
bjsniderpepee, know how to make a debdiff?02:55
bjsniderif not there's a wiki page for it02:55
pepeebjsnider, reading02:55
pepeebjsnider, what's this for? testing that bug?02:58
bjsniderreal good way to get them to accept a patch02:59
bjsnideri've done it before02:59
pepeeah k03:00
bjsniderif you attach the debdiff you're doing almost all the work for them03:01
bjsniderdoes the patch apply?03:01
pepeeisn't easier to just give them the patch?03:01
bjsniderwell, it's easier on you03:01
bjsniderbut you're trying to get the patch accepted03:01
pepeebut this is for binary files, right?03:03
pepeewow, that was quick, the fix got released...03:04
pepeeI reported this:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/123255703:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 1232557 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu Saucy) "X.Org Server terminates when I close video player or run glxgears" [High,Triaged]03:05
pepee6 hrs ago...03:05
bjsniderwell, the importance was critical right?03:07
pepeewell, not really, but I wanted to report it for people to have a working distro...03:09
pepeeout of the box03:09
bjsniderxorg went down when closing any video player?03:12
pepeewhen using opengl apps I think03:12
pepeenot sure though, I don't really understand it03:12
bjsniderpepee, i misunderstood something you wrote earlier about using a custom build with ppas. thought you were an expert03:45
bjsnidermore or less03:45
pepeeah, heh03:45
pepeenah, I barely know how to follow instructions03:45
pepeeand a bit of programming... but I hate coding03:46
bjsniderhow did you get to the point where you were running a custom build?03:51
pepeelooked at the buildlogs, executed the commands shown there03:57
bjsniderpardon me?03:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 1232557 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu Saucy) "X.Org Server terminates when I close video player or run glxgears" [High,Triaged]03:58
pepeeah, "custom build" = old, patched version of the package03:59
bjsnideroh, i misunderstood again04:00
bjsnideri thought by that you grabbed a newer git snapshot and so forth04:00
pepeenah, I've had bad experiences with that :(04:00
bjsniderdoing that successfully would be a much bigger meal than patching something04:01
pepeesomeone told me about checkinstall04:01
pepeeworked fine for one package, but I couldn't build some other ones04:01
pepeeunknown dependencies is the hardest thing I've hit...04:02
pepeebut I have a bunch of programs from repos running just fine, just not packaged04:02
pepeeI don't understand the packaging system... I just know how to use it04:02
bjsnideryeah well you can use apt-get build-dep to install dependencies04:05
pepeeyeah, but sometimes... there are no packages for that :(04:05
bjsnideryou can use dpkg-buildpackage to build a deb based on the code you get from git04:06
bjsnideryou've got to have build-essential installed and whatnot04:06
pepeefor example, a couple days ago I wanted to test the mesa implementation of opencl04:06
pepeeyou have to configure dpkg-buildpackage first, right?04:06
pepeemake a debian/ folder and so on04:07
bjsniderjust use the existing one you get by doing apt-get source04:08
pepeewell, I needed some lib for opencl, libclc which is not in the repos04:08
bjsnideryou don't have to create your own packaging scripts from scratch04:08
pepeehmm, is there anything I could read about this?04:08
bjsnidersomewhere out there04:09
bjsniderapt-get source gets you the package's orig tarball, which is untouched code, and the packaging scripts04:09
bjsniderthen ytou could grab newer code and try building that version04:10
pepeeyeah, I mean, I dunno what to do when some deps are not in the repos04:10
pepeeand I don't like to mess too much with the system04:11
pepeeI've hed bad experiences in the past, lol04:11
bjsnideryou could look to see if the lib is in debian experimental yet04:11
pepeeI've been using this same system since like 8.04 I think04:11
pepeeor 10.04, not sure...04:12
bjsnidernot sure i understand your point04:13
pepeeI've upgraded lots of times, and sometimes, old changes lead to... bad things04:13
bjsnideryou're not going to break your system by installing a lib the rest of your system hasn't heard of04:14
bjsniderlibs just sit there04:14
pepeeah k04:15
bjsniderif you uninstall upstart and update to the latest systemd, that could cause some issues04:15
pepeeI could just use VMs or chroots, but it would be a waste of resources..04:16
pepeebtw, do you know about how mesa is updated in ubuntu?04:18
pepeeI wish I could try the new directx implementation, and this opencl thing too..04:19
tjaaltonif xorg-edgers has a newer mesa then just try that05:00
tjaaltonit's a lot harder pkg to manage than a simple driver05:01
pepeewell, xorg-edgers mesa package is ~1 month old05:03
pepeemesa from oibaf's ppa is the most recent one I think05:04
tjaaltonhe's trying to monetize the effort, and doesn't help us in any way05:05
tjaaltonhmm was that right05:06
tjaaltonand due to that his packages might conflict with official ones, like with glamor now05:13
pepeewell, he doesn't have packages for saucy..05:14

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