
zequence-workjohey: Ah, secure boot00:53
zequence-workYeah, we don't have the signed stuff that Canonical does with -generic00:54
zequence-worknot yet, anyway00:54
joheyzequence_: Aaahhhh, so you KNEW there was another difference between generic and lowlatency... ;P07:32
joheysmartboyhw: In case you missed it, and in case you're interested, I can successfully boot my machine with lowlatency. It has to do with secure boot. Had to disable that in BIOS.07:35
smartboyhwjohey, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh09:39
smartboyhwNo UEFI!!!!09:39
zequence_johey: I've never bought a machine with Windows preinstalled, so I don't usually get these problems myself ;)11:19
zequence_smartboyhw: UEFI is not the problem. It's a good replacement for BIOS11:20
zequence_and secure boot is not a problem either really11:22
joheyI get jitter in playback even when avoiding xruns. Why can this be? Using USB2 audio interface.12:16
zequence_johey: This is not really the support channel, but what do you mean by jitter - not from a soft synth?13:09
smartboyhwzequence_, in a GNU/Linux F/OSS world, UEFI and Secure Boot IS a problem13:11
joheyzequence_: The sound is clipping now and then. In particulary from soft synths yes...13:15
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