shodan45 | is GPU video decode (VPDAU) supposed to work OOTB? | 01:02 |
shodan45 | I was able to get my atom/ion frontend to connect to my backend, and see live tv from my HDHR (but with an audio error...), but it was playing in slow motion | 01:04 |
shodan45 | and my box got very hot - I suspect it was using the CPU to decode video | 01:06 |
shodan45 | is there a way to tell if mythtv is using hardware decode? | 01:06 |
shodan45 | nm, figured out that it wasn't enabled - works now | 02:12 |
thatswork | !help | 02:17 |
Zinn | !help For a complete list of my knowledge visit: Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number]. | 02:17 |
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stevie_man | I'm looking to setup up 2 frontend using mythbuntu and running a backend on my existing Debian 6 server. What mythtv version do I need to download for the backend? | 16:23 |
superm1 | stevie_man: you can try to run the exact same PPA if you want on the backend | 16:25 |
superm1 | i've not actually tried it | 16:25 |
superm1 | otherwise, you'll want to grab the source package from the PPA after you get the frontends installed and build it on debian | 16:25 |
stevie_man | superm1: not sure what you mean by PPA | 16:25 |
superm1 | oh sorry. ok so some context | 16:25 |
superm1 | for mythbuntu we distribute daily builds in Ubuntu PPA's for anyone who wants to stay up to date on the -fixes branch | 16:26 |
superm1 | for example: | 16:26 |
superm1 | PPA is a personal package archive, just made to build one set of packages | 16:26 |
superm1 | you can add it as an apt source and then you'll pull packages from it. if you install mythbuntu on the frontends, the PPA's aren't enabled by default, but they're trivial to enable and then start getting those -fixes updates if you want | 16:27 |
stevie_man | ah, ok no problem running the PPA on Debian? | 16:27 |
superm1 | well it might have some problems | 16:27 |
superm1 | i mean ubuntu is debian based, so there is a good chance it could work, but squeeze is a bit old | 16:27 |
superm1 | you might have to just grab the source package from the PPA (deb-src apt line) and build it on debian yourself using pbuilder/sbuild/dpkg-buildpackage etc | 16:28 |
stevie_man | yah, it is but it has been solid so it's hard to justify an upgrade :) | 16:28 |
superm1 | ideally you want to have the exact same -fixes version on all the things you run mythtv on to prevent any protocol changes and to simplify debugging | 16:28 |
superm1 | the other alternative is to try to build using the debian packaging scripts we have in github at they're mainly targeted at ubuntu right now, but if you want to try building with them we can try to help sort out any problems with debian builds | 16:30 |
stevie_man | cool, so how do I go about getting this started. I just looked in the Debian sub dir and the readme.debian sounds like the info is for uploading | 16:39 |
superm1 | start out by cloning | 16:43 |
superm1 | and then checkout the branch of the mythtv version you want to use | 16:43 |
superm1 | which is probably fixes/0.27 | 16:43 |
superm1 | then try to build using ./debs/ | 16:44 |
superm1 | depending on what you have on your server will depend where it decides to blow up | 16:44 |
stevie_man | alrighty lets see what damage I can do here | 16:49 |
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stevie_man | this is the 2nd time I've used git. I've cloned the I'm not sure how I check out the branch | 16:53 |
superm1 | no worries. "git checkout fixes/0.27" | 16:54 |
superm1 | it should tell you it switched to fixes/0.27 | 16:54 |
stevie_man | ah I triend git pull | 16:55 |
stevie_man | um one question. The mythbuntu live CD what ver does it run? | 16:55 |
superm1 | git pull is how you will pull "updates" to the packaging branch | 16:55 |
superm1 | it should run 0.25.2, but you'll want to update to 0.27 so that if there are problems upstream will be willing to help | 16:56 |
stevie_man | I'm going to have to use the live cd first to make sure the setup is going to work before I make the switch | 16:56 |
superm1 | 0.25 is no longer supported | 16:56 |
superm1 | ohh | 16:56 |
superm1 | well that's a bit more complex then, i guess you can build for 0.25, there are packaging scripts for both | 16:57 |
superm1 | we won't be doing a 0.27 based ISO until next april | 16:57 |
stevie_man | I'm running a Mediaportal frontend and it doesn't connect to the backend so I'm looking to switch to myth but I need to make sure it's going to work with a backend or the wife will have my head :) | 16:58 |
stevie_man | so I can do a git checkout fixes/0.25 and if it all works than I can update to .27 | 16:58 |
superm1 | yeah | 16:59 |
stevie_man | ok well I got this message "fatal: Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount parent )" | 17:00 |
stevie_man | oh nevermind, I missed changing to the packaging dir | 17:02 |
superm1 | oh okay | 17:02 |
superm1 | there are a few ubuntuisms in that 0.25 version of the packaging i know for sure | 17:02 |
superm1 | it's calling for some ubuntu specific tools so you will need to comment some lines out | 17:02 |
superm1 | 0.27's scripts are more generic | 17:03 |
stevie_man | if only I could run mythbuntu in a virtual machine and still access the tuner card | 17:04 |
stevie_man | that would be so much easier | 17:04 |
superm1 | what kind of tuner are you using? | 17:05 |
stevie_man | pinnacle 800i | 17:09 |
superm1 | ah yeah limited then | 17:09 |
superm1 | this is the diff i think you'll need to run on 0.25 scripts to make it build more nicely (taken right from the 0.27 scripting) | 17:09 |
stevie_man | neat, I have no idea what that is :) | 17:10 |
superm1 | well at least for manually sorting things out, comment everything in that if [ "$TYPE" = "binary" ]; then block | 17:11 |
superm1 | and install these packages ahead of time: dpkg-dev devscripts equivs | 17:12 |
superm1 | from the top level deb directory, try to run this command (without sudo if you're using it as root) to install all the build dependencies you'll need "sudo mk-build-deps debian/ -ir" | 17:12 |
stevie_man | how do I apply the diffs? | 17:30 |
superm1 | well it might be easier to just comment that whole section out | 17:31 |
superm1 | and do what i said above | 17:32 |
superm1 | because that pastebin makes it harder to get raw text | 17:32 |
stevie_man | superm1: mk-build-deps says unknown option ir | 17:56 |
stevie_man | ah figured it out | 17:57 |
superm1 | ok good, probably just older version of debian stuff | 18:05 |
stevie_man | superm1: building now | 18:16 |
superm1 | cool, so once you got the build deps in place it seems to be working well? | 18:16 |
stevie_man | nope debuild: fatal error at line 1325: | 18:18 |
superm1 | can you pastebin the build log for the error? | 18:19 |
stevie_man | sure, where does it log to? | 18:20 |
superm1 | just to that terminal | 18:20 |
stevie_man | oh | 18:20 |
superm1 | you can copy paste the last 200-300 lines or so | 18:20 |
superm1 | otherwise re-run and tee it into a log or something | 18:20 |
stevie_man | That's all I had in the terminal I can output to a log file if you need more | 18:22 |
superm1 | it says on 193 exactly why that was failing | 18:22 |
superm1 | those other dependencies listed there for building | 18:22 |
superm1 | some of those you can optionally take out and build without support others you can't | 18:23 |
superm1 | so see what you can find in debian for those, and whatever you can't you can try to take out of debian/ and make a local packaging git commit to keep it out | 18:24 |
superm1 | the mp3 support might be your biggest problem | 18:25 |
stevie_man | non of those are part of Squeeze stable | 18:32 |
superm1 | ok so try to disable them and build without | 19:10 |
superm1 | see how things fare | 19:10 |
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