
hatchMakyo: curious as to why we can't just close/re-open the inspector -or- tell the user to do so. I say this because when an update comes down on any of the Google properties it says to refresh the page21:49
Makyohatch, That was my question :)22:02
hatchwell then! great minds think alike22:02
Makyohatch, If there's a way to close/reopen automagically, I'm game.22:02
MakyoThat solves a couple of problems, or at least solves one and defers the others.22:02
hatchI bet there is :) I'll just boot up my VM and take a peek22:03
hatchMakyo: https://gist.github.com/hatched/e4eb81cd13df5e96063a22:22
hatchMakyo: haha - it's pretty untested though so you will want to run it through its paces to make sure there is no hidden dragons22:54
MakyoI will.  Thanks for the patch, though.22:54
hatchyeah no problem22:55
* hatch stepping away now22:55
hatchmorning huwshimi23:27

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