[08:51] sidkizz, :D :D GM dude :D [08:53] GM bro [08:54] elacheche_anis, from today i'll be always visible on that list on the right :p [08:58] Great :D :D [08:58] Kén 3adkom channel irc sidkizz 9olli inwalli médid wijhi dima zéda :D [08:59] sidkizz, to be secure in Freenoe.net you need to have a look @this → http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks [09:05] Here it is irc://irc.freenode.net/EspritLibre :D [09:05] elacheche_anis, i'll check it now [16:54] Slm ^^ [16:54] Ahla Drupalizer :) :D [16:55] elacheche_anis, Sup ? [16:55] :D [16:55] Working -_- :V [16:56] elacheche_anis, Cool :p ena merta7 lyoum [16:57] yi7rizlik william :p [16:57] hehehehe [16:58] Sinon, y a pas un lien qui montre la différence entre drupal joomla et wp [16:58] !! [16:59] https://www.udemy.com/blog/drupal-vs-joomla-vs-wordpress/ [16:59] coool thx :* :D [17:00] elacheche_anis, yw :P [17:00] elacheche_anis, this is a bonus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEPTlhBmwRg :P [17:06] Thx Drupalizer === Drupalizer is now known as TR0J4N === TR0J4N is now known as Drupalizer === Drupalizer is now known as Sparta === Sparta is now known as Drupalizer [17:39] re [17:39] hay 7afla lenna [17:39] xD [17:39] sa7a Drupalizer xD [17:40] "ena merta7 lyoum" [17:40] :p [17:40] * Neo31 half mirta7 3malt taf9ida la3chia [17:41] Neo31, :D ahla [17:41] ahla elacheche_anis [17:41] :) [17:41] going afk :) c ya later === SalahMessaoud is now known as Drupalizer [19:22] re [19:22] ahla sidkizz [19:22] sidkizz, mte3na ? [19:23] Ahlaaan Neo31 [19:23] ey mte3 el num xD [19:23] lol [19:23] g oublier de passer ton num sur le log bot du irc lol [19:24] wala rahou hbat publique sur google hhh [19:24] sayé fakit blassti fil liste eli à droite :p [19:24] hhh [19:24] lol [19:24] sa7a m3alam [19:24] xD [19:25] winou aka Bédis [19:28] che pa dima fassi3 ma yodhhor kan fel events :p [19:28] kan 7achtik bih njibouh :p [19:31] sidkizz, [19:31] on m'as dit fama 7keya mte3 espace de 50gb pour collecter tt les photos 7aja ki haka [19:31] plus d'infos ?? [19:32] dzl pr le retard Neo31 [19:32] oui il m'a demandé d'inscrire le mail de celui qui va avoir un full access sur le dossier [19:32] alors j'ai réçu le mail de 5 personnes [19:38] re [19:38] j'aimerai avoir acces aussi sidkizz [19:38] check pv [19:41] done [19:42] thx sidkizz [19:42] welcome lunapersa [19:42] :) [19:42] pleasure :) [19:54] sidkizz, [19:54] didn't get anything yet [19:54] please reinvite or send some link [19:56] Neo31, tu reçois rien via mail je pense, check les notifs de Mega [19:59] yepp [19:59] got a notif about closing my old account [19:59] lol [19:59] i had to logging to reenable it [19:59] :p [19:59] now it should be fine :p [20:01] got it [20:02] entouma ta7kiw 3al mega weni mo5i mechi fel mediafire lol [20:02] hhh [20:02] creating a mega account [20:40] Bonsoir :) [21:01] re [21:04] :) [21:04] re sidkizz [21:05] g rien recu sur ma boite email [21:05] it seems 3andi compte deja [21:05] mm ki na3mal forgot passowrd y9oli sent et je recois rien [21:05] na3mal compte bel gmail et je reessaye [21:05] taw n9olik tab3athli invite o5ra [21:12] Neo31, dima dé5il fi 7it :p [21:12] che pa c koi le probleme ubuntiste-msakni [21:12] c bon sidkizz check new mail for invite [21:12] i have created a new mega account [21:41] re Neo [21:41] re sidkizz [21:41] done [21:42] thx a lot [21:42] checking [21:43] c bon [21:43] thx sidkizz [21:43] sry for disturbance ! [21:45] uploading in few minutes [21:45] ubuntiste-msakni, 5oudh account w uploadi aussi [21:45] Neo31: ma3adech t3awed-ha sorry.. :p [21:45] ghochi s3ib rani xp [21:50] :p [21:51] Neo31, déjà fait 9ablik :p :p amma je fait les rotations nécessaire les photos [21:52] lol [21:53] i'm so sorry sidkizz i wont say sorry again! [21:55] * Neo31 is not sorry anymore :p [21:55] xD [21:56] good boy ubuntiste-msakni [22:28] sidkizz, t'as pas un linkedin!! :p [22:31] lol clever bot * xD [22:31] ubuntiste-msakni: yep, here it is tn.linkedin.com/in/sidkikboubi/ [22:32] Euuuh sidkizz ubuntiste-msakni = elacheche_anis = elacheche :D :D :D :p [22:32] thx :p [22:34] welcome bro [22:34] ahhh [22:34] wena n9oul anis win xD [22:38] lool [22:38] weni 3raftni chkoun sidkizz ? xD [22:38] hhh [22:46] hhh [22:46] lé 3ad Neo31 3raftek 9bal manchoufek nhar el event xD bel amara jit nlawej w nes2el 3lik xP [22:50] looool :D [22:53] qui parmi vous a fait l'upload des photo [22:53] sur wikiloves [22:55] - 6 mn :'( [23:04] nizarus, lunapersa a des problèmes d'upload sur wikiloves [23:04] :D [23:04] Salam nizarus sorry :D :) [23:07] ahla ubuntiste-msakni normal tout le monde upload à cet instant là :) [23:08] donc lunapersa il faut être patiente :) [23:08] 00:08 :( [23:10] fahamha :p :D [23:13] lunapersa, on me confirme que c'est fini :/ garde les pour l'année prochaine inchallah [23:14] :D hard luck x) [23:14] et tou [23:15] et toi ubuntiste-msakni tu as déposé des photos ? [23:18] Nope :D Je visite pas des monument moi :( :( on plus sousse n'était pas dans la liste :/ D'ailleurs si l'event des remise des prix sera au musé de sousse je vais essayé de le visiter pour la premiere fois lors de l'event x) → #Bo5l [23:20] :/ inch'allah [23:31] re [23:34] :) [23:36] Neo31 on aura besoin d'une reunion ce weekend [23:38] wa9tech lunapersa ? [23:39] sujet ? [23:39] sinon doodle + ml ;) [23:39] nizarus, 9adech 3andna 3al ML SFD juska mnt ? [23:40] 200 inscrits [23:40] :p [23:40] il y a un zero en trop :D [23:40] Coooool :D [23:40] oups x) [23:41] loooooool ubuntiste-msakni [23:44] lol