
RalliasNever mind... the /29 labeled IPMI ONLY wasn't labeled in my documentation.00:45
SpamapSanybody on a mac notice that /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/* are no longer writable (for controlling fan speed) on saucy?02:59
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controversytime and date disappeared08:35
controversyhow do I make them appear08:35
controversytime and date08:38
alexwhitmanHow do I disable certain smart scopes?  I can turn turn the filter on/off when searching but I want to completely disable them.08:48
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ubottuUbuntu bug 1194370 in intel-microcode (Ubuntu) "intel_microcode: prepend_earlyinitramfs: not found" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:14
popolonit looks like this version of intel-microcode pacakge needs a more recent version of initramfs to work11:15
popolonthe problem is reported on a i386 architecture, but is also present in amd6411:16
gajendra_network file manager freezes in xubuntu 13.1011:21
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BluesKajHiyas all13:32
roflinHeya guys I'm trying to upgrade from ubuntu 13.04 to the 13.10 final beta. But in the upgrade procedure it notifies me that it cannot calculate the upgrade path. But it doesn't tell me which packages are causing this problem. So I'm afraid I won't be able to make the switch even when it is released. Can i somehow get some more info about the cause of this error?15:35
roflinxpost from #ubuntu :>15:35
BluesKajwith which method are you upgrading, roflin ?15:36
roflinupdate-manager -d15:36
k1ltry do-release-upgrade from terminal and see what errors come up15:38
BluesKajroflin:  does sudo do-release-upgrade -d  , give the same notification? If so make sure any ppas are removed from /etc/apt/sources.list.d then sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-getupgrade in the terminal15:39
roflinwill do15:40
BluesKajcorrectio roflin  sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade , in the terminal15:41
BluesKajhmm time to clean this KB15:42
roflinowk do-release-upgrade -d gives the same error.15:42
roflinso i will try removing all third party ppa's now.15:42
BluesKajdid ou remove any ppas?15:42
roflinnot yet.15:42
roflini first ran do-release-upgrade and now in your if so clause :>15:43
roflinand now i am*15:43
k1lwhat was the error?15:43
roflin"could not calculate upgrade"15:44
k1lcan you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list ?15:44
BluesKajit cannot calculate the upgrade path15:44
roflinwell i can but should i include  the .lists in my sources.list.d?15:45
BluesKajppas should be removed before upgrading to a new release15:46
roflinyesh but it does disable "third party ppa's" before trying to calculate the upgrade :>15:48
roflinor is this something else.15:48
k1lwell show the sources.list if there is something wrong15:48
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:48
roflinmy sources.list.15:50
k1ltry to comment out the openprinting source.15:51
k1l(make a # in front of that line)15:52
roflink1l: nope same error.15:54
k1ldid you run a "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" before another try?15:54
roflinnope but doesn't update-manager -d do that for me?15:55
roflinreattempting anyway15:55
roflinwith running an update && upgrade still the same error.15:56
TJ-roflin: what's the error (I just came in) ?15:56
roflinowk ill put it in a pastie :>15:57
k1lwell lets see if apt still got something not settled right: grep Broken /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log15:57
roflinowk grepping my apt.log for "Broken" returns nothing16:01
roflinow wait...16:01
roflinill paste its contents16:01
roflinTJ-: my error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6176086/16:02
TJ-roflin: Are you using "do-release-upgrade -d" ?16:03
k1lwell, that is alot of broken. i think you should remove the ppas with ppa-purge16:03
k1lthat will remove the PPAs packages as well.16:04
roflinTJ-: to paste this error message yes but update-manager -d gives the same error in a gui16:04
TJ-roflin: OK, I missed the first pastebin ... what version is currently installed? have you checked the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list to ensure it has the correct release in all stanzas?16:05
roflinTJ-: my sources.list has already been looked at and i am running 13.0416:08
roflinbut it's probably the edgers/xorg ppa. that is killing me...16:08
TJ-roflin: is it pastebinned ?16:09
roflinthe issue is i really need it as i have an optimus gt755 with an intel hd. So If i deinstall those packages it might not even boot :>16:09
TJ-I doubt that... some of those packages have no relationship to the Edgers PPA16:09
roflinyes it is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6176043/16:09
roflinthere are some xserver-xorg-video.... etc etc.16:09
TJ-and have you done an abortive upgrade already? In other words, have some 13.10 packages already been installed?16:09
roflinno it won't let me.16:10
roflinand I havent forced the issue (by editing my sources.list in any way)16:10
TJ-OK.. I'm trying to identify why it's showing the package versions it is. I've dealt with several causes of this issue recently16:10
roflinowk that worrying and reassuring at the same time :)16:11
TJ-roflin: Lets do some diagnosing. "apt-cache policy texlive-base"16:15
TJ-roflin: Archive update in progress. That's your problem. see http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/16:19
TJ-roflin: You can either wait for the DE archive to finish mirroring, or edit /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the "de.archive" and use the main archive ( "sudo sed -i '/s/de\.archive/archive/g' /etc/apt/sources.list"16:21
roflinyeah i can change that setting in the software sources settings :>16:22
roflinbut tnxs16:22
TJ-When the updates are in progress the package lists and packages are out of sync16:23
roflinif putting that file there is a policy couldn't the error reporting be improved to reflect the real problem?16:23
* TJ- nods16:24
BluesKajthe problem is auto updates in the package manager, I presume , TJ-16:25
TJ-Usually though, the updates are very short-lived. But the archives have been rebuilt for 13.10 so there's lots of packages being moved and it takes longer16:25
TJ-BluesKaj: I don't think the package manager is a fault - it simply is getting inconsistent package lists temporarily when it does "apt-get update"16:26
BluesKajtoo many automatic helper daemons interfering with manual commands ..guess package managers shouldn't be allowed to default to auto updates16:27
BluesKajAlso IMO upgrading to a devel OS shuoldn't be done with a package manager anyway16:36
TJ-Why not? It uses the exact same plumbing in the background. What are you going to do, wget and "dpkg -i" everything ?16:37
BluesKajthe guis can be clunky and cause problems , before they call dpkg , I've encountered it myself16:41
TJ-Ahh, so you just mean GUI programs. Not package managers themselves. Apt is the package manager... the GUIs are just front-end fluff16:42
roflinTJ-: I still have the same issue. i am now using http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ though. I'll fetch my apt.log16:45
TJ-roflin: Hmmm!16:45
BluesKajTJ-:  exactly16:46
roflinmy apt.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6176259/ (grepped for broken)16:47
roflini double checked the timestamp and its from my latest run16:47
BluesKajTJ-:  yeah i should have been more specific about the guis16:47
roflinand the number of errors is the same 94 lines of broken packages.16:47
BluesKajroflin:did you update/upgrade before trying the release-upgrade , i'm not clear on that16:48
roflinBluesKaj: yes I have.16:54
TJ-roflin: Have you done "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" ?16:54
BluesKajyeah < I should have suggested that16:54
roflinnot yet. but there are no heldback packages. (i noramally only do it when tere are)16:54
BluesKajdo it anyway16:55
roflinit does nothing (it outputs 0 upgraded 0newly installed ... etc etc.16:55
roflintnxs guys for the help sofar, but I really need to go, supermarkets close in an hour and I'm hungry. I'll be back in around an hour or so.16:57
trismI often find it useful, pre-do-release-upgrade to fire up synaptic and look at the Origin tab, it will show you which packages are coming from ppas, and also which packages are locally installed, those are usually your problem areas17:03
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wastrelhay ibus is buggy in 13.1019:26
trismwastrel: buggy how?19:31
wastrelit stops working in my terminal sometimes19:32
wastreland also the pop-up is off the screen when my window is at the bottom of the screen19:32
wastrelbecause it shows up below the window19:32
wastrelalso the key combination doesn't always activate it19:32
wastrelwell, switch between inputs19:33
johnjohn101software center keeps crashing.  will this be fixed soon? i know it's already been reported20:31
roflinow just to let you guys know, I kinda forced the issue, by deinstalling (and writing down) the conflicting packages and starting a upgrade. This resulted in the unfortunate situation that ubuntu-desktop could not be installed during the installation procedure. So i booted into a state with no gui or wifi drivers.21:16
roflinAfter plugging in a network cable and installing the xserver (one of the packages that conflicted) and rebooted it got my gui.21:16
roflinmy wifi worked out of the box from that moment on.21:16
roflinthen i ran a dpkg --configure -a and a apt-get install -f to " resume the upgrade". I now seem to have a working system again :)21:17
roflineven my optirun/primusrun still works.21:18
TJ-roflin: OUch!21:25

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