
dholbachgood morning07:27
=== AlanChicken is now known as alanbell
=== alanbell is now known as AlanBell
PaulW2Upleia2: editorial review / proof reading all done17:30
pleia2PaulW2U: thanks!17:31
josepleia2: hey, I think we can disable new user creation if you're still an admin22:09
pleia2jose: I'm not22:09
joseoh, well22:10
pleia2jose: admin was removed from all community members :(22:10
pleia2now the only control we have over user accounts in fridge is by editing the lp teams22:10
josepleia2: try asking for admin again, we do need it22:16
pleia2my current strategy is death by rt tickets ;)22:16
pleia2but seriously, as a sysadmin I know how annoying it is for users to just beg for admin, trying to work within the bounds they've set up and we can reassess if they don't want to manage the deluge of user accounts22:18
pleia2even if I don't agree with how they did it (surprise, no more admin for you!) I do think restricting access in general it smart22:19
pleia2some day we'll teach canonifolks to communicate with community members ;)22:20
* jose agrees22:32

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