:17
wilee-nileeaxelm7, you got it.22:17
axelm7what's the right channel for 13.10?22:18
italian-cruncheraxelm7, type /join #ubuntu+122:18
SonikkuAmericaaxelm7: #ubuntu+122:18
axelm7ok, thanks guys22:18
David-AGuest3831: but more than 1 or a few retries are unlikely to recover anything more, i think22:18
Guest3831David-A, well I'm going to leave my computer on overnight so I'd like to get as much back with ddrescue as I possibly can.22:19
Guest3831Thank you though.22:19
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DonMagushttp://magizian.freeshell.com    <- The Latest stuff               http://grex.org/~pan  <- pan-user linux shell22:50
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arayaqCan I ask something related to Kernel 3.11 (Saucy install) here?22:52
Tex_Nick!saucy | arayaq22:53
ubottuarayaq: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. Release date will be 17th October 2013.22:53
arayaqTex_Nick: thank you22:54
Tex_Nickarayaq: you're welcome ;-)22:54
whoeverhi all , is there a keyboard shortcut to scroll the consol22:56
prakaHello does anybody knows how to reconfigure tilda console without open it?22:57
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Dr_Williswow - a quiet friday night? ;)23:29
wilee-nileemy hd is brokeen heeeeelp me23:31
Dr_Willisget out the super clue23:32
wilee-nileeooohh a fruedian slip, lol23:32
TJ-Only quiet because we're busy fixing our own problems :) encrypted GRUB, anyone?23:32
Dr_Willisbrb - got a staff meeting.. ;P23:33
jmgkhiya Dr_Willis23:37
snaythIs there a way move applets in the panel to the left or the right ? ? ~ Running 10.4LTS Lucid Gnome223:39
zykotick9praka, <you've left> check ~/.config/tilda/ for the config file23:41
Rory!eol | snayth AFAIK there isn't without just using spacers23:46
ubottusnayth AFAIK there isn't without just using spacers: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:46
Vivekanandahey everyone I have set the unity launcher to hide but it shows up and overlaps with the screen23:55
VivekanandaI dont want that behaviour23:55
Vivekanandahow do I control it ?23:55
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kxtwohey guys I want to get the total size of all my home directory I was wondering how I could do that while I was IN my home directory?23:56
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snaythRory: Thanks, found the word "Move" in context menu. Works great.23:56
TJ-kxtwo: "du -s $HOME"23:57
kxtwooh ok I just tried du -c | grep total lol23:57
kxtwosuch a scrub lol.  It is the home folder of my old school and I was debating zipping everything up and getting it with sftp.  Just hpoing its not too big23:58
kxtwonice du -s is actually faster, will have to remember that23:59

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