
kirashiNew to XUBUNTU :301:42
kirashiso far it's a lot faster than mint and reg ubuntu01:42
XRS1thats the idea01:42
kirashiDownloads are still pretty slow though :(01:44
GridCubedo you have low ram?01:48
kirashiGridCube, 4gb01:51
GridCubeyou shouldnt be having any problem01:51
GridCubefrom and OS side01:52
XRS1i'd be looking at the router01:52
XRS1it's not USB based is it?01:53
kirashiUh no it's not01:54
kirashilike when I was on Windows I downloaded really fast lol01:54
kirashinow it takes 10 minutes to download a 500mb file01:54
XRS1the network connection i mean01:55
kirashiWhat do you mean lol?01:55
kirashiSorry I'm obviously technically challenged :p01:55
GridCubekirashi, that you should check your router, your modem or with your ISP01:56
GridCubethere is no real reason why your computer would download slower from xubuntu or any linux OS01:56
kirashiwell GridCube my laptop (w7) downloads extremely fast01:57
kirashibut all the Linux Distros I've tried don't :(01:57
GridCubekirashi, you can read this http://www.ubuntulinuxhelp.com/speed-up-your-internet-connection-in-ubuntu-linux/02:01
GridCubeplease don't go around editing config files before backuping things first02:02
GridCubeyou might regret that02:02
kirashidoes anyone here know how I can turn on my second core?02:17
Unit193You're reactor core?02:38
kirashiUnit193, I have two cores in my pc but only one is on02:47
kirashiI want them both on :(02:48
kirashiOh wow02:57
kirashithe internet is going to become censored to crap...02:57
kirashi"For the first time, actual Presidents and Prime Ministers of 12 powerful countries will meet behind closed doors to seal an extreme Internet censorship plan called the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).1"02:58
Arpad2how to change resolution. I am stuck at low resolution 640x48008:33
baizonArpad2: http://askubuntu.com/questions/62681/how-do-i-setup-dual-monitors-in-xfce08:34
Arpad2so, I should use the xrandr command?08:36
baizonArpad2: or arandr08:37
Arpad2baizon: I got this http://paste.ubuntu.com/6161988/08:51
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knomeArpad2, i'm pretty sure that's not what the page told you to do09:00
knomeArpad2, did you read it?09:01
Arpad2knome: yes09:01
knomeArpad2, so what's your display name?09:02
Arpad2don't know09:02
knomeArpad2, ok, so you didn't read the page09:03
knomeArpad2, open the terminal and type 'xrandr -q'09:03
knomepastebin the output09:03
Simooonwhy dont you just use the gui?09:03
Arpad2knome: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6162019/09:04
knomeArpad2, your display name is LVDS1 and it doesn't support other modes than 640x480. you probably need a proprietary driver.09:05
Arpad2it worked with open source until reciently09:05
knomewhat did you do before it stopped working?09:06
Arpad2I was following instructions to install nvidia driver09:06
knomethen you should keep on following those instructions, or revert to what you had before that with the instructions09:07
knomeif you installed the nvidia drivers properly, you should be able to run 'nvidia-settings' and tweak your display there09:08
Arpad2please could you help me how to reinstall nouveu?09:08
Arpad2this ia an nvidia optimus laptop09:08
Arpad2it didnt work09:09
knomeyes, but we need to know what you have done09:09
knomeafaik, optimus laptops needs bumblebee drivers anyway, so normal nvidia drivers wouldn't work09:10
Arpad2well it didn't09:10
Arpad2it all went wrong when I run the command sudo nvidia-xconfig09:11
knomecan you please link to the tutorial so we know what you have been trying to do?09:12
Sysisudo rm -rf /etc/X11/xorg.conf and be really careful to not purge your whole root partition09:14
Arpad2knome: there were several tutorials at this point :(09:16
knomeArpad2, for the future; please follow one per time, and if that doesn't work, revert to what you had before starting. otherwise you'll just mess up your system.09:17
knome*before starting with another tutorial09:17
Arpad2at this point also I think I have removed all nvidia09:19
Arpad2sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia-*09:19
Arpad2with this09:19
knomethat might or might not have removed all nvidia drivers; depending on the tutorials09:20
Arpad2thank you for your time , I will come back later to ask for ideas how to put back nouveau working09:23
baizoni got a problem, after logging in applications from my last time open. But i disabled it, any idea how to fix it?10:56
koegsclean ~/.cache/sessions11:00
baizonkoegs: did it already11:00
baizonwas the first thing i tried11:01
koegssomething in ~/.config/autostart?11:03
ObrienDavebaizon... look in session and startup. uncheck auto save, close everything, go to session tab, press clear saved sessions then save current session11:03
baizonkoegs: only synapse and dropbox11:06
baizonObrienDave: no, still the same problem11:06
ObrienDavedropbox has its own setting11:06
baizonthe thing is, i use xfce-terminal --drop-down11:07
baizonso when i log out i don't close it.11:07
baizonwhen i log in again the xfce-terminal pops up11:07
well_laid_lawndon't save the session11:14
baizonwell_laid_lawn: i'm not saving them11:16
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mohadAny ideas how to get xubuntu to my old laptop? It won't boot usb or dvd, only cd.18:37
baizonmohad: you can use the minimal iso and then install xubuntu afterwards18:37
mohadShould I install older distro that fits a CD and upgrade from there? If so Where to get such old distro that fit a cd? Tryed to google xubuntu 10.10 and 11.10, but all the download linksare dead.18:38
mohadbaizon: Can you point me to finding the minimal iso?18:39
baizonmohad: 12.04 fits on a CD18:39
baizonmohad: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:39
mohadbaizon: thanks a million. I will try it out. Bean really fustradet whit this for several hours.18:40
baizonno problem :)18:40
baizonmohad: the 12.04 isos are here: http://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/linux/ubuntu-cdimage/xubuntu/releases/precise/release/18:40
baizonhmm sorry wrong address. http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu/ there check under 12.04 Precise Pangolin18:41
mohadbaizon: thanks.18:43
mohadCall me cheap, but I can see no reason to switch my old laptop (Fujitsu lifebook C-1020) to newer when it still satifies my needs. =)18:46
uberamdanyone know the trick to getting xubuntu to turn off your monitor after X minutes?20:03
uberamd"put dispaly to sleep when computer is inactive for..." is set, yet the monitor remains alive and on16 hours later20:04
David-Auberamd: is that in the settings for Power management or Screensaver ?20:13
uberamdDavid-A: power management. Screensaver is set to just enable after 10 minutes20:22
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