
deckard_hello. can someone please tell me where i can read about updates i downloaded for ubuntu?00:01
TJ-deckard_: You mean see what was installed? look at the logs in /var/log/apt/00:02
deckard_is that easy to understand for novice?00:02
Dr_Willislike a changes-log ?00:02
vltdeckard_: `aptitude changelog`00:02
deckard_yes like a change log i guess, i just want to see what is new00:03
deckard_ty all00:03
=== AndresSM_away is now known as AndresSM
foxerrhello, i'm using GNOME shell and i set the GTK+ theme to Adwaita (which is the default), but i believe the bottom bar colors don't look right in my computer. image here: http://i.imgur.com/2Dc9dN0.png00:11
MangaKaDenzaSUPD DAWGS00:17
MangaKaDenzaI have a tiny problem00:17
MangaKaDenzaI want to play this game00:17
deegoy0 MangaKaDenza00:17
MangaKaDenzaand I have wine installed00:18
MangaKaDenzabut it don't work00:18
daftykins!wine | MangaKaDenza00:21
ubottuMangaKaDenza: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu00:21
MangaKaDenza...not what I was looking for00:23
daftykinsMangaKaDenza: it highlights you're in the wrong channel. BYE!00:24
TerritoriojovenWhat can I do to improve this? http://i.imgur.com/sS2jUi7.png00:31
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TerritoriojovenTerritoriojoven | What can I do to improve      │ aaas00:39
Territoriojoven                         | this? http://i.imgur.com/sS2j │ aaearon00:39
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Marleneeany CLI search google or bing tools search00:46
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daftykinsMarlenee: use lynx00:53
=== Guest12559 is now known as jje
gmachine_24Greetings. Can I add a line to /etc/fstab so an external USB hard drive will mount to the same place every time I boot the computer? I created the mount point, etc., and have the UUID for the drive but adding a standard line to /etc/fstab doesn't seem to work.00:54
jribgmachine_24: just set a label for it and it will get mounted to /media/LABEL00:55
jrib!label | gmachine_2400:55
ubottugmachine_24: To rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive.00:55
gmachine_24jrib: merci00:56
Marleneedaftykins : i need advanced tool for google CLI search00:56
GreenyZAhey guys00:56
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daftykinsMarlenee: you come back in here so often with the weirdest requests :(00:56
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Marleneedaftykins : :D its not wierd it just Tool for search00:57
Territoriojovenwhat can I do to improve this?                          | Ui7.png00:57
daftykinsTerritoriojoven: stop repeating00:57
kxtwoanyone know what would cause a broken pipe issue when trying to tar my home directory?00:58
Territoriojovendaftykins: no00:58
daftykinsTerritoriojoven: do or get banned :)00:58
Territoriojovensuch community00:58
Territoriojovendo it.00:58
FloodBot1Territoriojoven: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:58
Territoriojoveni think i was already banned anyways00:58
daftykinsfigures, you seem unpleasant00:59
TJ-kxtwo: out of space?00:59
TJ-kxtwo: Are you trying to write the output of tar into the directory (or below it)01:00
kxtwoit is on my old schools system I cd .. back to the home directory then try and tar kxtwo01:00
kxtwoit made it about a third of the way01:01
kxtwoits 700 megs worth of stuff I just want to bring to my personal system for future reference01:01
kxtwoI did just find out what my largest file was though and its .mozilla?  665M.  ANy idea why?01:03
daftykinscache probably01:03
daftykinsdu inside it01:03
kxtwowell the cache is 606 megs lol01:04
kxtwonot sure how that happened lol01:05
jboiiis there a tv app that is free , so i can see sports & other channels ?01:08
redwarriors25how to fix initramfs of ubuntu 10.0401:10
tkeith_How can I see why a package was installed (what depended on it)?01:16
Znooseytkeith_: I believe you are looking for: apt-rdepends -reverse <packagename>01:18
kxtwook is there anyway to get tar to ignore a file or directory?  for permission purposes I am trying to create the archive inside the directory im archving: tar -zcvf kkrauss1/lab46-kkrauss1.tar.gz kkrauss1/01:27
kxtwoim assuming it is the cause of this error: kkrauss1/.xsession-errors01:28
kxtwotar: kkrauss1: file changed as we read it01:28
TJ-kxtwo: "man tar"01:28
TJ-kxtwo: See "--exclude=" although you'd be better off creating it in /tmp/01:29
kxtwomuch better idea thanks01:30
kxtwoI finally see a good rason for tmp lol01:31
u3get more help on 512mpx on youtube01:35
Pernicious-TaintIs there a doctor in the house?01:36
kamilНарод, есть кто?01:36
kamilhello, people!01:42
linuxuz3rhi kamil01:42
kamilHow join  conference in jabber? Somewhere know?01:43
kamilI trying join, but i see only error =(01:43
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hannerhi, i am trying to eliminate stereo upmix, is anyone available for help? :)01:53
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foxerhello, what command-line browser is there for ubuntu?02:12
Hodappelinks, w3m02:13
foxerok, thans02:13
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dablyaHello. I just got a new laptop ASUS x501a and the only way I could get it to dual boot ubuntu was to disable secure boot. I had to run boot-repair from ubuntu in order to get it to boot into windows. I would like to re-enable secure boot now that dual boot works, but when i do, I get security errors.  Is there anything I can do, or is this just not something that is currently supported?02:27
baeglemy resolv.conf is stuck using DNS servers from another network. I've refreshed DHCP but resolv.conf hasn't adopted the DNS settings from the new network. How do I force it?02:31
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baegleI've even removed the file, and network manager recreates it with DNS servers from a network I'm no longer connected to. How the heck do I fix that?02:35
baegleI've restarted network-manager to no avail02:36
mrrcpbaegle: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-clearflush-dns-cache-in-ubuntu.html02:37
baegleI can't install nscd because I can't resolve repository hostnames02:37
* baegle wah wah02:37
baeglebesides, that's the DNS cache, not the resolv.conf02:38
mrrcpsudo /etc/init.d/dns-clean restart02:38
mrrcpthen sudo /etc/init.d/nscd restart02:39
mrrcpand also sudo /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart02:39
mrrcpthat work for ya?02:40
baeglethe 1st one, no02:40
baegleI don't have nscd nor dnsmasq02:41
baegleso neither of those can be run02:41
baegleand I restarted networking02:42
baegleand network-manager crashed02:42
mrrcpso the first option did not work02:42
baegleand now it can't be started02:42
mrrcpsounds like you have your settings messed up02:42
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baegleI tell ya, network-manager has been a PITA ever since it was conceived02:42
baegleMy settings are stock02:42
mrrcpi find it funny that settings are stock and install is stock yet dns is broke02:43
mrrcpu didnt change anything?02:43
baegleI haven't done anything02:43
dablyaoh and the reason i disabled secure boot in the first place is because i was getting a blank screen after selecting "install ubuntu"02:43
mrrcpdablya: you dont need secure boot man02:44
baegleYesterday, I went to the office came home, DNS changed no problem between the networks02:44
baegletoday, I'm suddenly locked on the dns settings of the office02:44
mrrcpon your lappy?02:44
baegleonly thing that would have changed was some of the updates that came in yesterday02:44
baegleyes on my lappy02:44
mrrcpor eth002:45
dablyamrrcp: so, it's really just a gimmik for microsoft to try and lock out competition?02:45
baeglewifi at home, cat5 at the office02:45
baeglebut again, now that I've restarted networking, the system is FUBAR02:45
mrrcpits a pain in the ass is what it is02:45
mrrcpi hate secure boot02:45
baeglewhich has pretty much been the case ever since I installed Ubuntu02:45
mrrcpand i couldnt help you to fix it02:45
baegleso I'm thinking I'll just reboot02:45
baegleand kill ubuntu before the holidays02:46
mrrcpbaegle: have you ifdown?02:46
baegleand switch back to a stable OS02:46
baegleit doesn't matter, ifdown won't work02:46
baeglebecause networking is fubar02:46
mrrcpbaegle: are you using 12.04?02:46
mrrcpor 13+02:46
mrrcpok try sudo dhclient -r02:48
baegleall of my interfaces are down02:48
baeglebecause the networking service and network-manager have crashed02:48
baegleIt's quite literally fubar02:49
mrrcpjust a FYI 13.04 is not the most stable02:49
mrrcpits going to have issues like this02:49
baegleIf I wanted to stay on LTS02:49
baegleI would just stick to an actually stable OS02:49
baegleand no, it shouldn't have an unrecoverable network service crash02:49
baeglefor 6 months02:49
mrrcpwell ... im not a ubuntu expert just another user trying to help a user02:50
baeglebut I'm not hear to argue about expectations of stability02:50
baegleI find it amazing how silent a room with 1600 people is02:50
mrrcpi was just trying to help.. im out of options02:50
mrrcpits friday02:50
baegleI know02:50
Ari-Yang!patient | baegle02:50
vineFringe is a lot like the xfiles02:50
baegleYeah, and reinstall, I know02:50
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MangaKaDenzaI'm trying to play TF203:13
MangaKaDenzabut an error keeps popping up03:13
MangaKaDenzasaying I need some OpenGL stuff03:14
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JesseHHello friends, a buddy of mine says that Ubuntu is for beginners, and all of its users do not know about Linux.03:27
JesseHWhat is something I could tell my friend, to save him from future scorn?03:28
luke_hello all03:28
xangua!ot | JesseH03:28
ubottuJesseH: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:28
luke_I have a big problem trying to boot ubuntu in a windows 8 environment03:28
JesseHOh lord, forgot. Sorry about that03:28
luke_HP notebook 17, i5-3230 quad, 12GB RAM03:29
luke_pre-installed windows 8, trying to dual boot Ubuntu 12.04 or 13.04 from GRUB with no luck yet03:29
luke_It goes to  a black screen, however one time, I heard the trademark ubuntu sound, and connected another computer and I saw the GUI on it, but not on my laptop03:30
XDS2010_is anyone around that could help proof read 2 paragraphs really quick on a comment for ubuntu edge ?03:32
tylertwoluke_: what do you mean you "connected another computer"?03:33
tylertwoXDS2010_: proof read grammar or content?03:33
Dr_WillisXDS2010_:  ther is the offtopic channel and the edge channel03:33
XDS2010_its like 4 sentences long03:34
tylertwoXDS2010_: i can take a look03:34
Dr_Willisyou should upper case EvErY OtHeR letter. so you look leet. ;)03:34
XDS2010_tylertwo:  sent. just need to know if i made any spelling mistakes as its been a long day03:34
ghozt I kinda of messed up. How can I delete this symbolic link: lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root     9 Sep 27 21:13 tools -> LFS/tools03:35
Dr_Willisrm tools    i belive ghozt03:35
ghoztstill showing up :X03:35
Dr_Willisis that a file or a directory>03:35
ghoztum I'm not quite sure lol03:36
Dr_Willisln -s bar foo03:37
Dr_Willisln -s bar foo03:37
Dr_Willis foo -> bar03:37
Dr_Willisrm foo03:37
Dr_Willisworked here03:37
XDS2010_is there a channel dedicated to ubuntu edge or future mobile devices/applications ?03:38
luke_tylertwo : another monitor03:38
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch03:39
luke_but in general It is really proving to be hard to get any distro on my machine in UEFI. This is really killing me03:39
luke_I need linux, and Ubuntu03:39
CarlFKghozt: rm should give you an error if it doesn't work03:42
tylertwoluke_: So everything worked fine when you had that other monitor connected?03:42
Alice-99I am trying to change my MAC address of ppp0....but it doesn't  appears in the list of macchanger-gtk(Network is turned off) How can I fix it ?03:43
ghoztrm: cannot remove `tools': No such file or directory03:43
Dr_Willisghozt: so its gone? Check with ls   ;)03:44
ghoztstill exists03:44
Dr_Willisstill exists where/how?03:44
ghoztlrwxrwxrwx   1 root root     9 Sep 27 21:13 tools -> LFS/tools03:44
Dr_Willisls -l tools   shows what03:44
ghoztno idea :/03:44
Dr_Willisits owned by root you notice?03:44
Dr_Willisso you have to use sudo to remove/change it03:45
ghoztyeah. I am03:45
ghoztls: cannot access tools: No such file or directory03:45
ghoztit shows up in ls -l /03:46
Dr_Willisyou just said ls showed. it.. then dident. ?     what commands are you using eactly03:46
Dr_Willisa pastebin of the whole bash session may help also.03:47
ghoztls -l /03:47
ghoztis where it is showing up03:47
Dr_Willisghozt:  and your rm command was what?03:47
ghoztsudo rm tools03:48
Dr_Willisghozt:  use the right path....03:48
CarlFKghozt: do the ls and rm, cut/paste that to to http://paste.ubuntu.com03:48
Dr_Willisits notin the current directory aparently03:48
CarlFKoh.. ls... /  got it.03:48
Dr_Williscd /03:48
Dr_Willisrm tools03:48
Dr_Willisls tools03:49
ghoztsigh I am retarded03:50
ghoztthanks Dr_Willis03:50
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crocketHow do I integrate thunderbird/lightning into ubuntu unity?03:58
Vivekanandahello everyone I am trying to install oursql on ubuntu04:01
VivekanandaI get this error04:01
Vivekanandacopying build/lib.linux-i686-2.7/oursql.so -> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages04:01
Vivekanandaerror: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/oursql.so: Permission denied04:01
Vivekanandawhat should I do ? I dont wish to change permissions of the system files04:01
luke_<tylertwo> : no04:02
luke_not at all04:03
luke_I could not see what I needed to see to install the hard drive04:03
Dr_WillisVivekananda:  exactly how are you installing it?04:04
VivekanandaDr_Willis: here is the output ---04:04
Dr_Willis[ varun: $~ ]$ pip install oursql04:07
Dr_Willisdont you need sudo if itsd going to write to system directories?04:08
Vivekanandalol I am dumb04:08
Vivekanandasorrry I forgot to use that04:08
Vivekanandayes it works04:09
Dr_Willisthats why i asked for the command - not a paste of e erything ;)04:09
Gazza /bye04:23
icedteaI'm making a configure script whats the best way to tell if upstart is running verses old system v scripts?04:27
Dr_Willisupstart has a way where it emulates the old sysv stuff i belive. so sysv scripts should work also.04:28
Dr_Willisyou mean to has how to tell if the system  is uising Upstart or SysV?04:28
icedteaDr_Willis: correct04:28
Dr_Willisif its ubuntu - its using upstart ;)04:28
icedteaits a configure script that will run on many systems, fedora, centos, debian, ubuntu, etc. etc.04:29
icedteaI know I can check for the existence of /etc/init and /sbin/initctl04:29
Dr_Willisuse lsb_release perhaps to check what disrto it is?04:30
Dr_Willisthats how most config tools work from what ive seen04:30
icedteaI could take that route04:33
Dr_Willisthere may be some 'posix'  perfered way ;)04:34
Dr_Willisdid i spell that right ;)04:34
FooguateCome join us we are doing a HackerSpace Hangout https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/2547fa565b7ebd2d098e4335e11c98bca430cb0e04:37
B3eFWhats up guys04:39
dharmaturtleI'm getting a "No such file or directory" for a random file when I type "ls" into the console http://i.imgur.com/BFeMNFc.png04:40
kassyI am bigginer ubuntu04:40
dharmaturtle^C is to stop the ~80k files from filling the screen. Any ideas what's going on?04:40
Dr_Willisls *    see if its there perhaps?04:40
Dr_Willis80k files.04:40
dharmaturtle-bash: /bin/ls: Argument list too long04:40
Dr_Willisyep with * that makes sence04:41
Dr_Willistab cmpletion. ;) but thatg may break with 80k files04:41
kassybonjour je suis de tokyo04:41
dharmaturtleWell,  I can't open the file with "less", nor can I "rm" it.04:42
Dr_Willisls  Iran*      perhaps04:42
Dr_Willisare , allowed in file names? could be thats an issue04:42
Impossiblehow do i install gtk dependencies04:43
dharmaturtleall the files have a , in them :(04:43
Impossiblei cant ./configure the new gtk04:43
Dr_Willisdoes ls Iran* show it?04:44
kassyje cherces une guys qui de france04:44
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.04:44
icedteaPuis-je avoir des frites françaises04:46
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dharmaturtleYes, I see it with Iran* as seen here: http://imgur.com/BPlVWi804:47
Dr_Willisits easier to read text pastes not image pastes of a few lines of text. ;)04:47
omgeekHey all04:47
dharmaturtlex_x yeah I could do that04:47
Dr_Willissingle quotes around the file name should work in most cases dharmaturtle04:47
omgeekAnything new04:47
omgeek Some good news04:48
omgeekI come back after a long time04:48
dharmaturtlewhen I do "Iran, 12*" it gives ls: cannot access Iran, 12*: No such file or directory04:48
Dr_Willisqoteing * means its looking for theat exact file . ;) with a * in thename04:49
=== jesse is now known as Guest89200
omgeekWhat is iran its a country name04:49
Dr_Willisdharmaturtle: tab completion can escape the fancy characters  i recall.04:50
Dr_Willisls Iran<tab>04:50
Guest89200I just installed 13.10 beta 2...i have nvidia gt540m and intel graphics in my laptop(optimus)...cant seem to get it working04:50
omgeekYeah basic of linux is going on04:50
Dr_WillisGuest89200:  see #ubuntu+1 for 13.1004:50
omgeekMy Ubuntu 12.04 Lts is not working04:51
omgeekIts graphical04:51
omgeekIs not working04:52
omgeekI try to access right now using recovery mode only04:52
Dr_Willistell the channel exactly what it is doing when you boot up and try to log in.04:53
omgeekSo any help how my GUI can be resumed back04:53
crocketDoes anyone know how to integrate thunderbird/lightning into ubuntu calendar?04:53
omgeekOkay I have dell machine ..when I start grub loader comes04:53
omgeekWhen go to the menu it go for Ubuntu04:54
omgeekIts gui not coming04:54
kassyAu revoir04:54
Dr_Williswhat  menu? You mean the lightgm login screen?04:54
omgeekNo that doesn't come04:54
omgeekOnly 5 dots04:55
omgeekThat usually comes and blink04:55
Dr_Willisand has ths sytem ever worked?04:55
omgeekBefore login screen04:55
omgeekI working it since last 1 year04:55
omgeekUsing recovery mode options in grub04:55
omgeekI accessed it CLI04:56
=== Guest89200 is now known as cameleon
Dr_Willistry the text  mode.04:56
omgeekBackup my data04:56
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode04:56
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Dr_Willisthen try to start the lightdm service and look for error mesages04:56
omgeekOkay I am reaching in a hour to office after I do same and tell you error msg04:57
omgeekRight now04:57
omgeek I am using irc using my phone04:57
jubobaI can't hibernate, how can I check for errors?04:58
Dr_Willissuspend to ram? or to disk? I thought hibernate was disabled by default. and requires swap partition greater then your ram size04:59
=== ClumsyFairyQueen is now known as Evanora
timHelp...fresh install of ubuntu 12.04....can't get flash to work!!!!05:07
AiriAtim: what browser are you using?05:08
timfirefox and google chrome...can't get either to work05:09
AiriAI cant remember right now (sorry its really late) if Ubuntu by default comes with flash, so you will need to install.05:10
AiriAYou can run a command line command to install and then should work: Open command line (ctrl+alt+t)05:11
AiriAThen type in: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer05:11
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash05:11
Dr_Willisflash is not included by default05:11
geniiEnable multiverse, install ubuntu-restricted-extras05:11
Dr_Willis the ubuntu-restricted-extras package can pull  in flash ;)05:12
AiriAYeah, I didnt think it was...its been a while since I had to install it lol05:12
Dr_Willisclarify whats 'not working' with flash also.05:12
AiriAYoutube wont play? lol05:12
Dr_Willis'not able to install' ?  ' installed but somthing weird happends..' and so on05:12
Dr_WillisYoutube - you can use html5 for many videos05:13
geniiAiriA: That's the usual complaint...05:13
timcan't see videos on youtube.com05:13
Dr_Willisgoogle-chrome also includes its own flash05:13
Dr_Willistim:  so you did install flash? if so How?05:13
Dr_Willisi use flash download-manager tools for firefox so i rarely play flash in thebrowser any more05:13
timinstalled from adobe site05:15
Biomechdhey guys, i want to switch the "user" i use to access files on the network host computer in my home. can i do that without logging out of/restarting the host computer?05:18
eth0_uphow do i mount a partition with exec?05:20
eth0_upi tried adding exec in fstab05:20
Dr_Williseth0_up:  what sort of filesystem?05:24
Dr_Willisim not sure 'exec' is a legimate option. ;)  just noexec05:24
Dr_WillisBiomechd:  one way  use the 'su' or 'login' command to change to the new user05:24
Dr_Willisand access the stuff via the shell05:25
eth0_upi'm trying to launch steam it says "Couldn't set up Steam data - please contact technical support"05:29
Dr_Willisyou are using  the native linux steam client? or wine and the steam.exe ?05:34
eth0_upnative linuc steam client05:35
Dr_Willisid check the steam linux support forums and channels then. may be a known bug05:35
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.05:35
eth0_upalright thanks05:36
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=== Tylenol is now known as Guest37176
arvndI'm new to Ubuntu, We have setup a production susyem on 12.10 instaed of on 12.04 lts. the system faced issue with dependencies and now stuck on boot screen. I need to do a grub reapir06:10
arvndneed help on it06:10
Dr_Willistry the boot-repair tool from a live cd06:14
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub206:14
arvndThank you06:16
ubottuUbuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) is the current stable release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.10/ - Release notes: http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/12.10 - Support in #ubuntu06:16
dreamonhello. friend of mine broke a "update" maybe he means a "update from 11.10 to 12.04". so now he cant boot anymore. I started with livecd an chroot the system. tried to make some apt-get update/upgrades ... but every time i get "E: Internal Error, No file name for libuuid1" nothing is installed. What can I do? Or is there no hope?06:17
Dr_Willismay be fastest to backup his imporntant data. then do a clean install06:18
Dr_Willisif you stopped a system upgrade in mid-process.. that can be very very bad.06:19
dreamonDr_Willis, I dont know what he installed.. i think he could loss some programms.06:20
Dr_Willisyou can alweays reinstall stuff from the repos06:20
Dr_Williscant say that ive ever 'lost'  a program06:20
Dr_Willisat least not on ubuntu. ;)06:20
dreamonIf he used a ppa?06:21
Dr_Willislook at the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/   then06:21
Dr_Willisif he cant rember what he insgtalled.. makes me wonder if he really needed what he installed ;)06:21
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate06:22
dreamonDr_Willis, I will do so. Thanks06:23
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
dreamonLast question. How can I compress the Home to a NTFS that I can unpack it to the new installed system easyly06:25
SupaSolHello here06:25
Dr_Willis!info arc06:26
ubottuarc (source: arc): Archive utility based on the MSDOS ARC program. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.21p-1 (raring), package size 57 kB, installed size 144 kB06:26
Dr_Willis!info ark06:26
ubottuark (source: ark): archive utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.10.5-0ubuntu0.1 (raring), package size 333 kB, installed size 1174 kB06:26
xeederhi everyone :) i am using this samsung HDD on my laptop; and i often hear this click plus lock sound. i think its the HDD sound; its strange that while this happens system works normally. Can anybody tell me how can i check my HDD? is there any tool which can tell me more about this issue or check my HDD in depth for any errors or any thing bad that can happen in future?06:26
Dr_Willistheres gui arvhive tools in the repos. or use the command line tar/bzip tools.06:26
Dr_Willisxeeder:  could be the disk has not been accessed for a while and is locking/sleeping. then spins back up when you access it again06:27
xeederDr_Willis: its a short beep plus lock; not click plus lock. sorry for error..06:28
Dr_Willisthe system is beeping?06:28
Dr_Williscant say ive ever sene that06:29
xeederbeep lasts for 1/10th of a second or so; no system doesnt. it looks to me that it comes from the dvd-rw. i have searched online for that and lots of user with this laptop are facing this error. so i was wondering if there is any tool in ubuntu that might help in figuring this out06:30
dreamonxeeder, There are different noises. I thought all are bad. Since I had a hdd that made 1 or 2 noises the day. how often do you hear it?06:30
xeederdreamon: randomly; mostly while i am watching movies but that may be because i only use my laptop for watching movies06:31
dreamonxeeder, how often.. the day?06:32
=== GingerGeek[Away] is now known as GingerGeek
xeederdreamon: as i said randomly; it may not happen in a day or may happen twice or thrice.06:32
darkangelHey just woundering what are Linux-backports-kernels?06:33
dreamonxeeder, I have this too..06:33
xeederthe strangest thing is that: system works completely normal! :O06:33
xeederdreamon: are you using dell n5110?06:33
dreamonxeeder, I check the harddisk for errors.. nothing. I copied the hole thing.. No errors. So I ignored for about a 1year :)06:34
xeederor a samsung drive HM641J106:34
dreamonxeeder, No its an Acer Notebook. Think it is a Hardware thing..06:34
xeederdreamon: one thing i can tell you for sure is that: Its not nothing!06:35
xeederdreamon, i did check with my dell bios diagnostics utility and found no errors..06:35
dreamonhere is it a double noise.. a hard click and something like a scratching thing.. an noise is ending06:36
genii!info linux-image-generic precise-backports06:36
ubottuPackage linux-image-generic does not exist in precise-backports06:36
dreamonxeeder, I dont believe all the tools out there I made ddrescue.. so I can see if there is any error.06:37
xeederdreamon, no mine is like this: quick sharp beep which is followed by a lock sound (more of a click)06:37
xeederdreamon, i was in the university where most of my class fellows were using Dell laptop (with samsung drives) and most of them end up with smart failure06:38
xeederi dont want that; so thats why i wanted to make sure if its anything related to my HDD failure. I will really appreciate if someone can tell me about a good tool or utility that can scan my HDD for any kinda failures or can predict with some accuracy.06:40
dreamonI like if the hdd goes slowly with bad sectors to grave. The fast thing I hate ;)06:40
darkangelwhats that?06:40
tux3hello guys06:40
xeederdreamon, yeah; seagate sucks!!!06:40
Dr_Willisalways assume a hard drive is going to fail soon. ;) make backups06:40
rev2d0tohn0hey room quick question is ubuntu phone still going to happen?06:40
xeedersamsung drives are often rebranded (these are seagate drives if you search more)06:41
Dr_Willisrev2d0tohn0:  we cant predict the future ;)06:41
* genii consults the Magic 8 Ball06:41
Dr_Willisi dont belive anything - untill i see it happen06:41
xeederDr_Willis: can you tell me any utility you know that can check my drives for errors?06:41
JohnVonNeumanni get this message at restart"continue to wait,press S to skip mounting or press M for manual recovery"06:41
Dr_Willisxeeder:  i rarely check mine. ;)06:42
Dr_WillisJohnVonNeumann:  it then boots? or does it wait fore er?06:42
JohnVonNeumannDr_Willis:  only if i press s06:43
Dr_WillisJohnVonNeumann:  check your /etc/fstab file for an incorrect entry then06:44
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions06:44
xeederanother thing which i have noticed is that if some HDD is going to have smart failure then windows OS wont install on that; it will show some yellow warning as it happens during Windows 7 installation. but if that same drive is used for Ubuntu installation then it works fine. :O06:44
Dr_Willissmart 'prediction' is often not the reliable06:44
Dr_Willisgoogle did a big study about it a few years back06:45
xeederDr_Willis: but it does freak you out :P06:45
Dr_Willisi assume hds will die at any time. and always have backups06:45
xeederwhat do you use for backups? cloud storage?06:45
Dr_Willisredundant stacks of external USB hds. ;)06:46
llutzxeeder: HDDs :)06:46
Dr_Williscloud for some stuff06:46
Dr_Willisnothing i have is business-critical06:46
xmetali wondered for those that have their main drive images on the "cloud" ... how the heck do they think they will get online to restore those images06:46
Dr_Willisif i loose a HD - i got a spare in another room with the same copys of the wifes tv shows and so forth06:47
JohnVonNeumannDr_Willis: http://dpaste.com/1398749/06:47
xeederi just got 1TB WD passport and right now i am backing up my all stuff; is there any tool which can help me clean everything of my HDD; i know when data is deleted its still there; so i want to clean everything (every single byte)06:48
Dr_WillisJohnVonNeumann:  yep. thats a fstab file. comment out the drive thats failing perhaps?  the error message should say what entry is invalid06:48
Dr_Willisthose entries seem weird. at the end.06:49
Dr_Williscant say ive ver seen one  like06:49
Dr_Willis/dev/disk/by-uuid/E6E0E017E0DFEC35 /media/My2Files auto nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 006:50
Dr_Willisnote how the ones above it use the UUID= type nameing06:50
llutzDr_Willis: same thing, different naming. it should work both06:50
Dr_Willisjust looks weird. ;)06:50
Dr_Willisnever seen  x-gvfs-show  either06:51
Dr_Willisim too old skool i guess06:51
xeederi know there is something called sanitizer but dont know if there is any available for ubuntu06:53
JohnVonNeumannDr_Willis: it's /sdb3 ,but i wanna get it mounted06:53
Dr_WillisJohnVonNeumann:  i would guess that the entry for it is wrong some how06:54
Dr_Willistell it to not  mount at boot time. and try mounting it after the system s booted.06:54
R0b0t1Hey, I'm using lubuntu, but I figure it should be similar. I want to set up another user as a sandbox, how do I give them an encrypted home?06:54
xeederthere are some tools in hiren's boot CDs. but i have never tried those. are these safe to use for HDD cleaning?06:54
=== abhijit is now known as Guest81855
Dr_Willisxeeder:  nothing is ever 100% safe ;)06:55
R0b0t1xeeder, if it can access the disk it's probably safe to "clean" with it.06:55
llutzxeeder: wipe, shred, sucure-delete, dd, .... shouldn't those do?06:55
R0b0t1But, beware of solar storms and the like. Those are unsafe :)06:55
Dr_Willispay attention to what the tools are doing.06:55
Dr_Willisxeeder:  if you are worrined about secure deletion.. from what ive seen.. its not really worth worrying about06:56
xeederllutz, yeah those should but what should be the recommended utility which can be used to use these commands?06:56
xeederDr_Willis: thanks :)06:56
Dr_Williswe have this discusion/argumentnt in here every so often.06:56
R0b0t1Dr_Willis, actually, I remember this good article/paper I read, they tested various delete schemes06:56
llutzto be continued in #computer-esotherics06:57
R0b0t1after basically one zero write you couldn't tell either way06:57
Dr_Willisyep. zero it.. and keep the tinfoil in the kitchen. not on your head.06:57
JohnVonNeumannDr_Willis:  yep,2 tell u the truth ,i tried to edit it to mout /sdb3 an  /media/My4Files06:58
R0b0t1Hey, I'm using lubuntu, but I figure it should be similar. I want to set up another user as a sandbox, how do I give them an encrypted home?06:58
xeederi might be looking into some good alternative for bitlocker too; one thats easily accessible in multiple platforms.07:00
llutzR0b0t1: if you already created the user, "ecryptfs-migrate-home" is the tool iirc07:01
R0b0t1llutz, will try07:02
R0b0t1not been created yet but a separate command seems like what it'd be07:02
xeederbasically i want to encrypt my HDD drives as a whole ; so that when i need to access files, i have to provide password and it should remain unlock for as long as the system is active; but it should be locked when i restart my system. if you are familiar with bitlocker than thats exactly what it does.07:03
llutzR0b0t1: adduser --encrypt-home username07:03
arvndIm not able to mount a encrypted HDD from the live cd07:05
arvndAnt tips on how that can be done >07:05
Dr_Willisaskubuntu.com may have a guide arvnd  - ive sene that question asked beofr. but never really seen a quick anser/guide mentioned07:08
R0b0t1How can I launch a program from a su'd user into my wm?07:11
xeederI want to encrypt my HDD drives as a whole so that when i need to access files, i have to provide password and it should remain unlock for as long as the system is active; but it should be locked after i have restarted the system. if you are familiar with bitlocker than thats exactly what it does. is there any software which can be helpful for this^ ?07:13
EricKitHello.  I have a question I have not been able to solve on the forums or by looking online.  Whenever I restart my Ubuntu, my touchpad works.  If I start it from a clean boot it doesn't work.  So I have to start up, then restart to get it to work.  I have a Lenovo Twist, and the touch screen always works.07:14
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Dr_WillisEricKit:  try this touchpad-toggle script i got from somewhere...07:17
Dr_Willis  touchpad-toggle07:17
EricKitThanks Dr_Willis07:17
R0b0t1How can I launch a program from a su'd user into my desktop?07:19
Dr_Willisbefor you sudo, you can use 'gksudo'  - you may need to sudo via 'sux' as an easy way to launch x apps later.07:20
Dr_Willisotherwise you may get into permissions and security issues.07:20
Dr_Willisyou may ned to run 'xhost + localhost'  as the user running the desktop. and export the DISPLAY variable as the su'ed user07:21
R0b0t1Dr_Willis, cool thanks07:21
Dr_Willisbefor running the app07:21
R0b0t1does this maintain sandbox though?07:21
R0b0t1X as a protocol leaks horrendously07:22
Dr_Willisno idea what you mean by 'sandbox'07:22
sahil__greeting everyone07:22
Dr_Willisthat xhost + command basically turns off the X security stuff ;)07:22
max64is it different to download ubuntu 13.10 beta 2 and downloading the official release on 17 october?07:22
Dr_Willismax64:  you can upgrade to final07:22
sahil__my system hae qute a many broken packges07:22
R0b0t1Cool yeah that worked07:23
max64Dr_Willis:if i download beta 2 is it dangerous in security?  it has many bugs?  if i upgrade on 17 october will i download another 800 mega bytes or just updates?07:23
sahil__my system has quite a many broken packages.... removing them from synaptic removes some important acakeges as well what should i do?07:23
max64i'm so happy that beta 2 is available07:24
Dr_Willisremove the broken. reinstal what you need07:24
llutzmax64: #ubuntu+1 for saucy questions07:24
Dr_Willismax64:  the term beta - really dosent mean much these days. you could have been using 13.10  for the last few weeks if you wanted to07:24
EricKitI'm running 13.1007:25
EricKitIt's stable to me07:25
Dr_Willisbeen running it here for the last month or so. ;P no issues that ive seen. so hopefully thats a good sign for everyone else. in a few weeks07:25
=== Thorium220 is now known as Thor|Away
xmetalnext upgrade I do will be one of the LTS releases though I haven't decided which OS yet07:25
xmetal(have two ideas really)07:25
max64Dr_Willis:i need to installubuntu 13.10 .. you advice me to download beta 2 now or to wait till 17 october?  thanks07:26
Dr_Willismax64:  id really shouldent matter - as i said you will upgrade to the final when it comes out07:26
EricKitDr. Willis: I have a new issue.  My keyboard stops working as well after a shutdown, so there isn't much I can do.  These issues do not occur after a reboot.  Strange07:26
sahil__important pacages includes libgl1-mesa-dev,libx11-dev,libext-dev,libxt-dev,lightDM,messa-common-dev,greeter etc...07:26
Dr_WillisEricKit:  no idea on that. you may want to set up ssh so you can ssh in from a differfnt place and try to diagnoise stuff.07:27
Dr_Willissahil__:  -dev packages should be easy to reinstall.07:27
EricKitDr_Willis: I can ssh into it, what would you check?07:27
max64Dr_Willis:i'm sorry .. my last question is: if i upgrade will it download 860 mega bytes or just updating some packages less than 200 mega bytes?  thanks07:27
=== Thor|Away is now known as Thorium220
Dr_Willisbigger question is why things got broken07:27
Dr_Willismax64:  no idea.07:27
Dr_Willisi tend to upgrade the day befor release.. then wait a week or two ;)07:28
Dr_Willison release days - the servers are normally so overloaded.. its a pain to install and get things setup ;)07:28
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
ObrienDave!ask | hzyg07:42
ubottuhzyg: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:42
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:44
ObrienDavehzyg... what is your question, please07:44
pratzHello guys07:45
pratzI am using ubuntu 12.04 and have installed conky. Conky shows ups on desktop, which is cool. Can I bind conky to a key so that it can toggle ?07:46
Calinoupratz: probably possible, but I don't know how07:46
Dr_Willismake a script that starts conky, then kills it if its running07:49
Dr_Willisbut why bother. ;)07:49
wyldecould possibly use wmctrl?07:50
pratzwylde: but I am using xfce, will it work with dfce ?07:51
wyldeummm yes07:51
arunpyasiguys which server is fast for Qatar?07:52
Dr_Willisthere used to be a mirrorselect tool  - not sure if it still exists07:53
Dr_Willis!find mirrorselect07:53
ubottuPackage/file mirrorselect does not exist in raring07:53
max64you need downloading ubuntu?07:53
Dr_Willis!find mirror-select07:53
ubottuPackage/file mirror-select does not exist in raring07:53
ObrienDavearunpyasi... using a torrent client would probably be the fastest way to D/L Ubuntu07:55
Dr_Willistorrents to get the isos = best way ;)07:56
Dr_Willisfaster for you. less server load  for everyone else07:56
arunpyasi!find mirror-select07:57
ubottuPackage/file mirror-select does not exist in raring07:57
arunpyasihelp me07:57
arunpyasiObrienDave: I mean to download mirror software packages07:58
jmgkyes ar what is issue07:58
ObrienDavearunpyasi... we are trying to help you07:58
arunpyasiObrienDave: I want to select the fastest mirror for apt-get07:59
ObrienDavearunpyasi... usually the closest mirror to you is the fastest07:59
Dr_Willisaskubuntu.com may have some tips on picking the best mirrors also07:59
arunpyasiObrienDave: yes bro but which is the closest mirror man08:01
xeederI want to encrypt my HDD drives as a whole so that when i need to access files, i have to provide password and it should remain unlock for as long as the system is active; but it should be locked after i have restarted the system. if you are familiar with bitlocker than thats exactly what it does. is there any software which can be helpful for this^ ?08:03
Dr_Willis!info netselect08:04
ubottuPackage netselect does not exist in raring08:04
Dr_Willis!find netselect08:04
ubottuPackage/file netselect does not exist in raring08:04
Dr_Willishmm. interesting use of 'mirror' in apt to auto select closest  server08:06
Jordana-WatsonHi guyz, Is there any s/w I can use to tunnel all TCP connections through Socks protocol through port 9150 ???08:08
Jordana-WatsonHi guyz, Is there any s/w I can use to tunnel all TCP connections through Socks protocol ??08:08
Dr_Willisxeeder:  search engins say see 'truecrypt'08:09
ubottuTruecrypt is a free open-source on-the-fly disk encryption software.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume08:09
Dr_Willis!info redsocks08:10
ubotturedsocks (source: redsocks): Redirect any TCP connection to a SOCKS or HTTPS proxy server. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.4+dfsg-1 (raring), package size 49 kB, installed size 149 kB08:10
Jordana-WatsonBut how can I set the socks proxy to localhost and port 9150 ???08:11
Dr_Willis!info tcpsocks08:12
ubottuPackage tcpsocks does not exist in raring08:12
llutz!info tsocks08:12
ubottutsocks (source: tsocks): transparent network access through a SOCKS 4 or 5 proxy. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8beta5-9.2 (raring), package size 301 kB, installed size 704 kB08:12
Dr_WillisRedirect traffic to SOCKS5 server with iptables, epoll based, single threaded.  https://github.com/vi/tcpsocks08:12
Jordana-Watsonsame problem in tsocks08:12
Dr_Williswhat problem?08:12
Jordana-WatsonI want to tunnel all connections through n/w .. ie, localhost:9150 (socks)08:13
Jordana-WatsonI want to tunnel all connections through tor n/w .. ie, localhost:9150 (socks)08:13
Dr_Willisyou looked at the docs for tsocks or redsocks yet?08:14
Jordana-WatsonI am not that much experienced in these kinds of stuffs..so plz help me08:14
Dr_Willisiptables rules are mentioned at the redsocks web site i notice08:14
Dr_WillisI dont use the tools. so googling for you was all i have been doing.08:15
EricKitOkay Dr_Willis: I am still having this keyboard and mouse issue after a shutdown.  I have SSH'd into it, what do you think I should look at?08:15
Jordana-Watsonlet me check..thnx in advance08:15
Dr_WillisEricKit:  dmesg command outpuit. and see  perhaps  see if lsusb shows the devices08:15
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
ObrienDaveJordana-Watson... configuring Tor as an exit relay WILL get you banned from freenode08:16
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
mvki'm using ubuntu, but i really need google-drive08:16
Dr_Willisive seen unofficial google-drive clients for ubuntu08:17
mvkcan anyone recommend me a hassle-free solution, that i dont have to look after?08:17
EricKitDr_Willis: Would you like me to pastebin the output?08:17
Dr_Willisno idea how well any work.08:17
mvki found grive, https://github.com/Grive/grive08:17
Dr_WillisEricKit:  i doubt if i can tell much from them . :) and im on my phone. so reading a 100 page dmesg log is a pain08:17
mvkbut it cannot auto sync :D08:17
Jordana-WatsonObrienDave : oh/.....I don't know that..08:18
=== RDash[AW] is now known as RDash
ObrienDaveJordana-Watson... trust me. it happened to me08:18
wylde!info grive08:18
EricKitDr_Willis: Yes that makes sense.  I do'nt see the touchpad or keyboard in it08:18
ubottugrive (source: grive): Google Drive client for GNU/Linux. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.2.0-1 (raring), package size 200 kB, installed size 611 kB08:18
jayCan't believe Google hasn't made an official client for Linux yet.08:18
Dr_WillisEricKit:  if you can get it working. see what modules are loaded. then compare the list with whats loaded when its not working08:18
Jordana-WatsonObrienDave: ok...I will connect to IRC via direct connection08:19
Jordana-WatsonI have installed redsocks, so how can I configure redsocks with tor ???08:20
wyldemvk: http://www.webupd8.org/2013/09/mount-google-drive-in-linux-with-google.html08:20
ObrienDaveJordana-Watson... check with the Tor website or forums08:21
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl08:21
ubottufreenode blocks connections from Tor users on its regular servers. Users registered with nickserv can connect to freenode's Tor hidden service instead; see http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml#tor for instructions. For help, ask in #freenode.08:21
Dr_Willisi thought tor worked with privoxy or whatever it was called.08:21
Jordana-Watsonnot mentioned in tor webpage...(about redsocks)08:21
jayI wouldn't trust Tor any longer.08:21
Dr_Willisi never really trusted tor. ;)08:22
Jordana-Watsonyeah but privoxy only works for http08:22
mvkthanks wylde !08:22
jayThe FBI admitted they actively work to sabatoge and subvert Tor.08:22
=== GingerGeek is now known as GingerGeek[Away]
Dr_Willisjay:  thats what keeps everyone on their toes! ;)08:22
Jordana-Watsonwhat u mean tor is insecure ???08:23
Dr_WillisJordana-Watson:  tor is about anonimity. not security ;)08:23
chattrjay: the FBI compromised and seized sites accessible only through tor. if they compromised tor itself, link please?08:23
Jordana-Watsoncan Cyber police / or somebody trace us08:23
ObrienDaveJordana-Watson... NOTHING is totally secure08:23
llutzDr_Willis: _was_ about anonymity08:23
Jordana-Watsonyeah sure08:24
Dr_Willisthere was a bit  thing about tor security issues a few weeks (months?) ago08:24
chattrthere was a problem when people on Windows were using out-of-date tor packages08:24
jayIf you're paranoid enough to use Tor, you should be paranoid enough NOT to use Tor.08:24
manik_Can anybody suggest me a Adobe Flash Player add-on alternative? Pretty much broken here.08:24
ObrienDavejay... so true ;)08:24
Dr_Willismanik_:  i just use the flash downloader etensions - to download most videos08:25
manik_Dr_Willis Downloading each isn't the best option for me...08:25
Dr_Willismanik_:  there used to be an extension tha tplayed the videos in mplayer, or vlc. but i think its no longer udated.08:25
manik_Dr_Willis there must be some other add-ons for playing flash08:26
Dr_Willisgoogle-chrome has its own flash also08:26
manik_yes, but doesn't work too well for me Dr_Willis08:26
Dr_Willisthe 3 ways i mentioned so far about cover it all.08:26
Dr_Willisaskubuntu.com may have other ideas.08:27
manik_oh, okay08:27
Dr_Willisi use flash downloaders in firefox. or google-chrome  mainly08:27
Dr_Willisthat vlc-flash thing -  i bhttps://github.com/vi/tcpsockselive stopped being developed over a year+ ago08:27
Dr_Willisoops.. silly paste08:28
manik_got it08:30
jayAnyone ever donated to an open source project?08:30
llutz!ot | jay sure08:31
ubottujay sure: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:31
jayNot counting bitcoins...real money :p08:31
jayyeah, ot. My bad08:31
EricKitDr_Willis:  I have compared the two scripts.  There are several scripts that are missing when boot up from a cold boot vs. when I restart the computer.08:34
Dr_WillisEricKit:  differnt modules. Hmm.. try loading them all :) and se eif the stuff starts working. could be some odd hardware quirk where the stuff is not detected so the modules dont load08:35
EricKitDr_Willis: They are Touchpad model, SynPS/2 Synaptics Touchpad, psmouse serio2 and serio1, and IBM TrackPoint08:35
=== one is now known as Guest18290
jayWhat can extract a .ace archive?08:38
llutz!info unace08:38
ubottuunace (source: unace): extract, test and view .ace archives. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2b-10 (raring), package size 17 kB, installed size 65 kB08:38
ObrienDavejay... try unace-nonfree08:41
=== nagetier_ is now known as nagetier
Dr_Willisthen thers front ends that would use the unace command if you want a gui08:48
Dr_Willis!info unp08:49
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~pre7+nmu1 (raring), package size 16 kB, installed size 133 kB08:49
llutzunp has a gui now?08:50
Dr_Williswell its a front end08:50
=== RevJam_part is now known as RevJam
Dr_Willisand its a must  hav e tool ;)08:51
llutzbut still not a gui, isn't it? :)08:51
Dr_Willisif its in a xterm yes. ;)08:51
Dr_Willisi dont even use any of the other tools08:52
llutzmost simple gui ever, xterm08:52
Dr_WillisIm still trying to figure out how wine's winrar.exe got assoicated with .iso files on my one machine08:52
Dr_Williswe had someone in here mad that ubuntu wanted $$ to access the iso.. and it was winrar on windows opening the iso ;)08:53
EricKitSo now why would my laptop's moue and keyboard not be detected after a cold start, but it is detected after a reboot?  I checked /proc/bus/input/devices and it only shows the touchpad after a restart08:53
Dr_Willisthat was demanding money08:53
RoryDr_Willis: I love it08:53
Dr_WillisEricKit:  some hardware is not getting initilized properly would be my guess. ive seen the reverse of that with a sound card once.08:53
Dr_WillisCold boot -> it worked - reboot from windows -> failed.08:53
jboiihow can i get my desktop look like that?08:54
Dr_WillisEricKit:  try loading the moduels by hand if they fail.. and see if the devices show up08:54
aeon-ltdjboii: find the theme for xfce?08:55
aeon-ltdjboii: kinda a big question you're asking08:55
ObrienDavejboii... umm, use that .png as a background image?08:55
Dr_Willistake that screenshot - make it your wallpaper ;) and hide all your panels..08:55
Dr_Willislooks like rather straight forward xfce with 2 panels configured how they wanted08:56
aeon-ltdjboii: if you found the image usually the user writes the themes and packages they used in the description, or they are active on forums and such so you can ask them08:57
ObrienDaveor you can install arch ;)08:57
Dr_Willisi dont really see whats so special about the setup in that image08:59
ObrienDaveeye candy LOL08:59
Dr_Willisi dont even see much of that08:59
llutzwhy would one want an archlinux-logo on is *buntu-desktop?08:59
ObrienDavethey must like it for some reason08:59
Dr_Willislooks like that fraanzea icon theme08:59
aeon-ltdllutz: well you'd be surprised09:00
ObrienDaveafter being on this channel for 2 years, NOTHING surprises me anymore09:00
aeon-ltdllutz: there are a lot of windows users who used to want xp/vista to look like osx usually including the 'space' themed default BGs of osx09:01
aeon-ltdit's kinda odd though, with the absolute freedom to customize on linux users could make a desktop tailored for everything they want/need09:03
llutzaeon-ltd: odd people do odd things09:03
EricKitDr_Willis: How do I tell which module it is that I'm supposed to load? I'm comparing lsmod for both examples right now09:04
* Dr_Willis goes back to using Hanna-Montanna-Linux09:04
Dr_WillisEricKit:  load all of them that are not loaded?09:05
Dr_Willisif that dosent work. that points to the hardware actually not being detected by the kernel, if it does work - it would point to some bug where the hardware is detected but the modules are not getting autoloaded09:06
seba4Morning 2 all09:06
seba4One question hope someone knows what it could be09:06
seba4i setup mail with postfix dovecot09:06
jboiiwerent any info on how to install it09:06
seba4and i tried to send with:    mail info@seba4.info09:07
seba4i just skip at cc09:07
seba4and then is subject and text..09:07
jboiimyunity is not available on the ubuntu version that works only 9 months ?09:07
seba4i cant end it only with ctrl d09:07
seba4which stops mail09:07
aeon-ltdseba4: one line of it's hard to read09:07
seba4:) sory09:08
llutzseba4: single "period" . on a line doesn't end the mail?09:08
Dr_Willis!info myunity09:09
ubottuPackage myunity does not exist in raring09:09
Dr_Willisjboii:  it may have a ppa or hompage/download09:09
bazhangjboii, its unity-tweak-tool09:09
seba4i could only interrupt mailutils09:09
seba4does it have any log what is happening.. if there is any error09:10
=== HisaoNakai_ is now known as HisaoNakai
lusernevermind i solved the problem on my own09:13
luserDr_Willis: thanks anyway09:13
EricKitDr-Willis: I noticed that psmouse was not loaded.  So I loaded it but still no access to mouse09:14
brittanyHi guys. I've recently updated to 13.04. I've found that the mouse settings for my touchpad are really strange. There seems to be a purposeful lag before something happens. Such as click-dragging to copy some text or moving a window by its' title bar. I'd like these things to be instant, but they seem to require a wait, or start doing it after I've begun the motion. Does anyone have any idea about this?09:16
llutzseba4: seems mailutils "mail" does not use the "." while most other mail commands do09:16
seba4llutz: oh ... how to exit then heh:)09:16
seba4i can try it even with other utils09:16
llutzseba4: ctrl-d seems to be the (strange) way09:17
TheMercurioHi guys09:17
seba4yea but ctrl d is interupt09:17
seba4which just stops the code and returns to console09:17
Dr_WillisEricKit:  afer loading the modules - check dmesg, to see if the deivves are shown. and se eif they exist in  the /dev/* stuff you mentioned earlier09:17
TheMercurioI want to share my internet connection to my other devices... But when I create a hosted network it disconnect from the network which I get Internet09:18
Dr_Willisseba4:  ctrl \   perhaps?09:18
seba4let me try09:18
TheMercurioIs there a way to share my wi-fi connection with wi-fi? like Windows?09:18
Dr_Willisthe man pages may mention how else to end it. ;)09:18
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing09:18
seba4Dr_Willis:  Quit( core dumped)09:19
llutzseba4: mailutils "mail" quits and sends mail after pressing ctrl-d here09:19
seba4oh really  thx09:19
g38There is an ubuntu machine on which I am not root but which I can shutdown from the login screen (I just click on "shutdown" etc). How can I shut it down remotely (via ssh)? I cannot run "sudo shutdown", but surely there must be a way to tell the login programme that I want to shutdown just as if I was in front of the computer?09:19
TheMercurioDr_Willis, I read it already but there is no way to share without disconnect...09:19
seba4lluty: then there is a prob with setup need to try it thx for help09:19
Dr_Willisctrl-d is the same as ctrl-\ isent it? been so long since ive used  mail09:19
seba4llutz: then there is a prob with setup need to try it thx for help09:19
iXenohi, I installed both xmonad and fvwm, but when choosing window manager at the login screen, I only get to choose between fvwm and unity...  how do I get xmonad listed there? or can't I?09:19
Dr_WillisTheMercurio:  you got 2 internet cards or just the 1?09:20
TheMercurioI guess only 109:20
TheMercuriobut allows hostednetwork, I'm sure.09:20
seba4one question i tried setting up mail with postfix dovecot mysql.09:20
ObrienDavebrittany... did you update to HD or USB stick?09:20
Dr_WillisiXeno:  make a xmonad.desktop entry  in the xsessions directory for it to run what you want09:20
seba4what admin app u recommend for mails09:20
llutzseba4: usually i use mailx (bsd or heirloom), those use the . as expected09:20
Dr_WillisiXeno:  there may be some guides on askubuntu.com for getting xmonad going right also. (i dont use it)09:21
seba4llutz: will check it:) Thanks for help.09:21
Dr_Willis!find xmonad.desktop09:21
g38for information the machine uses lightdm09:21
ubottuFile xmonad.desktop found in app-install-data, xmonad09:21
Dr_Willislooks like xmonad should have a .desktop entry allready made.09:22
Dr_Willisg38:  perhaps the poweroff command? you can set up specific users with rights to run specific commands  in /etc/sudoers09:23
Dr_Williswith sudoers they dont need full sudo rights (so its a safer way)09:23
joheyIf my kernel hangs at boot when using lowlatency, how can I start tracking the problem down? Using Ubuntu 13.04 with official lowlatency kernel package.09:24
llutzseba4: have a look here, maybe it has what you want http://sourceforge.net/projects/postfixadmin09:24
zomgdockerhello awesome peolpe. is there a way i can download a minimal ubuntu filesystem so i can run it within LXC?09:25
wilee-nileezomgdocker: there is the net install.09:25
zomgdockerThe net install?09:26
EricKitDr_Willis: The only module not loaded is psmouse.  I used insmod to load it and the mouse still doesn't work09:26
llutz!mini | zomgdocker09:26
ubottuzomgdocker: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD09:26
seba4llutz: looks fine will check it thx. :)09:26
zomgdockerWow. that IS small haha09:27
JohnVonNeumanni can't get /dev/sdb3 mounted09:28
zomgdockerBut no clue how to install it using lxc. hmm. I sorta just need the filesystem, and not an installer09:28
Dr_WillisEricKit:  use 'sudo modprobe modulename' that way it pulls in other modules (i think)09:28
llutzzomgdocker: you want something like usermode-linux or what?09:28
Dr_WillisEricKit:  psmouse is the ps2 mouse thats also used for most touchpads i think09:29
Dr_WillisJohnVonNeumann:  try mounting it by hand. give us the command you are using, and any error messages09:29
brittanyObrienDave: Hdd.09:29
zomgdockerllutz, i want to run ubuntu in LXC-START container. But i don't want to mount the parent FS. I want to mount a LVM/block volume. With minimal linux, so i can move it around after wards.09:29
EricKitDr_Willis: the I did the modprobe.  It gave no output and the mouse is still not owrking09:30
TheMercurioIs there a way to share my wireless Internet connection with create wireless ad-hoc?09:30
Dr_WillisEricKit:  touchpad works?09:30
EricKitDr_Willis: Nope09:30
zomgdockerBut maybe i just need to setup a virtual machine, install the minmal cd, and then convert the volume to a block FS.09:31
zomgdockerThe idea is is that i have an isolated environment voor LXC09:31
Dr_WillisEricKit:  lsusb and lspci dont show the devicves either?09:31
FlyHi Guys, I have a problem with Gameing on Linux, Wine, and my Graphics card. Since I need so space to descibe the problemm, i posted it on ubuntu pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6166171/09:32
JohnVonNeumannDr_Willis: i tried mounting it by pressinr the mount option,here is the error message  ,  http://dpaste.com/1398830/09:32
EricKitDr_Willis: They do not.09:33
g38Dr_Willis, I cannot run sudo poweroff09:34
g38Dr_Willis, I am wondering about a way to tell lightdm that I have clicked on shutdown09:34
Dr_WillisJohnVonNeumann:  try mounting it by hand. and look for error messaqges09:34
Dr_WillisEricKit:  sounds like the laptop for somereason is not initilizeing the hardware in a way that the kernel can see it.09:35
EricKitDr_willis: Thanks, I'll keep researchign09:35
Dr_Willisg38:  so this is your pc? or you are just a lowly user?09:35
g38Dr_Willis, I am a lowly user. But I have access to the console everyday, and from there I can shutdown. It's just that right now I'm not physically in front of it.09:36
JohnVonNeumannDr_Willis: how ?09:36
Dr_Willis!mount | JohnVonNeumann09:36
ubottuJohnVonNeumann: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount09:36
JohnVonNeumannDr_Willis: i tried mounting it by pressinr the mount option,here is the error message  ,  http://dpaste.com/1398830/09:37
Dr_Willisyou could have just pasted the single line of the error message ;)09:37
Dr_Willistry mounting it by hand giveing it the full set of options. what kind of filesystem is it?09:38
wyldeJohnVonNeumann: mount it in the terminal so you get more useful error messages...09:38
Dr_Willisg38:  Hmm. wait.. from the text console you can use 'shutdown' but over ssh it wont?09:39
JohnVonNeumannwylde:  what literallt should i type?09:39
llutzJohnVonNeumann: "sudo mount /dev/sdb3 /mnt"09:40
wylde!mount | JohnVonNeumann -- did you read any of it?09:40
ubottuJohnVonNeumann -- did you read any of it?: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount09:40
g38Dr_Willis, no, not from the text console, I mean I can click on "shutdown" from the login screen09:40
Dr_Willisg38:  thats because the gdm service has rights. So you have no sudo rights at all. :()  there might be some defaut command that lets a user shutdown. but ive never noticed it09:40
Dr_Willisg38: i doubt if your user will have the rights to do anything directly to gdm either. askubuntu.com may offer some insight. I know of ways to let a user do those commands. but you would need sudo rights to set the ways up.09:41
JohnVonNeumanndeepblue@deepblue-945GCM-S2L ~ $ sudo mount /dev/sdb3/media/My4Files09:42
JohnVonNeumann[sudo] password for deepblue:09:42
JohnVonNeumannmount: can't find /dev/sdb3/media/My4Files in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab09:42
Dr_WillisJohnVonNeumann:  you missed a space in your command...09:42
wyldeJohnVonNeumann: sudo mount /dev/sdb3 /path/to/mount/point09:43
otakif JohnVonNeumann has the same problem as yesterday, grep sdb3 /etc/fstab will show the wrong fs type09:44
llutzJohnVonNeumann: pastebin your /etc/fstab and the output of "sudo blkid" and "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb"09:45
JohnVonNeumannDr_Willis:  ,wylde,otak,llutz   :it's mounted now09:46
JohnVonNeumannr there any other nessecary changes ?09:47
wyldeJohnVonNeumann: do what llutz asked you then we can tell you09:48
JohnVonNeumannwylde :ok09:48
ubottuANMAPAFRA: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:52
eliesinIs "sudo restart networking" on its own supposed to return the system to its previous state? When I try, I just end up with the loopback interface and none others recognized.09:53
JohnVonNeumannllutz: here   ,  http://dpaste.com/1398855/09:53
eliesinAlternatively: if I (intentionally) put the system in a non-networked state via "sudo stop networking", how do I restore full networking capabilities as it's done during bootup? At least on this machine, running 13.10 with Intel's wifi chipset, "sudo start networking" does not in fact restore the eth0 and wlan0 interfaces.09:56
llutzJohnVonNeumann: change that last line into "UUID=002d3ce8-abd5-436b-89aa-d03d9241604c /media/My4Files ext4      nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 0"  and try again09:57
llutzJohnVonNeumann: after finishing the fstab-change, do "sudo umount /media/My4Files && sudo mount /media/My4Files"09:58
JohnVonNeumannllutz :change it to what?09:58
llutzJohnVonNeumann: change that last line into "UUID=002d3ce8-abd5-436b-89aa-d03d9241604c /media/My4Files ext4      nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 0"09:58
llutzJohnVonNeumann: last line of your /etc/fstab09:58
llutzwhatever x-gvfs-show might be09:59
AlbertJBHello, I would like to get back my account AlbertJB, I've logged in with SSO and now I am AlbertJB209:59
JohnVonNeumannlltutz: ok09:59
AlbertJBI mean in http://ubuntuforums.org10:00
AlbertJBI am no able to get back my AlbertJB account?10:00
polterAlbertJB: join #ubuntuforums10:01
ikoniaAlbertJB: talk to the forum admins10:01
AlbertJBok thanks10:01
ikoniaAlbertJB: there is a mail address on the forums website10:01
JohnVonNeumannllutz: here , http://dpaste.com/1398857/10:03
llutzJohnVonNeumann: "sudo blkid -g && sudo blkid /dev/sdb3"    is the shown UUID still the same?10:04
JohnVonNeumannllutz: deepblue@deepblue-945GCM-S2L ~ $ sudo blkid -g && sudo blkid /dev/sdb310:05
JohnVonNeumann/dev/sdb3: UUID="002d3ce8-abd5-436b-89aa-d03d9241604c" TYPE="ext4"10:05
matthias_hi i need your help with a python prorgamm10:06
llutzand the TYPE JohnVonNeumann10:06
ikoniamatthias_: try #python10:06
llutzJohnVonNeumann: "grep My4 /etc/fstab"10:06
JohnVonNeumannllutz: ext410:07
llutzJohnVonNeumann: yes sry, seen it too late10:07
matthias_ikonia: the channel is unregistered10:07
ikoniamatthias_: then register an account and join the real registered channel10:08
JohnVonNeumannllutz: deepblue@deepblue-945GCM-S2L ~ $ grep My4 /etc/fstab10:09
JohnVonNeumannUUID=002d3ce8-abd5-436b-89aa-d03d9241604c /media/My4Files ext4      nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 010:09
llutzJohnVonNeumann: reads fine, no idea then why it fails10:09
ikoniawhat is it failing with ?10:10
reisioprobably want that to be 0 1 or 0 2 at the end, though it's not likely to do with whatever your issue is10:10
ikonia(apologies for being late to the conversation)10:10
JohnVonNeumannllutz: ok,thanx bud.10:10
llutzikonia: http://dpaste.com/1398857/ when he mounts manually (umount because we mounted by hand before), his fstab/blkid/fdisk http://dpaste.com/1398855/10:11
ikoniacould it not be as simple as it's damaged ?10:12
ikoniawhy is there gfs settings ?10:12
reisiowould it need to be sudo mount UUID=foo, and not mount /mnt/point ?10:13
reisiowouldn't it*10:13
llutzreisio: either device/uuid or mountpoint it an fstab-entry exists10:13
reisioso what happens if you have FSes sharing a mount point in /etc/fstab, I wonder :p10:14
ikoniait looks as if the superblock is just damaged ?10:14
ikoniaso it can't identify the file system10:14
ikoniathe other partitions mount fine, I assume10:14
llutzikonia: damaged? but why could he mount it using "mount /dev/sdb3 /mountpoint"10:14
ikoniaahh he can actually mount it then10:14
ikoniaI missed the10:14
ikoniachange fstab to reference /dev/sdb3 and try mount /mountpoint10:14
llutzJohnVonNeumann: to do so,  change that last line of fstab into "/dev/sdb3 /media/My4Files ext4      nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 1"10:15
hanninghi, still trying to disable stereo upmixing in ubuntu. it looks like pulseaudio is not the cause. is anyone available for help? :)10:15
reisiohanning: upmixing?10:15
hanningstereo upmix is some kind of virtual surround10:17
reisiohanning: it's trying to output 5.1?10:17
JohnVonNeumannllutz:  ok,done10:17
hanningwell not exactly 5.1, but i hear stereo music on every speaker10:17
hanningi'd like to disable that behaviour :/10:17
ikoniahanning: some headsets do this internally, are you sure your speaker setup is not doing it10:18
reisiohanning: and you're sure the media you're accessing isn't mono?10:18
eliesinhttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/quantal/en/man5/pulse-daemon.conf.5.html says set enable-remixing to "no"10:18
eliesin(Then send PA the SIGHUP or restart or whatever it needs to pick up changed settings)10:19
hanningi don't use a headset. i my 5.1-system is plugged in as an analog source.10:19
llutzJohnVonNeumann: to test do "sudo umount /media/My4Files && sudo mount /media/My4Files"10:19
hanningi got multiple OS running on my machine, ubuntu is the only one with that weird stereo upmix ;)10:20
ikoniaactually - that's fine10:20
eliesinhanning: enable-remixing in pulse-daemon.conf10:20
hanningalready disabled10:20
eliesinAh okay10:20
hanningi think alsa is doing something wrong10:20
hanningspeaker-test on 6 channels is working fine10:20
JohnVonNeumannllutz: umount: /media/My4Files: not mounted10:21
ikoniaok, so mount it10:21
hanningi still have upmixing when i output to ALSA directly10:21
llutzJohnVonNeumann: "sudo mount /media/My4Files"10:21
JohnVonNeumannllutz: deepblue@deepblue-945GCM-S2L ~ $ sudo mount /media/My4Files10:22
JohnVonNeumannmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb3,10:22
JohnVonNeumann       missing codepage or helper program, or other error10:22
JohnVonNeumann       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try10:22
JohnVonNeumann       dmesg | tail  or so10:22
FloodBot1JohnVonNeumann: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:22
llutzJohnVonNeumann: "sudo mount /dev/sdb3 /media/My4Files"10:23
eliesinYeah, and ALSA does't appear to have any setting nearly so straightforward.10:23
justaguydoes ubuntu have any support for fingerprint scanners on laptops10:23
eliesinThere are variations of manual channel mappings and an "upmix" plugin AFAICT10:24
ikoniajustaguy: depends on the hardware device10:24
FlyHi! I got a problem related to Gaming, Wine, My Graphics Card, and PlayOnLinux. http://paste.ubuntu.com/6166171/10:24
JohnVonNeumannllutz:  no output10:24
reisiojustaguy: they are of course pathetic as security devices, however :)10:24
llutzJohnVonNeumann: mount|grep sdb3            should give an output10:24
ikoniaFly: try the play on linux support channel or at a push wine10:24
ikoniallutz: ok, this looks interesting, nice find10:25
JohnVonNeumannllutz: /dev/sdb3 on /media/My4Files type ext4 (rw)10:25
Flyikonia: thank you10:25
llutzJohnVonNeumann: get rid of the x-gvfs-...., change that last line of fstab into "/dev/sdb3 /media/My4Files ext4      nosuid,nodev,nofail 0 1"10:25
ikoniaFly: (as in the wine channel at a push)10:25
ikoniaJohnVonNeumann: can we have a look at the line in your fstab as it is now please10:26
ikoniabefore you make any more changes10:26
llutzJohnVonNeumann: i have no idea why the fstab entry won't work. only thing is about that gvfs (whatever that is)10:26
justaguyreisio: some laptops have fingerprint scanners on it, would be sad to not use them instead of writing your password10:26
reisiojustaguy: password is far more secure10:26
hanningwriting your password is actually safer ;)10:26
reisioincredibly more secure10:26
=== HisaoNakai_ is now known as HisaoNakai
reisioalthough if they have physical access to your machine, actually neither will be enough10:27
llutzfingerprints are safe [signed: nsa]10:27
reisiobut a password will be slightly harder to circumvent10:27
eliesinreisio: fingerprints are left everywhere10:27
faugusztinmost of all, using fingerprint scanner is annoying... "please try again" :D10:27
reisioeliesin: yup10:27
eliesinSomething more akin to the evil maid attack is necessary for passwords10:27
JohnVonNeumannllutz: ok10:27
reisioand newer smartphones will be lifting them without your permission :)10:28
justaguythe only thing why i have protection is so no one opens my facebook while i'm away and writes childish things like "I'm gay!" as status update10:28
reisioeliesin: which is easily accomplished with physical access, which is what you have if you're dealing with a fingerprint scanner10:28
eliesinYeah, the CCC's demonstration regarding that was fun10:28
reisioCCC? :)10:28
eliesinGerman Chaos computer club10:28
JohnVonNeumannllutz: /dev/sdb3 /media/My4Files ext4      nosuid,nodev,nofail 0 110:28
reisiojustaguy: I would totally evil maid your box to do that :p10:29
eliesinThey were the ones who made the news recently showing the iPhone's fingerprint auth could be spoofed with a 2400dpi scanner10:29
llutzJohnVonNeumann: again "sudo umount /media/My4Files && sudo mount /media/My4Files"10:29
reisioalthough your password probably isn't even to an encrypted FS, so I wouldn't actually have to evil maid you :p10:29
JohnVonNeumannllutz:  no output10:29
reisioeliesin: yeah, naturally, it's a silly way to authenticate10:30
llutzJohnVonNeumann: finally it worked10:30
ikoniathat gfs line isn't happy with ext410:30
reisioeliesin: but what is more bothersome than things we already knew is a million potential new ways people will give up their fingerprints without their permission/knowledge10:30
llutzJohnVonNeumann: there is something wrong with the x-gvfs-show option you use.10:30
JohnVonNeumannllutz:  u think it's done noe?10:30
eliesinreisio: better in these analysis to assume there's not some random open window elsewhere if one is just talking about securing the front door, for a productive discussion :p10:30
llutzJohnVonNeumann: i'm pretty sure, yes10:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 1011257 in gnome-disk-utility (Ubuntu Raring) "x-gvfs-show option doesn't work" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:31
ikoniait's a bug10:31
JohnVonNeumannllutz:  ok thanx bud.  and sorry 4 the disconvenience10:31
reisiowell, laptops are mobile, and open windows aren't nearly as convenient as even (tumbler) locked doors :p10:31
reisiobut we digress :D10:31
llutzdoesn't work != prevents mounting at all10:31
=== erry is now known as errietta
eliesinBut, yeah, the fingerprint setup seems because of what you suggest, particularly problematic. People only have 10 fingerprints to run through too. Unless they want to take advantage of the iPhone's (and presumably laptop) fingerprint scanners) working on their cats' paws too10:31
llutzso bug confirmed++10:31
eliesinThen they have four more10:31
ikoniallutz: it's a badly written bug for sure, but when you read the content, it's a valid bug that we've just seen here10:31
llutzikonia: i should have googled it before... anyways finally it works10:32
chattrllutz: maybe lines 37, 38 and 39 in http://dpaste.com/1398855/ need editing also (the gfs stuff and 'auto' as a filesystem type)10:32
ikoniallutz: I just had a quick look on launchpad just to see if it was a bug,10:32
llutzchattr: those fs seem to mount fine(whyever), so no need to10:32
chattrllutz: 'auto in the third field is ok? if yes, then TIL10:33
llutzchattr: its valid, yes10:33
llutzgtg, nice weekend all10:34
havvI'm using lubuntu on a virtual machine (VirtualBox), if I switch it to terminal mode, will it go easier on my computer (memory wise and such)?10:34
ikoniahavv: if you don't run a desktop, it is less work for your machine, yes10:34
eliesinMemorywise, probably not, though. I believe (maybe I'm wrong) that VirtualBox allocates the entirety of the guest's memory allocation regardless10:35
eliesinCertainly, if the guest uses less, it can remain paged out10:35
ikoniaof course it will save memory10:35
ikoniarunning X11 uses ram10:35
havvikonia: can I start it up in terminal mode? I switched it using ctrl+alt+F110:35
ikoniahavv: you'll need to disable X windows from starting10:35
eliesinikonia: well, it should reduce resident size, not address space size (which for VirtualBox I believe is constant however much of it is used)10:36
Iamtougsbut if you run less you can allocate less RAM irrespective of reservation or allocation10:36
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ikoniaeliesin: I guess he needs to clarify if it's the guest/host he wants to reduce as I agree it's only the guest10:37
havvyeah, I was talking about the guest10:37
eliesinSo yeah, to be sure, do what Iamtougs says10:37
Flyikonia: but since you can set the guests memory you can save that on the host as well ;)10:37
Iamtougsjust increase and decrease as required over time, if resources are so closely contested10:38
Iamtougsand you'll find the sweet spot10:38
havvikonia: will this http://askubuntu.com/questions/16371/how-do-i-disable-x-at-boot-time-so-that-the-system-boots-in-text-mode do the trick for me?10:39
cricri7(probably stupid) question: is it possible to install lubuntu alongside ubuntu (on the same machine)?10:45
reisiocricri7: yup, just install lubuntu-desktop10:46
reisioeach DE's menus might be cluttered, by default, with extraneous items from the other DE10:47
reisiobut you can fix that in various ways10:47
reisiocricri7: you can also of course do a completely separate installation10:47
reisioas in two OSes10:47
reisiobut I wouldn't really recommended that, unless you are quite bored10:47
cricri7and i will be able to choose at startup which one to launch?10:48
arunpyasiguys how to use Remmina , please help me10:48
eliesinSearched some. Is looks like "sudo services networking restart" / "sudo restart networking" isn't supposed to kill networking entirely?10:48
arunpyasiguys how to use Remmina , please help me10:49
reisiocricri7: yup10:49
cricri7thank you10:49
reisioarunpyasi: run it?10:49
arunpyasireisio: how to ?? can't configure10:50
reisioeliesin: restart would likely kill it for a trivial, potentially insignificant amount of time10:50
reisioeliesin: technically, historically, restarting an init/service actually stops it, and starts it again10:50
reisioarunpyasi: why can't you configure?10:50
eliesinreisio: yeah, that part's fine. It's simply not coming back.10:50
arunpyasiI want to control my friends computer but how??10:50
eliesinOr, well. The interfaces eth0 and wlan0 aren't10:50
arunpyasireisio: its hard than teamviewer10:51
reisioeliesin: you do an upgrade?10:51
reisioarunpyasi: it requires more configuration, yes10:51
reisioarunpyasi: what OS is your friend's computer running?10:51
eliesinYes. On Saucy. Initially was on Raring on this installation10:51
arunpyasireisio: Ubuntu Quantal10:51
reisioarunpyasi: that is, it requires more configuration up front, and less over time10:51
reisioarunpyasi: okay, then you'd be using VNC10:51
reisioarunpyasi: does your friend have his VNC server enabled?10:52
arunpyasiyes VNC10:52
arunpyasiso the server must be runned in his computer?10:52
reisioby default it tends to be disabled, as a security/efficiency measure10:52
reisioyes usually10:52
eliesinRestarting network-manager works fine. It's just /etc/init/networking that's seems to stay dead10:52
arunpyasiI installed vnc4server in my computer10:52
reisioarunpyasi: the server is for connecting _to_10:52
reisiothe viewer for connecting _from_10:53
arunpyasioh ok10:53
reisiohe needs the server, you need the client10:53
reisiothough they frequently to come together10:53
arunpyasioh ok I will ask him to install10:53
arunpyasireisio: please help me step wise ok10:53
reisioarunpyasi: and it might be installed already, but merely not running10:53
reisioif there's something referring to 'vnc' in /etc/init*, it's probably already installed10:54
arunpyasiok reisio so what should I do??10:54
reisioeliesin: so this is wired?10:54
reisioarunpyasi: check in that path for something related to 'vn'c10:54
reisioerm, 'vnc', that is10:54
reisioor pgrep -l vnc10:54
eliesinWifi in this case. Can test wired if it matters. eth0 doesn't come back any more than wlan0. I'm left with only lo10:54
reisioshould tell you if it exists / is already running10:54
eliesinThe interfaces totally disappear from ifconfig, etc.10:55
reisioeliesin: did you reboot at all?10:55
arunpyasireisio: what if I ask him to install vnc4server ?10:55
reisioarunpyasi: that could be useful10:55
reisioarunpyasi: it might even automatically start the server after installation10:56
eliesinRebooting fixes it. I should say, this is a proxy for another issue. The point is to use this (which simulates the symptoms well and I think might be effectively what's happening there) to fix/work around the other issue10:56
reisioarunpyasi: although10:56
reisioarunpyasi: if it's an actual server install, without a DE (such as Unity/GNOME), then you wouldn't actually want VNC10:56
reisioyou'd want just ssh10:56
eliesinSo, yeah, the question is, if I "sudo stop networking", how can one recover from that without restarting?10:56
reisioeliesin: is that the "other" issue?10:56
reisionetworkmanager uses magic to determine what configurations to use10:57
reisiothe networking service by itself uses only the static configuration/s you have10:57
eliesinNo. The other issue is sleep/resume related. Lid-closing then resuming kills networking this way. But sudo pm-suspend doesn't.10:57
reisioyou likely want to use only one or the other10:57
arunpyasiman reisio its asking password10:57
reisioarunpyasi: right, you need a password for a user's account10:57
eliesinRight, okay, so if I added wlan0 to /etc/networking/interfaces that would work. But, that's clearly not necessarily on an ordinary boot10:58
eliesinHow does one replicate, or at least re-run, network-manager's magic? Because I did try the sequence "stop network-manager; stop networking; start networking; start network-manager"10:58
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:58
eliesinAnd that doesn't work either10:58
arunpyasiok reisio so what to do next?10:58
reisioeliesin: just restarting network-manager should do it10:58
eliesinYeah, if I /only/ restart networking-manager it's fine.10:59
reisioarunpyasi: type in the password?10:59
arunpyasireisio: done10:59
reisioeliesin: why wouldn't you only do that? :)10:59
reisioarunpyasi: that's it10:59
arunpyasireisio: now , what should I do here10:59
eliesinBecause I don't know what most effectively represents this other situation, which I can't access right now10:59
reisioarunpyasi: here?11:00
eliesinBoth are consistent with the symptoms that I've last checked11:00
eliesin(stop network-manager & networking)11:00
arunpyasireisio: I mean in my computer11:00
reisioeliesin: basically if you're going to primarily or even regularly use wireless, you'd want to deal with networkmanager alone11:00
reisioeliesin: if you only want wireless, using the static config and service should suffice, but you could also still use networkmanager if you wanted11:00
reisiostill use only, that is11:00
eliesinAh, so it's probably "networking" isn't even running? That'd confuse things yeah.11:01
reisioarunpyasi: hrmm?'11:01
reisioeliesin: well, networkmanager takes over networking in general, usually11:01
arunpyasireisio: what should I do next man ?11:01
reisioeliesin: it can work in parallel to a certain extent, but generally the purpose of networkMANAGER is to manage it all entirely11:01
reisioarunpyasi: to accomplish what?11:01
BluesKajfrankly network manager handles wifi much easier than trying to set it up in the the interfaces file11:02
eliesinI've usually used netowrkmanager or wicd (before networkmanager was particularly good) on desktops and Debian's networking service on servers11:02
arunpyasireisio: then how can I connect  to his computer?11:02
reisioyeah I like wicd, it's lighter and more DE agnostic, but it also is less magical unfortunately, IME :)11:02
eliesinBut I hadn't realized they weren't meant to run simultaneously on Ubuntu, so that explains things.11:02
reisiofor troublesome hardware11:02
reisioarunpyasi: remmina isn't working?11:02
eliesinIt used to have fewer "magical" issues when it did work at all though11:03
arunpyasithen how to configure remmina ??11:03
arunpyasiI don't know man11:03
arunpyasiit is asking a server11:03
eliesinRegarding remembering hwo to auto-associate with ssids, etc11:03
reisioarunpyasi: if the server has a DE, you can use VNC, it takes a user account name and a corresponding password11:03
reisioarunpyasi: if the server hasn't a DE, you can use SSH, which also takes a user account name and a corresponding password11:03
eliesinnetwork-manager has been pretty good the last couple of years though.11:03
reisioarunpyasi: the former requires the VNC server to be running, the latter sshd11:03
arunpyasiDE mean s?11:03
reisioarunpyasi: Unity/GNOME/etc.11:04
arunpyasiyes it has11:04
reisiookay, then you'd probably want VNC11:04
arunpyasireisio: GNOME 311:04
arunpyasithen what to do?11:04
reisioarunpyasi: ...after what?11:04
arunpyasiafter opening VNC11:04
arunpyasiits asking server , username and password11:04
reisioserver would be the ip address if it isn't fancily configured11:05
reisiousername and password are what you'd expect11:05
arunpyasireisio:  u mean , what I can't understand man11:06
reisiowhat don't you understand?11:06
arunpyasireisio: which Ip adress I should insert in ??11:06
reisioarunpyasi: that depends :)11:06
reisioarunpyasi: if your friend is around, he can tell you which IP it is11:07
arunpyasiU mean the public ip address11:07
reisioeither with the 'ip' or 'ifconfig' command, or something like http://www.whatsmyip.org/11:07
reisioor the server might even have a name you can use instead of an IP11:07
eliesinreisio: I just tried "stop networking" [on my desktop; this IRC-running machine clearly not the same] and it killed network access regardless of network-manager running.11:07
arunpyasireisio: yes ok , will try11:07
eliesinThat suggests they do run simultaneously11:07
reisioeliesin: run yes11:08
reisioeliesin: but networkmanager overrides the base configurations11:08
reisiowith its own automagick'd ones11:08
reisioneed to go help people move fish from one aquarium to another :) peace11:09
BluesKajeliesin:  the neywork manager settings can be affected by /etc/network/interfaces afaik , dependig on what the settings are of course , and vice versa11:10
arunpyasiand what is RDP?11:11
eliesinBluesKaj: alright, so, how does one simulate/recreate whatever happens on boot so that if one has stopped both networking and network-manager one can recover networking sans a restart?11:11
eliesinremote desktop protocol. Windows-centric, but ubuntu has servers11:11
arunpyasiman, didn't work11:12
arunpyasiguys isn't there anything like teamviewer?11:13
eliesinFor some value of "like"11:13
BluesKajeliesin:  usually sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart11:14
eliesin"ERROR: Calling a sysvinit script on a system using upstart isn't supported. Please use the 'service' command instead."11:15
eliesinThat's why I've been using "sudo restart networking" and/or "sudo service networking restart" if I want to try that11:15
arunpyasiguys isn't there anything like teamviewer?11:15
eliesinBut, that's what kill all interfaces but lo11:16
BluesKajok , eliesin,  sudo service networking restart11:16
matthias_archhi i have got a python programm problem and i dont get it answered in #python: i have a problem with my bitmessage client programmed in python. i'm using the bitmessageapi to get the inbox messages. The inboxMessages are stored in some lists but i don't know how to display all messages. i can only read defined messages. i need a for loop for this i think but i cant figure out. http://pastebin.com/etbGMpvy i hope the paste can h11:16
eliesinarunpyasi: yes, for some value of "like". It's a broad question that depends on what precisely you want from a Teamviewer-like system.11:16
eliesinBluesKaj: as above, that just kills all network interfaces but lo. Which, yeah, fine, that's what' in my /etc/network/interfaces. So, I'd need network-manager back up too. But even "service network-manager stop; service networking stop; service networking start; service network-manager start" doesn't suffice to take down then bring back up eth0 and wlan0 (neither of which are in /etc/network/interfaces(11:18
eliesinSo, that's my question. What happens on boot to actually make this work and how to I replace that without a restart?11:18
eliesin(I end up with just lo regardless, if I stop "networking" at all)11:19
BluesKajeliesin:  sudo dhclient wlan0 for wifi , sudo dhclient eth0 , for ethernet , and that should work with NM as well11:20
eliesinCan't run dhclient on a nonexistent interface, whether wlan0 or eth011:21
arunpyasieliesin: I want remote access from my home to another country where my friend is11:22
BluesKajeliesin:  killing the interefaves obviously needs a reboot then11:22
Equinox3arunpyasi: try team viewer11:22
arunpyasiEquinox3: thats not working, it is showing my and my friends id same11:24
eliesinBluesKaj: http://pastie.org/836217611:25
Equinox3then try openvnc11:25
eliesinBluesKaj: alright, somehow, on bootup, the system (Upstart, I guess, though it uses Sys V init scripts too) manages to bring up networking11:25
jeetpeiHi All11:26
eliesinFrom a state during which neither "networking" nor "network-manager" is running.11:26
eliesinIt's not magic.11:26
jeetpeican someone help me to understand rn_nml command ?11:27
matthias_archhi i have got a python programm problem and i dont get it answered in #python: i have a problem with my bitmessage client programmed in python. i'm using the bitmessageapi to get the inbox messages. The inboxMessages are stored in some lists but i don't know how to display all messages. i can only read defined messages. i need a for loop for this i think but i cant figure out. http://pastebin.com/etbGMpvy i hope the paste can h11:27
BluesKajeliesin:  as far as NM is concerned they are one and the same . /etc/networkinterfaces settings are set by network manager when it's active11:28
eliesinokay, so I should be able to just start network-manager maybe? Trying...11:29
BluesKajeliesin:  yes11:29
jeetpeirn_nml ?11:29
eliesinBluesKaj: http://pastie.org/836219011:31
eliesinA couple of interesting things: (1) I switched the networking & network-manager kill order and apparently killing network kills network-manager. (2) Still only the lo interface11:32
lenzeorHey there! I am using an AMD Radeon HD 3450 graphics card and I would like to use the proprietary driver. How do I switch?11:32
eliesin(I've been restarting in between all these)11:32
eliesinlenzeor: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI11:33
bwaynematthias_arch: try #bitmessage11:33
BluesKajeliesin:  so what is your goal here , trying to run with NM for eifi and the interfaces file for ethernet?11:33
faugusztinlenzeor: HD3450, that is supported only by legacy drivers, no ?11:33
matthias_archi want to print out all message and not the predefinded message11:33
lenzeorfaugusztin, I dont know11:34
BluesKajeifi=wifi , eliesin11:34
lenzeoreliesin, there are a few problems I am having with that tutorial11:34
mmsWhat is the best IDE under Ubuntu to program with Python?11:34
eliesinBluesKaj: my goal is to understand how to recover from a state (which, in the actual instance is coming from a suspend/resume issue) which under certain circumstances only lists the "lo" interface.11:35
faugusztinlenzeor: indeed it is only supported by legacy drivers, anything HD2000-HD4000 that is11:35
eliesinWithout restarting. Because if I can figure out that, then it should be possible to work around it. Yeah, there's some other bug. For the moment I don't care11:35
BluesKajlenzeor:  do you see any other drivers in "additional drivers"?11:35
faugusztinlenzeor: https://launchpad.net/~makson96/+archive/fglrx11:35
eliesinSo, again, somehow, the boot process manages this fine. How might I figure out what it's doing and/or replicate that?11:35
lenzeorfaugusztin, this means I cannot use accelaration with an up-to-date-kernel?11:36
lenzeorBluesKaj, no I dont11:36
faugusztinlenzeor: you will get acceleration, but legacy drivers are not released periodically, only once in a time11:36
BluesKajeliesin:  sleep causes more problems than it's worth , sometimers11:36
bwaynemms: i like pycharm11:36
varunendraeliesin, are both wifi and ethernet interfaces disappearing after susp/resume ?11:36
eliesinvarunendra: yes11:36
eliesinOnly lo is left.11:36
eliesinBluesKaj: lid-closing sleep is bad. pm-suspend sleep is good.11:37
eliesinConsistantly. If you can point out how they differ, that'd be great too.11:37
jophishYo yo yo11:37
varunendraeliesin, do you know which cards/drivers you are using?11:37
jophishWhat's the recommended way to install haskell-platform on Ubuntu 13.04?11:37
BluesKajnever bothered with it , eliesin , but I'm a home user11:37
eliesinIntel's wifi chipset. Can get model number in a moment. But  the iwlwifi driver.11:37
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eliesineth0 is some other thing and it's also disappearing though.11:38
varunendraeliesin, have you tried "sudo ifconfig eth0 up" (or "down" then "up") ?11:38
lenzeorfaugusztin, good! How do I install the drivers?11:39
mikiCan anyone say what packages to delete to use normally mate, without the corruption with unity?11:39
eliesinvarunendra: yes. eth0 doesn't exist to be down/up11:39
faugusztinlenzeor: did you read that launchpad page ? :)11:39
eliesin(in this state I describe/can trigger)11:39
lenzeorfaugusztin, do I simply apt-get fglrx?11:39
faugusztinlenzeor: no, read https://launchpad.net/~makson96/+archive/fglrx11:39
faugusztinyou got 4 commands there, from add-apt-repository to apt-get install fglrx-legacy11:40
varunendraeliesin, if an interface is already down, it won't show up in ifconfig11:40
sinushi, i have 2 monitors 1 HDMI and 1 VGA. When I try to use both I get this error message:11:40
matthias_archbwayne: nobody is answering11:40
eliesinBluesKaj: well, so I'm trying, rather than to directly approach the sleep/resume thing, to just stipulate it's screwed up somehow for the moment, and how best to kludge around it. By restarting everything afterwards. But, from a state in which networking has stopped, I haven't yet accomplished that11:41
sinus"The selected configuration for displays could not be applied"11:41
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bwaynematthias_arch: your problem is unsolvable, apparently. :)  kidding. if i were you, i'd just message around with 'print InboxMessages' for a while.11:43
lenzeorthanks so much faugusztin I didn't find that page when I first looked11:43
BluesKajeliesin:  sorry i couldn't help , but afaik network manager is the culprit here , since it writes to the interfaces and reslv.conf files thereby determining the networking status11:44
eliesinvarunendra: http://pastie.org/836220411:44
eliesinyes, it will show up, for a certain definition of "down"11:44
eliesinif the networking and/or network-manager services are stopped, eth0 and wlan0 simply don't show up at all. so dhclient, ifup/ifdown, etc don't apply11:44
matthias_archbwayne: do you understand it? http://paste.pound-python.org/show/fqgEqjbLJZ6drBZQgw27/ here is the console output. i want to display all messages in inbox. in the paste there 2 but how can i get the maximum?11:45
madsyWhen installing Ubuntu 13 on a Windows 8 laptop, can UEFI boot mode still be enabled in the BIOS?11:45
eliesinBluesKaj: ah, well. Will investigate that angle.11:45
bwaynematthias_arch: how much python do you know?11:46
dakotawulfywhen using xinerama is there a way to make the full screen only go on one monitor ??11:46
matthias_archi'm learning for one year, but the list inboxMessages is tricky11:46
varunendraeliesin, ifup/down and ifconfig up/down are not the same thing. Have you tried ifconfig yet?11:46
lenzeorfaugusztin, do you know if that PPA will work on my 64bit system?11:47
eliesinah no. Trying now.11:47
matthias_archbwayne: i'm learning for one year, but the list inboxMessages is tricky11:48
varunendraBluesKaj, eliesin as far as I know, NM doesn't touch the /etc/network/interfaces file. It just reads it to decide which interfaces to manage and which ones not.11:48
bwayne!uefi | madsy perhaps this will help you11:49
ubottumadsy perhaps this will help you: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI11:49
bwaynematthias_arch: what if 'print inboxMessages.decode('base64')' ?11:51
BluesKajvarunendra:  I've used both configurations ,and thre NM writes to the interfaces and resolv.conf files at startup if they're empty , and NM won't launch if the settings are incorrect , at least that's my experience.11:52
matthias_archbwayne: Traceback (most recent call last):   File "bitmessage.py", line 57, in <module>     print inboxMessages.decode('base64') AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'decode'11:53
dakotawulfycan some one help me with xinerama?11:54
varunendraBluesKaj, with resolvconf package, NM does write the resolv.conf (actually just a symlink now) file, but never the interfaces file. If an interface is mentioned in the interfaces file, NM would simply ignore it by default (if "managed=false" in nm settings, which is default)11:54
eliesinvarunendra: progress. That did work, sort of. I got eth0 & wlan0 back.11:54
varunendraeliesin, are the networking services stopped?11:54
eliesinI mean, not right now, since I just rebooted to clear all that state.11:55
varunendraeliesin, "sudo service networking restart && sudo service network-manager restart"11:55
eliesinYeah I did try that, both before and after the ifconfig {eth0,wlan0} up (as two separate commands)11:56
varunendraeliesin, this script may give us some useful info about your hardware and drivers, (plus many more things but they may not be so useful) : http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1235038511:56
eliesinPresumably at that point the whole dhclient thing could work again11:56
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eliesinBut it would be nice to trigger the GUI widgets to function too11:57
eliesinWhich, somehow the boot process does, so it can't be impossible11:57
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bwaynematthias_arch: well, we know what that means. :-)  what's your goal, again? to show *all* of the messages?11:58
varunendraeliesin, please give us the pastebin link to the output of the script, it may be useful.11:58
BluesKajvarunendra:  yeah resolv.conf is now actually /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head or base , but then what's the point of NM if it's set to managed=false, anyway the only reason I use Nm is for vpns etc , otherwise the interfaces file and /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d files suffice without NM in the mix.11:58
Caesar__Hello, is this channel good to get some personal help? I think i've been hacked11:58
bwayneCaesar__: we can *try* to help if it's Ubuntu related, and if someone knows and is willing. :)11:59
varunendraBluesKaj, the point is to avoid conflict. You don't want two different managers managing the same interface. So false means ignore whatever is already in the interfaces file11:59
matthias_archbwayne: yes the messages are sorted via this index and if i get the number off the messages i can show all12:00
BluesKajvarunendra:  I just rtemove NM if I don't need it :)12:00
eliesinvarunendra: coming.12:00
eliesinBluesKaj: likewise, if I don't need wifi. I've found it more trouble to avoid one of wicd/nm if using wifi.12:01
varunendraBluesKaj, and the resolv.conf file + interfaces file are more than sufficient if you know how to use them. NM is just to make things easy for those who don't want the old-skool ways ;)12:01
Caesar__join #ubuntu-ops12:02
lenzeorfaugusztin, Thanks so much, it worked lika a charm!12:03
BluesKajyeah , varunendra , eliesin , I use NM for wifi , and if I could figi=ure a method to use openvpn with NM then I probly would12:03
BluesKajerr without NM Imean,:)12:03
bwaynematthias_arch: what does 'len(inboxMessages['inboxMessages'])' give you?12:04
eliesinvarunendra: huh, some of that sure has a lot of output I'd usually elide (complete iwlist scan output?)12:04
BluesKajeliesin:  , varunendra some internet media streaming services are blocked or not available here in Canada , hence my reliance on vpn12:04
varunendraeliesin, I forgot to say, the 'alternate' script from the link at the bottom of that post is more verbose :)12:04
varunendraBluesKaj, I never used VPN so far :D12:05
eliesinBluesKaj: oh, I've seen other Canadians comment on that oo. Various (completely legal, etc, comedy central, I guess some Netflix stuff, maybe Hulu, probably others etc)  have different Canadian service12:06
matthias_archbwayne: it gives 2 as output12:06
matthias_archbwayne: and that is the number of the messages currently in the inbox12:06
BluesKajeliesin:  yeah netflix is available here now but I'm not particularly impressed with the selection , it's not the same as the US12:07
matthias_archbwayne: i will test with 3 messages12:07
mjaykBluesKaj: proxy12:07
BluesKajmjayk:  proxies are too slow for media streams from what i understand12:08
eliesinThat's not an intrinsic property of "proxies" vs "VPNs" though12:08
mjaykBluesKaj: no some are some are not12:09
eliesinIf you paid $X/month for a "proxy" you could probably find a fast one too12:09
Caesar__Hi, if i've been hacked, can i someway Report my system log viewer online so that someone can confirm and help me?12:09
Caesar__and im quite sure of it12:09
mjaykCaesar__: hacked in what way ?12:09
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Caesar__someone has remote acces to my computer12:11
BluesKajmjayk:  my vpn service costs $7/mos , and the speed is determined by my ISP not the vpn server, so it works for me12:12
Caesar__root acces even (?)12:12
rHermesOkay, it works.12:12
eliesinvarunendra: http://pastie.org/836226112:12
mjaykBluesKaj: it will be determined by whatever the bottleneck is12:12
mjaykif thats the ISP then its the ISP if its the VPN then its the VPN12:12
eliesinTook a few minutes to edit out details of my wifi environment :p12:12
BluesKajmjayk:  no kidding12:12
mjaykBluesKaj: indeed i was not12:13
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varunendraeliesin, do you have an account on ubuntuforums.org ? I may not stay much longer here..12:13
eliesinNot currently, no12:13
Caesar__like this code.. " Sep 28 13:17:01 wwdaad /USR/SBIN/CRON[15874]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)" This cant be normal right?12:14
Caesar__from syslog12:14
gordonjcpCaesar__: what about it?12:14
BluesKajmjayk:  tell me something i don't know :)12:14
MyrttiCaesar__: why wouldn't it be normal?12:15
Caesar__my codes change and gets deleted and restored12:15
gordonjcpCaesar__: what codes?12:15
MyrttiCaesar__: cronjobs are run, that is quite normal12:15
mjaykBluesKaj: longitudinal phontons can be explined in QED by comuting 11 dimentions over all 4 space time variable then summing over all possible states12:15
mjaykBluesKaj: thats a copy and paste from the last thesis line I wrote did you know that ?12:16
Caesar__i see.. so i learn then...12:16
bwaynemjayk: no normalization needed?12:16
Caesar__been awake for to long, it looked really "odd"12:16
Caesar__damn stimulants12:16
mjaykbwayne: why would normalisation be needed?12:16
varunendraeliesin, was that output after triggering the problem? (susp/resume)12:17
mjaykall your doing is a tensor curl to an elipsoid right you dont need the state value12:17
eliesinNo, that's a control12:17
bwaynemjayk: ah.12:17
matthias_archbwayne: Thank you that was it, everything is working fine now12:17
varunendraeliesin, ??12:17
eliesinas in, control group, in a study, etc.12:18
bwaynematthias_arch: good to know. :) isn't python the best?12:18
eliesinIt's what it looks like fully functioning12:18
eliesinwill get the other in a moment12:18
matthias_archbwayne: sure and i like, that you don't need to recompile every time12:18
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varunendraeliesin, is power-management on or off in iwconfig?12:19
bwaynematthias_arch: ah, recompiling isn't so bad, so long as you have a sane makefile and a shortcut from your editor. :)12:19
neomasterofcode hey12:19
BluesKajbwayne:  i've had a lot of trouble compiling due to faulty makefiles , it's no longer an option for me , it;'s just to much trouble12:21
eliesinvarunendra: not sure. But exactly the same thing happens to eth012:22
eliesinas to wlan012:22
bwayneBluesKaj: a faulty anything will give you too much trouble. :)12:22
varunendraeliesin, you are using a development release, so *some* bugs are to be expected. I suggest you try 12.04.3 (recommended) or 13.04 and seek help (preferably on the forums) if they cause same trouble12:23
eliesinvarunendra: the main thing I'm trying to do at this point, and this isn't even really 'troubleshooting' etc, is figure out how the system 'naturally' boots up the networking setup. with, yes, nm, because that's how it works now12:25
VictorCLubuntu 12.10 or 13.04 for a webserver , which would be easier to manage ?12:25
eliesinThe conceit of intentionally killing off the networking & network-manager services is mostly a tool to simulate that as reasonably as possible12:26
eliesinWhich itself is a proxy for a suspend/resume issue on another computer, which is my actual target. But troubleshooting that's clearly not happening. So.12:26
varunendraeliesin, the most common reason for the kind of problem you are facing is improper power management - in driver's code, firmware or the OS itself.12:26
varunendraeliesin, stopping/starting network services can do nothing about stuck driver/firmware issues.12:27
mjaykvarunendra: 12.0412:27
eliesinIncluding eth0 though?12:27
eliesinWhich, well, isn't wifi, etc (per your iwconfig question)12:28
eliesinOh, I'm sure there's some issue. And I'm trying to work around it.12:28
eliesinBecause troubleshooting it doesn't look particularly tenable directly.12:28
varunendraeliesin, the driver/firmware/power-management thing applies to each and every device and driver, not just wifi. But yes, it is somewhat uncommon with ethernet devices.12:29
eliesinMy things here don't involve actual sleep/resume at all, by the way. And I'm on AC. So power management shouldn't be interfering. I think. But, it's always possible.12:30
varunendraeliesin, you can try manually removing --> reloading the pertaining drivers, while the network services are running12:30
eliesinit's intentionally a sort of all-else-preserved situation. If the entire rest of the system, but network is running, how can one bring up networking12:30
eliesinBecause if I can't do that it doesn't matter if there are driver, firmware, issues12:30
varunendraeliesin, you said it kicks in when you suspend/resume? Is it not the case?12:30
eliesinWell, the actual target, yeah, it's a suspend/resume issue. And sudo pm-suspend works fine but lid closing/opening kills networking.12:31
eliesinSo if you know how those differ...12:31
eliesinBut, I can replicate the symptons without suspend/resume at all12:31
varunendraeliesin, unless someone has exactly same experience and knows the exact reason, there are so many factors involved that you can't expect to study them all in one (whole) day.12:32
eliesinYeah, well, that's why I'm avoiding the suspend/resume stuff. Because troubleshooting it is hairy and device-dependent and etc.12:33
eliesinSo, take a perfectly working system, kill networking, don't suspend, don't resume, don't let power management kick in inasmuch as is possible, and at least be able to bring up networking12:33
eliesinagain, the boot process does it. So, I'm just trying to replicate that at this point. That's all.12:33
varunendraeliesin, I'm a bit lost. You are avoiding suspend/resume. Then when do the interfaces go down?12:35
eliesinWell, on suspend/resume. But see my comments about troubleshooting that.12:35
varunendratoo scattered, hard to read on IRC (my xchat is too verbose)12:36
eliesinI should say, also, that suspend/resume works fine /on this machine/12:36
eliesinOkay, the actual, ultimate, problem I'm trying to solve is on another computer (but very similar actually. Also iwlwifi and same ethernet driver I believe) where it occurs during certain very consistent and deterministic suspend/resumes. sudo pm-suspend works but lid-closing/opening kills networking upon resume.12:37
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BluesKajeliesin:  i know it's no consolation for your issue , but power management in the latest ubuntus seems to suffer from benign neglect..even my desktop settings don't seem to work :(12:38
eliesinHowever, because figuring out what's happening there looks semi-infeasible, I gave up. I'm totally happy to rig in something to /etc/sleep.d/ which just forces networking to wake up. Which is all that is broken.12:38
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eliesinThe state it leaves that in is that only the loopback interface is running. So I'm trying to figure out how to recover the variations of that the I can identify.12:39
eliesinRegardless of how it got into that state. Firmware & driver issues are possible but probably not too severe because sudo pm-suspend does work.12:39
eliesinBluesKaj: that is unfortunate, yeah.12:40
eliesinSo, varunendra, I'm resorting to 'simulating' the issue. Thus, the semi-artificial setup.12:40
BluesKajeliesin:  looks like you're getting close to a solution tho12:41
eliesinYeah, varunendra's pointing out ifconfig <interface> was actually really helpful12:41
varunendraeliesin, with the amount of comments/doubts you have, I suggest you open an account on ubuntuforums.org and post your quention with all the details there. A conversation there would be much more comprehensive and fruitful to all12:41
eliesinvarunendra: probably a good idea, yeah.12:42
eliesinI actually might be all the way there if maybe I restart wpa_supplement & figure out how to restart the GUI widgets and whatever backend they use12:42
BluesKajyeah , I hope this is resolved soon , because my daughter is finally sending my laptop back to me and I'd like to put kubuntu on it :)12:43
eliesinYeah, it's nice. My preference as well... Actually, this works fine on the computer I'm typing it on, so you might not hit it12:44
eliesinIncluding all this suspend/resume networking12:44
varunendraeliesin, wpa_supplicant is controlled by NM if you are using it. It does not need to be controlled manually, and probably shouldn't be unless you remove NM altogether12:45
eliesinokay, so it's just the GUI widgets12:45
eliesinI am using it, yes12:45
varunendraeliesin, the kernel you are on is good (3.11) but the overall system (saucy) may be too buggy yet. It is not worth putting too much efforts in it.12:46
eliesinIt's supposed to be released in a month12:46
varunendraeliesin, it may see a huge no. of changes even 1 night before its release12:47
eliesinAlso, 13.04 (which I used before) had severe intel graphics card issues where it'd hang (well-documented, etc, though I don't have LP bug #s handy; hang-check timer in dmesg is search term)12:47
eliesinNouveau isn't a real option because as of 3.11 even it doesn't do fan management12:48
eliesinthey talked about that at XDC2013, but not yet12:48
varunendraeliesin, that's why I said kernel is good. There are many improvements in its drivers. But you can use these (backported) drivers even on 12.04 if needed.12:48
eliesinAh, right. That's a reasonable option, yeah.12:49
eliesinI'll admit that 13.04, even, ran totally fine except for that. kscreen's nicer now though...12:51
varunendraeliesin, people using a development release are supposed to 'Provide' help by finding and reporting bugs/feedbacks. So there may be too many 'experimental' things in it, until it is officially released for public use.12:52
eliesinWell, alright. That's partly why I've tried to frame this not as troubleshooting as such but 'start from no networking, how does one add networking to an otherwise running system as the boot process does'12:53
eliesinWhich I can guarantee does work, even on 13.1012:53
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eliesinah, "./network/if-pre-up.d/wireless-tools:127:       ifconfig "$IFACE" up" and "./wpa_supplicant/functions.sh:1004:             ifconfig "$WPA_IFACE" up"12:55
eliesinOkay, so what you described is definitely part of the process12:56
BluesKajeliesin:  actually 13.10 beta 2 is very solid here , KDE user here so my experience may be different12:56
eliesinKDE here also. I agree, it's solid. I jumped onto 13.10 probably a bit too early, but for the last month or so it's been good12:57
MonkeyDustkde here, too, very nice, swift and fast12:57
varunendraBluesKaj, eliesin 'experimental' doesn't necessarily mean 'broken' ;P12:58
varunendrait has to be solid enough before it is 'proven' and included in the upstream12:58
sssssssssI have shitty sound on xubuntu !! acer aspire one, noone can solve the problem ! please help me <312:59
isabellehello everyone, I have some little trouble with my keyboard12:59
FiremanEd!language | sssssssss13:00
ubottusssssssss: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.13:00
isabellesometimes, the keys stop working13:00
eliesinAre you sure it's a software problem?13:00
cfhowlettisabelle, bluetooth?13:00
isabelleno, it's my laptop keyboard (very annoying)13:00
cfhowlettisabelle, and try a different keyboard.  they do get dirty and they do break13:00
sssssssssshould i rename with female nick to be considered ? ^^13:00
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cfhowlettisabelle, cleaned it lately?13:01
cfhowlettssssssss   don't know about the nick, but the profanity will earn you a big ignore13:01
isabelleit's clean but the problem is present since the installation of ubuntu, but now I want to fix it13:01
eliesin's'*9: your pitch wasn't very attractive. Vague problem, seemed kind of unsatisfying. High chance of hardware issues.13:02
eliesinAlso I reacted poorly to "!!" and "<3".13:03
cfhowlettisabelle see your system settings for keyboard sensitivity.  what's the make/model on your lappy?13:03
eliesinIf you want honesty...13:03
isabelleto be more complete in my description I need to say: most of the time, keyboard works perfectly, and at one moment, all the keyboard is inactive, I reboot and this is fixed, sometimes I need two reboot13:04
isabellemy laptop is a Packard Bell EasyNote13:05
Leilau'll react to that to13:05
Leilamisters nerds13:05
eliesinYeah, I do.13:05
isabelleI don't know how find the exact reference I'm sorry13:06
varunendraisabelle, does the pointer work? Menu options etc. ?13:06
isabelleabsolutly no keys work, touchpad doesn't work too13:06
isabelle(sorry for my english, I'm french)13:07
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:07
varunendraisabelle, so that's something we call "System Freeze", which is not a problem specific to just keyboard13:07
isabelleok but I can speak in english and understand answer13:07
Aussie_mattHi all. Can anyone help troubleshoot why I can't upload my commits to github?13:08
varunendraisabelle, which version of Ubuntu are you using? And since when is the current installation working?13:08
isabellebut I still can use my USB mouse, if I'm plugin an USB keybord, it works and all the system work (except laptop keyboard) so are you sure this is a system freeze?13:08
Wiz_KeeDcan someone tell me why this happened? http://pastie.org/836235513:09
bwayneAussie_matt: what sort of error are you getting?13:09
varunendraisabelle, nope, it is not then13:09
ZnooseyAussie_matt: there is also #github which might be a more appropriate channel13:09
isabellemaybe it's keyboard driver?13:09
varunendraisabelle, so both the laptop keyboard + touchpad stop working, then you plug-in the external ones, and they work (the external ones)?13:10
isabellevarunendra, yes exacty13:10
Aussie_mattbwayne: Hi. Ok, so I forked a project, cloned it to my local drive the other day. Today, I modify the readme. then I run git push origin master, it asks for ssh key (i dont have) enter username, then asks for ssh key (i dont have) enter password...then it responds :up to date, but nothing has changed on git hub13:10
varunendraisabelle, can you trigger this problem at your wish? So we can test something?13:11
jboiihow can i have a menu panel on bottom?13:11
Aussie_mattZnoosey: been there, no response13:11
jboiii have seen people on deviant art have these nice themes13:11
nickname27Hi, I have a router related question. But Since I run ubuntu, thing is I'm able to ping the internet from my box, but when I ssh into the router, i cannot ping the internet. It's weird. Any idea why this is happening?13:11
bwayneAussie_matt: what does 'ssh -T git@github.com' say?13:11
isabellevarunendra, badly no, it's not reproductible as I want13:12
nickname27..and yes, I'm accessing the internet through the router.13:12
Flakyou cannot ping... the internet13:12
jboiican someone help me in private chat?13:12
Flakdefine "the internet"13:12
nickname27I mean, say ping
varunendraisabelle, are you familiar with "xinput" command?13:12
nickname27or any valid ip on the itnernet.13:12
eliesinnickname27: that's all up to the bridging, etc setup. It's definitely possible to set up firewall, forwarding, iptables, etc that way.13:12
Flakare you using a known valid ip, and are you pinging by ip or hostname?13:12
bekksjboii: How about desicribing your problem publicly?13:12
isabellevarunendra, I have ear about but never use it13:13
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nickname27eliesin, I was thinking that would be the case, but I flushed all the iptables rules too.13:13
jboiii am trying to make my desktop look like that picture i posted link to13:13
nickname27Flak, I'm pinging just the ip.13:13
jboiipanel on top and bottom13:13
eliesinWell, but also if your forwarding chain only comes from e.g. an external interface and not lo13:14
cfhowlettjboii, look close.  every piece of additional software is listed for your use13:14
cfhowlettwith links, no less13:14
varunendraisabelle, what I was expecting to test is - do the internal keypad/touchpad appear in the output if you just type "xinput" (using external kb of course)?13:14
varunendraisabelle, so which version are you using currently?13:15
jboiiis there an app that adds a panel on bottom ?13:16
cfhowlettjboii, conky13:16
isabellevarunendra, http://dpaste.com/1398989/ this is the output of the command, is there the information that you want?13:17
nickname27eliesin, iptables is wiped clean, from the inside box (ubuntu) i'm also able to ping an internet ip like, an box on the local network outside mine. But not from the router. =/13:17
nickname27like for example,
Flakooh an internet internet protocal13:18
nickname27I have the gateway set up the same for the router as well as my box.13:18
eliesiniptables isn't just a firewall. it's not necessarily desireable to have it wiped clean. I'm not sure how you have it set up, but some of these kinds of setups actually use iptables forwarding chains. in which case, clearing iptables doesn't help.13:19
varunendraisabelle, which version of Ubuntu are you on? (outputs of "lsb_release -d" and "uname -mr")13:19
isabelle3.8.0-31-generic x86_6413:20
eliesinBut, again, it's all dependent on details, etc.13:20
naresh_Any Media Player for Ubuntu 13.04 to play MPEG & blue ray13:20
varunendraisabelle, and "lsb_release -d" ?13:20
isabelleUbuntu 13.0413:21
wylde!restricted | naresh13:21
ubottunaresh: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:21
pigliti need a simple picture editor like i need to place a cross and a text on a picture what do i need to install ?13:22
varunendraisabelle, note down these commands (copy-paste) and next time it happens, try them -13:22
varunendraxinput --float "AT Translated Set 2 keyboard"13:22
nickname27eliesin, oh, darn! Guess I will have to look deeper into the default iptable rules, thanks for your time.13:23
isabellevarunendra, ok done, and what is supposed to happen?13:23
varunendraisabelle, that will disable your laptop's keyboard (already disabled, yeah, I know). Then to re-enable it -13:24
varunendraxinput --reattach "AT Translated Set 2 keyboard" "Virtual core keyboard"13:24
bekksvarunendra: How do you enable it after disabling it - without typing a command? ;)13:25
williamguys which is the best server for cloud storage for UK high speed13:25
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varunendrabekks, they have an external keyboard that works in that state13:25
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:25
isabellevarunendra, ok but this is some kind of workaround no? is there a way to fix the problem?13:26
varunendraisabelle, consider it a test. If the problem some hardware issue or something more serious at kernel level, it won't work.13:27
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isabellevarunendra, ok I will remember it, I wil come back with the resut13:28
isabellevarunendra, thanks a lot for your help13:28
varunendraisabelle, on the other hand, if it works, there may be some minor issue that should be automatically fixed with updates..13:28
varunendranp :)13:28
isabellevarunendra, I have ubuntu since version 12.04 and no updates had never changed this problem, do you think this information exclude the minor issue thesis?13:30
cfhowlettkarab44, greetings13:30
eliesinHuh, "% sudo grep -rIn if_post_down_up /etc" only returns "/etc/wpa_supplicant/functions.sh:999:if_post_down_up () {". Any idea what calls it?13:30
varunendraisabelle, maybe.13:30
karab44How to disable some system shortkeys when particular program is focused and these shortkeys are in conflict?13:31
isabellevarunendra, ok ok I will try your test13:31
varunendraisabelle, but that indicates something wrong at hardware level13:31
varunendraisabelle, have you tried a fresh install or upgraded all the way to 13.04?13:33
isabellevarunendra, no I didn't want to loose all my settings and software13:34
varunendraisabelle, how frequently the problem occurs? Everyday? Every few hours?13:35
isabellevarunendra, after 2-3 days powered on13:37
varunendraisabelle, well... I was thinking of advising you to try live session,... but.... well.... :P13:38
isabellevarunendra, maybe I can if it is really necessary13:40
eliesinvarunendra: looks like "networking" runns pretty much always: "start on ... runlevel [2345]"13:41
eliesinnm or no13:41
varunendraisabelle, not necessary, just to test (if something bad in you x-server carried across upgrades..). But 2-3 days on live session is probably too much.13:41
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isabellevarunendra, ok13:41
varunendraeliesin, [2345]? Like 2 OR 3 OR 4... ??13:42
eliesinYeah, that's the syntax they use, it seems.13:42
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varunendraeliesin, I think I've seen only 0-6, maybe 7, so it is almost all the runlevels ;P13:43
eliesinExactly. :p13:43
eliesin0 or 1 is single-user mode I think, so it doesn't turn on then13:43
eliesin(i.e. one of 0 or 1. I don't remember which)13:44
yeehiI try to use the software center to install proprietary nvidia graphics drivers. The installation seems to go OK, but on reboot, I have a black screen with a cursor in the corner. It is not a command line. What did I do wrong?13:44
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eliesinAlso sort of puzzlingly, the only "ifconfig <foo that's not> up" instances I can find in /etc are firmly associated with Wifi, not ethernet. I guess NetworkManager does it on its own, maybe...13:48
lentino one speak?13:49
eliesin(but then why not with Wifi.)13:49
mrdebwhat is ubuntu convergance in 14.0513:49
bekksmrdeb: There is no development on 14.04 yet.13:50
lentino one speak?13:51
mrdebso it will get rid of fragment of gnome and have one single unity13:51
mrdebis that it13:51
varunendraeliesin, what instances? Where did you find them in /etc ?13:53
eliesin/etc/network/if-pre-up.d/wireless-tools and /etc/wpa_supplicant/functions.sh-1000 handle wifi only and /etc/init/network-interface.conf uses it as a lo fallback13:54
ubottulenti,: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic13:55
petersaintshi guys. How do I install Secure Boot support on an install that was installed with UEFI with Secure Boot turned off?13:57
bibic682anyone.....will xubuntu run smooth on a single core amd64 752 pin based pc..2g of ram13:57
MonkeyDustbibic682  use a live cd or usb toi find out, don't have to install13:58
cfhowlettbibic682, sounds about right ... lubuntu and xubuntu are optimized for low spec machines13:58
bibic682I'm downloading iso as we type13:58
petersaintsbibic682: I think Xubuntu will work ok13:58
petersaintsdepending on the graphics card, even Ubuntu may run relatively well13:59
bibic682will report back later14:00
bibic68210.10 ran great... but no longer supported  :(14:01
winbwhy not 12.0414:01
usr13_bibic682: Are you downloading 12.04?14:04
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lentiwant to go to sleep,bye14:05
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Ari-Yangbibic682, just in case... 13.04 is not LTS14:05
petersaintsbibic682: Next LTS will be 14.04.14:06
bibic682thats ok if it runs well I will change over to lts14:06
abdelhello please is there any software i can install to design professional logos14:08
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cfhowlettabdel, blender or inkscape14:08
mrrcpabdel: GIMP?14:08
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excognachi all. anybody knows how to stop testdisk copying files from an unallocated internal hdd partition (ext4) to an external hdd? after successfully rescueing a few files it doesn't seem to continue so I wanna try to save files/directories one by one14:10
excognacin other words, will i risk my external hdd if i close the terminal window while sudo testdisk is writing on it? I'm using a live-cd now.14:14
andrewvosAnyone know of a theme manager for gnome-terminal?14:18
loki__how i can recieve focused title of window and minimize it if it windows what i need to minimize.14:18
loki__window *14:18
MonkeyDustloki__  that question is hard to understand14:19
loki__MonkeyDust, yeah i understand that i am bad at that. I want to minimize window in focused on my trigger (it will be triggered by opencv)14:20
loki__so i need to understand how i can do this?14:20
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loki__in windows there are very simple api function.14:21
wylde!info wmctrl | loki__14:23
ubottuloki__: wmctrl (source: wmctrl): control an EWMH/NetWM compatible X Window Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.07-7 (raring), package size 20 kB, installed size 78 kB14:23
mrdebis MIR better than X14:24
Dau`goneHow can I convert a pdf into an editable for mat in libreoffice?14:25
cfhowlett!ot|mrdeb,   polls and opinions are best held in the off-topic channel14:25
ubottumrdeb,   polls and opinions are best held in the off-topic channel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:25
mrdebso what is this for14:26
cfhowlettmrdeb, if you have a specific support request, please present the problem details14:26
ubottumrdeb,: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic14:26
ItsMeLennywhere do all the packages download to from synaptic?14:29
ikoniaItsMeLenny: the apt-cache directory where they are unpacked and deployed to the correct places14:30
MonkeyDustItsMeLenny  /usr/bin/14:30
ItsMeLennyno, it was /var/cache/apt/archives14:31
ItsMeLennybut tanks anyway14:31
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xeederwhats the best tool for partition? people often say fdisk is best; should i use fdisk?14:34
cowbaconxeeder: depends. if youre not familiar with partions i'd recommend gparted14:35
bulliconi just got a new lenovo ideapad u31014:36
BlitzHereHi all14:36
bulliconit comes with windows 8, cleared it and installed ubuntu 12.0414:36
bulliconbut it won't load14:36
BlitzHereSo, my network applet disappeared14:36
bulliconit attempts to Diagnose the PC14:37
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BlitzHeresudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop14:37
BlitzHereThat didn't work14:37
Adi_Saputahello all14:37
BlitzHereapt-get can't find nm-applet or network-manager-applet14:37
BlitzHereCan anyone help?14:38
cfhowlettbullicon, "it won't load ..." ???14:38
bulliconit won't load Ubuntu14:38
bulliconcfhowlett it installs fine14:38
bulliconbut it won't load Ubuntu or grub14:38
=== Thorium220 is now known as Thor|Away
cfhowlettbullicon, error messages?14:38
bulliconit just shows Lenovo Preparing Automatic Repair14:38
bulliconno none14:38
fluo75Hi, where should I post print-screen of my Ubuntu kernel crash?14:39
cfhowlettbullicon, this is a newer computer?  2011 or later14:39
ubottufluo75,: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:39
MonkeyDustbullicon  we need more details14:39
BlitzHerebullicon: What's your boot setup like?14:39
ubottubullicon,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:39
bulliconok details14:40
bulliconBoot mode: Legacy Support14:40
bulliconBoot Priority UEFI First14:40
bulliconit has to ATA SSD1 and ATA HDD, installed Ubuntu in SSD114:40
bulliconand its the first on Boot Priority Order14:41
bekksbullicon: Please form a full sentence describing your problem.14:41
bulliconok I just unboxed a Lenovo Ideapad U310 that comes with Windows 8, I cleared Windows and installed Ubuntu 12.04 form a usb stick.14:42
VivekanandaI had a utility in ccsm where when I went to a corner of the screen I could see all the open apps. in ubuntu desktop 12.04 I installed ccsm butI dont know how to get the same functionality. Also how do I get the water effects ?14:42
bulliconbut when I restart the latptop, it doesn't boot into Ubuntu but, into Lenovo Automatic Repari14:42
Vivekanandabullicon: did you partition drives ?14:43
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VivekanandaI just did something similar14:43
VivekanandaI dual boot14:43
bulliconok, I just changed the Boot Order to UEIF and its boot up Ubuntu14:44
varunendraVivekananda, for water effect, you'll need to install "compiz-plugins-extra"14:44
BlitzHerebullicon: You beat me to it. I couldn't boot in legacy mode either. Only UEFI worked14:44
Vivekanandathanks varunendra14:45
bulliconBlitzHere strange thing is I couldnt install ubuntu until I switched to legacy mode14:45
Vivekanandaalso what about the screen corner apps showup ?14:45
andrewvosDoes everyone here use gnome-terminal? Seems pretty shit that there's no way to change themes :(14:45
andrewvosWell, easily14:45
ikoniaandrewvos: there is no need for that language14:45
bulliconI have about 5 partitions here, I need to know which is which :)14:45
andrewvosikonia: Oops, sorry14:45
ikonia!guidelines > andrewvos14:45
ubottuandrewvos, please see my private message14:45
BlitzHerebullicon: Had the same issue. The EFI partition install failed for me14:45
varunendraVivekananda, and for the 'Scale' effect, you may not be able to see all apps from 'All' desktops, although the option is there, it doesn't seem to work as expected. ymmv14:46
bulliconBlitzHere are you on lenovo as well ?14:46
BlitzHereNo, dell vostro 356014:46
bwayneVivekananda: I've found that gnome-tweak is easier to setup hot-corners. ccsm consistently crashes on me, leaving me without my beloved hot corners.14:46
yeehi I try to install proprietary nvidia drivers using the software centre. The installation seems to go OK, but on reboot, there is a black screen with a cursor. It is not a command line. What did I do wrong?14:46
Vivekanandaaha so the scale effect14:46
VivekanandaI have gnome tweak14:46
Vivekanandabwayne: what is the windows manager when I have ubuntu desktop ? is it unity ?14:47
xeedercan i triple boot with windows 8+<name of OS>+Ubuntu? is it possible?14:47
zykotick9andrewvos: what is a "theme" for a terminal exactly?  you can edit the "profile" pretty easily from the menu?14:47
yeehiHow do I get invited to ubuntu-beginners?14:47
varunendraVivekananda, ccsm > windows management > Scale > bindings > initiate windows picker for all windows14:47
andrewvoszykotick9: Well, I would like a way to change terminal colours easily.14:47
zykotick9andrewvos: edit your profile.14:48
cfhowlettandrewvos, profile !14:48
bwayneVivekananda: unity is actually a compiz plugin, IIRC.14:48
bwayneVivekananda: you want ubuntu-tweak14:48
Vivekanandavarunendra: interesting name :). so I dont see the ccsm extras on the repo14:48
andrewvoszykotick9: Yeah I was hoping for something more. Copying and pasting twenty colours into a window isn't fun.14:48
varunendrabwayne, Vivekananda not frequently, but sometimes (once every two months maybe) compiz does crash for me too. I've just saved the desired profile and reloading it fixes it14:49
varunendraVivekananda, it is compiz-plugins-extra14:49
xeederactually i wanted to triple boot with ubuntu, hackintosh and windows 8.14:49
bwaynevarunendra: it crashed on my like a paper airplane.14:49
andrewvoszykotick9: https://github.com/chriskempson/tomorrow-theme/blob/master/Gnome-Terminal/setup-theme.sh14:49
cfhowlettxeeder, whoa?  your lenovo can do that?  got a tutorial?14:49
Vivekanandabwayne where do I get it from ?14:49
andrewvoszykotick9: Looks like people resort to writing shell scripts.14:49
Vivekanandavarunendra: it is not in the repo14:49
BlitzHereSo, can anyone help with my missing Network applet? Ubuntu 13.04. I can't remembering doing anything to make it disappear14:50
varunendrabwayne, wow ! Paper plane is an extra effect in it ;)14:50
xeedercfhowlett, i am using dell n511014:50
Vivekanandavarunendra: got it !14:50
andrewvosBlitzHere: Running unity?14:50
varunendraVivekananda, using Software Center?14:50
cfhowlettxeeder, OK ... 100% functionality with what OSX?14:50
BlitzHereandrewvos: Yes14:50
andrewvosBlitzHere: Weird. try launch nm-applet14:50
bwaynevarunendra: yeah, that one doesn't work for me, either. LOL14:51
bulliconok, I have multiple ubuntu installations here :(14:51
bulliconcan I delete others without going through installation step again?14:51
xeederwell i was going through x86 forums and i really liked the eye candy look of macOS; but i am not sure if its possible to boot with 3 OSes14:51
cfhowlettxeeder, I had win7, ubuntu and OSX on my Dell 1545 ... tis possible14:52
ImQ009_Apparantely Ubuntu did something to my BIOS14:52
ImQ009_That the only option shown in boot menu is "ubunut"14:52
bekksImQ009_: It cant. Technically.14:52
ImQ009_There are no devices listed anymore14:53
bekksImQ009_: Thats not the BIOS, but the bootloader boot menu.14:53
ImQ009_bekks, How is this possibble?14:53
ImQ009_There are LITERALLY no storage devices in my computer atm14:53
bekksImQ009_: You told your bootloader to overwrite al other entries.14:53
ImQ009_NO HDD14:53
ImQ009_No pendrives14:54
Vivekanandavarunendra: yep and I installed extras but how do I see the water effect. I can see paint fire but nothing of the water14:54
ImQ009_No nothing14:54
BlitzHereandrewvos: So, I installed gnome-network-manager. And ran nm-applet. The Network applet turns up but then it disappears when I close terminal14:54
FloodBot1ImQ009_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:54
andrewvosBlitzHere: Yeah it will do14:54
ImQ009_How can I fix this?14:54
andrewvosBlitzHere: Did you have network-manager uninstalled?!?14:54
varunendraVivekananda, did you restart ccsm? It should be under "Effects"14:55
bekksImQ009_: If you dont even have a bootable device - you dont have an ubuntu then :)14:55
FreederHi, does anyone have experience connecting to unix sockets with netcat? Is there anything 'wierd' I need to do, besides use the -U flag? I keep gettign disconnected everytime I send a command14:55
BlitzHereandrewvos: I don't remember doing that. I just came back and opened the lapotp....It must have happened sometime before.14:55
BlitzHereSo, how do I make it stay?14:55
BlitzHereDo I just reboot?14:55
andrewvosBlitzHere: That is weird. Anyway nm-applet should run automatically when you reboot14:55
ImQ009_bekks, I don't think you understand the issue though :P14:55
Vivekanandavarunendra: how do I restart14:55
andrewvosBlitzHere: If it doesn't then ask someone who has been using ubuntu for more than a few days :)14:55
ImQ009_The menu in which you select the device to boot from14:55
ImQ009_Doesn't work14:55
bekksImQ009_: Unless you have an ubuntu in question, which could be configured - its not an ubuntu issue.14:55
Vivekanandalogin and out ? or reboot ?14:55
BlitzHereandrewvos: Are there any logs for install and uninstall? I want to see what killed it?14:56
andrewvosBlitzHere: Or maybe just login again14:56
eliesinWhy might stopping "networking" kill half the running dbus processes? One of the KDE dbus bridges and one of the system aspects14:56
andrewvosBlitzHere: No idea14:56
ImQ009_bekks, I don't even....14:56
ImQ009_I can't even access BIOS14:56
andrewvosBlitzHere: You could jsut type `history` in a terminal though14:56
eliesinIt's possible to ressurect it, sort of, but the weird mix creates problems14:56
andrewvosBlitzHere: Will show you the recent commands14:56
varunendraVivekananda, I meand just close ccsm and reopen14:56
bekksImQ009_: Then you dont have an Ubuntu issue, if you dont even have a device to boot ubuntu from.14:56
Vivekanandawhere is the "Effects" ?14:56
andrewvosBlitzHere: history | grep remove14:57
ImQ009_bekks, The issue appeared after the installation of Ubuntu14:57
Vivekanandalet me re log in14:57
zykotick9BlitzHere: apt keeps a log in /var/log/apt/history.log14:57
ImQ009_I genuinely don't know what to do at this fucking point14:57
eliesinI noticed this because "start network-manager" silently failes/zombies that process unless I've restarted dbus first14:57
ImQ009_I literally cannot access BIOS14:57
ImQ009_And the BIOS boot menu that used to list bootable devices14:58
ImQ009_Shows "ubuntu"14:58
faugusztinImQ009_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/322046/how-can-i-fix-my-uefi-boot-menu-after-installing-ubuntu14:58
ImQ009_Even though there are no devices at all14:58
andrewvosBlitzHere: Anyway I just came in here to get some help, laters.14:58
Biomechdhey, i'm trying to stream music from my desktop to my laptop via wlan, but rhythmbox isn't producing any sound, and each second of the song is like 4 seconds real time. what's wrong?14:59
ImQ009_faugusztin, Thanks. I actually don't think my lappy has UEFI14:59
ImQ009_But apparantely it does?14:59
ImQ009_Kind of odd14:59
eliesinSo that's probably the big difference between the stop network-manager; stop networking; start networking; start network-manager and restart network-manager sequences: restarting "networking" has all sorts of strange scondary effects14:59
faugusztinImQ009_: if it is built in last 2 years, then there is a very little chance of it not being UEFI based15:00
FreederHi, does anyone have experience connecting to unix sockets with netcat? Is there anything 'wierd' I need to do, besides use the -U flag? I keep gettign disconnected everytime I send a command15:00
eliesinIf primed with dbus, again, that last start network-manager actually does start wpa_supplicant more or less properly, etc.15:00
BlitzHereandrewvos, zykotick9: This did it. apt-get purge fingerprint-gui15:00
BlitzHereI have no idea why...15:00
BlitzHereOh well, I'm going to reboot and see if that's fixed15:01
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bulliconquick question, on ubuntu where will I install most programs by default?15:04
bulliconI'd like to use assign a mount point there?15:04
faugusztinbullicon: /usr is where stuff goes15:05
bekksWhere most of the stuff goes.15:05
Biomechdbullicon: most stuff goes to your home folder by default. only the system-significant background files go elsewhere.15:05
bulliconBiomechd so its ok to mount a lesser capacity on / and the higher one on /home  ?15:06
faugusztinbullicon: define "lesser capacity"15:06
bekksbullicon: Sure. Thats the default in Ubuntu.15:06
fluo75Hi, my kernel has crashed just after having plugged my camera in  my Ubuntu Gnome 13.04.3. Here is the print screen: http://imagebin.org/27219415:06
bulliconlower disk space15:07
Biomechdbullicon: as bekks said, i think that's what ubuntu does by default.15:07
bekksbullicon: Define "lower disk space".15:07
bullicon24 Gb less than 500 gb15:08
italian-cruncherbullicon, you mean 24 GB the / and 470 GB the /home?15:08
bulliconitalian-cruncher yeap15:08
italian-cruncherbullicon, thats cool.15:08
excognacanyone can help with testdisk?15:08
italian-cruncherexcognac, yeah15:08
Biomechdmight someone be able to tell me why rhythmbox isn't playing sound and making each song-second equate to 4-5 real-time seconds when streaming over wlan?15:09
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Vivekanandavarunendra: thanks I got it to work after a re login15:09
Vivekanandaso you were saying something about saving a session for crashes15:09
Vivekanandacan you elaborate on how to do it ?15:09
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Biomechdlol as if that name isn't obvious15:09
VivekanandaAlso is there a way that I can put an app launcher up on the top panel ?15:10
excognacitalian-cruncher: thanks bro. how do i stop it copying files to an external hdd? i don't wanna take any risk of losing data. is that ok if i close the terminal?15:10
italian-cruncherbullicon, the idea is that if one day you reinstall Ubuntu (or install another debian-based distribution) you will still find all your data in the /home, desktop, config files and even the same wallpaper, just to make it simple15:10
BiomechdVivekananda: i know it was certainly possible back in like 10.xx and so on.15:10
bulliconitalian-cruncher cool15:10
bulliconnever thought of that15:10
italian-cruncherexcognac, its always ok to CTRL+C testdisk15:11
VivekanandaBiomechd: what was ? the app placement ?15:11
italian-cruncherexcognac, but whats the problem exactly? is the external HD the one that you are trying to recoveR?15:11
fztorare there any distros out there that only provide the ubuntu kernel and base system?15:11
varunendraVivekananda, "CCSM > Preferences > Profile & Backend tab > Export button". It will export your current profile (whatever you have enabled) to a file with extension name .profile15:12
fztorI dont want all the extra junk aka "features"15:12
eliesinAh, of course. /etc/init/dbus.conf says "stop on deconfiguring-networking". Great...15:12
BiomechdVivekananda: before i think you could just right-click on something and click on "pin to panel" or something of that nature. in gnome, however, i think they just expect you to use the dock launcher on the side.15:12
italian-cruncherfztor, try ubuntu server editon. or try Xubuntu if you want a lighter GUI. or Lubuntu15:12
varunendraVivekananda, when compiz crashes, just 'Import' that profile again.15:12
italian-cruncherfztor, Ubuntu Server comes without any graphics at all, very minimal. You can still install it ofc15:12
BiomechdVivekananda: er, not gnome. unity.15:12
italian-cruncherfztor, still unsure about your 'ubuntu' kernel thing, ubuntu kernel is Linux.15:13
italian-cruncherfztor, have a look at Debian as well15:13
swebis anybody install ubuntu touch on Peak+ (Geeksphone) [Firefox OS based smartphone] ?15:13
ikoniasweb: the guys in #ubuntu-touch may have experience with that15:14
swebis it supported by ubuntu touch or not15:14
zykotick9!mini | fztor15:14
ubottufztor: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:14
swebikonia: ty15:14
fztorubottu: thank you, that's what I was looking for :)15:14
ubottufztor: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:14
fztoroh, ty zykotick915:14
bulliconI get "The creation of swap sapce in partition #1 of SCSI1 failed"15:15
bulliconwhen trying to create a swap space15:15
excognacitalian-cruncher: i had dual boot kubuntu 12.04 and win7. I placed win7 dvd in, it ruined my grub. find all details here https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+question/23639215:15
Biomechdi take it nobody knows what's wrong with my music-streaming, then.15:15
bekksexcognac: Then you dont need to use testdisk, but you need to repair grub.15:15
bekks!grub2 | excognac15:16
ubottuexcognac: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:16
italian-cruncherbullicon, can you post your /etc/fstab?15:16
bulliconitalian-cruncher how do I access that from installation ?15:17
Vivekanandavarunendra: which profile ?15:17
italian-cruncherexcognac, testdisk is for un-deleting files from, lets say, a camera memory card, or an hard disk, but in your case nothing was deleted, it just can't load because of grub. Follow bekks suggestion.15:17
excognacubottu: thanks bro. i had grub 1.99 tho15:17
ubottuexcognac: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:17
varunendraVivekananda, you were asking about compiz profiles?15:18
whoeverhi all, i have a kvm hooked up to a dektop and laptop, the problen is that when i switch to the laptop the external display seems to go into power save mode  can someone assist15:18
excognacbekks: thanks bro. does it matter i had grub 1.99?15:18
bekksexcognac: In fact, thats grub2 :)15:19
kalkiawihow to share files over wifi from two laptops, one running windows8pro other running ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS15:21
ImQ009_faugusztin, I don't understand one thing though: why can't I access system settings now? :D15:21
bwayne!samba | kalkiawi15:21
ubottukalkiawi: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.15:21
ImQ009_That's kind of terrifying actually15:21
kalkiawibwayne: i am done installing samba, unable to configure, let me just check the link you have15:22
kalkiawibwayne: i am not a professional at this, hence need some help15:23
kalkiawibwayne: kind of just started using ubuntu. only 2 weeks15:23
bwaynekalkiawi: ok. just wasn't sure what level of help you needed. :-)15:23
zyzzyva_hi, I have an external drive that is having issues.  I don't know if the output of my syslog indicates it's beyond help:15:24
loki__how i can change name of google chrome? For example i see in title "Google chrome", want something "Ninja browser" :D15:24
kalkiawibwayne: i will try looking at the page though and if i dont understand then get back to you, alright?15:24
bwaynekalkiawi: i'll help as much as I can.15:25
bekksloki__: Ask google to handout the source code, andvedit it.15:25
=== zyzzyva_ is now known as zyzzyva
zyzzyvaUbuntu Studio 12.0415:27
bwayneloki__: i think you can make a .desktop file which can do that. let me check something.15:27
loki__bwayne, i tried looking at command line options.15:28
loki__but no luck15:28
loki__but maybe i was not looking carfully15:28
kalkiawibwayne: is there an easier guide?15:28
kalkiawifoor newbiews bwayne15:28
kalkiawibwayne: im having trouble with the prerequisites lol15:29
bulliconive had so much troubles today15:30
bulliconI stupidly installed 32 bit on a 64 bit arch15:31
pressionhi guys, who is the game with more graphics for linux?15:32
eliesinhe is. that guy is.15:32
bekksbullicon: Thats not trouble, just wasting another 20 minutes for reinstalling a 64bit Ubuntu.15:32
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:32
TerritoriojovenHow can I improve this? http://i.imgur.com/QdQC5xQ.png15:32
bulliconbekks yeap, getting impatient15:33
bekksTerritoriojoven: You can improve a picture by editing it.15:33
Vivekanandaalso varunendra , Biomechd I lost the folder view which has the directory structure on the left15:33
Vivekanandadid I do something in ccsm :(15:33
eliesinTerritoriojoven: get an SSD? I mean...15:34
BiomechdVivekananda: i'm guessing it would be in the "view" options15:34
Territoriojoveneliesin: another option?15:34
bekksTerritoriojoven: What do you want to "improve", actually?15:35
Territoriojoventhe time15:35
Territoriojovenidk maybe i can do something15:35
bekksTerritoriojoven: Which time?15:35
BiomechdVivekananda: actually, just hit f915:35
Territoriojovento boot into lubuntu15:35
bekksTerritoriojoven: Please describe your problem.15:35
bwaynekalkiawi: check it --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/6167379/15:35
bekksTerritoriojoven: Whats wrong with about a minute?15:35
Territoriojovenbekks: no, it's not a problem15:35
Territoriojovennothing, i just want to know if there's something i can do.15:36
bekksTerritoriojoven: If it isnt a problem, there is no need to fix it.15:36
bwayneoops, sorry kalkiawi.  that was meant for someone else.15:36
Territoriojovenokay there is a problem then.15:36
bwayneloki__: i made one for firefox --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/6167379/15:36
bekksTerritoriojoven: Dont use things like NTFS, bluetooth, etc. if you dont really need it.15:36
gordonjcpbullicon: it'll still work though15:36
bekksTerritoriojoven: Which kind of problem arises of 60s boot time besides impatience?15:36
bullicongordonjcp yeah it does15:37
gordonjcpbullicon: you just won't get the full benefit of >4GB of RAM, maybe15:37
varunendraVivekananda, tried "F9" ?15:37
bullicongordonjcp i need the benefits :)15:37
gordonjcpmaybe you've got PAE so you still have more RAM but it's a little slower15:37
loki__bwayne, it will be name of icon) i have such, but i want window title of browser15:37
bulliconits bad enough that its corei315:37
italian-cruncherI am pretty sure I am not the only one here, but I boot my computer more or less monthly... (yes its always on, seldom reboot for update). I know that most people don't do this though15:38
tbrockhey guys, can you use the ubuntu packaging tools to make debs that work with debian as well?15:39
gordonjcptbrock: kind of15:39
italian-crunchertbrock, try asking in #debian ;)15:39
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tbrockgordonjcp can you explain further?15:39
italian-crunchertbrock, also brace yourself15:39
zykotick9tbrock: no.  ubuntu and debian are two different systems.15:39
tbrockyeah, those guys are always grumpy though15:40
gordonjcptbrock: the techniques used for packaging are similar15:40
bwayneloki__: aw man. it looks cool thought right :) http://snag.gy/tcx8w.jpg15:40
gordonjcptbrock: there are differences but you can largely automate them out15:40
MonkeyDusttbrock  if they were the same, a different name would not be required15:40
jribtbrock: depends on what tools your are talking about probably15:40
tbrockyeah but they both use the same packaging system15:41
tbrockobviously ubuntu != debian15:41
tbrockdebs are debs are debs15:41
eliesinLots of packages have "Origin: Debian"...15:41
tbrockubuntu's tool set for building these things seems radically easier15:41
SlutaTramsaI'm using awesome window manager every now and then, but everytime that i edit the config file (rc.lua) and I accidentaly make some kind of an error the whole wm crashes and i'm being thrown back into the lightdm login screen. Is there any way to log the errors that's making the wm crash? (I'm using awesome v3.4.14 with ubuntu 13.04)15:41
zykotick9tbrock: "debs are debs are debs" not really.  a package for one, cannot be expected to run on the other.15:41
italian-crunchertbrock, if I were you I'd strictly follow the Debian guidelines... as I said, ask on #debian and prepare for any kind of answer :)15:41
tbrocki get sleep just looking at the debian intro site15:41
loki__bwayne, lol http://i053.radikal.ru/1309/e4/0cf62229a8e9.png15:42
tbrockthanks guys15:42
eliesinIt's not literally the same package, of course, but they're related.15:42
tbrockbut one can install debian debs on ubuntu15:42
tbrockmost of the time15:42
italian-crunchertbrock, yeah but doing the inverse is usually unadvised15:43
tbrocki see15:43
bekkstbrock: And one can install ubuntu debs on debian - but both approaches are bad ideas.15:43
italian-crunchertbrock, thats why I'd follow Debian guidelines ;)15:43
bwayneloki__: "requests exceeded limit"15:43
tbrockthe reason I ask is I'm trying to redo our packaging system15:43
jp1207hi, does anyone know any packages for fan cooling and cpu temperature control, besides lm-sensors and fancontrol?15:43
tbrockand trying to figure out if i need to learn two methods15:43
tbrockand sets of tools or just one15:43
italian-cruncherjp1207, you mean getting sensor values or modifying fan speed?15:43
tbrockit seem alike two15:43
VivekanandaBiomechd: htat worked thanks15:43
jp1207italian-cruncher, modifying fan speed15:44
jp1207it's because when I tried the fancontrol package, the pwmconfig could not test on my laptop fans15:45
jp1207I currenlty have a package called tlp installed which is suppose to run in the background, but it only slightly lowers the temperature15:46
Braden`I installed 13.04 via CD, and even though I unchecked the box to download updates, it is still downloading stuff via the net.  Is there a way to prevent that?15:46
Braden`If I pull the network cable, will it continue to install without the net connection?15:46
pressionsomebody know what is the best game with best graphics  for linux?15:46
bekksBraden`: Are you using the net-installer?15:46
bekks!best | pression15:46
ubottupression: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:46
Braden`No, the CD15:46
italian-cruncherBraden`, you should also uncheck 'install mp3, flash player' and the like15:46
bekksBraden`: The net-installer is a cd also.15:46
Braden`I unchecked that15:46
Braden`bekks:  Its 700mb15:47
jp1207shame that the jupiter package is no longer updated...15:47
jp1207does anyone else have an overheating problem when ubuntu is installed?15:47
bekksjp1207: Nope, my fans are clean.15:48
GEEGEEGEEhow do i remove the amazon spyware?15:48
pression!best | pression15:48
ubottupression, please see my private message15:48
bwaynekalkiawi: were you asking for me a moment ago? sorry i was in like three chats at once.15:48
jp1207so is mine, but I thought it was to do with the missing drivers for fan controls15:48
eliesinGEEGEEGEE: remove the relevant shopping-lens package15:48
jribtbrock: !adlens | GEEGEEGEE15:49
jrib !adlens | GEEGEEGEE15:49
jp1207anyone have installed ubuntu on hp (envy m6) laptops?15:49
ubottuGEEGEEGEE: If you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ15:49
italian-cruncherbtw, calling it spyware is kind-of FUD15:49
pressionsomebody is harrashing me, ubottu don't stop speak me, i said to him stop, but he answer me with unlogic answers, sry for my english15:50
italian-cruncherGEEGEEGEE, you should also redirect google.com to
jribpression: don't speak to ubottu and he will not speak to you15:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 1055766 in command-not-found (Ubuntu) "grep -R doesn't automatically search amazon" [Undecided,Won't fix]15:51
pressionthis guy always say me to this channel send me a private message xD15:51
eliesinitalian-cruncher: it's pretty different for people to search in a way that used to be locally and have that turn into a network search. People using a web browser know that's what they're doing.15:51
italian-cruncherpression, ubottu is a known stalker, we are working on it15:51
=== guy is now known as Guest78151
eliesinUbuntu's optics on it were atrocious, if nothing else. First plain HTTP, etc15:52
italian-crunchereliesin, still kind-of far fetched to call it spyware imho, just my 2 cents ;) not that I like it either15:52
kalkiawibwayne: manage to share ubuntu files on windows, can't do the vice verse. i am creating a read only interface15:52
eliesinDallying months to implement the disabling option15:52
MonkeyDustyes, ubottu , you're a pain15:52
eliesinbecause who really cared, while all the time Jono bacon or whoever kept donig apologetics about how it didn't matter15:52
pressionahh, i understand, he is like a robot15:52
Perni339shamey shamey shamey ubonttu15:52
ImQ009_Well, I found all the information I need. THANKS, UBUNTU :[15:52
* zykotick9 wonders about all this picking on poor ubottu.15:53
italian-cruncherpression, he is not a robot but he always pretends he is15:53
eliesinBut yes, spyware is debatable.15:53
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots15:53
zykotick9!gender | italian-cruncher15:53
ubottuitalian-cruncher: yes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)15:53
bwaynekalkiawi: so you want to be able to read and write file on ubuntu from windows?15:53
pressiondo you know what is the game with more graphic setting for ubuntu?15:53
italian-crunchernever late to learn :D15:53
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
italian-cruncher!marry ubottu15:53
italian-cruncherpression, try Nexuiz15:55
javier___is there a way to get SDL2 on ubuntu 13.10?15:56
=== Perni339 is now known as LeftCheekSneak
ankkis there a more famous distribution than ubuntu?15:56
italian-cruncherankk, distrowatch.com15:56
javier___I don't see it in the repos15:56
javier___any ideas?15:56
freeman_I am looking for some help with repositories and dependencies if anyone is able15:57
kalkiawibwayne: i want ubuntu to share read only files, want windos to do the same15:57
=== freeman_ is now known as needhelp
italian-cruncherankk, short answer: Linux Mint has a strong popularity these days, but I bet the most 'popular' out there is Ubuntu at the moment. I am not saying its the biggest one or the best one ofc, since its based on Debian which is the 'rock' that exists since 20 years and on which dozens upon dozens of distros are based. Basically the linux world is divided into big four: Debian, RedHat, Arch and Suse. Everything e15:58
italian-cruncherlse is derivative, but don't bother with those until you become very very comfortable at Ubuntu. Try Xubuntu, Lubuntu or Kubuntu for a change of air15:58
mythis there any channel for JAVA ?15:58
kalkiawibwayne: if i put smbpasswd then i cant access ubuntu files from windows on the other hand when no password is put, i can access, is there something wrong with the domain i am entering. I write UbuntuUsername for uname and ubuntuPassword for passwd15:58
Biomechdin hopes that someone who's logged on recently might be able to help me, i'll ask my question again: does anyone know why rhythmbox isn't producing any sound and causing song-seconds to be about 4-5 real-time seconds when trying to stream music over wlan?15:59
=== wNz is now known as wN
eliesinmyth: http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=java+freenode16:00
zykotick9!alis | myth16:01
ubottumyth: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*16:01
Braden`what is the name of the gnome package?16:01
Braden`So that I can use it instead of unity16:01
zykotick9eliesin: don't use www.lmgtfy.com here16:01
eliesinFair enough.16:01
mytheliesin thanks :)16:02
bwaynekalkiawi, sounds like you like to modify your /etc/samba/smb.conf .  Under [share] ; browser = yes ; guest ok = yes ; read only = no ; create mask = 075516:02
trismjavier___: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsdl2 , libsdl2-dev ?16:02
Braden`apt-get install gnome ?16:03
zykotick9!notunity | Braden`16:03
ubottuBraden`: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.16:03
Braden`I'd prefer Gnome 316:04
Braden`gnome-shell is gnome 3?16:04
italian-cruncherankk, if you want to know a bit more about all the distros out there, check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Linux_Distribution_Timeline.svg16:04
zykotick9Braden`: yes16:04
Walex2sorry, my client crashed. what was the story with 3.2 vs. 3.10 and BTRFS and APT?16:04
mythanyone know code in java to collect the twitter feed ? I have made one code .. but facing problm :(16:05
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Walex2myth: probably better asked in ##Java16:06
mythWalex2 i cant connect to that channel :(16:08
Walex2myth: that seems very strange...16:08
italian-crunchermyth, are you using the double #?16:09
Fanatic89can i change to scroll speed in ubuntu 12.04?16:09
mythitalian-cruncher yes , i am writing ##java16:09
karab44copy/move progress works badly. According to it I have already copied files on my pendrive. According to pendrives LED it is still copying, 4 minutes after copy progress bar finished. And I believe my pendrive.16:10
eliesinmyth: "##java: Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services"16:11
karab44and my question is - how to determine when ubuntu finished copying to pendrive which has no LED ?16:11
eliesinLook up nickserv16:11
Fanatic89and i also want to slow down the mouse speed more in settings it is on the lowest point16:11
Walex2karab44: when you unmount the pendrive, the umounting will only terminate untill everything has been written.16:12
mythwliesin yes m getting the same16:12
karab44Walex2: I usually umount it phisically ;>16:12
mytheliesin yes m getting the same.. wht to do16:12
otakkarab44: can use command iostat from package sysstat for that16:12
Walex2karab44: that is a very bad idea.16:12
eliesinRight, so register with nickserv: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#identify16:13
karab44Ok, thanks guys you are awesome.16:13
Walex2karab44: unless it was mounted as '-o sync', which however makes it very slow.16:13
pressioni going to study and i will create my own game better than repopulation16:13
eliesinor I guess http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup is better16:14
zyzzyvaHi, I'm on Ubuntu Studio 12.04 and I have a seagate external drive that isn't being recognized in any usb port.  Here's a paste of the syslog when I plug it in.  I really hope it can be fixed; it has some data that isn't located anywhere else.  THANKS in advance!  http://www.fpaste.org/42836/13803815/16:16
=== Flash is now known as Guest41321
loki__zyzzyva, y think it is problem with cable.16:17
loki__or maybe with hardware.16:17
OerHeksor power16:17
loki__OerHeks, power it is not hardware problem?16:18
zyzzyvait does have power; it lights up and sounds like it's trying...16:18
loki__zyzzyva, hdd cosumes different level of power when it work.16:19
loki__i have old hdd which have 2x usb father ends.16:20
loki__today it can recieve power from one, but not on all hardware16:20
zyzzyvayeah, I have one like that as well -- this one is a single usb16:20
loki__you try on desktop?16:21
zyzzyvawish I had another cable to test.  Could try to find one16:21
zyzzyvahmm, no, I'll try on another computer asap16:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 1082418 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu UEFI install locks out UEFI firmware (~bios) access" [Undecided,Expired]16:21
ImQ009Thanks for not taking care of that16:21
* ImQ009 back to googling16:21
ironfoot495whats the procedure on getting on #php?16:22
ironfoot495how do I get an invitation for php16:24
xangua!register | ironfoot49516:24
ubottuironfoot495: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:24
omgeekHow hard is coding16:25
zykotick9!register | ironfoot49516:25
ubottuironfoot495: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:25
omgeekWhen you asked work on front end16:25
omgeekOr back end16:25
Walex2omgeek: done badly it is fairly easy, done well it is quite hard.16:25
n33dhelpHey guys I just installed Ubuntu with Wubi and now when I reboot it automatically boots to Ubuntu and I can't boot to windows, please help.16:25
omgeekIn middle of project16:25
omgeek On technology stack that you don't know16:25
omgeekElse quit the job16:25
Walex2omgeek: to learn basics of a language takes 2 weeks. To learn to understand other people's code and modify it at least some months.16:26
omgeekI am working hard16:26
omgeekNew project deal with python and javascript16:27
omgeekBut I am c and java developer16:27
omgeek I have one week to save my job16:27
omgeekGet done half stuck project that being left someone16:27
omgeekWho has good opportunity and joined other company16:28
omgeekJobs all suck16:28
omgeekBetter to become a freelancer16:28
omgeekYes I think if give me 2 weeks I can finish it Walex2 ..I am even working weekend and nights16:30
omgeekIt really sucks16:30
andrewvosok this is weird16:32
tromaserver -e irc.synirc.org:+700116:32
andrewvosMy settings for gnome-terminal weren't being saved16:32
andrewvosI had to do this sudo chown -R andrew .gconf/apps/gnome-terminal/global16:32
andrewvosHow is it possible that root took over that file??16:32
jribandrewvos: you probably sudo'd something you shouldn't have16:32
andrewvosAnd after manually entering in twenty colours into that nightmare gnome-termianl settings window I now have to do it again16:33
a3rdcoastI have an Ubuntu VPS on Linode running 10.04 LTS. I understand that the server edition of 10.04 LTS is supposed to get updates for 5 years.  I don't believe I'm getting any updates though.  How can I confirm?16:33
andrewvosI give up on computers for today16:33
omgeekSys admins freelance16:33
jribandrewvos: check your sources.list16:34
omgeekAny website16:34
bekksandrewvos: sudo apt-get update annd pastebin the entire output.16:34
Walex2omgeek: you are being bullied, but this often happens in IT companies... Some however don't do it.16:34
troma#natokeio 0420016:34
Walex2a3rdcoast: security updates... and they happen.16:34
a3rdcoastWalex2: thanks!16:35
Walex2a3rdcoast: and note that the updates-for-N-years applies anyhow to a small subset of core archigos>16:35
Walex2a3rdcoast: and note that the updates-for-N-years applies anyhow to a small subset of core archives16:35
a3rdcoastWalex2: in other words, upgrade to 12.04 LTS?16:35
Walex2a3rdcoast: I also have a VPS and will be updrading to 14.04 when it comes out.16:35
tromahow i can to join to channel?.. havent use x-gnome long time16:35
a3rdcoastWalex2: I'd like to wait, but I don't want to "risk" anything.16:36
italian-crunchertroma, /join #desired-channel16:36
Walex2a3rdcoast: the small number of 10.04 packages I use on that VM is covered.16:36
OerHeksa3rdcoast, " cat /var/log/dpkg.log | grep "\ install\ "     " to see last installed updates16:36
a3rdcoastWalex2: doh, i Just checked /var/log/apt/history.log and it looks like there have been some updates.  that eases my worries, thanks.16:37
a3rdcoastthanks... how can I determine which packages are updated and which aren't?16:37
a3rdcoasti have quite a few VPN daemons running16:38
OerHekseasy, by running update16:38
a3rdcoastby updated, i mean which are being maintained and getting updates pushed to me through apt-get update16:38
a3rdcoastOerHeks: sorry, to clarify I mean which are being maintained and updated through apt-get?16:38
=== ironfoot495 is now known as your_favorite_ni
Walex2a3rdcoast: 'ubuntu-support-status'16:39
a3rdcoastWalex2: perfect, ty! (You have 19 packages (4.0%) that are unsupported)16:40
GoopyoI am running 'rm -rf .profile.d' which is a directory. It ends without error but the directory remains. Any ideas?16:41
bekksGoopyo: Depends on the error.16:41
Walex2Goopyo: '-f' suppresses all error messages...16:42
Walex2Goopyo: 'find .profile.d'16:42
Goopyosorry for the multiline16:42
FloodBot1Goopyo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:42
jribGoopyo: pastebin full input and output NOT HERE16:42
Goopyoyeah my bad16:42
jribGoopyo: pastebin the full input and output for what you are doing16:42
=== box is now known as Guest37717
Goopyobasically sums it up16:45
jribGoopyo: are you on ubuntu?16:45
Goopyodocker lxc16:45
jribGoopyo: it's probably related to some weird docker setup... that would be my guess anyway.  Can you delete anything else?16:47
Goopyoonly that file seems to have an issue16:47
Goopyooh shit16:47
* jrib waits in suspense16:48
elmosanchesGoopyo: I got same thing with docker container. no idea why16:48
Goopyowell its also the only directory made through the docker command, but I'm doubtful that has anything to do with it16:49
=== lucas__ is now known as {inf}Rutefu
elmosanchesGoopyo: I've noticed that user cant do anything with files created by root, even though he is set as its owner16:49
=== whoever is now known as Guest9884
Goopyohmm any ideas how to solve that elmosanches?16:51
elmosanchesGoopyo: only solution I've found is to make sure that files are created by the user who is suposed to manage it later16:52
elmosanchesGoopyo: when in Dockerfile: RUN su user; mkdir /path/to/file #for example16:53
Goopyodont you use root for your user within docker? I assumed it safe to do so16:54
mwallacesdHi there16:55
elmosanchesGoopyo: root if only commands dont require non root user to run16:55
mwallacesdif I run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade it will upgrade my ubuntu 12.04 to 13.04?16:55
SunTsumwallacesd: no. do-release-upgrade would do that16:56
mwallacesdor will just upgrade the kernel version 3.5 to 3.8?16:56
Goopyoelmosanches: just tried su root; rm -rf .profile.d and it still wont go away16:56
SunTsumwallacesd: it will do what it will tell you when you actually run that command16:57
elmosanchesGoopyo: you dont need to do su for root, when in Dockerfile you execute everything as root16:57
mwallacesdSunTsu, so apt-get dist-upgrade just upgrade my kernel?16:57
Goopyooh so its impossible to delete the file from within the docker container?16:58
SunTsumwallacesd: I don't know what it tells you what it will do16:58
=== Guest9884 is now known as whoever
mwallacesdnow it is 3.5.4016:58
mwallacesdI remember that I run apt-get dist-upgrade in a 64bits and it changes the kernel version16:59
mwallacesdbut I dont know if it is the same to 32 bits17:00
elmosanchesGoopyo: I've just started one docker and I can delete anything I want17:00
python_n00bHow do I use fuser to get the program making use of aptitude?17:00
elmosanchesGoopyo: my issue is limitted only to non-root users17:01
SunTsumwallacesd: it installs upgrades, nobody knows what updates are available to you - and you only will find out if you do apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade17:01
Goopyoelmosanches can you run this: echo "HEY" | docker run -i -a stdin <image> /bin/bash -c "mkdir -p /app/.profile.d && cat > /app/.profile.d/app-env.sh"17:02
Fanatic89a goot twitter client for ubuntu?17:02
Fanatic89instead of gwibber17:03
bekksFanatic89: firefox.17:03
Fanatic89i asked for a client not a browser ;)17:03
python_n00bHow do I use the "fuser" command  to get the program making use of aptitude?17:04
mwallacesdit is saying that will upgrade to linux-image-gereric-its-quantal. Like I sed I'm in a 3.5.40 precise... So, in resume it will ONLY upgrade precise kernel to quantal kernel, is that correct?????17:04
mwallacesdSunTsu, =)17:04
NeroBurnerhello, i've searched Google and DuckDuckgo, but I can't find a ppa for the latest AMD-Graphics drivers (the propritary ones). Anyone using the propritary drivers für his/her ati card?17:05
SunTsumwallacesd: I'm going to say it for the very last time: It will tell you what it says it will do.17:05
=== Anonymous is now known as Guest23385
SunTsuer, it will do what it tells you it will do17:06
mwallacesdNot sure SunTsu, THERE IS A LOT OF DEPENDENCIES... Thats why I am asking if it ONLY update the kernel... But thant a lot for nothing17:07
SunTsumwallacesd: welcome to ignore17:08
elmosanchesGoopyo: I've ran it and app dir and the .profile file was created17:09
elmosanchesGoopyo: have you remmeber to commit the resuts?17:10
NeroBurnerdoes anyone know if there is an up to date ppa for the AMD-GPU Proprietary Drivers?17:10
NeroBurnerall i've found is the old ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa and that it is obsolete17:10
bekksNeroBurner: ubuntu-x-swat17:10
=== ubuntu is now known as excognac
Pinkamena_DHello, I am using eclipse for programming and it uses a plugin called saros to collaborate. Saros requires one user to be a "host" which is always on to share the code. Me and a few friends want to have the host running constantly so that anyone can go online to edit the code whenever they would like. Eclipse does not have a command line version and I have no idea how that would work. What is the lowest end type of ubuntu I can run on 17:12
MonkeyDust!ppa | NeroBurner17:12
ubottuNeroBurner: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge17:12
bekksPinkamena_D: You should use a collaboration tool not requiring being "online" graphically. Like svn/git/etc.17:13
excognachi all. why i can't make a startup usb? I'm, on a kubuntu 11.10 live cd, whenever i try it with dd or cat from terminal it says permission denied17:13
Pinkamena_DIn the past we have often used the realtime aspect for better productivity17:13
jrib!11.10 | excognac17:13
ubottuexcognac: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) was the fifteenth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 9, 2013. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.17:13
excognacjrib: i need to make a boot-repair, this is the only live cd i have, please help17:14
NeroBurnerthx for the ppa, i'm aware of the risk of using ppas17:15
sinusHow do I lookup MAC adress to an wlan adapter and download proper software?17:15
ikoniasinus: ifconfig will show you the mac17:16
ikoniawhy do you need the mac though ?17:16
sinusI have a crappy adatper "no-name"17:16
ikoniaso ?17:16
ikoniawhy do you need the mac17:16
sinusNeed to install software17:16
ikoniasinus: again....why do you need the mac ?17:16
sinusI need to know the company17:17
ikoniasinus: the mac address doesn't tell you the company17:17
sinusThere is no info on the adapter itself17:17
bekkssinus: No.17:17
rattatoueI did a update earlier on the system, then restarted. Now I have no clock, if I go to Date & Time, then go to the Clock all the settings are greyed out. I made sure indicator-datetime is installed, but still same issue. Any suggestions?17:17
=== monk is now known as Guest15303
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:22
tozenrattatoue: how did you make sure it's installed?17:23
rattatouetozen: I installed it again, but I was able to fix it by running killall unity-panel-service, now it is back.17:24
loki__is in freenode channel of chrome?17:25
bekks!alis | loki__17:25
ubottuloki__: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*17:25
tozenrattatoue: so you get it back on tray?17:26
rattatouetozen: correct, it is back on the tray as normal. I don't know if it will be there on next restart or not, but for now at least it is there.17:26
toshibafriends how do i check the location of transmisssion torrent???17:28
tozenrattatoue: if smth same will happen I would suggest to reset unity (if in use)17:28
ntzrmtthihu777Heyo. Filed a bug report against 13.04, they want me to test against 10.04 for possible regression. Problem is, I now run arch linux, and am unsure how to produce a bootable usb stick from arch. usind dd did not do the trick; or, barring that, is the lucid iso capable of booting directly with grub2?17:29
bekksntzrmtthihu777: Create a vm, you dont need an USB Stick.17:30
rattatouetozen: thanks for the suggestion will try that next and atm I am on unity17:30
ntzrmtthihu777bekks: won't work. Its a hardware specific bug; my touchpad is detected as a ps/2 mouse when it is in actuality a synaptics device.17:30
MoPacHello; I'm having an environment variable issue. When I append folders to PATH, PYTHONPATH, etc in my ~/.profile , the OS seems to think that they are all one big folder with a colon in the middle. Any ideas?17:31
ntzrmtthihu777MoPac: the colon separates entries. try "echo $PATH" and see its the same.17:31
toshibafriends how do i check the location of transmisssion torrent???17:31
bekksMoPac: So what did you write to your .profile?17:31
ntzrmtthihu777toshiba: by default it is in ~/Downloads/17:32
toshibai need to have a location of the installed application17:32
MoPacE.g., line in profile: export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}":"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages" (have tried with an without the quotes being involved. When I "ls $PyTHONPATH", I see cannot access :/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages:/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages: No such file or directory17:33
Calinouit's probably in downloads folder17:33
ntzrmtthihu777toshiba: use the command "which transmission" or "locate transmission" | grep bin17:33
Calinou~/Downloads in english17:33
ntzrmtthihu777Calinou: I think toshiba want's the binary itself.17:33
toshiba@ntzrmtthihu777 :i need to have a location of the installed application17:33
tozentoshiba: all binaries are located in /usr/bin directory17:33
toshibaso that I can link up the torrents there17:33
ntzrmtthihu777toshiba: I understand that, which is why I said do that.17:33
MoPacecho $PATH shows /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/bin  (as if it's one big folder)17:33
ntzrmtthihu777toshiba: and you don't link torrents to the installed application.17:34
ntzrmtthihu777MoPac: see, that's normal. PATH entries are separated by colons17:34
MoPacntzrmtthihu777: bekks: Is there some other file that might have gotten messed up that contains the parsing instructions?17:34
toshibawhen I download torrent, it asks me to launch that with an application and asks for the path of the application17:34
bekksMoPac: Thats a valid path.17:34
ntzrmtthihu777PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages" would be cleaner.17:35
ntzrmtthihu777toshiba: and I told you how to get the program.17:35
toshibayepp...checking that17:35
toshibathanks buddy17:35
MoPacntzrmtthihu777: That hasn't helped either unfortunately (my current quote configuration was a desperation move)17:36
ntzrmtthihu777MoPac: yeah, if your path is normally foo and bar, it would be foo:bar; adding baz to the path by PATH="$PATH:baz" results in foo:bar:baz17:36
MoPacntzrmtthihu777: bekks: It's possible that at some point I messed with the file that contains the default $PATH location -- where is that located?17:36
bekksMoPac: You have a valid path. Why do you think it is messed up?17:37
ntzrmtthihu777MoPac: /etc/profile, maybe?17:37
tozentoshiba: IMHO transmission is to buggy use deluge ;)17:37
ntzrmtthihu777tozen: I agree :P17:37
MoPacbekks: ntzrmtthihu777: When trying to install packages, the scripts can't locate modules that should be there already. Also, I get those error messages when I try to list contents at a path17:37
bekksMoPac: Then the modules arent there, while the path is valid itself.17:38
ntzrmtthihu777MoPac: I'm not particularly knowledgable in python matters, so I'll not be able to help more than generic issues. perhaps asking in ##python would be a good idea.17:38
MoPacbekks: would ls normally throw an error even for a valid path if there are appended folders?17:38
bekksMoPac: No.17:39
MoPacntzrmtthihu777: thanks, though -- you've been helpful already17:39
bekksMoPac: ls hat nothing to do with the path variable.17:39
ntzrmtthihu777MoPac: just looking out for my gnu/linux buddies17:39
toshibathanks tozen17:40
MoPacbekks: Sorry I probably wasn't clear on earlier question. Should I be able to type into the shell "ls $PATH" or "ls $PyTHONPATH" [no quotes] and see a bunch of contents that sit at the end of all of the elements of the path?17:40
toshibai am able to start download17:40
toshibabut gui is not showing me any option to stop now :D17:40
ntzrmtthihu777MoPac: not that I am aware of, lol. you're basically telling it "ls /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:...."17:41
bekksMoPac: No. ls $PATH is nonsense.17:41
zomgdockerHello hipstooooors. i debootstrap'ed ubuntu raring. I want to copy this to a mounted dd'ed device. How do i copy this EXACTLY? Is copy -R * mydd/beta/raring to /dev/my-dd enough or17:41
ntzrmtthihu777MoPac: now, you could maybe pipe the contents of "echo $PATH" into a loop and feed that into ls, maybe.17:42
MoPacbekks: ah, okay. I just got some bad advice earlier then17:42
tozentoshiba: u r welcome, pal17:42
ntzrmtthihu777MoPac: parse it by the colons, maybe awk or sed or something like that.17:42
MoPacntzrmtthihu777: Someone told me to do that as a way of checking whether the .py files were on the end of my path; I guess the only way to do it is to visit the folders themselves17:42
ntzrmtthihu777MoPac: suppose so. again, I know next to nothing about python17:43
zykotick9MoPac: "echo $PATH" to see your current path variable17:43
MoPaczykotick9: Right; I had just been given a shortcut earlier ("ls $[whatever]PATH") the see all the files on the end, but it was incorrect17:44
ntzrmtthihu777zykotick9: he's more interested in PYTHONPATH17:44
toshibatozen : i am able to start download17:44
toshibabut not able to view it in gui17:44
toshibais it a bug?17:44
tozentoshiba: what du you mean?17:44
Die_NadalQuestion, I have a 2 TB drive that I thought was mounted for the /home directory during install but instead it is mounted as /media/user/aba2a0ce8lllll17:45
tozentoshiba: r u using deluge or steel transmission?17:45
Die_Nadalwhen I go to that directory it says I should "From the command line, run:17:45
Die_Nadal ecryptfs-mount-private"17:45
MoPacntzrmtthihu777: bekks: Is there a general way to make path variables recursive? So many of the modules are several levels down in a folder, and maybe that's why they're being missed. Can I tell a path to look in all subfolders of a given folder?17:45
ntzrmtthihu777MoPac: not a clue. and i doubt it.17:46
ntzrmtthihu777so, anyone got a clue on making a bootable ubuntu 10.04 usb from arch linux? or, booting the iso with grub2?17:46
DrManhattanntzrmtthihu777, there's a bunch of programs you can use for that, beginning with good ole dd17:47
ntzrmtthihu777DrManhattan: dd did not do the trick this time; I in fact used that to create my arch boot stick :P17:48
ZalMoPac, I wasn't here for your original question, but I'll point out that there seems to be some confusion between PATH and PYTHONPATH in the discussion so far. At least, I'm confused at this point :-)17:48
MoPacZal: It's an issue I was having with both of them -- my fault for not just sticking with one17:48
jribntzrmtthihu777: i suggest using a supported rerlease17:48
ntzrmtthihu777Zal: nah. he's interested in PYPATH, but we're speaking in generalities atm.17:48
DrManhattanntzrmtthihu777, that's very, very odd. DD is about as efficient as it gets for that.17:48
ntzrmtthihu777jrib: must be lucid, its for a bug report, checking for regressions.17:48
MoPacI found this page talking about subdirectory inclusion, but I'm not sure where that code would go http://superuser.com/questions/345294/recursively-add-directory-to-path-variable17:49
ZalMoPac, it sounds like you're headed down a rabbit hole of questions that may be better addressed by getting back to your original problem.17:49
Zalntzrmtthihu777, cool, thanks :-)17:49
dbuggerHey guys. Im having some trouble. I play some videos and I notice that I can hear the music in the background but not the voices! This is really bizarre! What can I do?17:49
bindidbugger: don't have the exact solution but speaker configuration in ubuntu and/or your video player can cause that17:49
ntzrmtthihu777dbugger: got all the right codecs installed?17:49
Zaldbugger, maybe you're only getting one stereo channel in your speakers.17:50
MoPacZal: Original problem: I'm installing programs and modules that are python-based (GNURadio). But many of the files appear to various installation and program scripts to be missing. I suspect it's a path problem. After help in here so far, my current suspicion is that the problem is they've all been buried in subdirectories17:50
DrManhattandbugger, sound like you're only getting a couple of channels out of surround sound - got your speakers plugged in properly?17:50
dbuggerso what should I do to solve it? Changing to alsa gives me the voice, (but that has its own issues)17:50
DrManhattandbugger, what program are you using to play the video?17:51
dbuggerSometime VLC, sometimes the default17:51
ZalMoPac, it's actually very rare for python modules to install in a way that required modules are not path accessible. I'd suggest to you that perhaps your hypothesis is incorrect, and you might take another look at the original error message, for starters.17:51
DrManhattanyou could change the audio mixdown to 2 channel instead of 5 or 717:51
dbuggerdamm, not its working... -_-17:51
dbuggerTHis is really weird...17:51
ntzrmtthihu777dbugger: try playing it with mplayer, see if it works there.17:51
DrManhattandbugger, im very sure you can change audio to 2 channel in either vlc or the dvd options17:52
DrManhattanassuming now you're playing a dvd or bluray\17:52
DrManhattanI've never heard of ripped video having 5 or 7 channel encoding17:52
MoPacZal: This particular program actually has a message at the end of installation recommending that you append a new path directory17:52
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MoPacZal: But even in that directory, what I see is a bunch of folders with python modules in them, or in subfolders of them17:53
ZalMoPac, sure, my only point is that the subdirectory issue is very unlikely to be the problem. Python modules work fine in subdirectories, because you access them from the top level via imports.17:54
ntzrmtthihu777MoPac: what little I know of python is that in general installation is done by running python setup.py --install17:54
MoPacntzrmtthihu777: this program suite is actually installed by a massive script that deals with a whole bunch of components, but it works great for pretty much everybody17:55
ntzrmtthihu777DrManhattan: can the lucid iso boot from grub2 directly?17:55
ZalMoPac, so I guess the first question is, are the instructions to append to PATH or PYTHONPATH, and did you do so, and if so, how?17:55
DrManhattanntzrmtthihu777, I don't know, I've never tried that. I'm sure there's a way to tell it to via editing the boot menu17:56
MoPacZal: PYTHONPATH. I appended in ~./profile, like this (with the quotes fixed, excluded, etc., different configurations) http://pastebin.com/ES4CVGmd17:56
gh0st_hey, i could use some help.  I am trying to connect my laptop (compaq presario nx6110) to wired internet, then broadcast an ad-hoc wifi network, and set up an ssh server (ssh server is done) so i can use the laptop as storage etc, then connect to the internet by connecting to the ad-hoc wifi, and then connecting to the internet using an ssh tunnel through the server17:57
DrManhattanif you can make it boot from cd and network from the boot menu edit screen im VERY sure you could make it boot off of USB that way17:57
gh0st_but the problem is i can't get the wifi and wired network to work at the same time17:57
ntzrmtthihu777gh0st_: try a manual config, instead of say network-manager or wicd17:57
DrManhattangh0st_, that's WACKY - what kind of errors are you running into?17:57
gh0st_when i connect an ethernet cable to it, it disables the wifi, saying it's been disabled by hardware switch17:57
gh0st_there's a button, but it does not change it17:58
gordonjcpgh0st_: check the bios setting17:58
* ntzrmtthihu777 notes to not get that wacky laptop17:58
DrManhattangh0st_, what kind of laptop is this?17:58
ntzrmtthihu777DrManhattan: see op17:58
gh0st_rfkill says the wifi's blocked whenever i plug in an ethernet cable17:58
ZalMoPac, cool, that looks good (though I'm a little surprised that directory isn't already on your python2.7 PYTHONPATH, it won't hurt either way). Did you log out and back in after editing ~/.profile, and "echo $PYTHONPATH" to verify that it worked?17:58
DrManhattanyeah my !*(@(**$ celphone does this17:58
gordonjcpgh0st_: there will be a BIOS setting for that17:58
gh0st_hp compaq nx611017:58
DrManhattanntzrmtthihu777, thanks17:59
gordonjcpgh0st_: there *is* a BIOS setting for that ;-)17:59
gh0st_been in the bios, and it said nothing.  What *should* it say?17:59
MoPacZal: Yep, I did. Also, I just figured out which other file I messed with the first time I was trying to fix the path -- I added the same export lines to ~./pam_environment. Dunno if that would have made a difference17:59
ntzrmtthihu777DrManhattan: this is why I don't deal in smartphones, lol. I'm happy with a dumb phone and a smart pc/laptop :P17:59
DrManhattanntzrmtthihu777, I need it for tethering18:00
gordonjcpgh0st_: can't remember, but it's definitely an HP thing and it's definitely in the BIOS18:00
ZalMoPac, shouldn't matter either way, you can export numerous times with no deleterious effect. So that part sounds reasonable. What error do you see after that, and when doing what?18:00
gh0st_anyway, i tried to get around it by plugging in a usb wifi dongle and it did that too18:01
DrManhattangh0st_, my condolences but at least there's some sort of fix18:01
ZalMoPac, sorry if you already went through this, I'm just trying to back up a bit, which I think may help solve your issue.18:01
MoPacZal: Several errors. When trying to install a new element for this suite, it cannot find the modules that it needs to hook into. And when using one of the programs, it can't find a library that it needs that I'm sure was part of the installation18:01
ZalMoPac, let's start with one error at a time. Can you pastebin an exact command and an exact error message?18:01
gh0st_ok, i'll reboot and go into the bios.  If i don't find it, i'll just come back and we'll try again18:01
ZalMoPac, and if you get a python error, please pastebin the FULL "traceback" stanza18:02
ankkhow will i open console on latest ubuntu version?18:03
linuxearthwhich version of ubunt should be downloaded and installed for using linux in a home pc where all the general work can be done with ease (life even who has little knowledge can do) and from where linux can be learned. I want a little stable version.18:04
MoPacZal: Here is an example of a module installation error http://pastebin.com/2N5M8dmQ18:05
italian-cruncherUbuntu LTS or Xubuntu LTS18:05
kalkiawibwayne: what does create mask do?18:05
ksinhaUbuntu 12.0418:05
linuxearthwhat's lts?18:05
ksinhalong term service18:06
linuxearthhe said ubuntu lts?18:06
italian-cruncherLTS = 12.04, means Long Term Support18:06
linuxearthok so lts version?18:06
linuxearthit should be used18:06
ksinhaya support18:06
linuxearthin it we can work everything with gui?18:06
italian-cruncheryeah linux18:06
compdoclinuxearth, its all pretty good. newer versions of ubuntu should have more/improved drivers. but non-LTS version require more upgrades18:06
ksinhawhat do you want to use for basically?18:06
italian-cruncherlinuxearth, go on google btw and google images for Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu and choose your one18:06
italian-cruncherif you don't know the look and feel of each one18:07
linuxearthbasically i need for emailing, printing, typing letters, excel worksheets, bank transactions, videos, pictures (editing also), surfing, skype chating18:07
italian-cruncherlinuxearth, after you download the thing and burn it to a cd, you can try it without installing it if you reboot with the CD in it18:08
linuxearthoh i see18:08
italian-cruncherI personally like Xubuntu more than Ubuntu but to each their own18:08
ZalMoPac, that's not a PYTHONPATH error, that's a cmake error -- something is amiss with that cmake configuration. You may have missed a step, or there may have been a previous error that prevented cmake from configuring properly.18:08
linuxearththa'ts a good idea18:08
italian-cruncherlinuxearth, is that computer kinda new or kinda old?18:08
linuxearthXubuntu has a better performance?18:09
linuxearthits a bit older18:09
linuxearthlike i bought it in 200818:09
italian-cruncherlinuxearth, yeah Xubuntu should feel faster, but 2008 isn't _that_ old18:09
italian-cruncherI'd still google images to know if you like more the Ubuntu look and feel18:09
italian-cruncheror the Xubuntu one18:09
linuxearthXubuntu is also 12.04?18:10
linuxearthmeans it also contains ubuntu?18:10
italian-cruncheryeah it is an officially recognized ubuntu variant18:10
MoPacZal: But in that example, what seems to be amiss with the configuration is that it can't find the right file -- would that be a problem in cmake include?18:10
linuxearthoh i see18:10
italian-cruncherlinuxearth, its 100% Ubuntu with a different graphical interface18:10
italian-crunchersame goes for Lubuntu18:10
linuxearthbut then what i try?18:11
italian-cruncherand Kubuntu (which is another variant but its definitely not for weak computers)18:11
linuxearthshould i first go with x or l or simple ubuntu? because i am confused in all, i just want to start with18:11
linuxearthor pick anyone18:12
MoPacBah, i think I'm just going to try clearing the whole thing out again and starting over, maybe with checkinstall. Annoying because it takes like 2 hours to build the whole package suite18:12
linuxearthor i just see the pictures of all in google18:12
ntzrmtthihu777linuxearth: go with arch linux ;) but in seriousness, I like lubuntu :P18:12
italian-cruncherlinuxearth, check google images, but I'd go with Xubuntu hands down ;)18:12
ZalMoPac, could be. Might also be an installation step that you missed, which puts the appropriate file inside the compilation directory. That error is not looking for something on your PYTHONPATH, it's looking for a build file in its own directory tree.18:12
linuxeartharch linux also ubuntu?18:13
ntzrmtthihu777linuxearth: no, its a breed all its own :P18:13
italian-cruncherarch linux is the exact incarnation of what you should NOT install provided your desires18:13
linuxearthi heard people saying ubuntu easy18:13
linuxearththat's why wanted to know18:13
italian-cruncherarch is for pro. the hardest distro out there except gentoo18:13
ntzrmtthihu777linuxearth: hella easy :P18:13
gordonjcpitalian-cruncher: Ubuntu is for "professional" users, Arch most definitely is not18:14
linuxearthi guess i should check either ubuntu or xubuntu18:14
italian-cruncherlinuxearth, if you are used to Windows, Xubuntu is actually easier than Ubuntu, but Ubuntu is like a toy to play with18:14
ntzrmtthihu777italian-cruncher: actually I think arch would nice for noobies, assuming they got the wit to actually want to learn.18:14
italian-crunchergordonjcp, I mis-used the 'pro' term, I meant 'very skilled at linux'18:14
gordonjcpitalian-cruncher: Arch is for people who like to think that staring at a not-quite-working-properly computer for hours means they are learning18:14
gordonjcpitalian-cruncher: no, it's not really for very skilled users18:14
gordonjcpitalian-cruncher: very skilled Linux users use Ubuntu18:14
deathlywhenever you guys/gals aren't busy, I had a few questions about getting maximum performance on ubuntu 13.04?18:14
italian-crunchergordonjcp, I have to disagree on the last one, I also think Debian is for 'professional' users, not Ubuntu, but whatever float your boat18:14
ntzrmtthihu777linuxearth: ubuntu's unity interface is pretty, but its a resource hot.18:15
italian-crunchergordonjcp, your last sentence is purely false18:15
linuxearthi see the images for both ubuntu or xubuntu and a small eye on arch also, all here are commenting on it!18:15
Zalfunny, for me Slackware was the easiest desktop to install and use out of the box. I guess most people are different.18:15
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gordonjcpitalian-cruncher: <shrug>18:15
linuxearthnow a newer one 'slackware'18:15
gordonjcpitalian-cruncher: Debian is okay if you can live with very very old packages18:15
italian-cruncherLOL linuxearth just wait a moment18:15
italian-cruncherlinuxearth, http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1b/Linux_Distribution_Timeline.svg check this18:16
ace_mehi all18:16
italian-cruncherlinuxearth, thats the list of all distributions for your choosing comfort18:16
Zallinuxearth, it's not generally considered "easy", but it was moreso for me, for some reason.18:16
linuxearththanks for that link, i see that18:16
ace_mewhen I try to telnet myserver 143 and after getting connection I input login name pass I get "login NO Error in IMAP command received by server." any ideea why I am not authorised as the user is created18:16
italian-crunchergordonjcp, you should read more about Debian, there is Testing and sid as well for newer packages18:16
ace_meI try to setup https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixCompleteVirtualMailSystemHowto18:17
linuxearthoh my god, those all are linux?18:17
gordonjcpitalian-cruncher: I've been using Debian since it was first released18:17
italian-crunchergordonjcp, apparently, not debian testing\sid18:17
Zallinuxearth, yep18:17
ntzrmtthihu777linuxearth: yep18:17
linuxearthdebian being the father?18:17
ntzrmtthihu777linuxearth: nope18:17
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:17
gordonjcpitalian-cruncher: yeah, testing is merely out-of-date packages, sid is broken packages18:17
italian-cruncherdebian is the father of ubuntu, yeah, but there are 5 fathers out there18:17
Zallinuxearth, debian is the ancestor of many, not all18:17
ntzrmtthihu777linuxearth: father is whatever linus cooked up.18:17
italian-crunchergordonjcp, your visions are kinda extreme imho18:17
gordonjcpitalian-cruncher: <shrug>18:18
bazhanglets get back to Ubuntu support Please18:18
gordonjcpitalian-cruncher: I've been doing it a long time18:18
italian-crunchergordonjcp, same here18:18
gordonjcpitalian-cruncher: I use Ubuntu for everything now, even servers18:18
italian-crunchergordonjcp, more power to you then ;) I just disagree18:18
linuxearthi am impressed to see the world of linux! great18:19
italian-cruncherlinuxearth, Linux as a whole is a... philosophy, not just a 'windows I don't pay for'18:19
linuxearthyes it seems18:19
italian-cruncherbut you can forget about this step temporarily whle you learn it with Ubuntu ;)18:19
italian-cruncherif you like it, a year from now you will be trying most of the distros in that graph ;)18:19
linuxearthoh yes, thanks to you for this18:19
gordonjcplinuxearth: the good thing about Ubuntu is it's quite quick and easy to get going18:19
italian-cruncher(or not)18:19
italian-cruncherI finally agree with gordonjcp18:19
gordonjcplinuxearth: so you can concentrate on actually learning how to use it, rather than how to get it working18:20
linuxearthyea gordonjcp, that's what i heard18:20
gordonjcplinuxearth: you won't learn much from distros like Arch and Gentoo18:20
linuxearthi heard that ubuntu is a good start, in fact very good18:20
kalkiawigordonjcp: !ot18:20
ntzrmtthihu777linuxearth: yep. I've been in the linux world about 2 years, and I've tried about 8 distros18:20
Mathisenyou learn LOADS of stuff just installing gentoo18:20
Mathisenso thats not true18:20
gordonjcpMathisen: really?18:21
ntzrmtthihu777gordonjcp: boolsheet. he'll learn how linux actually works, instead of point and click magic.18:21
kalkiawiMathisen | !ot18:21
gordonjcpntzrmtthihu777: no, you don't.  You learn how to type in magic incantations from a web page18:21
kalkiawi!ot | Mathisen18:21
ubottuMathisen: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:21
gordonjcpwe should take this to OT18:21
kalkiawiwas just trying the bot18:21
kalkiawiyou guy continue18:21
linuxearthi thanks to you all, italian-cruncher, gordonjcp, ntzrmtthihu777 and all others who gave this information and their time, thanks18:21
ntzrmtthihu777kalkiawi: don't play with the bot in channel, pm it.18:21
italian-crunchergordonjcp thinks only ubuntu is worth using and every other distro is for slackers, but whattever18:22
kalkiawiguy*, but chances are you might get kicked from the channel18:22
gordonjcpand disrupt the chemtrail antivaccination tinfoilhat fluoride love-in18:22
kalkiawintzrmtthihu777: was learning the commands. what to pm the bot?18:22
ntzrmtthihu777kalkiawi: but, you are right. this is a support channel, not a "discuss why this linux is better than that linux" channel.18:22
ntzrmtthihu777kalkiawi: /q ubottu18:22
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, dued is too annoying and high on himself. I'ma ignore him.18:23
ankki'm installing TVtime on latest ubuntu desktop 32bit version18:25
ankkbut it says "applying changes" for a few minutes( more than 10 mins (18:25
ankkwhat should i do?18:26
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xirreWhen using "unzip 'path'" what parameters or steps can be done so that the contents are placed in the directory of the path automatically?18:32
Zalxirre, not sure I understand, but it sounds like you might be looking for the -d option18:33
Mathisenxirre  unzip file.zip -d /rootDir18:34
xirreunzip '/home/xirre/Files/zipfile.zip' zipfile.zip contains UnzippedFiles folder. I want the UnzippedFiles folder to go in Files.18:36
Mathisenxirre if i understand you right " unzip /home/xirre/Files/zipfile.zip -d /home/xirre/Files "18:39
xirreTested it, it works. Another thing though..18:40
xirreWould it be possible to exclude certain file types from being extracted?18:40
Zalxirre, are you familiar with "man pages" ?18:41
xirreNot familiar but I know of them.18:41
Zalxirre, for example, you can type "man unzip" to see all the available options, including the two you've just asked about.18:41
loki__what software i can use for streaming my video cam?18:42
loki__something like motion but in real time?18:42
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GEEGEEGEEloki__, VLC18:43
bekksloki__: mplayer, vlc18:43
loki__bekks, hmm, it will be like daemon?18:47
bekksloki__: No.18:47
karlpincHi.  What's the default umask on ubuntu, both latest and ubuntu 10 lts?18:50
bekkskarlpinc: 0022.18:52
karlpincbekks: Thanks.  (That's too bad, no user private group based team collaboration.)18:53
manoelhello everyone18:54
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num7Can somebody tell me a good linux distribution for the N210Plus samsung device ?18:54
italian-cruncherhi manoel, ask your question18:54
bekkskarlpinc: That possibility does entirely not depend on a umask, which is changeable.18:54
manoeli'd like to know if someone knows a good wayt18:54
manoelto make a IRC boot18:54
SunTsunum7: what kind of answer do you expect on #ubuntu?18:54
manoelthat collects data in multiple  IRC channels18:54
italian-crunchermanoel, how is this related to #ubuntu?18:55
manoelit is not18:55
num7SunTsu, Can you recommend me a better channel, please?18:55
Zalmanoel, you might try #irc or #programming18:55
italian-crunchermanoel type /join #irc18:55
karlpincbekks: Yes.  And at first glance the rest of the elements are in place.  Still, somebody has to frob the umask, globally-ish, which is, as a rule, not going to happen for various people related reasons.18:55
manoeljoin #programming18:55
italian-crunchermanoel type / before join18:56
italian-cruncher /join18:56
bekkskarlpinc: Use ACL and dont even care about the umask.18:56
karlpincbekks: ACLs are annoying.  YMMV.18:56
Zalkarlpinc, or use a specific directory with the correct permissions18:56
bekkskarlpinc: Or just set directory permissions on the folders for the group.18:56
Mathisenmanoel google " eggdrop "18:56
bekkskarlpinc: "annoying" is no valid reason for "impossible" :)18:56
karlpincbekks: That fails when people create new sub-directories.18:57
bekkskarlpinc: Use sticky bits...18:57
karlpincbekks: It's a computer.  Nothing's impossible.18:57
karlpincbekks: Sticky bits would have to be uid, not gid, because of the umask.18:57
jarkinoxI have searched high and low in the manuals for answers, but I need help, and have to ask you guys18:57
loki__hmm, there no mjpeg_streamer in ubuntu reps?18:58
jarkinoxplease bare with me18:58
jarkinoxI installed Ubuntu server 12.04 LTS on a really old PC18:58
Zalkarlpinc, so use setgid18:58
jarkinoxand I hooked up an external NTFS hard drive18:58
bekkskarlpinc: then use sgid ...18:58
jarkinoxand I can mount it fine, but after a while, it disappears18:58
jarkinoxand I can't figure out why18:59
karlpincZal: Then everybody has to su (or sudo) in order to collaborate.  Either acls or upgs are the right way.18:59
jarkinoxplease help18:59
bekksjarkinox: Whats the output of "dmesg" after your drive vanishes?18:59
Zalkarlpinc, if everyone is in the group that owns the setgid directory, no sudo is required.18:59
jarkinoxi'm trying to figure out how to read the output of dmesg18:59
jarkinoxI will check now19:00
bekksjarkinox: Pastebin the entire output.19:00
jarkinoxgimme a few19:00
karlpincZal: Any new files will be group unwriteable, unless the umask is changed.  Making it hard to collaborate because creating files becomes a pain.19:00
jarkinoxthe hard drive is working at the moment ;-)19:00
jarkinoxafter a reboot19:00
bekkskarlpinc: Then use setgid on the files too.19:00
Zalkarlpinc, this is perhaps why you should use a VCS for collaboration.19:01
karlpincbekks: The point of upg, and acls is to make it easy.  Anybody in the group can do whatever, just like normal, and the rest of the group can read/write/delte/etc just as if they created the files.19:01
loki__can't understand why i can't see mjpg in repos19:01
Zalkarlpinc, (among numerous other reasons)19:01
bekkskarlpinc: So use ACL then, if you already know the solution. :)19:01
jarkinoxok, so i logged out of the server and then back in and the drive vanished19:01
bekks!info mjpg-streamer19:02
ubottuPackage mjpg-streamer does not exist in raring19:02
bekksloki__: Its not in the repos :)19:02
Die_NadalI have a hdd that is listed in Gpart as (Warning, Linux Unified Key Setup encryption is not yet supported"19:02
Die_NadalWhy is it like that?19:02
vimesI think I\ve fucked up big time, any one know a way out19:02
italian-cruncherDie_Nadal, you can safely ignore that warning19:02
jarkinox[   53.204849] cgroup: libvirtd (1321) created nested cgroup for controller "memory" which has incomplete hierarchy support. Nested cgroups may change behavior in the future.19:02
bekksDie_Nadal: Because you are using encryption on your disk.19:02
jarkinox[   53.204857] cgroup: "memory" requires setting use_hierarchy to 1 on the root.19:02
jarkinox[   53.204969] cgroup: libvirtd (1321) created nested cgroup for controller "devices" which has incomplete hierarchy support. Nested cgroups may change behavior in the future.19:02
italian-cruncherDie_Nadal, it only means you have to manage LUKS from command line19:02
jarkinox[   53.205108] cgroup: libvirtd (1321) created nested cgroup for controller "blkio" which has incomplete hierarchy support. Nested cgroups may change behavior in the future.19:02
jarkinox[   62.815741] Adding 1044476k swap on /dev/mapper/cryptswap1.  Priority:-1 extents:1 across:1044476k19:02
FloodBot1jarkinox: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:02
bekks!pastebin > jarkinox19:02
ubottujarkinox, please see my private message19:02
Die_Nadalok... how do I put stuff on that drive?19:02
bekksjarkinox: And pastebin the entire output.19:02
vimesI was backing up pictures from a XP machine to install Lubuntu, but the portable hard drive god cut off by my big foot. Now the original folder with pictures is gone19:02
vimesand there are none on my usb drive either19:03
vimeshave I lost them forever_19:03
bekksDie_Nadal: Unencrypt the drive.19:03
jarkinoxok, sorry guys19:03
Die_Nadalthanks for the replies... but I want to keep it encrypted...19:03
Mathisenvimes no there is software to "undelete" stuff19:03
bekksDie_Nadal: Then you cant use gparted.19:03
loki__bekks, why?19:03
Die_Nadalhmmmm ok...19:03
vimesbut i was just moving it19:03
italian-cruncherMathisen, actually there is plenty19:04
vimesand the USB drive got cut off my accident19:04
bekksloki__: Because nobody incorporated the package yet,.19:04
bekksvimes: You have a backup, dont you?19:04
italian-cruncherDie_Nadal, you don't use Gparted, just mount that volume, format it with a known filesystem and mount it normally19:04
vimesnot my computer19:04
vimesthese people dont know what back ups are19:04
jarkinoxbekks: I used paste bin as requested19:04
Mathisenitalian-cruncher yes there is19:04
bekksvimes: Then their pictures arent that important. You can use photorec for trying to recover the files.19:05
Die_Nadalitalian-cruncher ... ok, thank you.19:05
italian-cruncherDie_Nadal, if you need further clarification just ask19:05
italian-cruncheryeah vimes you can try testdisk package19:05
Zalvimes, just to be clear, you had a problem backing up to USB using Windows XP, is that right?19:05
bekksjarkinox: thats not the entire output.19:05
italian-cruncherbut its going to be a bit hard judging by your skill level19:05
vimesZal, I was moving files to a USB thingy and cut it off with my foot, now the files are gone19:06
vimeswill check it ut italian-cruncher19:06
loki__bekks, maybe there is just more better equal software?19:06
Zalvimes, I guess I was just confused as to why you'd ask here about that19:06
bekksloki__: I dont know what "mjpg-streamer" is designed for.19:06
jarkinoxbekks: i thought you wanted it since the drive disappeared19:06
italian-crunchertestdisk is for windows as well, very effective I'd say, saved my ass some times in the past19:06
vimesim wondering if they are gone forever19:06
loki__bekks, it get video from your web camer and stream it19:07
Mathisenvimes no they are not gone forever19:07
bekksjarkinox: I want the entire output, not just five lines.19:07
vimesthen how do I get them back *downloading testdisk*19:07
bekksloki__: Use mplayer or vlc, as already being told.19:07
Mathisenjust dont write new data to the disk... that way it will be mutch easyer to get it back19:07
vimesIm not19:07
vimesand Im in live usb19:07
Die_Nadalok... it is already mounted as media/user/aba2a0c80...... ... why is it like that ?19:08
italian-cruncherDie_Nadal, are you using Ubuntu, right?19:08
bekksDie_Nadal: BEcause it gets mounted autonatically to /media/<user>/<label>19:08
Die_Nadalyes sir.19:08
italian-cruncherDie_Nadal, then its already formatted, you can already put data on it19:08
Die_Nadalok.. I don't have permission to put anything on it..19:09
Die_NadalI can fix that ... with chmod ... but I'm wondering why it is like that I guees??19:09
italian-cruncherDie_Nadal, if your data is important I suggest you to read more about Full Disk Encryption before jumping in it with both feet19:09
bekksDie_Nadal: BEcause it gets mounted autonatically to /media/<user>/<label>19:09
bekksDie_Nadal: And as user "<user>", you have permissions to do what you want.19:10
italian-cruncherDie_Nadal, do a chown nadal:users /media/nadal/aba2a0c8019:10
italian-cruncherassuming 'nadal' is your username19:10
jarkinoxbekks: here it is: http://pastebin.com/GpADmFcS19:10
italian-cruncherDie_Nadal, actually, prepend 'sudo' to that line19:10
Die_Nadalyes go it ...19:11
Die_Nadalthank you.19:11
bekksjarkinox: It vanished one minute after rebooting your computer?19:11
Die_NadalThank you Italian-cruncher and Bekks... appreciate the assistance.19:11
italian-cruncherDie_Nadal, no problem. Be ware that Full Disk Encryption isn't 100% secure. Do your readings ;)19:12
Die_NadalUnderstood, thanks again.19:12
jarkinoxbekks:  no, when I rebooted, I manually mounted it and it worked fine.  then I logged out and logged back in, then it was gone.  sometimes when i remain logged in it disappears also.19:12
bekksjarkinox: Then the pastebin is useless. Please pastebin dmesg after the drive vanishes.19:13
bekksjarkinox: And not after it "vanishes" because you log off the user mounting it automatically.19:14
jarkinoxbekks: i'm not understanding you.  you said after it vanishes, but not after it vanishes19:17
Die_Nadalitalian-cruncher what is 100% secure ? lol...19:17
g3kyHi, I ran iptables command inside my router, how do i save that rule, over reboot. The router does not have a iptables-save command.19:17
italian-cruncherDie_Nadal, nothing is, but some people apparently don't know this ;)19:17
=== ned is now known as NedMan
numb95hi I want to learn ruby and ruby on rails and I need a good documentation for them to print! any idea?19:18
bekksnumb95: Ask ##ruby, not #ubuntu :)19:19
vimesthis recovery program, I hope to god that it works and that I did things right19:20
vimesI have had a tendency latly to do things wrong19:20
Calinou#ruby not ##ruby19:20
NedMannoob question, i downloaded linux secondlife, extracted it but cant install it.... no executable files in folder19:20
HodappNedMan: does something need a +x mode set?19:21
bruno00is it the source that you need to build Nedman?19:21
Mathisennumb95: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/v3.2.13/19:21
NedManI am not sure what i need...19:22
frucofanda, ya entro a ubuntu?19:22
MathisenNedMan do you have a bz2 file ?19:22
bekksNedMan: Then what didi you download exactly?19:22
[1]RoachHi everyone19:22
NedManreadme file says i can install it from the extracted folder... it was a Tar file... but icons in folder only open as text files19:23
bruno00Nedman: you probably need to configure and build it if you downloaded the source19:23
bruno00do you know how to do that?19:23
NedManno, sorry19:23
bruno00use the terminal and enter the folder you extracted the files into19:24
jarkinoxbekks: to be clear, if I ssh into my server from my laptop, mount the external drive, and then log out, when I log back in it's normal for the drive to no longer be there?19:24
bekksNedMan: What did you download exactly?19:24
bruno00type ./configure19:24
bruno00if now errors occur then type install19:25
bekksbruno00: First, investigate wether he has the source or not ;)19:25
bekksjarkinox: Do you mount it as user?19:25
bruno00true but if all his files are opening as texts the its likely that they are19:25
bruno00or that it is source... i mean19:25
bekksbruno00: I dont think so, actually.19:25
jarkinoxbekks: i mount it with sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /mount/external19:26
gh057how do i apt-get over a proxy?19:27
bekksjarkinox: Then pastebin dmesg after it vanishes...19:27
bekksgh057: configure the proxy for apt-get19:27
jarkinoxok, i'll have to wait for that then, unfortunately19:27
clienthaxI need to give a user access to ssh to tunnel through a server, yet i don't want them to be able to have shell access, is this possible?19:27
bekksclienthax: No.19:27
gh057i know once i can apt-get install proxychains i won't need to worry about it anymore, but i just need to be able to apt-get for it19:27
Mathisengh057 sudo http_proxy='http://user:pass@proxy.example.com:8080/' apt-get install package-name19:28
gh057ur gonna have to just set up a proxy server (i guess there's encrypted ones)19:28
gh057but if u pay me i could prolly write one19:28
bekksgh057: You dont need to setup a proxy server at all.19:28
MathisenNedMan run " sh install.sh "19:30
gh057oh.  thanks.  Does it work with socks5?19:30
Mathiseni just downloaded to check the content19:30
gh057socks5 proxy19:31
Mathisengh057 i cant answer that19:31
gh057well i'll try it19:31
Tweak_Hello, running 13.04, got an update message, did an update, after reboot the top and side bar are gone.  Desktop shows, and I can open terminal with the shortcut, any recommendations on how to reverse whatever updates just happened?19:31
linuxuz3rhow do i connect my internet connection to socks519:31
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michagogoIs there a way of knowing if the package "wine" in the lucid repo has changed in the past 4-5 months?19:37
bekksmichagogo: Take a look at packages.ubuntu.com19:37
Tweak_Hello, running 13.04, got an update message, did an update, after reboot the top and side bar are gone.  Desktop shows, and I can open terminal with the shortcut, any recommendations on how to reverse whatever updates just happened?19:42
DuncanNZThe forum doesn't stay logged in, I have to "login with SSO" every time I visit, and more annoyingly it redirects to the homepage after logging in..19:44
daftykinsDuncanNZ: firefox? try clearing your browser cache and/or resetting your profile19:45
DuncanNZand I reset my profile just yesterday19:46
DuncanNZso that would delete the cache19:46
timanyone get flash installed and working in an Ubuntu 12.04 clean install? I can't watch videos at youtube.com or otherwise.19:46
DuncanNZtim: if you use chrome it has flash built in19:46
bekkstim: Works fine here using chrome.19:46
timtried that...same thing19:46
DuncanNZbut try to avoid using flash as it is proprietary, use http://www.youtube.com/html5 to watch youtube with open technologies19:47
timblank box...error, "can't load shockwave flash plugin"19:47
olebtim: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:47
daftykinstim: installed the flash package? or ^19:47
=== cubix``596 is now known as cubix`
intraderAnyone, on nautilus I find that I am unable to associate an executable to an extension. I try the property page for the file with the extension, but the list of executables offered does not contain the executable - the executable exists as a link in /usr/bin/Self to /usr/share/self/0/Self19:59
Ben64intrader: file extensions aren't really used in linux20:00
snaythSomething not right with bottom Panel. Did some moving of applets and now when I minimize FFox it shoots off screen and does not show icon running in the Panel. Any ideas on correct fix? ?20:02
Zalfile extensions are certainly used to create application associations20:02
Zalintrader, I don't use nautilus, so no clue, but I'd guess there is some way to specify your own executable to add to the list20:03
intraderBen64, Zal the distribution of Self (an old friend) has a snapshot of an image with 'extension .snap'. The file is executable but there is no executable specified in the first line of the .snap file, so there must be a way to 'execute' the snapshot within the VM - the VM is executable in /usr/bin/Self20:07
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
Zalintrader, that all makes sense (except perhaps the part about an 'executable image file'), the trick is you need to figure out how to make Nautilus aware of /usr/bin/Self as an option for .snap files.20:09
michagogoHmm, I'm trying to find the changelog for binfmt-support20:10
michagogohttp://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/admin/binfmt-support links to http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/b/binfmt-support/binfmt-support_1.2.18/changelog20:10
michagogobut that gives a 40420:10
michagogoWhere would I go to find out if that package has been changed in the past few months?20:10
Mathisenmichagogo http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/b/binfmt-support/binfmt-support_1.2.18ubuntu1/changelog20:11
intraderZal, that is what is the problem. In the properties page there is an option in the 'Open with' tab, but no way to search for the executable (the VM) or specify the executable /usr/bin/Self20:12
Zalintrader, maybe you can do it outside of that menu. Go to the file in Nautilus, right-click on the file, choose "Open With"20:14
intraderZal, the properties page has an "Open With' tab...20:15
intraderZal, but not a way to find or specify a file20:15
Catbus_hi guys, i've got a little script which toggles my touchpad, is there a way to run it by pressing a combination of keys?20:15
michagogoHmm, what might be causing http://paste.ubuntu.com/6162357/ ?20:15
Catbus_currently i am clicking a shortcut which20:16
Catbus_currently i am clicking a shortcut which20:16
Zalmichagogo, not running as root?20:17
michagogoZal: I thought apt-get will refuse to run entirely in that case20:17
ZyrooHello all please see my issue :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/6168468/20:17
michagogoAlso, plenty of other packages installing20:17
Catbus_sorry, which runs the command using a launcher20:17
Zalmichagogo, I don't see any "apt-get" command in your paste20:18
Catbus_the problem of course is that if i click to disable my touchpad when i don' have my mouse, i corner myself20:18
michagogoHere's the log that's snipped fromhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6162368/20:18
dandersonHi. Does the 13.04 regular install offer the option for full-disk encryption? Or do I need to use the alternate installer like in previous versions?20:18
michagogodanderson: pretty sure it does offer that option20:19
Calinoudanderson: I think it does20:19
Calinou(lol, encryption)20:19
dandersonthat's full-disk encryption, not just /home encryption, right?20:19
CalinouI think so...20:19
Calinounever bothered using encryption so I don't know20:19
dandersonokay, I'll give the regular installer a try then.20:19
danderson(encryption's mostly a theft thing - if someone walks off with my machine, I don't feel like giving them my files as well as my hardware :)20:20
intraderBen64, Zal thanks you guys - I will have to read documentation for Self. There used to be a way to specify a file to be executed when one double clicked on a file20:22
Zyroodanderson:We humans created encryption methods. :)20:23
c8h4r1ma clé usb n'est pas détecté? que faire?20:25
r04ch-hi everyone20:33
benxyzzy1Where can I find the initramfs /scripts/local-top/cryptroot online?20:37
entragienI'm getting issues when trying to set up dual-monitors.  When I try to turn of mirror displays, it gives me an error saying "required virtual size does not fit available size: requested=(3200, 1200), minimum = (320,200), maximum=(1920,1920)"20:41
JoshDreamlandCould someone help me get my SD card reader working on Ubuntu?20:43
JoshDreamlandI have a System76 laptop, and my drivers are current, but it can't read any cards.20:44
SonikkuAmericamrrcp: Try /quit !20:44
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution20:47
JoshDreamlandlshw shows that "7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family SMBus Controller" is unclaimed20:49
cmbHi, I'm having some trouble. I'm having some crashes.  When I try to install something via a package manager, I get this message: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.20:50
MonkeyDustCatbus_  and did you?20:51
juniourhi ubuntu20:51
tozenjuniour: hi20:51
MonkeyDustwrong tab20:51
cmbWhen I run that, I get a crash, actually when I try to install anything I get a crash.  Here is the Call Trace :http://postimg.org/image/5rmxvxmoj/20:51
MonkeyDustcmb  and did you.20:51
cmbany ideas would be cery helpful20:51
tozencmb:  sudo dpkg --configure -a ??20:52
cmbyes, when I run that, it will crash, when I try to install additional proprietary drivers it will crash also20:52
bekkscmb: PAstebin all those "crashes".20:52
marklarcmb: i'm no expert, but do you have any 3rd party drivers on there that you compiled yourself?20:52
tozencmb:  also mayhap you'll need to configure /var/lib/dpkg/status manually20:52
cmbI do not.20:53
macshello i am wondering if somebody can help me open a file in text editor from the command line. I have checked StackOverflow but still can't figure it out20:53
daftykinsmacs: try nano. "nano /path/to/file"20:53
tozencmb: pastebin error please20:53
bekkscmb: what "I do not" exactly?20:53
Catbus_MonkeyDust, yeah i do it on occasion20:53
cmbtozen, ok, I can try that20:53
juniourmacs gedit filename20:53
Catbus_i got sidetracked sorting out my folders, if i succeed in making this work i'll let you all know20:54
MonkeyDustCatbus_  it was a wrong tab20:54
juniourmacs or you can use vi editor20:54
daftykinsjuniour: gedit is graphical. do you see where the question refers to command line?20:54
tozencmb: don't try!! pastebin error first please20:54
macsjunior: thanks that solved it. I thought the program was called TextEdit or something like that. \20:54
juniourdaftykins quesion is open text editor via command line  and this my ans is right20:55
ankki've gigabyte u8000 usb tv driver and i couldn't watch analog tv on ubuntu20:55
cmbtozen, well I can't pastebin it, I can only take a picture of the Call Trace20:55
Zalmacs so as you can see, there are several "text editor" applications to choose from. nano is a particularly friendly one.20:55
ankkdo you have any info about this?20:55
macsdaftykins: thanks I managed to open it with gedit20:55
daftykinsi guess both your commands of the english language meant you were both talking along the same lines :(20:56
bekkscmb: Why cant you pastebin?20:56
tozencmb: tipe a sudo dpkg --configure -a or sudo apt-get -f install in console then go to paste.ubuntu.com and paste error there copy link here...20:57
macszal: hmm. I did nano filename and the command line didnt give me another prompt. I think im just gonna use gedit for now.... and come back to nano another time.20:57
macsthanks everyone this channel is awesome!20:57
bekksmacs: "nano filename" is not suppsed to give you a prompt. It starts a text editor.20:57
juniourmacs you can also use vi editor20:58
macsbekks: ah. i guess i don't have it installed.20:58
juniourmacs aor advanced of vi that is vim20:58
bekksmacs: nano is installed by default.20:58
Zalmacs if it were not there, you'd see an error reporting as much20:59
macsbekks: hmm. wondering why nothing happened then. I got no prompt at all, and pressed control c to get back to the regular prompt.20:59
bekksmacs: So what was the exact command you typed?20:59
Zalmacs, what you are seeing is likely the inside of a new file being edited by nano (perhaps you got the path wrong)20:59
macszal, bekks: (by the way, is there any way to call out multiple people at once in iRC?) the exact command I typed was nano hello.html.erb21:02
bekksmacs: you just did it. write their names, separated by comma ...21:02
bekksmacs: and did the file exist before?21:02
macsbekks ya21:03
jcorgananyone familiar with the casper initrd system?  trying to get a bootable livedvd working with an encrypted squashfs, almost there except getting cryptsetup working during boot21:03
macsbekks: how about geany21:04
bekksmacs: thats a graphical editor, like gedit.21:04
marklarjcorgan: http://i.imgur.com/sg017lt.gif21:04
macsbekks: yeah. By the way, do you know of a keyboard shortcut to minimize programs in Ubuntu?21:04
crocketHow do I integrate thunderbird/lightning into ubuntu calendar widget?21:04
bekksmacs: No, never needed that shortcut.21:05
jcorganmarklar: lol.  I almost have it working, a lot of steps involved, fortunately all scripted.  But digging through the bowels of casper/initrd to make changes is not fun21:05
marklarjcorgan: wish I could help you. I figured I'd come here and help if I could, but your problem tops any others I've seen. any similarity here to initramfs's modules?21:08
gordonjcp!anyone | crocket21:09
ubottucrocket: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:09
crocketgordonjcp, I already asked the same calendar question twice.21:09
gordonjcpcrocket: well, maybe no-one knows then21:10
jcorganmarklar: well, i'm not sure; it think casper actually uses initramfs.  i can take the stock one, modify it, and recreate a new initrd.lz that gets mounted at boot.  but there is a maze of scripts that run to set everything before switching to the real root fs, and i'm getting a little lost21:12
skorasaurushi, my ubuntu12.04 had, without changing any software or upgrading any packages, changed the resolution of my desktop and I'm unable to fix this, the ubuntu wiki directed me to my x log but it's stating that I missing the "fglrx" module, which I believe I've never installed21:12
skorasaurusmy card is amd radeon 6520g21:13
jcorgani need to run cryptsetup to get the encrypted filesystem.squashfs to open, then need to arrange for the created /dev/mapper/xxx to be the rootfs21:14
ss_hazehow to change clearlooks theme close/minimise/windows button size21:14
jcorgani think i found a hacky way to do it based on a very dated howto, but when cryptsetup runs it doesn't accept the passphrase and the whole system hangs21:14
marklarjcorgan: is there a guide you're following? maybe we can make some sense out of this, but, I'm really no expert, I just am up for a challenge.  BTW, i'm assuming you've seen this forum post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116340921:16
veryhappyhi guys, is there any ncurses program that shows the progress of a copy?21:17
bekksveryhappy: No.21:17
veryhappyno? thought i saw the progress of the copy in mc?21:18
ikoniadoesn't midnight commander do it21:18
jcorganmarklar: i've seen that but that's using a different approach. this is one of the ones i've been trying to recreate: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=142872021:20
jcorganbut things have changed since then21:21
=== MartinS is now known as Guest93742
jcorgani've got a scripts to remaster the squashfs, encrypted it with luks, and recreate a custom initrd, and i can get it all working unencrypted via booting from the created ISO file in virtualbox21:22
jcorganbut the missing steps are to get the encrypted squashfs mounted at boot.  in that last page, he adds commands to setup_loop() but those same commands are failing for me21:23
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marklarjcorgan: i don't have time to play around with this now, but I can maybe take a look at it over the coming week and try and do it myself. I love playing with encryption. I have a feeling it's a missing module, but my quick checks aren't telling me anything obvious. If you want me to give you a followup email, my email is marklar@vmail.me. Send me one there--if you like--and I'll let you know my progress21:25
jcorganmarklar: that's a generous offer, i'll take you up on it.  however, the initrd is the same (I think) that ubuntu uses when booting with an encrypted LVM, so I'm pretty sure all the need modules or options are present in the kernel/initrd21:26
jcorganonce i get this working i'll be able to create livedvd's with custom content, that are almost entirely encrypted and require a passphrase on boot21:28
jcorgani've already got it all working without the encryption part21:28
veryhappybekks: i tried to look up on the problem with the missing progress bar in the midnight commander, no success... could it be possible that this was removed in a later version?21:28
bekksveryhappy: Havent used mc for ten years now.21:28
ikoniaveryhappy: check the change logs for the application21:28
veryhappyikonia: how do i check the logs in text mode?21:29
jcorganveryhappy: i still use mc and am very proud of it, though I get made fun of a regular basis for it :)21:29
ikoniatext mode ?21:29
bekksveryhappy: Open the changelog in a text editor.21:29
veryhappyok, what path?21:29
marklarjcorgan: sounds good. this will be fun to play with. just fyi, sometimes @vmail.me is thrown to spam.21:30
Catbus_well chaps, in system settings you can make custom key bindings, and you can just name your bash script as the command, so that was easy in the end. thanks21:30
snaythRunning 10.4 LTS Karmic with Gnome2 - Is there a way to separate the Volume & Mail applets ? ? Would like to just have the Volume applet showing. Thanks21:31
TuxFalk699hi guys21:33
tozenTuxFalk699: hi! wazzap?21:34
bezokahow can I install ubuntu, but I havent pendrive, so I want do it from debian?21:35
tozenbezoka: cd ?21:35
TuxFalk699tozen how can install the last release of wine?21:35
bezokaI havent cd21:35
SchrodingersScat!info debootstrap | bezoka21:36
ubottubezoka: debootstrap (source: debootstrap): Bootstrap a basic Debian system. In component main, is extra. Version 1.0.46ubuntu1 (raring), package size 34 kB, installed size 226 kB21:36
SchrodingersScatbezoka: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebootstrapChroot21:36
* Perni933 rolls on the floor laughing at the name "SchrodingersScat".21:36
SchrodingersScatPerni933: be bop zippity zow21:37
* Perni933 chuckles21:37
aaasSchrodingersScat there are multiple definitions of scat..not sure which one perni is laughing at ;)21:37
tozenTuxFalk699: sudo apt-add-repository  ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa; sudo apt-get update21:38
aPpYehi there. ..  I am signing a private repository I am hosting myself.  I adapted much of what is seen here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1999221    ...Everything works fine.  I am unsure what the purpose of the InRelease file is though.  Everything seems to work fine without it.  Also, what is the purpose of putting compressing the packages file into a gz?  Things also work fine with it compressed, uncompressed or both...21:38
SchrodingersScatbezoka: or you could netboot :321:40
ss_hazeanybody knows how to make openbox title bar icons like close/minimise bigger?21:40
TuxFalk699tozen ok i try thanx21:40
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tozenTuxFalk699: no probs21:41
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crocketDoes ubuntu have an integrated calendar app?21:43
=== scouts is now known as isaacm
veryhappycrocket: depends on the amount of software that you install21:44
ZyrooAnyone help me out with routing   http://paste.ubuntu.com/6168468/21:47
ZyrooI have 2 Nic cards one for WAN and other for LAN help me out21:48
ikoniaZyroo: use iptables and either the forward table, or the nat table21:48
TuxFalk699tozen thanx21:48
TuxFalk699now i go to sleep godd night see u tomorrow21:49
TuxFalk699tozen good night21:49
jmgkI love Ubuntu21:52
tozendu -sh ~/21:54
tozenupps sorry guys21:54
crocketveryhappy, evolution is integrated into panel clock.21:55
crocketThunderbird/Lightning is not.'21:55
veryhappycrocket: if you don't specify how much software you install i can't know what you mean.21:56
crocketveryhappy, I don't understand what you mean.21:56
veryhappycrocket: would you have been saying you want to install a minimal system or a normal desktop system21:57
veryhappythen i would have known it.21:57
crocketveryhappy, just ubuntu 13.0421:57
crocketWhen will ubuntu integrate thunderbird/lightning into unity panel clock?21:58
crocketevolution beats thunderbird/lightning for just that.21:59
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
crocketIn other aspects, lightning beats evolution.21:59
jboiihow can i fix this issue ? the software update wont open22:03
ss_hazejboii: use terminal to update sudo apt-get update22:03
tozenjboii: what do you mean softwate update?22:08
tozenjboii: update-manager or software-center?22:08
jboiii get thisi get this message22:09
tozenjboii: ??22:09
tanstaafloops, wrong window22:09
dr_willis_file not found.  ;-)22:10
tozendr_willis_: hi! nice to see you22:10
jboiiE: Type 'sudo' is not known on line 57 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list22:11
jboiiE: The list of sources could not be read.22:11
jboiiGo to the repository dialog to correct the problem.22:11
jboiiE: _cache->open() failed, please report.22:11
jboiithats the message i get22:11
bekksjboii: Then pastebin the /etc/apt/sources.list file.22:12
bekksjboii: There is something wrong in it.22:12
dr_willis_jboii:  look at line 57 of that file22:12
jboiihow can i easy fix this so it doesn ruin eerything22:12
bekksjboii: Pastebin that file.22:12
tozenjboii:  do as bekks said22:12
bekksjboii: And/or correct the rror in line 57.22:12
jboiiso  sudo  /etc/apt/sources.list file. ?22:13
bekksjboii: No. Pastebin the file or correct the error in line 57.22:13
tozenjboii:  cat /etc/apt/sources.list22:13
tgm4883I question what you were doing messing with sources.list if you don't know how to look at a file22:14
tozenjboii: go to paste.ubuntu.com and paste error there copy link here...22:14
AxiomShellhi everyone22:20
daftykinso hi22:20
tozenAxiomShell: hi! so.22:21
AxiomShellI'm trying to mount an AKAI CD ISO, but it's a proprietary filesystem. My Google-Fu is not strong enough to find any info on how to do it22:21
AxiomShellI know it's a long shot, but anyone has any tip or experience?22:22
bekksAxiomShell: CDs cant have othe filesystems rather than iso9660.22:22
AxiomShellfuseiso aborts with errors22:22
bekksAxiomShell: Whats the output of the mount command you are trying?22:22
AxiomShellbekks, thanks. Just a sec.22:22
AxiomShellfuseiso gives the error "init: wrong standard identifier in volume descriptor 0, skipping.." several times, until it quits22:23
bekksAxiomShell: You dont need fuseiso to mount an ISO.22:24
bekksAxiomShell: sudo mkdir /mnt/mycd; sudo mount -o loop /path/to/the.iso /mnt/mycd22:25
AxiomShellbekks, when using mount, I get "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop5,  missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try  dmesg | tail  or so"22:26
bekksAxiomShell: Then do as the error message tells you.22:26
bekksAxiomShell: put dmesg into a pastebin.22:26
AxiomShellI did ;)22:26
chemaher76hi all :D22:26
bekksAxiomShell: Then where is the pastebin?22:26
AxiomShellbekks, here it is: http://pastebin.com/9d31wra3 :)22:27
macbuntuarghwifi is extremely slow on my macbook air running 13.04. I've already isolated the problem to the laptop itself - my wifi router is just fine. How can I further investigate this?22:28
bekksAxiomShell: sudo mkdir /mnt/mycd; sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop /path/to/the.iso /mnt/mycd22:28
macbuntuarghand by extremely slow I mean like 50ms ping spikes to my router which is standing right next to me, connection time outs, >200ms pings to google, etc22:28
AxiomShellbekks, ok, thanks. I'll try again22:29
bekksmacbuntuargh: How did you isolate the problem?22:29
wyldemacbuntuargh: you're aware that being too close to the router can cause issues right?22:29
macbuntuarghwylde: the problem is independent of the distance22:29
AxiomShellbekks, nope. same error :( ("mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop5,", etc)22:30
bekksAxiomShell: And btw, that was dmesg|tail - I wanted dmesg in a pastebin.22:30
AxiomShellbekks, kk. I'll put it22:30
jboii_the system got stuck22:31
bekksjboii_: When doing what?22:31
jboii_what am i supposed to paste i that ubuntu page22:31
jboii_fixing sources22:31
macbuntuarghbekks: the connection is only flaky when running ubuntu. If I boot back to macos, everything's fine and dandy. This happens on every wifi router I've tried so far. None of my other (non-ubuntu) devices have any problems with wifi at home.22:31
bekksjboii_: Paste the file mentioned above.22:31
macbuntuarghbekks: and I've looked at nethogs to ensure nothing unexpected was using up bandwidth22:32
jboii_name is the name i got in system?22:33
bekksjboii_: You told us the file name.22:35
tanstaafljboii: the sources list I believe22:35
AxiomShellbekks, here it is: http://pastebin.com/HmKKRfLM22:36
jboii_syntax is text only?22:37
bekksAxiomShell: Looks like a broken cd/dvd.22:37
bekksjboii_: syntax doesnt matter for posting.22:37
AxiomShellbekks, yeah. I was afraid that might be the problem...22:37
AxiomShellbekks, thanks for your help!22:38
jboii_what i need to do next?22:40
macbuntuarghbekks: this is a BCM43224 broadcom internal wireless card btw (driver is brcmsmac 3.8.0-3-generic)22:40
bekksjboii_: Read line 1 of your pastebin, and pastebin the file mentioned there.22:41
XerophyteHello Everyone22:41
jboii_how can i get source list?22:42
jboii_what sudo?22:42
bekksjboii_: "pastebin that file".22:42
bekksjboii_: you dont need sudo to do so.22:42
jboii_save it and?22:42
bekksjboii_: pastebin it.22:42
jboii_copy in terminal ?22:43
bekksjboii_: Do not edit that file, but pastebin it.22:43
tanstaafljboii: open the file in a text editor, select all the text, paste that into pastebin22:43
bekksOr just upload it to the pastebin, using your browser.22:44
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution22:47
michagogoor, use pastebinit22:47
* Xerofyte is new to ubuntu. I cannot find drivers for my display card.22:47
wyldeXerofyte: have you tried the Additional Drivers tool?22:48
Xerofytewylde, Yes brother But the List was showing nothing22:48
ggherdovhello. is there an ubuntu web page for all things apache ?22:51
Xerofytewylde: There it is I have got the List Updated Now. There are three Drivers in the List. Which is the Best Now?22:51
wyldeXerofyte: alrighty. Just asking. It seems to get overlooked fairly often. Might as well share the output of lspci | grep -i vga22:51
daftykinsggherdov: even better than that, there are apache pages for all things apache22:51
jrib ggherdov what is the actual thing you want to know about?22:51
wyldeXerofyte: no idea. I don't know what crad you have or what it shows on your screen ;)22:51
Xerofyte:D I will tell you wylde:22:52
Xerofytewylde:  this is the Output: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation NV41GL [Quadro FX 3450/4000 SDI] (rev a2)22:53
ggherdovjrib: how to enable mod_proxy , but also why in the guide I am reading it mentions /etc/apache2/modules/ and I don't have that folder. I thought that an overview on "the ubuntu way" could be helpful22:53
* ggherdov uhm... https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/httpd.html22:54
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines22:55
wyldeXerofyte: what options does the additional driver tool offer?22:55
chstburstris this the right place to ask for installation help?22:55
XerofyteOption 1. Nvidia accelerated graphics driver (post-release updates) (version 173-Updates)22:55
Xerofyte2. Nvidia accelerated graphics driver (version 304) [Recommended]22:56
XerofyteAnd Option 3: Nvidia accelerated graphics driver (post-release updates) (version 304-Updates)22:56
Random832I'm having problems with dual boot22:56
wyldeXerofyte: Option 2 is likely the safest22:56
Random832When I turn secure boot on, I can't boot to windows at all - when I turn it off, I can't make it default to GRUB, I have to press F9 every boot22:57
philCsame, windows 8 does not like to share22:57
Xerofytewylde: Yes Bro Because it says [recommended]  The other two with updates, that means those are gonna update additional stuff or what..?22:57
daftykinsRandom832: sounds like you didn't install ubuntu in EFI mode22:58
Random832anyone here know about GRUB and UEFI?22:58
Random832daftykins: i didn't get any kind of prompt for that22:58
daftykinsyou won't22:58
daftykins!uefi | Random83222:58
ubottuRandom832: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI22:58
bekks!anyone | Random83222:58
ubottuRandom832: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.22:58
daftykinsRandom832: have a look there to confirm that you booted in UEFI mode22:58
Random832and when i installed it in the first place, secure boot was enabled, and it boots to ubuntu just fine, just not windows22:58
Random832am i going to have to reinstall?22:59
wyldeXerofyte: Option 3 has been updated since the driver was released. Personally first go I stick with the recommended unless there's been some major improvement/fixes included in the updates22:59
Random832bekks: i already stated my question, if you were paying attention, and all i got was someone else having the same problem22:59
mwallacesd(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻22:59
Random832bekks: do you just automatically do that whenever anyone says "anyone"?22:59
wyldeXerofyte: your option of course. I just think the recommended is safest.23:00
Random832try scrolling up for context23:00
mwallacesdHow can I run jsp into apache webserver on ubuntu?23:00
Random832daftykins: what am i looking for23:00
daftykinsRandom832: see the black vs. purple boot screens for legacy vs UEFI boot?23:01
Xerofytewylde: Thanks for the Feedback brother.. :)23:01
Random832the boot screen is purple when secure boot is on23:01
Random832but then i can't select windows 8 from grub23:01
wyldeXerofyte: np :)23:01
Random832it says it can't load the ntfs module in secure boot mode23:01
jboiithats the file23:02
jboiisystem is slow23:02
philCsame, windows 8 does not like to share23:03
XerofyteHow can I check the Current vesion of my Distro through Terminal?23:04
MonkeyDustXerofyte  lsb_release -sd23:04
XerofyteMonkeyDust: Thanks :)23:05
bekksjboii: Which file is that?23:06
jboiisecond paste filee23:06
bekksjboii: Which file is it?23:06
XerofyteOkay now that I have got the Version Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS. Is Compiz 0.9.9 Stable with this Version with Core2Duo 2.4, 3GB RAM and 250 Graphic Card?23:07
mwallacesdWhat does mean lsb from lsb_release -sd MonkeyDust ???23:07
Xerofyte250* MB Graphics23:07
bekksjboii: You dont want to answer the questions, dont you?23:07
jboii57 the message says23:07
Xerofytemwallacesd: lsb_release -sd is used to check the current version of your Distro23:07
jboiii am new to ubuntu so i dont get what u mean23:08
bindiXerofyte: he's asking what does LSB stand for23:08
RoDiMuS-XAnyone know how to change from Ubuntu-gnome to Ubuntu via package manager?23:08
bindilinux standard base, i guess23:08
Xerofyteoh my bad bindi23:08
mwallacesdI could see it. I am asking about the contraction LSB something as Linux System Base????23:08
wyldejboii: what is the name of the file that you pasted.23:08
mwallacesdXerofyte, ☢◡☢23:08
bekksjboii: Paste the file mentioned in the error message. /etc/...23:08
Random832i can't figure this out23:08
bekksjboii: Thats totally wrong.23:09
bekksjboii: /wii jboii23:10
macbuntuarghbekks: welp, switching to broadcom's proprietary driver (wl) didn't help - weird23:10
chstburstrI'm attempting an install, however the live cd/usb x server cannot start23:10
XerofyteOkay now that I have got the Version Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS. Is Compiz 0.9.9 Stable with this Version with Core2Duo 2.4, 3GB RAM and 250 MB Graphic Card?23:10
chstburstrcan anyone help me?23:10
Xerofytechstburstr,  Just write your problem here23:10
daftykinschstburstr: give this a go...23:10
daftykins!nomodeset | chstburstr23:10
ubottuchstburstr: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter23:10
chstburstr!nomodeset | chstburstr23:11
ubottuchstburstr, please see my private message23:11
jboiii clicked on the download link mentiond , and it took me to launchpad login23:11
jboiido you want that link ?23:11
bekksjboii: No.23:12
bekksjboii: You shall not click on any download links.23:12
wyldejboii: that want the contents of a file on your hard drive.......23:12
bekksjboii: You should pastebin the file mentioned in your error message.23:12
jboiiand it made that one23:13
jboiithats the second pastbin23:13
bekksjboii: that is irrelevant.23:13
bekksjboii: For the last time: pastebin the file mentioned in your error message.23:13
kruxhe should just install pastebinit --- sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /etc/apt/sources.list |pastebinit23:15
bekkskrux: He already pasted an error emssage he got using the pastebin website.23:15
bekkskrux: He fails on doing the same a second time.23:15
Random832ok now i can't put it back to booting grub by default, can someone help me?23:17
Random832it was booting to grub by default after i first installed, but then i went in and turned secure boot off so i could run windows, now it defaults windows all the time23:17
loki__if there way to restrict using sertaint ips for application which tries to bind on all ip addresses?23:17
bekksloki__: That depends on the application.23:17
jboiiso the file that got created after first paste , i should save to desk right?23:18
BlueProtomanHow can I install a 32-bit Java on Ubuntu 13.04, alongside 64-bit Java?23:18
loki__bekks, it have not got such option.23:18
jboiiopen that one, and copy info to a new pastebin23:18
wyldeloki__: typically in their configuration files.23:18
loki__it tries bind on all ports23:18
Random832and i can't figure out the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI23:18
EvilBlobRandom832, I think rebooting from a live CD and then running boot-repair should fix that23:18
bekksloki__: Are we supposed to guess the aplication and what you are doing there? :)23:19
Random832is boot-repair a command?23:19
bekksjboii: No.23:19
loki__bekks, mjpg-streamer23:19
EvilBlobIt's a program. I think it comes preinstalled on the Ubuntu live CD23:19
loki__bekks, i found how to install it, but get stucked again23:19
bekksjboii: Pastebin the file mention in line 1 of your error message.23:19
loki__i can set port but not address23:19
bekksjboii: Maybe you will find someone else patient enough. It will not be me.23:20
EvilBlobOr you can follow this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair23:20
Random832i lost my usb drive23:20
bekksloki__: I dont know that application at all.23:20
Random832is there a way to fix it without the livecd?23:20
loki__bekks, so what reson was to metion it :D23:20
EvilBlobNot that I know of, but I'm not too incredibly knowledgeable23:21
bekksloki__: I did not mentioned it at all. I told you two times to use mplayer or vlc.23:21
loki__bekks, i am about name of application)23:21
tgunranyone with supermicro server experience? I have a x7dca-l which i powered on 4 times, now it won't power on23:21
BlueProtomanHow can I install a 32-bit Java on Ubuntu 13.04, alongside 64-bit Java?23:21
wylde!info mjpg-streamer23:21
ubottuPackage mjpg-streamer does not exist in raring23:22
XerofyteHow can I check the Notifications23:22
wyldeBlueProtoman: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiArch23:23
jboiionly synaptic will open and show message that says , row 57 is what isnt functional23:23
jboiithats the message i copied in pastebin23:23
bekksjboii: And it tells you the filename of the file where line 57 is not working.23:23
bekksjboii: So pastebin that file.23:23
BlueProtomanwylde: Thanks, but Java doesn't seem to have any 32-bit packages.23:24
wyldeBlueProtoman: you won't see any until you install the ia32libs23:25
XerofyteI mean how can I check the last notification which appeared in the Doc above.23:25
wyldeBlueProtoman: and make your system multiarch23:25
chstburstrfrom the text grub, how does one invoke nomodeset?23:25
bekks!nomodeset | chstburstr23:25
ubottuchstburstr: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter23:25
BlueProtomanwylde: How do I do the latter?23:25
wyldeBlueProtoman: fair warning, you're going to be pulling a ton of extra libs23:26
BlueProtomanwylde: Mind elaborating?23:26
loki__how i can simply start my command on boot of ubuntu?23:30
loki__for example this sudo -u motion mjpg_streamer -b -i "input_uvc.so -r 1280x720 -f 30 -d /dev/video0" -o "output_http.so -p 8090 -w /usr/www"23:30
ubottuIf you want to edit your Autostart programs, open the Unity dash and search for Startup Programs. If you're on XFCE, use menu -> Settings -> Settings Manager -> Session and Startup, if you're on KDE, use Kickoff -> Computer -> System Settings -> Autostart. For more details see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup. For LXDE see http://ubottu.com/y/423:31
jribloki__: proper way is to create an upstart service23:31
vadiI've got an arbitrary set of data that is zipped - how can I make it so gzip will unzip it for me? It says "not in gzip format" at the moment (file just says "data")23:31
loki__found this http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/23:32
bekksvadi: gzip will unpack .gz only, not .zip23:32
bekksvadi: those are different formats.23:32
vadiWhat is a more proper tool to use?23:32
bekksvadi: "unzip"23:32
vadiThank you23:32
chstburstrDuring a live boot, I am dumped to a command prompt without a GUI.  I attempted to use nomodeset, but either it is not the issue, or I have implemented it incorrectly.23:33
jboiithe message i got first  i pastebin and copied to u23:33
wilee-nileechstburstr: have you checked the sum?23:33
wyldeBlueProtoman: I've only ever bothered adding i386 once and it wasn't on an ubuntu box. I'm not 100% certain it's the same. On another debian based box  I simpy ran sudo dpkg --add-architecture <arch>23:33
jboiithe document that was created , i downloaded and copied info to pastebin , and this was created23:33
chstburstrSum checks out fine23:34
chstburstrAs does the disk23:34
wilee-nileechstburstr: this a usb or dvd?23:34
jboiithe filename that software updater said it was named , is xanal23:34
bekksjboii: Thats wrong. No one here said "download a file".23:34
chstburstrwilee-nilee, usb23:34
chstburstrwilee-nilee, there is no dvd drive available right now23:35
bekksjboii: And finally, you got me to get tired. I am resting your case. Someone else may help you.23:35
wilee-nileechstburstr: how are you loading it?23:35
wilee-nileechstburstr: how are you loading it?sb23:35
chstburstrI used the windows pendrive installer23:35
jboiisoftware updater wont open offcourse ,, only synaptic opens and it says only row 5723:35
chstburstrwilee-nilee, pendrive installer, to load from usb23:36
wilee-nileechstburstr: I would try another, and check the web with your hardware ie the computer to see 9f there are problems in general. Last is this a dualboot?23:37
jboiiif i start the reebot the system , will i be able to load the system?23:38
chstburstrwilee-nilee, it will be a dual boot.  I've tried Ubuntu 13, and the LTS, linux mint, and xbuntu23:38
wilee-nileechstburstr: Is the computer uefi?23:38
chstburstrwilee-nilee, yes, I am using the AMD 64 iso23:39
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chstburstrwilee-nilee, and it's an AMD A6 chip... so that happens to work out23:39
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EvilBlobAMD64 just means 64-bit, you don't need an AMD chip23:40
chstburstrright... it just is nice to work out that way23:40
wilee-nilee!uefi | chstburstr23:42
wilee-nileechstburstr: not sure why the bot does not kick the uefi info, here is more. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214729523:42
ubottuchstburstr: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI23:42
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chstburstrwilee-nilee, thank you for that information.  MY wife has informed me that dinner is my job tonight.  I will research and possibly come back later23:44
chstburstrI appriciate your help23:44
arooni-mobilehow do i download the separate+ plugin for gimp ?  ubuntu 13.0423:45
wilee-nileechstburstr: ahh dinner cool, enjoy23:46
wylde!info gimp-plugin-registry23:48
ubottugimp-plugin-registry (source: gimp-plugin-registry): repository of optional extensions for GIMP. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.20120621ubuntu2 (raring), package size 1618 kB, installed size 4451 kB23:48
arooni-mobilehow can i fix this: Unsupported color mode: CMYK ... gimp 2.8.x ubuntu 13.0423:48
wyldearooni-mobile: they may have a good idea over in #gimp23:50
bekksarooni-mobile: use a supported color mode.23:51
arooni-mobileid think cmyk shouldnt be impossible to support23:52
arooni-mobilebut im not a gimp dev23:52
macbuntuarghdpkg -L wicd-daemon claims that the package has a file /etc/wicd/dhclient.conf.template.default, but that file is nowhere to be found. I tried to reinstall the package, but the file still isn't there. Why?23:53
macbuntuargh(wicd is failing to start because that file is missing)23:53
macbuntuarghoh god why did I look at the source code my eyes23:54
=== wilee-nilee is now known as Guest23995

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