
=== gamer is now known as dead_shadow
=== jones_ is now known as Guest78348
Guest78348KinfoCenter is not showing my processor information, nor in the system setting/about-system module (which seems to get it's info from Kinfocenter or solid in general).  The plasma desktop widgets show complete, proper cpu info, and lshw also returns accurate info on the cpu.  running kubuntu 13.10, kde 4.11.1, and kinfo is 4.11.1 as well01:01
=== DT4 is now known as Legimet
MikchaelPWhy will compix work 100% in ubuntu ultimate edtion. based  on ( 12.04 ) kde... but in kubuntu 13.04 enable desktop cube the cube don't work ?01:59
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit04:49
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=== _DM is now known as Kendued
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zmityahi Gents07:07
zmityasince yesterday, my digital clock shows the time in UTC for some reason07:08
zmityaI tried to reconfigure tzdata, tried to set upthe timezone in KDE as well07:08
=== ubuntu is now known as excognac
louigihey fellas! just installed xubuntu 12.04, having problems with kdenlive07:39
louigiIt starts with the error: QWidget::insertAction: Attempt to insert null action07:40
louigithen, no matter what icon you click - Add Clip or whatever - kdenlive crashes07:40
jussilouigi: please report a bug, then we can take a look at it.07:40
louigijussi, I was hoping someone already reported it and I can get a fix quickly! kdenlive did work fine before, I reinstalled xubuntu, same version.07:41
jussilouigi: someone on suse had a similar issue, perhaps youll find answers there: http://forums.opensuse.org/english/get-technical-help-here/applications/449143-kdenlive-1-7-8-crashing-since-11-3-updates.html07:41
jussilouigi: seems like that particular version is a bit problematice07:42
louigijussi, yeah, read that, reboot does not help... Do you think it makes sense to install svn version?07:42
jussilouigi: check if there is a nightly on Launchpad or so. but it might kill kittens or somethign07:43
louigijussi, yeah... maybe I did do some voodoo magic for this version half a year ago, but now I don't remember07:43
jussilouigi: the kdenlive page suggets strongly to use this repo: https://launchpad.net/~sunab/+archive/kdenlive-release07:47
louigijussi, thx for looking into this! Will install this version )07:48
=== AlanChicken is now known as alanbell
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* M_Kay2 09:10
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zoraelDo any of the kubuntu ppas have newer kdevelop and kdevplatform packages (than are in official raring or saucy repos)?09:44
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Guest71680q passa pixa!12:25
andreu2 pixas12:25
Guest716803 pixas12:25
Guest71680setecientos veinte mil pixas12:26
andreudo you want to see a penis?12:26
Guest71680ok bitch12:26
andreuohhh my12:26
FloodBotK1andreu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:26
andreuyou fuck12:26
Guest71680you fuck a lot12:27
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BluesKajHiyas all13:32
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kaaduSome germans here ?13:59
tsimpson!de | kaadu14:00
ubottukaadu: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!14:00
tsimpsontry #kubuntu-de14:00
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lordievaderGood evening.17:31
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ovidiu-florinhello lordievader18:28
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keithzgSo, Firefox seems to ignore KDE's locale settings, like timestamp formats when printing. Does anybody know how it can be badgered into behaving like a responsible citizen?19:59
keithzgAnyone? Anyone? Bueller?20:12
bpromptkeithzg:     I don't think there's much flexibility or access to that property in FF20:17
keithzgbprompt: Question is, is it getting that from somewhere (like some GNOME or GTK-specific config), or is that just hard-coded into Firefox?20:18
=== BTCOxygen is now known as AA
=== AA is now known as BTCOxygen
bpromptkeithzg:    it seems to me is hardcoded20:19
keithzgFirefox does seem weirdly inflexible though, apart from plugins . . . one of the reasons I generally just use Rekonq or Konqueror, or one of their derivatives like Chromium.20:19
keithzgbprompt: Alas. That's unfortunate to hear, it's really annoying my officemate. Ah well.20:19
bpromptkeithzg:   I checked about:config   and the codes it uses for the format don't seem like "date command" compliant20:20
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linuxyo les gen ?21:41
linuxits fot chat ?21:41
bpromptcheck channel topic :)21:42
linuxfr ?21:44
linuxturkish or french ?21:45
bpromptI think there's a #kubuntu.fr  not sure21:45
linuxthx xD21:45
=== TripleCrown is now known as Lord_of_the_Ring
=== christian is now known as crodriguez
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