
mzanettiveebers: ping07:30
veebersmzanetti: pong07:30
mzanettiveebers: hey. somethings wrong with my calendar07:30
mzanettiveebers: the meetings have been moved another hour earlier?07:30
veebersmzanetti: ah, no that's not your cal fault07:30
veebersmzanetti: it's now daylight savings here, and I must have made the original meeting with my local tz, not using UTC07:31
veebersso I'm an hour ahead of you than normal07:31
mzanettioh... did you guys already switch daylight saving times07:31
veebersyeah, just yesterday07:31
mzanettiit another 3 weeks around here I think07:31
veebersHad I realized yesterday that it would affect this meeting I would have emailed, I didn't notice until a couple of hours ago though :_P07:32
mzanettiveebers: so, you still up to for a sync meeting or you already off?07:32
veebersmzanetti: I think a quick one now would be good. We can plan the next couple until we sync hours again too07:33
mzanettiSaviq: hi08:14
Saviqmzanetti, ih08:15
Saviqmzanetti, veebers, sorry for not joining the sync lately...08:15
mzanettiSaviq: no worries. got it covered08:16
mzanettiSaviq: I've seen this one happening on the weekend and attached some debugging stuff: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/121987108:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1219871 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "when idle with screen blank, unity8 generates hundreds of context switches per second" [High,Confirmed]08:16
Saviqmzanetti, oh, so you managed to repro?08:16
mzanettiSaviq: well, it happened. no idea still what's the trigger08:17
mzanettiSaviq: but there is one interesting thing08:17
mzanettiwe have 14 threads, one of them is named "dconf worker" and according to gdb it's stack depth is 2300 and something08:17
mzanettidoes that ring any bell for you?08:18
Saviqmzanetti, well, gsettings-qt probablky08:18
Saviqmzanetti, but 2300? I'd imagine is a broken stack and a loop08:18
mzanettibut still indicates dconf integration might be the issue08:19
Saviqmzanetti, see Stacktrace.txt in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/122149208:19
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1221492 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 crashed with SIGSEGV in _IO_vfprintf_internal()" [Medium,Incomplete]08:19
mzanettiSaviq: also I can confirm the futex thing as reported by cjwatson08:19
mzanettistrace prints wakes by futex like crazy when it happens08:20
mzanettiSaviq: my trace wasn't that useful as this one. but if they are indeed the same, this would be helpful I guess08:21
Saviqmzanetti, I doubt they are08:21
Saviqmzanetti, but just another example of a broken stack08:21
mzanettiprobably not... seeing all that flickable stuff in there it doesn't look like a dconf worker thing08:22
mzanettifunny thing is, in my case I can see that broken stack depth info while its running08:22
Saviqmzanetti, if you can get rid of Gsettings from Shell.qml08:22
mzanettiit doesn't crash. in my case08:23
SaviqI don't think we're using anywhere else atm08:23
Saviqand see if you can reproduce08:23
mzanettibut yeah, can remove it there too08:23
mzanettibut I'd need a way to reliably reproduce, yes08:23
Saviqright, of course08:24
mzanettiSaviq: hmm... if there is a dynamic lib and the -dev package also ships a static lib for it, is there still a way to choose which one it should use?08:32
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, should be08:35
Saviqmzanetti, for cmake, you just need to point to it directly - i.e. include the .a in the linking08:36
mzanettiI think you can give the full path to select the static one. but iirc that was compiler specific.08:36
Saviqor well, -lblah.a should work, too08:36
mzanettiyeah. I did that with qmake too already. but there was some caveat which I can't remember08:36
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nic-doffaymhr3, ping09:03
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paulliumzanetti: hi. Can you help me to review this? https://code.launchpad.net/~paulliu/unity8/unity8-fixgenericpreview09:27
paulliumzanetti: https://code.launchpad.net/~paulliu/unity8/unity8-fixgenericpreview/+merge/18776209:27
mhr3paulliu, btw the prereq branch for the music preview was finally merged09:28
mhr3so should be "fixable" now :)09:28
paulliumhr3: ok09:28
paulliuLet me do it.09:28
tsdgeosCimi: ping09:35
Cimitsdgeos, pong09:35
tsdgeosCimi: wasn't the hud button supposed to stay around for a while?09:35
Cimitsdgeos, yeah09:36
tsdgeosit doesn't anymore09:36
Cimitsdgeos, I have a branch and it's failing with jenkins09:36
tsdgeosi see09:36
Cimitsdgeos, autopilot on slow machines...09:36
dednickCimi: ping09:36
Cimidednick, pong09:37
tsdgeosSaviq: you there?09:37
Saviqtsdgeos, yup09:37
tsdgeosSaviq: do you know of any video i can use to test https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-mir/+bug/1231125 ?09:37
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1231125 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Music and Videos do not launch from the dash" [Critical,Triaged]09:37
tsdgeosall the videos i add to the Videos/ folder09:37
dednickCimi: howdy. i've done some work on the ubuntu-settings-components branch. Would be great if you could take a look sometime. lp:~nick-dedekind/ubuntu-settings-components/pre-archive-fixes09:37
tsdgeosfail to show on it09:37
tsdgeosso if you have some file that you know it works09:37
tsdgeosit'd be great09:37
dednickCimi: https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/ubuntu-settings-components/pre-archive-fixes/+merge/18828309:37
Cimidednick, I'll do as soon as this jenkins will stop failing...09:38
Saviqtsdgeos, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/demo-assets/trunk/files/head:/videos/ should work, no?09:38
dednickCimi: it's generally just restructuring so we can get it into archive at some point09:38
dednickdidrocks: ping09:39
tsdgeosSaviq: makes sense09:39
* tsdgeos tries09:39
didrocksdednick: pong09:40
dednickdidrocks: hi. what does it take to get new packages into archive?09:41
didrocksdednick: hum, is that the same request than thostr_? ;)09:42
dednickdidrocks: um, don't know about his request. probably not.09:42
dednickdidrocks: ubuntu-settings-components09:42
didrocksdednick: get a landing ask describing the package and if it's needed in touch09:42
thostr_i'm talking about the thumbnailer09:42
thostr_so, it's a different one09:43
didrocksok, just similar requests and questions at the same time ;)09:43
dednickdidrocks: ok, thanks09:43
tsdgeosi get nothing in the Video shell09:45
* tsdgeos tries to dist-upgrade to see if that helps at all with no videos09:54
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tsdgeosSaviq: do you get local videos ?10:14
tsdgeosi get nothing :-/10:14
Saviqtsdgeos, /me tries10:14
tsdgeosnot even in the pc10:15
Saviqtsdgeos, pc is different scope than phone - phone uses unity-scope-mediascanner10:15
Saviqtsdgeos, and yeah, I'm getting a carousel of local videos here10:16
tsdgeospath being10:16
Saviqtsdgeos, /home/phablet/Videos yes10:17
tsdgeosi get only the "online" part10:17
Saviqtsdgeos, well, I just pushed them through MTP, but yeah10:17
tsdgeosnothing local10:17
Saviqtsdgeos, try searching and clearing the search?10:17
tsdgeosdid not help10:18
Saviqinteresting, mhr3, pstolowski, any idea for tsdgeos ↑ on how to get local videos to show up?10:20
pstolowskitsdgeos: codecs problem? mediascanner can only scan what's supported by gstreamer10:21
mhr3Saviq, tsdgeos, we were just talking about it, seems codecs are broken, so if you didn't have something in the db already you won't get it there now10:21
tsdgeosso i can never get anything10:22
mhr3it should show up once codecs are fixed10:23
Saviqmhr3, interesting, I get stuff...10:23
mhr3jamesh would know10:23
mhr3Saviq, depends on the codec10:23
Saviqtsdgeos, let me push something for you10:24
Saviqtsdgeos, still uploading, but https://chinstrap.canonical.com/~msawicz/test.avi10:26
Saviqtsdgeos, 20s10:26
tsdgeosSaviq: waht do i do with it?10:29
Saviqtsdgeos, drop into ~phablet/Videos, search in dash videos, unsearch - see if it shows up10:30
tsdgeossearch anything, right?10:30
Saviqtsdgeos, yeag10:30
Ciminew ubuntu installation (friday was broken)10:31
CimiI just branched unity10:32
Cimiran ./build -s10:32
Cimithen at ./build it complains of missing so many components10:32
Cimiwhat's wrong?10:33
nic-doffaymzanetti, ping10:34
tsdgeosSaviq: got something10:34
tsdgeosbut something i can't play :D10:34
tsdgeoscan you?10:34
Saviqtsdgeos, isn't that what you needed? :D10:34
tsdgeosit's supposed to work on SF10:35
tsdgeosand it doesn't10:35
mzanettinic-doffay: hey ho10:35
tsdgeossoo no, that's not what i need10:35
Saviqtsdgeos, build/install demo-assets-videos10:35
Saviqtsdgeos, can get you packages in 5 if you want10:35
tsdgeosif that's going to help10:36
nic-doffaymzanetti, I'd like to use a mock scope in a test, got some info on that for me?10:36
Saviqtsdgeos, will test first10:36
Saviqactually I already have the packages10:36
Cimiguys ^10:36
Cimiotherwise I install manually10:37
mzanettinic-doffay: hmm... depends a bit on what exactly you want to test10:37
nic-doffaymzanetti, my search indicator branch which pops up with an indicator when a search is in progress.10:47
Cimimzanetti, you know why build doesn't install of of these? ^10:51
mzanettiCimi: because its broken10:51
mzanettiCimi: I think Saviq started to fix it already10:51
CimiI'm using build-dep10:51
Cimiin the meanwhile10:52
mzanettiCimi: yep. thats the workaround for now10:52
tsdgeosSaviq: so where are the packages?10:52
SaviqCimi, just delete unity8-build-dep*.deb10:52
Saviqtsdgeos, just pushed to my device, will get them to you in 510:52
tsdgeosah, ok, sorry10:52
CimiSaviq, what? is it required to remove the package?10:53
mzanettinic-doffay: there is tests/mocks/Unity/fake_scope.cpp10:53
mzanettinic-doffay: I think you can reuse that.10:53
mzanettinic-doffay: just add your searchInProgress() stuff there too10:53
SaviqCimi, not required, but otherwise it might not install it (and that's the package that depends... on the dependencies)10:54
SaviqCimi, just delete and both ./build and ./run_on_device will work again10:54
nic-doffaymzanetti, I need a qmluitest...10:55
nic-doffaySo using the mock scopes in a qmluitest to check the graphics.10:55
mzanettinic-doffay: yeah... that's what it is10:56
nic-doffaymzanetti, ok cool.10:57
nic-doffaymzanetti, has it been used in a test before?10:57
Saviqtsdgeos, actually - they're there in ppa:phablet-team, demo-assets-scopes and demo-assets-videos10:57
Saviqtsdgeos, you might also need to fix the scopes dconf entry, will let you know in a sec10:57
mhr3Saviq, qa broken? looks like qmluitests are not running11:00
Saviqmhr3, looks like the vm nodes that run them are dead11:01
Saviqmhr3, triggered a launch for them, let's see11:02
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mzanettinic-doffay: tst_ScopeView for example11:04
mhr3anyone know what this is? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6175160/11:08
Saviqtsdgeos, ah shite, -scope-mock is outdated :/11:10
Saviqmhr3, that's a segfault during "qmlplugindump"11:10
mhr3Saviq, why and how? :)11:10
Saviqmhr3, it's a thing that generates .qmltypes files for QtCreator11:11
Saviqmhr3, it's run automagically on plugins we generate11:11
mhr3Saviq, hm, clean build fixed it... guess the abi change in unity-core11:11
Saviqmhr3, you can do it yourself by exporting QML2_IMPORT_PATH and running "qmlplugindump Unity 0.1" or so11:11
Saviqmhr3, yeah, very possible11:11
tsdgeosSaviq: what does that mean?11:17
Saviqtsdgeos, that means the demo assets scope won't work :/11:17
tsdgeosdebugging this is getting harder and harder11:17
Saviqjamesh_, how does -scope-mediascanner activate the result upon "Play" in the preview? and any idea why would it work for music and not for videos?11:19
mhr3Saviq, it's public holiday in au today11:21
Saviqmhr3, you mean yesterday?11:21
mhr3Saviq, on australian monday :)11:21
mhr3Saviq, anything missing in https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/switching-previews/+merge/187327 ?11:22
Saviqmhr3, yeah, a review11:22
mhr3design? jouni was looking at it11:22
mhr3gave it +1 afaik11:22
Saviqmhr3, no, code11:23
Saviqmhr3, and no support for carousel, for that matter11:23
mhr3i see11:24
mzanettiSaviq: carousel support is in by now11:24
Saviqmzanetti, oh is it? didn't see it in the commits? you pushed?11:25
* mzanetti checks11:25
mzanettiSaviq: yep. rev 36711:26
Saviqmzanetti, k thanks11:26
* Saviq needs to see an eye doctor11:26
mzanettiSaviq: there is one minor glitch I'm aware of... the positioning of the first/last item is a little bit off. not sure how critical that is. seems something in the carousel11:27
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, I was suspecting there will be something tricky there with the carousel11:28
Saviqmzanetti, it's conflicting again, btw11:28
mzanettiwill merge11:29
tsdgeosmzanetti: there?11:33
mzanettitsdgeos: yes sir11:34
tsdgeoslet me try first, sorry the ping was early :D11:35
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nic-doffaymzanetti, trying to load the scope like this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6175332/12:07
nic-doffayit's null however, any idea what I'm missing?12:07
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mzanettinic-doffay: I think you just want one scope, not all scopes (not the "s")12:11
mzanettibut I haven't really worked with this myself.12:12
mzanettiperhaps one of the scope guys can give better advice? ^12:12
kgunnsil2100: mornin/afternoon12:12
kgunnsil2100: is autopilot working now ? (in general...not wrt mir)12:13
mhr3sil2100, are you landing the thumbnailer pkg into universe?12:21
mhr3sil2100, any eta on that? cause we need people to review the sdk branch that integrates it, and it'll be much simpler if they can actually build/test it12:21
sil2100mhr3: I will be doing that, let's say that I'll prepare things for it today - but I guess it will be in universe not sooner than tomorrow morning12:26
mhr3sil2100, is there anything missing other than the qa bits?12:26
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mhr3mzanetti, https://code.launchpad.net/~paulliu/unity8/unity8-fixgenericpreview/+merge/187762/comments/43045512:42
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mzanettimhr3: no... its actually mostly one level below, in DashPreview.qml12:43
paulliumhr3: yeah, it is one level below. So other previews have to be adepted for that changes.12:46
paulliumhr3: The description is not so accurate right now.12:47
mhr3paulliu, ok12:47
mhr3nic-doffay, bzr fail, it can't merge your branch with scope-isactive without conflicts :(12:48
nic-doffaymhr3, yeah I noticed.12:50
nic-doffaymhr3, what do you propose?12:50
mhr3nic-doffay, one of them will need to be fixed12:51
mhr3depends which one lands sooner12:51
mhr3nic-doffay, so perhaps land your first, and i'll then fix isactive12:51
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mhr3otherwise you can change the owner of your branch to unity-team, and i'll fix that one12:52
nic-doffaymhr3, reckon mine will land as soon as I'm done with this test.12:57
mhr3nic-doffay, would be easier if it did12:59
tsdgeosgreyback: a run_on_device with unity8 code and mir gives me13:03
tsdgeosterminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<std::runtime_error> >'13:04
tsdgeos  what():  Could not unblank display13:04
tsdgeosany idea?13:04
greybacktsdgeos: happens as powerd blanks screen. Press button on side, then try again13:04
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tsdgeosgreyback: not really helping13:09
tsdgeoslet me reboot13:09
greybacktsdgeos: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-mir/+bug/123315513:10
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1233155 in unity-mir "Mir fails due to "could not unblank display"" [Undecided,New]13:10
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tsdgeosi'm gettint unity8 to 100% use the CPU :-S13:12
greybacktsdgeos: is there much dbus traffic?13:13
paulliumzanetti: I also commented. If you have any ideas please follows up. https://code.launchpad.net/~paulliu/unity8/unity8-fixgenericpreview/+merge/18776213:13
tsdgeosgreyback: nope13:14
tsdgeosgreyback: let me reboot in SF and see if i see it there too13:14
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SaviqMacSlow, nothing major, but https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity8/extended-snap-decisions-part1/+merge/187312/comments/43049313:29
tsdgeosgreyback: now i got http://paste.ubuntu.com/6175584/ :-/13:29
tsdgeosthis is painful13:29
tsdgeosi can't start anything13:29
tsdgeosah wait i can "continue" that in gdb?¿?¿13:30
tsdgeosyes i can13:30
tsdgeosweird :D13:30
greybacktsdgeos: let's check. You reboot your phone, does unity come up (in mir mode)13:30
Saviqcoming... just changed my password...13:30
tsdgeosgreyback: i am running it now13:30
tsdgeosjust had to conitnue that sigill13:31
tsdgeosdon't ask me why13:31
tsdgeosbut it's taking 100% cpu13:31
greybacktsdgeos: yes here too13:31
tsdgeosat least i'm not the only one :D13:31
paulliutsdgeos: I think the sigill is normal. The openssl will detect some acceleration instructions to optimize the encryption.13:33
paulliutsdgeos: so it "tests" the CPU by illegal instructions.13:33
tsdgeospaulliu: i see13:33
mzanettiSaviq: ping! switching-previews :P13:40
Saviqwill get ther ;)13:41
* greyback really needs to check the public hols :)13:44
Saviqmhr3, ok so... vms are dead :/13:45
Saviqfginther, ↑13:45
nic-doffaymzanetti, so I've added the scope it's cool now, however when I trigger a search the searchInProgress property never changes to true which means I probably haven't done something else.13:46
mzanettigreyback: sorry... it's in fact thursday13:46
Saviqgreyback, Google calendar can give them to you13:46
greybackmzanetti: yep, just saw that.13:46
Saviqgreyback, https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=german@holiday.calendar.google.com13:47
greybackSaviq: thanks. I wasn't bothered to track that down :)13:47
tsdgeosgreyback: what's the branch saviq wants me to use?13:48
Saviqtsdgeos, https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity-mir/use-upstart-app-launch213:48
Saviqgreyback, right? Albert should use it to track stuff not being activated on scope action?13:48
greybackSaviq: yes13:49
tsdgeoswaht i'm getting atm is13:50
tsdgeosApplicationManager REJECTED connection from app with pid 3324 as no desktop_file_hint specified13:51
tsdgeoswhen i try to launch the music playet13:51
mdeslaursince a recent unity/compiz update on saucy, launcher icons are no longer highlighted when an app is running, is that by design, or is it a known bug?13:51
tsdgeoslet's see if that helps at all13:51
fgintherSaviq, investigating13:55
Saviqfginther, thanks13:55
Saviqmdeslaur, they get a pip on the right, that was always the design?13:55
Saviqmdeslaur, what else do you mean by "highlight"?13:56
mdeslaurSaviq: the icon would change background color IIRC13:56
mdeslaurSaviq: one sec, let me try a raring vm13:56
Saviqmdeslaur, nope, don't think it should13:56
Saviqmdeslaur, it does when you alt+f1 for keyboard navigation13:57
mdeslaurSaviq: yep, confirmed...raring changes background color when you open an application13:57
Saviqmdeslaur, and then it gets a glow when it's urgent or some such13:57
mdeslaurlet me try precise13:57
Saviqmdeslaur, ah that, works for me13:58
Saviqmdeslaur, you mean all your icons have the same background?13:58
mdeslauryeah, whether they are active or not13:58
Saviqmdeslaur, firefox is orange here, thunderbird is blue etc.13:58
mdeslaurSaviq: hrm, let me update again and reboot13:58
Saviqmdeslaur, but yeah, bug, if they're not for you13:59
mdeslaurSaviq: ok, thanks13:59
Saviqmdeslaur, do you get the pips at all?13:59
Saviqmdeslaur, maybe it's a bamf issue?13:59
mdeslauryeah, I get proper pips13:59
mdeslaurjust not background colors13:59
nic-doffaymzanetti, mind taking a look at tst_PageHeader for me and check what I'm missing? lp:~nicolas-doffay/unity8/search-indicator14:00
nic-doffayIt's the test_search_indicator function in that test accompanied by the scope.14:01
nic-doffayIt doesn't appear to begin searching even though the scope is bound to the pageHeader.14:01
Saviqnic-doffay, no14:02
Saviqnic-doffay, you're not supposed to type anything14:02
Saviqnic-doffay, you're supposed to *set* searchInProgress to true14:02
Saviqnic-doffay, and then test that PageHeader behaves as expected14:02
mzanettiSaviq: you got that or is the question still valid for me?14:02
Saviqmzanetti, got htis14:02
Saviqnic-doffay, you're not supposed to test the mock Scope object (which is what you're trying to do now)14:03
nic-doffaySaviq, right. Is that simply because it's been included in another test?14:03
Saviqnic-doffay, you're supposed to *use* the mock Scope object to instrument testing of the PageHeader14:03
Saviqnic-doffay, no relation at all14:03
Saviqnic-doffay, the mock Scope object needs a (if it doesn't yet) searchInProgress property14:04
Saviqnic-doffay, you then set that property to true14:04
Saviqnic-doffay, and check that the activity indicator is visible and running, and that the indicator is not14:04
Cimimzanetti, can you trigger a rebuild?14:10
Cimimzanetti, http://s-jenkins:8080/job/unity8-ci/1148/rebuild14:10
mzanettiCimi: I can give you permissions to do that14:10
Cimimzanetti, I have but I don't remember where all my stuff is14:10
Cimimzanetti, keys boa bla14:10
Cimi*bla bla14:10
CimiI format the system14:11
Cimias said on the standup14:11
Cimimzanetti, I have a backup but on another laptop in the office14:11
mzanettihmm... is it only me who finds this message from jenkins weird? "Started by remote host"14:12
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mzanettiCimi: done14:12
Cimimzanetti, thx. it will fail but packages are handy14:12
ricmmthomi: ping14:13
ricmmgreyback: lets discuss here14:13
greybackricmm: agreed14:13
ricmmthomi: what exactly are the AP requirements? when doesi t need geometry?14:14
ricmmdoes it need geometry *before* the shell is started?14:14
greybackricmm: doubt thomi awake. Note: mzanetti tells me veebers will be working on a unity8 plugin for autopilot soon14:14
greybackso we just need a band-aid14:14
ricmmyea we need to match current functionality14:14
ricmmbut we need to know that first ;)14:15
greybackricmm: yep14:15
nic-doffaymhr3, that property is difficult to test being readonly...14:16
ricmmveebers: ping?14:17
ricmmgreyback: so I see it being used to create the input device, which probably happens before anything is run14:18
ricmmin which case we have a problem14:18
mdeslaurSaviq: reboot fix it, sorry for the noise14:20
Saviqmdeslaur, well, still a bug, if you can reproduce14:20
mdeslauryeah, I'll keep an eye on it14:20
tsdgeosgreyback: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-mir/+bug/1231125 is fixed for me with your branch14:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1231125 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Music and Videos do not launch from the dash" [Critical,Triaged]14:24
tsdgeoswant me to assign it to you and link the branch?14:24
greybacktsdgeos: yes please14:25
tsdgeoscome on14:26
Saviqkgunn, bug #1193099 is not gonna happen for v114:26
ubot5bug 1193099 in Unity 8 "Unity: thumbnails for running apps are not cached" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119309914:26
tsdgeosmusic playing stops when the screen darkens?¿?¿?¿14:26
tsdgeoswho do i complain about that?14:26
Saviqkgunn, we need to do it while reworking the whole thing to support splash screens14:27
kgunnSaviq: maybe there are 2 bugs there...14:27
om26erSaviq, the issue that we talked a few hours ago, aka slowness. You need to make sure you have the USB cable disconnected when you put your phone for a few minutes14:27
kgunnSaviq: i think pat is mixing in the phenomena of blank asset icons14:27
Saviqkgunn, I don't think he is14:28
Saviqkgunn, that bug is *old* ;)14:28
om26eri think when usb cable is connected phone does not go into deep sleep or something like that14:28
Saviqom26er, right14:28
Saviqkgunn, but that's why the bug is "bigger"14:28
om26eri actually think the problem is deeper than unity814:29
Saviqkgunn, and it's not a problem under unity-mir14:29
Saviqkgunn, so Fix released for the "worse" part of this bug14:29
tsdgeosSaviq: what's so hard with the bug, don't we "just" have to call updateScreenshot when appropiate?14:31
Saviqtsdgeos, no, 'cause apps are stopped14:31
Saviqtsdgeos, and/or killed14:31
Saviqtsdgeos, at which point it's tricky to request their screenshot ;)14:31
tsdgeosso? we keep their last screenie, no?14:31
Saviqtsdgeos, well, yeah - we need to cache it :)14:32
Saviqtsdgeos, that's the bug14:32
* greyback needs to eat14:32
Saviqtsdgeos, but on top of that, we need to support app-provided and /us-provided splash screens14:32
tsdgeossure, i don't understand what the splash screens has to do with that14:32
tsdgeosdoesn't seem "on top" to me tbh14:32
tsdgeosjust two different things14:33
Saviqtsdgeos, well, sure14:33
Saviqtsdgeos, but the other issue is fixed by unity-mir ;)14:33
Saviqwell, maybe not when the app is killed14:33
tsdgeos"the other issue"?¿14:33
tsdgeosyou mean the "cache screenshot"?14:33
Saviqtsdgeos, under surfaceflinger, if you go down on app scope14:34
Saviqtsdgeos, you go back to the apps and they're all black14:34
Saviqtsdgeos, under unity-mir they're fine14:34
tsdgeosbut there's still the problem in the bug14:34
tsdgeosor not14:35
* tsdgeos is now confused14:35
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, FIXED14:35
Saviqtsdgeos, the only case where it's not14:35
tsdgeosbut i just had it happen...14:35
Saviqtsdgeos, is when the app is killed under us14:35
Saviqtsdgeos, that's when we need to have a screenshot on disk and to load it14:35
Saviqor well, "killed under us"... it's us that are killing it, so we just need to save it to disk and load on demand14:36
tsdgeosso want to update the bug/create a new one?14:37
tsdgeosbecause the repro steps are all wrong now14:37
tsdgeosit may make sense to have a new one14:37
Saviqdednick, https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/indicator-titles/+merge/186049/comments/43055414:39
dednickSaviq: ta14:40
fgintherSaviq, update. There is a networking issue in the lab preventing connection to the VM slaves, it's being worked14:40
Saviqfginther, thanks14:40
=== greyback is now known as greyback|food
Saviqdednick, minor question https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/remove.IndicatorsLegacy/+merge/184524/comments/43056714:52
Saviqooh Qt 5.2 beta out14:55
Saviqmzanetti, paulliu, update on https://code.launchpad.net/~paulliu/unity8/movie-preview/+merge/181856/comments/430574 please?14:59
mzanettiSaviq: oh... didn't see that... will integrate it here: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/fix-genericpreview/+merge/18835515:00
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, I just wrote it :)15:00
Saviqmzanetti, k, mark the MP so, please15:00
mzanettiSaviq: ok. apppreview and genericpreview are done15:00
Saviqmzanetti, switching previews is separate from that, right?15:01
mzanettiSaviq: yes. will still conflict a little, but not much15:02
dednickSaviq: fixed conflict. replied to comment. https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/remove.IndicatorsLegacy/+merge/184524/comments/43057515:02
Saviqdednick, yup, thanks15:03
paulliumzanetti: ok.. thanks. I'm going to implement the Music Preview.. But I think Movie preview still needs some tweak. Maybe you can make the fix-genericpreview first. And I'll change the Movie preview branch tomorrow?15:04
mzanettipaulliu: generic should be ok15:05
paulliumzanetti: For example, move the ratings under title.15:05
paulliumzanetti: ok.15:05
mzanettipaulliu: I can merge the movie preview branch into the common one and update it15:05
paulliumzanetti: ok.. but it needs fix anyway. pstolowski, did you export the origin url in previews already??15:06
paulliupstolowski: I mean for movie preview.15:06
mzanettipaulliu: ok... lets do it this way, I merge it into the common branch and fix the design, you can also push there fixing the logic (e.g. this url etc)15:07
pstolowskipaulliu: yes, it landed in rev 358 trunk15:07
=== greyback|food is now known as greyback
paulliupstolowski: ok.. got it.15:09
mzanettipaulliu: I know this is going to be a big branch and it might be better to keep them separate, but I broke DashPreview's API so we need to adjust them all at once15:10
paulliumzanetti: yeah..15:10
tsdgeosneed some bzr help15:11
Saviqmzanetti, will this conflict with your things https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/unity8/publisher-info/+merge/188352 ?15:11
tsdgeoshow do i merge lp:~dandrader/unity8/runningApps_lp1193419 into lp:unity8 ?15:11
tsdgeosi guess the fact that it was "already" merged15:11
Saviqtsdgeos, just un-do the revert15:11
tsdgeosmakes sense15:12
Saviqtsdgeos, bzr qlog, find it, right-click, "Reverse cherry-pick"15:12
dandraderthe kind of moment when you miss git15:12
Saviqdandrader, indeed15:12
mzanettiSaviq: no prob. just merge it to trunk (if its ok) and I'll take care about my conflicts15:12
nic-doffaySaviq, could you take a look at this again when you have a moment? https://code.launchpad.net/~nicolas-doffay/unity8/search-indicator/+merge/18800815:12
nic-doffaytest done etc15:12
Saviqmzanetti, actually, could you review it in a free 10 mins? deep in dednick's stuff here15:13
mhr3Saviq, my usual mp - https://code.launchpad.net/~mhr3/unity8/case-for-music-carousel/+merge/188360 :)15:13
mzanettiSaviq: sure15:13
Saviqmhr3, tested? :D15:13
mhr3Saviq, somewhat? :)15:13
Saviqmhr3, k :P15:13
mhr3this time i did click on stuff15:14
mhr3and it worked15:14
dednickanyone know if you can change the icon theme without using QIcon::setIconTheme ?15:14
dednicklike using an env var?15:14
mhr3dednick, UBUNTU_ICON_THEME15:15
dednickmhr3: not in unity815:15
Saviqdednick, nope15:15
Saviqdednick, with https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/indicator-titles/+merge/18604915:16
Saviqdednick, I saw "indicator-bluetooth" for a split second in the header15:16
Saviqdednick, ideas on how to solve that?15:16
dednickSaviq: er...15:16
Saviqdednick, yeah, when indicators are unloaded, their titles are, too15:17
Cimidednick, why did you comment tests for calendar? are they broken?15:18
dednickCimi: yeah15:18
Cimidednick, you should fix them :)15:19
Cimidednick, or better, let me fix15:19
Cimidednick, then I send you patch and you merge in your branch15:19
dednickCimi: you go ahead. i didnt really get the min/max stuff. it didnt seem to make any sense at all.15:19
Cimidednick, what doesn't make sense?15:20
Saviqdednick, commented on https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/indicator-titles/+merge/186049/comments/43059215:21
dednickCimi: the test is a bit hard to follow because the state keeps channing between tests, and you were just putting member dates in the test data, so couldnt really understand what was being tested. Let me go over it.15:21
Cimidednick, I'll work on it15:21
Saviqdednick, btw, I don't expect you to answer *now*, just in your usual flow15:22
Cimidednick, waiting jenkins to produce some packages for HUD, I have time15:22
dednickSaviq: yeah, it might be possible to fix. I'll have to look into it.15:22
Saviqdednick, thanks15:22
Saviqdednick, if we merge "removeIndicatorsLegacy" first, will that be a touch conflict to solve?15:23
Saviqdednick, i.e. should I wait with that for titles to get merged?15:23
dednickCimi: there is an init() function which you can override to set the test into a known state. And when you do test_data(), can you just put the dates in there rather than using variable defined elsewhere15:23
dednickthe init finction is called before each test.15:23
Saviqmhr3, where should I get the carousel in music?15:24
mhr3Saviq, you would once home scope lands15:24
dednickSaviq: :/ . it should be ok. I'll just fix up any conflicts15:24
Saviqdednick, ok15:24
mhr3Saviq, songs in music page15:24
Saviqmhr3, uh oh, just got in a weird state where I have no search entry but results from a search :/15:25
mhr3Saviq, you guys should fix the dash :P15:26
FunnyLookinHatHey guys - was checking out the multi-touch gestures and noticed that there isn't support for two-finger scrolling on touchscreens - any reason that's excluded ?15:26
Saviqmhr3, k, will not merge your stuff before we can actually test it15:26
SaviqFunnyLookinHat, the usual gesture for touch*screens* to scroll is one-finger-drag, no?15:27
SaviqFunnyLookinHat, two are for zooming/rotation?15:27
mhr3Saviq, note that it will fallback to the video-like carousel15:27
Saviqmhr3, k15:27
FunnyLookinHatSaviq, let me tery15:27
Saviqmhr3, what can I test, then? got a package for me?15:27
mhr3Saviq, it's simple to vi /usr/share/unity/scopes/music.scope15:27
SaviqFunnyLookinHat, bear in mind there isn't universal support for that15:27
Saviqmhr3, hit me15:27
mhr3Saviq, [Category songs] needs Renderer=carousel15:28
FunnyLookinHatSaviq, Ok - so I'm not able to use a touch-screen to scroll Firefox in any way it appears... besides using my finger to drag the scrollbar15:28
mhr3then pkill -f unity-scope-home15:28
mhr3Saviq, ^15:28
SaviqFunnyLookinHat, yup, firefox's fault15:29
SaviqFunnyLookinHat, https://addons.mozilla.org/En-us/firefox/addon/grab-and-drag/15:29
SaviqFunnyLookinHat, it needs to be implemented in the toolkit, or even sometimes at app level - not something we "disabled" actively15:30
tsdgeosmzanetti: dandrader: ping15:30
FunnyLookinHatSaviq, it looks like it's not working in anything really ( LibreOffice, Firefox, etc. ) -15:30
FunnyLookinHatAh ok15:30
dandradertsdgeos, pong15:30
tsdgeosdandrader: about https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/runningApps_lp1193419/+merge/17763015:30
tsdgeosthe crash mzanetti mentions about swiping from left15:30
FunnyLookinHatSaviq, But you're saying the gesture of a single finger to scroll is being passed to the application - it's just not listening for that event15:30
tsdgeoshappens all the time?15:30
tsdgeosi just tried and did not :-&15:30
dandradertsdgeos, can't open that. my internet is not working well today :(15:31
kgunnmhall119_: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1303-unity-ui-phone15:31
kgunnthat's the base one15:31
kgunnmhall119_: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1303-unity-ui-launcher15:31
mhall119_thanks kgunn15:31
mzanettitsdgeos: pong15:31
tsdgeosdandrader: it's the thing about scrolling up in the applications scope15:32
tsdgeosmzanetti: ↑↑↑15:32
tsdgeosdoesn't crash here15:32
tsdgeosi'm afraid :-/15:32
mzanettiah right... I remember15:32
tsdgeosmzanetti: as your comment in the bug seems it should be pretty easy to make it crash, no?15:32
mzanettilet me try15:33
dandradertsdgeos, you mean that bug fix of mine that got reverted. yeah I recall that15:33
Saviqmhr3, not worky here...15:33
tsdgeosdandrader: yes, i'm trying to unrevert it15:33
mhr3Saviq, you mean not getting carousel?15:33
tsdgeosbut it's just working15:33
tsdgeosno crash at all15:33
Saviqmhr3, yeah, grid15:33
mhr3Saviq, did you kill home-scope?15:33
Saviqmhr3, yes, and unity8, too15:33
Saviqmhr3, rebooting now...15:34
mhr3Saviq, pastebin your music.scope pls15:34
tsdgeosmzanetti: do you happen to at least have any bt of the crashes?15:34
mzanettitsdgeos: no, it was so easy to reproduce back then, I didn't think we'd need that15:35
Saviqmhr3, coming15:35
mzanettican't build that state any more because of other changes15:35
mzanetticurrently building a merged version with trunk15:35
mzanettitsdgeos: but I remember it happened in LVWPH15:36
tsdgeosmzanetti: that's what Saviq said15:36
Saviqmhr3, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6176002/15:36
mhr3Saviq, and you have the GenericScopeView patch, right?15:36
mzanettitsdgeos: but as you did lots of fixes since then I'd say we're good to merge if the crash is gone. but gimme a sec. build is finished15:36
Saviqmhr3, yes15:37
Saviqmhr3, sec, rebooted and running again15:37
dandraderseems my ISP messed up with DNS. manually setting them seem to have fixed my problems.15:37
mzanettiSaviq: yep, not crashing any more15:37
mhr3Saviq, then it's clear, your device is broken and you should throw it out of the window15:37
Saviqmzanetti, tsdgeos good15:37
mzanettierr... tsdgeos15:37
mzanettidandrader: ^15:37
Saviqmhr3, ah! in *music* it's carousel, not in home15:38
mhr3yea... that's what i meant by "music page"15:38
mzanettitsdgeos, dandrader: the change applied without conflicts to current trunk, if it still fixes the issue its supposed to fix I think we can merge it15:38
Saviqmhr3, ok, +115:38
tsdgeosSaviq: mzanetti: dandrader: so i propose a branch with the revert of the revert?15:38
Saviqtsdgeos, yup15:39
tsdgeosok, let me make sure it still fixes what it was supposed to fix15:39
dednickmuhaha. you can change icon theme by changing DESKTOP_SESSION=ubuntu-mobile !15:40
dednickalthough that probably screws other things up15:40
mterrymzanetti, did you say you were interested in reviewing my statsWelcomeScreen branch?15:41
* mzanetti hides15:41
mzanettimterry: ok.. enough of this. I'm doing it NOW15:41
mzanettisorry about that :/15:42
mterrymzanetti, thanks!  :)15:42
dandradertsdgeos, fine by me. remember to use the "--author" option in bzr15:43
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
tsdgeosmzanetti: dandrader|afk: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/unrevertlp1193419/+merge/18837715:49
nic-doffaySaviq, you still busy with other reviews?15:51
Saviqnic-doffay, in a meeting15:52
mterrymzanetti, hrm, bad merge I guess.  Will remerge15:54
SaviqMacSlow, re: #include there15:56
SaviqMacSlow, just replace both with <QVariant> and it'll work15:56
SaviqMacSlow, the includes you had just got you to escape the fact that you didn't have that ;)15:57
SaviqMacSlow, but you didn't use either anywhere15:58
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
MacSlowSaviq, fixed16:03
SaviqMacSlow, good, thanks16:03
SaviqMacSlow, any pointers on how to test on device?16:04
mterrymzanetti, updated branch, merged from trunk16:04
SaviqMacSlow, I probably need indicator-network?16:04
mzanettimterry: left another comment16:04
SaviqMacSlow, meaning the one with support for that?16:04
MacSlowSaviq, no you don't16:05
mzanettimterry: retesting with merged branch..16:06
mterryyeah, looks like the Infographic animations don't stop the other one when they start...16:07
MacSlowSaviq, just get the lp:~macslow/unity8/extended-snap-decisions-part1 lp:~macslow/unity-notifications/extended-snap-decisions-part1 and use the examples from unity-notifications16:07
SaviqMacSlow, yeah, but "in a real life", that's all?16:08
SaviqMacSlow, i.e. if I'd like to actually log in to a network with that?16:08
SaviqMacSlow, and unlock SIM?16:08
Saviqthat supported in indicator-network yet?16:08
mterrymzanetti, you say "when calling this method".  Which method?16:09
mzanettimterry: the dbus stuff16:09
mzanettidbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.Accounts /org/freedesktop/Accounts/User32011 org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set string:com.ubuntu.touch.AccountsService.SecurityPrivacy string:StatsWelcomeScreen variant:boolean:false16:09
MacSlowSaviq, these are the three examples ... sd-example-password-entry.py sd-example-user-auth.py sd-example-simunlock.py16:09
mterryah yes16:10
MacSlowSaviq, I implemented the frontend/backend and wrote the exmaples... I did not to the integration16:10
SaviqMacSlow, k, pete-woods, can you point me on what I need to test the "extended snap decisions" for password entry and SIM PIN on the device?16:10
MacSlowSaviq, need to go16:11
SaviqMacSlow, yeah, you're off the hook o/ ;)16:11
MacSlowSaviq, see you tomorrow16:11
kgunngreyback: this is obvious...but can you post here for team mates to see/help if autopilot tests fail in any way (after you have a geom support branch)16:11
kgunnas we need the tests to pass as well..not just the ability to run the test16:12
* kgunn master of stating the obvious16:12
greybackkgunn: yep, understood16:12
pete-woodsSaviq: you need to build unity8 from (https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity8/extended-snap-decisions-part1/+merge/187312), unity-notifications from (https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity-notifications/extended-snap-decisions-part1/+merge/187310), and indicator-network from (https://code.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-network/secret-agent/+merge/182898)16:12
mzanettimterry: do you see what I mean?16:12
pete-woodsSaviq: I have been hacking out the existing agent code from unity8, so that it doesn't interfere16:13
Saviqpete-woods, cool beans16:13
mterrymzanetti, hold on, have to set up my phone again16:13
Saviqpete-woods, have a branch maybe?16:13
pete-woodsSaviq: unforunately not, I've just been doing it on the device with vim :$16:13
pete-woodsnuking a qml file somwhere (checks)16:13
Saviqpete-woods, yeah, I know where, was just hoping you got something reusable ;)16:14
mterrymzanetti, do we happen to have design mockup videos for transitions like this?16:16
mzanettimterry: don't think so. nic-doffay would know16:16
mterrymzanetti, (granted, usually when the user toggles this, they won't be looking at the greeter, but we should still make it nice)16:17
mzanettimterry: here it messes it up so that it stays in a bad state16:17
mterrymzanetti, ooh, I never got that16:17
mzanettimterry: seems to only happen when there is no orange bubble16:17
mzanettimterry: now I got one and the painting of that seems to recover the inner dots16:18
mzanettimterry: btw the animation should probably be the same as the double tap one16:21
=== mhall119_ is now known as mhall119
Saviqfginther, ah, looks like they're back16:23
kgunnmzanetti: curious, for the cpu pegging issue...is there any workaround ? or pretty much with what we know...you gotta reboot to recover to normal state?16:23
mzanettikgunn: yeah... not much further yet :/16:24
mzanettikgunn: can you reproduce that?16:24
mzanettikgunn: for me it happens every once in a while, but no clear way to reproduce intentionally yet16:25
mzanettimy phone is loaded with all sorts of debug stuff for the next time it happens16:25
greybackany autopilot experts about to give me a hand? I've gone as far as I can16:38
kgunnmzanetti: i can never repro that bug16:43
kgunnmzanetti: you're the closest thing to an AP expert i think...mind helping gerry16:43
mzanettiAP expert :D16:43
mzanettiveebers: heeelp!!16:43
mzanettigreyback: whats the issue?16:44
greybackmzanetti: want to get unity8 running with AP on Mir.16:44
kgunnmzanetti: thanks...i wouldn't ask if it weren't so hot16:44
mzanettikgunn: no prob16:44
=== fginther is now known as fginther|lunch
greybackmzanetti: when I run it, it hangs. I can get some debug output with -v -v, but nothing useful really16:45
mzanettigreyback: mind pasting it?16:45
greybackmzanetti: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6176257/16:45
mzanettigreyback: ok... what happens is that autopilot thinks it runs on X1116:46
mzanettigreyback: most likely because it cant find the upa stuff16:46
dednickSaviq: think the title problem fixed now.16:46
mzanettigreyback: that's inside autopilot somewhere... let me try to find it16:46
bschaeferSaviq, hey, found the problem to that Alt+<arrow_key> problem...soo that'll be fixed for 13.10 :), thanks for poking me about it!16:48
bschaeferif you want a workaround, change in ccsm the arrow keys for switcher to move around...or don't use the switcher :)16:48
mzanettigreyback: hmm should the UPA module still be around?16:49
greybackmzanetti: yes16:49
greybackmzanetti: platform-api is still used with mir16:50
mzanettigreyback: ok I see. this is basically still the same as we had earlier today, right?16:50
greybackmzanetti: it's a follow-on, but yes ;)16:51
mzanettigreyback: ok... and it just hangs there, doing nothing?16:51
greybackmzanetti: correct16:51
greybackmzanetti: you can reproduce yourself, if you just boot into mir and try running AP16:52
greybackI've a patch ready for the UPA to get display sizes, but for now this is blocking me16:52
kgunngreyback: mzanetti ... wonder, besides geometry, is input an issue ? (not only where the things are on the screen...but then where the pointer is?)16:52
* kgunn hoping not16:52
mzanettikgunn: I don't think so as we're injecting stuff into /dev/uinput and I think Mir just reads that... the linux kernel is in between so I think we're good16:53
* kgunn wipes brow in relief16:54
pete-woodsSaviq: I'm EOD'ing now, wasn't sure if you were trying out the wifi password stuff tonight or not, but if you do and it's broken for you, I'll be checking my e-mail / bug reports on indicator-network16:59
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|lunch
mzanettigreyback: how are you running the tests?17:01
greybackmzanetti: autopilot run unity817:01
mzanettigreyback: are you stopping the runnign unity instance?17:02
greybackmzanetti: yes17:02
mzanettigreyback: and upa connects via dbus to unity to fetch screen resolution?17:02
greybackmzanetti: no, simpler, I've hardcoded resolutions into it17:02
greybackas UPA wanted before shell even starts up17:03
kgunnok...for real, bbiab17:03
mzanettigreyback: did you find where that get_resolution() method is?17:04
greybackmzanetti: yes, in lp:python-ubuntu-platform-api17:05
greybackmzanetti: this is my preliminary code: lp:~gerboland/python-ubuntu-platform-api/mir-enablement-hardcode-resolutions/17:05
greybackbut hoping to use AP to test it17:06
mzanettigreyback: this reminds so much of when I ported autopilot to surfaceflinger :D17:06
greybacklol I can only imagine17:06
mzanettigreyback: do you see your code being called at all?17:07
greybackmzanetti: nope, making me think something blocking earlier17:07
mzanettigreyback: well, I'd start with hammering print()s into autopilot like crazy now17:07
greybackmzanetti: yep, in progress :)17:08
* greyback wishes autopilot dies on Ctrl+C17:08
mzanettigreyback: but usually it does... its really because its hanging17:09
greybackmzanetti: aha "writev(13, [{"\4", 1}, {"ServiceManager\0", 15}, {"Waiting for service SurfaceFling"..., 39}], 3) = 55"17:14
greybackthat loops slowly17:14
mzanettigreyback: uuh17:14
mzanettigreyback: where's that?17:14
greybackmzanetti: using strace17:14
mzanettigreyback: but that must be in upa somewhere, no?17:17
greybackmzanetti: yep, suspect it's linked to the SF platform-api, not the Mir one17:18
* mzanetti would assume dynamic linking17:19
greybackmzanetti: ok, well that's the problem found at least, UPA using the SF platform-api17:26
greybacknow the fun part is making it support both17:26
mzanettimhr3: do we have any video scope that supports rating?17:33
greybackmzanetti: do you understand how AP decides to load UPA and not X11?17:36
mzanettigreyback: let me check17:36
mzanettigreyback: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/autopilot/utilities.py17:37
mzanettigreyback: _pick_backend()17:37
greybackmzanetti: thanks17:37
mzanettigreyback: it loops over the possible ones and tries to create them17:37
greybackgot it17:38
mhr3mzanetti, not atm iirc17:38
mzanettimhr3: ok. thanks17:38
greybackmzanetti: so I see 2 ways forward for this. 1: add a new module, UPA-mir, which uses the platform-api for mir. This sadly requires a 1 line addition to stock autopilot17:41
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greybackmzanetti: 2: to the existing UPA, it detects at runtime if Mir or SF, ldloads the correct library and resolves the symbols internally17:42
mzanettigreyback: that shouldn't be a problem. especially since veebers will show up in a few17:42
greybackmzanetti: ok, I'll hang on until he's online and run it by him17:43
mzanettigreyback: which one would you say is closer to what it should be in the end?17:43
greybackmzanetti: option1 the least messy, I think it's best17:43
mzanettigreyback: yeah. we need veebers for that.17:45
Cimidednick, I hate my own code :)17:55
Saviqbschaefer, yeah, I feel good about it :D17:57
Saviqbschaefer, thanks!17:57
Saviqdednick, cool17:57
bschaeferSaviq, :), also you can change the hud to use something else besides Alt17:58
Saviqbschaefer, I like it fine there, only wanted it to be fixed ;)17:58
bschaeferyup, it was annoying me a  bunch as well17:58
mhr3bschaefer, looking for things to fix?18:05
mhr3bschaefer, screenshoting!18:05
bschaefermhr3, whats wrong with screenshoting?18:05
bschaefermhr3, and theres lots to fix :), final freeze coming up...:(18:05
mhr3bschaefer, that i get a screenshot of black screen pretty much all the time18:06
bschaefermhr3, are you using a VM?18:06
mhr3bschaefer, works if i kill unity and restart it though18:06
bschaefermhr3, hmm thats very strange, but i think thats some weird compiz problem...i've seen that before but only with recordmydesktop18:06
bschaefermhr3, im assuming you've an intel video card?18:07
bschaeferthough i get normal screenshots atm, so im not able to reproduce this :(18:08
mhr3bschaefer, perhaps it happens after suspend+resume18:08
bschaefermhr3, odd...as do i and i've not seen this problem in a looong time18:08
bschaefero, that could be the problem...we just ran into a fun suspend+resume bug18:08
bschaefersome program sens the alt key opening the hud on a resume18:08
bschaefermhr3, but i've not rebooted in some time...so im not seeing that issue18:09
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mhr3i also have bumblebee... might be combination of all that18:11
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bschaefermhr3, what happens when you use screenshot?18:13
bschaeferfrom the dash...idk what the app is called from the command line...18:13
mhr3bschaefer, same thing18:13
mhr3black everything18:13
bschaefermhr3, well...if theres a bug about it...we might get to it18:14
bschaefermhr3, if i was able to reproduce it, it might be easier to track down :)18:14
* greyback going home18:14
mhr3bschaefer, i'm happy to run some debug for you18:15
mhr3bschaefer, but if you make me kill unity i won't have the issue either :P18:15
bschaefermhr3, that would be good, im also not sure about how screenshots work compiz wise :), it would be nice if sam was still around haha18:15
* bschaefer takes a look at old bugs18:16
bschaeferit has to be an opengl problem but hmm18:16
mhr3bschaefer, i guess it just invokes gnome-screenshot18:16
mhr3question is what that does :)18:16
bschaeferright, hmm if you were to force compiz to use software rendering i bet it would work :) (though it would be an almost unusable desktop)18:17
bschaefermhr3, something like this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-screenshot/+bug/100591418:19
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1005914 in virtualbox (Ubuntu) "gnome-screenshot produces black screenshot with only the mouse pointer visible" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:19
bschaeferis the mouse visible?18:19
mhr3good question18:20
bschaeferif you ignore the fact that they have the problem with a VM...18:20
mhr3yes, if i ask it to include it18:20
bschaeferas VMs produce a black screen (some VM problem)18:20
bschaefersooo it looks like its the same problem as that bug hmm18:20
bschaefermhr3, if you could install compiz-plugins-extra, and enable the screenshot plug18:22
bschaeferpossibly this could fix your problem? If so we could consider moving that plugin to default...18:22
mhr3bschaefer, how is that supposed to work?18:25
bschaeferi was looking at it...and i've no clue actually...it doesn't seem to want to take a screenshot...18:26
mhr3black screenshot is better than none at all :P18:26
bschaeferanyway, it must be how gnome-screenshot is attempting to get the entire screen...though im not sure how compiz is failing there or if it is even compiz18:26
bschaeferhaha yeah :)18:26
mhr3bschaefer, fwiw also screensharing with skype doesn't work18:27
mhr3black screen18:27
mhr3i can imagine it's the same issue18:27
bschaeferi would like to think its the same issue...18:27
bschaeferill have to poke sam about it sometime hes around or do some digging around18:27
bschaeferim assuming he would know right where the problem is :)18:28
mhr3otoh it might be performance optimization, compressing black screen should be easy :)18:28
bschaeferyou would think :), you still have to copy each pixel around18:28
bschaefermhr3, what i would guess is possibly an incorrect pixel format?18:29
bschaeferwhen generating the screen shot...but thats all i can think off off the top of my head, but if its done with opengl then...idk :)18:29
mhr3bschaefer, might be some driver snafu even... it all worked just fine in 13.0518:30
bschaefermhr3, are you on xmir?18:30
bschaeferdang was thinking possibly some new driver changes there hm18:30
bschaeferlooks like another report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/119216018:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1192160 in compiz (Ubuntu) "screenshots are black" [High,Confirmed]18:32
bschaeferwhich RAOF made a comment on...hmm18:32
bschaefermhr3, whats your intel card?18:33
mhr3where do you see raof's comment?18:34
mhr3i have ivy bridge18:34
bschaefermhr3, ops, nevermind a different Chirs :)18:34
* bschaefer just saw Chris18:34
bschaefermhr3, oo try this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/1192160/comments/918:35
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1192160 in compiz (Ubuntu) "screenshots are black" [High,Confirmed]18:35
bschaefermhr3, that could help narrow where the problem is18:35
bschaeferpossibly we are failing to copy to a texture...18:35
bschaeferin compiz18:35
mhr3bschaefer, yea, fixed18:36
bschaeferbut only sometimes...hmm18:36
mhr3bschaefer, cause compiz crashed :P18:36
bschaefermhr3, well thats a common ccsm problem...18:37
bschaeferaannnd now you don't have the problem cause you had to restart :(18:37
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bschaefermhr3, could you try the suspend/resume thing that might cause it?18:38
mhr3let me try to run some bumblebee first18:38
* bschaefer is suspecting a possible uninited var...18:38
bschaeferif it only happens sometimes18:38
bschaeferand only on start up....18:39
tjaalton"do you have some giant convolution shaders?".. what say you? this is about bug 122260218:45
ubot5bug 1222602 in unity (Ubuntu) "[gen3] Huge delays and Bad performance on GMA950 and GMA3150" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122260218:45
tjaaltongen3 intel now claims it's opengl 2.1 compliant18:45
tjaaltonwhich causes this regression in performance18:46
kgunntjaalton: :) w/ 4 pixels per clock (per the wiki on intel gma950)...i would think yeah, that's not gonna be good :)18:48
tjaaltonso we're trying to fix this, the easy way is to back out the change that always enables 2.0, but would be nice to get something more permanent upstream18:49
tjaaltonunless they revert it of course18:49
mhr3Saviq, you forgot your +1 https://code.launchpad.net/~mhr3/unity8/case-for-music-carousel/+merge/188360 :)18:55
tjaaltonkgunn: i've asked some people to update the fdo bug about unity details with opengl 2.x18:56
tjaaltonthat should help to find the longer term solution18:56
kgunntjaalton: ack18:57
kgunnthomi: ^ so we were going to bother veebers...but its kinda hot...maybe you can help18:59
kgunnthomi: actually its ^^^...way back where greyback and mzanetti are talkiing18:59
kgunnthomi: basically - conclusion is we need to 1: add a new module, UPA-mir, which uses the platform-api for mir. This sadly requires a 1 line addition to stock autopilot18:59
mhr3bschaefer, bumblebee didn't break it19:00
mhr3bschaefer, suspend+resume did19:00
thomikgunn: that's fine - we already have stuff in place to have multiple backend drivers in autopilot19:00
bschaefervery interesting...and you've copy to texture turned off right?19:00
thomiso it's no problem at all, especially if you can tell me what the one line change is :)19:01
mhr3bschaefer, no, should be on now19:01
kgunnthomi: is it really that easy ?...i think greyback will be back on in a bit (he was heading to the house)19:01
bschaefermhr3, well either way suspend is doing something strange...would you mind making a comment on the bug :)19:01
kgunnthen we could actually test it19:01
mhr3bschaefer, which one? :)19:01
bschaefermhr3, the last one i linked umm https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/119216019:02
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1192160 in compiz (Ubuntu) "screenshots are black" [High,Confirmed]19:02
bschaeferas that first one i linked seemed more about the VM problem...19:02
kgunni suspect mzanetti  is eating but he might know the one line that needs changing in AP19:03
thomikgunn: yeah, piece of cake. If i get the line, I can get it in to AP today, assuming of course I can resolve this dumb mess regarding releasing AP to distro :-/19:05
kgunnthomi: you had me at hello....or at least "releasing AP to distro"....(i audibly heard the wheels of progress grind to a halt :)19:06
bschaefermhr3, also thanks for digging into that problem :)19:12
mhr3bschaefer, now chop chop, fix it! :P19:14
bschaefermhr3, haha, well we have to find someone to reproduce it still, ChrisTownsend can't reproduce it either :(19:14
bschaefermhr3, we also need to figure out...wth screenshots do :)19:14
bschaeferand how compiz plays a role in it19:14
mhr3very well19:17
mhr3enough of unity for today19:17
mhr3time for some video games :)19:17
mhr3i mean... testing of bumblebee19:18
bschaeferhaha, yeah I have to work with video games as of late as well...19:18
bschaefermhr3, what does bumblebee do?19:18
mhr3bschaefer, it turns on my nvidia graphics ;)19:19
bschaefero fun, IIRC you could have just done DRI_PRIME=1 :)19:19
mhr3i think i need nvidia 320+ for that?19:20
mhr3i have just 31919:20
bschaeferoo i see, yeah i don't recall19:20
bschaeferits been a while since i enjoy my battery life19:20
kgunnthomi: if it helps, i know its to enable this...http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gerboland/python-ubuntu-platform-api/mir-enablement-hardcode-resolutions/revision/1419:24
thomikgunn: haha, ewww, I really wish I hadn't seen that code :)19:25
kgunnthomi: yeah...its a bandaid19:28
thomikgunn: OK, I have an appt in town in 15 minutes, but I'll look into it after I get back online. Looks like it'll be simple enough to hook up19:29
thomikgunn: has that code landed yet, do you know?19:29
kgunnthomi: suppose you read gerry's comments here https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-mir/+bug/123205419:29
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1232054 in unity-mir "[mir] Need to expose geometry for autopilot consumption" [Critical,In progress]19:29
kgunnthomi: ack...watch out for the crazy dunedin students driving cars on fire...or whatever nutty thing they're doing these days19:30
thomikgunn: wrong time of the year for that, but yeah, it's a jungle out there :)19:30
thomikgunn: from the bug comments, it looks like autopilot should just start working once that lands. I'll double check later to make sure, but I think I don't need to write any code to enable the band-aid :)19:31
kgunnthomi: well...i know greyback was getting a hang in his testing attempts...so that was his conclusion19:32
thomioh ok19:32
mterrymzanetti, try the branch now.  It stops the overlapping animation, but when going false->true, there is less of an animation.  That's because libusermetrics itself signals that its done (rather than letting us tell it when to finish) when going from no-data to data19:43
mterrymzanetti, sorry for long delay, got distracted by another issue19:43
mzanettimterry: no worries19:44
veeberskgunn, thomi: Just reading the backlog. One issue that we had with using the upa module is that it hung when galling get_resolution, a quick look at that code would suggest that the issue still exists19:58
veebersi.e. it's happening at some point just above the new code19:59
kgunnveebers: did the reference to a "one line" change in stock AP make any sense ??  1: add a new module, UPA-mir, which uses the platform-api for mir. This sadly requires a 1 line addition to stock autopilot20:01
kgunnveebers: option 2 discussed was 2: to the existing UPA, it detects at runtime if Mir or SF, ldloads the correct library and resolves the symbols internally20:02
kgunnbut thinking was option 1 was cleaner/closer to what it needs to be20:02
veeberskgunn: if it's separate to the work around code you posted yes. If there is a new module (i.e. upa-mir) that needs to be added to the list of possible backends within autopilot (but isn't a big change at all)20:02
veeberskgunn: option 2 would probably mean 0 lines added to autopilot as it does the selection process for it20:03
kgunnveebers: yeah - i don't think gerry intended anything beyond that branch i shared20:04
kgunnveebers: thomi ... just sharing, in case you weren't aware...this is the last little bit preventing mir from being on by default in the touch image20:05
kgunnthat is of course hoping that all the AP tests actually pass... :P20:05
veeberskgunn: understood. So to clarify what needs to be done; Is there anyone lined up to action either option 1 or 2 currently?20:11
kgunnveebers: continuous prayer that greyback shows back up soon :-/20:11
veeberskgunn: ah, alright :-\20:12
Saviqmhr3_, indeed, fixed now20:12
kgunngreyback: i've sufficiently confused and twitterpated veebers & thomi....i think they just need to know where that one line change should be20:14
greybackkgunn: ok, I'll take it from here20:14
veebershi greyback :-)20:14
greybackveebers: hey20:15
greybackveebers: the problem: currently the python-ubuntu-platform-api (aka upa plugin) is surface flinger only20:15
greybackveebers: it is wrapping bits of the ubuntu-application-api library (part of platform-api), which is SF. For mir, we need a similar plugin for the Mir equivalent ubuntu-application-aip-mirclient (also part of platform-api)20:17
veebersgreyback: understood20:17
kgunnmzanetti: remembering you were getting racarr to provide some additional support/api from mir server to address the hud spyglass not showing problem20:17
greybackveebers: what I was thinking of was making a upa-mir plugin in python-ubuntu-platform-api, which is almost entirely the same as the existing one, but linking to the u-a-a-mirclient lib20:18
mzanettikgunn: yep, haven't reached him today yet20:18
kgunnmzanetti: i just ran across the camera app not launching from gallery bottom bar...would that also provide the same means to fix that ?20:18
kgunnmzanetti: just don't want to dup bugs...unless you think its diff20:18
greybackveebers: then need to add 1 line to autopilot so it attempts to load the upa-mir plugin, in the _pick_backend20:18
mzanettikgunn: hmm... wait. need to check what you mean20:18
veebersgreyback: correct, that sounds right20:19
mzanettikgunn: hmm. I don't think that's the same thing20:19
greybackveebers: ok so next question: who does it? I'm a bit past my EOD here, but can do it tomorrow.20:19
mzanettikgunn: this seems something in the Application backend20:19
kgunnmzanetti: ok...so really a gallery app bug20:20
veebersgreyback: the autopilot part thomi or myself can do that easy. I think you just suggested you were the just choice for the upa-mir module?20:20
mzanettikgunn: it seems to work with SF20:20
mzanettikgunn: so if its broken for you I'd say ApplicationManager20:20
kgunnveebers: thomi ...hate to ask, but can you also run the AP tests to get a feel for how many pass ?20:21
kgunnif they don't we'll need to line up effort on those20:21
veeberskgunn: I'm not sure I follow, is this after the addition of the module? Or right now re: some other issue?20:21
kgunnveebers: exactly...after adding greyback 's changes20:21
greybackveebers: I suggested nothing ;) but I can do it. But I'm already under load, so curious if others have time. If not I'll take it on20:22
kgunnveebers: so in effect, using mir from trunk, qtubuntu from trunk, unity-mir from trunk....and then this change20:22
kgunngreyback: ack...you need to sleep eventually...looking for help/progress while you do so20:23
veeberskgunn: sure, we can run the tests20:23
kgunnveebers: awesome....20:23
greybackkgunn: thanks :)20:23
greybackveebers: thomi has worked on the upa plugin already, so when he wakes I'd like to ask him20:24
veebersgreyback: ack, I'm not to sure what's involved with creating the upa-mir module, but can take a look today and report back for your morning?20:24
veebersgreyback: sure, that's another option. I can discuss with thomi day and see what we can do20:25
greybackveebers: sounds good. I'll be around for another 2 hours, so any questions please ping me20:25
kgunngreyback: thomi is on...already up to speed-ish20:26
kgunngreyback: don't we need to mp this one too...https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/python-ubuntu-platform-api/mir-enablement-hardcode-resolutions20:26
greybackkgunn: nope, that was my first stupd attempt before I realized it's a bigger problem :)20:27
greybackbut there's a little code in there that's useful for the upa-mir module20:27
greybackmainly the hardcoded resolutions bit20:27
kgunngreyback: ah...ok, thot maybe you intended to have 2 MPs...but i see, totally new UPA-mir with this in it20:29
greybackkgunn: exactly20:29
kgunngreyback: would the new plugin be a new project...or would it just be part of the python-ubuntu-platform-api package ?20:43
kgunnrobert_ancell: ^20:43
greybackkgunn: I'd keep it part of the existing project20:44
kgunnrobert_ancell: so we shouldn't have any other mp for mir or unity-mir20:44
robert_ancellkgunn, great20:44
kgunnnice...we've shoved it all onto the ap guys :-P20:44
kgunnok guys...gotta run get the gunn-man-child....bbiab20:45
achianghello, anyone around that knows the scope code for displaying images of content such as music/videos?21:19
kgunnthomi veebers ... wasn't clear to me who might be doing the work for new mir pluign to ap, who's the hero ?22:30
kgunnrobru: ping22:31
veeberskgunn: I'm going to try take a look today (I might bother thomi as well) failing that greyback said he could take a look in his morning22:33
kgunnveebers: thanks - can i ask for priority on it ? ....i realize i have no clue what else you guys might be wrestling...but this one is pretty high on rick & olli 's list22:34
kgunnveebers: meaning....if we actually got an mp today...we could get into an image euro morning time22:34
veeberskgunn: pretty high, the only other thing I'm working on is an autopilot bug/issue holding apps back22:34
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veeberskgunn: potentially, I would say so. But it's getting that MP that's the issue right now :-)22:35
kgunnveebers: :) ack...also...and thomi seemed more pretty bullish on helping out as well if you need him to be a ball carrier22:36
veeberskgunn: cool, good to know. I'll hit him up22:36
olliveebers, thomi, we really want/need that in asap22:37
kgunnveebers: thomi ....just to be clear, if we are oh so fortunate to get an mp up....let robert_ancell know...he'll be able to update the "ask list"22:37
veebersolli: understood22:39
robrukgunn, pong23:04
kgunnhey robru23:04
kgunnrobru: i was wondering where to file a bug...from chatting with some guys23:04
kgunnthey thot it was in application management23:04
kgunnand i wasn't sure if that should be part of platform api...or something else23:05
kgunni just noticed you were bug manager for platform-api23:05
robrukgunn, uhhhhhh... application management like application lifecycle? or like window management? or like installing apps?23:05
robrukgunn, must be some mistake... i know very little of platform-api23:06
kgunnrobru: i'm gonna say lifecycle (...altho...it could be window management)23:06
kgunnrobru: i wondered about that23:06
robrukgunn, well lifecycle would be an upstart issue. window management would be unity, as far as I know23:06
kgunnyou being on the platform-api bug manager23:06
robrukgunn, where does it say I'm bug manager?23:06
greybackkgunn: if a lifecycle problem, it a unity-mir bug probably23:07
kgunnrobru:  here actually....https://bugs.launchpad.net/platform-api23:07
kgunnon the right hand side23:07
kgunngreyback: thanks...shouldn't you be sleeping23:07
robrukgunn, oh, weird. that must be because I'm the one who registered the project. I'll see about changing that.23:08
kgunnfiled it on unity-mir actually23:08
kgunnrobru: yeah i would think ricardo or chicken maybe23:08
greybackkgunn: yep :) Skyping the father right now23:08
kgunntell him hey!23:08
robrukgunn, what happened was, back in april there was a huge push to take canonical-internal projects and publish them publicly. me, didrocks, and ken-vandine all sat down at a sprint in london and registered a *ton* of new launchpad projects for things that we'd basically never seen before. so our name is on a lot of stuff ;-)23:09
kgunnrobru: :) i'll keep it in mind23:09
greybackkgunn: he shouts howdy back :)23:09
kgunngreyback: ah he speak texan23:09
robrukgunn, switched that one to mfrey for now, according to https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuDk72Lpx8U5dHFtUmlPOUtCRk8zR2dtaEpIbUVhMmc&pli=1#gid=323:10
thomikgunn: still around?23:25
thomior greyback?23:25
greybackthomi: I am, but not for long23:26
thomigreyback: I notice there's no MP fro this? https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/python-ubuntu-platform-api/mir-enablement-hardcode-resolutions23:26
thomigreyback: didn't you want that to land ASAP?23:26
thomior was the proposed solution elsewhere?23:26
greybackthomi: it's not correct23:26
thomigreyback: oh?23:27
greybackthomi: what's needed to be done is to create a second UPA plugin, which supports mir (existing UPA is SurfaceFlinger only)23:27
greybackthomi: that branch has a bit of code in it that's handy, but is otherwise rubbish23:28
thomihuh, that's not what kgunn said this morning :)23:28
thomiso is there a MP for this somewhere?23:28
greybackthomi: no, veebers has kindly taken it on23:28
greybackif he had no luck, I'll attack it in my morning23:28
thomiman... this is an omnishambles of epic proportions23:29
thomigreyback: so it looks like I'll need to do this part of things - I take it there's no code for this already?23:29
greybackthomi: it's not that big a deal. The platform-api should isolate you from the SF/Mir difference, the API is the same. The only difference is to link the new plugin against libubuntu-application-api-mirclient, instead of libubunutu-applcation-api. There may be minor symbol differences, but hopefully not much23:31
thomiyeah. OK. The part that worries me is shipping two binaries, and then magically importing the right one somehow23:32
thomiI'll figure something out23:33
greybackthomi: me too. AP does try to load one, and accepts the first one that succeeds to load. That's a worry for me too23:33
thomigreyback: well, the idea is that each backend can prevent loading23:33
thomiso we need some way of knowing whether it's appropriate to load the mir backend or the SF backend23:34
thomigreyback: any ideas on how we should do that? Is there an API call we can make?23:34
greybackthomi: ah, in that case, the real distinguishing thing is "is a surfaceflinger process running"23:34
thomithat's not going to play nicely with python's module cache :-/23:35
thomibut it'll have to do23:35
Saviqfginther, still around?23:55
Saviqfginther, we're having 100% failures in otto: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-saucy/514/testReport/junit/unity8.shell.tests.test_notifications/EphemeralNotificationsTests/test_urgency_order_Desktop_Nexus_4_/23:57
Saviqfginther, Settings schema 'com.canonical.Unity.Lenses' does not contain a key named 'hidden-scopes'23:58
Saviqfginther, like we need to upgrade the machines or something?23:58

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