steveubu_ | question about maas | 00:16 |
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=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob | ||
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roaksoax | rvba: o/ | 10:07 |
roaksoax | where you able to solve yhr image problem? are we ready to upload? | 10:07 |
rvba | roaksoax: we still have bug 1232174. We're in the process of fixing it. | 10:36 |
ubot5 | bug 1232174 in MAAS "maas-import-pxe-files fails because Saucy's images information is not available." [Critical,Triaged] | 10:36 |
roaksoax | rvba: but you dont need to "fix" that just disable saucy from the config filr and that should be it shouldnt it? | 10:38 |
roaksoax | unless we dont support config files | 10:38 |
rvba | roaksoax: we could do that, but I assumed you added Saucy in there for a reason :) | 10:38 |
roaksoax | aince the saucy info comes from.oublished simple streams | 10:38 |
rvba | True, but the simplestreams worked is not yet finished. | 10:39 |
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rvba | work* | 10:39 |
roaksoax | rvba: yeah acott needed to deploy so i woild check wih him to have the simplestreams data and images available | 10:39 |
rvba | Okay. | 10:39 |
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob | ||
roaksoax | rvba: he did say thr images were on its way and i think the devel sidenof things are already available | 10:42 |
roaksoax | just not "releases" | 10:42 |
roaksoax | smoser: ^^ | 10:42 |
roaksoax | anyway im flying home now ttyl | 10:43 |
jamespage | allenap, roaksoax (or anyone else): how long does a dhcp lease last in maas dhcp server? | 11:31 |
allenap | jamespage: Once the node is allocated, indefinitely. | 11:33 |
allenap | jamespage: A static lease is pushed into dhcpd's config. | 11:33 |
jamespage | allenap, and for other servers that might dhcp from the maas server? i.e. ones that are not registered? | 12:34 |
allenap | jamespage: 30 minutes. | 12:39 |
jamespage | allenap, OK _ that should be good then | 12:39 |
jamespage | allenap, testing the new lxc container stuff with maas that's in juju-core now | 12:39 |
allenap | Cool. | 12:40 |
allenap | jamespage: I may have the units wrong: it's 30 *seconds*, which is surprisingly short. | 12:51 |
jamespage | allenap, hmm | 12:51 |
jamespage | allenap, I saw maas double-allocate an IP to a physical server and an LXC instance | 12:52 |
allenap | jamespage: I suspect it's meant to be 30 minutes. | 12:52 |
jamespage | which surprised me - I wondered whether maas ran out of IP's | 12:52 |
allenap | jamespage: MAAS drive ISC dhcpd, which I'm going to bet tries to not do that sort of thing... unless someone has set a very low lease time. | 12:53 |
allenap | jamespage: However: | 12:54 |
allenap | 1541 Adam Stokes 2013-08-02 [merge] | 12:54 |
allenap | [r=julian-edwards][bug=][author=adam-stokes] Limit DHCP lease times to 30 seconds for PXE clients. | 12:54 |
jamespage | allenap, blimey - I might not actually have that - this is a raring install | 12:55 |
allenap | jamespage: I can't find what the default is. | 13:01 |
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tych0 | smoser: (or anyone that knows about kvm/maas): what's the magic i need to do to get maas to understand how to stop a kvm? | 18:35 |
tych0 | kvm is on localhost, if that makes a difference | 18:36 |
smoser | tych0, you have to tell it to use virsh as the power control | 18:36 |
smoser | and give it the correct path to virsh. | 18:36 |
tych0 | is there an api call for that somewhere? | 18:37 |
smoser | you could probably use | 18:39 |
smoser | register-node in | 18:39 |
smoser | err.. wait. | 18:39 |
smoser | libvirt-domain-to-maas | 18:39 |
smoser | that scrapes libvirt and shoves it into maas. | 18:39 |
smoser | but you can read it. in the end it just callas | 18:39 |
tych0 | yep, maas-cli update | 18:40 |
tych0 | cool | 18:40 |
smoser | yeah. that one calls 'new' | 18:40 |
tych0 | ? | 18:40 |
tych0 | oh, i see | 18:40 |
tych0 | so this is for a node that's already installed? | 18:41 |
smoser | well, that is fo ra node that exists | 18:41 |
smoser | it reads the libvirt and then adds that node to maas. | 18:41 |
tych0 | ok, i'm pxe booting the node and letting maas enlist/provision it | 18:42 |
tych0 | i just want maas to be able to start/stop it | 18:42 |
tych0 | so maas knows about the node, just not how to control it | 18:42 |
smoser | right. you can use update. | 18:43 |
smoser | or you could just delete the node | 18:43 |
smoser | and shove it in with that script | 18:43 |
tych0 | ok, cool | 18:43 |
tych0 | i see, $data | 18:43 |
tych0 | thanks! | 18:43 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away |
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