[02:33] hi [02:34] hello henrique [02:36] hello! i am new here, just learning what to do to develop [02:37] henrique, read http://community.ubuntu.com/contribute/developers/ [02:37] henrique, Do you know any programming languages? [02:39] i learned a little bit of c++ [02:39] on college [02:39] and C [02:40] but i dont have pratice [02:40] so... i am trying to find a place to train.. [02:40] * smartboyhw would have recommended Mir, but that is no good for training beginner C++... [02:41] Mir? [02:42] henrique, fixing bugs would probably be the best thing. Or try and learn to package. [02:42] Plus you've got QML stuff at developer.ubuntu.com [02:42] http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/fixing-a-bug.html [02:43] i am here right now.. haha [02:43] mir is very complex, probably something you should ignore [02:43] :) [02:44] where do i see what need to be fixed? [02:44] henrique, Depending on the UI you want to look at harvest.ubuntu.com or bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu [02:50] on launchpad i cand find only the bugs related to me? [02:52] henrique, What packages in particular would you like to help with? [02:54] dont know yet.. something to recommend? [02:56] henrique, Whatever packages you use regularly or for something easier, click the tag "bitesize" [03:17] tks for the Help @Noskcaj see ya [07:12] cjwatson, Is there any chance you could sync felix-latin since all the new release does is fix the ubuntu delta? === freeflying_away is now known as freeflying === freeflying is now known as freeflying_away [22:08] Noskcaj: does it build now? [22:08] * xnox thinks it depends on the new libav. [22:09] xnox, what builds? [22:09] Noskcaj: re: blender sync from 04:32, no idea which day. [22:09] and/or your vs mine timezone (UTC+1 here) [22:10] oh. My pc and internet are actually too slow to test that [22:10] Noskcaj: right, well it still FTBFS, I think it wants the new libav, which we didn't take for saucy. [22:11] ok. I'll Have a look in the changelog to see what's the highst we can go without libav9 [22:11] Noskcaj: why?! [22:12] Noskcaj: just leave it as it is. [22:12] ok [22:15] xnox: there you are =)