
D33jyhello friends06:29
mrqtrosCan someone tell me when App Showdown Results will be revealed? :)15:45
smartboyhwNo time, you need to wait for the judges15:45
mrqtrossmartboyhw sad. Extra week passed, but no result again :(15:53
* ejat be patient :) 15:53
mrqtrosejat I just like punctuality, nothing less, nothing more :) I am in business too - participating in core app development, so I know how they are busy :)16:01
* ejat :) 16:09
popeyshould be this week16:16
popeyprobably as early as monday16:16
nicnacanyone here who can tell me how to get involved in calender ubuntu touch devel?17:11
mrqtrosnicnac try it, find bugs, fill them on launchpad or fix yourself :)17:21
nicnacit is quite.. hard to get arround17:24
nicnacI cant figure where things happen17:24
nicnacso,.. how does the team communicate etc17:24
nicnaci found the concurrency converter tut,.. gonna start there :D^^17:25
popeynicnac: where things happen? Here, on launchpad, on the ubuntu-phone and core apps mailing lists, in meetings in #ubuntu-touch-meeting17:41
danielbeckhi popey: I saw yesterday that there is a problem with installing the RamSamSam Reader  - I got a notice from daker about it. I uploaded a new version of the software.17:45
popeydanielbeck: strange that you didnt get an email from the store.. beuno may be able to look into that18:14
danielbeckpopey: I checked the spam dir, too.18:18
popeydanielbeck: ran tests and approved it into the store18:18
danielbeckpopey: Ah cool. Is there a way to test it on the desktop?18:19
popeydanielbeck: I'll fire a mail to the judges to let them know18:19
popeynot from the click package, no18:19
danielbeckpopey: Isn't it too late now?18:19
popeyI'm sure we can make allowances.18:26
popeynik90: muhahaha got a nice bug for you! :D will file it later18:29
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam

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