
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
pittiGood morning04:58
jibelgood morning05:05
seb128good morning desktopers08:04
seb128hey Laney08:04
Laneyhey seb12808:04
Laneydid you have a good weekend?08:04
seb128Laney, quite good thanks, pretty uneventfull and relaxing ;-) you?08:06
Laneyit was surprisingly hot, so spent some time outside making the most of that08:07
mlankhorstyeah weekend was nice :P08:07
mlankhorst15°c and all08:07
seb128it was not cool here, but not hot either08:08
seb128like 16-18°C08:08
Laneywent climbing and then to the market, then yesterday played carcassonne in the pub08:08
seb128but they say it might go up to 23°C this week08:08
seb128let's see08:08
seb128nice ;-)08:08
LaneyI got the inns and cathedrals addon on Saturday :P08:08
Laneyhello mlankhorst!08:09
Laneyhoe gaat het?08:09
mlankhorstI got some biking done :)08:10
Laneyhaven't been out on my road bike in a while08:10
Laneykeep going climbing instead, since i got a season ticket for the centre :S08:10
mlankhorstand a photo http://imgur.com/9ocLd2h :D08:11
Mirvsil2100: telephony-service new dependencies MP on the stack status page08:18
sil2100Mirv: looking! Thanks08:18
* sil2100 is happy to see we're still using that08:18
MirvI'm, at least, not sure if anyone else ;)08:19
Mirvsil2100: another one https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/cupstream2distro-config/camera_app_depends_on_qtdeclarative5-usermetrics0.1/+merge/188274 - I believe the failing test is still lurking after that (should ping bfiller about it)08:22
Mirvsil2100: and thanks for the first08:24
didrockssil2100: hey! do you mind answering to Thomi about the opened bugs?08:30
sil2100didrocks: hello! Ok, see the e-mails08:30
didrockssil2100: thanks!08:30
mlankhorstLaney: yep that horse was less nice yesterday though, bucking in all gaits. :P But the most likely explanation was that I messed up somehow, the problem is usually seated on the saddle..08:32
didrockssil2100: joining #ubuntu-ci-eng?08:32
didrockssil2100: and https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/b31c28f31fcf9e093dc094c78119b1080db93ff708:32
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=== vila is now known as vila-afk-biab
Laneywhat's the project for the touch greeter?08:51
LaneyWant to check if StatsWelcomeScreen exists in it08:51
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=== Sweetsha1k_away is now known as Sweetshark
* Sweetshark survive LibreOffice conference in Milan. What a treat!09:25
Laneyhey Sweetshark09:26
Laneyseb128: have you seen this behaviour: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6174839/ ?09:26
Laneyi.e. energy seems to be wrong (disagreeing with percentage)09:26
* Laney switches it to use the indicator's value as that is correct09:27
seb128Laney, no, seems like an upower bog09:32
seb128Laney, the issue is that qtsystems doesn't wrap the % property09:33
LaneyI remember you filed some but I didn't know if that was one of them09:33
LaneyI printed out the values used to work out the % and they are energy and energy-full from upower09:33
Laneyseems the bug comes from there09:33
seb128upower has a bit more smartness for buggy devices to get a correct %09:33
pittiright, it has a few heuristics09:33
pittibut if the kernel exports energy or charge, it usually uses that09:34
pittiLaney: can you check the attributes in /sys/class/power_supply/whatever/ ?09:34
seb128pitti, hey, wie gehts?09:34
pittiLaney: grep -r . /sys/class/power_supply/ might be insightful09:34
pittiseb128: gut, danke! und Dir?09:34
seb128pitti, zehr gut, danke ;-)09:34
Laneyone second, my desk is falling apart09:34
Laneybut yes09:34
Laneypitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6174879/09:37
pittiLaney: urgh09:39
pittiLaney: charge_now/charge_full == 109%09:39
pittiLaney: I recently fixed upower to prefer reading "capacity" over charge/energy for the percentage value09:40
pittiso GUIs should generally prefer showing the percentage property09:40
Laneycapacity is right, seems that the raw values can be buggy09:40
seb128pitti, the issue is that qtsystems doesn't wrap that property09:40
Laneythe indicator exposes it09:40
seb128I've a todo to add it there09:40
LaneyMP to show that one incoming09:41
seb128Laney, right, I the time I wrote that code we had no indicator :p09:41
seb128Laney, I wonder if we should make the wifi toggle use the indicator backend as well while we are at it09:41
Laneyit does09:41
Laneyoh no09:42
Laneythat was bt09:42
seb128the current code doesn't do dynamic updates09:42
Laneyyeah could do that09:42
seb128Laney, btw did you say you could change the checkbox widgets, or should I look at that?09:43
LaneyCan do that next09:43
seb128ok, I'm going to let it for you09:45
* seb128 goes to try the cmake work09:45
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=== vila-afk-biab is now known as vila
Laneyseb128: Just checked, there doesn't seem to be an action on the indicator for global wifi toggle10:11
Laneythere's only  'wlan0.device-enabled': (true, '', [<true>])10:11
seb128hum, ok10:11
Laneymaybe they could expose one10:12
seb128Laney, ideally that's what they would do, I guess the indicator is supposed to turn wifi off as well10:15
Laneyit does10:16
Laneybut it's somehow given the device10:16
seb128it might be good enough of an approximation for v1.10:17
Laneyso use NM to get the device name?10:18
Laneyon my laptop the wireless adaptor is called eth1 for some reason10:18
seb128well, the indicator should probably do what we do10:19
seb128e.g use the nmclient api to turn wifi on/off10:19
seb128that has the smartness required iirc10:19
Laneyoh like it already does10:19
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
didrocksseb128: mind giving it a look? https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/ubuntu-system-settings/move-to-async/+merge/18829510:52
seb128didrocks, looking10:53
seb128didrocks, does that fix any issue or just cleanups?10:57
didrocksseb128: I think that way people will stop complaining that the "download" button stay pressed while the daemon is starting10:57
didrocks(I infer that's the issue)10:57
seb128oh, right10:58
seb128didrocks, that makes sense ;-)10:58
seb128didrocks, thanks10:58
didrocksseb128: not 100% sure, I don't have any update to process ;)10:58
seb128I can try in a bit, need to charge my device more before though10:58
didrockswell, anyway, it can only improve10:58
seb128we still have suspend issues, it went flat during the w.e10:59
didrocksyeah, it happens sometimes to me as well10:59
didrocksor you can see the screen is still on10:59
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
czajkowskidoes anyone use workspaces?  Are they working for you after latest updates?  I've them enabled and can see them on the side bar clicking on the icon on the side bar I cant zoom out to the desktops but it is showing I've 4 enabled11:08
czajkowskiseb128: are you sure11:16
seb128sure yes11:17
czajkowskitime to file a bug :(11:18
czajkowskiwhat are workspaces filed against?11:19
seb128compiz I guess11:21
czajkowskigod damn right click11:27
mdeslaurseb128: hi! would you object to something like this: bug 123258911:58
* mdeslaur looks for bug bot11:58
mdeslaurLP: #123258911:58
seb128mdeslaur, hey, looking11:59
seb128no object11:59
seb128no objection11:59
seb128check with Laney though12:00
seb128it's ffish12:00
mdeslauryes, definitely needs a ffe12:00
Laneydon't ping me directly, subscribe ubuntu-release please12:01
Laneypersonally I'd be happier if it were forwarded12:01
mdeslaurisn't it a bit ubuntu-specific for upstream to accept?12:01
Laneydon't know, they might12:02
mdeslaurok, I'll file an upstream bug and see12:03
Laneyotherwise it's a patch to maintain, so we have to consider whether that is worth it12:04
mdeslaurI think so :)12:05
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
=== alf|debugging_x is now known as alf_
desrtgood morning fellow canonical employees!12:48
seb128desrt, good morning ... are you part of the group for good?! ;-)12:49
desrtseb128: still haven't signed the contracts since they had a couple of mistakes when they sent them over, but today is my start day :)12:49
seb128desrt, welcome on board! ;-)12:49
* desrt spent the weekend telling everyone "i'm between jobs right now..."12:50
desrt(north american euphemism for 'unemployed')12:50
pittihey desrt, how are you?12:50
desrtpitti: good.  probably not as good as you, though :)12:51
desrtdid you have lots of awesome spicy cajun food?12:51
pittidesrt: I did two weeks ago, yes :)12:51
czajkowskidesrt: greetings from a non canonincal employee :)12:51
desrtczajkowski: were you former-canonical?12:51
czajkowskidesrt: I was canonical but now I'm not but everyone is here even if you're are or aren't :)12:52
desrtsometimes you wanna go....12:52
czajkowskiso far seb128 and didrocks havent strangled me for asking bug questions so I'm staying around!12:52
seb128desrt, btw, about that treeview bug, do you think I should just take your patch or do you want to try to get some upstream review first?13:12
desrtseb128: i pinged around a bit upstream about it.  nobody wanted to look13:13
desrtwill try to flag down company again today13:13
desrtif it fixes an issue that we're having right now, though, i say you should take it13:13
seb128desrt, ok, I'm going to test build/install it, to see if I spot any issue with it13:13
desrti'm pretty sure it won't have negative side effects13:13
desrtlet me double-check that, though13:13
seb128well, I'm going to test build/install it here anyway13:13
seb128then ping you again before uploading13:13
desrtya.... i'm really sure it won't cause issues13:14
desrtthat variable is used only in a half-dozen places and in all of them, 0 is a better choice for default than -113:14
desrtseb128: okay.  the patch is on master and gtk-3-10 now13:24
seb128desrt, \o/13:24
seb128desrt, thanks13:24
* desrt enjoys making the minimal amount of effort possible, then magnifying it13:25
desrtby merging to master _and_ stable, i can consider my 2-character patch as if it were a 4-character patch13:25
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
seb128Laney, sorry for the wifi buggy review, pbkac14:41
* seb128 tried the wifi panel :p14:41
Laneyso it works?14:41
seb128yes,in battery14:41
seb128it's buggy in wifi14:41
seb128but that's a bug for ted I guess14:41
Laneydidn't look what they do14:41
seb128(or nick/lars if that's qmenumodel)14:41
LaneyI didn't check my one on device14:42
Laneynot sure what the wifi toggle there does with the NM setting14:42
seb128Laney, so, doing the Q_EMIT lets the qml side to call the getter for an update?14:42
Laneyit tells QML to go fetch the value again14:42
seb128ok, on that one done, I'm out for some exercice14:43
seb128not like friday where I did "just another thing" on 5 things and end-up going after 6pm when it was starting being not sunny anymore, and cold14:44
seb128be back in ~1h14:44
=== greyback is now known as greyback|food
=== greyback|food is now known as greyback
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
didrocksseb128: once you are back: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/ubuntu-system-settings/add-unknown-progress-bar/+merge/18837315:45
didrocksthat is to make some meetings useful ;)15:45
didrocksjasoncwarner: FYI ^ (just tested it on my phone after downgrading and building)15:46
mterryattente, does the keyboard indicator in u-g today (saucy) work?  Like, without your new indicator branch, will keyboard layouts in the greeter be busted?15:46
attentemterry, it will work, it's just the problem with switching to the active user's first layout that's not fixed15:49
mterryattente, no, right.  I meant before that branch.  Like what we have in saucy (not trunk)15:52
attentemterry, what we have there in saucy right now works15:57
mterryattente, OK, cool.  That takes some of the urgency off15:59
seb128didrocks, thanks16:00
seb128ok, I need to drop offline for 10 minutes or so16:04
sil2100kenvandine: ping!16:06
sil2100kenvandine: do you have a moment? https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/thumbnailer/packaging_review/+merge/18837916:06
sil2100kenvandine: didrocks will double-check it later once it's in16:06
sil2100kenvandine: standard changes ;)16:06
kenvandinesil2100, sure16:11
sil2100kenvandine: thanks! :)16:11
sil2100kenvandine: since if we'll be able to get it merged soon, Didier will preNEW it then ;)16:12
sil2100Before going EOD16:12
kenvandinesil2100, done16:14
sil2100kenvandine: QUICK! Thanks ;)16:15
kenvandineit was an easy one :)16:15
kenvandinei didn't review all the packaging... just the changes :)16:16
=== mhall119_ is now known as mhall119
Laneydpm: yo16:24
Laneydpm: have you seen https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1215712 before?16:24
dpmhey Laney, I hadn't, no. but if I understand it correctly, the fix is to set the singular to %1 instead of 116:26
dpmso                 value: i18n.tr("%1 minute",16:26
dpm                               "%1 minutes".arg(5),16:26
dpm                               5)16:26
Laneyoh I see16:26
Laneymakes sense16:27
dpmbut I think the SDK requires does something not very intuitive with plurals, give me a sec to double-check this is the right format16:28
Laneyit comes up right in the pot16:28
dpmyeah, but the gettext tools should flag it as incorrect, which is what LP is doing (it uses the standard gettext tools for validation). Not sure why it didn't get flagged as incorrect during build16:29
dpmLaney, so the format should be -> i18n.tr("%1 minute", "%1 minutes", val).arg(val)16:36
dpmthere is a bug in the SDK requesting the .arg(val) not to be necessary, but for now it's still needed16:37
Laneyoh I think we have the .arg in the wrong place then16:38
dpmyeah, just noticed that16:38
Laneylet me fix16:39
om26er_Laney, hey who works on the brightness panel in the system-settings app ?16:42
Laneyom26er_: nobody16:42
Laneyit is deferred16:42
om26er_Laney, rather battery I meant16:42
om26er_since that panel has a brightness slider16:42
Laneyvarious people16:42
Laneywhat's the problem?16:42
om26er_bug 123327416:42
Laneyyeah that's a known bug in qmenumodle16:43
LaneyI think larsu has a fix16:43
* om26er_ assigns larsu 16:43
om26er_Laney, thansk16:43
larsuom26er_: already fixed :)16:44
larsuLaney: ha thanks16:44
=== fginther is now known as fginther|lunch
Laneyom26er_: feel free to test it16:44
Laney/ review ;-)16:44
larsuI've linked the bug16:45
om26er_there are debs attached with the CI message I can test16:45
larsuseb said he'll do a review to when he has time - but feel free to do one if you get around to it earlier16:45
Laneybe nice to get it merged16:45
seb128(sorry was offline a bit longer than expected, power was down for some work in the building)16:57
Laneyadmit it, you went and had a nap16:57
seb128Laney, yeah, I found a bug in your wifi changes during the nap btw :p16:57
LaneyNO YOU DID NOT16:57
seb128Laney, I can't enable wifi from battery anymore16:57
seb128the callback is called 4 times when I click on enable16:57
seb128I guess it does a enable->disable loop16:57
Laneyoh is there a loop16:57
Laneyqml sucks for that stuff16:58
Laneydid it get merged already?16:58
seb128yes :/16:58
seb128Laney, do you want a bug report to track it?16:58
Laneyoh well16:58
Laneyi'll look now16:58
seb128ok, let me know if need one, or if you get a mr to fix it up16:59
seb128well, first let me know if you confirm the issue16:59
LaneyI didn't get it in testing16:59
Laneydeliberately tried to make it happen too16:59
Laneywhat's the steps?17:00
didrocks17:45:07   didrocks | seb128: once you are back:17:01
didrocks                    | https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/ubuntu-system-settings/add-unknown-progress-bar/+merge/18837317:01
didrocks17:45:16   didrocks | that is to make some meetings useful ;)17:01
Laneyhttps://ubuntuone.com/2O2VxjFNymTlCgxYWRDaN2 hrhr17:01
didrocks17:46:01   didrocks | jasoncwarner: FYI ^ (just tested it on my phone after downgrading and building)17:01
didrocksseb128: now that you are back ^ ;)17:01
seb128didrocks, yeah, I read the ping before being offline, reviewing that now17:02
didrocksah, great! thanks :)17:02
seb128Laney, steps for me are: run "system-settings battery"; click on the wifi switch -> it turns off, try to click on it again to turn it back on17:02
Laneyhmm, no, can't get it to happen17:03
seb128hum, also clicking on bluetooth makes the bluetooth switch vanish from the panel17:05
seb128but I guess that's an indicator-bluetooth issue for charles17:05
* didrocks waves good evening17:05
Laneyyeah I think that's known17:05
seb128didrocks, night17:05
Laneynight didrocks17:05
didrocksseb128: thanks, you too!17:05
didrocksbye Laney17:05
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
charlesseb128, the bluetooth indicator is supposed to hide when bluetooth is disabled17:09
seb128charles, how is one supposed to enable bluetooth back then?17:09
charlesseb128, through settings17:09
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seb128it's pretty un-intuitive ... did you try to discuss that with mpt before?17:10
charlesseb128: you mean, is he aware of it? it was his idea17:10
Laneyseb128: try lp:~laney/ubuntu-system-settings/battery-dynamic-wireless-fix17:10
seb128well, did anyone mentioned to him that it's a pretty confusing behaviour?17:10
charlesseb128: no, I don't think that conversation's happened yet. :)17:11
seb128charles, I'm sort of starting it :p17:11
Laneyseb128: gtg, but feel free to mp/approve that if it works for you or i'll do it tomorrow17:11
seb128Laney, ok, did you find an issue?17:12
seb128Laney, looking to that in a minute17:12
LaneyI just changed approach17:12
Laneycopied what I did for the action toggles17:12
Laneyit works there to avoid loops17:12
* Laney waves17:13
seb128Laney, yep, that works17:14
Laneyseb128:  still here, let me MP it quickly then ;-)17:16
seb128Laney, thanks ;-)17:16
Laneybonne nuit17:17
seb128Laney, night ;-)17:18
=== fginther|lunch is now known as fginther
seb128charles, so one issue due to the bluetooth indicator behaviour, is that the system settings control (we reuse the indicator one over qmenumodel) vanish when toggled ... do you think we should create a new profile with that widget only for the settings (and never hide it there)?17:43
charlesseb128, let me take a look at it. My first guess is it might be better to make an item in the same profile that we just never add to the indicator's menu17:46
charlesseb128: I'm not completely sure that would work, but I'd prefer to try it first over creating a new profile just for this17:46
seb128charles, that makes sense indeed17:46
charlesseb128, I should have time to look at it this afternoon17:47
seb128charles, excellent17:47
seb128charles, should I open a bug report to track the issue?17:47
charlesseb128: yes, please17:48
seb128charles, ok, need to go for dinner but I'm doing that once I'm back17:48
charlesseb128, k17:49
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
nessitahello everyone! so, today being Sept 30, I see a bug in the calendar (this is a saucy updated system). Screenshot is: http://ubuntuone.com/1fkmo9FMrWrFNqTt2ksfEv (calendar shows Oct 30 instead)18:15
sarnoldnessita: I don't think the highlighted date is supposed to mean anything, it's never been right for me on 13.04 anyway.18:22
sarnold(today my September 24 is highlighted. Go figure.)18:22
nessitasarnold, never ever? is there a bug report I can +1?18:23
sarnoldnessita: hrm, dunno, I haven't gone looking. it -would- be nice if the highlighting meant something though..18:23
nessitasarnold, it used to highligth the current date :-) (which is what I expected, and what it seems like is trying to do)18:25
nessitait got the day right but the moth off by one18:25
sarnoldnessita: ha! here's one from two and a half years ago: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+bug/75099218:25
sarnoldnessita: since I always have a terminal handy, I just run 'cal' when I want to see the current date in a calendar. cal always works. :)18:26
sarnoldnessita: interesting, looks like folks were hoping it'd be fixed by oneiric :)  https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-datetime/+bug/83744018:30
nessitasarnold, indeed, reading all the chain duplicates18:30
seb128nessita, hey18:31
seb128nessita, I can't confirm that, are you sure you just didn't click on the next month arrow by error?18:32
seb128nessita, in any case, charles is maintaining that codebase, so maybe check with him what info would be useful in a bug report18:32
mdeslaurseb128: I see that issue all the time, FWIW18:33
* charles looks at the scrollback18:33
seb128mdeslaur, the wrong month one?18:33
nessitaseb128, 100% sure I did not click in the date. I just clicked on the indicator to see the whole calendar month, and the Oct 30 was selected18:33
nessitacharles, hello! so, indicator calendar is playing tricks with my head, see http://ubuntuone.com/1fkmo9FMrWrFNqTt2ksfEv18:34
mdeslaurseb128: the highlight is set to some other date...perhaps the last time I looked, or something18:34
seb128mdeslaur, does it happen if you stop the service/on login?18:34
sarnoldI've thought before "last time I've looked" but I'm 90% certain I've seen dates in the future seleceted as well.18:34
mdeslaurI'll check next time18:34
charlesyes, I think that's a 13.10 regression. previously it would always reset to the current date when you popped down the indicator18:35
charlesnow it sticks on whatever date you were last looking at18:35
seb128charles, well, nessita seems to say she never looking at this month/date18:35
seb128but maybe it's a click error or something18:35
charlesbecause the indicator never knows anymore when it's been popped down or popped up18:35
charlesseb128, given that it's exactly one month off, my guess is an accidental click on the 'next month' button in the calendar18:36
seb128yeah, same here18:36
charlesor rather, nessita I'm aware of the not-jumping-back-to-today bug, but I haven't seen a random jump bug before18:36
seb128nessita, can you kill indicator-datetime-service and see if that's still happening?18:37
nessitaseb128, yes, on it now18:37
charlesthe former is already ticketed and on my TODO. if the latter is repeatable, please file a ticket for it18:37
sarnoldcharles: I'm pretty sure that indicator has never bee nright for me on 12.04, 12.10, or 13.04 either...18:37
nessitacharles, I never opened calendar today, in this session. I just opened it and got the Oct 30 highligthed18:37
nessitaseb128, when killing the service (I had to "kill" it 3 times to have it really dead), if I click on the datetime indicator, I see a "disabled" calendar (grey out) with the correct date selected18:39
charlessarnold, is there a bug from the 12.04 timeframe on this?18:39
sarnoldcharles: I haven't filed one, since it never worked I assumed it wasn't meant to work. :/ sorry.18:40
charlessarnold: are you using unity in 12.04?18:40
sarnold(like I said, 'cal' is always ready-at-hand and never wrong..)18:40
sarnoldcharles: no, 13.04 no18:40
sarnolds/no /now /  :)18:41
charlesunity triggers the about-to-show event to the indicator which used to make the indicator jump to today18:41
charlesthe reason it's regressed in the nightlies now is because the new indicators don't have the same mechanism, we're not using gtk at that level anymore18:41
mdeslaur1990's linux user doesn't file bugs for gooey applications18:41
seb128nessita, hum, weird, it should autorespawn :/18:41
charlesso, if this bug existed before this cycle, maybe it was in the applet-panel which didn't trigger that even for the calendar to see?18:42
sarnoldmdeslaur: and what's with these kids on my lawn? they are magnetically attracted to it, I swear.18:42
nessitaseb128, let me restart the session to try to reproduce from scratch. I also installed a bunch of updates today, so will restart the system18:42
charlesanyway, IMO the repeatable known regression in the nightlies is the first thing to fix18:42
seb128nessita, ok18:43
sarnoldthat way when it works for me in a few weeks it'll be a pleasant surprise :)18:43
charlessarnold: there's already a ticket for this filed by alesage I believe. I don't have a URL handy and am about to run out to lunch, but you may want to look it up and CC yourself on it18:43
* nessita reboots18:43
charlessarnold: and if the problem persists after that fix, let me know18:44
nessitaseb128, charles: rebooted and the calendar shows the correct date :-/ will keep an eye on reproducing18:52
seb128nessita, well, you probably triggered the next month in some way18:53
nessitaseb128, I guess, though I can not think of any action that could have done that18:53
seb128nessita, keyboard or mouse click18:55
nessitaseb128, right, I'm pretty sure all I did was clicking on the date in the indicator area18:56
nessitabut since I can't reproduce... :-)18:56
nessitawill be alert in case the date is not "today" in any future usage of the indicator18:57
seb128nessita, well, if you missclick the date and hit one of the next month, it goes there18:57

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