
=== HisaoNakai_ is now known as HisaoNakai
joheyIf my kernel hangs at boot when using lowlatency, how can I start tracking the problem down? Using Ubuntu 13.04 with official lowlatency kernel package.09:40
joheyIf started without quiet and splash kernel parameters, it just says "Loading Linux 3.8.0-31-lowlatency ..." then hangs at the purple screen.09:40
joheyYou can see a cursor or underscore at the line below, but it won't react on any keypress.09:40
joheyUsing a ThinkPad X1 Carbon, amd64 kernel.09:40
smartboyhwzequence_, your expertise^09:44
joheyGood. That's a hard to find property. :)09:48
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)09:50
smartboyhwjohey, though, linux-lowlatency is very simliar to linux in normal means09:50
joheyUsing the linux-generic is no problem. Booting perfectly. Lowlatency freeze totally.09:51
smartboyhwOK, that's a specific bug then09:51
smartboyhwjohey, can you run "ubuntu-bug linux-lowlatency" within a terminal?09:51
joheyI'm using it with other machines without problem.09:51
joheyOk, in a moment.09:52
=== HisaoNakai_ is now known as HisaoNakai
joheysmartboyhw: Bug reported. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta-lowlatency/+bug/123241310:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 1232413 in linux-meta-lowlatency (Ubuntu) "Lowlatency kernel hangs at boot, even before any text output" [Undecided,New]10:30
smartboyhwjohey, thanks10:30
joheysmartboyhw: Currently I am not using Ubuntu Studio on this machine, but it is the same kernel package, isn't it?10:31
smartboyhwjohey, yes.10:31
joheyI am sorry not being able to give more details. I don't like reporting a bug only saying it just hangs, but what can I do...10:32
joheyI am quite technically skilled, but I'm not a kernel hacker. If there are things I can do to help debugging, please feel free to ask.10:33
joheyLast time I even compiled a kernel was 2.4.10:33
smartboyhwjohey, wah:O10:34
joheyNowadays, it just works, you know... :)10:34
joheyAre the lowlatency and generic kernel images built from the same source just with different configurations, or is the lowlatency patched?10:36
smartboyhwjohey, same source10:36
smartboyhwdifferent configrations10:36
joheyOk. So what I could do is trying to narrow down the set of configuration options until I know which one causes the hang... Would it help you think, or is it just one option to enable a large set of code?10:37
smartboyhwjohey, dunno10:38
smartboyhwI'm not the kernel guy10:38
joheyRight. That's zequence_.10:39
smartboyhwHello Heyokha 11:00
joheysmartboyhw: Do I have to use the lowlatency kernel to get realtime permissions for jack btw?11:01
smartboyhwjohey, technically, as long as you're in the "realtime" group, you can get realtime permissions11:06
joheyI see. That might do it for me.11:07
joheyI thought the group was audio.11:07
joheyMhm. adduser: The group `realtime' does not exist. .. Maybe this differ from ubuntu and ubuntustudio? Don't tell me I'm asking in the wrong channel... :)11:08
smartboyhwTechnically, you are.11:10
smartboyhw!support | johey 11:10
ubottujohey: This is the Ubuntu Studio development channel. Our official support channel is on #ubuntustudio. Also see http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=33511:10
smartboyhwjohey, it might be the audio group for us11:11
smartboyhwI forgotten which:P11:11
joheyYes I know. I happened to ask about my kernel issue in almost all #ubuntu* channels, and this one gave the best hits. :)11:12
smartboyhwjohey, it should be "audio" for us11:12
joheyOk. I will investigate that. Maybe I don't need the lowlatency. As long as I can keep latency <20ms without suffering from too many xruns I'm happy.11:15
zequence_johey: If you don't do any live processing at all, you don't need low latency12:28
zequence_johey: Just to confirm, the -generic that works is the same version as the -lowlatency that doesn't work?12:28
zequence_Ah, yes. I can see it is from the bug report12:32
zequence_It's very unlikely for there to be problems with -lowlatency that do not occur on -generic, as they are almost the same exact kernel12:32
zequence_johey: Earlier versions of -lowlatency works fine, right?12:33
zequence_smartboyhw: johey: We use the audio group for realtime privilege12:34
zequence_There's no lowlatency patchset12:37
zequence_johey: It would be great if you could try other version of linux-lowlatency12:37
joheyzequence_: I've tried with the oldest version I find in the repos, namely 3.8.0-22 with same result.12:39
zequence_johey: Try something like a 3.2 instead12:40
joheyIt's fully reproducible on this machine. Haven't successfully passed the kernel load step one single time. Although, on my technically most equal machine, the ThinkPad X220, this is no issue at all.12:40
zequence_Download manually, under linux-lowlatency-*12:41
zequence_the package called linux-image-*-lowlatency-*12:41
joheyOk, I'll try that.12:41
joheyJust to ensure, I don't need the kernel header packages, right? The installation warns me about it.12:45
joheyzequence_: 3.2.0-54-lowlatency hangs the same way.12:49
joheyI managed to get realtime permissions without the lowlatency kernel, but after trying recording audio I realize I really need the lowlatency kernel.12:58
joheyCannot even manage to get free from xruns with 20 ms.12:59
johey20 ms latency that is.13:02
zequence_johey: You don't need low latency unless you are doing software monitoring13:49
joheyzequence_: Well, I actually am.13:50
zequence_20ms IMO is too high anyway13:50
zequence_johey: Can't you monitor externally?13:50
zequence_What is it you are recording?13:50
joheyI'm using live guitar effects.13:50
joheyWhen recording the latency is of lower importance.13:51
zequence_johey: Check your /var/log/dmesg.013:55
joheyzequence_: Nothing is written to /var/log/dmesg.* when booting a lowlatency kernel.13:57
joheyAt least not enough to write it's own kernel version.13:58
joheyI've never before seen a kernel hang this early. Not one single character is printed to the screen by the kernel.13:59
joheyIt seems like it hangs while it is copied to memory.14:00
smartboyhwThat's a rare bug:O14:00
zequence-workjohey: This is the diff between -generic and -lowlatency, prior to building http://paste.ubuntu.com/6167050/14:00
zequence-workIn the config, that is14:00
joheyOk, but the CONFIG_PREEMPT=y enables a large chunk of code I would guess.14:01
zequence-workMight be the realtime patch hackers might be interested in solving this problem14:02
joheyWhere can I find them?14:03
zequence-workjohey: You might want to try a realtime kernel as well14:04
zequence-workjohey: http://wiki.linuxaudio.org/wiki/system_configuration#build_your_own_real-time_kernel14:05
zequence-workSome of the realtime patch has been included into the vanilla kernel. Bit by bit.14:05
joheyAlright! The lowlatency and realtime are different pieces of code?14:06
zequence-worklowlatency is not a patch at all14:06
zequence-worklinux-lowlatency is linux-generic, but with the preemtp configuration14:07
joheyI'm sure the preemt used to be a patch... And I thought it came from the realtime code, but I'm likely wrong. I usually am. :)14:07
zequence-workAs I said, the realtime patch has been included into the vanilla code, bit by bit14:08
zequence-workjohey: I'd be interested to know if a realtime kernel would work for you or not14:09
joheyOk. Anyway, trying out a realtime kernel is the next step I think.14:09
joheyI will let you know.14:09
zequence-workjohey: Thanks14:09
joheyI mean it's the next-next step. Trying AVLinux first.14:09
joheyzequence-work: It also hangs with 3.10.10-rt.18:31
joheyzequence-work: GAAAAHHH!! You know what... ThinkPad X1 Carbon is really well prepared for standing up against evil free software. Just disabling every option in the BIOS Security menu fixed the issue.19:28

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