
ochosibrainwash: woot07:34
ochosiholy smokes, but why?07:36
ochosibtw, it's sufficient to add a background-color, you can leave the background-image set as it is07:39
ochosianyway, pushed the fix to bluebird, greybird and orion08:10
ochosithe weird thing is that the background-color should be inherited by that widget anyway, but it seems the weird way abiword creates a testwidget to get the themecolors involves an entry08:32
ochosiand it only gets the background-color attribute, not the -image08:32
ochosiit's a bit silly but tbh i don't care about abiword enough to investigate this to the bottom08:32
ochosihoi knome 08:33
ochosiknome: so the first three known issues of b2 have fixes in the pipe08:33
ochosii mean 1,2 and 408:34
ochosiindicator-plugin is still in limbo, i assume08:34
Noskcajochosi, Someone needs to find a way to get micah to finish packaging that. 08:36
ochosiwell he doesn't seem to be around much atm08:37
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
brainwashochosi: o/09:01
brainwashwe need to push that fix09:02
ochosii wanna try and get it in in one upload with the greeter fix09:04
brainwashochosi: any idea regarding bug 1221809 ? we both were affected after upgrading from 13.04 to 13.1009:09
ubottubug 1221809 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu) "systemd-shim removal causes restart to logout" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122180909:09
ochosiwell it needs to be set as a depend09:09
ochosibut we'd need to talk to either mr_pouit or micahg about this issue09:10
knomedepend to what?09:10
brainwashconsolekit was set as recommended, and recommended packages don't get pulled in when upgrading, or?09:10
knomethey normally do09:10
knomebut if you have uninstalled before upgrading, they don't09:11
knomeor if you use --no-install-recommends (or something else to make that setting permanent)09:11
brainwashyes, this is the case, people might have removed "systemd-shim"09:11
brainwashbut adding to the list of recommended packages might be still a good idea09:12
knomeshould be added to depends, so people can't remove that.09:13
brainwash(just checking all my bookmarked launchpad report, and this one is still open without confirmation from a maintainer)09:13
knomeb2 is out, published announcement and tweeted09:33
knomepleia2, 09:33
brainwashadded the upstream bug report to bug 122948610:21
ubottubug 1229486 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu) "Lock screen before sleep doesn't work" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122948610:21
brainwashI think this issue has been around since forever10:28
ochosiwe might be able to get rid of that with light-locker in 14.0410:30
ochosibecause it locks before suspend by default10:30
brainwashochosi: remember when I asked you about this when talking about light-locker weeks ago? it did bother me that light-locker wasn't able to lock the session immediately after suspend :)10:32
ochosiyeah, true10:33
ochosibut it listens to the signals10:33
ochosiso not that much more we can do about it10:33
ochosiunless it gets better integration into powermanager or session10:33
brainwashso question might be, why does the execution of xflock4 get delayed in some cases? hardware-specific?10:34
brainwashthe suspend process can differ alot, also the needed time to fully suspend10:35
ochosii think that the session would have to handle it10:36
brainwashthe session calls xflock410:36
ochosibut the question is, can the session still execute things like suspend after it is locked10:36
ochosii really don't know enough about sessions10:37
ochosibut as ubuntu plans to integrate light-locker by default we can see how they handle it ;)10:37
brainwashdamn vt switching =S10:37
ochosiyeah, we'll also see about that10:38
ochosithat used to be the blocker for light-locker10:38
ochosior for something like light-locker10:38
ochosiofc no-one likes the flickering10:38
brainwashI can't use slock or i3lock in saucy, because it tends to corrupt the screen (xorg) after unlocking10:39
brainwashso I'm using gnome-screensaver now10:39
brainwashI'll check the xfce4-session source code, maybe there is something which could be improved10:41
baizonhi, just wanted to mention http://xubuntu.org/news/saucy-salamander-b2/ , link  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/Beta2/Xubuntu got a wrong url10:44
baizonit has: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/Beta2/Xubuntu?action=edit&editor=text10:44
baizonbut i think it should be : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/Beta2/Xubuntu10:44
baizonwhen i click on the link i get: "You are not allowed to edit this page. "10:44
ochosibaizon: thanks, fixed!10:51
ochosibrainwash: fix for bug #1227735 pushed to git10:59
ubottubug 1227735 in shimmer-themes (Ubuntu) "lightdm-gtk-greeter: disable/fix password input field context menu" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122773510:59
brainwashochosi: context menu [ok], abiword ruler [ok]11:25
brainwashthe xfce4 settings daemon is causing some trouble on my test system11:26
brainwashcan anyone confirm, that xfce4-terminal crashes when you navigate to Menu bar > Terminal > Set Encoding ?11:27
brainwashit does on both installations here11:28
ali1234yes, it crashed11:29
brainwashcan you upload the apport report? don't feel like enabling apport anytime soon11:35
ali1234i have non-standard packages installed so it won't let me11:37
ali1234launchpad will just mark it invalid11:38
ali1234it is already reported11:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 1206739 in xfce4-terminal (Ubuntu) "xfce4-terminal crashed with SIGSEGV in magazine_chain_pop_head()" [Medium,Confirmed]11:39
brainwashunable to connect to ibus11:43
brainwashI enabled apport, but the terminal did not trigger it11:44
brainwashibus-ui-gtk3 did trigger apport (gtk3 indicator I guess)11:47
ali1234this may be related to the keyboard indicator not working11:47
brainwashthis gtk2/gtk3 transition did break much stuff11:48
brainwashbug 122449611:52
ubottubug 1224496 in ibus (Ubuntu) "ibus crashes on login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122449611:52
ochosibrainwash: yeah, i can confirm that too12:04
ToZanyone know why pm-utils is not installed by default on 13.10? 13:06
brainwashToZ: nice find, strange indeed13:25
GridCubeits there any test needed?13:26
ToZbrainwash, installing it fixes bugs 1229486 & 1229478 that I noticed during testing.13:27
ubottubug 1229486 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu) "Lock screen before sleep doesn't work" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122948613:27
brainwashToZ: no clue, why xubuntu is the only spin not shipping pm-utils anymore13:30
brainwashmaybe a dependency for it needs to be added (xubuntu-desktop)13:31
brainwashToZ: "System does successfully suspend when lid closed or "sudo pm-suspend"."13:38
brainwashso pm-suspend was not missing?13:39
ToZpm-suspend was missing, yes13:43
ToZoops, I'll correct that in the report.13:44
brainwashI suggest filing a bug report against xubuntu-meta and requesting pm-utils to be included by default13:45
ToZInteresting. "sudo pm-suspend" doesn't lock the screen. Suspend from the menu or lid close does.13:47
brainwashkinda expected I guess13:48
brainwashxfce4-screensaver does not detect suspend/resume and will not lock the screen automatically13:49
ToZ"xubuntu-meta" does not exist? Can't file bug report.13:49
brainwashgnome-screensaver on the other hand is able to13:49
knomethat'd be xscreensaver13:49
knomewe're about to make changes to the locking on 14.04, i don't think we will dig too deep in this with 13.1013:50
brainwashknome: getting a bit confused by the terminology :D13:51
knomethat happens13:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 1232027 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "pm-utils not installed by default in 13.10" [Undecided,New]13:53
brainwashknome: can you triage the bug report and assign a priority please?13:55
brainwashknome: could also add bug 1206739 to the list of known beta bugs please?14:04
ubottubug 1206739 in xfce4-terminal (Ubuntu) "xfce4-terminal crashed with SIGSEGV in magazine_chain_pop_head()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120673914:04
knomebrainwash, i don't think that's critical enough14:04
knomethat happens, but there are many more crashes14:04
brainwashbut the terminal geeks will be sad :/14:05
GridCube its there any test i could to today?14:05
knomebrainwash, we can't list everybody xubuntu has, can we?14:05
knome*every bug14:05
knomeGridCube, well, b2 is released but you can always test the daily14:05
brainwashknome: yea, we better don't do that :)14:05
knomebesides, b2 is released, that's already missing :P14:07
knomecan't keep on adding new bugs14:08
pleia2knome: thanks g+ed too (and it x-posted to fb as expected, yay)15:58
pleia2happy beta2 day for real16:38
knomeyou too16:41
knomesee you later16:53
brainwashochosi: remember that we talked about the appfinder showing up with a noticeable delay? I told you that it shows up instantly on my test system, now few days later I can confirm this issue18:00
elfyI can confirm that it's still immediate here :)18:01
brainwashyes, on my main system it's still instant18:02
brainwashbug 104880518:10
ubottubug 1048805 in xfce4-appfinder (Ubuntu) "xfrun4 launches very slowly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104880518:10
brainwashthe last 2 comments are amazing18:10
olbihello all :D18:12
brainwashelfy: just curious, do you run xubuntu saucy on a laptop/notebook?18:21
elfybrainwash: not in general 18:22
elfyI use a laptop to test iso's mostly18:23
elfyhi olbi 18:23
pleia2hmm, i think it's time to formally upgrade my laptop18:28
olbipleia2: which Xubuntu do you have on laptop?18:31
pleia2olbi: I have 13.04 on 2 laptops and 2 desktops, 12.04 on my netbook18:31
pleia2going to upgrade non-work laptop to 13.10 today18:32
olbiI think that 13.10 isn't stable yet :)18:32
olbiI have sometimes crash with USC :P18:33
elfyuse it to install synaptic ... :p18:33
pleia2olbi: if you're not already, can you submit bug reports for issues you find so we can tackle them before release?18:35
pleia2we depend on folks like you using it to catch things :)18:35
baizonelfy: then a question. I have a strange behavior... while my laptop shuts down, if i close him the system gets into suspend instead of finishing the shutdown process. You have the same behavior maybe?18:35
olbihmm, I gave it :)18:36
baizonnot sure if only me is affected18:36
elfybaizon: I can check that 18:36
baizonthank you18:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 1230123 in software-center (Ubuntu) "software-center crashed after installing software" [Undecided,New]18:39
olbiand the most annoying is that sound menu :P18:40
elfyolbi: the sound notification issue? 18:40
baizonolbi: there is a simple workaround18:41
olbiI have found temporary fix at launchpad and it's working18:41
elfybaizon: ok - what I am seeing is this - Shutdown, close lid, open lid, press power button - shutdown not finished but interrrupted, finishes shutdown18:42
baizonelfy: yes so its a bug18:43
elfyseems so 18:43
elfybaizon:  you going to report it ? 18:44
baizonno, will do in a sec18:44
elfyok - let me know and I'll me too it18:44
brainwashshutdown takes 1 sec on my main system, not much time to actually close the lid that fast18:44
baizonbrainwash: some for me18:45
olbihmm, which files are responsible for translation items from Settings Manager?18:45
baizonbut when i "click" log out, i close the lid and it can happen then18:45
brainwashweren't we talking about shutdoen? :)18:46
elfywe were 18:46
brainwashI noticed some strange behavior when suspending for a longer time frame, after resuming the session won't let me perform actions like reboot/shutdown/.. and the network manager remains in an idle state (deactivated)18:50
brainwashhard to tell if it is a reproducible issue, or some race condition occurring after resume18:52
baizonbrainwash: i ment the log out dialog18:52
brainwashyou open the dialog, hit the shutdown button and close the lid?18:53
baizonbrainwash: yes18:54
elfyI'm not sure it suspends so much as interrupts the shutdown 18:55
elfybecause opening the lid and hitting the power button just lets the shutdown continue18:55
elfylike this one 18:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 138194 in indicator-session (Ubuntu) "Closing lid during initial shutdown causes notebook to suspend" [Low,Confirmed]18:58
baizonelfy: well it is the same bug18:59
elfybaizon: yea - seems to be an old hanging one then19:00
baizonbut this bug didn't occur on my 13.04 system19:00
baizonwait a sec19:01
elfywell I can't comment on that as I never reaqlly use the laptop for long enough to notice 19:01
baizonok, so the problem is, i set my laptop to do nothing when i close the lid but it gets into suspend19:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 1232103 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Computer suspends when lid is closed, but it shouldn't." [Undecided,New]19:05
elfythat's on AC19:05
baizonok got a fix/workaround19:16
baizonelfy: posted it19:19
knomeelfy, see same bug19:20
elfyoh right19:21
baizonok, the only bug i have is that my sessions are getting saved19:25
brainwashonce again some systemd shenanigans19:32
brainwashhowever, I start to like systemd :)19:36
brainwashelfy: can you share the link to the xubuntu developer pad please?19:39
elfybrainwash: which one - I've got a bunch of them19:41
brainwashthe interactive pad19:42
elfyyou mean an empty one?19:42
brainwashno, the xubuntu beta one19:42
elfybrainwash: I've got loads of different xubuntu ones kicking about :)19:43
brainwashelfy: thanks :)19:43
knomewe're not following the beta one too much any more, maybe you should start another one with the bugs if you want to have some kind of list19:52
brainwashso no plans to continue this sort of bug tracking?19:56
knomethat depends19:56
knomethe critical bugs should be listed in the blueprints19:57
knomethe rest... people who work on them should keep a track of them (and that's easily done when you're the assignee on LP=19:57
knomethere are ways to find all the bugs reported via the iso tracker to xubuntu from LP19:57
knomethe launchpad advanced search is really powerful19:58
knomeif people explain and argument why tracking bugs elsewhere is better and it makes sense, then let's do it19:58
knomeelfy, any arguments for doing something else than LP tracking since we last talked? ^19:59
elfynone - once I could see how to do it 19:59
elfyand that it worked20:00
knomei suppose ultimately, even if you wanted to do some manual tracking, the easiest way is keep tagging stuff20:01
knomexubuntu-1310 or so20:01
knomethen just filter out the bugs with those tags20:01
elfyworth thinking about perhaps - but it'll need to be a proper system for tags20:01
elfyno good each of us using different tags 20:02
brainwashthis one here?20:02
knomei don't know about the thinking; the purpose should make it obvious what the tag should be20:02
knomebrainwash, that's the blueprint.20:02
knomeelfy, you have the iso-tracker filtered bugs around handy or should i recreate that?20:02
elfyknome: I agree - but if we've a bunch of people all thinking this makes sense 20:02
knomeheh, sure20:03
elfy2 secs20:03
elfyknome: that list? 20:05
knomebrainwash, ^ that's the bugs from iso testing20:05
Noskcajknome, Did you ever get time to look at the new debian release of xfwm4? It's a (rather important) doc fix20:06
brainwashknome: ok, thanks :)20:06
knomeNoskcaj, as i said back then, i'm fine with getting them both in, but somebody needs to take care of that, and thought you would be up for it20:07
Noskcajknome, I was waiting for micahg and mr_pouit to reply. I've already made the sync bug, i'll make a branch today20:07
elfybrainwash: pads are great for collaborative stuff - but without the link they're no good to anyone else :)20:08
knomeNoskcaj, as i also said back then, you shouldn't count on them doing the work20:08
knomeNoskcaj, thanks for taking care20:08
Noskcajno problem20:08
Noskcajlooks like i've got a kernal upgrade to do first20:10
olbiXubuntu will have Linux 3.10 or we go for 3.11 in plans?20:24
Noskcajolbi, I've just had 3.11 installed, but that might be from proposed20:38
olbime too have 3.11 :D20:39
olbiafter upgrading :)20:39
olbino proposal repo20:39
elfyI've had 3.11 for ages20:39
brainwash^ since forever20:39
elfywell - I've told you a million times ;)20:40
brainwash3.2, 3.5, 3.8, 3.1120:40
olbihttps://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads/2013/2013q3-intel-graphics-stack-release - yuppi :D20:47
olbiI will check it soon :)20:47
ochosibrainwash: hm, meh, not good...21:23
brainwashochosi: after fixing some bugs new ones appear out of nowhere :/21:24
brainwashnever ending cycle21:24
ochosithis cycle is quite unstable (again)21:25
brainwashyea, mainly due to the systemd/logind and gtk3 transition21:26
brainwashgtk3 indicators21:26
ochosiwell the gtk3 indicators have been coming ournway a few releases now21:29
ochosiit's just getting gradually worse21:30
brainwashthe Xfce team isn't making any noticeable progress with gtk321:31
brainwashand glib 2.37 is causing some trouble too21:33
brainwashbug 120673921:34
ubottubug 1206739 in xfce4-terminal (Ubuntu) "xfce4-terminal crashed with SIGSEGV in magazine_chain_pop_head()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120673921:34
ochosi(thatdot should've been a question mark)21:34
ochosiah, that's a glib bug? didnt get a chance to read the report after confirming it21:35
brainwashI'm trying to debug this one, but gdb crashes21:35
ochosiis it reported upstream too?21:35
brainwashdid not check yet21:35
brainwashmaybe ubuntu specific21:36
brainwashI'm trying to fix another pending bug.. sadly I might lack some knowledge about debugging properly21:38
ochosiwhat other vug.21:45
ochosi(ipad keyboard fail..)21:45
ochosiwhat other bug?21:46
brainwashoh, my mistake21:47
brainwashmost of my bookmarked bug reports are closed now21:47
ochosipoor you! :)21:48
brainwashgot any bug reports you could need help with?21:49
ochosiwell there are a few things we wanna fix in the greeter21:57
ochosie.g. when the userlist is disabled, make 'enter' go to the password field21:58
ochosialso, possibly add alt+f4 for the shutdown dialog21:58
ochosiand improve kb support in that dialog too21:58
ochosiand always set a default button21:59
brainwashsounds interesting21:59
ochosi(btw, really awesome work so far, thanks for all your contributions,)21:59
brainwash(glad I could help a bit)22:00
brainwashI guess I'll put the greeter on my todo list, to test and try things, basically to learn how everything works22:01
brainwashand the greeter isn't that complex either22:02
brainwashbut first I'll try to debug the terminal encoding menu thingy :)22:03
ochosicool :)22:03
brainwashthere is a nice discussion about pm-utils over at #ubuntu-devel23:00
brainwashdon't miss it :)23:01
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