Mirv | popey: ☻ | 04:03 |
mihir_ | good morning :) | 06:59 |
mihir_ | oSoMoN: hey :) | 06:59 |
oSoMoN | mihir_: good morning | 06:59 |
mihir_ | oSoMoN: some how I am unable to run gallery-app | 07:01 |
oSoMoN | mihir_: which image are you running, on which device, and what’s happening when you try to launch it? | 07:02 |
mihir_ | oSoMoN: trying on desktop don't have device | 07:02 |
oSoMoN | mihir_: on saucy? did you install a package, or are you compiling and running from trunk? | 07:03 |
mihir_ | oSoMoN: I am compiling from trunk , https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni-123/ubuntu-calendar-app/NewEventdetails/+merge/187489 | 07:04 |
mihir_ | oSoMoN: can you help me with the MR review.. | 07:05 |
oSoMoN | mihir_: so it’s the calendar-app, not the gallery one, right? | 07:05 |
mihir_ | oSoMoN: yeah it is, i need to get some info from gallery app to be specific , ineed to use color that is being used in gallery app so was trying to run that.. | 07:06 |
mihir_ | oSoMoN: I just sent you email if you get a time to look at it | 07:07 |
oSoMoN | mihir_: will do in a moment | 07:07 |
mihir_ | oSoMoN: no issues thank you :) | 07:08 |
dholbach | good morning | 07:27 |
smartboyhw | Good afternoon dholbach | 07:28 |
dholbach | hi smartboyhw | 07:28 |
oSoMoN | mihir_: the grey in the browser’s activity view Lina is mentioning is "#EEEEEE" | 07:30 |
oSoMoN | mihir_: I don’t know what’s the one for the gallery view, I’m not really familiar with its code, I did a quick search through the code but I couldn’t find where it’s defined | 07:31 |
oSoMoN | nerochiaro: good morning | 07:31 |
nerochiaro | oSoMoN: morning | 07:31 |
mihir_ | oSoMoN: okay got it :) i did that quick search my self too :| but couldn't find that's why i pinged you | 07:31 |
oSoMoN | nerochiaro: can you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/notes-app/standard-emulators/+merge/187865 ? | 07:32 |
nerochiaro | oSoMoN: i'll be on it as i finish reading my email, if that's ok | 07:32 |
oSoMoN | nerochiaro: sure | 07:33 |
mihir_ | oSoMoN: because i used warm grey and that looks wiered :( http://postimg.org/image/f4sy5gopf/ | 07:33 |
mihir_ | oSoMoN: I am looking for this http://postimg.org/image/woil0q6kt/ | 07:33 |
oSoMoN | mihir_: indeed it looks too dark | 07:33 |
oSoMoN | mihir_: not sure this is #eeeeee, but it will look closer | 07:34 |
mihir_ | lemme try :| | 07:34 |
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WebbyIT | hi dpm :) | 08:12 |
WebbyIT | Ahh, it's not online | 08:12 |
WebbyIT | he* | 08:12 |
oSoMoN | om26er: hey, I’m getting the following error a lot on otto: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-saucy/456/testReport/junit/webbrowser_app.tests.test_tabs/TestTabs/test_switch_tabs_with_mouse_/ (for random tests), can you advise? | 08:23 |
* om26er looks | 08:24 | |
om26er | oSoMoN, so I think its a problem with otto, other apps have seen that problem as well | 08:24 |
om26er | francis tried to fix that probably in a MR | 08:24 |
oSoMoN | om26er: that’s what I thought too | 08:24 |
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om26er | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1232857 | 08:25 |
om26er | https://code.launchpad.net/~fginther/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/transient-test-objects/+merge/188231 | 08:25 |
om26er | oSoMoN, ^ | 08:25 |
oSoMoN | om26er: thanks for the link | 08:32 |
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oSoMoN | nerochiaro: would you have some time for reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/more-robust-test-server/+merge/188019 ? | 08:53 |
oSoMoN | nerochiaro: note that once this is merged in the browser, this is a change we’ll want to port to the notes-app tests as well | 08:53 |
smartboyhw | Heyas dpm, saw my mail? | 08:53 |
nerochiaro | oSoMoN: having a look. wouldn't mind more robust tests on notes too | 08:55 |
oSoMoN | nerochiaro: btw, remember how asac would rant about notes-app tests being flaky? it turns out it’s on nexus4 only, and I fixed an important source of flakiness on Friday (see rev. 186), but it’s still not fully reliable, so there’s more digging to do | 08:58 |
oSoMoN | nerochiaro: obviously this is tricky without owning a nexus4… | 08:59 |
oSoMoN | nerochiaro: when you have a moment please talk to om26er about those tests, he has a nexus4 so he can help | 09:01 |
nerochiaro | oSoMoN: i already did and asked him to sync up with asac | 09:01 |
oSoMoN | nerochiaro: when was that? | 09:01 |
nerochiaro | oSoMoN: last week, wednesday | 09:01 |
nerochiaro | oSoMoN: or tuesday, not sure | 09:02 |
oSoMoN | nerochiaro: we (he) have a better understanding of the problem now, and asac is on holidays afaik, so a checkpoint today wouldn’t hurt | 09:03 |
nerochiaro | oSoMoN: on my list now | 09:03 |
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om26er | nerochiaro, also please remove the video recording button from the camera. I reported a bug for that. | 09:10 |
dpm | smartboyhw, I did, thanks, but I haven't had the chance to reply yet | 09:11 |
nerochiaro | om26er: you mean the button to switch between video and photo ? why ? has the video recording feature been removed from the feature set for release ? | 09:11 |
smartboyhw | dpm, sure | 09:11 |
om26er | nerochiaro, I would assume so. its not working and I am not sure it will. | 09:11 |
om26er | better ask someone | 09:12 |
om26er | hmm | 09:12 |
nerochiaro | om26er: gusch is your man I think | 09:13 |
nerochiaro | oSoMoN: maybe you know something about this too ? ^ | 09:13 |
nerochiaro | om26er: what's the bug number ? | 09:13 |
om26er | nerochiaro, bug 1232879 | 09:15 |
om26er | https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1232879 | 09:15 |
gusch | nerochiaro om26er no idea if there was a decision by design or pat, but that's UI, so I reassigned to nerochiaro | 09:16 |
oSoMoN | nerochiaro: I think video recording is not on the feature list for 13.10 indeed, but I don’t know what’s been decided regarding the camera-app UI to address that | 09:16 |
gusch | om26er: tests on jenkins are still unreliable :( https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-hono-picker-select-type-fix-content-store-transfer/+merge/187843 | 09:17 |
nerochiaro | oSoMoN: gusch: om26er: I think the best course of action is to ask Bill in the standup today, then removing the button (and possibly any related code to avoid leaving dead code and useless tests) is easy to do | 09:17 |
nerochiaro | if needed | 09:17 |
om26er | nerochiaro, ok, makes sense | 09:18 |
om26er | gusch, looking | 09:18 |
oSoMoN | nerochiaro: sounds like a plane | 09:20 |
oSoMoN | -e | 09:20 |
nik90|Office | zsombi: If you get some time today, can you reply to the email I cc to you regarding the alarms notification discussion involving charles, dpm, renato and thomas | 09:46 |
nik90|Office | popey: what were your observations after the 2 day test regarding the qmlscene leaks? | 09:47 |
zsombi | nik90|Office: q: do we have requirements for snoozing an alarm? | 09:55 |
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popey | nik90|Office: looking at it now.. | 10:20 |
nik90|Office | zsombi: no we haven't got designs for snoozing an alarm yet | 10:20 |
nik90|Office | zsombi: but say we are assuming the most basic case which is snoozing an alarm using pop up notifications in the home screen | 10:21 |
nik90|Office | zsombi: what would the necessary infrastructure implementations be required? | 10:21 |
popey | nik90|Office: I tried running 3 apps on one phone and 3 different on the other, neither ended up being a problem | 10:22 |
zsombi | nik90|Office: forget yet about that then. let's focus on what we need now. So the only thing you need is to get your app launched when the user wants to from the alarm notification, right? | 10:22 |
smartboyhw | dpm, popey I found the question about chat clients in ubuntu-phone amusing, why didn't we have a chat app as a core app? | 10:23 |
popey | which conversation? | 10:23 |
smartboyhw | popey, https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg04340.html | 10:24 |
nik90|Office | zsombi: (1) -> able to launch the clock app from the notifications (2) -> Create a notification when an alarm is triggered | 10:24 |
smartboyhw | (And all the follow-ups) | 10:24 |
zsombi | nik90|Office ok, good, thanks | 10:24 |
nik90|Office | popey: hmm | 10:25 |
nik90|Office | popey: I frequently get the situtation where the whole dash UI is laggy sometimes. | 10:26 |
nik90|Office | popey: I will try next time to note down the conditions | 10:26 |
popey | nik90|Office: yeah, if you could note exactly what's running at the time, maybe adb shell in and get a full process list | 10:27 |
popey | or just "ubuntu-bug unity8" on the device should capture lots | 10:27 |
nik90|Office | popey: will do | 10:28 |
popey | smartboyhw: we could have had lots of other apps as core apps, would certainly be an interesting one to have next time | 10:28 |
smartboyhw | popey, we can't have too many;P But a chat app seems extremely vital in a smartphone OS | 10:28 |
popey | people say "this app is vital" too much | 10:29 |
popey | I have heard that said about _every_ app | 10:29 |
smartboyhw | popey, for me it's just chat clients | 10:29 |
smartboyhw | Erm, even my Dad gave up hating WhatsApp and is now using it | 10:30 |
popey | indeed, and for me it's <insert_valid_option_here> app | 10:30 |
popey | heh | 10:30 |
smartboyhw | popey, heh indeed:P | 10:31 |
nik90|Office | smartboyhw: it is also a matter of finding contributors. Adding more apps isn't the issue, it is the task of development and maintaining it | 10:42 |
nik90|Office | smartboyhw: just fyi, I think there are plans to add a email client as the core app which hasnt yet started development | 10:43 |
nik90|Office | that is more important than chat app for instance | 10:43 |
popey | also, we want other people to make apps ☻ | 10:44 |
popey | If someone else came along with a chat app I would be cock-a-hoop (as we say in England, but not very often) | 10:44 |
nik90|Office | popey: that's a long word to indicate excited or trilled :P | 10:46 |
* nik90|Office had to search online | 10:47 | |
WebbyIT | Hi dpm :) | 10:48 |
dpm | nik90|Office, I'll see what I can bring to the discussion, but seeing zsombi's reply, I think renato or tedg are best suited to say what should we register as app identifier for the alarm | 10:49 |
dpm | hi WebbyIT, how are you doing? | 10:49 |
nik90|Office | dpm: +1, | 10:50 |
WebbyIT | dpm, fine thanks, first day of university :) Did you enjoy your we? | 10:50 |
dpm | WebbyIT, ah, I hope you've had a good start, I did enjoy my WE, and yourself? :) | 10:50 |
nik90|Office | WebbyIT: hi :) ... good luck with University..first year? | 10:50 |
WebbyIT | dpm: yes, all ok :) So, shall you help me with this branch? I didn't understand which branch tedg refers to | 10:51 |
WebbyIT | https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-calendar-app/1231136/+merge/188002 | 10:51 |
* dpm looks | 10:51 | |
WebbyIT | nik90|Office: second year, but I changed university, so I'm half in first year and half in second year ;) | 10:52 |
nik90|Office | WebbyIT: ;) | 10:52 |
mihir_ | WebbyIT: that's strange :P | 10:53 |
dpm | WebbyIT, asked on #ubuntu-touch to find out, I don't know which branch he's referring to either | 10:53 |
WebbyIT | dpm, ok thanks :) | 10:54 |
WebbyIT | mihir_: yes, a bit :P | 10:55 |
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gusch | om26er: a small improvement for the gallery tests https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-atest-open-first-photo/+merge/188290 | 11:06 |
om26er | gusch, you could also objectName: "eventsViewImage" + index | 11:08 |
om26er | that way you don't have to rely on index yourself | 11:08 |
gusch | om26er: I had some troubles doing that a while ago - so I used it this way | 11:08 |
om26er | gusch, ok, I'll approve then. | 11:09 |
gusch | om26er: and it's faster in app execution ;) | 11:09 |
om26er | oSoMoN, twitter looks "eww" can you please do some browser string magic for it :) | 11:16 |
om26er | same for gmail | 11:16 |
om26er | they are not loading any CSS | 11:16 |
smartboyhw | nik90|Office, oh, just realized;(\ | 11:18 |
om26er | jppiiroinen, Hi! I added something to the UIToolkit so that people don't have to unlock the screen by hand. would you review it ? | 11:18 |
om26er | https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/screen_unlock/+merge/188289 | 11:18 |
om26er | "The unlocker is here baby" | 11:18 |
jppiiroinen | om26er: you might want to ask someone else from sdk team :) ..but that is kewl feature! | 11:19 |
oSoMoN | om26er: gmail issue is fixed in trunk, not released yet | 11:23 |
oSoMoN | om26er: for twitter, can you please file a bug? | 11:23 |
om26er | oSoMoN, ok,, will do. I applied changes from that guy and they did work (bug 1227941) | 11:25 |
om26er | https://bugs.launchpad.net/webbrowser-app/+bug/1227941 | 11:25 |
gusch | om26er: I pushed 2 updates, but I have no idea how to fix the issues on otto | 11:33 |
om26er | gusch, I'll pursue that with fginther today, they don't look normal failures to me. probably if I had an otto like environment I could work on it then | 11:34 |
gusch | om26er: thx | 11:34 |
gusch | om26er: if they can't be fixed soon, I'd suggest to disable otto for jenkins | 11:35 |
oSoMoN | om26er: this issue with otto needs to be fixed urgently (or we need to disable otto for the ci jobs), as it prevents any code from landing | 11:35 |
om26er | oSoMoN, yes definitely. I think we should disable it for now and enable it right after 13.10 release so that we don't block anything | 11:37 |
om26er | will take that to fginther | 11:37 |
oSoMoN | thanks | 11:38 |
om26er | oSoMoN, https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/webbrowser-app/toolkit_pointing_device/+merge/188308 | 11:45 |
oSoMoN | om26er: there are pyflakes warnings (unused import statements) | 11:50 |
oSoMoN | om26er: otherwise it looks good to me | 11:50 |
om26er | oSoMoN, thanks for the review. pushed the fix. | 11:52 |
om26er | gusch, https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/gallery-app/pointing_device/+merge/188311 | 11:53 |
gusch | om26er: is that for otto? | 11:55 |
om26er | gusch, no, its unrelated to that. | 11:55 |
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smartboyhw | dpm, of course I can wait, but I wonder how many address will you have to fill in -.- | 12:20 |
dpm | smartboyhw, cool, thanks. We've had about 200 folks interested in participating | 12:21 |
mihir_ | oSoMoN: ping !! | 12:32 |
gusch | tmoenicke: https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/ubuntu-keyboard/keyboard-1-2-key-size/+merge/188321 | 12:38 |
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smartboyhw | dpm, wow, that makes me feel honoured:P | 12:40 |
dpm | :) | 12:40 |
smartboyhw | Need to work harder than;) | 12:40 |
dpm | hahaha | 12:40 |
oSoMoN | mihir__: pong | 13:09 |
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mihir__ | oSoMoN: do you have any idea if kunal has implemented the QtOragnizor completely , or still it is in progress ? | 13:17 |
oSoMoN | mihir__: there is a pending MR awaiting review, I believe the implementation is complete, but I cannot tell for sure, I haven’t looked at it yet | 13:20 |
mihir__ | oSoMoN: okay no issues :) | 13:21 |
tmoenicke | gusch: done, thx | 13:23 |
popey | dpm: the design hangout is now every other week. If you can think of a non-design one to fit in the alternate weeks, that might be good, to use that slot. | 13:34 |
dpm | popey, which design hangout is now every other week? | 13:35 |
popey | heh | 13:35 |
popey | we have been doing a hangout on air, design clinic | 13:36 |
dpm | ah, sorry, I thought you meant core apps design hangouts | 13:36 |
popey | people submit their apps for review, but we're not getting enough to make weekly worthwhile. | 13:36 |
popey | no ☻ | 13:36 |
popey | sorry, unclear. | 13:36 |
dpm | yeah, I know that those are | 13:36 |
dpm | ok, will try to think of something | 13:37 |
dpm | balloons, do you know the status of those? http://status.ubuntu.com/coreapps-13.10/blocked.html | 14:23 |
dpm | Are they being worked on? | 14:23 |
dpm | In particular for the calendar | 14:23 |
dpm | popey, mhall119_ ^ | 14:23 |
balloons | dpm, if it's blocked and it's a test, it means we are waiting | 14:23 |
balloons | dpm, yes the calendar views can be unblocked, they are possible to write now | 14:23 |
dpm | balloons, we've landed nearly all designs except some event views | 14:23 |
balloons | let me update it | 14:24 |
dpm | thanks balloons :) | 14:24 |
rottinrob | good morning | 14:46 |
rottinrob | is there anyone logged in that could lend me some assistance? I'm having difficulties finding QtCreator files | 14:47 |
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JoeyChan | Hi, fginther & balloons, begging help over here | 15:11 |
balloons | JoeyChan, ohh, what's up? | 15:12 |
JoeyChan | Could u guys take a look at this merge, https://code.launchpad.net/~qqworini/ubuntu-rssreader-app/optimization-0/+merge/188259 | 15:12 |
JoeyChan | tests failed | 15:12 |
balloons | JoeyChan, the tests are failing due to the ubuntu sdk bug with next not appearing right? | 15:15 |
* balloons looks | 15:15 | |
balloons | JoeyChan, ohh, no that is something else | 15:15 |
JoeyChan | bottom toolbar bug ? | 15:15 |
balloons | JoeyChan, I sent a rebuild quickly: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_ro/4470/music-app-autopilot/439811/. It appears like the tests didn't run at all | 15:16 |
smartboyhw | dpm, what's the currently most popular meeting date/time? | 15:17 |
JoeyChan | oh.. | 15:17 |
JoeyChan | balloons, failed again :( | 15:24 |
balloons | JoeyChan, ok let me confirm the tests are fine | 15:25 |
* balloons tries on device as well | 15:27 | |
gusch | om26er_ fginther what's the status of otto ? | 15:30 |
fginther | gusch, fighting through some networking issues at the moment | 15:31 |
fginther | gusch, once that's out of the way, I'm going to refire a few tests. there was a potential issue in the autopilot that was used, that has been backed out now | 15:32 |
balloons | JoeyChan, ugh, failed with toolbar issues on the device, hmm | 15:32 |
fginther | gusch, if that doesn't resolve the issue, then it's time to disable otto for a bit | 15:32 |
gusch | fginther: ok - thx | 15:32 |
balloons | fginther, is jenkins for core app autopilot tests doing ok? | 15:32 |
JoeyChan | balloons, oh.. which part ? add feed or ? | 15:33 |
balloons | add feed, yes | 15:33 |
fginther | balloons, looks to be ok | 15:35 |
balloons | fginther, ok, I wonder what the deal with this is: | 15:35 |
JoeyChan | balloons ok .. thanks | 15:36 |
om26er_ | balloons, app crashed | 15:38 |
fginther | om26er_, thanks om26er_ | 15:39 |
balloons | om26er_, indeed, it's not running the tests.. Just weird.. I should try running trunk | 15:40 |
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tmoenicke | gusch: do you have time to look at this? https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-moenicke/ubuntu-keyboard/ubuntu-keyboard-orientation-2/+merge/188270 | 15:46 |
gusch | tmoenicke: looking at it | 15:49 |
balloons | fginther, I tried running trunk and this looks weird too: | 15:52 |
om26er_ | fginther, was that random ? | 15:58 |
fginther | balloons, you left off the test_suite parameter | 15:58 |
balloons | fginther, :-) Trying to do too many things at once | 15:59 |
balloons | JoeyChan, I updated the MP with my notes. Basically I can confirm the test regression | 16:09 |
JoeyChan | balloons ok , thanks | 16:20 |
balloons | JoeyChan, your welcome. Are you able to reproduce locally? | 16:21 |
balloons | *you are welcome | 16:21 |
JoeyChan | balloons in device ? | 16:21 |
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balloons | JoeyChan, anywhere.. device or not, so you can debug and fix it | 16:21 |
JoeyChan | balloons everything works well both in desktop and device ... | 16:22 |
balloons | JoeyChan, for you? what device? | 16:23 |
balloons | what versoin? | 16:23 |
JoeyChan | balloons my nexus 4 with 20130927 | 16:23 |
JoeyChan | balloons should I reflash with latest ? | 16:24 |
balloons | JoeyChan, are you the system images? | 16:25 |
balloons | I tried with 9/27 and the latest from today | 16:25 |
balloons | both fail :-( | 16:25 |
JoeyChan | balloons oh... that's wired.. | 16:25 |
JoeyChan | balloons I reflash it with phablet-flash cdimage-touch -b | 16:26 |
JoeyChan | balloons only this command works in my laptop | 16:26 |
balloons | JoeyChan, ahh.. you need to use phablet-flash ubuntu-system | 16:27 |
balloons | JoeyChan, what does adb shell cat /etc/media-info say? | 16:27 |
balloons | JoeyChan, I have Ubuntu Saucy Salamander (development branch) - armhf (20130929), which is the latest | 16:28 |
JoeyChan | pls wait | 16:28 |
JoeyChan | Ubuntu Saucy Salamander (development branch) - armhf (20130925.2) | 16:28 |
balloons | anyways JoeyChan the ubuntu-system image is the new images, and it's what development is happening on. The old cdimages aren't be used anymore. The ubuntu system ones let you OTA | 16:30 |
fginther | gusch, the initial rerun of on otto + older autopilot passed. I'm going to try some more. | 16:30 |
fginther | gusch, is the rerun | 16:30 |
JoeyChan | balloons downloading... hope it will not fail | 16:30 |
balloons | JoeyChan, I trust that makes sense | 16:31 |
gusch | fginther: you should try to get this merges first https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-atest-open-first-photo/+merge/188290 | 16:31 |
fginther | gusch, that's the one I just retriggered | 16:32 |
gusch | :) | 16:33 |
om26er_ | oSoMoN, bug 1233270 | 16:37 |
om26er_ | https://bugs.launchpad.net/webbrowser-app/+bug/1233270 | 16:38 |
oSoMoN | om26er_: thanks, I’ll look into it tomorrow | 16:39 |
daker | om26er_: attaching a screenshot will help in debugging | 16:39 |
om26er_ | daker, I tried that but seems screenshots don't work under Mir :/ | 16:40 |
om26er_ | screencap is SurfaceFlinger based | 16:40 |
om26er_ | rather relies on | 16:40 |
daker | om26er_: ok no worries | 16:40 |
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GuidoPallemans | is there a default wait-animation? | 16:47 |
iBelieve | GuidoPallemans, do you mean like a spinner or progress bar? | 16:48 |
GuidoPallemans | something to show when there isn't a set waiting-period, but moves so the user has something to look at | 16:48 |
GuidoPallemans | iBelieve: ? | 16:50 |
iBelieve | GuidoPallemans, try taking a look at http://askubuntu.com/questions/278606/how-can-i-create-an-activity-indicator-in-ubuntu-touch | 16:51 |
GuidoPallemans | just found it the instant you posted | 16:51 |
GuidoPallemans | thanks! | 16:51 |
GuidoPallemans | btw, when will the showdown winners be announced? I heard it was today | 16:51 |
iBelieve | GuidoPallemans, you're welcome. | 16:52 |
iBelieve | GuidoPallemans, The rules have been updated to say today. I'm hoping they're announced soon :) | 16:52 |
JoeyChan | balloons I reflash with 0929, but I still can see the bottom toolbar... funny | 16:58 |
narekb | greetings everyone, you guys got news on the Evernote app team | 17:07 |
narekb | ? | 17:07 |
balloons | JoeyChan, it works for you then on the same build as me? | 17:08 |
balloons | JoeyChan, how are you running it? | 17:09 |
balloons | iBelieve, can you have a quick look at https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-filemanager-app/add-click-testing-support/+merge/188082? | 17:12 |
iBelieve | balloons, sure | 17:13 |
iBelieve | balloons, done | 17:14 |
balloons | :-) | 17:14 |
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mrqtros | Hi folks! | 17:43 |
mrqtros | Does someone know how to change dns settings on my Ubuntu Phone device? :) | 17:43 |
balloons | mrqtros, you can ssh or shell in and set it that way | 17:45 |
balloons | or use the onboard terminal | 17:46 |
balloons | otherwise I don't know of a UI way to do it | 17:46 |
mrqtros | balloons hello :) Do you mean that I should use standard linux terminal commands? :) | 17:46 |
balloons | mrqtros, yes ;-) | 17:47 |
balloons | edit the /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf as desired | 17:48 |
mrqtros | balloons which editor is available on Ubuntu Phone? :) | 17:51 |
popey | vi / nano | 17:51 |
popey | vim in fact | 17:51 |
narekb | folks, will Ubuntu Touch support widgets? | 17:52 |
balloons | oO | 17:52 |
narekb | (widgets like in Android) | 17:52 |
mrqtros | popey can you please say default pass for sudo? :) | 17:53 |
mrqtros | Lol I am totally powerless :D | 17:53 |
popey | phablet | 17:54 |
balloons | mrqtros, phablet/phablet is default user/pass | 17:54 |
clepto | nik90, hello :) | 18:03 |
mrqtros | balloons seems that terminal app can't edit this files ... | 18:03 |
balloons | mrqtros, you in r/o mode? | 18:03 |
balloons | mrqtros, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/TouchTesting#Switch_from_RO_to_RW | 18:03 |
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popey | mrqtros: you can... | 18:07 |
nik90 | clepto: hi :) | 18:07 |
popey | mrqtros: can you edit /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/active_ws_connection.conf ? | 18:07 |
popey | there's a dns entry in the [ipv4] stanza | 18:07 |
clepto | nik90, how are you? | 18:10 |
nik90 | clepto: good, and yourself? | 18:11 |
nik90 | clepto: busy with work and getting clock app ready for release | 18:11 |
nik90 | popey: btw I can make it tomorrow's meeting. Is it confirmed? | 18:11 |
clepto | nik90, fine! | 18:11 |
clepto | nik90, what about the contest? when the result will be announced? | 18:12 |
iBelieve | clepto, see this post by dpm: https://plus.google.com/115054251212417394181/posts/J78arpC5DhY | 18:12 |
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er | ||
nik90 | iBelieve: thnx | 18:13 |
iBelieve | clepto, the results will be announced tomorrow | 18:13 |
nik90 | clepto: ^^ | 18:13 |
clepto | iBelieve, nik90 thanks! | 18:13 |
clepto | crossed fingers :D | 18:13 |
iBelieve | nik90, clepto you're welcome | 18:14 |
dpm | clepto, yep, tomorrow, we needed to get some Canvas apps set up for running on the desktop to be judged, due to a bug with Canvas not working on phones atm, and to sort out a couple of other issues | 18:14 |
clepto | dpm, thanks for your help during the contest! | 18:15 |
dpm | np, thanks for the effort in creating your app! | 18:15 |
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mrqtros | popey balloons it works! :) Perfect :) | 18:37 |
balloons | mrqtros, :-) | 18:39 |
mrqtros | Tested Ubuntu Phone first time now - seems that there are a lot of things must be fixed and implemented :) | 18:51 |
randomcpp | will winners be announced tday or tomorrow? | 18:58 |
iBelieve | randomcpp, tomorrow | 19:04 |
randomcpp | iBelieve, thank you :) | 19:04 |
iBelieve | randomcpp, see this post by dpm: https://plus.google.com/115054251212417394181/posts/J78arpC5DhY | 19:04 |
randomcpp | thx :D | 19:04 |
mrqtros | Guys, how can I install click via adb? :) | 19:30 |
mrqtros | popey ping | 19:44 |
popey | mrqtros: pong | 19:45 |
mrqtros | popey how can I install click package via adb? :) | 19:45 |
popey | sudo -i -u phablet -H | 19:45 |
popey | pkcon install-local foo.click | 19:45 |
mrqtros | popey when I try to install it from store nothing happens, 0% still already 5 mins :) | 19:46 |
beuno | right | 19:48 |
beuno | so we're having some server issues at the moment | 19:48 |
beuno | sorry about that | 19:48 |
mrqtros | popey thanks! :) | 19:55 |
popey | beuno: did you see mentioned that one developer didn't get our email notifications from the store when we left comments? | 19:58 |
beuno | popey, yes, we're currently working on fixing that, should be deployed this week | 19:59 |
popey | thanks | 19:59 |
beuno | the store will be wonky for a little bit while we ride out the storm in this cloud | 20:01 |
mrqtros | popey ping | 20:30 |
popey | mrqtros: pong | 20:33 |
mrqtros | popey I am installed app successfully, but it can't start, how can I see console output or something like that? :) | 20:34 |
popey | sure... | 20:35 |
popey | adb shell | 20:35 |
popey | sudo -i -u phablet -H | 20:35 |
popey | start application APP_ID=[application] | 20:36 |
popey | where [application] is the name of the app from the .desktop file name | 20:37 |
popey | without .desktop | 20:37 |
mrqtros | > pkcon install-local foo.click | 20:37 |
mrqtros | sorry | 20:38 |
mrqtros | sec | 20:38 |
mrqtros | > application start/running, process 5801 | 20:38 |
mrqtros | Forgot that console doesn't support ctrl+c :) | 20:38 |
popey | ~/.cache/upstart/application-click-* | 20:39 |
popey | thats where the logs are | 20:39 |
mrqtros | popey thx, trying :) | 20:40 |
mrqtros | popey reboot helps, no need for logs :) | 20:42 |
mrqtros | But thanks :) | 20:42 |
mhall119 | daker: is there a way to bookmark rad.io channels in your app? | 21:05 |
daker | mhall119: rightnow no, it will be and i'll use U1DB | 21:06 |
mhall119 | cool | 21:06 |
mhall119 | this is a great app, BTW, got my news channel streaming live | 21:06 |
daker | mhall119: does the "Local Radio" tab works for you ? | 21:06 |
daker | mhall119: \m/ | 21:07 |
mhall119 | daker: it shows "United States" as the listview header, but nothing else | 21:07 |
daker | mhall119: that this means i'll win a price :) | 21:07 |
mhall119 | I'm not a judge :) | 21:07 |
daker | ok | 21:08 |
daker | mhall119: ok i'll investigate | 21:08 |
daker | mhall119: FYI it does store the last played station if you close/open the app | 21:09 |
daker | mhall119: close the app, the reopen it and click play it will play the last one | 21:09 |
mhall119 | sweet! | 21:10 |
daker | mhall119: a fix has been deployed, can you try again | 21:15 |
daker | close/open the app | 21:16 |
mhall119 | daker: was it published in the store already? | 21:16 |
daker | daker: no :) | 21:16 |
daker | i have fixed the backend | 21:16 |
mhall119 | oh, where does the backend live? | 21:17 |
daker | https://rad-io.herokuapp.com/api/nearby/?q=United%20States | 21:17 |
mhall119 | cool, yeah it lists channels now | 21:17 |
daker | \m/ | 21:18 |
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